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Fast Distributed Algorithm for Convergecast

in Ad Hoc Geometric Radio Networks

Alex Kesselman
Max Planck Institut fur Informatik, Saarbrucken, Germany.
Dariusz Kowalski
Instytut Informatyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski Poland and
Max Planck Institut fur Informatik, Saarbrucken, Germany.

Abstract Wireless ad hoc radio networks have gained a lot of I. I NTRODUCTION

attention in recent years. We consider geometric networks, where
nodes are located in a euclidean plane. We assume that each node The next generation communication networks are likely to be
has a variable transmission range and can learn the distance to the
closest neighbor. We also assume that nodes have a special collision
a combination of wireline and ad hoc networks, which are ex-
detection (CD) capability so that a transmitting node can detect a pected to fulfill a critical role where wired backbone networks
collision within its transmission range. We study the basic com- are not available or not economical to build [30]. A communi-
munication problem of collecting data from all nodes called con- cation session in a wireless network is achieved either through a
vergecast. Recently, there appeared many new applications such single-hop transmission if the communication parties are close
as real-time multimedia, battlefield communications and rescue
operations that impose stringent delay requirements on the con-
enough, or through relaying by intermediate nodes otherwise.
vergecast time. We measure the latency of convergecast, that is the Depending on its power level and on the nature of environmen-
number of time steps needed to collect the data in any n-node net- tal interference, a node can reach all nodes in a certain range.
work. We propose a very simple randomized distributed algorithm Typically, the signal power falls as 1/d , where d is the dis-
that has the expected running time O(log n). We also show that tance from the transmitter antenna and is a constant between
this bound is tight and any algorithm needs (log n) time steps
while performing convergecast in an arbitrary network.
2 and 6 depending on the environment [31]. All receivers have
the same power threshold for signal detection, which is typ-
One of the most important problems in wireless ad hoc net- ically normalized to one. Under the above assumptions, the
works is to minimize the energy consumption, which maximizes power required to establish a link between two nodes at dis-
the network lifetime. We study the trade-off between the energy
tance d is d . In this paper we assume that = 2. In ad hoc
and the latency of convergecast. We show that our algorithm con-
sumes at most O(n log n) times the minimum energy. We also networks devices are usually equipped with battery that has a
demonstrate that for a line topology the minimum energy con- limited power. Thus, among the most crucial issues is that of
vergecast takes n 1 time steps while any algorithm performing developing energy-efficient topology control algorithms, which
convergecast within O(log n) time steps requires (n) times the maximize the network lifetime [16].
minimum energy.
In this paper we assume that nodes are located in a Eu-
clidean space and consider the symmetric energy model. We
also assume that nodes are equipped with Global Position Sys-
Keywords: Radio Networks, Convergecast, Randomized Algo-
tem (GPS) and each node can learn the distance to the closest
rithms, Energy/Latency Trade-off. neighbor (see [5], [22], [26], [29]). Similarly to many papers
in the domain of radio communication [3], [9], [12], [13], we
assume that nodes send messages in synchronous steps (time
slots) controlled by a global clock. During a time step, each
node acts either as a transmitter or as a receiver. A node acting
as a transmitter chooses a transmission range and sends a mes-
sage which can potentially reach all of nodes whose distances
from this node are at most the chosen transmission range. In
this case we say that the message reaches a node within the
(current) transmission range of a sender. A node acting as a re-
The work of the first author is supported by AvH-Stiftung. A part of this work ceiver in a given step gets a message, if and only if, it is the only
has been done while visiting the Dipartimento di Scienze dellInformazione at one message that reaches this node in the current step. If more
Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Italy. Supported in part by EYES project and than one message reaches a node u then none of the messages is
MIUR grant FIRB WebMinds.
The work of the second author is supported in part by EU DELIS project and received by u in the current step. In this case we say that a col-
by KBN grant 4T11C04425. lision occurred at node u. We assume that nodes have a special
collision detection (CD) capability so that a transmitting node A. Gossiping
can detect a collision within its transmission range. The most closely related problem to this work is gossip-
An important role of a wireless sensor network is to collect ing. In the context of radio networks, this problem was con-
data from the environment [16]. Thus, one of the fundamental sidered only for fixed ranges, and most of the solutions used
communication tasks is convergecast, where one node has to convergecast as a procedure to perform gossiping. The first
collect rumors which are originally stored at all nodes [2], [9], sub-quadratic deterministic distributed algorithm for the gos-
[10], [12], [19], [20], [21]. These rumors can be later broad- siping problem in ad-hoc radio networks was the O(n3/2 )1
casted to the other nodes, as in the gossiping problem. Note time algorithm proposed by Chrobak et al. [12]. Gasieniec,
that the complexity of the gossiping problem is dominated by Radzik and Xin [21] presented a gossiping algorithm with run-
convergecast. We assume that rumors can be merged and sent ning time O(n4/3 ). Another class of algorithms depending on
as one message without any restrictions. In practice, the maxi- the maximum degree and the diameter D of the network,
mum message size is upper-bounded by the total size of all ru- was considered by Clementi, Monti and Silvestri [13] and sub-
mors, that is O(n log n). We measure the latency of converge- sequently by Gasieniec and Lingas [18] the former algorithm
cast, which is among the most popular and natural measures for performs gossiping in time O(D2 ) and the latter algorithm in
communication problems. time O(D3/2 ). A study on distributed deterministic gossip-
The rapidly increasing capabilities and low costs of comput- ing with messages of limited size can be found in the work by
ing and communication devices have made it possible to use Christersson et al. [10].
wireless networks in a wide range of applications such as real- The gossiping problem in ad hoc radio networks attracted
time multimedia, battlefield communications, and rescue opera- also studies on efficient randomized distributed algorithms.
tions. The above applications impose stringent latency require- Chrobak et al. [12] proposed an O(n log 4 n) expected time
ment on the convergecast time. Unfortunately, in the existing randomized gossiping algorithm. This time was later reduced
minimum-energy convergecast algorithms the latency tends to to O(n log3 n) by Liu and Prabhakaran [28], and then to
be quite large since the minimum energy is attained when the O(n log2 n) by Czumaj and Rytter [14]. This shows a relatively
number of relay nodes is maximized. There is a trade-off be- large gap between the best known deterministic and randomized
tween reaching a node directly using higher power and reach- algorithms for distributed gossiping.
ing a node via multiple hops using lower power. We study the In the context of centralized solutions, the gossiping prob-
trade-off between the energy and the latency of convergecast. lem was studied by Gasieniec and Potapov [19] and recently
In this work we study randomized algorithms, which have by Gasieniec et al. [20]. In the first paper each node trans-
a number of advantages. Randomized algorithms are usually mission was limited to unit message. The authors presented
faster than deterministic ones. In addition, randomized algo- several optimal and almost optimal O(n) time gossiping algo-
rithms are very attractive due to their simplicity, which makes rithms for various standard network topologies, including lines,
them amenable to efficient implementation. The algorithm pro- rings, stars and free trees. The authors also proved that there
posed in this paper is also distributed, in the sense that it only exists a radio network topology in which the gossiping (with
uses information about the distance to the closest neighbor. unit messages) requires (n log n) time. In the second work,
Our results. We propose a very simple randomized dis- the authors considered the model with unlimited message size,
tributed algorithm for convergecast that has the expected run- and analyzed families of graph where sublinear-time gossiping
ning time O(log n). We also show a matching lower bound of is possible.
(log n) on the running time of any algorithm in an arbitrary Oblivious algorithms (both deterministic and randomized)
network. This bound holds even for centralized algorithms. Our for the task of gossiping (all-to-all broadcast) were considered
results show that having variable transmission ranges allows to by Chlebus et al. [9] and Kowalski and Pelc [25].
break the linear lower bound for the convergecast time, which
is inherent in one-hop radio networks. Then we study the trade-
off between the energy and the latency of convergecast. We de- B. Broadcast
scribe a minimum energy convergecast algorithm with a poly- Another related problem is broadcast, which was also stud-
nomial running time. We also show that our distributed con- ied only in case of fixed transmission ranges. Deterministic
vergecast algorithm in the worst case consumes O(n log n) centralized broadcast assuming complete knowledge of the net-
times the minimum energy. Finally, we demonstrate that for work was considered by Chlamtac and Weinstein [8], where
a line topology the minimum energy convergecast takes n 1 a O(D log2 n)-time broadcast algorithm was given for all n-
time steps while any algorithm performing convergecast within node networks of diameter D. Gaber and Mansour [17] pro-
O(log n) time steps requires (n) times the minimum energy. posed O(D + log5 n)-time broadcasting scheme. On the other
Paper organization. Related work is given in Section II. hand, Alon et al. [1] proved the existence of a family of n-
Section III describes our model. Our algorithm for the con- node networks of radius 2, for which any broadcast requires
vergecast problem is presented in Section IV. The trade-off time (log2 n).
between the energy and the latency of convergecast is analyzed Bar-Yehuda et al. [3] studied deterministic distributed broad-
in Section V. We have some concluding remarks in Section VI. cast in radio networks whose nodes have only limited knowl-
edge of the topology. The authors assumed that nodes know
II. R ELATED WORK 1 Notation O(f (n)) denotes a function in O(f (n) log c n) for a (small) con-
In this section we give on overview of the related work. stant c.
only their own label and labels of their neighbors. Concern- collected from multiple nodes. A node successfully receives
ing the weaker model where nodes know only their own la- a message if and only if exactly one of its in-neighbors trans-
bel, the currently fastest deterministic distributed algorithm, de- mits during a time step, otherwise collision occurs. During a
signed by Czumaj and Rytter [14], performs broadcast in time collision the messages sent are scrambled so that the node can-
O(n log2 D). On the other hand, Clementi et al. [13] proved a not retrieve any part of a message. We assume that each node
lower bound (n log D) on broadcast time for directed n-node can detect whether a collision occurred within its transmission
networks of diameter D. range.
Randomized broadcast algorithms in radio networks were ex- Let V be the initial set of nodes. Some nodes may become
tensively studied in recent time [3], [9], [14], [24], [27]. For inactive later. Consider a time step t. A wireless network is rep-
these algorithms, no topological knowledge of the network was resented by a directed communication graph Gt = (V t , E t ),
assumed. Bar-Yehuda et al. [3] designed a randomized broad- where V t is the set of active nodes and E t is the set of edges.
cast algorithm running in expected time O(D log n + log 2 n). The neighbors of a node u are determined by its transmission
Kowalski and Pelc [24], and independently Czumaj and Ryt- power Pu . Namely, node u can reach all nodes within its trans-
ter [14], improved this upper bound by presenting a broadcast- mission range Rut = (Put )1/2 . Thus, edge (u, v) belongs to E
ing algorithm with expected time O(D log(n/D) + log 2 n). if the distance between u and v, d(u, v), is at most Rut . We
The matching lower bound (D log(n/D) + log 2 n) was assume that nodes have variable transmission ranges.2
proved by Kushilevitz and Mansour [27] and Alon et al. [1]. Consider a convergecast algorithm A. Let us denote by
Dessmark and Pelc [15] studied broadcasting protocols in ge- X
ometric networks, but unlike our paper they considered fixed EA = Pu
uV t
transmission ranges, no collision detection, and wider informa-
tion range about the neighborhood (we assume only knowledge the total energy spent by all nodes at time t. If A terminates at
of the distance to the closest active node). The authors were in- time tf , then its total energy consumption is
terested in the trade-off between the latency and the information
range, rather than a power consumption. X
CA = EA .
C. Energy Efficient Network Design
We also denote by OP T the minimum-energy convergecast al-
The problem of minimum-energy broadcast in which the gorithm and by COP T its energy consumption.
transmission power of each node has to be determined so that In the convergecast problem each node has some data and
the total power is minimized has received recently a great deal the data from all nodes must be collected by a single node. The
of attention. Cagalj et al. [4] give a proof of NP-hardness goal is to minimize the latency (number of time steps) required
of the minimum-energy broadcast problem in Euclidean space. to perform convergecast while keeping the energy consumption
Wieselthier et al. [34] propose three greedy heuristics, namely as low as possible.
the minimum spanning tree (MST), the shortest path tree (SPT)
and the broadcast incremental power (BIP), and evaluate them IV. D ISTRIBUTED C ONVERGECAST A LGORITHM
through simulations. Wan et al. [33] present the first analyti- In this section we present a simple randomized distributed
cal results for this problem. In particular, they prove that the algorithm for convergecast, called DC. We show that our algo-
approximation ratio of MST is between 6 and 12 while the ap- rithm terminates in the expected time O(log n) and present a
proximation ratio of SPT is at least n/2. Cartigny et al. [6] matching general lower bound of (log n).
develop localized algorithms for minimum-energy broadcast. The algorithm proceeds as follows. Initially, all nodes are
In wireless sensor networks, many applications involve both active. Then we start to collect data. The execution of the algo-
convergecast and broadcast. These tasks can be accomplished rithm is divided into rounds, each of which corresponds to one
by constructing an efficient tree for both broadcast as well as time step. At the beginning of a round, we set the transmission
convergecast and allocating wireless communication channels range of each active node u to the distance to the closest active
to ensure collision-free communication. Upadhyayula et al. node, i.e., minvV t d(u, v). Then u transmits the data with a
[32] and Annamalai et al. [2] propose low-latency energy- constant probability p. Thereafter, each active node w that does
efficient centralized heuristic algorithms for convergecast and not detect a collision, i.e., whose message has been success-
broadcast. fully received by all its out-neighbors, becomes inactive. Oth-
erwise, the node remains active for the next round, and merges
III. M ODEL AND N OTATION received data (if any) with its own data (which is initially its ID
We assume that there are n nodes, which are located on a Eu- and rumor). Note that there is no way to distinguish between
clidean plane. Each node knows its own ID and the total num- the case in which the message has been received successfully
ber of nodes. We assume that nodes are equipped with Global by one neighbor and collided at another neighbor and the case
Position System (GPS) and each node can learn the distance in which the message collided at all neighbors. Finally, the al-
to the closest neighbor. We consider the synchronized model, gorithm terminates when there remains only one active node.
where the nodes have a common clock. The formal description of the algorithm appears on Figure 1.
During a time step, a node may either send a message or lis- 2 For simplicity, we assume that the maximum transmission range of a node
ten to the channel. We assume that one message can carry data is unbounded.
Each active node u executes the following every round t:
1) Set the transmission range Rut to the distance to the closest active node.
2) Transmit MSG(data,u) containing us and collected data with a constant probability p.
3) If a message MSG(data,u) has been transmitted and there is no collision among us out-neighbors, enter the inactive
mode. Otherwise, merge the received data (if any) with its own data.
Fig. 1. The Distributed Convergecast (DC) algorithm.

A. Analysis least
The next lemma establishes the correctness of the algorithm. ps = p(1 p)125+12 = p(1 p)72 .
Lemma IV.1: When the algorithm terminates, the last active We have that for any constant 0 < p < 1, ps is constant and thus
node has data collected from all nodes. the expected number of nodes that do not transmit successfully
Proof: Consider a round in which an active node u be- during a round is at most n (1 ps ). Let c = ps /2. Using
comes inactive. We argue that the data held by u has been de- Markov inequality we get that the number of nodes that do not
livered to another node, which will be active at the beginning of transmit successfully during a round is at least n (1 ps )
the next round. Note that u must have at least one out-neighbor, (1 c)1 with probability at most (1 c), which yields that the
say v. Since there was no collision among us out-neighbors, event the number of nodes which transmit successfully during
us transmission must have been received successfully by v. We a round is at least n n 1p
1c n c holds with probability at

claim that v will be active at the beginning of the next round. least c.
Observe that v did not transmit during this round, otherwise us In the actual implementation of our algorithm, we will se-
transmission would have collided with vs own transmission. lect p that maximizes the probability of successful transmission,
Therefore, v cannot become inactive at the end of the round, that is p(1 p)72 . Now we are ready to show the main theorem.
which establishes the lemma. Theorem IV.4: The expected running time of the DC algo-
Now we will analyze the performance of our algorithm. First rithm is O(log n) and the algorithm terminates properly.
we need some auxiliary lemmas. Intuitively, the next lemma Proof: We say that round i is progressive iff a fraction
bounds the number of collisions by establishing an upper bound c of active nodes become inactive or there remains only one
on the maximum in-degree in Gt . active node, where constant c is taken from the statement of
Claim IV.2: The in-degree of any node in Gt is at most 6. Lemma IV.3. Note that the termination time of the DC al-
Proof: Suppose towards a contradiction that a node w in gorithm is less that or equal to the time of the log 1c (1/n)-th
Gt has in-degree larger than 6. We have that there are at least 7 progressive round, since after log1c (1/n) progressive rounds
nodes that are closer to w than to each other and there must be the number of active nodes is at most
a triangle formed by two of them u, v, and w in which the angle
6 uwv is less than /3. Thus, the biggest angle in this triangle,
n (1 c)log1c (1/n) = 1.
say 6 wuv, is greater than /3. However, in this case we obtain Lemma IV.3 implies that round i is progressive with probability
that d(v, u) must be smaller than d(v, w), which contradicts our at least c. Hence, the expected termination time of the DC
assumption. algorithm is at most
Now we will analyze the rate of data convergence. We say
that a transmission of a node u at the beginning of a round is E( ) log1c (1/n) = O(log n) .
successful if all of its out-neighbors successfully receive us c
transmission. Note that each active node u becomes inactive The correctness of the algorithm follows by Lemma IV.1.
at the end of the round after successful transmission. In the fol- The next theorem establishes a general lower bound of
lowing lemma we show that a constant fraction of active nodes (log n), which matches our upper bound up to a constant fac-
transmit successfully during a round. tor.
Lemma IV.3: There is a constant 0 < c < 1 such that with Theorem IV.5: The expected running time of any converge-
probability at least c, the fraction of active nodes that perform cast algorithm in an arbitrary network is at least (log n).
successful transmission in round t is at least c. Proof: Note that each node, except the last one, must suc-
Proof: Consider a round t and the corresponding graph cessfully transmit at least once to deliver its own data. Without
Gt . By Claim IV.2, the in-degree of each node in V t is bounded loss of generality, assume that each node successfully transmits
by 6. That implies that the average out-degree among the nodes exactly once since we can accommodate all the data in the last
in V t is also bounded by 6. We obtain that at least half of transmission. When a node transmits, the receiving node is
the nodes in V t have out-degree of at most 12. Let us calcu- busy, i.e., it cannot transmit itself. Therefore, the number of
late the probability of successful transmission of such a node u. nodes that have not transmitted yet is decreased by at most a
This probability is exactly the probability that u transmits while factor of two during a time step, which yields the theorem.
all its out-neighbors and the in-neighbors of its out-neighbors
(other than u) remain silent. According to Claim IV.2, each of V. E NERGY /L ATENCY T RADE - OFF
us out-neighbors may have at most 6 in-neighbors including u. In this section we study the trade-off between the energy and
Therefore, the probability of successful transmission for u is at the latency of convergecast. We will also consider centralized
algorithms, since we wish to study only this specific trade-off root. We claim that the distance between any two nodes in Si is
and not the lack of coordination between nodes. We assume at least Rit . If it is not the case, at least one node has its trans-
that there is a designated root node r that must collect the data mission range larger than the distance to the closest active node,
from all nodes. which contradicts the definition of R1t , R2t , , Rit . We obtain
that Z iRit since OP T must connect all these nodes to the
A. Minimum Energy Convergecast root.
Hence, the energy consumption of the distributed converge-
First we describe a minimum-energy convergecast algorithm. cast algorithm during round t is at most
The Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) algorithm proposed by
Chen and Huang [7] and analyzed by Kirousis et al. [23] im- X
m X
2 2
plicitly finds an optimal solution for the minimum-energy con- EDC (Z/i)2 = Z 2 1/i2 Z .
vergecast in polynomial time. First we construct an undirected i=1 i=1
complete graph G0 on the set of nodes V , where the cost of an
edge (u, v) is the energy required to establish this edge, that is On the other hand,
d(u, v)2 . Then we find an MST of G0 and orient all edges to-
COP T n(Z/n)2 ,
ward r. Finally, we construct a collision-free schedule in which
the data from all nodes is collected by r and each edge is tra-
since the transmission power is minimized when all nodes are
versed exactly once. The optimality of this solution follows
evenly spaced. Dividing the bound for EDCt
by the bound for
from the fact that OP T must have a directed spanning tree
COP T we conclude the proof of the lemma.
rooted at r as a sub-graph of the family of all the communi-
Now we establish an upper bound on the total energy of the
cation graphs created during its execution. Note that the data
distributed convergecast algorithm.
from each node must eventually reach r. The latency of the so-
lution produced by the MST algorithm is at least the length of Theorem V.3: The total energy consumption of the DC al-

the longest path between a leaf and r hence (n) latency for gorithm at most 6 n log n COP T .
some geometric topologies (unlike our DC algorithm). The theorem follows directly from Theorem IV.4 and Lemma
B. Energy Consumption by the DC Algorithm
Now let us consider the energy consumption of our dis- C. Analysis of Line Topology
tributed convergecast DC algorithm. We assume that r is the Finally, we show that a blowup of (n) in the energy con-
last active node in the execution. The next claim bounds from sumption may be necessary to achieve a convergecast latency
above the energy consumption by the DC algorithm during the of O(log n), even in case of centralized algorithms. Consider a
first round. line topology, where the root is the last node and the distance
Claim V.1: The energy spent by the DC algorithm during between any two consecutive nodes is d.
the first time step is at most COP T . It is not hard to see that the minimum energy convergecast
Proof: Note that at time t = 0 for each node u we have algorithm OP T during round i < n transmits from node i to
that the transmission range of u is the distance to the closest node i + 1 the data collected from nodes 1, . . . , i. Thus, OP T
neighbor v in V . On the other hand, in the MST algorithm has latency n 1 and energy consumption of (n 1) d2 . Now
u transmits to some node w, not necessarily the closest one. we bound from below the energy required by any fast converge-
Hence, the transmission energy of u during the first time step cast algorithm.
of the distributed convergecast algorithm, d(u, v)2 , is at most Theorem V.4: On a line, any convergecast algorithm that has
the transmission energy of u during the execution of OP T , running time O(log n) requires energy (n2 d2 ), where d is the
d(u, w)2 . The claim follows by summing the energy over all distance between two consecutive nodes.
nodes. Proof: The proof of Theorem IV.5 implies that in order
Next we derive an upper bound on the energy spent by the to achieve a latency of O(log n), one has to assure that in each
distributed convergecast algorithm in any of the consequent round a constant fraction of active nodes pass their data to adja-
rounds. cent active nodes and become inactive. However, in this case
Lemma V.2: The energy spent by the DC algorithm during the transmission ranges of active nodes grow exponentially.
a round t is at most 6 n COP T . Note that the minimum energy is attained if all active nodes
Proof: Consider a round t and let m n be the num- are evenly spaced. We obtain that the total energy consumption
ber of active nodes. Enumerate the nodes in the order of non- of any fast convergecast algorithm is proportional to
increasing transmission range:
log Xn
R1t R2t Rm
. 2(log n)i (2i d)2 = n 2i d2 = (n2 d2 ).
i=0 i=0
Let Z be the sum of the transmission ranges of the nodes un-
der OP T (we consider the family of all OP T s communication
graphs during its execution). We claim that Rit Z/i. Con- Therefore, any fast convergecast algorithm on a line requires
sider the set of nodes Si containing the first i nodes and the (n) times the minimum energy.
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