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Professor Jay

July 5 2017

Reflection Questions

Who are your role models in your community?

My role models in my volleyball community would be my coach, Josh, and also my older

teammates like Angie and Lesley.

What have you learned from them?

I have learned certain skills from them, for example the certain basics of volleyball like serving,

spiking, setting, etc.

Who are your friends?

My friends are Giselle, Daniela, Cassandra, and some new friends that Ive made here at PMA

are Miles, Diana, Kevin, and Tiffany.

How do they influence you in both positive and negative ways?

They influence me in positive ways because for example my friend giselle encourages me to do

my homework and gets straight As like me. My friends may possibly influence me in bad ways

when they say bad words.

What are some issues going on in the greater Los Angeles area?

In the city of LA there are many problems such as gangs. There is also a conflict in LA in which

many historic places are being demolished.

What are some issues in your local neighborhood?

In my Bellflower neighborhood there are not many major problems, however one that comes off

the top of my head is the fact that there is no communication. I would like for my neighbors and

I to communicate more.

How do you play an integral part in your community?

I am a new student at PMA, therefor my role is to simply go to school, be responsible, and be a

good example of a warrior.

What is your role?

I am a part of a few communities but mostly I participate at my school community. My role is

simply being a student here at PMA. I am currently trying to join the volleyball team, I would

also like to join ambassadors in the fall.

How can you be a role model?

At PMA I can be a role model by being a tech assistant when I become a sophomore. Helping the

next freshman class could teach them to do the same when they enter the next grade. I am also

considering being part of ASB and ambassdors, that would also set a great example.

How do you forsee your role changing in the future?

My role will change because I will be older and have the opportunity to do more things, such as

join different communities.

How does PMA fit in your plans for growth?

PMA has helped me to reach my goal of growth. Although there are still many skills Id like to

learn PMA has taught me many skills such as typing and how to use their school technology

systems. Im sure they will teach me more in my four years of high school.

How can you helped PMA grow as a leader.

As Ive mentioned I would like to be part of ASB or ambassadors. Being a leader can help the

school grow as I contribute my ideas. The school can grow with the participation of my family

and myself.

Written Justification

The first three pictures I chose were pictures of my friends and family to represent my

community of friends and family. Next I chose two pictures of the PMA logo and also of the

school to show that I am a part of the PMA warrior community. I also included images of a

volleyball logo and my soccer team to show my sports community. In my collage I included a

picture of a letters that spell Bellflower because I am a part of the Bellflower community. My

collage also has a picture of my church to show that I am a part of the Our Lady of Victory

church community. Lastly, my last image is a picture of LA because I am a part of the


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