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Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958

DOI 10.3758/s13423-016-1045-2


Arguments about the nature of concepts: Symbols,

embodiment, and beyond
Bradford Z. Mahon 1,2,3,4 & Gregory Hickok 5

Published online: 9 June 2016

# Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2016

Abstract How are the meanings of words, events, and ob- formed; for those areas in which opinion is divided, we seek
jects represented and organized in the brain? This question, to clarify the relation of theory and evidence and to set in relief
perhaps more than any other in the field, probes some of the the bridging assumptions that undergird current discussions.
deepest and most foundational puzzles regarding the structure
of the mind and brain. Accordingly, it has spawned a field of Keywords Concept representation . Concept organization .
inquiry that is diverse and multidisciplinary, has led to the Embodied cognition . Grounded cognition . Neural basis of
discovery of numerous empirical phenomena, and has spurred concepts . Symbols . Semantic categories . Word meaning .
the development of a wide range of theoretical positions. This Actions and objects
special issue brings together the most recent theoretical devel-
opments from the leaders in the field, representing a range of
viewpoints on issues of fundamental significance to a theory Scope of the special issue
of meaning representation. Here we introduce the special issue
by way of pulling out some key themes that cut across the The contributions that form this issue of Psychonomic Bulletin
contributions that form this issue and situating those themes in & Review are unified around the objective of developing and
the broader literature. The core issues around which research clarifying theories of how meaning is represented and orga-
on conceptual representation can be organized are representa- nized, at both the cognitive and neural levels. Collectively, this
tional format, representational content, the organization of issue represents the Bnext generation^ of theories of meaning
concepts in the brain, and the processing dynamics that govern representation in the brain. As such, it provides a new vantage
interactions between the conceptual system and sensorimotor point from which to survey the ground that has been covered
representations. We highlight areas in which consensus has in recent years, and to scout the new directions in which the
field will likely move. Thus, and as a way of framing the
impetus for many of the original theories that are presented
* Bradford Z. Mahon herein, we start with a brief and curated overview of the major developments over the last several decades. We then signal the
dominant themes of debate that resonate across the contribu-
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of tions in this issue.
Rochester, Meliora Hall, Rochester, NY 14627-0268, USA Every project has its limits. With respect to this introduc-
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Rochester, tory article, theoretical neutrality in our exposition is an aspi-
Rochester, NY, USA ration difficult to practice: What one takes to be the substan-
Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, tive issues that are at stake is in part theory-dependent. We at
USA least hope to frame the issues squarely and to be forthright
Center for Language Sciences, University of Rochester, about our presuppositions. In fact, the core argument we de-
Rochester, NY, USA velop is that only by being explicit about the bridging assump-
Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of California, tions implicit in current debates will the field move forward.
Irvine, CA, USA With respect to the organization of this special issue, the limits
942 Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958

of this collection of articles are conspicuous when set against (animals), living inanimate entities (fruit/vegetables), conspe-
the breadth of research on concept representation. We therefore cifics (knowledge of people), or nonliving things (Warrington
note the restricted scope of this issue: The present issue does not & McCarthy, 1983, 1987; Warrington & Shallice, 1984; for
include contributions on many areas of research in conceptual earlier work, see Hcaen & De Ajuriaguerra, 1956; see also
processing, including conceptual development (e.g., Baillargeon, Caramazza & Shelton, 1998; Hart, Berndt, & Caramazza,
1998; Carey, 1987; Carey & Spelke, 1994; Keil, 1981; Wellman 1985; Sacchett & Humphreys, 1992). Category-specific
& Gelman, 1992), comparative work on concept acquisition and semantic deficits are distinct from category-specific visual
structure (e.g., Fabre-Thorpe, 2003; Thompson & Oden, 2000; deficits (e.g., Duchaine, Yovel, Butterworth, & Nakayama,
Zentall, Wasserman, Lazareva, Thompson, & Rattermann, 2006; Moscovitch, Winocur, & Behrmann, 1997) because
2008), evolutionary perspectives on human conceptual capaci- the level of impairment is to conceptual knowledge (for
ties (e.g., Cosmides & Tooby, 1994), social cognition (e.g., Ellis, reviews, see Capitani, Laiacona, Mahon, & Caramazza,
Young, & Critchley, 1989; Lyons, Kay, Hanley, & Haslam, 2003, 2009; Caramazza & Mahon, 2003; Gainotti, 2000;
2006; Miceli et al., 2000; Mitchell, Heatherton, & Macrae, Humphreys & Forde, 2001; Tyler & Moss, 2001). At the same
2002), numerical and spatial reasoning (e.g., Cantlon, 2012; time as that early formative work by Warrington and her col-
Dehaene, 2011; Feigenson, Dehaene, & Spelke, 2004; Hermer laborators was underway on category-specific deficits,
& Spelke, 1994), concept learning (e.g., Gallistel, 1990; Gelman, Goodale and Milner and colleagues (Goodale & Milner,
1990), or computational modeling (e.g., Chen & Rogers, 2014; 1992; Goodale, Milner, Jakobson, & Carey, 1991; Milner
Devlin, Gonnerman, Andersen, & Seidenberg, 1998; Farah & et al., 1991) described the consequences of a focal lesion to
McClelland, 1991; Jones & Mewhort, 2007; Landauer, Foltz, & what came to be termed the ventral object-processing
Laham, 1998; Plaut, 2002), among other areas. Finally, we must pathway: Bilateral lesions to lateral occipitaltemporal cortex
recognize and apologize for an error during the production of this could lead to impairments in recognizing objects but no diffi-
issue: David Kemmerers article (Kemmerer, 2015) was mistak- culty performing grasping and reaching movements to the
enly published ahead of schedule in a regular issue of same objects. Other patients presented with the reverse behav-
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. His article is among those ioral dissociation after lesions to posterior parietal cortex: im-
invited to appear in this special issue. paired object-directed reaching and grasping, despite intact
This issue consists of 15 original theoretical articles; it is object identification (e.g., Marotta, Behrmann, & Goodale,
bookended by this introduction and by a synthesis of the entire 1997; Pisella, Binkofski, Lasek, Toni, & Rossetti, 2006; see
issue by Lawrence Barsalou (2016a), as viewed through the also Aglioti, DeSouza, & Goodale, 1995; Desmurget et al.,
lens of that authors influential theoretical framework on con- 1999; for a review, see Milner & Goodale, 2007). Those and
cept representation. other data formed the basis for a new understanding of func-
tionally and anatomically dissociable channels of visual pro-
cessing, what has come to be referred to as the two-visual- (or
Background and introduction to the question ventral/dorsal) systems model (see also Jeannerod & Jacob,
2005; Livingstone & Hubel, 1988; Merigan & Maunsell,
The question of how word, object, event, and action concepts 1993; Rizzolatti & Matelli, 2003; Ungerleider & Mishkin,
are represented and organized in the brain has a rich and dy- 1982). Around the same time, it was also established that
namic history. An important aspect of that history was initiat- neurodegenerative diseases, such as semantic dementia, could
ed by neuropsychological studies of patients with acquired lead to broad deterioration of semantic knowledge, sometimes
brain lesions. More recently, noninvasive imaging ap- with category-specific dissociations (e.g., Garrard, Patterson,
proaches, in particular functional magnetic resonance imaging Watson, & Hodges, 1998; Gonnerman, Andersen, Devlin,
(fMRI), but also positron emission tomography, magnetoen- Kempler, & Seidenberg, 1997; Lambon Ralph, Graham,
cephalography, electroencephalography, and electrocorticog- Ellis, & Hodges, 1998; Mesulam, 1982; see also Brambati et
raphy, as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), al., 2008). Another key piece of neuropsychological evidence
transcranial direct current stimulation, and psychophysical was the observation that the ability to produce nouns (typical-
studies, have opened up new theoretical ground and proven ly objects) or verbs (typically actions) was doubly dissociable,
instrumental for adjudicating among extant hypotheses. in some cases attributable to a semantic-level dissociation, but
A number of neuropsychological phenomena were critical in other cases attributable to a lexical and/or syntactic-level
in laying the basis for the modern understanding of the neural dissociation (e.g., Daniele, Giustolisi, Silveri, Colosimo, &
systems that support conceptual knowledge. First, it was ob- Gainotti, 1994; Goodglass, Klein, Carey, & Jones, 1966;
served that patients could present with disproportionate defi- Caramazza & Hillis, 1991).
cits to a category or domain of knowledge: category-specific Thus, when the first functional neuroimaging studies on
semantic deficits. Those deficits are conceptual impairments conceptual processing in the human brain were being reported
that are selective or disproportionate for living animate entities (Damasio, Grabowski, Tranel, & Hichwa, 1996; Martin,
Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958 943

Haxby, Lalonde, Wiggs, & Ungerleider, 1995; Petersen, Fox, vision clearly plays a critical role in shaping neural responses in
Posner, Mintun, & Raichle, 1988; Posner, Petersen, Fox, & high-level visual areas, the broad scaffolding of the visual sys-
Raichle, 1988), established efforts were well underway to un- tem by Bsemantic domain^ originates in constraints that operate
derstand (a) how conceptual knowledge could be organized in independent of visual experience. Those constraints may be
the brain such that it could dissociate after brain damage along hardwired anatomical connectivity between regions of the
(seemingly) categorical lines; (b) how different channels with- Bvisual system^ and other regions of the brain that process non-
in the cortical visual-processing network differentially con- visual information about the same classes of stimuli (Mahon
tributed to visual object identification and object-directed ac- et al., 2007, 2009; Mahon & Caramazza, 2009, 2011; see also
tion and spatial processing; and (c) how object and action Dehaene, Cohen, Sigman, & Vinckier, 2005; Plaut &
knowledge, and nouns and verbs, might be dissociably repre- Behrmann, 2011; Riesenhuber, 2007). The idea that
sented by distinct neural systems. connectivity-based constraints drive category specificity in
The first neuroimaging studies to look at the neural orga- high-level visual areas has been gaining momentum (see, e.g.,
nization of concepts seemed to largely substantiate the idea Hutchison, Culham, Everling, Flanagan, & Gallivan, 2014;
that semantic category or domain is an organizing principle in Osher et al., 2016; Stevens, Tessler, Peng, & Martin, 2015; see
the brain: Martin and colleagues (e.g., Chao, Haxby, & also Polk, Park, Smith, & Park, 2007; Wilmer et al., 2010).
Martin, 1999; Chao, Weisberg, & Martin, 2002) observed that Hearty discussion ensued, and continues, about the con-
subregions of the ventral object-processing pathway exhibited straints and principles of neural organization that give rise to
differential activation for animals and tools, and Kanwisher category specificity, where Bcategory^ in this context is un-
and colleagues (Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997; see derstood broadly, to capture objects, actions, nouns, verbs,
also Allison et al., 1994; Puce, Allison, Bentin, Gore, & faces, places, body parts, and so on (e.g., Caramazza &
McCarthy, 1998) reported neural specificity for faces. Mahon, 2003; Downing, Chan, Peelen, Dodds, &
Subsequent investigations have documented stimulus speci- Kanwisher, 2006; Gauthier, Skudlarski, Gore, & Anderson,
ficity for places (Epstein & Kanwisher, 1998; see also Bar & 2000; Grill-Spector & Malach, 2004; Hasson, Levy,
Aminoff, 2003), body parts (e.g., Downing, Jiang, Shuman, & Behrmann, Hendler, & Malach, 2004; Humphreys & Forde,
Kanwisher, 2001), and written words (e.g., Cohen et al., 2000; 2001; Konkle & Oliva, 2012; Levy, Hasson, Avidan, Hendler,
Glezer, Jiang, & Riesenhuber, 2009) in the ventral visual path- & Malach, 2001; Lewis, 2006; Mahon et al., 2009; Mahon &
way. Another series of studies led by Martin and colleagues Caramazza, 2011; Martin, 2007, 2009, 2016; McClelland &
(e.g., Chao & Martin, 2000; Mahon et al., 2007) described Rogers, 2003; Op de Beeck, Haushofer, & Kanwisher, 2008;
regions in the dorsal visual pathway, such as posterior parietal Patterson, Nestor, & Rogers, 2007; Rogers, Hocking,
cortex, that were differentially engaged when participants Mechelli, Patterson, & Price, 2005; Rumiati & Foroni, 2016;
viewed manipulable objects such as tools and utensils. It is Sartori & Lombardi, 2004; Tarr & Gauthier, 2000; Tranel,
also now well described that semantic knowledge of actions, Logan, Frank, & Damasio, 1997; Tyler & Moss, 2001). In
as opposed to semantic knowledge of entities, has specific loci the last decade, multivariate techniques for analyzing distrib-
of representation in the brain, widely claimed to involve fron- uted patterns of neural activity (e.g., Anderson, Zinszer, &
tal lobe motor-related areas, with closer examination suggest- Raizada, 2016; Haxby et al., 2001; Kriegeskorte, Goebel, &
ing the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (see, e.g., Hickok, Bandettini, 2006; Kriegeskorte et al., 2008; Spiridon &
2014; Kemmerer, 2015; Kemmerer, Rudrauf, Manzel, & Kanwisher, 2002) have grown in prominence as a means to
Tranel, 2012; Tranel, Kemmerer, Adolphs, Damasio, & understand how object concepts are coded in cortex. The
Damasio, 2003; see also Beauchamp, Lee, Haxby, & Martin, widespread adoption of multivoxel pattern classification ap-
2002, 2003; Kable, Lease-Spellmeyer, & Chatterjee, 2002; proaches has led to a shift in emphasis from Bwhich regions^
Brambati et al., 2006). More recently, it has been discovered that of the brain support which Btypes^ or Bclasses^ of concepts, to
many regional biases by category or stimulus type, although studying the representational space within those regions.
present in what are principally Bvisual^ or Bvisually responsive^ Another important and recent development has been an em-
regions of the brain, are nonetheless also present in individuals phasis on using functional and anatomical connectivity to
without any visual experience, and in remarkably high anatom- probe the network structure of anatomically distinct regions
ical correspondence with the biases observed in sighted individ- that exhibit congruent category preferences (Almeida, Fintzi,
uals (Bedny, Caramazza, Pascual-Leone, & Saxe, 2012; Bchel, & Mahon, 2013; Bouhali et al., 2014; Garcea & Mahon, 2014;
Price, & Friston, 1998; He et al., 2013; Mahon, Anzellotti, Hutchison et al., 2014; Mahon et al., 2007; Mahon, Kumar, &
Schwarzbach, Zampini, & Caramazza, 2009; Mahon, Almeida, 2013; Osher et al., 2016; Simmons & Martin, 2012;
Schwarzbach, & Caramazza, 2010; Striem-Amit, Cohen, Stevens et al., 2015; Thomas et al., 2009).
Dehaene, & Amedi, 2012; Striem-Amit, Dakwar, Reich, & Along with reporting the first comprehensively described
Amedi, 2012; Strnad, Peelen, Bedny, & Caramazza, 2013); the cases of category specificity, Warrington and her collaborators
data from congenitally blind participants suggest that although (Warrington & McCarthy, 1983, 1987; Warrington & Shallice,
944 Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958

1984) also articulated a proposal that has dramatically shaped The Bembodied^ theory of semantic representation has
theoretical approaches for understanding the organization and been enormously influential over the last decade, particularly
representation of concepts in the brain. The sensory/functional in the context of investigations of the neural underpinnings of
theory refers to the idea that dissociations among different conceptual knowledge. In a now-classic theoretical treatment
classes or categories of information arise because of damage of this issue, Barsalou (1999, 2008a) laid out what is perhaps
to modality-specific brain systems, and that there are high the most complete framework to date. Within the perceptual
correlations between certain categories and certain modality- symbol system framework, conceptual processing is embodied
specific systems. The original formulation of this proposal in or grounded because conceptual content is, at least in part,
the context of category-specific semantic deficits suggested reaccessed sensorimotor informationconcepts are not an ad-
that living things differentially depend on visual perceptual ditional level of representation that is abstracted away from
properties for their identification, whereas nonliving things sensorimotor systems and represented in a stand-alone manner
differentially depend on functional/associative properties for from those sensorimotor systems. As will be discussed below,
their identification. Subsequent developments of the theory Barsalou (2016a; see also Barsalou, 1999, 2008a) has argued
have emphasized a finer granularity of the relevance of differ- that the critical issue is one of Bneural reuse^the same neu-
ent types of visual information for different categories (e.g., ral regions that are involved in perception and action are
color and motion for fruits and animals, respectively; e.g., involved in conceptual processing. Barsalou (1999, 2008a)
Borgo & Shallice, 2001; 2003; Cree & McRae, 2003; was diligent in his framing of the theory to argue how key
Crutch & Warrington, 2003; Vinson, Vigliocco, Cappa, & phenomena of human conceptual processing (e.g.,
Siri, 2003; for an early discussion of Bdifferent^ semantic compositionality, productivity) could arise from the quasi-
systems, see Beauvois, 1982; Lhermitte & Beauvois, 1973). symbolic operation of perceptual symbols (for other
Largely in parallel to research investigating the granularity proposals within the embodied or grounded framework, see
of neural specificity for different categories, the broad discov- Gallese & Lakoff, 2005; Glenberg, 2015a, 2015b; Glenberg &
ery was made that the sensorimotor systems are engaged dur- Kaschak, 2002; Kiefer & Pulvermller, 2011; Martin,
ing conceptual processing (e.g., Glenberg & Kaschak, 2002; Ungerleider, & Haxby, 2000; Prinz, 2002; Pulvermller,
Pecher, Zeelenberg, & Barsalou, 2003; Zwaan, 2004; for 2005, 2013; Zwaan, 2004; for broader discussions, see
reviews, see Barsalou, 1999, 2008a; Simmons & Barsalou, Chatterjee, 2010; Dove, 2009; Goldinger, Papesh, Barnhart,
2003). The reckoning that sensorimotor systems are engaged Hansen, & Hout, 2016; Hickok, 2014; Machery, 2007;
during conceptual processing led to a resurgence of interest in Mahon, 2015a, 2015b, 2015c).
the idea that conceptual content is distributed in the sensori- Another important discovery that has shaped the climate in
motor systemsthe embodied cognition hypothesis (also re- which recent theoretical accounts of meaning representation
ferred to as grounded cognition and situated cognition; herein have been developed is that of so-called Bmirror neurons^:
we refer to this class of proposals as embodied cognition). neurons (and neural regions) in or adjacent to the motor sys-
Where prior theories of concept representation had empha- tem that are activated when observing others actions (di
sized the organization of conceptual content (i.e., what con- Pellegrino, Fadiga, Fogassi, Gallese, & Rizzolatti, 1992;
cepts are about, as in a concept is about the color red, or about Gallese, Fadiga, Fogassi, & Rizzolatti, 1996; see also
dogs, or about peace), the embodied framework emphasizes Buccino et al., 2001; Fadiga, Craighero, Buccino, &
the format in which conceptual information is represented Rizzolatti, 2002). The discovery of mirror neurons
(i.e., in a modality-specific or sensorimotor format, a multi- reinvigorated interest in motor theories of the perception and
sensory format, as opposed to in an amodal format). Allport recognition of actions. The basic idea of motor theories of
(1985), one of the pioneers of this perspective, put it thus: action recognition is that to recognize and identify an action,
it is necessary to covertly simulate the motor movements that
The essential idea is that the same neural elements that would be required in order to produce that action. In relatively
are involved in coding the sensory attributes of a (pos- recent times, this theory was most prominently proposed in
sibly unknown) object presented to eye or hand or ear the domain of speech perception (e.g., Liberman, Cooper,
also make up the elements of the auto-associated activ- Shankweiler, & Studdert-Kennedy, 1967; Liberman &
ity-patterns that represent familiar object-concepts in Mattingly, 1985; for a review, see Galantucci, Fowler, &
Bsemantic memory.^ This model is, of course, in radical Turvey, 2006), and has since been extended into many other
opposition to the view, apparently held by many psy- domains on the basis of the putative mirror properties of motor
chologists, that Bsemantic memory^ is represented in responses. An active discussion ensued, and continues, about
some abstract, modality-independent, Bconceptual^ do- what Bmirror^ neuron (and neural) activity is really telling us
main remote from the mechanisms of perception and about action perception and recognition (e.g., Caramazza,
motor organization. (Allport, 1985, p. 53, emphasis in Anzellotti, Strnad, & Lingnau, 2014; Dinstein, Thomas,
original) Behrmann, & Heeger, 2008; Hickok, 2009, 2010, 2014;
Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958 945

Hickok, Costanzo, Capasso, & Miceli, 2011; Lingnau, 1990; see also Riddoch, Humphreys, Coltheart, & Funnell,
Gesierich, & Caramazza, 2009; Lotto, Hickok, & Holt, 1988; Shallice, 1988, 1993; see the parallel discussion in the
2009; Mahon & Caramazza, 2005; Rizzolatti & Craighero, context of the mental imagery debatee.g., Pylyshyn, 2003).
2004; Stasenko, Garcea, & Mahon, 2013). What is new about current discussions of content and format
It should be noted that although there is no necessary rela- in conceptual representation is that we now have (many)
tion between embodied theories of meaning representation methods that probe in vivo neural activity during conceptual
and motor theories of action perception, the two accounts have processing. Throughout our summary below, we seek to ask
nonetheless become intertwined in many discussions because two questions of any given theoretical assumption: First, is it a
they are proposals in the same spirit. Ones concept Bkick^ is hypothesis about the nature of conceptual content or about the
constituted (at least in some important ways) by information nature of conceptual format? Second, given the answer to the
stored in a motor format in that individuals motor system and first question, what would an alternative hypothesis look like?
pertaining to that individuals foot; and similarly, ones ability These two questions set in relief the bridging assumptions that
to recognize the action of Bkicking^ depends on covert simu- connect theories of the organization and representation of con-
lation (by that individuals motor system) of kicking (with that cepts to the empirical phenomena, and thus serve to reappraise
individuals actual foot motor representation). Thus, the rep- the substantive issues that need to be adjudicated.
resentation of Bkicking^ by ones motor system serves both to
support action recognition and constitutes, in part, the concept
Bkick.^ Some major themes from this issue and their broader
One obvious test of mirror-neuron and embodied accounts implications
is to ask what happens to action recognition and concept rep-
resentation when a brain lesion has disrupted sensorimotor Are there isomorphisms between representational format
information. The general finding that has emerged is that de- and content?
spite lesions that cause sensorimotor impairments, and pre-
sumably high levels of redaction of sensorimotor information, Theories of meaning representation may be usefully organized
patients can exhibit little to no impairment of conceptual pro- into two (roughly hewn) groups based on whether or not it is
cessing (for reviews, see, e.g., Hickok, 2014; Mahon & assumed that the format of concepts is constrained by what
Caramazza, 2005; 2008). Those neuropsychological data those concepts are about. The core idea of embodied theories
seem to be influencing the theoretical discussion more and is that there is an isomorphism between the format of concep-
more. As Barsalou (2016a) emphasizes, a key issue is the tual representation and conceptual content. According to those
degree to which a given concept may be distributed over mul- theories, conceptual format is not arbitrary, as it is determined
tiple modality-specific systems: For instance, damaging the by the content of the concept: For instance, sensory concepts
motor system may not affect the concept Bkick^ if that concept have a sensory format, and action concepts have a motor for-
can change the Bposture^ of its reliance on modality-specific mat. In the second group are theories that assume that con-
information to lean more heavily on representations in the cepts are represented as amodal symbols, also sometimes re-
visual system. In this regard, the patient data have formed an ferred to as Bclassic^ accounts or Bdisembodied^ theories. The
important part of the motivation for Bhybrid^ accounts: core idea of this class of theories is that the format of concep-
According to those accounts, although conceptual processing tual representations is not constrained by what those concepts
reaches into the sensorimotor systems, the center of gravity of are about; concepts are amodal in their format, regardless of
conceptual processing is abstracted away from specific sensori- what those concepts are about. Thus the concepts Bkick^ and
motor information, and distributed across many systems. A Bbitter,^ or for that matter Bmagnanimity^ and Bshame,^ have
number of contributions to this special issue fall into this a common format (for discussion, see Chatterjee, 2010; Dove,
Bhybrid^ class of proposals (Binder, 2016; Jamrozik, McQuire, 2009; Hickok, 2014; Leshinskaya & Caramazza, 2016;
Cardillo, & Chatterjee, 2016; Kemmerer, 2015; Reilly, Peelle, Machery, 2016; Mahon & Caramazza, 2008; Mahon, 2015a,
Garcia, & Crutch, 2016; Zwaan, 2016; see also Dove, 2016; 2015c);
Hickok, 2014; Mahon & Caramazza, 2008). One generalization One argument that has been offered as to why concepts are
that emerges across this issuewhich is a good trope for the unlikely to be represented in an amodal symbolic format is
broader fieldis a general recognition that simple oppositions, that, if they were, this would mean there is an arbitrary relation
such as Bare concepts this or that^, do not capture the subtleties between concepts and what they represent. This is presented
that are demanded of any reasonably sufficient theory. as a difficulty for theories that assume amodal symbols, al-
The need to distinguish claims of representational format though why it should be a problem has received less attention.
from claims of representational content was front and center in We believe there is some fuzziness about such assertions. An
the first wave of theoretical discussion of the sensory/ analogy illustrates the reason why: In the domain of language
functional theory (Caramazza, Hillis, Rapp, & Romani, processing, the form of word representations bears little
946 Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958

relation to their meaning, a point famously made by Saussure does not disqualify that Bamodal symbol^ from being system-
(for discussion, see Harris, 1988; for recent critical discussion atically connected up with the right input and output
and research on sound symbolism, see Casasanto & Lupyan, representations.
2015; Dingemanse, Blasi, Lupyan, Chistiansen, & Monaghan, Another argument as to why concepts are unlikely to be
2015). For instance, the word form Bdog^ means DOG in represented in an amodal format is based on the intuition that
English, and the word form Bperro^ means DOG in Spanish. if concepts are represented by modality-specific systems, then
The forms of the words Bdog^ and Bperro^ (or Bchien,^ Bgu, the problem of concept representation has somehow been
^ etc.) bear no isomorphism to the concepts to which those simplified. Specifically, the intuition is that if the format of
words refer. This type of Barbitrary relation^ between repre- concepts is isomorphic with the content of concepts, then no
sentational form and reference works because there are sys- Btransduction^ problem must be solved by the system (or
tematic mappings, or connections, between word forms and accounted for by a theory of how the system works). That
the meanings of those words, on the one hand, and the intuition, however, belies the complexity of sensorimotor rep-
phonological/articulatory information corresponding to those resentations, which are themselves already a transduction
words, on the other. Thus, although the form of words may be (many times over) of the parameters of the physical stimulus
arbitrarily related (ontologically) to their referents, the words that impinges on our sensory organs. Even in the earliest
themselves are not arbitrarily connected to their referents (i.e., stages of sensory processing (and the latest in motor plan-
in terms of a processing model). The broader point applies to ning), information is abstractly represented and way more
concepts: Just as words are connected in highly systematic complicated than a simple resonance with the physical world.
and constrained ways to specific semantic information and Pushing concepts into sensorimotor systems does not simplify
specific phonological/articulatory information, so too are con- those representations, or make them Bless abstracted away
cepts connected in systematic ways to modality-specific input from the world.^
and output representations. Consider the retina. One can conceptualize patterns of ac-
The amodal symbolic account would thus not deny that tivity in retinal ganglion cells as representing the light reflec-
many of ones distinguishing experiences with telephones tance patterns in the environment. The pattern of activity elic-
may have been auditory or tactile, nor that specific auditory ited by a tree will be different than that elicited by a hammer.
and tactile information (by virtue of experience) is systemati- But the formats of the representationsthat is, the patterns of
cally connected to ones concept Btelephone.^ But, according neural activityare the same. In fact, one could imagine each
to the amodal account, the format in which the concept retinal ganglion cell as a binary switch, a 0 or a 1, and the
Btelephone^ is represented will not be Bauditory^ or Btactile^ pattern of activity across the array as a matrix of values. And
by virtue of the fact that one has had auditory and tactile one could further imagine that the retinal matrix is trans-
experiences with telephones (for a discussion, see Machery, formed into a secondary or n-ary (cortical) matrix depending
2016). Thus, the proposal that the format of concept represen- on the arrangement of values in the retinal matrix. On one
tations is amodal should not be caricatured as the claim that level the representation of the tree or the hammer has lost all
concepts are deracinated, or disconnected, or even in some of its tree-ness or hammer-ness, even at the level of the retina
way Bremote^ from the modality-specific information that (its just a matrix of values), and even more so as it is trans-
pertains to their referents, as Allports (1985) quote above formed by further operations. Indeed, under this conceptuali-
suggests (for recent versions of that argument, see zation the format of the representation is something quite suit-
Pulvermller, 2013). How, one might ask, can a representation able for digital computer processing and highly abstract, sym-
of Barbitrary^ conceptual content be connected to the correct bolic, and amodal representation. On another level, there is a
and specific sensorimotor information? The answer is the systematic mapping between the matrix and the pattern of
same as how an Barbitrary^ word form can be connected to light reflectance that, in the words of the embodied cognition
the correct and specific phonological information: A movement, grounds the representation. The point is there is no
metaphorical line is drawn (Mahon, 2015c); in neural terms, inherent tension between abstract, symbolic, amodal represen-
one might conceptualize it as a form of Hebbian association, tations and grounding.
perhaps implemented by spike-timing-dependent plasticity To flip the issue around, it might be asked: Is it inherently
(e.g., Caporale & Dan, 2008). It is true that the format of problematic to suppose that the format of amodal concepts is
amodal symbols is arbitrarily related to that which they the same regardless of what those concepts are about? As
referthis is what gives amodal symbols their computational some of the contributions to this issue make clear, intuitions
alacrity, as they can be about anything and yet their form diverge on this question, and the answer (in either direction)
remains the same. An amodal symbol can be Babout^ the does not follow with the force of logic. It depends very much
number 2, or cheese, or the color blueand it can participate on ones broader views and intuitions about how the human
in the same way in abstract computations because it is a mind/brain works. And critically, it largely depends on wheth-
Bcog of the same shape^ in those processes. But that er one takes conceptual content or conceptual format to be at
Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958 947

stake in the debate about whether concepts are embodied (for concerns the format of concept representation. In this context,
discussion, see Barsalou, 2016a). it is useful to understand the theoretical position argued to be
In summary, the principal evidence for the view that con- rejected in favor of an embodied account. It turns out that what
cepts are represented (at least in part) by sensorimotor infor- has been rejected in favor of an embodied perspective is a
mationthe embodied cognition hypothesisis the observa- rather listless and static version of the proposal that concepts
tion that conceptual processing leads to the activity of are amodal representations. The goal in this section is to un-
modality-specific systems. BActivity^ here is construed as derline how a more viable explanation of the available data
capturing both behavioral and neural signatures (e.g., within an amodal framework can motivate new inferences
Buccino et al., 2005; Hauk, Johnsrude, & Pulvermller, about the dynamics of information exchange among concepts
2004; Pecher et al., 2003). As we noted above, Barsalou and sensorimotor representations.
(2016a) emphasizes that the key claim of the embodied cog- Taking a step back, when sensorimotor representations are
nition hypothesis is one of Bneural reuse^that the neural activated during conceptual processing, (at least) two infer-
regions involved in perception and action are also involved ences could be drawn:
in conceptual processing (for discussion, see also Martin,
2016). What bridging assumptions are presupposed when Inference i. Concepts are represented, at least in part, in
one argues that demonstrations of neural reuse support the a sensorimotor format, and thus the activity of sensori-
embodied cognition hypothesis over alternative theories? To motor representations during conceptual processing is a
address this question, we need to clearly articulate the theoret- direct reflection of Bconceptual access^ itself.
ical alternatives to the embodied approach. Broadly speaking, Inference ii. Concepts are represented in an amodal for-
there are two. The first, and perhaps most obvious, theoretical mat, and activation spreads (perhaps automatically, per-
alternative to the embodied approach is the proposal that the haps in a task-defined manner) from amodal symbolic
representational format of concepts is amodal and symbolic concepts to the sensorimotor representations to which
(as opposed to, at least in part, sensorimotor), and that system- they are connected; thus, sensorimotor activity is not ev-
atic connections exist between amodal symbols and the cor- idence about the format of conceptual representation, but
responding sensorimotor representations. In the context of this rather about the dynamics of information flow in the
alternative, the discussion shifts toward understanding how system.
the observed patterns of sensorimotor activation during con-
ceptual processing might have implications for how activation As an example, it is well established that motor systems are
spreads between amodal symbolic representations and senso- engaged when processing lexical knowledge that refers (in its
rimotor systems. We unpack these issues further in the next meaning) to a motor action (e.g., Bkick^; Hauk et al., 2004;
section, entitled BRepresentation versus processingToward Glenberg & Kaschak, 2002; for a review, see Pulvermller,
a theory of dynamics.^ The second alternative to the embod- 2013; but see Papesh, 2015; Postle, McMahon, Ashton,
ied framework sublimates the distinction between Meredith, & de Zubicaray, 2008). An embodied interpretation
Bembodied^ and Bamodal^ representations by emphasizing of those findings takes motor activity to indicate that at least a
that sensorimotor representations are already abstractions. part of the concept in question (e.g., the concept Bkick^) is
To the extent that sensorimotor representations are already represented in a motoric format. The alternative interpretation
abstractions, and thus not Bsensorimotor^ in their format, the argues that motor activity is contingent on access to an amodal
available evidence does not suggest that the format of con- conceptual representation, and that the processing dynamics
cepts is sensorimotor, but rather that the content of concepts of the system are such that input and output systems are en-
and conceptual processing may be (at least, in part) sensori- gaged during conceptual processing (for an attempt to
motor (cf. Pylyshyn, 2003). This second alternative thus shifts adjudicate these possibilities, see Papeo et al., 2015).
the discussion toward the distinction between conceptual Of course, none of these considerations are special with
format and content. We address these issues in section 3, en- respect to motor system activity. Similar phenomena have
titled BDrawing inferences from neural data to cognitive orga- been observed in the context of visual motion processing
nization: A special role for patient evidence.^ (e.g., Dils & Boroditsky, 2010; Pirog Revill, Aslin,
Tanenhaus, & Bavelier, 2008; but see Pavan & Baggio,
Representation versus processingToward a theory 2010), color processing (e.g., Simmons et al., 2007), visual
of dynamics form processing (e.g., Zwaan, Stanfield, & Yaxley, 2002; but
see Rommers, Meyer, & Huettig 2013), gustatory processing
Much recent research on the nature of conceptual representa- (Simmons et al., 2013), and auditory processing (Kiefer, Sim,
tion has worked within a theoretical framework that juxta- Herrnberger, Grothe, & Hoenig, 2008)and similar consid-
poses amodal concept representations with embodied repre- erations apply as to whether the phenomena reflect the format
sentations. Thus, the theoretical issue under debate ostensibly of conceptual representations or rather the processing
948 Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958

dynamics that obtain between amodal symbolic representa- studies that those are Bmotor regions^ because they are acti-
tions and input/output systems. What this means, concretely, vated during overt movements; (iii) this implies that the rep-
is that we need explicit bridging hypotheses about the dynam- resentation of some concepts (e.g., Bkick^) is, at least in part,
ics of activation flow in the system, and those bridging as- Bmotoric.^ However, as has been widely discussed, arguments
sumptions would need to be investigated prior to deriving based on reverse inference can be misleading (Poldrack, 2006;
inferences about representational format. For instance, for mo- see also Henson, 2006). It could be that a given region carries
tor activity during action-word processing to be taken as out multiple, and qualitatively distinct computations. For in-
support for an embodied theory over an amodal account stance, if it were the case that sensorimotor representations
(e.g., Pulvermller, 2013), the bridging assumption would were already abstractions, then would the activation of
have to be attributed to the amodal framework that Bactivity Babstract^ sensorimotor representations be evidence for the
does not spread between amodal representations and input/ embodied framework? This depends on whether the embod-
output systems.^ However, we have independent evidence ied cognition hypothesis is a claim about representational for-
that is contrary to this hypothesis (e.g., Dehaene et al., 1998; mat or about representational content.
Navarrete & Costa, 2005; Peterson & Savoy, 1998). This im- To put a finer point on this, imagine that a study uses Task
plies that the activity of motor systems during action-word A to define Bprimary^ sensorimotor regions, and then Task B
processing does not Bsupport^ the embodied hypothesis to test whether those regions are engaged during conceptual
such empirical phenomena are, at best, ambiguous with re- processing. One would want to know whether Task A (the
spect to whether action concepts have a motoric or an amodal localizer task) activates not only the Bprimary^ regions, but
format. The substantive issue that requires adjudication is no also secondary areas; if the localizer task that identifies prima-
longer the format of concept representations, but rather how ry cortex also activates a secondary area, then the Boverlap^
activity may or may not spread in the system. between Tasks A and B could be in the secondary area (rather
These considerations suggest that, in an important way, than the primary area). This matters greatly for whether those
current arguments about whether or not concepts are embod- data support the hypothesis that the format of conceptual
ied have outstripped the inferential ground afforded by the knowledge, rather than only the content of conceptual knowl-
phenomena the theories seek to explain. Theories of the neural edge, is modality-specific. An example of this situation is the
basis of concepts have to this point focused almost exclusively study by Simmons et al. (2007), in which they found that
on issues of representational format and neural and cognitive judgments about object color activated a region in the ventral
organization. Further progress now requires us to tackle the stream that overlapped with a region independently identified
issue of the processing dynamics among concepts and be- as being involved in color perception. The study is notable for
tween concepts and input and output systems (for further the real effort on the part of the authors to independently verify
discussion, see Gotts, 2016; Hauk, 2016). the nature of the information that was represented in the
modality-specific region activated during the conceptual task.
Drawing inferences from neural data to cognitive The color perception task activated both posterior (presum-
organization: A special role for patient evidence ably primary) and anterior (presumably secondary) areas in
the ventral stream; however, the task testing color knowledge
As we noted above, a major issue that has recently (and within activated the anterior (but not the posterior) region (for
this issue) become a dominant theme is whether sensorimotor relevant comparative work in macaques, see Tootell,
activity indexes the retrieval of information that is stored in a Nelissen, Vanduffel, & Orban, 2004; for a discussion, see
sensorimotor format. When a study concludes from sensori- Simmons et al., 2007; Leshinskaya & Caramazza, 2016).
motor activity that conceptual processing involves modality- In this context, patient evidence can play a pivotalper-
specific information, that conclusion presupposes that the ob- haps decisiverole, as it provides a means to address whether
served modality-specific activity is in fact modality-specific in damage to a given region of the brain impairs conceptual
its format. That supposition, or bridging hypothesis, is an processing and/or affects sensorimotor processing. For in-
empirical matter that merits direct evaluation; recognition of stance, if the motor representation of the foot is damaged,
this point is gaining momentum, and there are some excellent and a patient has lost the ability to move that foot but can still
examples of studies seeking independent evidence for those use the concept Bkick^ correctly (e.g., in conversation or nam-
bridging hypotheses (e.g., Postle et al., 2008; Simmons et al., ing the action), it then follows that the concept Bkick^ is not
2007; Simmons et al., 2013). Reverse inference over neuro- constituted by the information that has been lost due to the
imaging data can go some of the way toward addressing these lesion. Since at least an aspect of the patients impairment is an
issues. For instance, Pulvermller (2013) has constructed the inability to use the foot, one can conclude that the motor
following argument, based largely on reverse inference: (i) representations necessary for moving the foot are not part of
Motor systems are activated during conceptual processing the concept (see also Vannuscorps & Caramazza, 2016). Note
(e.g., when reading the word Bkick^); (ii) we know from other that this conclusion follows regardless of whether that same
Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958 949

region (i.e., motor representation) is activated when process- Just as importantly, patient evidence has increasingly been
ing the concept Bkick.^ Because of this asymmetry between used as an argument for the view that sensorimotor systems
interference evidence (e.g., lesion data) and activation evi- participate in conceptual representation, and that the motor
dence (e.g., fMRI), the neuropsychological approach has a system participates in action recognition. For instance, it has
special role to play in adjudicating claims about the format been argued that patients with logopenic variant of primary
of concept representation. progressive aphasia, and atrophy of cortical regions in and
The approach of using neuropsychological data to infer around primary auditory cortex, can have a conceptual deficit
the format of conceptual representations has been pursued for knowledge of object sounds (Bonner & Grossman, 2012;
from several angles. As we alluded to above, patient evi- Kiefer et al., 2008). Some prior work with patients with motor
dence has been used to construct an argument against the impairments has suggested that their performance on tasks
idea that concepts are stored in a sensorimotor format. For tapping concepts of actions may not be normal (Bak,
instance, patients with impairments in using tools can have ODonovan, Xuereb, Boniface, & Hodges, 2001; Boulenger
no discernible impairments for naming the same objects; et al., 2006; but see Kemmerer, Miller, MacPherson, Huber, &
those data indicate that concepts of tools are not represented Tranel, 2013). In the domain of language processing, repeti-
in terms of the motor information that supports their use, tive TMS to frontal motor areas can disrupt the ability to
even though naming and identifying tools leads to activity produce certain types of sounds, and there is also a drop in
in the same structures of the brain that are damaged in those recognition of the same sounds when auditory stimuli are
patients (for patient evidence, see Buxbaum, Veramonti, & degraded (e.g., Meister, Wilson, Deblieck, Wu, & Iacoboni,
Schwartz, 2000; Garcea, Dombovy, & Mahon, 2013; Negri 2007; Mttnen & Watkins, 2012).
et al., 2007; Ochipa, Rothi, & Heilman, 1989; Rapcsak, These issues have gained increased attention recently, and
Ochipa, Anderson, & Poizner, 1995; Rosci, Chiesa, will undoubtedly continue to attract more interest as emphasis
Laiacona, & Capitani, 2003; Rumiati, Zanini, Vorano, & shifts toward evaluating hypotheses about the representational
Shallice, 2001; for reviews, see Cubelli, Marchetti, format of conceptual representations and the attendant bridg-
Boscolo, & Della Sala, 2000; Johnson-Frey, 2004; Mahon ing assumptions. Certainly, past are the days when sensorimo-
& Caramazza, 2005; Rothi, Ochipa, & Heilman, 1991; for tor activation during conceptual processing can be taken to
imaging evidence, see Chao & Martin, 2000; Mahon et al., sanction, in a straightforward way, the inference that the for-
2007; 2013; Noppeney, Price, Penny, & Friston, 2006; for mat of conceptual representations is sensorimotor. The new
reviews of the imaging evdence, see Lewis, 2006; Martin, and hard work of the field will be to continue to improve the
2007, 2009). Or, stated more precisely, the conceptual infor- quality of inferences that are derived from novel experimental
mation that is involved in naming or recognizing pictures effects.
does not involve the sensorimotor information that is dam-
aged in patients who can no longer effectively use tools. Flexibility in conceptual representation
Similarly, patients with motor lesions are not necessarily
impaired in recognizing actions (even though their own abil- Another important theme that cuts across multiple contribu-
ity to produce actions is compromised)those patient data tions to this special issue is the idea that conceptual processing
suggest that mirror-neuron-type accounts are is flexible. The claim of flexibility in conceptual representa-
overinterpreting the activation evidence (for evidence and tion is intended to go beyond the observation that human
discussion, see, Hickok, 2009, 2014; Negri et al., 2007; conceptual abilities themselves are flexible. In other words,
Rumiati et al., 2001; Vannuscorps & Caramazza, 2016; but it is true by casual observation that human conceptual process-
see Avenanti, Candidi, & Urgesi, 2013; Pazzaglia, ing can flexibly recombine information essentially ad
Pizzamiglio, Pes, & Aglioti, 2008). In the domain of lan- infinitumthe properties of the human mind that make this
guage, patients have been described with difficulties with possible have been the topic of much theoretical work (e.g.,
speech motor production, but intact recognition of speech Barsalou, 1999; Chomsky, 1959; Fodor, 1975; Pinker, 1994).
sounds (e.g., Hickok et al., 2011; Rogalsky, Love, Driscoll, The recent emphasis on Bflexibility in concept representation^
Anderson, & Hickok, 2011; Stasenko et al., 2015). In the is focused instead on the idea that concepts (i.e., the
domain of color, patients can be impaired in their color Brepresentations themselves^) are dynamic with dissociable
knowledge (Bthis is the color yellow,^ Bthis is green,^ etc.) components, such that one aspect of a Bconcept^ may be used
but retain intact knowledge of the typical colors of objects in one context or task, but another aspect of the concept may
(Bbananas are typically yellow,^ Bgrass is typically green^), be used in another (van Dam, van Dijk, Bekkering, &
or the reverse: patients can have spared color perception but Rueschemeyer, 2012; Willems & Casasanto, 2011; for discus-
impaired knowledge of the typical colors of objects (e.g., sions, see Dove, 2016; Kemmerer, 2015; Yee & Thompson-
Bouvier & Engel, 2006; Luzzatti & Davidoff, 1994; Miceli Schill, 2016). In other words, concepts do not have cores that
et al., 2001; Stasenko, Garcea, Dombovy, & Mahon, 2014). are retrieved each time a concept is tokened: Overlapping
950 Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958

subsets of conceptual information, which collectively form the sentences (BDo not kick the ball^; Tettamanti et al., 2008).
Bfull^ concept, can be solicited in a flexible manner according But, Bkick^ still means Bkick,^ regardless of the degree to
to the task constraints. And, critically, the retrieval of a given which motor information is engaged during the computation
task- or context-dependent subset of a concept is sufficient for of the meaning of that wordthe meaning of Bkick^ is the
successful application of that concept. same in both the affirmative and negative sentence contexts.
It is clear that what counts as a Buseful concept^ will be Thus, the conclusion would seem to follow that the meaning
task-dependent. If one needs to figure out whether a perceived of the word Bkick^ does not map one-to-one to how that
animal is dangerous, one must access information about pred- meaning is reflected in the sensorimotor system. This conclu-
atory animals, but if one needs to figure out whether that sion, in and of itself, does not support the idea of flexibility in
picture of a lion is Cecil or not, then one needs to access concept representation; it could as well be taken to support the
information about differential features of individual lions. idea that sensorimotor processing is not constitutive of mean-
This highlights the fact that there is no single notion of a ing (see Mahon, 2015c). This ambiguity becomes clear when
concept, only clusters of information that are called upon in considering an alternative to the hypothesis of flexibility in
the service of the task at hand, and different tasks will dictate concept representation. If one assumed that concepts are rep-
the utility of different types of information (see also the related resented as Bamodal cores^ that are representationally static in
discussion in Murphy, 2016). Such information may be high- terms of their contentthe so-called Bclassic^ view, with
level (is it a predator?) or low-level (is that Cecils coloring roots that are arguably traceable to an Aristotelian ontology
pattern or face shape?) and will probably be represented in of mental representationsone could still explain the phe-
different brain networks according to the regions that support nomena that are argued to support the idea of flexibility in
the different distinctions being made. Similarly, according to concept representation. The classic view could argue that the
whether the task is to act on a thing (e.g., grasp it) or evaluate variable sensorimotor mappings of the concept are a reflection
its behavioral relevance or value, the necessary abstractions of how activity spreads in a task- or context-dependent man-
one needs to compute are different. A trophy is different from ner from an amodal Bcore^ to peripheral input and output
a goblet, and they need to be treated differently when deciding systems. For this reason, theories of concept flexibility need
into what to pour the dinner wine; but the two objects may be to explain why there is variability in the sensorimotor corre-
analyzed equivalently when the task is to grasp the object to lates of meaning. Without a renewed focus to develop those
move it. criteria, the intriguing idea that conceptual representations are
Where to draw the line around a concept, which relates to flexible representations risks devolving into a collection of ad
whether the same conceptual information is used across tasks, hoc accounts of each Bexception^ to Bwhat would otherwise
is not something that can be decided a priori. Assuming a be a pattern^ (for discussion of such criteria and a framework
theory of the processes involved in a given task, empirical for approaching these issues, see Barsalou, 2003, 2008b,
scrutiny of those processes is required. A theory is required, 2016b).
at least as an initial hypothesis, as to which contexts or tasks Other data that have motivated the hypothesis of concep-
will result in one aspect of a concept being invoked rather than tual flexibility are the same neuropsychological data,
another. Otherwise, the theory of flexibility in concept repre- reviewed above, that challenge strong forms of the embodied
sentation becomes no more than an ad hoc redescription of the hypothesis. For instance, if damage to motor-relevant struc-
data. For instance, imagine that in Task A it is observed that tures does not seem to substantially affect the processing of
processing the concept Bkick^ leads to activity in the motor concepts thought to depend (representationally) on motor in-
system, whereas processing Bkick^ in Task B leads to activity formation, then there are two conclusions: (i) Those concepts
in the visual system (e.g., van Dam et al., 2012). To conclude do not constitutively include motor information, or (ii) those
from those data that the concept Bkick^ is distributed over concepts sometimes constitutively involve motor information,
both motor and visual information and has a dynamic repre- but in a task-dependent manner, and not in the tasks on which
sentation that is modulated by context would amount to no the patients were tested and shown to be unimpaired (e.g.,
more than a redescription of the data. Do the variable patterns picture naming). As Barsalou (2016a) adroitly frames it:
of sensorimotor activity during conceptual processing indicate
the irrelevance of sensorimotor processing for conceptual pro- grounded views generally predict that significant dam-
cessing, or rather flexibility in the sensorimotor underpinnings age to a modality should have consequences for concep-
of concept representation? To make progress on this question, tual processing. If conceptual processing relies on a
we need independent theoretical or empirical motivation as to modalityas argued later for neural reusethen it
why Tasks A and B should lead to activity in the motor and should change in some way after the modality is dam-
visual systems, respectively. aged. To assess such consequences, however, it is first
As a concrete example, the motor system is more activated necessary to rule out uninteresting and uncontrolled
for affirmative sentences (Bkick the ball!^) than for negative confounding factors. If, for example, a double
Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958 951

dissociation doesnt control for the compensatory use of Summary and beyond
other modalities, association areas, and/or distributed
linguistic representations, it is impossible to assess the The areas within the cognitive and brain sciences that study
consequences of a damaged modality. Furthermore, as- how concepts are represented, organized, and processed in the
sessments of the damaged modality should be sufficient- mind and brain have made tremendous progress over the last
ly sensitive and well-designed to establish these conse- several decades. That progress has been accelerating in recent
quences. Without designing double dissociation re- years with the widespread use of new methods that permit
search around these basic principles, it is impossible to detailed investigation of the neural basis of conceptual pro-
assess the theoretical implications of damage to a mo- cessing. New areas of investigation are opening up, and with
dality rigorously. new populations, including whole-brain connectonomic ap-
proaches to understanding the cognitive and neural bases of
For instance, if an fMRI experiment is run and motor concept organization, multivariate analysis of the Bneural
activity is observed during conceptual processing, then it code^ of information Bstorage^ in specialized regions of the
would be concluded that part of the meaning in question brain, and attempts to test claims about the format of concept
is distributed over motor information; if motor activity is representation. The first generation of theories argued for uni-
not observed, on the other hand, it would be concluded dimensional schemes, such as that some concepts are orga-
that meaning representation is flexible, so motor activity is nized by semantic category, or that concepts are organized by
not always a criterion for concluding that motor informa- modality, or that concepts are amodal, or that concepts are
tion is part of the concept. Similarly, if a patient with a distributed over sensorimotor representations. Those initial
sensorimotor impairment does not have a conceptual im- theories were largely shown to be inadequate in accounting
pairment for the relevant concepts, then it would be con- for the diversity of findings that we now have as a field. The
cluded that those concepts are flexible, and thus not af- new wave of theories, a cross-section of which are captured in
fected by redaction of that sensorimotor information. If it this issue, are hybrid models that draw individual assumptions
were observed that the patient did have a conceptual def- from what had been opposing theories. As a result, new ques-
icit, it would be concluded that those sensorimotor repre- tions of fundamental significance to any theory of concept
sentations were critical substrates of the conceptual repre- representation have come into sharper focus: What are the
sentation. What are needed are well-articulated bridging [ontogenetic | phylogenetic | anatomical | experiential | statis-
hypotheses that specify why motor activity (or an impair- tical | cognitive | perceptual | etc.] constraints that lead to
ment) is predicted in one situation and not another. specialization of function in the brain for a given type of con-
Critical to this enterprise will be consistency between ar- ceptual knowledge? Does specialization of function impose a
guments that sensorimotor activity supports the thesis of hard limit on the brains ability to recover conceptual knowl-
embodiment and patient data that challenge the thesis of edge after injury, or is significant plasticity within the concep-
embodiment. One way to ensure such consistency would tual system possible? What is/are the representational format/s
be to pair activation studies with patient studies: If an of concepts? What are the processing dynamics that interface
fMRI study indicates motor activity for a given type of concepts with sensorimotor systems? To what degree are con-
concept in a given task, and those data are taken as sup- cepts task-defined entities, such that full task analyses must be
port for the embodied perspective, the prediction then fol- embedded within any sufficient explanation of how concepts
lows that damage to that region of the motor system are represented and deployed? How can we use neural data to
should lead to an impairment for that task. If damage to constrain cognitive theories, and vice versa?
that region of the motor system does not result in a con- One of the great debates in cognitive sciencewhether
ceptual impairment, then it can be concluded that the ac- mental imagery involves Bpictures^ in the brainbears a
tivation of that region during conceptual processing in fact number of instructive similarities to current discussions about
has little (or nothing) to do with meaning. the nature of concepts (Pylyshyn, 1973; for a discussion, see
The view that concepts are dynamic representations that are Hauk & Tschentscher, 2013). The theory championed by
flexibly deployed according to task demands is new, interest- Kosslyn, and many others, argued that visual imagery occurs
ing, and exciting. On one level of analysis, it is almost cer- over a representation that is visual in its formatthat a mental
tainly truethe key moving forward will be to develop con- image is a Bpicture in the brain^; as such (and only as such),
crete proposals within this new framework so that we can would visual mental images inherit and exhibit the metrical
begin the work of evaluating in exactly what ways concept properties of an actual physical image. For instance, the time
representations are flexible. Certainly, our predictions can no taken to scan an image is a function of the distance traversed
longer be simplethe predictions that must be evaluated are (Kosslyn, 1973; for relevant findings, see also Behrmann,
complex, because they have embedded within them a theory Winocur, & Moscovitch, 1992; Kerr, 1983), and Bbig^ visual
of the processes that are engaged by a given task. images use more retinotopic cortex than Blittle^ mental images
952 Psychon Bull Rev (2016) 23:941958

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