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2nd Peaceful Armed Open Carry

“Restore the Constitution” Rally

August 14, 2010 from 1pm to 4pm
Guilford Courthouse Battleground National Park
2331 New Garden Rd
Greensboro, NC
National Park Rangers Have Approved Our Permit
American Patriots Gather in Greensboro, NC to Demand That Their Government Abide by the Constitution
This August 14th, freedom-loving Americans from all walks of life will gather in Greensboro North Carolina to
peacefully demand that their government abide by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Restore The
Constitution rally will assemble at Guilford Courthouse Battleground Park to hold a peaceful demonstration with a
single, simple message:
“We want to remind Americans that they have a basic human right to keep and bear arms – both for self-
defense and to preserve individual freedom – that is not only enshrined in the Bill of Rights, but is protected
only by Americans’ willingness to actually exercise that right. Just as is true with free speech, freedom of
assembly, and every other right guaranteed by the Constitution – if you don’t insist on your Constitutional
freedoms by exercising them in public, you will lose them.”
Send Donations to:
NCFreedom – Muster
7724 Chapel Hill Road
Raleigh, NC 27607
In 1788, with the ratification vote by New Hampshire, the Constitution was adopted as the supreme law of the land.
The Bill of Rights, as ratified by Virginia in late 1791, placed additional essential limitations on the powers of the
government created by the Constitution. Together, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights set forth very specific limited
powers for the Federal government, while also providing crucial protections for both individuals and the states from
attempts by the Federal government to step outside those limits.
Over the years, as the nation grew and prospered, American citizens became lax in their vigilance against the slow and
continuous encroachment of government into their private lives and affairs. Over the past 100 years, all three branches
of the Federal government have stepped far beyond the clearly-articulated and mandatory boundaries set by the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The American citizens who gather at the Restore The Constitution rally will openly and safely carry their firearms as
they peacefully assemble to proclaim their grievances and demand redress from their servant politicians and officials.
In short, every one of the participants in the Restore The Constitution event will each be exercising God-given human
rights explicitly acknowledged by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

For more information on the Restore The Constitution rally, please contact:
Randy Dye (919) 542-1105
Tom Green (336) 639-8333

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