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G present perfect and past simple V money P saying numbers 1 VOCABULARY & LISTENING money a G27 Listen toa song about money and complete it with these words. What is Ka-ching’? afford blow broke credit card earn gxeedy loan mall mortgage _ spend b Now look at words 1-10 in the song and match, them with their meanings. A _____ (verb) to give or pay money for something B = (noun) money that a person or a bank lends you c (verb) to have enough money to buy something D (noun) a shopping centre (US) E____ (adj) _having no money (informal) F —___ (noun) a small plastic card you use to buy things G (verb) to get money by working aL (adj) wanting more money, tc. than you really need Cu (verb) to spend a lot of money (on something (informal) J — (noun) the money a bank lends you to buy a house Listen again and read the lyrics. What do you think the song is saying? L Money always makes people happy. 2 The world has become obsessed with money. 3 The singer would like to have mare money. d_ © p.s7 Vocabulary Bank Money. -ching that teaches every little boy and girl to?______as much as they can possibly, then turn around and spend it foolishly. We've created us a} mess, wet the money that we don’t possess. Our religion is to go and * itall, so it’s shopping every Sunday at the 6 All we ever want is more, a lot more than we had before, So take me to the nearest store. ‘Can you hear it ring? 4 It makes you want to sing. It's such a beautiful thing — Ka-chingl Lots of diamond rings, the happiness it brings, you'll lve like a king, with lots of money and things ug SALE When you're’____ go and gets Take out another 9 ‘on your home, consolidate so you can ®_| ‘o.g0.and spend some more when you get Ka-ching! 4 READING a Which of these sentences best describes your attitude to money? 1 All Lwant is enough money to enjoy life. 2 Money is very important to me. 1’ like to earn as much as possbl 3 I would be happy to live with less money and fewer possessions. You're going to read an article about a woman who lives without money. Why do you think she does it? How do you think she survives? Read the article to find out. ¢ Read the article and answer the questions. 1 What was Heidemarie's job? 2. What possessions does she have now? 3. How did the experiment start? e 4 Where has she lived since the experiment started? 5 Does she still work? 66 What does she do when she needs something? 7. What is she trying to show with her experiment? 8 What did she do with the money she earned from her book? d Match the highlighted phrasal verbs with their definitions. Write the verbs in the infinitive, 1 throw away put into the rubbish bin eg, Please... those sweet papers. stop (doing something) eg. He wants to... smoking arrive, appear eg, [invited 20 people to my party but only 10 wil. 4 ______give something to somebody without wanting anything in return eg She decided to... local hospital. start a new company or organization eg, My brother is going to... a software company. be responsible for somebody or something eg. Nurses... people in hospital her old clothes to the In pairs, answer the questions. 1 Do you agree with Heidemarie that...? + all jobs are equally important + most people don’t lke their jobs + people judge you according to how much you earn 2 What do you think of Heidemarie? ‘Would you like to have her asa friend? My life without money ‘tthe age of 54 Heidemarie gave up her job as a psychotherapist, gave away all her money and her flat and threw away her credit cards. Today, apart from a few clothes (three sweaters, two shirts, two pairs of shoes, and a coat) and a few personal belongings, she doesn't own anything. ttall began as a one-year experiment. In her home city of Dortmund she set up a ‘swapping cre’ where people swap ‘services without using money, for example, a haircut for a mathematics class. To prove that this could work she decided ‘to give up using money for a year. But when the year ended she continued and has not used money since then. At first she house-sat for friends who were on holiday. She stayed in their house in return for watering the plants and looking ater their animals. At the moment she is staying in a student residence where she can sleep, have a shower, or use ‘a computer in return for cooking for the young people who live there, She also ‘works’ as a psychotherapist. ‘Before | treated very wealthy people but now I help anyone who tums up. ‘Sometimes they give me something in return, but not always! Heidemarie says, 'l can live thanks to my contacts. ‘Alot of people who know me understand what fm doing and want to help me. When I need a bus ticket, for exemple, or 2 new tube of toothpaste | think, “Who can | ask? What can | give them in return?” If want to go to the cinema, | might offer to look after somebody’s children for the aftemoon. It is one of the mistakes of our society that most people do something they don't like just to eam ‘money and spend it on things they don't need. ‘Many people judge you according to how much ‘you eam. In my opinion, all jobs are equally important. ‘You may not earn alot of money but you may be ‘worth a lot as a person. That's my message’ ‘So what did she do with all the money she eamed from the sales of My life without money? “1 gave it all away...” 5 VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION saying numbers 2 @3 Write the numbers. Then listen and repeat. Practise saying them. fifteen —_— fifty —— ahundred seven hundred and fifty one thousand five hundred — seven thousand five hundred _— seventy-five thousand seven hundred and fifty thousand — amillion seven and a half million b GA Complete the numbers. Then listen and check. aoe and fractions 250 two __ fifty $899 eight €3.20 three — 50% fifty ___ cent 05 nought ___ five [ ie 4 == % 8 % a % three —__ O% — six___ahalf In pairs, practise saying these numbers. % 0.7 1% 2.8 30% £90 - 100% 2,800 €600 9,250 $200,009 3,900,000 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING a €25> Listen to a news bulletin. How many different news items are there? Listen again and answer the questions with a number. 1 How many people were injured in the crash? 2. How fast was the lorry going? 3 How many workers have walked ‘out of the Peugeot factory? 4 What pay rise do they want? 5 How many more unemployed are there this year? 6 How many are there in total? 7 By how much have house prices increased in the last five years? 8 How much does a three-bedroomed house cost in south-east England? € Answer the questions with a number, percentage, etc. Ifyou don't know the exact number, use about or appraximately. 1 What's the population of...? your country your town / city 2 What proportion of people in your country...? speak good English have more than two children havea dog smoke 3 How much do these things cost? acup of coffee alaptop computer a small flat in the centre of town anewspaper aDVD. asmall car WT VOCALS 1 Verbs Complete with a verb in the correct tense. beworth /wa:0/ borrow can't afford /a'faxd/ charge cost carn inherit invest Jend owe/au/ save take out waste /werst/ 1 My uncle died and left me £2000. 1 — £2000 from my unele, 2. I put some money aside every week for my next holiday. 1 money every week, 3 Lasked my brother to give me €10 until next week. 1_____ €10 from him. 4. My brother gave me € 10 until next week. He ___ me € 10 5. Toften spend money on stupid things. Loften — money, 6 [don't have enough money to buy that car. 1_____ to buy that car. 7 Thad to pay the mechanic £100 to repair my car. ‘The mechanic _— me £100. 8 I went to the cash machine and got € 200. te €200 fiom the cash machines 9 [bought a book. It was $25. The book _— (me) 5 10 Jim gave me £100. 1 haven't paid it back yet. te Jim £100. 11. Tbought some shares in British Telecom. 1______ some money. 12. I work in a supermarket. They pay me €20002 month. 1 €2000 a month, 13 I could sell my house for about € 200,000, My house about €20000. 2 Prepositions ‘Complete the Preposition column. Z Preposition I paid the dinner last night. —_ 2 When can you pay me the money [lent you? 3 Would you like to pay cash or credit card? sl 4 I spent €50 books yesterday. = 5 I don't like lending money friends. 6 I borrowed a lot of money the bank. 7 They charged us €60 a bottle of wine. 2 3 Nouns Match the words and definitions. ‘ash machine kaeJ mafizn/ coin loan mortgage /morgidy/ note salary tax A piece of paper money. 2 A piece of money made of metal 3 Money a person gets for the work he / she does. 4 Money that you pay to the government. 5 __ Money that somebody (or a bank) lends you. 6 Money that you borrow fram a bank to buy a house. 7 A machine inside or outside a bank where you can get money. Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. Opa MultiROM. worw.cup com/eltfenglishfie/intermediate TA structures after wish swish+ past simple, wish + would’ wouldn't swish + past perfect 1 wish Iwas taller! T wish you had told me the truth. Der ies er pk Ti bs, Ivish I hada't ought those shoes. 2 I wis yus would come, I'm freezing. z = ; Use mish+ past perfecto talk about things I wish you wouldnt leave your shoes there. I almost fll over them, he et eres athe 1 ree ee aa Eee and which you now regret. present ature (but which are impossible or unlikely si aero te era er A Seay Teh wee Rect id 2 Use wish would to talk about happen, use [fon instead of oe arene about things we want to or stop resin Ge kas ce Toa the bus would come, IfonlyThadn't A You can't use would for a wish about yourself, eg. NOT F-wish-Lwoudd.-- bought those shoes. 1A a Circle the correct form. Write a sentence with I wish + past perfect. Tish 1s) woud be thinner! My clothes dont ime! I spent all my money lastnight and now I'm broke. 1 Lis I had / would have blonde hai! I wish hadn't spent all my money las night 2 She wishes her parents lived | would live nearer. 1 Tleft my camera in the car and someone stole it. 3 You're driving too fast wish you would drive / drove more slowly. 21 didn't set my alarm clock, so Iwas late for work, 4 I wisht stopped would top raining I want to go out fora walk! 3 Tbought hous in the country, but [ell miss 5 Ben's ben wearing the same clothe for years wish he bought/ the cy centre. would buy some new clothes. 41 ropped my phone inthe bath and now it doesn't 6 Chloe wishes she knew / would know how to play the guitar work. 7 Pim cold. wish my at had / would have central eating. 5 Unfortunatly, I couldn't go to your party. 8 Their TV is relly loud. wish they tured / would turn it down, 6 1 didalt havea oliday lst year and now I'm really stressed, Money 1 Nouns for money or payments Match the words and definitions. budget charge deposit donation fare fees fine grant ingalment loan hump sum overdraft savings will 1 _ the money that is available toa person or organization 2 aaumof money that is given by the government or nother organization to he used for ‘ purticular purpose, eg, education 3 money that a bank lends and somebody borrows an amount of money you pay for professional advice or services, eg to a lawyer or architect 5 _____ the money you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, ete 6 _— the amount of, money sb asks for goods and services te __ money that you keep in the bank and dont spend 8 money that you give to an organization such as a charity in order to help them 9 ___ asum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or a rule -_ cone of a number of Payments that are patd regularly ‘until sth has been paid for D 4 sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment n a legal document that says what isto happen to sb money and property after they die 13 ____ the amount of ‘money that you ove to a bank ‘when you have spent more than is in your bank account ‘an amount of money that is paid at one time and not con separate occasions 10 2 Money in today’s society a With a partner, say what you think the bold phrases mean, 1 We live in a consumer society, which is dominated by spending money and buying material possessions ‘The standard of living has risen a lot over the last ten years. People’ income has gone up, but inflation is high, so the cos of living has aso “House prices ae rising and many young people cant afford to buy People who have mortgages or loans have to pay high interest: ‘Alot of people ae in debt dt and ave problems paying thet Some people make money by buying and selling shares on the Our currency is unstable and exchange rates fluctuate a b. Which aspects of the sentences above are true in your cot 3 Adjectives related to money Look at the Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus entries for rich and poor. Match the synonyms to their definitions, rich od. rich, affluent, loaded, wealthy, well-off —_—! having alot of money, property’ or valuable possessions 2 (rather formal) rich and with a good standard of living, ‘The ~ Western countries are better equipped to face the problems of global warming. 3 (often used in negative sentences) rich: His parents are not very ~ 4 [not before noun} (very informal) very rich: Let her pay. She’ ~ poor ad, poor, broke, hard up, penniless, 1 having very little money; not having enough money for basic needs 2 (lier) having no msoney, ery poor: She ariel in 1978. vitally ~refigee, 3 informal) having very litle money, especially for a short perio of time: “After he lost his job he was 3 ~ he couldirt afford the price of a beer. 4 [not before nous} (informal) having no money: in always ~ by the end of the month, 4 Idioms related to money a Match sentences 1-8 with A-H. 1 Theyve gota ten-bedroomed howse A. Hes got more money than sense 2 Jack’ broke again No way, He cell tight iste. 3 That restaurant has good food at Tm in the red (opp in the black). a reasonable price. D Ttmust have cost a fortune. 4A Their income doesn't cover their It's good value for money. busi expenses, F Tm not surprised. He spends 5 T have an overdraft at the bank money like water 6 Doyouthink Mark willend me themoney?G ‘Theyre living beyond tei means. 7 Dan has bought two sports cars. H They cast make ends meet, 8 They havea luxurious festyle which they cant really afford. b With a partner say what you think the bold idioms mean. Can you remember the words and expressions on this page? Test yourself or a partner. Opas MultiROM_ wivw.oup.comyel/englishfie/advanced ‘When a man tells you he got rich through hard work, ask him Whose?” Don Marquis, US writer A tiie aa 1 VOCABULARY money a Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. 1 don’t have any change; can you _lend_ me two euros? (lend / borrow) pits (saved / wasted) 3 Lean't__ 4 The restaurant 5 When can you 6 She 7 Tneed to (lend / borrow) 8 When my aunt died 1 ___ my money on that book; it was very boring, _—a new car ~I'm broke. (afford / pay) us too much for our meal. (cost / charged) __— the money I gave you? (owe / pay back) a lot of money in her new job. (earns / wins) some money from the bank to buy a new car. £5,000. (inherited / invested) b Complete the advertisement with words from the list. tax save mortgages take out “charge salary cost “South &West ple ES Current account - open a current account and get a card you can use to 1_take out cash from ‘our many cash machines or when shopping. And if your company directly pays your 2 into the account, we don't 3._____you anything for ‘the account or fr the debit card, ‘Term Deposit account - if you want to 4 ‘money, why not use our deposit account? The typical interest rate is 5.25% and, if you keep over €2,000 in ‘the account, it won't 5$______ you anything. Person: = we can lend you money for that new car, ‘holiday, computer... up to ‘maximum of €5,000. 7_______- do you need to buy o build a house? We can help you finance your new home at one of the lowest interest rates ‘on the market. ‘Do you think you pay too much +__tothe ‘government every month? Why ‘not talk to our specialists ~ they can help you pay less. Oi Student's Book p.147 Vocabulary Bank ¢ Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 My sister borrowed £500 _ our parents 2 Would you lend money ___ your best friend? 3 Whose turn is it to pay _ the drinks? 4 I don’t spend much money —_—dothes. 5 You can pay cash or credit card.

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