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Family Devotions


These are a series of family devotions. They have been written to assist you to experience and
develop a habit of spending time with God and exploring scripture.

You are encouraged to do these with the people who live at your house.
Choose a time when you can all gather together for a short time without interruptions.
Have all things you will need ready before you begin.

Most of the things you will use are probably already in your pantry or around the home.
Have someone read the scripture aloud. Others may like to follow in their own Bible.

Spend as much or as little time as suits the people at your house.

If you have young children you may like to use a childrens or illustrated or story Bible, and stop
when you think they have reached the limit of their understanding. It is also a good idea to stop
before they lose interest in what you are doing.
You can continue on with older children and adults.
TOUCH You will need:
Genesis Chapter 1 A Bible
Access to an outside area with
Experience: grass, trees, plants or indoor plants
Go outside and touch the things around you. Touch some dirt, the trunk of a The family pet if you have one
tree, leaves, some different plants, the grass on the ground etc Paper and craft glue if you want to
If you have a family pet spend some time touching your pet. make a nature collage
Children may like to collect some items to make into a collage.

How did each of the things you touched feel?
Did they all feel the same or were they different?

Genesis Chapter 1
If you have children or limited time Genesis 1:11-12, 20-22, 24-30
If you have very young children use an age appropriate book about creation or that section in a childrens Bible.

Did you know that God made all of these things? That God made everything? All the world?
Talk about Gods world as you make your collage.

If you have very young children you may like to finish here. Pray together thanking God for the things you touched
today in his creation the dirt, trees, your pet etc and each other.

Why do you think there is such variety in what God has created?
How do you think God wants us to treat the world around us?
Are we doing a good job of that? Why or why not?

Psalm 8

In what ways do you relate to the Psalmist?
Did you know or have you ever taken time to think about how important you are to God?
How do you feel about the God of all creation being so concerned with you?

Take some time to thank God for those things in his creation that you experienced through touch today. Pray for
each other and for all of his creation. Ask God to help you look after yourself, each other and his world.

You will need:

A Bible
Something you like to spread honey on
eg bread and butter, toast
Some unsalted food that needs salt to
make it taste good. eg hot chips,
Matthew 5:13
Psalm 119:103

You may choose to do one or both of these readings.

Choose the option that will work best for the people at your house.

Taste the food without the honey.
Now spread on the honey and taste it again.

Did the honey make a difference to the way the food tasted?
What taste did the honey add?

Psalm 119:103

If you have very young children you may like to finish here by talking about the goodness of honey and the goodness
of God, that God wants to teach us good things. Pray together thanking God for his goodness to us.

Why would the Psalmist say that Gods teaching (Gods Word) is sweeter than honey?
What do you think this means?
What do you know about honey?

Did you know that honey has many health benefits as well as adding that delicious sweet taste to food? Honey has
natural healing properties; it is a natural anti-bacterial and antioxidant.

What does this tell you about the Word of God?

Thank God for his teaching to us. Give thanks that his Word is so good for us, that it heals us, keeps us well and
protects us.

Taste the food without the salt then add the salt and taste again.

How did it taste without the salt?
What does adding the salt do?

Matthew 5:13

When does salt become useless?
How should Christians be like salt?
Why are we asked to be salt of the earth and not the chocolate or ice cream or caviar?

Our love and faith in Jesus should change us. The flavour of who we are, the body of Christ, should be clear
to those around us.
Do you think you are adding the flavour of Jesus to the world around you?
What changes do you need to make in your every day life to be salt for everyone on earth?

Thank God that by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life you are able to be salt to those around you. Ask
for your life to add the flavour of Jesus to the world. Pray that as a family you are able to show the love of God
through the loving relationships you have for each other.

2 Corinthians 2:14-16

Set out a variety of things that have quite different aromas. Take some time to smell each one.

What did you notice about the different items?
Did you like some smells more than others? You will need:
Why or why not?
A Bible
What was your favourite good smell?
A variety of different smelling things
What was your least favourite bad smell? Make sure to include some of your favourite things
to smell (eg coffee, flowers, the perfume that
Read: reminds of your someone you love) and some nasty
2 Corinthians 2:14-16 smelling things (eg something in your bin, bleach,
cleaning products, a food that you dont like)
If you have very young children you may like to have your Bible open
and explain that the part you (the grownups) are reading tells you that
God thinks we are like good smells, when we love Jesus we smell good to God. Not only do we smell good to God but
our lovely smell is a lovely perfume that leads other people to Jesus too. Pray together thanking God that he made
so many different smells. Ask God to help you to have a good smell.

What is your fragrance like? Are you a sweet smell to God, to each other and to the people you know?
Does your aroma identify you as a follower of Christ?
Are you spreading the knowledge of who God is by your aroma?
Is there anything that you could change in your life to help you to smell sweeter?

Thank God that he wants to use you to draw others to himself. Ask for the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your
life to give you that sweet aroma pleasing to God. Pray for people in your life who do not know Jesus. Pray that you
will spread the knowledge of God as you live your life for him each day.

You will need:

A Bible
A plain black (or very dark) piece of
cloth. You could use a table cloth, tea
SIGHT towel, serviette or even a sheet of black
Matthew 5:14 -16 cardboard.
A candle for each participant (tea light
candles would work well)
A dark room.
If you do this during the day you may need to draw
your curtains and/or choose the darkest room in the
If you have very young children and are not comfortable to use candles you may like to just turn the lights off and on
again to demonstrate darkness and light.

Set up your candles on the black cloth. You will need:
Turn off the lights so that you are in a dark room. A Bible
Light the candles gradually one at a time. Things that make a variety of
Rearrange the candles into different groupings eg place one candle off away different sounds eg kitchen
from the other candles, group candles far apart then close together. appliances, toys etc
Blindfolds (optional)
What difference did lighting the candles (or turning on the light) make?
What does light do?

Matthew 5:14 -16
If you have young children you may choose to just read v.16

If you have very young children may like to finish here by talking about how God wants us to live in his light and not
in darkness. God wants us to be light bringers to those who do not know Jesus. Pray together thanking God for the
sun, for making light and not just darkness. Ask God to make your family light-bringers to those around you at
your playgroup, pre-school, with specific friends your family and children may have.

What was it like when only one candle was lit?
How did lighting the rest of the candles change the room?
What did you notice about the different ways you grouped your candles?
Why does God want us to be light?
What does the Bible say that people will do when they see your good deeds?
Can the light of one person make a difference in the world?
What do you think the effect is when Gods people come together?
Talk about some practical ways you can be salt and light to others. (you may like to read Matthew 5:13 again)

Thank God for making light and for not leaving us in darkness. Thank God for sending Jesus to be the light of the
world. Pray that with the help of his Holy Spirit you can bring light to the world you live in. Pray for people you know
individually and as a family who you would like to be that light for.

1 Samuel Chapter 3

One person collects a number of objects but doesnt let anyone else see what they are.
Other members can take it in turns to wear a blindfold and guess the object from the sound it makes or everyone
can have a blindfold (or close their eyes) and all try to guess together. You will need:
Try guessing some sounds with everyone silently listening, some with the TV on A Bible
loudly and some with everyone talking. A story book (optional)
Guessing Game option for older children
The object of the game is to describe whom or what someone is pretending to be without saying the name of that
The challenge of the activity is to accurately describe a thing (animal, machine, item, place etc.), or role (firefighter,
doctor, farmer), so that the others listening can quickly guess what that thing is. The only limitation is that the
person in the role of describer, may not name the actual item, role or person that the group needs to guess.
Eg, if the role is a doctor the description might be; diagnoses and treats sick people, may work in a hospital or travel
to your home/village to treat people, takes many years of study to become one etc.
Ideas for roles:
Fire Fighter, Farmer, Teacher, Salvation Army Officer, Hairdresser, Policeman
Ideas for items:
Banana, Computer, Car, Cow, Money, Ice Cream

What did you need to do to identify the sound or guess the correct answer in the guessing game?
Was it easier to hear the sounds if it was silent or if there was noise?
What happened if you were talking at the same time?

1 Samuel Chapter 3
If you have young children use this passage in a childrens Bible or read the story of Samuel in an age appropriate
book. Talk about the importance of listening to God and to each other. Talk about what we need to do to be good
listeners. Pray together thanking God for being able to hear, for all the lovely sounds we enjoy each day and asking
him to help us to be better listeners.

Do you think you recognise Gods voice in your life?
What is important about listening to God?
How do you hear from God?
Is it the same or different for the people at your house?
What helps us to hear God?
What can get in the way of listening to God?
What is important about listening to each other?
What can get in the way of listening to each other?
Talk about ways you can listen to God better.
Talk about ways you can listen to each other better.

Thank God for listening to you, for hearing you. Pray that you will hear and recognise Gods voice. Ask for help to
listen to each other.

Matthew 13:34-35
Matthew 15:18

Take turns to tell a favourite story about the people in your family
or your family friends.
Matthew 13:34-35

If you have very young children you may like to tell a favourite Bible story. Talk about the stories you like they
might be stories from books, movies or the Bible. Talk about how Jesus loved to tell stories, talk about how all the
stories in the Bible are a part of the big story of the Bible which tells us how much God loves us.

Do you like stories?
Have you ever shared your life story with anyone?
Have you ever shared the story of your life with Jesus or told someone what Jesus is doing in your life? (this
is often called a testimony)
Why do you think Jesus talked to people in stories?

Talking together
Why do you talk to people?
What is your favorite way of talking with your friends?
Who do you like to spend time talking with?
Do you talk with different people about different things?
Do you think you talk to people about things that are important to God?
What sort of things do you talk with God about?
How can you spend time talking to God?

Matthew 15:18

If you have very young children talk about how our words can help or hurt. Explain how talking to God each day can
help us to be happy in our hearts so that we speak kindly. Pray together thanking God for stories. Pray that you will
have helpful and not hurtful words to use, words that come from God.

Are there things in your life that affect what comes out of your mouth?
Do you think that some of your talk is harmful, unkind or unhelpful?
How can you try to talk more about the things of God and less about unimportant or harmful things?

Thank God for each other, for the stories that you have together as a family. Pray that your time with God each day
will fill your hearts so that the words of your mouth will be life-giving.

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