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Abstract: The impurity content of quartzsubsti- igneous or metamorphic rock mass and distinction
tutional elements plus foreign inclusionsis differ- between different quartz-bearing rocks. An appli-
ent for different rocks and may be sufficiently cation to provenance is suggested.
distinctive to allow correlation within the same

marked physical-chemical differences and that

Introduction different rocks of the same environment, e.g.
Quartz is known to contain small but varia- granites, may also be distinguished.
ble amounts of structurally substituted or
interstitial ions, but since most quartz is also Acknowledgments
crowded with microscopic inclusions, pub- This work is part of a study of contaminants
lished analyses such as those found in Frondel in quartz supported by National Science
(1962, p. 142-153) are largely restricted to Foundation Grant NSF-G19743. The writer
coarsely crystalline material wherein foreign has received valuable assistance from his stu-
matter is minimal. Quartz formed under dents in the Cabot Spectrographic Laboratory,
particular environmental conditions might be notably J. Mielke and E. Perry, and has been
anticipated to contain a reasonably constant freely given samples by many people.
and characteristic level of foreign matter. Such
"dirty" quartz is the subject of the following Sample Preparation and Analysis
study, and all chemical concentrations re- Samples for study were collected in the
ported are understood to be the sum of the field or obtained from rock collections in the
substitutional elements plus inclusions below Department of Geology and Geophysics,
a few microns in size. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A
The elements reported are those which can suite of Nova Scotian granites and samples
be detected by emission spectrography of small from the Idaho batholith were made available
samples with reasonable precision. These are by H. W. Fairbairn. A. Ramo contributed the
magnesium, iron, aluminum, and titanium. Dedham Granodiorite-Hoppin Quartzite con-
Calcium and lithium plus, in some cases, tact material.
manganese, sodium, and potassium are de- Samples for analysis were crushed with a
tectable but with poor analytical precision. hammer and anvil and sized to 40 +100
Previous work on the chemistry of quartz mesh, and enough quartz for a spectrochemical
has shown that distinct chemical differences analysis was selected under a 10 X binocular.
exist between the quartz of different granites A preliminary picking against a black back-
(I. M. Bray, 1937, PhD thesis, Mass. Inst. ground facilitated the distinction between
Technology; Stavrov, 1962), between the quartz and feldspars. Final picking was done
quartz of a granite and its associated pegmatite under acetone against a white background.
(Bray, 1937 [thesis]; Stavrov, 1962; Tatekawa, Acetone has an index of refraction close to
1954), and within the same metamorphic rock that of quartz, so that inclusions larger than a
(E. C. Perry, 1963, PhD thesis, Mass. Inst. few microns may be readily seen in the interior
Technology). In general, however, there is a of grains. Acetone also washes the grain surface
paucity of chemical data for contaminants in and evaporates without leaving any con-
rock-forming quartz. taminating residue. About 10 grains aggre-
A reconnaissance study of the rate and gating 2-5 mg were selected for each determi-
amount of the blackening of quartz under nation and stored in gelatine capsules until
X-ray irradiation (C. J. Ritter, 1962, SM needed. No grinding or other potentially con-
thesis, Mass. Inst. Technology) suggests that taminating operations were performed.
quartz from different environments may have Spectrochemical determinations of Mg, Fe,

Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 75, p. 241-246, 3 figs., March 1964


Al, and Ti were made on all samples. Ca was of several different samples and standards
recorded as a rather erratic contaminant, and scattered throughout the analytical program.
Mn was occasionally found. The precision is not high. Coefficients of
Transfer of samples from gelatine capsule variation of +15 per cent for titanium and
to spectrographic electrode was made via a about 30 per cent for magnesium, iron, and
nylon funnel. The sample electrode was a pre- aluminum were found as representative of
arced one eighth of an inch "specpure"
graphite rod provided with a 1.5-mm-diameter TABLE 1. SPECTROCHEMICAL DATA: ELEMENT SOUGHT,
crater 3 mm deep. The counter-electrode was WAVE-LENGTH OF SPECTRAL LINE USED, AND
a three sixteenths of an inch "specpure" MINIMUM SENSITIVITY ATTAINED
pointed carbon rod. A Hilger large quartz
prism spectrograph was used for all determina- Element Line used Detection limit
tions. Samples were arced as the anode at 6
amps to completion (about 45 sec) and the Manganese 2794.8 A 10 ppm
spectral region 2800 to 5000 A was recorded Magnesium 2852.1 0.2
Iron 3020.6* 5
on Kodak Spectrum Analysis-1 plates. Plate Silicon 2970.3 Standard
calibration was accomplished by a "two-line" Aluminum 3092.7 10
procedure, and all optical densities were Titanium 3234.5 5
measured by use of a Hilger nonrecording Calcium 3968.5 5
Reference standards were prepared by ad- * A weak unlisted line of silicon lies at about 3020.0 A
mixture of appropriate metal oxides into a base
of rather pure powdered quartz. An addition single determinations of these elements. The
plot provided the necessary corrections to program, however, entailed replication of de-
standard content. terminations which reduced the analytical
The ratio of the spectral line intensities of variation of the mean to at least one third of
analysis element to silicon was found to be these values.
reproducible under the conditions used, and The expectable variations in the chemical
working curves of this ratio versus concentra- content of quartz from a granite were in-
tion were constructed and used for all determi- vestigated by means of a nested sampling
nations. The spectral lines used and the ap- sequence involving analysis of 10 samples
proximate detection limits for the various taken from the same hand specimen, 24 samples
elements studied are given in Table 1. obtained at intersections of an orthogonal grid
The precision of the analytical method em- of 2-foot spacing (containing the hand speci-
ployed was assessed by replicate determinations men), 15 samples from intersections of a 100-



25.5124 8 16 32 64 128 16 32 64 128 512 & 16 32 64 256

Figure 1. Abundance and distribution of some chemical impurities in quartz from
a granite. Quincy stock, Quincy Granite, Massachusetts

foot grid (containing the 2-foot grid), and 20 but less marked, variability as indicated by
grab samples from a small granite stock (con- Table 2. The contrast in chemical content of
taining the 100-foot grid). quartz from different environments is strik-
The results of this study are shown in Figure ingly shown by a comparison of modal values
1. The chemical values for the impurity con- of the different groups when plotted in rose
tent of quartz appear to have a lognormal diagrams (Fig. 2).
distribution and are so plotted. It is immedi-
ately apparent from an inspection of Figure 1 TABLE 2. PRESENCE OF SPECTROGRAI>HICALLY DE-
that single samples or samples covering only TECTABLE AMOUNTS OF VARIOUS ELEMENTS IN QUARTZ
a small area cannot be taken as representative FROM DIFFERENT ROCK TYPES
of the rock mass, i.e. the impurity content of
the quartz of a given rock apparently has Rock type Per cent of samples in which found
some random variability in space.
Mn Mg Fe Al Ti Ca
Differences in Impurity Content of Quartz Granitic rocks 8 98 94 100 96 94
Between Major Rocl^ Types Rhyolites 0 89 56 100 78 100
Pegmatites 3 64 48 94 39 48
Quartz from 66 different granites, 9 rhyolites, High-grade meta-
30 pegmatites, 19 veins, 37 high-grade meta- morphic rocks 0 100 57 100 16 54
morphic rocks, and 20 clear and colored crystal- Crystal 3 70 35 10 30 55
quartz 0 85 46 92 8 15
line samples was examined. The most distinc-
tive single element is titanium which is almost
universally present at levels of approximately
45 ppm in the quartz of plutonic and ex- Differences in Impurity Content of Quartz
trusive igneous rocks, but is not found spectro- from Different Granitic Rocl(s
graphically in the quartz of most metamorphic The quartz of a number of different granitic
rocks, veins, pegmatites, and coarsely crystal- intrusive masses has been studied to determine
line material. Other elements have a similar, whether distinction between different granites




Figure 2. Abundance of chemical impurities in quartz from different environ-


is possible. There is a fairly large scatter Island. The general parallelism of the plots is
among individual samples from the same rock consistent with these relationships.
mass, but the modal values for populations A point of some interest is the comparative
of about 10 samples tend toward rather dis- chemistry of the quartz in the three granite
tinctive values. Figure 3 presents the modal stocks in eastern Massachusetts, all of which
impurity contents for the quartz of eight have been assigned to the Quincy Granite by

Ftopo lotion
Dedham Granodionfe
Basal Hoppin Formation

Cape Ann Stock. 28

Peabody Stock 25
Quincy 5tocK zo

Quarl-j Monjonite 10
Granodiont-e IO
Granite , W. Side Chilkoot FbSS 10
Devonian Granite 9

Mg Fe. T| Al
Figure 3. Comparison of chemical impurities in quartz from different
granite rocks

different rocks. Some of these rocks are various authors, e.g. Emerson (1917, p. 186jf),
genetically related, i.e. the quartz monzonite and Clapp (1921, p. 25). In this work, distinct
and granodiorite of the Idaho batholith, similarities are noted between the Quincy
Peabody and Quincy stocks of the Quincy and Peabody stocks and significant differences
Granite, Massachusetts, and the Dedham between these two and the Cape Ann stock.
Granodiorite and the derived metasedimentary It thus appears that the rock of the Cape Ann
rocks of the basal Hoppin Formation, Rhode stock is not Quincy Granite. This conclusion

receives firm support in the work of M. L. content, especially for titanium, in the Hoppin
Bottino (1963, PhD thesis, Mass. Inst. Tech- Quartzite may be ascribed to partial recrystalli-
nology), who has determined the ages of the zation and expulsion of impurities from the
rocks in the Quincy and Cape Ann stocks to quartz in this rock.
be 325 + 15 m.y. and 415 10 m.y. re-
spectively. Conclusions
Another point of interest in the age relation- The impurity content of quartz separated
ships of the rocks of eastern Massachusetts and from the same rock has a fairly large scatter,
Rhode Island is the similarity of the trace- but familial characteristics may be readily
element content of the quartz in the contact recognized when the modal values obtained
zone of the Dedham Granodiorite and basal from about 10 samples representing a given
rocks of the Hoppin Formation. This similarity rock are used.
is consistent with sediments derived by weath- It is believed that careful sampling and
ering from the igneous rock as established by analysis of quartz can lead to correlation of
A. O. Ramo (1963, SB thesis, Mass. Inst. genetically related rocks and that the general
Technology) on the basis of field studies and procedure may be applied to problems of
age measurement. The decrease in impurity provenance.

References Cited
Clapp, C. H., 1921, Geology of the igneous rocks of Essex County, Massachusetts: U. S. Geological Survev
Bull. 704, 132 p.
Emerson, B. K., 1917, Geology of Massachusetts and Rhode Island: U. S. Geological Survey Bull. 597,
289 p.
Frondel, C., 1962, Dana's system of mineralogy, Volume III, Silica minerals, 7th Ed.: New York, lohn
Wiley and Sons, 334 p.
Stavrov, O. D., 1961, On the content of rare elements in quartz: Geochemistry, no. 6, p. 542-549
Tatekawa, M., 1954, Spectrographic distribution of minor elements in the quartz and feldspars contained
in granites and pegmatites of the Oku-Tango district, Kyoto Prefecture: Mem. Coll. Sci. Univ.
Kyoto, v. 21, ser. B, p. 183-192



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