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Bram de Jager Milenko Masic Robert E. Skelton

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University

of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven,
The Netherlands
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,
University of California San Diego,
La Jolla CA 92093-0411, USA.

Abstract: This paper demonstrates a procedure to design an optimal mass to stiffness ratio tensegrity structure.
Starting from an initial layout of the structure that defines an allowed set of element connections, the procedure
defines positions of the nodal points of the structure, volumes of the elements and their rest lengths yielding a
tensegrity structure having smaller compliance for a given load applied then an initial design. To satisfy design
requirements strength constraint for all the elements of the structure, buckling constraint for bar elements as well
as constraint on geometry of the structure are imposed yielding a nonconvex nonlinear constrained optimization
problem. Structural static response is computed using complete nonlinear large displacement model. Examples
showing optimal layout of a 2D and 3D structure are shown.

Keywords: Tensegrity Structure, Optimal Stiffness, Design Constraints, Nonlinear


1. INTRODUCTION in works of several authors (Pellegrino and Calla-

dine, 1985), (Hanaor, 1992), (Skelton et al., 2001).

A tensegrity structure is a prestressable stable dy- Some of the advantages of tensegrity structures are:
namical truss-like system made of axially loaded el- (1) all elements are loaded axially only, this type of
ements. What differentiates them from regular truss load can be more efficiently carried than bending
structures is that all tensile elements are strings capa- loads,
ble of transmitting load in only one direction. Unlike (2) the choice of material can be specialized on axial
regular trusses a set of admissible topologies is much loads, and split further in material optimized for
smaller than the set of topologies that yield a structure compressive and tensile stresses and strains. The
containing mechanisms. same holds for element geometry.
Tensegrity structures as an art form were first intro- One of the properties that sets tensegrity structures
duced by Snelson (1965). Fuller (1962) was the first apart from most of the structures used in practice is
one to recognize their engineering values. Over the
  that they are very suitable for shape control. By con-
course of the years from the moment of their first trolling rest lengths of the string elements it is possible
creation, tensegrity structures were analyzed mostly to control a desired shape of the structure. Tensegrities
in a descriptive manner. Experimental and geometri- can easily be stowed in a small volume transported to
cal analysis techniques prevailed. No systematic de- the desired location and deployed. This makes them
sign and analysis procedures were defined. All the applicable for different space structures, like deploy-
designs were usually obtained by ingenuity of their au- able antennas, mirrors as well as deployable domes.
thors. The importance of developing systematic design Masic and Skelton (2001) define an open-loop control
techniques for the tensegrity structures is recognized
law for shape control of stable unit tensegrity struc- The paper is structured as follows. First, a model for
tures. static equilibria for pre-stressed structures is outlined.
Then the optimization problem is formulated, which
Tendons in tensegrity structures have multiple roles,
will be compared with an LP approach based on a
linearization of the problem. This is followed by an
 rigidize and stiffen the structure application for a planar tensegrity beam structure.
 carry structural loads, A discussion with conclusions and recommendations
 provide opportunities for actuation/sensing (Skelton finishes the paper.
and Adhikari, 1998).
Actuation can improve properties like stiffness or
stiffness-to-mass ratio and damping, and enables shape 2. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM
control strategies to be used. Sensing provides infor-
mation about the geometry of the structure and the de- The objective of this analysis is to design a tensegrity
formations. Actuation can be carried out by changing structure that for a given mass of the material avail-
the length of the tendons or the bars. This can be done able has an optimal stiffness. In other words mass
in several ways, by: to stiffness ratio is minimized. Assuming that all the
 shape memory alloys that enable the tendons to elements are made of the same material, fixing the
mass available is equivalent to specifying total volume

shorten and lengthen by changes in temperature,       of the material used. The optimization algo-
linear or rotary motors that can shorten a tendon
by hauling it, e.g. inside hollow bars, rithm to a tensegrity structure whose number of nodes,
 strings and total number of elements available are
extensible bars.
   respectively, assigns structural parameters
Optimization of topology of structures has been stud-

  , rest lengths of the elements   
collected in vectors of the volumes of the elements
ied for a long time. One of the results is the for-

mulation of Optimality Criteria (Save et al., n.d.), and nodal positions   . For a given
 vector of
which has been worked out almost completely for applied external nodal forces   , this set of
grillages while for trusses there is also a set of con- parameters defines a structure, whose static response,

ditions, but not nearly as complete as for grillages defined in the vector of nodal displacement    ,
(Rozvany, n.d.). Furthermore, several approaches for yields a compliance energy "! $#$ , that is guaranteed
numerical optimization are known, while recent ap- to be improved from the the value corresponding to
proaches are, e.g. free material modeling (Bendsoe, an initial design. Note that compliance is used as a
1989; Bendsoe, 1995; Sprekels and Tiba, 1998; Ben- measure of the stiffness of the structure.
Tal et al., 1999; Sigmund, 2001), or optimization of
trusses starting from a fully populated grid (Ben-Tal
and Nemirovski, 1997; Jarre et al., 1998). Practical
purposes require to: 2.1 Tensegrity constitutive equations
 incorporate constraints (nonlinear) for failure of
Once a maximum set of allowed element connections
the structure, like yield and buckling,
 tackle a wide class of geometries and bound-
of a tensegrity structure and its associated oriented
graph have been adopted, the corresponding connec-
ary and loading conditions which excludes ap-
tivity information is written in a
 of a member-
node incidence matrix, % &
proaches using local linearization,
 . Matrix M is
a sparse block matrix whose ( ) block is *  or - +,*  if
stabilize the system by requiring pre-stress in the
the element ( ends at or emanates from the )
The goal of the paper is to reduce this gap in the otherwise it is .  . After expressing element force / 0
knowledge base and to: of a prestressed element ( of a tensegrity structure
 as a product of an element vector 1 0 , and a scaling
outline the topology/geometry optimization, in-
factors 2 0
, called
 a force coefficient and writing vector
1 3 , formed by stacking up all the element
corporating requirements for static equilibria for
pre-stressed mechanical structures, both loaded
vectors 1 0 , as
a linear mapping of a nodal position
vector,  4 ,
and unloaded,
 show the influence of incorporating nonlinear
failure constraints in the optimization, like yield 9
+,; : #

and buckling,
1657% %85 #< :   
provide evidence that the approach yields physi-
cally relevant topologies and geometries,
 investigate the handling of requirements of in- balance of the element forces at each of the nodes of
stalling actuating devices to control the length the prestressed tensegrity structure is written as,
of the tendons, by excluding a certain range of
> ? > ;DCAE
tendon lengths. 2$%57. 2 0A@. 5B :
for manufacturing a more restrictive constraint has to
F M is formed by stacking up force coefficients
. Linear operator N O P Q is defined as: be imposed requiring,
I J6S IT J U T J$V F O W7X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a F M b T c V ^dWfedg g g h Ys t  t ‡ } V
| Ys ˆ MJ …
(1) for a given vector
Ys ˆ M J G IJ K L .
Depending on the material model chosen, F the rela-
tionship between force coefficients, and physical
parameters of the structure may be different. For this 2.3.1. Strength Constraint All element stresses in
both loaded and unloaded configuration must not ex-
F Then
analysis the linear elastic material model is used. F
force coefficients of the tensegrity structure and i , ceed their yield stress value. Since all the elements are
at configurations defined by the vectors of nodal posi- axially loaded this constraint takes the following form:
tions j and j6k&l , are computed as,
p M M Y M$u&Y s t & u Ys t ‰ M } V
M Mr M q N Q ~ (9)
F MAW3m n m o W7p M q Y M$u&Y s t V p M M Y M$u&Y s t u&Y s t ‰ M } g
YM Y M Y so t N Q (2) q Ni Q ~ (10)
M Mr M
F MAWvm n i m o W7p M q Y M$uHY s t Note that this constraint is directly derived from the
i YM Y M Y so t N i Q (3)
i i Hooke’s law that relates stress of an axially loaded
linear elastic element to relative deformation of the
Lengths of the elements i , at configurations j and element, Y M$uHY stQ
jwk&l respectively are computed as, ‰ MAWp M q M N Ys t (11)
Y MAW ` M V Y M W ` M V `6W7x V
m mo i mi mo i N jwkHl$Q (4)
pG&IJ K L ^yz e u{e ^ y z Since bar forces may reverse their direction in the
is a vector whose entry is or G7if IJ K L loaded configuration they are additionally constrained
element is a string or bar respectively end q by,
F MA|}
is a vector of Young’s modulus of the elements. The
M Y M$u&Y s t &u Ys t‰ M } V ^…G b Š
constraint is equivalent to q Ni Q ~ (12)
u,p M Y M u&Y s t } g
N Q,~ (5) bŠ
where is a set of bar indices.

2.2 Large Displacement Static Response of the Structure 2.3.2. Buckling Constraint To ensure that stability
of the elements is preserved under the prestress forces
Once the force  is applied on the structure that is and after an external load is applied, bar elements have
properly supported and constrained from rigid body to be constrained from buckling. The bar forces in case
motion, its static response l is computed from the of a linear elastic material model must not exceed val-
changed force balance equation in the configuration ues given by Euler’s formula. Expressing bar forces in
jwk&l , terms of force coefficients and corresponding element
€ F O x W7} V ƒ € ‚ W7[ ‚ g lengths this requirement is written as:
i N jwkHl$Q kH6kD  l (6)
F GDI T J „ F M Y M M ‹ Œ ‹ Ž V F M Y M M ‹ Œ ‹ Ž V ^…G b Š
i is defined in (2) and   €ƒ‚ GfI T isJ „ unknown
U TJ „ [‚ G
nodal ~ m n tt L m o i i ~ m n tt L m o
Mb M‘ t„
I TJ „
constraint reaction force, and M‹Œ ‹Ž W o q V
m n tt L m o
are given to constrain nodal displacements as Y so t
a result of the presence of the supports. Note that
these two constraints can jointly be handled by delet- b M‘ t„
where is a minimal moment of inertia of the
ing the rows of the force balance equation involving
constraint forces. b M ‘ t „ that all bar
cross section of the element. Assuming
elements have a round cross section is computed
Since string elements can not transmit compressive as, r M o V
b M‘ t„ W
load their element force in the loaded configuration ’ Y so t (14)
jwkHl must not reverse its sign. In other words strings 
must remain stretched, which is written in the follow- so that the buckling constraint finally becomes:
ing form,
uƒp M Y M$uHY s t } V ^…G b † V uƒY s o t Y M$uHY s t u  r M } V ^…G b Š
Ni Q…~ (7) N Q ’ ~ (15)
b† u,Y s o “ Y M$u&Y s t u  r M } V d^ G4b Š g
where is a set of indices of string elements. Ni Q ’ ~ (16)

2.3 Design Constraints 2.3.3. Shape Constraints To ensure that designed

tensegrity structure can be supported at certain avail-
A natural constraint} on rest length of all the elements able locations and that the load acting at specified
requires that s td‡ . Moreover, for them to be suitable location can be attached to it, the unloaded tensegrity
structure has to satisfy shape constraints written in the 0

following linear form,”,• – —7˜ •


”…•š™4›œ  ž Ÿ œ  ž   ˜ •š™ ›œ  ž (17)


where are given.


If a designed tensegrity structure is to be controlled by

changing its element lengths, it is necessary to con-
strain their minimal length to make room for actuators 500

to be attached. This constraint also guarantees that 600

Jacobian of the constraints is well defined because, as
it will be shown, it involves inverses of the lengths of 700

the elements. 800



0 100 200 300 400 500
nz = 15419
Now that the objective function and all the constrains
”š  ¡fthe
are defined   ¢ £ the
  ¢ ¤   optimization
¥   ¦   §   ¨   © ª « problem
ª ¬ ­   ® ¯ °,±  is  ® written
°…±  as: Fig. 1. Sparsity pattern of the the analytically com-
puted constraint Jacobian for the given 3D exam-
­· §$¼$½¿¾ À Á À ple
²w³ ´ »
” µ ¶  ¡ ¶ ¸ ¶ ¹{
ñA—® ± Å Æ ® ¯ Å Ç • ¥ ± ¦ ± © ± È ® ±$É&® ¯ Ç Ê  d® ± —Ë Ì ± Ë •  AÌ6—¡–  
Ô – —˜   The basic 2D problem used to illustrate the optimal
Æ Æ mass to stiffness ratio tensegrtiy design is given in
”  ¡È –6Î&½$Ê ÎD§ —7Ä   Figure 2.
±AÃ Í — ® ± Å Æ ® ¯ Å Ç • ¥ ± ¦ ± © ± È ® ±$É&® ¯ Ç Ê  
Íî ±A—Ë Í Ì ± Ë Í •   Ì6—7¡Í È –wÎ&½$Ê  
2 6 4 10 8 12

”… Í • ½4—Í ˜ •   Í 0.5
1 5 3 9 7 11

É,¥ ± È ® ±$É&® ¯ Ç Ê,ÏÄ  


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

® ¯ Ç É ® ±dÏDÄ  ÑЅ™ ¢ £  
É,® ¯ Ç$ÎD®Í ¯ °…±  DžÏÄ   Fig. 2. Initial not optimized tensegrity beam design
in unloaded state; unstressed element: light gray,
É,® ± ÎD® °,±  DžÏÄ   pre-stressed bars: dark gray, pre-stressed ten-
É ® ± Î ® °,±  DžÏÄ   dons: black
¥Í ± ¦ ± È Í ® ±$É&® ¯ Ç ÊdÉ&® ¯ Ç ¨ ±dÏDÄ  
This tensegrity beam is:
¥ ± ¦ ± È ® ±$É&® ¯ Ç ÊdÉ&® ¯ Ç ¨ ±dÏDÄ  
¦ ± È ® ±$Í É&® ¯ Ç ÊdÉ&® ¯ ¨ ±AÏÄ  ÑЅ™ ¢ ¤   Õ
built up from 3 planar tensegrity crosses,
É,® ¯ • Ç È ® ±$É&® ¯ Ç ÊdÉ7Ò Ód© ±dÏÄ  ÔЅ™ ¢ ¤  
with an aspect ratio of 7,
Õ »
supported at the nodes and , and
Õ º
É,® ¯ • Ç È ® ±$É&® ¯ Ç ÊdÉ7Ò Ód© ±dÏÄ  ÔЅ™ ¢ ¤   »
is loaded by a unit vertical load at the top right
Í node .
Ʌ© ±AÏÄ   º
After applying the optimization procedure the follow-
Ë ©$Ë Æ É4© ª « ª ¬ ­ —7Ä À ing design illustrated in Figure 3 is obtained.
We note the following:
The design variables enter the constraints in a very Õ the optimum tends to include class two elements
similar way. It is easy to see for example, that they (i.e. nodes where two bars are connected) be-
appear similarly in the minimal length and the strength cause some nodes move close to each other.
constraints, up to a multiplication with . This prop- Õ requirement for the strings to be uncompressed
erty simplifies analytical computation of the constraint in the loaded configuration is sometimes a bind-
Jacobian and suggests how to scale the problem to ing constraint yielding an optimal structure that
improve its condition since it otherwise might be ill- has slack strings at loaded configuration.
conditioned if realistic material data were used. Õ the same optimum is obtained consistently when
starting from different initial conditions.
The solutions of the problem defined are obtained
using SNOPT 6.1 (Gill et al., 1999) software for Enumerative types of design studies (de Jager and
large scale sparse nonlinear optimization that uses a Skelton, 2001) tend to conclude that for optimal stiff-
sequential quadratic programing (SQP) method. ness this structure has long bars, forming almost a
Ebar=100, Eten=100, σ=5, Σlo=56.4249, Σv=100, Obj=0.89754 4.5


0.5 3



−1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
E =100, E =100, σ=5, Σlo=68.3468, ΣV=100, Obj=0.29108
bar ten 0

1.5 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0.5 Fig. 5. Optimal topology starting from a dense grid;

compressive load: dark gray, tensile load: black
−0.5 It seems that the geometry of the optimal design tends
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
to mimic the planar design by concentrating most of
the elements in one plane.
Fig. 3. Initial vs. optimized tensegrity beam design Eb=1000, Es=1000, σb=50, σs=50, Σlo=135.8137, Σv=100, Obj=0.031317

in loaded state, showing deformation under load;

unstressed element: light gray, pre-stressed bars: 33
dark gray, pre-stressed tendons: black 46
Eb=100, Es=100, σb=5, σs=50, Σlo=56.4249, Σv=100, Obj=0.89754
21 41
9 29
35 20 40
8 28 48
22 42
10 30 3
0.5 19 39
7 27
23 37
0 5 25 16
11 4
12 38 2
18 1.5
−0.5 6
0.5 1
−1 13
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 14 0.5
E =100, E =100, σ =5, σ =50, Σlo=64.1717, ΣV=100, Obj=0.28775 0
b s b s

−1 −0.5 −1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Eb=1000, Es=1000, σb=50, σs=50, Σlo=142.8497, ΣV=100, Obj=3.0935e−005


48 45 43
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 20
9 33 44
36 21 32
Fig. 4. Initial vs. optimal design when string material 2

is stronger then bar material ; unstressed ele- 7 22

28 40 39
ment: light gray, pre-stressed bars: dark gray, pre- 1.5
30 25
stressed tendons: black 1
11 4216
27 24
super tensegrity cross, while for optimal mass-to- 4 17 2
0.5 6 18 26
stiffness ratio, the bars tend to be much shorter. This 2
study did not incorporate significant changes in geom- 0
etry, nor did it include constraints for failure of the
structure. Here these shortcomings are readdressed. −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

From the example shown in Figure 4 where a different

Fig. 6. Initial vs. optimal design of a 3D tenseg-
materials are used for bars and strings it appears that
rity beam system in loaded state; unstressed ele-
the results are sensitive to the different parameter
ment: light gray, pre-stressed bars: dark gray, pre-
choice as could be expected.
stressed tendons: black
To make a comparison of this NLP approach, to an
optimal mass-to -stiffness ratio truss design (Jarre et
al., 1998) that can be formulated as an LP-problem, a 5. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCH
solution obtained using the latter formulation is given GOALS
in Figure 5.
The conclusions are as follows:
In Figure 6 a 3D design example is illustrated. This
tensegrity structure is made of four 6-bar tensegrity Ú tensegrity topological and geometrical optimiza-
units. It is supported at nodes Ö × Ø × Ö Ö and loaded at the tion, cast in the form of a nonlinear program, is
opposite end at the node Ù Ù with a vertical unit force. effectively solvable,
Û if the problem is feasible the optimization ap- Pellegrino, S. and C. R. Calladine (1985). Matrix anal-
proach is an appropriate design tool that guaran- ysis of statistically and kinematically indetermi-
tees monotonic stiffness improvement compared nate frameworks. International Journal of Solids
to an initial design, and Structures 22(4), 409–428.
Û class two tensegrity topologies are advantageous, Rozvany, G.I.N. (n.d.). Structural Design via Optimal-
Û optimal topologies are highly asymmetric. ity Criteria, The Prager Approach to Structural
Optimization. Vol. 8. Dordrecht: Kluwer Aca-
demic Publishers.
Save, M., W. Prager and G. Sacchi (n.d.). Struc-
5.1 Further research tural Optimization, Volume 1, Optimality Cri-
teria,Mathematical Concepts and Methods in
The following needs to be added to the problem for- Science and Engineering. Vol. 34. New York:
mulation to better fulfill practical requirements of a Plenum Press.
designer of controlled tensegrity systems: Sigmund, O. (2001). A 99 line topology optimization
Û include symmetry in the design objective by pe-
code written inMatlab. Struct. Multidisc. Optim.
21, 120–127.
nalizing utilization of too many different ele-
Skelton, R. E. and R. Adhikari (1998). An introduc-
ments to reduce manufacturing expenses
Û optimize parameterized geometry which guaran-
tion to smart tensegrity structures. Proc. 12th
ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conf. pp. 24–27.
tees desired level of symmetry
Û add buckling constraint for the structure as a
Skelton, R.E., J.P. Pinaud and D.L. Mingori (2001).
Dynamics of the shell class of tensegrity
structures. Journal of The Franklin institute
(338), 255–320.
Snelson, K. (1965). Continuous tension, discontinous
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