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The influence of partial soil saturation on pile


Article in Gotechnique February 2003

DOI: 10.1680/geot.2003.53.1.11


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3 authors, including:

David Potts Konstantinos Georgiadis

Imperial College London Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


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Georgiadis, K., Potts, D. M. & Zdravkovic, L. (2003). Geotechnique 53, No. 1, 1125

The influence of partial soil saturation on pile behaviour

K . G E O R G I A D I S ,  D. M . P OT T S  a n d L . Z D R AV KOV I C 

Finite element analyses of geotechnical problems that Les analyses delements finis des problemes geotechniques
involve partially saturated soils are commonly carried qui mettent en cause des sols partiellement satures sont
out using conventional fully saturated soil models. Such effectuees generalement en utilisant des modeles de sol
models, however, cannot successfully reproduce partially conventionnels entierement satures. Cependant, ces mod-
saturated soil behaviour. This paper investigates the influ- eles ne peuvent reproduire avec succes le comportement
ence of partial soil saturation on the behaviour of piles. dun sol partiellement sature. Cet expose etudie linflu-
A total stress constitutive model for partially saturated ence dune saturation partielle sur le comportement de
soils has been developed and implemented into the Im- piles. Nous avons developpe un modele constitutif de
perial College finite element Program (ICFEP). This contrainte totale pour des sols partiellement satures et
model, which is presented here, was used to perform a nous lavons mis en uvre dans le Programme delements
series of single pile analyses. The results of these analyses finis du College Imperial (ICFEP). Ce modele, que nous
show the effect of partial saturation and in particular of presentons ici, a ete utilise pour faire une serie danalyses
fluctuations of the groundwater table on the behaviour of sur des piles seules. Les resultats de ces analyses mon-
single piles. The effects of a rising groundwater table on trent leffet dune saturation partielle et en particulier
pile behaviour are also investigated in the case of a pile des fluctuations du niveau phreatique sur le comporte-
foundation of a high-rise building in London. The paper ment de piles seules. Nous etudions aussi les effets dune
indicates where prediction of pile capacity and displace- lelevation du niveau phreatique sur le comportement des
ment under different load and groundwater table fluctua- piles dans le cas dune fondation de pile dans une tour
tions may be very different when using fully or partially londonienne. Cet expose indique les endroits ou les previ-
saturated constitutive models. sions de la capacite et du deplacement de la pile sous
differentes charges ainsi que les fluctuations du niveau
phreatique peuvent etre tres differentes selon que lon
KEYWORDS: constitutive relations; numerical modelling and utilise des modeles constitutifs totalement satures ou
analysis; partial saturation; piles; suction partiellement satures.

INTRODUCTION the behaviour of partially saturated soils, such as the shear

Many geotechnical problems involve the presence of strength increase, but could not explain others, such as
partially saturated soil zones, the most common case being wetting induced collapse or swelling (e.g. Jennings & Bur-
that of a capillary zone above the groundwater table. These land, 1962; Bishop & Blight, 1963; Burland, 1965). It is
zones are usually ignored in practice, and the soil is now generally accepted that two independent stress variables
assumed to be either fully saturated or completely dry. This are necessary in order to explain the behaviour of partially
simplification is in many cases conservative since it does not saturated soils. Fredlund & Morgenstern (1977) suggested
take account of the increase in shear strength due to partial that any pair of stress state variables among the following
saturation. However, features of partially saturated soil be- (  ua ,   uw and s ua  uw ) should be adopted when
haviour, which can have an impact on the global behaviour, describing partially saturated soil behaviour. Recently
such as collapse upon wetting, cannot be reproduced. Conse- Bishops and other generalised effective stress equations have
quently generalised constitutive models for both partially also been used successfully as stress variables (e.g. Kohgo et
and fully saturated soils are required in order to predict real al., 1993b; Bolzon et al., 1996).
soil behaviour more accurately. One of the first constitutive models to be developed for
Early attempts to describe the behaviour of partially partially saturated soils was the Barcelona basic model
saturated soils made the assumption that the effective stress (Alonso et al., 1987, 1990). This model was based on the
principle is applicable to such soils, and that the mechanical modified Camclay model for fully saturated soils, and was
behaviour can be fully described in the conventional (q, p9) extended for partially saturated states through the introduc-
stress space. Generalised effective stress equations were tion of the concept of the loading-collapse yield surface
proposed in order to include partially saturated soils in the (Fig. 1). A number of constitutive models for partially
conventional soil mechanics framework, the best known saturated soils based on this concept have been proposed
being that proposed by Bishop (1959): since (e.g. Kohgo et al., 1993b; Wheeler & Sivakumar,
 9   ua (ua  uw ) (1) 1995; Bolzon et al., 1996).
A constitutive model for partially saturated soils based on
where  is a function of the degree of saturation, ua is the the loading-collapse yield surface concept is presented here.
pore air pressure, and uw is the pore water pressure. This This model has been implemented in the Imperial College
approach proved capable of reproducing some features of Finite Element Program (ICFEP), and was used to investi-
gate the influence of partial soil saturation on the behaviour
of single piles. Two studies are presented in this paper. The
Manuscript received 1 May 2002; revised manuscript accepted 23
first involves a single pile in a uniform soil subjected to
July 2002.
Discussion on this paper closes 1 August 2003, for further details vertical loading and fluctuations of the groundwater table.
see p.ii. The second study is based on the construction of piles for
 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial the foundation of a high-rise building in Canary Wharf,
College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London. London.

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2 s3
(1  ) 4 4(1  )5
K 1,2 1 1 (4)
2(1  ) (1  )2

LC (loading-collapse) f (1  )(K 1  K 2 ) (5)

yield surface
and  are parameters that control the shape of the
surfaces, p9c is the isotropic effective yield stress,  is the
generalised normalised stress ratio:
J 2
J 2f
and J 2 is the square of the stress ratio:
J 2 (7)
Fig. 1. Loading-collapse yield surface p9
J 2f is the failure value of J 2 and is obtained by solving
the following cubic equation, which is based on the
CONSTITUTIVE MODEL MatsuokaNakai criterion:
The constitutive model is formulated in (J , p, , seq ) 2
stress space, where J is the generalised deviatoric stress: p C  sin(3)  J 3=2
2f (C  3)  J 2f  (C  9) 0 (8)
J p in which
9  M2
3 [( x  p)2 ( y  p)2 ( z  p)2 22xy 22xz 22yz ]1=2 C  (9)
2M 3 M 2
(2)  1
27 3
If the value of suction, s, is higher than the air entry value The parameters ,  and M are equal to f , f and M f
of suction, sair , then seq s  sair , p is the mean total stress, when the yield surface is being calculated, and equal to g ,
and  x,  y and  z are total stresses. If s < sair , then g and M g when the plastic potential surface is being
seq 0, p is the mean effective stress, and  x,  y and  z calculated.
are also effective stresses. seq is the equivalent suction and A major advantage of the above yield surface and plastic
defines the point at which the model switches from fully potential equation is that by suitable adjustment of the
saturated to partially saturated behaviour is the Lodes parameters and  a wide range of surface shapes, includ-
angle. ing the shapes given by more commonly used yield surface
Two yield surfaces are defined in (J , p, , seq ) stress and plastic potential functions, can be achieved (Fig. 3).
space: the primary surface and the secondary surface. The The Lagioia et al. (1996) equation can be extended to the
soil behaviour is assumed to be elastic within these surfaces equivalent suction, seq , space by substituting po kseq for
(see Fig. 2). The primary yield surface, F1 (loading-col- the isotropic effective yield stress, p9c , and p kseq for the
lapse), and its associated plastic potential surface, G1 , are mean effective stress, p9:
given by a modified version of the following equation  
 K2 =f
proposed  1
by Lagioia et al. (1996) for fully saturated soils: F1 p k  seq K2
  0 (10)
  G1 po k  seq  K1 =f
 K2 =f 1
 1 K1
F1 p9 K2
  0 (3)
G1 p9c  K1 =f where po is the isotropic total yield stress at the current
1 value of suction, and k is a parameter that controls the
increase in apparent cohesion due to suction. Fig. 4 shows
where the constants K 1 , K 2 and f are given by

50 Mod. Cam Clay

Generalised deviatoric stress: kPa

J Cam Clay
Sinfonietta Classica
40 Single Hardening YS
Single Hardening PP



p0* F2
0 20 40 60 80 100
Mean effective stress: kPa
p F1
Fig. 3. Examples of yield surface and plastic potential functions
Fig. 2. Primary and secondary yield surfaces reproduced from Lagioia et al. (1996)

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curves based on equation (10) and using the same para-
pm In p
meters as those used to derive the curves in Fig. 3.
The shape of the primary yield surface in the isotropic-
stresssuction ( p  seq ) space is defined by the relationship
between the current yield stress, po , and the equivalent fully
saturated yield stress, po (hardening parameter). Alonso et Equation (11)
al. (1990) proposed the following equation:

Specific volume: v
seq2 > seq1
![(0)k]=[(seq )k]
c po 1
po p  (11) (seq2)
Typical soil 1
where pc is a characteristic pressure, (0) is the fully behaviour (seq1)
saturated compressibility coefficient, k is the compressibility 1
coefficient along elastic paths and is independent of suction, (0)
and (seq ) is the partially saturated compressibility coeffi- Equation (13)
cient, given by the following empirical equation (Alonso et
seq = 0
al., 1990):
(seq ) (0)[(1  r)eseq r] (12) Fig. 5. Assumed isotropic compression lines

where  and r are model parameters that also control the

shape of the primary yield and plastic potential surfaces.
Equation (11) implies a linear partially saturated isotropic linear increase of the amount of collapse with stress,
compression line constantly diverging from the fully satu- whereas at high confining stresses equation (13) is adopted,
rated isotropic compression line, as shown in Fig. 5. The giving a constant amount of collapse. The switch from
amount of collapse due to wetting therefore increases lin- equation (11) to equation (13) takes place when the two
early with the increase of the logarithm of the confining equations are equal. It can be shown that the confining
stress, p. This is a realistic assumption for low confining stress, pm , at which this switch takes place is given by
stresses at which most laboratory tests on partially saturated
soils are performed, but may give unrealistically high values pm pc  c[(0)k]=[(seq )k] (14)
of the yield stress, po , and the wetting-induced volumetric
pm depends on the parameter c, as does the amount of
plastic strains at high confining stresses.
maximum collapse, expressed in terms of specific volume,
The characteristic pressure, pc , is an arbitrary parameter

max , which is given by
the value of which is selected such that the shape of the
loading-collapse yield curve matches the experimental data, (0)  k seq patm
and is assumed to be constant and unique for a particular
max [(0)  (seq )] ln c  ks  ln
(seq )  k patm
soil. However, to avoid inconsistencies at high stress levels
it would appear that pc must be dependent on stress level. (15)
An alternative approach is to assume that the ratio po = pc is
constant for confining stress ranges higher than those at This approach by no means reproduces soil behaviour accu-
which the experiments were performed. If this approach is rately, but it is much closer to experimental results at high
adopted, the equation for the primary yield surface in the confining stresses, which show that the amount of potential
isotropic stresssuction space becomes collapse increases with stress at low confining stresses,
reaches a maximum, and then reduces slowly at very high
p p  [(0)(seq )]=[(seq )k]
o o c (13) stresses, as indicated by the dashed line in Fig. 5. Further-
where c po = pc . The partially saturated isotropic com- more, as shown later in this paper, this approach gives much
pression line assumed in this model is shown in Fig. 5. At more realistic predictions of the yield stress ratio,
low confining stresses equation (11) is adopted, giving a YSR po = p.
The cohesion increase parameter, k, can either have a
constant value with suction, thus giving a linear increase of
60 Mod. Cam Clay
apparent cohesion with suction, or be set equal to the degree
Cam Clay of saturation. In the latter case the apparent cohesion ini-
Generalised deviatoric stress: kPa

Sinfonietta Classica tially increases with suction, reaches a peak at some value
Single Hardening YS of suction that depends on the adopted soilwater character-
Single Hardening PP
istic curve, and then reduces to zero at very high values of
suction (Fig. 6). The critical-state line in this case is given
30 by the following equation:

q M( p Sr  seq ) (16)

This option is more realistic, but requires knowledge of the

relationship of the degree of saturation with suction.
The secondary yield surface (suction increase) is given by
40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 the following equation:
k Seq seq
Mean total stress: kPa F2 10 (17)
where so (yield suction) is a limit value of suction beyond
Fig. 4. Examples of yield surface and plastic potential shapes which plastic strains occur.
reproduced by the model The volumetric elastic strains are given by

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J shearing resistance of the soil, 9. Different depths of the
groundwater table were considered: 0 m (fully saturated
soil), 2 m, 4 m, 6 m, 8 m, 10 m and 25 m. Two
sets of analyses were performed. Set 1 involved loading the
pile to failure for each one of the groundwater table depths,
assuming two different pore pressure profiles for each depth
Variation of apparent cohesion (except for the fully saturated case). The pore pressure
profiles are shown in Fig. 7. Profile 1 is the typical profile
used in effective stress conventional analyses assuming that
the soil is completely dry above the groundwater table,
whereas profile 2 assumes a hydrostatic pore pressure profile
up to the ground surface. An air entry suction value of zero
was used in all the profile 2 analyses, and therefore the soil
in these analyses was considered to be partially saturated
Fig. 6. Cross-section of F1 yield surface at zero mean total from the water table to ground surface. In the second set of
stress, p (for k Sr ) analyses the pile was loaded to different loads for both pore
pressure profiles, with the water table at different depths
from the ground surface; subsequently the water table was
k ks raised to ground level. The finite element mesh used in the
d ev d p d seq (18) analyses is shown in Fig. 8. Eight-noded axisymmetric

(seq patm )
isoparametric quadrilateral elements with reduced integration
The elastic shear strains are given by were used.
1 The soil parameters used in the analyses are shown in
d es (19) Table 1. The yield function and plastic potential parameters
f , g , f and g were selected such that the model in the
Finally, the hardening rules are the following: fully saturated case becomes equivalent to the modified

d po po d p (20) Cam-clay model. The soil properties are for Lower Cromer
(0)  k v till and are taken from the studies of Gens (1982), Gens &

Potts (1982) and Maswoswe (1985). A Poissons ratio, v, of
d so (so patm ) d p (21) 02 was used instead of a value for the shear modulus, G, in
s  ks v
order to have a varying value of G with depth. For simpli-
where ks and s are the coefficients of compressibility along city a constant value of the parameter k was selected. None
constant mean total stress elastic and elastoplastic paths of the analyses involved depression of the water table (dry-
respectively, and G is the shear modulus. With appropriate ing), and consequently the secondary yield surface was not
selection of the model parameters (f 0:4, f 0:9 and relevant. A high value of the yield suction, so , was therefore
sair 0 kPa) and by selecting the option of a constant value selected.
for the cohesion increase parameter, k, and equation (11) for A constant value with depth of 15 was assumed for the
the shape of the yield surface in the isotropic-stresssuction OCR for the fully saturated case. In the partially saturated
( p  seq ) space, the model becomes equivalent to the Barce- cases OCR has no practical significance. Instead the YSR
lona basic model. These parameters and options were used (yield stress ratio) po = p is introduced. YSR is expressed
for the initial validation of the model implementation. The in terms of total stresses, and varies with depth. The yield
model predictions for a variety of stress paths presented in stress increases with suction, giving high YSR values close
Alonso et al. (1990) were compared with analytical solutions to the ground surface. The variation of YSR with depth
and experimental data and were found to be in excellent depends on the relationship adopted between the current
agreement. The model predictions can be seen in Alonso et yield stress, po , and the equivalent fully saturated yield
al. (1990). Further validation exercises were performed using stress, po . For the partially saturated analyses at which small
a variety of model parameters and all model options (k equal depths of the groundwater table were considered (D 0
to the degree of saturation, Sr , and equation (13) for the  10 m) equation (11) was used, and a value of 12 KPa was
shape of the yield surface in the isotropic stress space). taken for the characteristic pressure, pc . However, use of
this equation in the analyses with D 25 m, where the
partially saturated zone extended to high stress regions,
As mentioned in the introduction, in many cases a capil-
lary zone exists above the groundwater table where the soil
is partially saturated. The presence of such a zone has been Conventional Partially saturated
found to be of significant importance in the case of shallow analyses: analyses:
Profile 1 Profile 2
foundations (Nesnas, 1995; Georgiadis et al., 2002), giving 1m
uw = 0 kPa uw = Dw
high values of bearing capacity, but also the danger of
collapse upon wetting. This section investigates the influence
of the presence of a capillary zone above the groundwater D
table and of fluctuations of the groundwater table on the GWT
behaviour of a single pile in a uniform soil.
20 m

Details of analyses
All analyses involved a wished-in-place single pile in
uniform soil. The pile was 20 m long and 1 m in diameter. pwp
No interface elements were used: therefore the concretesoil
angle of friction was taken to be equal to the angle of Fig. 7. Single pile analysis: pore water pressure profiles (pwp)

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Yield stress ratio
0 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000


Depth: m


Fig. 8. Finite element mesh 25

Table 1. Soil properties: single pile in uniform soil analyses

f 04 k 00077 30
f 09 r 035
Mf 12  00164 kPa1 Fig. 9. Predicted yield stress ratio profile for D 25 m from
g 04 ks 0001 equation (11)
g 09
1 20
Mg 12 k 08
pc 120 kPa v 02
(0) 0066 sair 00 kPa

Yield stress ratio

0 5 10 15 20 25
resulted in an unrealistic YSR profile with depth, as shown
in Fig. 9. Equation (13) was used instead in these analyses.
The characteristic stress ratio, c , was taken equal to 1667.
The YSR profile obtained in this way is shown in Fig. 10.
The concrete pile behaviour was modelled as linear 5
elastic. A Youngs modulus of 20 GPa and a Poissons ratio
of 015 were chosen.

Figure 11 shows the loadsettlement curves for some
cases in the first set of analyses, which involved drained
Depth: m

loading of the pile. Curves P2, P6 and P10 are for the
analyses with the groundwater table at 2 m, 6 m and 15
10 m respectively and pore pressure profile 2, curves D2,
D6 and D10 are for the groundwater table at 2 m, 6 m
and 10 m respectively and pore pressure profile 1, and
curve S0 is for the fully saturated analysis (groundwater 20
table at 0 m). As can be seen in this figure the bearing
capacity of the pile increases with increase of the depth of
the groundwater table. This increase is due mainly to the
increase of the shaft resistance. Once the shaft resistance is
exceeded, at approximately 20 mm displacement, the load 25
displacement curves for all analyses are close to parallel.
Although the shaft resistance for all analyses is reached at
small displacements (less than 2% of the pile diameter), the
base resistance continues to increase even at high values of 30
vertical displacement. As stated in Potts & Zdravkovic
(2001), it can be assumed that the ultimate load for practical Fig. 10. Predicted yield stress ratio profile for D 25 m from
purposes is reached at vertical displacements of 10% of the equation (13)

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6000 S0

Load: kN




2000 D10


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Vertical displacement: mm

Fig. 11. Loadsettlement curves for drained loading analyses

pile diameter. This definition of ultimate load will be increase of the ultimate load with the depth of the ground-
adopted for this study. water table and, more importantly, the increase of the effect
As seen in Fig. 11 the influence of partial soil saturation of partial soil saturation with the increase of the depth of
is insignificant for small depths of the groundwater table the groundwater table can be seen. The ultimate loads
(curves P2 and D2 are almost identical), and becomes more predicted by the partially saturated analyses depend on the
important at larger depths of the groundwater table. For the choice of the loading-collapse yield surface and the variation
groundwater table at 10 m from the ground surface (curves of the cohesion increase parameter, k, with suction. In the
P10 and D10) the conventional analysis underestimates the extreme case where the loading-collapse yield surface is a
load-carrying capacity by approximately 17%. However, for straight vertical line in p  seq stress space ( po po ) and
the factors of safety used in practice (usually FOS > 2) the k 0, the partially saturated and conventional predictions
predictions of the partially saturated and conventional ana- are identical.
lyses are very similar. The results of the analyses with the Figure 13 shows the loaddisplacement curves predicted
groundwater table at 4 m and 8 m have been omitted by the conventional (curve D25) and partially saturated
from this figure for clarity, but gave similar results. (curve P25) analyses for the groundwater table at 25 m
The ultimate loads for different depths of the groundwater below ground level. The partially saturated analysis predicts
table predicted by the conventional (profile 1) and partially approximately 75% higher ultimate load than the conven-
saturated (profile 2) analyses are shown in Fig. 12. The tional analysis. Although these analyses appear to represent


7000 analyses
Partial saturated
6000 analyses
Ultimate load: kN






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Depth of groundwater table.: m

Fig. 12. Influence of depth of groundwater table on ultimate pile load

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16 000

14 000

12 000

10 000
Load: kN



Partially saturated
4000 analyses

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Displacement: mm

Fig. 13. Loaddisplacement curves for D 25 m

an extreme case, such as situation may occur when dewater- changes in the groundwater table depth. These analyses
ing or underdrainage takes place, causing suppression of the involved loading the pile to different loads for a range of
groundwater level to great depths. In these cases it may be groundwater table depths and then raising the water table to
important to understand the likely overprediction of capacity ground level. None of the analyses involving small depths of
that a pile load test may show, compared with the capacity the groundwater table (D 0  10 m) predicted additional
when the groundwater table returns to a smaller depth. In settlement of the pile due to wetting. In fact, in all cases
this particular case an overprediction of approximately 320% upward movement of the pile was observed. The response of
would be made if the groundwater table was to return to the soil to wetting was mostly elastic. The reduction of the
ground level. Depending on the pile load at which the rise effective stresses in the fully saturated region caused only
of the groundwater table takes place large settlements may elastic swelling, whereas in the partially saturated region the
also occur. wetting paths at constant total stress intersected the loading-
Conventional fully saturated analyses accounting for suc- collapse yield surface only in a small region close to the
tions by using pore pressure profile 2 predict higher ultimate soilpile interface. A typical pile response to wetting is
loads than do partially saturated analyses (with the same shown in Fig. 14 for a partially saturated analysis with an
pore pressure profile). This is clearly not conservative, and initial D 10 m and a constant load of 4 MN (approxi-
is due to the fact that, while for fully saturated soils strength mately 50% of ultimate load).
increases linearly with suction, this increase is non-linear for A different response was predicted, however, for the case
partially saturated soils. where the groundwater table was initially at 25 m. Raising
The second set of analyses was performed in order to the water table at a constant load of 10 MN (approximately
investigate the potential for pile movements associated with two thirds of the ultimate load) caused the pile to collapse,



Vertical displacement: mm


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rise of water table: m

Fig. 14. Progression of vertical movement of pile during rise of groundwater table (D 10 m, L 4 MN)

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as shown in Fig. 15. Also shown in this figure is the
response predicted by a conventional (pore pressure profile
1) analysis in which the pile was initially displaced by the
same amount as in the partially saturated analysis (14 mm).
The conventional analysis is not able to reproduce a realistic
behaviour, and predicts small upward movement of the pile.
The vectors of incremental displacement close to failure for
the partially saturated analysis are plotted in Fig. 16.


The behaviour of bored piles end-bearing in partially
saturated soil is investigated in this section. The study is
based on the pile construction for the foundation of a multi-
storey building in Canary Wharf in London.

Ground profile and pore pressure conditions

The ground profile assumed in the finite element analyses
comprised (from top to bottom) 10 m of fill, 38 m of terrace
gravel, 39 m of Lambeth Group clay, 65 m of Lambeth
Group sands and 128 m of Thanet sands, underlain by chalk
(Fig. 17).
The pore water pressure conditions in the vicinity of the
site are complex. Two aquifers exist: the upper aquifer in the
terrace gravel and above, and the lower aquifer in the
Lambeth sands, Thanet sands and chalk. The piezometric
levels in the lower aquifer have changed significantly in the
past. Large-scale water abstraction during the 19th century
reduced water levels by as much as 70 m in places. The
abstraction rate reduced during the 1960s, and the piezo-
metric level of the lower aquifer rose to about 6 to
10 m OD. During the construction of Canary Wharf Station
for the Jubilee Line Extension between 1994 and 1997, the
piezometric level in the lower aquifer was again depressed
Fig. 16. Vectors of incremental displacements at failure
to 22 to 25 m OD, but it returned to the previous state of
approximately 6 to 10 m OD after the end of construc-
tion. Prior to the construction of the piles at the site consid-
ered in this study local dewatering was carried out in both
aquifers. The water level was reduced to 55 m OD in the
upper aquifer and 28 m OD in the lower aquifer. After the analyses are shown in Fig. 18.
cessation of local dewatering the piezometric level in the
upper aquifer remained unchanged, whereas in the lower
aquifer the level was expected to rise to 55 m OD in the Material properties
short term. The pore water pressure profiles considered in The concrete pile behaviour was modelled as linear

Rise of water table: m

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Vertical displacement: mm


Partially saturated
100 analyses




Fig. 15. Progression of vertical movement of pile during rise of groundwater table (D 25 m, d
14 mm)

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Table 2. Soil properties for terrace gravel, Lambeth clay and
15 m 10 m chalk
50 mOD
Terrace gravel Terrace gravel Lambeth clay Chalk
88 mOD
9: degrees 33 29 34
Lambeth clay
127 mOD v 02 02 02
L = 205 m Lambeth sands E: MPa 30 30 1000
192 mOD
GWT at
time of Thanet sands
plastic behaviour is also in accordance with experimental
results on other sands as reported by Coop (1999). The
model parameters corresponding to the selected yield func-
320 mOD tion and plastic potential surfaces are given in Tables 3 and
4. The values of the slope of the critical-state line, M g , were
Fig. 17. Canary Wharf pile analyses: ground profile calculated from the angles of shearing resistance, given from
the site investigation as 146 for the Thanet sands and 133
for the Lambeth sands. The corresponding M f values are 10
for the Thanet sands and 09 for the Lambeth sands.

Hardening and softening parameters

10 The partially saturated parameters c , ks , r and  were
taken from the study of Maswoswe (1985) on Lower Cromer
till, owing to the lack of partially saturated experimental
data on Lambeth sand and Thanet sand. The use of para-
meters for till in place of sands was decided after compari-
son of the grading curves of these soils with those for which
partially saturated experimental data were available. As this
Elevation (m OD)

study is for illustrative purposes it was thought reasonable to
proceed with these values. The compressibility coefficient
along constant suction elastic paths, k, was calculated from
25 Cessation of
the assumed Poissons ratio, , and Youngs modulus, E, as
0005. The fully saturated compressibility coefficient, (0),
was assumed to be 12 times larger than k, equal to 006.
Pile construction
Initial hardening parameters
35 The specific volume at unit confining stress, v1 , was
assumed equal to 1826 for Lambeth sand and 1872 for
Thanet sand. An estimate of the OCR value was obtained
40 from the relationships among OCR, K0 and PI (plasticity
20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 index) presented by Brooker & Ireland (1965). For a very
Piezometric level (m) low plasticity soil with a K0 value of 115 a value of 6 was
selected for the OCR. This value refers to the original fully
Fig. 18. Assumed pore water pressure profiles
saturated sate.

elastic. A Youngs modulus of 20 GPa and a Poissons ratio Other parameters

of 015 were chosen. Because of the large suctions involved in this problem the
The following K 0 values were assigned to each soil layer: cohesion increase parameter, k, was set equal to the degree
05 for the terrace gravel, 115 for the Lambeth clay, of saturation, Sr . The variation of the degree of saturation
Lambeth sands and Thanet sands, and 10 for the chalk. with suction was obtained from the particle size distribution
The terrace gravel, Lambeth clay and chalk layers were curves of the materials using the Arya & Paris (1981)
modelled with the generalised MohrCoulomb model. The method. These were in turn fitted into the Van Genuchten
soil properties adopted for the analyses are shown in Table (1980) equation for the soilwater characteristic curve:
2. The Lambeth clay was assumed to behave undrained. m
The Thanet sand and Lambeth sand layers were modelled Sr (1  Sro ) Sro (22)
1 (seq  ) n
with the generalised constitutive model presented earlier in
this paper. The following model parameters were assumed: where , m and n are fitting parameters, and Sro is the
residual degree of saturation at very high values of suction.
The obtained soil-water characteristic curves are shown in
Yield function and plastic potential parameters Fig. 20. The full list of parameters for the Thanet sands and
The best estimate of the shapes of the yield and plastic Lambeth sands is given in Tables 3 and 4.
potential surfaces for fully saturated conditions based on
triaxial tests on Thanet sand is shown in Fig. 19 (Coop,
personal communication, 2002). Also shown in the figure Details of analyses
are the implied plastic strain increment vectors for the The ground level at the beginning of the analyses was
particular choice of shapes. The assumed yield and elasto- taken at 5:0 m OD and the piezometric level for both

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Deviatoric stress normalised by critical state stress

Plastic potential surface



0 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Net mean stress normalised by critical state stress

Fig. 19. Yield and plastic potential surfaces

Table 3. Soil properties for Lambeth Sand the first stage of each analysis to simulate the excavation of
f 008  002 kPa 1 the cofferdam. The pile analysed was 15 m in diameter and
f 20 ks 0001 205 m long, and was wished in place. The finite element
Mf 09 v1 1826 mesh used was similar to that used in the previous study
g 001
02 (Fig. 8). Two types of analysis were performed: the first type
g 057 sair 150 kPa involved vertical loading of the pile to failure, and the
Mg 132 003 kPa1 second type loading of the pile to a certain load and then
c 1667 m 035 raising of the water table in the lower aquifer. Both conven-
(0) 006 n 45 tional and partially saturated analyses were carried out, using
k 0005 Sro 015 the best estimate for the model parameters from the avail-
r 025
able data. However, partially saturated analyses were also
performed using different values for some parameters in
order to investigate their influence on the pile behaviour.
The parameters that were varied were the overconsolidation
aquifers at 55 m OD. Before the construction of the pile ratio, OCR, and the parameters r and , which control the
the piezometric level in the lower aquifer was reduced to expansion of the primary yield surface with suction. The set
280 m OD and the top 10 m of fill was excavated. The fill of parameters given in Tables 3 and 4 will be referred to as
layer was simulated as a uniform surcharge acting through- the reference set in this paper. Note that, because of the
out the top of the finite element mesh and was removed at relatively high stresses in the partially saturated region


Thanet sand
Lambeth sand
Degree of saturation: %







1 10 102 103 104 105
Suction: kPa

Fig. 20. Soilwater characteristic curves for Thanet sands and Lambeth sands

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(Thanet sands and Lambeth sands), equation (13) was used ments predicted by a conventional analysis. The pile was
for the relationship between po and po in all partially displaced vertically by the same amount as in the partially
saturated analyses. saturated 32 MN analysis (d 30 mm), and subsequently
the groundwater table was raised. It can be seen that the
conventional analysis predicts a response to wetting very
Results different from that predicted by than the equivalent partially
Figure 21 shows the loaddisplacement curve obtained saturated analysis, giving heave even at a very high load
using the reference set of parameters. Also shown in this (L 26:1 MN).
figure is the loadingunloading path measured during the The results of the analyses described above do not in-
load test of the pile under consideration. It can be seen that dicate any danger to the structure under consideration due to
the predicted and measured loading paths are in reasonable the rise in the groundwater table for the given working load
agreement. Fig. 21 also shows the loaddisplacement curve of the pile (1335 MN) and the assumed set of material
predicted from a conventional analysis assuming that the properties. The results obtained by changing some of the
Thanet sands and Lambeth sands switch from fully saturated material properties will now be discussed. In particular the
to completely dry behaviour at values of suction equal to influence of OCR, r and , which control the position and
their respective air entry values of suction. The conventional shape of the primary yield surface, is investigated.
analysis predicts an ultimate load approximately 20% lower The influence of OCR is first examined assuming pore
than that predicted by the partially saturated analysis. pressure profile 2 (partially saturated analyses only). Note
Although the test pile did not reach an ultimate load the that OCR is a measure of the distance of the soil stress state
comparison in Fig. 21 indicates that, if it had been loaded from the yield surface, but is in effective stress terms and
further, it would probably have agreed better with the refers to the original fully saturated state. The distance from
partially saturated analysis. the yield surface at the beginning of the pile loading (the
Using the same set of parameters the pile was loaded to soil is now partially saturated) is given by the yield stress
three different loads19 MN (approximately 50% of the ratio YSR ( po = p), which is in total stress terms and depends
ultimate load predicted by the partially saturated analysis), not only on the initial OCR value but also on the suction
26 MN (approximately 65% of the ultimate load) and values and the shape of the loading-collapse yield surface.
32 MN (approximately 80% of the ultimate load)and then YSR values are higher for higher OCR values, and therefore
the water level of the lower aquifer was raised, simulating the soil is less likely to collapse upon wetting. Fig. 23 shows
the rise of the water table after the end of construction in the loaddisplacement curves obtained for values of the
the real case. Fig. 22 shows the progression of vertical OCR in the Thanet sand and Lambeth sand layers of 6
movements with the rise of the groundwater table predicted
by the partially saturated analyses. It can be seen that the Table 4. Soil properties for Thanet Sand
pile behaviour is very much dependent on the load at which
wetting takes place. For the analysis with the lower load, f 008  002 kPa1
upward movement of the pile is predicted, which increases f 20 ks 0001
linearly with the rise of the water table. The analysis with Mf 10 v1 1872
g 001
the 26 MN load also predicts heave initially but seems to g 057 sair 130 kPa
have levelled off after the groundwater table has risen by Mg 146 0014 kPa1
approximately 8 m. However, the analysis at which wetting c 1667 m 04
took place at the high load of 32 MN predicted large (0) 006 n 50
settlements, larger than those induced by the pile loading. k 0005 Sro 013
Also shown in Fig. 22 is the progression of vertical move- r 025




Load: MN




10 Partially saturated
(OCR = 6)
5 (OCR = 6)

0 20 40 60 80 100
Settlement: mm

Fig. 21. Loaddisplacement curves

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Rise of water table: m
0 25 50 75 100 125 150


Vertical displacement: mm



Partially saturated
(L = 19 MN)
Partially saturated
(L = 26 MN)
60 Partially saturated
(L = 32 MN)
70 (L = 261 MN)


Fig. 22. Progression of vertical movement with rise of groundwater table




Load: MN




Partially saturated
10 (OCR = 6)
Partially saturated
(OCR = 2)
5 Partially saturated
(OCR = 15)

0 20 40 60 80 100
Settlement: mm

Fig. 23. Loaddisplacement curves for different OCR values

(reference set of parameters), 2 and 15. It can be seen that, ences large additional settlements due to wetting only at
by reducing the value of OCR, much lower ultimate loads high loads, close to or after the shaft resistance has been
are predicted. Fig. 24 shows the pile response to the rise of exceeded.
the groundwater table at a constant load of approximately Loading and wetting partially saturated analyses were also
19 MN for OCR 1:5 and OCR 6. Whereas for OCR performed using different values for the parameters r and ,
6 the pile moved upwards, as mentioned before, for the which control the compressibility coefficient (seq ) and con-
lower OCR case very large settlements were predicted, more sequently the isotropic yield stress, po , through equation
than 10 times larger than those induced by the pile loading. (13). Fig. 25 shows the loaddisplacement curve predicted
Also shown in this figure are the responses of the pile to for r 0:35 and  0:01, compared with the curve pre-
wetting for OCR 1:5 and for loads of 135 MN and dicted with the reference parameter set. This choice of r and
202 MN. As can be seen, the response to wetting is highly  gives a smaller increase of yield stress with suction than
dependent on the load at which it takes place. Similar results the reference values (Fig. 26) and, as expected, predicts a
were obtained from the OCR 2 analyses. The pile experi- lower ultimate load of the pile. It is interesting to see that a

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Rise of water table: m
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


Vertical displacement: mm



Partially saturated
250 (OCR = 6, L = 19 MN)
Partially saturated
(OCR = 15, L = 135 MN)
300 Partially saturated
(OCR = 15, L = 19 MN)
Partially saturated
350 (OCR = 15, L = 202 MN)


Fig. 24. Progression of vertical movement for different OCR values




Load: MN



15 Partially saturated (reference set)

10 Partially saturated
(modified parameters)

0 20 40 60 80 100
Settlement: mm

Fig. 25. Loaddisplacement curves for different partially saturated parameters

small change of these two parameters (from 025 to 035 for 600
r and from 002 to 001 for ) affects the predictions so
significantly (the reference set gives an ultimate value 500
approximately 16% higher).
Suction: kPa

A generalised constitutive model for partially and fully 200 Reference
saturated soils has been presented in this paper. The model parameters
100 Modified
incorporates a versatile equation for the yield and plastic Air entry suction parameters
potential surfaces, which allows the behaviour of a wide
variety of soils to be modelled. Basic features of partially 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
saturated soil behaviour such as collapse or swelling upon Mean total stress: kPa
wetting can be reproduced. The model also predicts realistic
values of yield stress at high stresses and a realistic variation Fig. 26. Primary yield surfaces in isotropic stress space for
of shear strength with suction. different partially saturated parameters

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The model was used to perform a series of finite element po equivalent fully saturated isotropic total yield stress
analyses in order to investigate the behaviour of single piles q triaxial deviatoric stress
in partially saturated soils. Two studies were carried out, a r parameter controlling the partially saturated
study of single piles in uniform soil and a case study of a compressibility coefficient
single pile end-bearing in partially saturated soil. s suction (s ua  uw )
sair air entry value of suction
The first study showed the expected increase of ultimate
seq equivalent suction
pile load with the increase of the groundwater table depth. so yield suction
The partially saturated finite element analyses predicted Sr degree of saturation
larger ultimate load increase than the conventional finite Sro residual degree of saturation
element analyses, which significantly underpredicted the pile ua pore air pressure
capacity for large depths of the groundwater table. Raising uw pore water pressure
the water table was found to be important for the pile v specific volume
behaviour only when the pile tip was in partially saturated YSR yield stress ratio
soil. In this case the collapse experienced by the soil under , f , g yield function and plastic potential parameters
the tip led to excessive pile settlements. The conventional c characteristic stress ratio
 parameter controlling the partially saturated
analyses could not reproduce this behaviour. compressibility coefficient
The second study confirmed most of the above observa- f yield function and plastic potential constant
tions. In addition, it was shown that the pile response to a w unit weight of water
rising groundwater table depends strongly on the load at vmax maximum potential change of specific volume due
which the rise takes place. At low pile loads only heave was to wetting
predicted, whereas at high loads excessive settlements oc- es elastic shear strains
curred. The OCR of the soil was found to influence the pile ev elastic volumetric strains
behaviour greatly. The finite element predictions were also pv plastic volumetric strains
found to be sensitive to the choice of the partially saturated  generalised normalised stress ratio
Lodes angle
model parameters r and . The results of the finite element
k compressibility coefficient along constant suction
analyses of the pile loading were compared with the meas- elastic paths
ured response during a pile load test. The partially saturated ks compressibility coefficient along constant mean
analysis was in good agreement with the field measurements, total stress elastic paths
whereas the conventional analysis appeared to underpredict (0) fully saturated compressibility coefficient
the pile capacity. (seq ) compressibility coefficient along constant suction
elastoplastic paths
s compressibility coefficient along constant mean
total stress elastoplastic paths
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS , f , g yield function and plastic potential parameters
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr M. Coop for
Poissons ratio
his assistance and discussions on issues presented in this  total stress
paper. The first author acknowledges gratefully the financial  9 effective stress
support received by the Greek State Scholarships Founda-  x ,  y ,  z direct stresses
tion. xy , xz , yz shear stresses
j9 angle of shearing resistance
 Bishops effective stress parameter
 fitting parameter for soil-water characteristic curve
NOTATION equation
d vertical pile displacement
C constant used in the expression defining J 2f
D depth of ground water table
E Youngs modulus REFERENCES
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