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Beginner Lesson
Creepy Crawly Tokyo Conference

149 Kanji Transcript 2

Kana Transcript 2


Translation 2

Vocabulary 3

Grammar Points 3

Lesson Code: 338_B149_121206 December 12th 2006 / 2006ᐕ12᦬12ᣣ
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ṽሼ  ߆ߥ߫ࠎ
ᄐሶ ੹ᣣߪ૗ߢߎࠎߥߦ㔚ゞ߇ߎࠎߢ޿ࠆ ߥߟߎ ߈ࠂ߁ߪߥࠎߢߎࠎߥߦߢࠎߒ߾߇ߎࠎ
ߩ㧫 ߢ޿ࠆߩ㧫
ࠃߒ ޽޽ߘ߁ߛ‫੹ޕ‬ᣣ᧲੩࠼࡯ࡓߢࠗࡌࡦ ࠃߒ ޽޽ߘ߁ߛ‫ߢࡓ࡯࠼߁ࠂ߈߁ߣ߁ࠂ߈ޕ‬
࠻߇޽ࠆ‫ޕ‬ ࠗࡌࡦ࠻߇޽ࠆ‫ޕ‬
ᄐሶ ૗ߩࠗࡌࡦ࠻㧫 ߥߟߎ ߥࠎߩࠗࡌࡦ࠻㧫
ࠃߒ ޽޽‫ߌߞߛࠎߥޔ‬㧫޽ߩ‫ࠍ⯻ޔ‬㓸߼ࠆ ࠃߒ ޽޽‫ߌߞߛࠎߥޔ‬㧫޽ߩ‫߼ߟ޽ࠍߒ߻ޔ‬
ߎߣ‫ޔ޽޽ޕ‬ᕁ޿಴ߖߥ޿㧍 ࠆߎߣ‫޿ߥߖߛ޿߽߅ޔ޽޽ޕ‬㧍
ᄐሶ ⯻ࠍ㓸߼ࠆߎߣ㧫 ߥߟߎ ߻ߒࠍ޽ߟ߼ࠆߎߣ㧫
ࠃߒ ߘ߁‫ࠍ⯻ޕ‬㓸߼ࠆੱ߇᧲੩࠼࡯ࡓߦ㓸 ࠃߒ ߘ߁‫߁ࠂ߈߁ߣ߇ߣ߭ࠆ߼ߟ޽ࠍߒ߻ޕ‬
߹ࠆࠗࡌࡦ࠻‫ޕ‬ ࠼࡯ࡓߦ޽ߟ߹ࠆࠗࡌࡦ࠻‫ޕ‬
ᄐሶ ⯻ࠍ㓸߼ࠆੱ߇᧲੩࠼࡯ࡓߦ㓸߹ࠆ㧫 ߥߟߎ ߻ߒࠍ޽ߟ߼ࠆ߭ߣ߇ߣ߁߈ࠂ߁࠼࡯ࡓ
ࠃߒ ૗ߡ⸒߁ࠎߛߞߌ㧫ࠊ߆ࠆߢߒࠂ‫߶ޕ‬ ߦ޽ߟ߹ࠆ㧫
ࠄ‫ޕࠇ޽ޔࠇ޽ޔ‬ ࠃߒ ߥࠎߡ޿߁ࠎߛߞߌ㧫ࠊ߆ࠆߢߒࠂ‫߶ޕ‬
ઁੱ ᣸⯻ណ㓸ߢߒࠂ߁‫ޕ‬ ࠄ‫ޕࠇ޽ޔࠇ޽ޔ‬
ࠃߒ ޽‫߁ߣ߇ࠅ޽ޕࠎߖ߹޿ߔޕߛ߁ߘޔ‬ ߚߦࠎ ߎࠎߜࠀ߁ߐ޿ߒࠀ߁ߢߒࠂ߁‫ޕ‬
ߏߑ޿߹ߔ‫ޕ‬ ࠃߒ ޽‫ߏ߁ߣ߇ࠅ޽ޕࠎߖ߹޿ߔޕߛ߁ߘޔ‬

2 5ǀPDML Translation
Natsuko .\ǀZDQDQGHNRQQDQLGHQVKDJD Natsuko Why is the train so packed today?
konde iru no? Yoshi Oh, right! There is an event at the Tokyo
Yoshi ƖVǀGD.\ǀ7ǀN\ǀGǀPXGHLEHQWRJD Dome today.
aru. Natsuko What kind of event is it?
Natsuko Nan no ibento? Yoshi Oh, what is it? Well, something like bug col-
Yoshi ƖQDQGDNNH"$QRPXVKLRDWVXPHUX lecting. I can’t remember.
NRWRƖRPRLGDVHQDL Natsuko Bug collecting?
Natsuko Mushi o atsumeru koto? Yoshi Yes, an event where people who collect bugs
Yoshi 6ǀPXVKLRDWVXPHUXKLWRJDWǀN\ǀ gather together at the Tokyo Dome.
GǀPXQLDWVXPDUXLEHQWR Natsuko People who collect bugs will gather at the
ni atsumaru? Yoshi What’s it called again? You know, right?
Yoshi 1DQWWHLXQGDNNH":DNDUXGHVKǀ Look! That, that.
Hora, are, are. Stranger That’s insect collecting, right?
Tanin .RQFKnjVDLVKnjGHVKǀ Yoshi Oh, that’s right. Thank you very much.

Lesson Code: 338_B149_121206 December 12th 2006 / 2006ᐕ12᦬12ᣣ
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Vocabulary - න⺆
Kanji Kana 5ǀPDML English
᧲੩࠼࡯ࡓ ߣ߁߈ࠂ߁࠼࡯ࡓ 7ǀN\ǀ'ǀPX Tokyo Dome
ࠗࡌࡦ࠻ ࠗࡌࡦ࠻ ibento event
⯻ ߻ߒ mushi insect, bug
㓸߼ࠆ ޽ߟ߼ࠆ atsumeru to gather
㓸߹ࠆ ޽ߟ߹ࠆ atsumaru to gather
᣸⯻ណ㓸 ߎࠎߜࠀ߁ߐ޿ߒࠀ߁ NRQFKnjVDLVKnj insect collecting
᣸⯻ ߎࠎߜࠀ߁ NRQFKnj insect
ណ㓸 ߐ޿ߒࠀ߁ VDLVKnj Collecting

Grammar Points
Today’s lesson continues on with transitive verbs, tadoshi, and intransitive verbs, jidoshi. In Japanese,
verbs can be divided into two categories: intransitive and transitive. The difference between these two types
is that transitive verbs require a direct object to create a proper sentence, while intransitive verbs do not
3 require one. Below is a detailed explanation of the difference between the two types of verbs. In Japanese,
the key to deciphering which is which can be found in the particles used in the sentences. The following
sentence taken from today’s lesson was designed to point out the difference.

Mushi o atsumeru hito ga atsumaru.
People, who collect bugs, will gather.

Notice the transitive verb is paired with the object marker o and a direct object, while the intransitive verb
is paired with a subject and the particle ga. In the sentence “People will gather,” there is no transfer of
action to or on a direct object. The transitive verb, describing the subject, is intentionally inserted into the
sentence to display the difference between the transitive and intransitive verbs.

WLYHYHUEVWKHÀRZRIDFWLRQWransfers from the subject to or on something. In Japanese, the direct object is
marked by the direct object marker o, so sentences with transitive verbs tend to have the following patten:
Subject (topic marker wa/ga) Object (marked by o) Verb. Sentences in which intransitive verbs are found
tend to resemble the following pattern: Subject (topic marker wa/ga) Verb.

In Japanese, there are many pairs of transitive and intransitive verbs which share the same kanji character.
While the kanji character is the same, what follows varies. Please see the following list for a few examples:

Lesson Code: 338_B149_121206 December 12th 2006 / 2006ᐕ12᦬12ᣣ
Learn Japanese with FREE Daily Podcasts

Transitive 5ǀPDML Meaning Intransitive 5ǀPDML Meaning

㓸߼ࠆ atsumeru to collect/gather 㓸߹ࠆ atsumaru to gather
᳿߼ࠆ kimeru to decide ᳿߹ࠆ kimaru to be decided
ᱛ߼ࠆ tomeru to stop ᱛ߹ࠆ tomaru to come to a stop
⢒ߡࠆ sodateru to raise ⢒ߟ sodatsu to grow
㐿ߌࠆ akeru to open 㐿ߊ aku open up

object. “The player threw” is incomplete without a direct object. “The player threw the ball” is a complete
sentence. In the sentence “Lighting struck,” the verb struck is intransitive as there is no receiver of the
action, while in the sentence “Lighting struck the house,” it is transitive as the action is transferred to the

Lesson Code: 338_B149_121206 December 12th 2006 / 2006ᐕ12᦬12ᣣ

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