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A Stochastic Geometry Framework for LOS/NLOS

Propagation in Dense Small Cell Networks

Carlo Galiotto1 , Nuno K. Pratas2, Nicola Marchetti1 , Linda Doyle1
1) CTVR, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
2) Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark
1) {galiotc, marchetn, Linda.Doyle}, 2)

AbstractThe need to carry out analytical studies of wireless station deployment [5], it becomes important to re-evaluate
arXiv:1412.5065v1 [cs.IT] 16 Dec 2014

systems often motivates the usage of simplified models which, the performance of these network deployments using more
despite their tractability, can easily lead to an overestimation of accurate channel models.
the achievable performance. In the case of dense small cells net-
works, the standard single slope path-loss model has been shown A. Related Work
to provide interesting, but supposedly too optimistic, properties
such as the invariance of the outage/coverage probability and of A well-known stochastic geometry framework for wireless
the spectral efficiency to the base station density. cellular networks can be found in [1]; by assuming a single
This paper seeks to explore the performance of dense small slope path loss model, the authors have observed the indepen-
cells networks when a more accurate path-loss model is taken
into account. We first propose a stochastic geometry based dence of the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise-Ratio (SINR)
framework for small cell networks where the signal propagation and Spectral Efficiency (SE) from the BS deployment density,
accounts for both the Line-of-Sight (LOS) and Non-Line-Of- where the main consequence is the linear dependence of the
Sight (NLOS) components, such as the model provided by the ASE on the deployment density.
3GPP for evaluation of pico-cells in Heterogeneous Networks. In some recent work, the effect of cell densification while
We then study the performance of these networks and we show
the dependency of some metrics such as the outage/coverage assuming different models than single slope has been con-
probability, the spectral efficiency and Area Spectral Efficiency sidered. For instance, in [2] it was shown that by using
(ASE) on the base station density and on the LOS likelihood a combined Line-Of-Sight (LOS)/Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS)
of the propagation environment. Specifically, we show that, with path loss model the ASE becomes superlinear at low densities
LOS/NLOS propagation, dense networks still achieve large ASE and sublinear at high densities. However that work was based
gain but, at the same time, suffer from high outage probability.
Index TermsSmall cells, dense deployment, LOS/NLOS, on a simulation study, lacking an analytical framework to back
stochastic geometry, Area Spectral Efficiency. the reached conclusions.
In [3], the authors have studied the non-linear behaviour of
I. I NTRODUCTION the ASE with the deployment density in indoor scenarios, and
The evaluation of wireless communications systems com- have included an exponential component in the path loss to
monly resorts to the use of simplified channel models, with account for the wall attenuation. As a result, the ASE was
the purpose of simplifying the analytical formulation of the shown to scale as N with the number N of cells.
associated system model. While simplified channel models are In [4], the authors extended the stochastic geometry frame-
more tractable, they can easily lead to inaccurate results and work proposed in [1] to a multi-slope path loss model. They
consequent wrong conclusions. focused their analysis on a dual-slope propagation model
A concrete example is the case of cell-splitting in cellular that considers two propagation regimes, namely the near-field
networks, where the network performance has been assessed and the far-field, with different attenuation exponents. The
using a single slope path loss model. By considering this proposed model is particularly suitable for millimeter wave
model, it has been shown that the Area Spectral Efficiency communications, but is essentially different from the one
(ASE) increases linearly with the Base Station (BS) deploy- proposed by 3GPP [6] for the assessment of heterogeneous
ment density whereas the outage probability is independent networks in lower frequency bands (e.g., 2 GHz).
of the BS density [1]. Moreover, the energy efficiency turns Finally, the effect of NLOS propagation on the outage prob-
out to be a monotonic increasing function of the cell density ability has been studied in [7], where the authors propose a
[2]. Nonetheless, when the assumption of single slope path- function that gives the probability to have LOS at a given point
loss is dropped and different path-loss models are used, those depending on the distance from the source, on the average size
aforementioned properties do no longer hold [2][4]. of the buildings and on the density of the buildings per area.
Although the results obtained with single slope path loss Although it allowed the authors to show the dependence of the
can be considered reliable if the BS density is within a limited outage probability on the density of base stations and of the
range of values, the same might not be true if one needs to density of buildings per area, the propagation model proposed
extend this result to a wider BS density range. Therefore, as the in [7] lacks a validation based on a measurement campaign
trend of future networks is shifting towards ultra dense base with real data.
B. Our Contribution propagation,2 respectively; pL (d) is the probability of having
In this paper, we focus on a dense network of small cells LOS as a function of the distance d. We further assume
where the signal propagation considers a path loss model that the propagation is affected by Rayleigh fading, which is
with LOS and NLOS components, and we use stochastic exponentially distributed exp().
geometry tools to evaluate common performance metrics (such The incorporation of the NLOS component in the path loss
as coverage/outage probability, SE and ASE) as a function of model accounts for possible obstructions of the signal due
the base station deployment density. Specifically, we consider to large scale objects (e.g. buildings), which will result in a
the propagation model provided by 3GPP for heterogeneous higher attenuation of the NLOS propagation compared to the
networks at 2 GHz, as we believe this is a reliable model for LOS path.
the performance evaluation of small-cells and dense networks. B. LOS probability function
Our contribution is threefold: (i) we propose a tractable model
for the LOS probability function which well fits the 3GPP In our study, we refer first to the LOS probability function
model and, at the same time, it enables the study of the proposed by 3GPP [6, Table A.] to assess the network
performance depending on the LOS likelihood of the envi- performance in scenarios with pico-cells deployment; this
ronment; (ii) we derive a stochastic geometry framework that function is the following:
incorporates the proposed LOS probability function; finally d0 
pL,3G (d) = 0.5 min 0.5, 5e d + min 0.5, 5e d1 . (2)

(iii) we study the optimal base station deployment density in

terms of the common performance metrics according to the Unfortunately, this function would not be practical for an
LOS likelihood or, equivalently, the sparsity of the propagation analytical formulation. Therefore, we chose to approximate
environment.1 In particular, we show that in sparser environ- it with a more tractable one, namely,
ments characterized by high probability of LOS, the optimal
base station density in terms of the lowest outage and the pL (d) = exp(d/L)2 (3)
highest spectral efficiency is achieved at lower values of base where L is a parameter that allows (3) to be tuned to match (2),
station density and vice-versa. as we will show later on. From a physical stand point, this
parameter L can be interpreted as the LOS likelihood of a
C. Paper Structure
given propagation environment as a function of the distance.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Consider the following motivating example: this could be
Section II we describe the system model. We show our for- associated to the density of large scale obstructing objects
mulation for computing the SINR, SE and ASE in Section III. in the propagation environment. The larger L is, the sparser
In Section IV we present and discuss the results while the the environment will be and consequently the higher the
conclusions are drawn in Section V. probability to have LOS at a given distance from the point
of interest and vice-versa. In our study we will make use of
II. S YSTEM MODEL this property to analyze the effect of different LOS propagation
In this paper we consider a network of small-cell base environments on the network performance.
stations deployed according to a homogeneous and isotropic
Spatial Poisson Point Process (SPPP), denoted as R2 , and
of intensity . Further, we assume that each base station (BS) In this section we propose an analytical model to compute
transmits with the same power, PTX and we focus our analysis the SINR Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) and the
on the downlink. Finally, we assume the users are deployed ASE of a network where the path-loss includes both Line-of-
uniformly over the considered area and that each BS serves at Sight (LOS) and Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) components.
least one user and has full buffer traffic.
A. Procedure to compute the SINR ICDF
A. Channel model In order to compute the SINR tail distribution (i.e., the In-
In our analysis, we considered the following path loss verse CDF), we extend the analytical framework first proposed
model [6, Table A.] : in [1] so that to include the LOS and NLOS components.
( From the Slivnyaks Theorem [8, Theorem 8.10], we consider
KL dL with probability pL (d), the typical user as the focus of our analysis, which for
PL(d) = (1) convenience is assumed to be located at the origin. The
KNL dNL with probability 1 pL (d),
procedure is composed of two steps: (i) we compute the SINR
where L and NL are the path-loss exponents for LOS ICDF for the typical user conditioned on the distance from
and NLOS propagation, respectively; KL and KNL are the the user to the serving base station, denoted as r; (ii) using
signal attenuations at distance d = 1 for LOS and NLOS the PDF of the distance from the closest BS fr (R), which
1 In this paper sparsity refers to the probability of an object being present, in 2 The parameters K and K
L NL can either refer to the signal attenuations
other words the density of objects obstructing the signal propagation. Sparse at distance d = 1 m or d = 1 km; this depends on the actual values given
environments are associate with high probability of LOS. for the parameters of the channel model.
corresponds to the serving BS, we can average the SINR ICDF We define the mapping feq from NL to eq as follows:
over all possible values of distance r. x
Let us denote the SINR by ; formally, the ICDF of is feq : NL eq feq (x) = deq (kxk) , (5)
computed as:
P [ > y] = Er P [ > y|r] (4) deq (d) = dNL /L . (6)
= P [ > y|r = R] fr (R)dR.
0 The inverse function geq mapping the points of eq to NL
The key elements of this procedure are the PDF of the distance is defined as follows:
to the nearest base station fr (R) and the tail probability of the 1 x 1
geq = feq : eq NL geq (x) = d (kxk) , (7)
SINR conditioned on r, P [ > y|r = R]. The methodology to kxk eq
compute each of these elements while modelling the LOS and
NLOS path loss components will be exposed next. KNL
eq (d)
= dL /NL = Keq deq , (8)
B. Dual SPPP for LOS/NLOS propagation model
The set of the base stations locations originates an SPPP, where Keq = KKNL while eq = L /NL . It is
which we denote by = {xn }.3 We recall that the focus of L
important to notice that, for the "Mapping Theorem" [8,
our analysis is the typical user located at the origin. As a result
Theorem 2.34], eq is still an inhomogeneous SPPP.
of the propagation model we have adopted in our analysis (see
Section II-A), the user can either be in LOS or NLOS with D. PDF of the distance from the user to the serving BS
any base station xn of . Now, we perform the following
mapping: we first define the set of LOS points, namely L , Using the mapping we introduced in Section III-C, we can
and the set of NLOS points, NL . Then, each point xn of compute the PDF fr (R) of the minimum distance r between
is mapped into L if the base station at location xn is in LOS the user and the serving BS. We first compute the probability
with the user, while it is mapped to NL if the base station P [r > R]; the PDF can be ultimately obtained from the
at location xn is in NLOS with the user. Since the probability derivative of P [r > R] as fr (R) = dR (1 P [r > R]).
that xn is in LOS with the user is pL (kxk), it follows that each Let B(0, l) be the ball of radius l centred at the origin
point xn of is mapped with probability pL (kxk) into L and (0, 0). Moreover, we use the notation (A) to refer to number
probability pNL (kxk) = 1pL(kxk) into NL . Given that this of points x contained in A [8]. Using the mapping we
mapping is performed independently for each point in , then introduced in Section III-C the probability P [r > R] can be
from the "Thinning Theorem" [8, Theorem 2.36] it follows that found as:
the processes L and NL are inhomogeneous SPPPs with
P [r > R] = P [L (B(0, R)) = 0 eq (B (0, R)) = 0]
density L (x) = pL (kxk) and NL (x) = (1 pL (kxk)),
respectively. 1
= P L (B(0, R)) = 0 NL B 0, d1
eq (R) =0
C. Mapping the NLOS SPPP into an equivalent LOS SPPP
= P [L (B(0, R)) = 0] P NL B 0, d1
Given that we have two inhomogeneous SPPP processes, it eq (R) =0 ,
is not trivial to obtain the distribution of the minimum distance (9)
of the user to the serving base station, which will be necessary where equality 1 comes from the mapping defined in (7) and
later on to compute the SINR CDF. In fact, assuming the user in (8), while equality 2 comes from the independence of the
be in LOS with the serving base station at a distance d1 , there processes L and NL . By applying the probability function
might be an interfering BS at a distance d2 < d1 which is of inhomogeneous SPPP [8, Definition 2.10], we obtain the
in NLOS with the user. This is possible because the NLOS following,
propagation is affected by a higher attenuation than the LOS  Z 
propagation. P [r > R] = exp L (x)dx (10)
Hence, to make our problem more tractable, we map the set  Z 
of points of the process NL , which corresponds to the NLOS exp NL (x)dx .
base stations, into an equivalent LOS process eq ; each point B (0,d1
eq (R))

x NL located at distance dNL from the user is mapped to

a point xeq located at distance deq from the user, so that the From (10), we can obtain fr (R), first, by integrating and,
BS located at xeq provides the same signal power to the user second, by computing its first derivative in R. The formulation
with path-loss KL d eq
as if the base station were located at in (10) is general and thus can be applied to several LOS prob-
ability functions pL (d). As we introduced earlier in Section
x with path-loss KNL d NL
NL .
II-B, in this paper we consider use (3) as LOS probability
3 Whenever there is no chance of confusion, we drop the subscript n and function. The details and the final expression for fr (R) are
use x and instead of xn for convenience of notation. provided in the Appendix.
E. SINR inverse cumulative distribution function The average rate C can be computed as follows [1]:
The probability P [ > y|r = R] can be computed as in [1, Z +
Theorem 1]; we skip the details and provide the general C = E [log2 (1 + )] = P [log2 (1 + ) > u] du
formulation: (15)
gKL RL + +
  Z Z
P [ > y|r = R] = P >y (11) = P [log2 (1 + ) > u|r = R] fr (R)dRdu.
2 + IR 0 0
R L 2
= eyKL LIR (yKL RL ),

If we develop C further, we obtain:

where g is the Rayleigh fading, which we assume to be an Z + Z +
u 1 L 2

exponential random variable exp(); 2 is the variance of C= e(2 1)KL R (16)

0 0
the additive white Gaussian noise normalized with the respect
LIR (2u 1)KL1 RL fr (R)dRdu

to the transmit power; IR is the interference conditioned on R,

gKL RL + gKNL d1
i.e., IR = eq (R) , where LIR (s) is given in (13). Similarly to the SINR ICDF,
iL \x0 iNL \x0 (16) can be evaluated numerically.
where x0 is the base station serving the user. Hence, compared
to the formulation of LIR (s) proposed in [1], in our case we IV. R ESULTS
have to deal with two inhomogeneous SPPP, namely L and In this section we present and discuss the results we
NL instead of with a single homogeneous SPPP. The Laplace obtained by integrating numerically the expressions of the
transform LIR (s) can be written as follows: Spectral Efficiency (SE), of the ASE and of the outage
probability. We also compare the semi-analytical results with
LIR (s) = EL ,NL ,g exp s gKL RL those obtained through Monte Carlo simulations in order to
iL \x0
  gauge the fitness of our model.
X NL In our study we assume the network is interference limited,
gKNL d1

exp s eq (R) .
iNL \x0
neglecting the thermal noise. For the channel model, we used
(1) and, for the associated parameters, we set KL = 1010.38 ,
Given that L and NL are two independent SPPP, we can L = 2.09, KNL = 1014.54 , NL = 3.75, d0 = 156m, and
separate the expectation to obtain: d1 = 30m as per the 3GPP model for evaluation of pico-
  X  cellular networks [6, Table A.].
LIR (s) = EL ,g exp s gKL R (12)
iL \x0 A. Validation of LOS probability function of the analytical
  X NL
gKNL d1

ENL ,g exp s eq (R) . In this subsection we explain the procedure to validate the
iNL \x0
LOS probability function we adopted in our model and we
The Probability Generating Functional (PGFL) for SPPP holds also provide the results of this validation. We first show the
also in case of inhomogeneous SPPP; therefore, we obtain: two LOS probability functions, namely (3) and (2), in Fig. 1.
+ ! To match the 3GPP model, we set L = 82.5 m so that (2)
sKL v L and (3) intersect at the point corresponding to probability 0.5.
LIR (s) = exp 2 pL (v)vdv In Fig. 1, (3) is also shown for other values of the parameter
sKL v L +
+  R ! L, i.e. L = 120 m and L = 40 m. Moreover, we also plotted
sKL v L
the LOS probability function,
exp 2 pNL (v)vdv . (13)
sKNL v NL +
eq (R)
pL (d) = e(dp) (17)

The PGFL in (13) along with (10) and (A.3) can be plugged proposed by [7] to check whether this function provides results
in (4) to obtain the SINR ICDF through numerical integration. that are with in line with those obtained with the 3GPP model.
The validation of (3) is only carried out for L = 82.5
F. Average Spectral Efficiency and Area Spectral Efficiency m, whereas the other two values of the parameter L will
Similarly to [1, Section IV] we compute the average spectral solely be used to study the effect of different propagation
efficiency and the ASE of the network. First, we define the environments on the network performance. To benchmark
ASE as: the LOS probability function we compute the SIR CDF by
numerical integration of (4), while assuming (3) as pL (d);
ASE = = = C, (14) we then compare this curve with the SIR CDF evaluated
A BW A BW through Monte Carlo simulations assuming (2) as pL (d). The
where BW is the bandwidth, C is the average spectral effi- benchmark is shown in Fig. 2. As we can from this plot, the
ciency, A is the area, #BS is the number of base stations two CDFs well match for different values of BS densities;
within the area A. this implies that our model is well suited to study the effect
1 4.5
3GPP model L = 120m
0.9 2 L = 82.5m
exp(d/L) , L = 40 m 4
L = 40m
0.8 exp(d/L)2, L = 82.5 m

Spectral efficiency [bits/(s Hz)]

exp(d/L)2, L = 120 m 3.5
0.7 exp( dp)
LOS probability


0.5 2.5


0 0.5
0 1 2 3 4
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 10 10 10 10 10
Distance [m] BSs density [#BSs/km2]

Fig. 1. The function exp(d p) [7] has been plotted to intersect the Fig. 3. Spectral efficiency vs base station density.
3GPP model at the point corresponding to probability 0.5. The corresponding
values and p are 8.59 103 and 1.01 101 , respectively. 2

= 100 BS/km2
90 3

ASE [bits/(s Hz m2)]

= 1000 BS/km = 10 BS/km


40 5

30 L = 120m
L = 82.5m
20 3GPP model L = 40m

10 exp(d/L)2 10
0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10
exp( dp)
BSs density [#BSs/km2]
30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50
SIR [dB]
Fig. 4. ASE vs base station density.

Fig. 2. Comparison of SIR CDFs for different pL (x). for observing a non constant behaviour of the SE curve as a
of the LOS/NLOS propagation on the performance of dense function of the BS density is the LOS/NLOS propagation.
networks, as it yields results in line with those obtained with The peak of the curve is observed for a given value of the BS
the 3GPP model. On the contrary, the SIR obtained with (17) density which we will refer to as optimal BS density for the SE,
as pL (d) only matches the 3GPP benchmark for high cell denoted by SE . At the optimal BS density, the user is likely
densities; in fact, at high densities the strongest interferers to be in LOS with the serving BS, while it is in NLOS with
are in LOS with the user regardless of the shape of the most of the interferers, meaning that the interference power is
pL (d) functions we have tested. Using (17) as probability LOS low. For BS densities lower than SE , the serving BS is likely
function would give us accurate results only for a limited range to be in NLOS with the users with a consequent reduction of
of BSs density and, therefore, would not be suitable for the the received power, of the SINR and therefore of the SE. On
kind of study we carry out in our paper. the contrary, at BS densities higher than SE , the interfering
BSs are likely to be in LOS with the user, causing an overall
B. Spectral efficiency, ASE and outage probability interference growth and thus a reduction of the SIR and SE.
To study the performance of the dense networks as a The behaviour of the SE curve is also influenced by the LOS
function of the BS density, we evaluated numerically the probability as a function of the distance. In fact, looking at the
SE (eq. (16)), the ASE (eq.(14)) and the outage probability plots in Fig. 3, we notice that the optimal SE density depends
(obtained from eq. (4)). on the LOS likelihood parameter L. In sparser propagation
We first present the SE results, which are shown in Fig. 3. environments (e.g., L = 120m) the propagation is likely to be
From this plot, we can see that the SE curve is not constant of the LOS kind at longer distances from the user, compared
but exhibits a peak for a given value of base station density. to the case of dense propagation environments; this means that
This result is in contrast with what we would obtain if we SE will be reached at a lower BS density.
used a single slope propagation model, for which the SE has Fig. 4 shows the ASE curves for different LOS propaga-
been shown to be constant and thus independent of the base tion environments. Unlike the SE, the ASE is an increasing
station density [1]. Therefore, we can infer that the reason function of the BS density and this is due to the effect of
0.7 is the current standard reference model when studying wireless
L = 40m, th = 5dB networks.
L = 40m, = 10dB
0.6 th
L = 82.5m, th = 5dB A PPENDIX A
L = 82.5m, th = 10dB
Outage probability P[ ]

L = 120m, th = 5dB
L = 120m, th = 10dB If we assume the LOS probability to be given by (3), we
can further develop (10) as follows:
P [r > R] = exp pL (kxk)dx
0.2 B(0,R)
0.1 exp (1 pL (kxk)) dx . (A.1)
B (0,d1
eq (R))
0 1
10 10
2 3
10 By solving the integrals in (A.1) and with further symbolic
BSs density [#BSs/km2] manipulation we obtain:
2 R2
Fig. 5. Outage vs base station density. R2
L2 e L2 e 2

P [r > R] = e L
(A.2) eReq ,
the cell densification, as shown in (14). Nonetheless, the SE where R = d1 (R). Let us define the functions f (R),
eq eq 1
has an impact on the ASE, as we can notice from the lower f (R), f (R) and their first derivatives f1 (R), f2 (R), and
2 3
steepness of the ASE curve. In particular, the ASE switches f (R), respectively, as follows:
from a superlinear gain at low cell densities to a sublinear
2 R2
gain at high cell-densities. To complete the analysis of the R
L2 e L2 L2 e L2

f1 (R) = e , f2 (R) = e ,
performance of cell densification, we also need to evaluate the
2 R2
outage probability curves, shown in Fig. 5. From this plot we f3 (R) = eReq , f1 (R) = 2Re L2 f1 (R),
can see that, at higher BS densities, the outage starts growing Keq2 R2eq
drastically and, depending on the LOS likelihood, it can reach f2 (R) = Keq 2
2eq R2eq 1 e L2 f2 (R),
22-32% for -10dB SIR threshold and 50-60% for -5dB SIR 2 2eq 1
threshold. This is due to the effect of the interfering BSs which, f3 (R) = Keq 2eq R f3 (R).
at high cell densities, are likely to be in LOS with the user. Then we can write P [r > R] as P [r > R] =
This will be perceived by the user as a strong interference, f1 (R)f2 (R)f3 (R). The PDF of the minimum distance
which causes an SIR reduction. In addition, let us notice that from the serving base station is given by:
in environments with higher NLOS probability, the optimum d d
of the outage curve is achieved at higher BS densities. fr (R) = (P [r > R]) = [f1 (R)f2 (R)f3 (R)]
dR dR
In the light of our study, we make the argument that, despite
the high gain provided in terms of cell ASE, cell densification = f1 (R)f2 (R)f3 (R) + f1 (R)f2 (R)f3 (R)
+ f1 (R)f2 (R)f3 (R) .

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