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Work in pairs. What is your favourite dish? Do you prefer eating alone or with other people? Why? Look at the photos. Which of these way of eating do you most enjoy? Why? Which photos show people eating in a healthy way? Which show people eating ina less healthy way? Why? Reading Part 2 © Work in small groups. You will read about a school in California where the students grow, cook and eat their own food. How do you think students benefit from this? @ Read the text quite quickly to find out how students benefit from growing, cooking and eating their own food. a) Unit 4 glorious food Learning about food A school in California finds a new way to teach students about healthy eating a Alice Waters - chef and te owner ~is sitting in the kitchen garden of the Matin Luther King School in school lunch Waters has been fighting #6 improve. Berkeley, California The ‘garden is called the Edible Schoolyard this public schoo! part on. picks part oftheir | GEBE © Jeech studlent hours tuition a year inthe a decade, and in 1996 ae i funds for the Edible Schoolyat School Luneh Initiative, [iz ‘And Waters hopes that they Will are preparing a veg8te Later, they will cooky what they eat at schod] Hag ed. A the food grown herejis Used inthe sch set an example for o “We have such a h the United States left to parents,” s are eating fast, che be done.” Initiative, exp teaching gard always attached. In’ to choose one part 0 for the entire year. They then'observe and ree journal what happens in this spot as time progresses. ‘They record their observations of insect life, the soil ‘and changes to the plants. Classes in the kitchen involve cooking lunch, but also link into classroom academic subjects. The food cooked here includes a range of dishes from pasta to stuffed vine leaves and delicious Italian omelettes filled ‘with herbs and vegetables. The recipes are dictated by what vegetables are available. Science is taught ‘through nutrition and cooking technique; geography ‘through the effects of the seasons and eating habits ‘2round the world _ Today's midday meal consists of home-made pesto ‘end tomato sandwiches, with a big vegetable salad. ‘Everyone is eating. Teo Hemandez, 15, says he has ‘changed the way he eats. “I can now cook and grow Ihave changed my like some herbs and lettuce and | ‘use less salt, I's been fun, the teachers are nice - and “there's no homework.” Teo has been in the US for only ‘three years, but his teachers say he has learned to perfect English in such a short ime because he 's0 happy at school. has Alice Waters succeeded? Is the Edible ‘Schoolyard model the way forward? “When Jéds become unhealthy due to bad diet, they Become isolated,” says Waters, “But eating such good food ‘2nd picking, smelling and cooking the vegetables ‘20d fruit in this garden makes them care about what ‘hey eat - and it shows them that we care about them. ‘Just seeing a child saying to another, ‘Would you like ‘some?’ - thatis the essential thing,” ‘Adopted rom The Daily Telegraph @ Seven of the eight sentences below have been removed from the article. There is one extra sentence. or underline the words and phrases in the sentences which refer to something in another part of the article. (Sentences A-C have been done for you as an example.) ‘A Iidon't know ye fl wil Sontinde Gog 68 inthe future but know Lean, B Judging by the happiness in this garden among ‘a mixed bunch of ordinary children, the answer © Keeping oo viewed as D__Onellesson, on European diets in the Middle ‘Ages, ends with the children cooking roasted ‘vegetables with herbs and garlic. E The problem, according to some critics, is that these projects may be just too expensive to run. F These two projects aim to provide all 10,000 students in Berkeley's public schools with 900d food while also placing food at the heart of the curriculum. G We couldn't possi ly produce enough food in this small space to feed all 300 children. H Lessons lke this one take place in the garden and kitchen and they form part ofthe curriculum. © Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (1-7). When you place a sentence, check what the words and phrases which you highlighted refer to ‘+ Read the text carefully before you look atthe spaces, 0 you hhave an idea of what each paragraph contains. ‘+ Read the sentences carefully; can you recognise where some sentences should go? *+ When you finish, read the complete text again to check your answers. © Work in smail groups. * Do you think all schools should teach students cookery and healthy eating habits? Why (not)? * Did you study cookery at school? © How would you teach your children to have a healthy diet? Food, glorious food @) Vocabulary © © Each of the sentences below contains a word food dishreadiInact which is often used wrongly by First Certificate candidates. Cross out the wrong word and write the correct word. OO First Certificate candidates often coniuse food, dish and meat, Read these extracts from the Cambridge Advanted Learner's Dietioviaty. 1. I'm quite surprised but I'm really enjoying English meat. food $04 noun TP pears 2. Moussaka is one of the most delicious meals you tw keep them alive: bt fo «Phere wsts ote of fod and drink tthe can eat in my country. penis 3. The beef food is really tasty and looks quite healthy. 4 The meal in my country is delicious. 5 Too many people eat ready foods which they buy from supermarkets. 6 When | visit you I could cook a food that is from my country 7 The cost of your holiday includes two dishes a day: breakfast and dinner. © Work: in pairs + Do/Did you eat at school or college? Ifo, what is/was the food like? How many meals do you eat each day? Which is — Er your favourite meal? Which is your favourite dish? Who prepares it for = x you? ‘Meal [557 noun] an oceason when xenon ce Fat en of mi: mat nC fod prepa @ Look at these sentences from the Reading text and write the correct word in each space the correct form. Then check your answers by looking at the text again. ‘© A good part of the (1)........f904....... grown here is used in the school’s daily (2) + The @) cooked here includes a range of @) from pasta to stuffed vine leaves and delicious Italian omelettes filled with herbs and vegetables. © Today's midday (5) consists of home- made pesio and tomato sandwiches. @ woes istening Part 4 © You will hear an interview about Slow Food with Valerie Watson, a representative for an organisation called the Slow Food Movement. Before you listen, work in pairs. What is fast food? Why is it called fast food? Do you think fast food is good for your health? Why (nod? ‘© What do you think Slow Food is? © (® Listen to the interview once to find out what the purpose of the Slow Food Movement is. by Slow Food’ © Listen to the interview again and choose the best answer A, B or C. Exam information In Listening Part 4, there are seven questions and you choose ‘one answer from three possible options. You hear the recording © Work in small groups. + Do you think Siow Food is a good idea? * Should we spend more time cooking and eating food, or should we spend the time doing other things? Vocabulary © Read questions 1-7. Underline the important part of each question (but not the options A, B and C). ‘The first has been done as an example. 1 The Siow Food Movement was originally started because ‘A. people wanted more time to enjoy cooking and eating. Ba restaurant was opened in a historic location doctors warned that fast food was bad for people's heath, led to cook ‘A food which is comp B. food which takes along time to eat © food of good quality 3. What does Valerie say is the problem with fastfood companies? ‘A. They serve the same food all over the world B They make traditional food producers iseppear Their food is not as healthy as traditional food. | | | 2 What, corn Vlei sSo Feo? | | | | | | 4. According to Valerie, the main aim of the Movement isto improve people's A det B health © iitestyles, ‘5 What is the Salone del Gusto? ‘A. an event where food producers can show their products Ban organisation which educates people about food © a company which sells traditional Italian food 6 What surprised Valerie about the Salone del Gusto? ‘A. the wide range of foods she saw there B the nationality of many of its visitors © the effect it has had on British food 7 Who does Valere think wil benefit most from the Siow Food Movement? A children | 1B working parents | © families in general © which adjectives can be used to describe the different kinds of food? Some food will go in more than one column. (meat fal vegetables bread” eheese age wut Use of English Part 1 Exam information — @ You will read a short review of a restaurant in Manchester. Read In Use of English Part 1 you read a text the review quickly to find out what the writer liked about the with 12.gaps. You must choose the restaurant, e.g, the price. best alternative A, 8, Cor D for each 1p. In the exam you will have about 10 minutes for this, Part 1 tests your knowledge of the meanings of words, how they are used, and the grammar connected with Particular words. Moso Moso VQ) Bonne Meso Moso for the first time this month, and (1) that it was easily the best Chinese restaurant I've eaten in The surroundings were modern, yet. it@ elt airy and cosy. The waiters were very friendly and © Work in pairs. Describe your perfect restaurant. Writing Part 2 informative, and not 3) i busy, as is often the (4) A review in some of the city’s more popular . ecioieare Exam information ‘As Lwas eating witha party of eight we (5) to sample a good In ting Port 2 you ney be asked range ofitems on the menu, and between us couldr't find a single item that + Possible subjects ofthe review wast satisfying and deicous Every (6) femured worderfl combinations of fours. Al the ingredlents were deary (7) aed feist cates ofthe highest qualty and in my opinion, the seafood was partially noe : ® ‘We felt that we were given very good (9) for eee a express your opinions, describe money, because the meal came to about £10 per person which we thought was Aiawieake teuesunse GiGi eer very reasonable. All of us would highly (10) this restaurant and, as itis located. © Work in pairs. Read the (ny short walk from our workplace, we will no. writing task below and discuss (2) be back for many more lunches! the question which follows. ‘Adapted from Manchester Evening News You have seen this announcement in your local English-language newspaper. @ For questions 1-12, read the text again and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the Have you eaten at a local beginning (0). you eaten at a loca restaurant recently? If so, why not write a review 0 Awent 3@ed) Ctested D proved for our Food section, 1 Arevealed B noticed C found D knew telling other readers what 2 Athen Balready Ceven Dstill itciat actos 3 Atoo B much C more Denough foal lich 4 Areality Bease Csituation fact asl mike? 5 Aachieved Bsucceeded Cmanaged reached All reviews published © Aplate B dish C food D meal will receive a free meal at 7 fresh. Brow C recent D best the restanrant 8 A tasteful Brasty Ccharming —_D special 9 Aprice Baworth Ccost D value ; 10 Arecommend —_B propose C suggest D advise NORE? 1 Ahardly B almost Cexactly D just 12 Achance B problem C doubt D likelihood Unit 4 Use of English Part 3 For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). YT Yes oe Yi er eye PAUSE Mt PALL More than 500 chefs, food (0) writers. and restaurant, WRITE experts have compiled a list of the world’s top restaurants. Judges included the owner of two of the most (1) SUCCESS | restaurants in the United States. Their (2) was CONCLUDE that 14 of the world’s best restaurants are British. The judges said that the wide (3) of food, the VARY number of Michelin-starred chefs and the quality and 4 of the produce have helped to make the FRESH world (5) of Britain’s restaurants. This is quite a ENVY turnaround for a cuisine which was once thought of as fairly Co) INSPIRE Immigration has also made a (7) contribution to SIGNIFY the British restaurant scene. There are more (8) NATION cuisines than in any other country. The interest in British cuisine has been given (9) RECOGNISE in the US as well. America’s (10) food magazine, BIG Gourmet, last month named London as the best place to eat in the world PMTCT Cy 1 Food Put two food words in each column. Use your dictionary to help you beans duck lettuce /"letis/ meat | fish/seafood | _ fruit vegetables peaches prawns /pro:nz/ salmon /'seman/ sausages /'sosidgi2/ strawberries /stracbariz/ b Add three more words to each column, 2 Food adjectives Complete the adjective column with a word from the box. fresh frozen home-made low-fat raw /ra/ spicy/sparsi/ sweet takeaway Adjective 1 Tlove my mum's cooking food is always the best. 2 Indian food like curry is very — 3 Sushi is made with fish 4 Food which is kept very cold is 5 food is food you buy at a restaurant and take home to eat 6 People on a diet often try to eat food 7 These eggs are [NNN { bought them today. - 8 This tea's very You've put too much sugar in it! - 3 Restaurants and cooking a Match the words and pictures. knife /naif/ pt /narvz/ fork eet: desserts /dv'zs:ts/ and chips spoon Salmon with plate lass main courses /mein ko:st2/ napkin (serviette) salt and pepper starters b Match the words and pictures. boiled rice fll roast chicken baked potatoes grilled sausages fried eggs steamed vegetables Ops Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner. | 143 | MultiROM quantifiers 00, too much, too many T'm stressed. I have too much work. I don't want to go out. 'm too tired. My diet is unhealthy. eat too many cakes and sweets, + Use to, too much, to many to say ‘more than is good + Use too+ an adjective NOT Fim-too-much-tired: + Use too much + uncountable nouns (eg coffe, time). enough Use 400 many + countable nouns (e-, cakes, people). cali, a few Do you cat enough vegetables? | don't drink enough water ‘This dress isnt big enough. + Use enough before a noun ‘to mean all that is necessary’ + Use enough after an adjective, A Do you take sugar? ‘A. Do want some chips? [eat alittle meat, I drink verylittle coffee. He has very few friends. » 5 Use alittle very lttleand a few very few to tak about small quantities. + We alte / very litle with uncountable nouns anda ew very few with countable nouns. a Cross out the wrong form. How much / many meat do you eat? 'b Complete the sentences with too, too much, too many, or enough. You eat 100 much red meat. Isn't good for you 1 I drink too / too much coffee. 2 Teat too much / too many biscuits. 1 My father’s not very fit. He doesnt do 2 Tan walk to work. It’s — exercise far, 53 Idon't drink enough wate / water enough. 3 There are carson the roads today, 4 Tcan't go. lam too / too much busy 4 dont sleep ~ only five or six hours, but [really need eight. 5 You work too much / ‘oo many. 5 Lwas tired to go out last night. 6 Tony drink a few / litle cof. 6 There were le atthe party so it was imposible to dan 7 I don't have enough time / time enough. ee 7 I 8 He has afew /alitl good friend. 5A quantifiers large quantities small quantities __ zero quantity “They have alot of money. “$Do you want some ice ream? B Just litle] | _ ‘There ésn't any room in the ca. ‘She has lots of friends. ‘The town only has a few cinemas. | There’s no room in the car. + Use alot off lots ofin #) sentences. + Use aor when there iso noun, very few = not much / many. He eats a lot. ‘Hurry up. We have very little time. A How much money do you have?| See ee MK uae eae ae raters Do you watch much TV ata tees mmutien a a Laer eae Dont run. We have plenty of time || ” Sountable farce te nota "= some, but not a lot, + Use none (without a noun) in eg. He talks a lot, more than you need or want less than you need "1 Pak Comey sremegealy used fof || don't like this city Ws too big. | There arent enough parks eee ‘Thete’s too much traffic The buses aren't frequent enough, [Seen sere + Use enough “There are too many tourists. | 100 much + uncountable noun, too many plural countable nowns. fore a noun but after an adjective. 5A @ Circle the correct answer. Tick (¥) if both are possible. {think this restaurant is 00) too much expensive, 1 There are too much | 00 many people in my salsa class. 2 Nobody likes him. He has very little vey few friends. 3 We've had a ot of Ios of rain recently. 4 There arent enough car parks / carparks enough in the city centre. 5 Thave no I don't have any time, 6 He works alot / much, At least ten hours a day. 7 A Do you speak French? B Yes, a litle a few. 8 Tdon't have no time / any time for myself b Right (V) or wrong (X). Correct the wrong sentences. She drives too much fs. too fast 1 Slow down! We have plenty time. 2 We have too many work at the moment. 3 Tthink | made a few mistakes in the letter, 4 He isn't enough old to understand. 5 We can't go tomorrow. We're t00 busy. 6 Wehave verylittle time to do this 7A How many eggsare there? B ‘Any. 8 He's retired so he has much fre time.

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