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MCLG 1 Food Put two food words in each column. Use your dictionary to help you. beans duck lettuce /letis/ meat | fish/ seafood | _fruit__| _vegetables peaches prawns /pro:nz/ salmon /‘smman/ | i sausages /'sosidgiz/ strawberries /'stra:bariz/ b Add three more words to each column. 2 Food adjectives Complete the adjective column with a word from the box. fresh frozen home-made low-fat raw /to:/ spicy/'sparsi/ sweet takeaway Adjective 1 Tove my mum’s cooking, food is always the best. 2 Indian food like curry is very 3 Sushi is made with fish. = 4 Food which is kept very cold is 5 food is food you buy ata restaurant and take home to eat. 6 People on a diet often try to eat food. 7 These eggs are [NTN C bought them today. — 8 This teas very ‘You've put too much sugar in itt - 3 Restaurants and cooking a Match the words and pictures. knife naff pl /narv2/ fork desserts /dt'z:t9) spoon plate Blass main courses /mein ko:st2/ napkin (serviette) salt and pepper starters b Match the words and pictures. boiled rice [I roast chicken baked potatoes grilled savsages fried eggs steamed vegetables Ops Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner, ELENLD Muttinom 8B quoantifiers 00, too much, too many 1'm stressed. I have too much work My diet is unhealthy. | eat too many cakes and sweets, don't want to go out. 'm too tired. + Use 100, too much, to many to say ‘more than is good’ + Use foo + an adjective NOT f'm-too-much tired. *+ Use too much + uncountable nouns (e.g coffee, time). enough + Use too many + countable nouns (eg. cakes, people). litle, afew Do you cat enough vegetables? I don't drink enough water. ‘This dress isn't big enough, + Use enough to mean ‘all a Cross out the wrong form. How much / many meat do you eat? 1 Idrink too / too much cofiee. A Do you take sugar? ‘A. Do want some chips? Teat alittle n I drink very little coffee. B Yes. justallttle B Yes, but just afew. Can you buy a few bananas? He has very few friend © + Use alittle very little and a few / very few to talk about small quantities. + Use alittle very litle with uncountable nouns and a few / very few with countable nouns. b Complete the sentences with too, too much, too many, or enough. You eat 100 much red meat. It isn’t good for you. 1 My father’s not very fit. He doesn’t do _ exercise 2 Teat too much / too many biscuits. 2 I can't walk to work. It’s far. 3 Idon' drink enough water / water enough. 3 There are carson the roads today, 4 oak e | am too / too much busy. 4 Idon't sleep ___ only five or six hours, but I really need eight. 5 You work too much / too many. 5 Iwas tired to go out lastnight. 6 Tonly drinks few | ite coffee. 6 There were ope at the party, soit wa imposible to d 7 I don't have enough time / time enough. eee silanes 8 He has a few / alittle good friends. 5A quantifiers large quantities: small quantities ‘zero quantity “They have a lot of money. ‘ADo you want some ice cream? B Justa little. ‘There isn’t any room in the car. ‘She has lots of friends. The town only has a few cinemas. ‘There’s no room in the car. He eats alot. Hurry up. We have very litte time, ‘A How much money do you have There arent many cats near here |II|_T have very few close fends BNone. Do you watch much TV? ti hose ie Dorft run. We have plenty of time. erin a ee i Yemcurtatiied my jit = some, ib + Use none (without a noun) in + Use alot of lots of in #) sentences. arlene al i Sones Se very little and very few = not much / many. short answers. eg. He talks a lot. ‘more than you necd or want less than you need * Much many normally used | dont Tike this iy. I's too big. | There arent enough parks SS as Mea a sau tele 9) (Tha out srt Squat coough nal eneen ere are too many touris! ae eee 5A ‘Use 100 + adjective, too much + uncountable noun, too many’ plural countable nouns. Use enough before a noun but after an adjective. a. Circle the correct answer, Tick (V) if both are possible. I think this restaurant is((00/ too much expensive. 1 There are to0 much | too many people in my salsa class. 2 Nobody likes him. He has very little / very few friends. 3 We've had a lot of / lots of rain recently. 4 There aren't enough car parks/ ar parks enough in the city centre. 5 Thave no! I don't have any time, 6 He works a lot/ much. At least ten hours a day. 7 A Do youspeak French? B Yes, a little / a few. 8 Idon't have no time / any time for myself b Right (W) or wrong (X). Correct the wrong sentences. She drives too muuch fast. 100 fast 1 Slow down! We have plenty time. 2. We have t0o many work at the moment. 3 Tthink { made a few mistakes’ in the letter. 4 He isn’t enough old to understand. 5. We can’t go tomorrow. We're too busy. 6 Wehave verylitle time’ to do this. 7 A How many eggs are there? B Any 8 He's retired so he has much free time. The two biggest bestseller in any bookshops are cookbooks and diet books. ‘The cookbooks tell you how to prepare food and the diet books tll you how not to eat any of it. Andy Rooney, US humorist YR Rm) (cee eg 1 READING b Match the [GHIGHEG words to a a Read the text. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). word with a similar meaning below. 1 Americans eat more fruit than any other food. F 1 worldwide —tlobal_ 2 Cocoa drinks are good for your health. a 2 think 3 People are buying more soy drinks. 4 3 now 4 People are buying less pasta, 4 becoming —— 5 choose i 5 Nuts are good for you * 6 asubstitute for 7 getting bigger ie 8 look after, keep from danger our ¢ Complete the sentences with the [Bighlighf@d words from the text. d . % 1 Many vegetarians eat soya as an jet pence 2 Some people ____ that all mo ld ready-cooked meals are unhealthy. 3 The number of people buying organic ya (| ee countries. 4 The UK government is. Most people (believe! that heath | other food and sales of bread, is very important and, because of pasta, and cereals are rowan this, many are tying to eat more much more slow. People are also healthily. For example, people in. becoming more interested in fesh 5 In the US and Europe, many children the UK ate eating less salt and ‘rut and vegetables and ‘farmers’ are fatter because of their more low fat margarine and milk; markets’ are geting more popular veil frit is now America's second- throughout Europe. When they favourite snack and Japan is | can, people often epiti ‘natural 6 Many people — —a change in (Guin promoting cocoa goodness, and theyre buying diet because it makes them feel better because itis a healthy ‘more products that are heathy, ike 7 Abalanced diet can help to ‘allemalve to soft drinks fke Coca fruit salads, ond nuts. They are Cola. These changes in eating also buying products that help to you from illness. habits ae also having an effect on rote! the environment, ke 8 Unhealthy eating is now a the food market. (Global sales are _ organic vegetables So its dear problem: not just inthe US and increasing for soy drinks and that things in the food weld wil dinable yeghurs more than any | never be the sae again studying how to encourage people to change their eating habits, Europe. 2. GRAMMAR present simple and continuous; action and non-action verbs a Complete the sentences with the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 She ___goes to the gym three times a week. (go) 2 He __ at home today. (work) oe you usually ___ late? (get up) 4 They usually ___ a big meal in the evening. (not have) 5 What you —__ tonight? (do) 6 I _____ going out to restaurants. (love) 7 Tean't play tennis this weekend: 1 ___ to the mountains with my family. (go) 8 She _ low fat products very often. (not buy) 9 Could you turn the music down, please? 1____towateh TV. (try) 10 1______ guilty when I eat chocolate, (fee) b Correct any mistakes inthe BiGHINGHIG phrases. Tick () the correct sentences. | (CBOSERERAVERTER at the moment. 2 (URRLSVARESHINGIOUE but it’s very expensive. Llove eating out 3 (DSIYOWREEOAIM the man in that photo? It's our old ‘maths teacher, ——— 4 Nowadays people MORIURIRGPAVNI| more for healthy foes << eee 5 Can you answer the phone? (AN) on my mobile. 6 I'm sorry, I don't understand. (WHGE@OSSnISWORE “meaning? 7 You look worried. WiKi St= 7oW Hine aouH? 8 I'm not sure if we're going skiing this weekend. [ReSWepEAIE on the weather. —— 9 (MRE that people today eat too much unhealthy food. 10 |SHERGESHRECORIE] with us tonight because she's tired. Student's Book p.130 Grammar Bonk 1A 3 VOCABULARY food and restaurants 4 Complete the sentences with a word from the list. home-made meal raw spicy diet chicken steak takeaway meat frozen 1 His diet _ is terrible: he eats too many sweet things. 2 Strict vegetarians don’t eat ____ or fish. 3 ____ vegetables have more vitamins than when they are cooked. 4 Llove _ food but I don’t have much time to cook. 5 She likes her well done. 6 I'm very busy so I often just buy a meal and heat it up in the microwave. 7 Our biggest — of the day is usually lunch, 8 She doesn’t like Mexican food because it is too 9 Our typical Sunday lunch is roast al especially like the wings. 10 We often buy Chinese or Indian food. food on Fridays - either b Label the pictures. More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words. Word __ Pronunciation _ Translation bow! noun fool! dish noun {rag Tr ao fat noun Mev sa pe Ee ee Rs | 7 portion noun a soup noun { stew mown wholemeal adjective | "hoolmi eatout verb i LISTENING Ea Leen ent ot roe ree ‘eat more or less healthily ‘ten ago. ELZILELD Student's Book p.144 Vocabulary Bank “Tek () wha the man says. i“ 1 Young people today eat heather food than they 4 PRONUNCIATION /u:/ or /u/; silent letters fe ton yeas agp. a Circle the word with a different sound, ere ee a seme rare = sh 3 Young people today eat the same food that they uf @ wg) ne I ~ ~ Ey Usten again and mark the sentences T (True) or | food | sugar | biscuit | good F (False), according to the speaker. spoon mousse | fruit | lettuce ee = iP 2 People were more wotied (Gook) | butcher | juice | would ponte poe 4 3 Young people try not to eat too much fat b Write the words. oe _ Oa 1 fvedstabla/ vegetables 4 /"biskny 4 Young people eat more rut and 2fsemnf - __ 5 /'jogat/ _ ‘vegetables now. : = Smal 6 Yfoktoy See iins fe € Cross out the silent letters in each word in b. Use'the phonetics to help you. a ee eecrnerateateniel nam 1 vesKtables ‘Then check in your dictionary. dd. Practise saying the words in a and b. EXE Muitizom Student's Book p.157 Sound Bank

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