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crustaceans for the aquarium trade on the prem- Vital Signs, Volume 20. The Trends That Are Shaping
ise that collecting specimens at this stage of their Our Future.
lives is more sustainable than collecting adults. By Worldwatch Institute; Project Director: Michael Renner.
Chapter 17 reports on how paying attention to nu- Washington (DC): Island Press. $19.99 (paper). xv
trient concentration can help optimize macroalgal 150 p.; ill.; no index. ISBN: 978-1-61091-456-7. 2013.
growth rates for more efficient mariculture. Worldwatch has published Vital Signs annually since
This volume challenges the common mantra 1992 with the aim of providing a concise analysis of
of coral reef conservation that managing coral recent global trends in environment and develop-
reefs is really managing people, not reefs. Goreau ment. Replete with up-to-date charts and data, Vital
and Trench take us into a world of technology Signs presents the latest evidence supporting the
that amplifies biology and initiates ecological Worldwatch view that current global trends repre-
self-restoration using low voltage electrical cur- sent Peak Production from a Planet in Distress.
rent through metal frames to enhance the skel- Trends in energy, transportation, climate, food sys-
etal growth of reef corals and other calcifying tems, the global economy, and population are re-
organisms. Electrical gradients, a universal prop- viewed from this perspective in a brief narrative form
erty of all life are used to make biochemical supported by well-presented charts and data from a
energy metabolites that are the energy currency wide array of sources.
Worldwatch helped to pioneer interdisciplinary
of the cell, Goreau explains (p. 283). The
policy-oriented global environmental analysis in the
Biorock process, the author suggests, supple-
1970sone reason why Vital Signs and Worldwatchs
ments the voltage gradient thus enhancing cel-
lengthier State of the World reports must now compete
lular metabolism and increasing an organisms
with a wide array of publications covering similar
net biophysical energy, a concept roughly anal-
ground, such as those of the World Resources Insti-
ogous to Net Primary Productivity in ecological
tute, United Nations, and others. As with other
energetics. Worldwatch publications, Vital Signs combines criti-
The case studies are impressive demonstra- cal analyses of well-known environmental and social
tions suggesting that electrified iron frames can challenges, such as global climate change and food
be used to restore beaches, generate beautiful security, with emerging issues that may not have re-
reefs, and grow more oysters. The Biorock Reef ceived significant attention, like shortfalls in U.N.
in Pemuteran is one of the most luxuriant reefs funding or the rise in Internet advertising.
I have personally seen in Bali. Its framework is For anyone looking for the most recent data de-
mostly overgrown with large, luxuriant coral col- scribing global trends from the Worldwatch point of
onies that are home to hoards of fish. But there view, Vital Signs is an excellent resource. For those
was no control reef for the demonstration aiming more broadly, Vital Signs presents a stimulat-
project. One colleague suggested that the corals ing jumping off point for further research.
grew very well due to the iron framework, not Erle C. Ellis, Geography & Environmental Sys-
electricity. It would have been very simple to tems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Bal-
have built a control reef; a similar iron frame timore, Maryland
sans electricity. The tough love of data-driven
science demands that demonstration projects be
supported by experimental data including con- Ignoring Nature No More: The Case for Com-
trols but, unfortunately, like Pemuteran, very few passionate Conservation.
of the case studies presented in this volume con- Edited by Marc Bekoff. Chicago (Illinois): University of
tain experimental controls or are augmented by Chicago Press. $110.00 (hardcover); $40.00 (pa-
controlled laboratory investigations. per). xxix 419 p.; index. ISBN: 978-0-226-92533-
Although it is difficult to imagine electrifying 2(hc); 978-0-226-92535-6 (pb). 2013.
the Great Barrier Reef or Florida Keys Reef
Tract, electricity, and possibly magnetism, may Wildlife Management and Conservation: Con-
hold significant promise for coral reef restora- temporary Principles and Practices.
tion at targeted sites. But as fascinating and po- Edited by Paul R. Krausman and James W. Cain III.
tentially significant it may be, in Goreaus own Published in affiliation with The Wildlife Society by
words, Much more work is needed on the fun- Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore (Maryland).
damental biophysics and biochemistry to deter- $99.50. xiii 342 p.; ill.; index. ISBN: 978-1-4214-
mine the optimal electrical and magnetic field 0986-3 (hc); 978-1-4214-0987-0 (eb). 2013.
conditions for each species (p. 287). This volume is designed to serve as a textbook for
Phillip Dustan, Biology, College of Charleston, undergraduate wildlife curricula and as a reference for
Charleston, South Carolina students and practicing professionals. The book covers

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