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Figu. re 69. Coruzo nnts. Noll' the large size 0/ the cluster. FiglUI' 70. f.
" h earl " llil

canteen cup as the cooking vesse l, the following is apparently healthy, if freshly killed and properly
procedure is recommended: prepared , can be eaten. Any bird or fowl that di- ever, a des(
(l) T ake one-quarter canteen cup of rice. gests its food can be eaten. Boil all fowl for at least necessa ry a
(2) Add one-haH cup water. 20 minutes to kill all parasites. The buzzard ingests these inhab
its food and its meat is not appealing or appetizing essential th
(3) Add salt.
but it can also be eaten. Any snake th at is healthy inherent fei
(4) P lace the cup on the fire until the nce
can be eaten. To be safe, cut off the head 4-6 inches true . "-ith
begins to boil. from th e tip. Water is abundant in the .iungle, thus will withdr
(5) Cook until the water level meets the level providing a source of fish of all type:::. A void all becoming f,
of the rice. ugly looking fish with parrot-like mouth s, puffed up jungle, the
(6) T ake it off the direct fire and pl ace it near bodies, sp in e covered bodies, or sun key eyes. This of environn
the heat where it will not scorch. appl ies especia lly to fish whi ch are caught along fear, the su
(71 Steam the rice until done. Wh en cooking coa:;t\ines, in:;ide reef barriers, coral holes, lagoons, b. The (
larger quantities use the same cooking or sheltered coves.
(l) T i
procc,,;:;, 1 part rice to 2 parts water by esl
30. Jungle Animals and Other Wi ldlife
measure. fo
a. i eneral. The wet tropics a bound in wild ani-
k . Oth er Wild Foods. In ali tropic al areas there ma l life. The tremendous varieties of animal species 11 0

is an abundance of food, in the form of animal li fe , th at are found in jungle areas throughout the world pI'
fowl , snakes a nd fi sh. Any fur-bearing a nimal that preclude discussion of each in this manual. How- Bl

76 TAGO 5511A TAGO 5511.\

Figure 70 . H eart uf Palm. This is a very good ve getable sub.~tilute that can be eaten raw or cooked. Removal of the
"hea rt" will kill the palm .
IUd properly
)wl that di- eyer, a description of the more prominent species is Nam . Tigers may reach a height of 40
for at least necessary as the so ldier should be able to recognize inches and a weight of 500 pounds or more.
zard ingests these inhabitants of the jungle environment. It is These cats are distinguishable by their
r appetizing essential that troops realize that just as man has an yellowish-orange coat with vertical, black,
t is healthy inherent fear of some animals, the opposite is also generally looped stripes, white underside
:14-6 inches true. With some exceptions, animals of the jungle and white patches over the eyes. Tigers
jungle, thus will withdraw from any encounter with man . By habitually frequent forest and thick jungle,
Avoid all becoming familiar with the wild inhabitants of the with which their color harmonizes. In the
" puffed up jungle, the soldier will better understand this type wet tropics they rest during the hea t of the
eyes. This of environment. This will induce him to respect, not day and prowl after sunset, often travelling
ught along fear, the surroundings in which he must fight. great distances in search of prey. Victims
es, lagoons, of the tiger consist mainly of deer, wild
b. The Cat Family.
(1) Tigers (Pant hera Tigris) . Among the larg- pigs, cattle, and goats. Tigers will eat car-
Idlife est members of the cat family, tigers are rion f\,nd, when hungry enough, frogs, tor-
1 wild ani- found only in Asia where they occur as far toises, lizards, fish , and even insects. As a
11al species north as Mongolia. The tiger is quite rule, tigers are wary of men, but there are
: the world prevalent in the jungle areas of China, many instances in which they have become
ual. How- Burma, India , Malaya, Laos, and Viet "man eaters". This occurs when the stimu-

TAGO MilA TAGO 551lA 77

u re 7.j .
F 't{J Th e bread/ m il.

TAGO 55llA
78 TACO MilA
vm~ OOV.L
Figure 73. The dasheen tuber.

80 T AGO 5511A TAGO MilA

22 5 -0 29 0 - 66 - 6
, I,


size ill
Fi(Jure 75. Oto tub er. East
is 8m!
Ius of hunger overcomes timidity, leading pale central area and sometimes containing black
to the discovery that man is by nature one or more small black spots. Both color- SouthE
defenseless and easily killed. When any ing and patterns are subject to much varia- is dist.!
tiger is surprised or alarmed it may attack tion. The leopard ranges over parts of both peated
man. Africa and Asia. It thrives in the jungles sound
(2) Leopards or Panthers (Pantera Pardus). of the Indies and Ceylon. It penetrates throug
The leopard is distinguished by the spotted the heavy forests of Africa which the lion
pattern of its coat. It has a longer tail will not enter. At one time it was supposed
th an the tiger and is smaller in size. The that the Panther and the Leopard were two
arc s
coat is rosette patterned. Each rosette is distinct species. It is now accepted that
composed of four or five solid spots form- there is but one species represented by a
ard gr
ing a round 01' angular figure enclosing a number of local races differing in color and
TAGO 551tA
82 TAGO MilA
,'\ ' I. ~ '2) I 11 9 '1'1'1 I 10/1

Figure 76. On e type of yam.

size in accordance with varied environ- shoulders and a total length of about 7
ments. The dominant type is the yellowish feet, of which the tail is less than 3 feet.
leopard of the jungles of India and the (3) Jaguar (Pant hera Onca). The largest, most
East Africa.n fringe. The J avan leopard powerful member of the cat family and the
is smaller and more rusty in hue. The sole representative of the leopard group,
mes containing black leopard replaces the spotted in the jaguar is found in the American trop-
ts. Both color- Southern Malaya. The voice Of the leopard ics. Genera.ily, it can be said that the
to much varia- jaguar has a golden yellow coat spotted
is distinctive; it is like a deep, rapidly re-
~r parts of both wtih black rosettes. This cat closely re-
peated, barking cou gh , comparable to the
in the jungles sembles the leopard in color and pattern
sound made by a coarse saw passing
It penetrates of the coat and voice and habits, but may
tnrough hard wood. The leopard is a tree be distinguished by its larger head, shorter
which the lion
climber and frequently lies in ambush tail, and more robust build. As a rule, the
; was supposed
along branches overhanging a forest. They rosettes are large, and fewer, than the
'pard were two
are seldom dangerous to man unless leopard. The male attains a length of 6 to
accepted th at
wounded, alarmed, or cornered. The leop- 9 feet, with a tail about 20 inches long,
resented by a
ard grows as large as 2 to 3 feet high at the and weighs up to 250 pounds. Its legs are
Ig in color and
Figure 77 . Yuca tub ers. Figure 78. Ah'e .
the Akee may

short and muscular. The jaguar is an agile the occupants. The puma, however, should
climber. It hunts monkeys and birds and not be trusted when encountered in den. (6) Jagua .
is at home in the water, being an excellent forest. is fair
swimmer and fish erman. It is primarily a (5) Ocelot (Leopardus Pardalis). The ocelot
dweller of forests and jungles and feeds abounds in the jungles of Central and and ,~

upon deer, peccaries, and other small ani- South America. It is a small, lean savage anima
mals, in addition to monkeys, birds, and cat whose co loring closely resembles tha of abo
of the jaguar. While resembling a jaguar. th e jat
its markings are more beautiful and intri- to a Iii
(4) Puma or Cougar (Puma Concolar}. This
cate. 'M ost of the ground tint of the fur is most ~
animal ranges throughout the Americas. its hur
smoky-pearl in color with black "rosettes"
The coat of the puma is a cinnamon color (7) .lfarga
or egg-shaped ocelli, ranging from dots on
tinged with gold. While it feeds primarily bel' of
the legs to large markings on the body.
on small game, it often kills calves and is and Sfj
The ocelot will attain a weight of approxi-
especially fond of young horses, killing yellow
mately 40 pounds and a length of 3 feet
many annually. It is believed to be more when fully grown. It can be easily tamed rescmb
friendly toward man than any other cat when young but becomes increasingly un- it i;:: a
because of its practice of playing around manageable with growth. Typical ocelo' cat.
camps at night without offering to harm are shown in figure 83 . c, Dee,'. )lcI

84 TAOO MilA

Figllre 78. Akee. This photograph shows two Akee fruit which have opened . This is the only stage of growth during which
th e Akec may be ea t en.

, however, should
untered in dense (6) Jaguarundi (Felis Yaguarundi) . This cat in most jungle areas. They are not abundant due to
is fairly common in the Central American the fact their only defense against the arch enemy,
lis). The ocelot jungles. It is extremely savage by nature cats, is flight. In the Asian jungles several species
of Central and and will not hesitate to attack a larger of deer frequent the low, marshy areas adjacent to
nail, lean savage anima l. It attains a size, when fully grown, rivers. In the American jungle, two species of deer
r resembles that of about 30 inches in length. The color of are most common . The "white tailed" deer of the
mbling a jaguar, the jaguarundi ranges from a dark brown jungle is found in thick upland forest. It is much
to a light, rusty red . The jaguarundi, like smaller than the North American species and sel-
IUtiful and intri-
tint of the fur is most cats, is nocturnal and does most of dom attains a weight of more than 80 pounds.
black " rosettes" its hunting at night. Another deer found in the American jungles is the
ing from dots on (7) M aTgay. The ma rgay is the smallest mem- " brocket " or jungle deer. This is a small, reddi sh
gs on the body. ber of the cat fa mily found in the Central brown deer which attains a height of about 23
eight of approxi- and South American jungles. It is golden inches. Extremely shy, it is found mostly in dense
length of 3 feet yellow in color, with small black spots lmd cover as it has no defense against other animals.
be easily tamed rese mbles the ocelot. When fully grown, d. Pigs. All jungle areas have members of the pig
increasingly un- it is about the size of a very large house family. In habit pigs are gregarious and are om-
Typical ocelots cat.
nivorous in diet. They will eat any small animals
r. Deer. M embers of the deer family are found they can kill , although they feed mainly on roots,
eyes l
this r
on all
food ~
Ji'iglO'e 79. Another V1:ew oj the Ak~e . The braill-like pulp is the ONLV 'lJarl oj thi.s jntil thilt eill! be eaten. The rest 0/ (b) Crab-
tit,. jmit is POISONOUS. bro\\'n
tubers, and other vegetable substances. The most vidually they are not particularly dangerous, a pack raccoo
common species found in the Old World jungle are can effectively repel any enemy and can make short are fis
the In\'an wild boar, the Indian wild boar, the Babi- work of a jaguar, cougar, or man. There are re- ans. I
rU">:ia of the Celebes, and the Central African Forest corded instances of such happenings. Both type eoons
Hog. In the American tropics, peccaries are com- peccaries have musk glands which are located four should
mon. These pigs are represented by two species, the inches up from the tail on the sp ine. This gland kill th,
" white lipped" pecarry and the "collared" peccary. must be removed immediately when the animal i. (c) C'oati-J
Both, being a basic grizzled bl ack color, are dis- killed, otherwise the A('~h will become tainted and coon f~
tingui shable by the markings from which they de- unfit for consumption (fig 84) . long, r
rive their names. The white-lipped peccary, the close t(
e. Raccoons and Kinkajous.
larger of the two, is black in color with a white the be:
f 1) General. The number of genera (different
under-snout and has the reputation of being the long, h
animals within a family) and species of \'ertiea
more fe rocious. It attains a height of approximately
raccoons are comparatively small. Th y trots t
18 inches. The collared peccary, reaching a height arc found only in America . In the Central
of 15 inches, is identified by the white or grey band mundi
and South American jungles, the mo-t
light bl
around the body where the neck joins the shoulder. common are:
coon ca
Peccaries travel in small or large packs with as (a) Forest Raccoon. This animal may b is a dar
many as 30 or more comprising a pack. While indi- recognized by the black mark around iti in pack
86 TAOO 5511A
Figu re 80. Avocado.

eyes and its ringed tail. Grey in color, always have scouts when crossing danger
this raccoon has long hair and five toes areas. Usually the older ones lead with
on all feet. It is noted for washing all its the younger ones bringing up the rear.
food prior to eating it even if the food is Figure 85 shows the distinctive charac-
caught in the water. The forest raccoon teristics of the coati-mundi.
weighs about 20 pounds, and eats small (2) Kinkajou. This member of the raccoon
mammals, birds, eggs, corn and grain . family is a small animal about the size of
ente n. The rest oj ~b) Crab-eating Raccoon. This animal is the common house cat. It has a coat which
brown in color and is slightly larger and is usually light brown in color. The pre-
considerably stronger than the forest hensile (well adapted to grasping, like a
angerous, a pack raccoon. Its principal sources of food hand) tail is quite prominent. The Kinka-
I can make short are fish, crabs, frogs, and other amphibi- jou uses his paws quite well and has a very
. There are rc- ans. He is an excellent swimmer. Rac- large tongue which is used to draw food
ngs. Both type coons are formidable fighters and troops into the mouth. Food consists primarily of
are located four should be cautious when attempting to honey, bees, and insects.
ine. This gland kill them for food. f. Rodents.
:n the animal is (c) Coati-Mundi. This member of the rac- (1) General. Jungle areas have large numbers
line tainteo lll1d coon family is identified very easily. Its of the various species of mice, rats, squir-
long, pig-~ike snout is usually carried rels, and rabbits. Only the more unusual
close to the ground as the coati is one of ones will be discussed here.
the best scavengers in the jungle. Its (2) Capybara. The capybara is the largest
:enera (different long, hairy tail is usually carried high, rodent in the world. It is found only in the
and species of vertically from the ground as the animal Amcrican jungles. The capybara is about
y small. They
trots through the jungle. The coati- the size of a small pig and may reach a
In the Cen tral mundi varies in color from a dark to length of 4 feet and weigh over 100 pounds.
(rles, the most light brown and its kinship to the rac- It has webbed feet, small ears, coarse
coon can be seen by the face mask which brown hair, and no tail. It is an excellent
mimal may be is a dark color. Coati-mundis may travel swimmer and lives in or near water, eating
nark around its in pa.cks up to 20 or more in number a.nd vegetation both in and out of the water.
TAGO 5511.-\
Figure 81. A sand box lree. Note the shape of the thoTns on the bark. This tree is often cut into small pieces and Plt!VfT o

izerl hy junul, ),alivc8. Th e pulp i.s then thrown in iarrle pools of waler or slowly flowinrl slTeams 10 8itLpefy Th ~
allou'., ell"11 co llectioll of la rrle numbe rs of and, wriously enough, does not. taint the flesh . The sand box tree moy
exceed 3 feet ill diameter at matlaity.

: pieces and pulver-
~ III Jl efY fish. ThUs
sand box tre e mny
Fig ure 82. L eaf and tube! of the Elephant Ear. (T he tuber is NOT edible .;

TAGO 5511A
(31 Paca.
the tail
The nil
spots, I
i,. main
on the
and I',
g. f'anin es . ';
wet tropics. .J a(
Asian jungle,; ali
can jungles anrl
most common r
jungle arcas a n
when preparing
musk glands th:
Figure 83. Ocelots .
Fi gure 84. Peccary.

(3) Paco. The paca is a rodent ~ i,nilar in The crab-eating fox of Central and South America
appearance to a large gu:nc[l pig, weighing is not a palatable meal because of its fishy diet.
about 20 pounds. The toes are hooflike and h. The Primates. Tropical areas of the world
the tails are very short or entirely absent. abound in monkeys. There are tremendous numbers
The name "painted rabbit" has been ap- and varieties of su b-orders of the monkey famil y
plied to this animal by natives of the and it would not be possible or practical to attempt
American tropics because of the white to discuss all of the species of monkey that are found
spots, or broken lines, down each side. It in jungle areas. Monkeys offer a source of food to
is mainly a forest animal , but it also live ~ troops operat ing in the jungle. M onkeys are curious
on th e plains. It feeds on grass, plants, and can jeopardize operations by the noise they
and leaves of all kinds. create and the attention they draw. In Old World
g. Cauines. The dog family is not prevalent in iungles some of the man-like apes, such as the gorilla
wet tropics. Jack a ls are found in some areas of the and the mandrill of the African jungles, are large
A~ian jungle:.: and wild dogs live in the South Ameri- and powerful enough to constitute a danger to man.
call jungles and in the Indian jungles. By far the i. Anteaters. These are odd-looking and rather
nlO8t common representatives of the dog family in clu msy an imals. Only the more common types will
jungle arcas are the faxes. Care should be taken be discussed here.
"hen preparing fox as food . Many have offensive (1) Great Anteater. This animal grows to a
musk glands that must be removed prior to eating. length of about 4 feet although some re-
TAGO 5511,\
TAGO 65I1A 91
Figu re :36. Coali-mundi . Sho wn in a must unu.s-twl pose as thes e (1.II imai" , wdiy carry their tnds high at a ver y jaul1ty

loins are white.

ports indicate it may reach a length of ture that browses on forest foliage and dashes tapir, standing 0
twice that. It is completely devoid of through the underbrush when alarmed or P'UU!"'I_
teeth, relying on an extremely long tongue into a river to escape an enemy. It is mostly k . Sloth. Nati
to procure its food which consists mainly turnal and solitary, two or three at most sloth is complete:
of ants, termites and their larvae. A sticky found together. It grows to about 4 feet in It will eat nothi
saliva traps the food and the tongue with- at the shoulders and weighs up to 600 pounds. defenseless. Natl
draws into the tiny mouth at the end of a coat is dark brown or black, the hair is thin and as regards its apI
long tubular muzzle. skin is very thick. The tapir is pig-like in developed brain.
ance, but has a proboscis or trunk about 12 a nd ears are smal
(2) Lesser Anteater. The lesser anteater is
long. The fore feet have four toes, the hind and arranged ~o
about one-half the size of the great ant-
have three toes and all are encased in large, drain readily. Tl
eater and weighs about 15 pounds. It is
like hoofs. The tail is a mere stump. The tapir life hanging upsid,
black, white, and tan in color with a pre-
an excellent swimmer, sometimes diving into a . The sloth moves ,
hensile tail which acts as a fifth limb,
and walking on the bottom. It is a vegetarian low movement al
allowing the animal to climb and move before moving to
its cry is a shrill whine or whistle, like that of a
about in the trees. ground, however, I
or very small animal. Figure 86 shows one of
J. Tapir . The tapir is indigenous to the American unusual animals. The East Indian or Malay The sloths are equ
tropics and the jungles of the Malay Peninsula, is distinguished by its peculiar color and both fore and hine
Sumatra and Borneo. It is a timid, inoffensive crea- The head, fore quarters and legs are black and The bn

Figure 86 . TaptT.
a /' n y jaunty anflil'.

loins are white. It is larger than the American black in color and has two claws on the fore legs
and dashes away
tapir, standing over 4 feet high. and three on the hind legs. The three-toed sloth, or
rmed or plunges
k. Sloth. Native to the American jungles, the ai, is white or dirty grey in color and has three claws
It is mostly noc-
slot.h is completely arboreal (adapted to tree life). on all legs. The sloth eats leaves found in the trees
~ at most being
It will cat nothing but leaves and is practically it inhabits, gaining sufficient moisture from them to
4 feet in height
defenseless. Nature has not been kind to the sloth satisfy its water needs. The sloth's defense against
600 pounds. Its
as regards its appearance and its smail and poorly enemies is to curl into a ball while hanging sus-
ir is thin and the
developed brain. The head is round and the mouth pended from a limb. This presents a striking re-
s-like in appear-
and ears arc small. The hair of the sloth is shaggy semhlance to th e stump of a lichen covered bough.
about 12 inches
and arranged so that heavy rain downpours will The sloth is an excellent 1'wimmer (figs 87 and 88).
~s, the hind feet
I in large, horse- drain readily. This creature spends almost all its l. Amphibians. Jungle areas are infested with
np. The tapir is life hanging upside dO'wn from the branches of trees. crocodiles and related amphibians. The crocodile is
ving into a river The sloth moves very slowly. It seldom falls as its aggressive, vicious, and powerful. T roops should be
I vegetarian and slow movement allows a secure hold on one branch cautious when approaching a river bank or swim-
ke that of a bird before moving to another. It spr awls when on the ming across a river in the jungle when crocodiles are
ows one of these ground, however, and has great difficulty in moving. near. The crocodile reaches a length of sixteen feet
or Malay Tapir The sloths are equipped with long, curving claws on and has an olive green skin with black markings.
Ir and markings. both fore and hind legs for climbing and hanging in The shape of the head is triangular and the snout
'e black and the the trees. The two-toed sloth, or unau, is brown or is pointed. These features distinguish the crocodile

TAGO 5511A
TAGO 5511A 93
FigtLTe 87 . Three toed sloth.
FigUTfj l:Jl:J. 7'wu II>.
wound and, becoUJ
from the cayman (alligator), which is native to from rivers, streams, or pools. Elephants arc gre-
Central and South American jungles. The cayman garious and travel in herds. Their eyesight is poor
much a~
is similar in appearance to the crocodile, grows to and their hearing is not good; however, their power
jungles (j
about 12 feet in length, is dark brown in color and of scent is unusually keen. They move exceedingly
sula, Lal
has a broad, wide snout (fig 89). The cayman is well in spite of their bulk and can climb steep in-
are USUI
not ab aggressive as the crocodile. Crocodiles must clines very fast . Elephants are dangerous when in
be considered man-eaters in Central and South must-h , alarmed, wounded, or when calves are with
it is extr
American and Indian , Asian and African jungles. them. Under these conditions they are apt to charge.
(2) Buffaloe:
Although primarily fresh-water dwellers , they are Elephants will consume several hundred pounds 01
often cal
found in salt water on the shores of jungles in India, foliage, grass , cane, fruit, bark, tubers and the likt
faloes al
Ceylon, Southern China, North Australia, and the each day. An elephant observed alone should bt
Burma . _
Malay Archipelago. avoided, as chances are that such a solitary animal
m. Elephants . There arc two kinds of elephants, has been expelled from a herd and could be an
the Asiatic or Indian and the African. Although extremely dangerous "rogue" elephant.
there are differences between the two, this is an 11. Wild Cattle and Buffaloes. feet at n
academic consideration and will not be discussed. (1) Gaur. The gaur is one of the largest and feet in h
Elephants arc vegetable feeders and need plenty of ha.ndsomest of the wild cattle. It is a huge of man.
food and water . They are normally found in the animal with large curved horns, standing swampy
jungle, heavy for est, or bush and are never very far :::ix feet at the shoulders and weighing 8! buffalo"

94 TAOO 5511A
Twu tued sloth . Although stupid and sluggish, .~luth,~ 1.Cill fight if molested. The claws will inflict a painful
FII/llre 1I1i.
wound and, because of the filth of these animals, immediate infection will set in.
phants are gre-
~yesight is poor
much as a ton. Gaur are native to the and lying for hours immersed in water,
,er, their power
jungles of India, Burma, the Malay Penin- with only the head above the surface .
Dve exceedingly
sula, Laos, Viet Nam and Cambodia, and Watr buffaloes have large horns and they
climb steep in-
are usually found in marshes and low, are usually black in color.
gerous when in
swampy places. When alarmed or wounded o. Insects . The intnse heat, high humidity, heavy
calves are with
it is extremely dangerous.
Ipt to charge. rainfall, and incidence of low swamplands coupled
dred pounds of (2) Buffaloes. The animals of this family a re with dense vegetation of the jungle constitute an
often called "watr buffaloes". Water buf- ideal environment for insects. These pests exist in
'1"8 and the like
faloes are native to the jungles of India , an astounding number and variety. Aside from the
lone should be
Burma, Malaya, Laos, Viet Nam, the Phil- fact that some insects are carriers of serious diseases,
solitary animal
ippines and other islands dominated by they constitute a serious threat to health of troops
d could be an
1t. jungle. Some water buffaloes are huge by promoting infections. The natural tendency of
(example: the Indian buffalo is about 5% a victim is to scratch an insect bite which, in the
feet at the shoulders and may grow to 9 jungle, leads to infection. The soldier must be made
:he largest and feet in length) and many have little fear to understand this threat to his health and must be
Ie. It is a huge of man. They live in herds, usually in made to apply medication to even the most trivial
loms, standing swampy areas and get the name "water bite. Leeches are a serious problem in the Asiatic
Id weighing as buffa lo" from their habit of mud-wallowing jungles. Troops should cover the maximum surface
Fig>lre 8.9. Cayman .

of body skin when moving in water-covered ground 31. Snakes

or " 'hen swimming rivers . At the first opportunity a. General. The widespread terror of "the snake
eaclt individual should clo~cly in:;pcct his body for infe!:'tec\ jungle" prevalent in the minds of most
leeches as their pre!Scnee is not usually felt until peoples is an imaginary mental image. It is true
~omc tillle after they attach themselves to the body.
that the number and variety of snakes are high in
They will cause profuse bleeding in some cases. Th e the wet tropics; however, the incidence of poisonom
individual must not pull the leech out of his skin. snakes is no higher than in some of the swamp arelU
Tobacco juice or a lighted cigarette should be ap- of the Temperate Zone. Although snakes are gen- Figure .90. Blish
pli ed to the leech ; this will cause the parasite to erally classified as poisonous or nonpoisonous. marks 01 irIellli
back out of the skin. This is necessary as the head troops should be conditioned to consider all ~mak~
will be left in the skin if the leech is pulled out and to be poisonous until positively identified. Because the bl!
serious infection and bleeding will result. This same of the threat of snake bite and the requirement for is not
procedure applies to the removal of ticks. In addi- proper first aid in event of bite, the individual sol- Worl
tion to leeches, ticks, lice , and mosquitoes, ants are dier should be able to identify common poisonolU the la
another enemy of the jungle sold ier. Some are snakes of the tropics. The following descriptioru; single
merely irritating; some are so large that their bite consider snakes by geographical areas . the N
can be incapacitating. Troops must be required to
b. Snakes of the American Jungles. most maximum use of the mosquito bar and insect
(1 ) Bushmaster (Lachesis Muta). This O\'a!. on sl j
repellant. For a detailed discu ssion of diseases
headed, longest and heaviest viper of tht hollo\,
caused by insects, see FM 21-76, FM 21-10, Fl\1
American tropics averages between 7 and both 11
21- 11 , and paragraphs 138 through 147 of this
manual. 12 feet in length. It is the only Americu
viper which lay s eggs (10 to 14 at a the ne
p. Birds. Tropical birds exist in the greatest cal nil
all the others producing living young. Ii
vari ety and abundanc e in the jungle. Although their (2) Fer-rll
brilliant plumage assists in easy detection, they are is the second largest poisonous snake ill
ica th
very difficult to obtain as food. They are very noisy the world, second only to the King
and contribute heavily to the constant, weird noises This snake has a saddle pattern of black
me am
heard in the jungle. When a larmed, birds may also and brown with triangular white patche!
betray the movement of a body of t roops . scaly sk in, and a sharp ridge surmountinl
TAGO 5511A
225 -029 0 - 6S - 7
'or of "the snake
minds of most
mage. It is true
takes are high in
~nce of poisonous
the ~\Vamp areas
snakes are gen- Figure .'10. Blish master. Note the pcbbly tcxture oj the .,kin a ",/ the {lrlllllill l'll t ritlyr down the hack apwn. Thes e are sure
'f nonpoisonous,
mark.. oj identification oj this snak e.

nsider all snakes

~ ntified. Because the back. The venom of this great pit viper throat and lower jaw area and by the
: requiremen t for is not as deadly as that of some other New X-like design of body markings. The length
le individual sol- World species, but great fang length and of this snake may reach 8 feet though some
lllIDon poisonous the large amount of poison injected by a species are much smaller. Coloration is
ring descriptions single bite make it the most formidable of variable, from grey to olive green, brown,
eas. the New World poisonous reptiles. It is or even reddish, with dark, light-edged
les. most frequently found in lowland forests crossbands or triangles, the apex of which
u,taj. This oval-
on slight ground elevations--seldom in extends to the center of the back. The
iest viper of the hollows. The poison of the bushmaster is definition of the name signifies "head of
between 7 and both meotoxic, destruction of the red blood a lance" and is appropriate as the snout is
!e only American corpiIscles, and neurotoxic, destruction of pointed, the temporal region swollen and
to 14 at a time), the nervous system . Figure 90 shows typi- the aspect of the head like a javelin point. markings of the bushmaster skin. A female fer-de-lance has 40 to 70 Jive
living young. It
(2) F er - de-lance. In Central and South Amer- young; all are fully-charged with poison
sonous snake in
ica this snake is sometimes called "barba at birth. The poison (venom) is hemo-
the King Cobra. toxin, which destroys the red blood cor-
amarilla" or "Equis", which translated
pattern of black puscles. Figures 91 and 92 describe the
means " yellow beard" or "X". This is
lr white patches, prompted by a yellow color found on the markings of the fer-de-lance .
.dge surmounting
115029 0 - 66 - 7

Fig",.. fl:!. A 1/(// he

(3 ) Hog-nOi
vipers, I
in thc '
brown 0
boid rna
to 18 in,
the Atl:
than th:
spl'cil'~ t
and spen
They ar(
are knO\
Figure 91. Fer-de-lance . This photograph 8how8 the characteristicaU1l lance-like head which gives the snake its name. blood cor

. ..
.. ..



Figl/rt, .'12. Another 1'l ew vf the fer-de-lance. This picture shows the X-like markings on the sides and back of this snake.

(3 ) H og-11Osed vipers. Pacific coastal species (4) The Ey elash Viper (Bothrops Schlegelii) .
(Bothrops Lansbergil) and Atlantic coastal The eyelash viper is the most common
species (Bothrops Nasutus) are true pit arboreal viper found in the American jun-
vipers, very poisonous and must not be gles and reaches a length of 22 inches. It
confused with harmless namesakes found is widely distributed and can be expected
in the Temperate Zones. Both are dark in any thickly-wooded area from near sea
brown or black with faint brick red rhom- level to elevations of 3,000 or more feet. It
boid markings on their backs and from 12 is sometimes called the "palm viper" but
to 18 inches long. The tipped-up nose of this is somewhat misleading in that these
the Atlantic species is more prominent snakes do not confine themselves to palm
tha.n that of its Pacific relative. Both trees alone but may be found in any type
sprcies predominately ground snakes of bush or low tree growth. The eyelash
and spend little of their time in the forests. viper is markedly different from the other
They are less apt to strike than the fer- species by having 2 or 3 pointed, horn-like
dc-lance, and few bites from either species scales between the eyes and the appear-
are known. The venom is composed of ance of having eyelashes. This pit viper
powerful hemotoxin, which destroys the red may occur in two distinct color phases-
lake its name.
blood corpuscles. one a mossy olive green with red and black

Figure 98. Boa C0TU3 tric tor . This snake is in molt . Note the saddle markings from the head to the midsection and the X F ig u,.e D.". Anl)l~
patterns on the skin toward the tail. The Boa is often confused with the Bushma.ster during this molting stage as the
skin becom es Tough and scaly m 1,ch lik e that of the poisonous
the ot
and the other being a pale lemon color with The tip of the snout and all of the upper from h
black markings. surface of the head as far back as the eye ll1 bro
(5) Coral Snakes . There are many species and are black. The eye is very small, being Their J
subspecies of coral snakes which are well little more than pinhead in size. The paired snake
known. In Central and South America poison fangs are small, permanently erect, immov
alone over 40 different species have been grooved, needle-sharp teeth located neaf cobra.
identified. They normally are found from the front of the upper jaw. For the coral are pe
sea level to altitudes of 4,000 feet. These snake to eject its venom, it is necessary for poison(
snakes average 12 to 40 inches in length it to chew. theyet
and are brightly colored with bands of red , (6) Sea Snake. There are more than 50 differ- harmle
white, yellow, and black normally encir- ent species of sea snakes. Superficially, snake
cling the body. All such colored snakes they resemble an eel in having a long, tinguis:
should be considered poisonous until flattened head and compressed paddle-like that se
proven otherwise. The head of the poison- tail which is used in swimming. Their do not.
ous coral snake is little, if at all wider than colors vary as well as the pattern marking. (7) Boa Cl
the body, and a neck does not exist as it Most will have black and yellow markings, ous snl
does in other snakes such as the pit vipers. with half the snake being one color and outwarl

100 TAGO 5511A

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