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Which one of the following regular expressions is NOT equivalent to the regular expression (a+b+c) *
(A) (a*+b*+c*)* (B) (a*b*c*)*
(C) ((ab)*+c*) * (D) (a*b*+c*)*
Answer: C
2. The relation R defined on the set A={1,2,3,4} by {(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4)} is
(A) Reflexive (B) Symmetric
(C) Transitive (D) All of the above
Answer: D
3. Suppose that P(x,y) means x is parent of y and M(x) means x is male. If (v,w) equals
M(v)xyP(x,y) P(x,v) (yv) P(y,w))
What is the meaning of expression F(v,w)?
(A) v is brother of w (B) v is nephew of w
(C) v is an uncle of w (D) v is grandfather of w
Answer: C
4. Context Sensitive Grammar can be recognized by a
(A) Finite state machine (B) Push down automata
(C) Deterministic PDM (D) Linearly bounded memory machine
Answer: D
5. The Boolean function xy+xy+xy
(A) x+y (B) x+y
(C) x+y (D) x+y
Answer: C
6. A register organized to allow moving left or right operations is called a
(A) Shift register (B) Counter
(C) Loader (D) Adder
Answer: A
7. De Morgans theorem states that NAND gate is equivalent to a bubbled ............. gate.
(C) XOR (D) OR
Answer: D
8. Standard TTL has a multiple emitter input transistor and a .............. output.
(A) Totem-pole (B) Register
(C) Bipolar (D) Transistor
Answer: A
9. What is the 2s complement of 24 in a 16-bit microcomputer?
(A) 1111 1111 1110 0111 (B) 1111 1111 1110 1000
(C) 0000 0000 0001 1000 (D) 1000 1000 0001 1000
Answer: B
10. Which of the following logic families has the highest noise immunity?
Answer: D

11. Overload function in C++

(A) A group of function with the same name
(B) All have the same number and type of arguments
(C) Functions with same name and same number and type of arguments
(D) All of the above
Answer: A
12. A constructor is called whenever
(A) An object is used (B) An object is declared
(C) A class is declared (D) A class is used
Answer: B
13. The differences between constructor and destructor are
(A) Constructors can take arguments but destructor cant
(B) Constructors can be overloaded but destructors cant be overloaded
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of these
Answer: C
14. A class having no name
(A) is not allowed (B) cant have a destructor
(C) Cant have constructor (D) cant be passed as an argument
Answer: B
15. In C++ a function contained within a class is called
(A) A member function (B) An operator
(C) A class function (D) A method
Answer: A
16. Which one of the following are essential features of an object oriented programming language?
(i) Abstraction and encapsulation
(ii) Strictly-typed ness
(iii) Type-safe property coupled with sub-type rule
(iv) Polymorphism in the presence of inheritance
(A) (i) and (ii) only (B) (i) and (iv) only
(C) (i), (ii) and (iv) only (D) (i), (iii) and (iv) only
Answer: B
17. Which of the following is not a logical database structure?
(A) Relational (B) Network
(C) Tree (D) Chain
Answer: D
18. Which of the following SQL statement is not a Data Manipulation Language statement?
Answer: A
19. The way an application views the data from the database that the application uses is a
(A) Data model (B) Schema
(C) Sub schema (D) None of the above
Answer: C
20. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a relational database model?
(A) Tables (B) Treelike structure
(C) Records (D) Complex logical relationships
Answer: D

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21. Which of the following is (are) true about virtual memory systems that use pages?
(i) The virtual address space can be larger than the amount of physical memory
(ii) Programs must be resident in main memory throughout their execution
(iii) Pages correspond to semantic characteristics of the program.
(A) (i) only (B) (ii) only
(C) (i) and (ii) (D) (i) and (iii)
Answer: A
22. Which among the following will not lead to a deadlock?
(A) Mutual exclusion (B) Hold and Wait
(C) Preemption (D) Circular wait
Answer: C
23. Which level of security is implemented in Windows NT?
(A) A1 (B) C1
(C) B2 (D) C2
Answer: D
24. A method of executing two or more programs concurrently using the same computer describe:
(A) multi processing (B) multiprogramming
(C) virtual processing (D) time sharing
Answer: B
25. Windows is a .............. bit operating system.
(A) 8 (B) 16
(C) 32 (D) 64
Answer: C
26. The UNIX shell :
(A) does not come with the rest of the system
(B) forms the interface between the user and the kernel
(C) does not give any scope for programming
(D) does not allow calling one program from with in another
Answer: B
27. The invalid file in UNIX from among the ones given below is:
(A) /bin/unix (B) etc/passwd
(C) etc/group (D) usr/bin/vi
Answer: A
28. The very first process created by the Kernel in UNIX is :
(A) init (B) getty
(C) fork (D) none among these
Answer: A
29. A software package that includes two or more applications, such as word processing and spreadsheets, providing for easy transfer of data
between them is best defined as :
(A) software server (B) software set
(C) integrated software package (D) application set
Answer: C
30. Which of the following is a software selection criteria?
(A) Appropriateness (B) Efficiency
(C) Compatibility (D) All of the above
Answer: D

31. Which among the following set is the software that connects two disparate applications allowing them to communicate with each other and to
exchange data?
(A) Intranet middleware (B) Software bridge
(C) Software server (D) Software agent
Answer: A
32. Which of the following is NOT a property of bitmap graphics?
(A) Fast hardware exists to move blocks of pixels efficiently
(B) Realistic lighting and shading can be done
(C) All line segments can be displayed as straight
(D) Polygons can be filled with solid colors and textures
Answer: B
33. Which of the following characteristics of a programming language is best specified using a context-free grammar?
(A) Identifier length (B) Maximum level of nesting
(C) Operator precedence (D) type compatibility
Answer: C
34. Which of the following comes closest to being a perfectly secure encryption scheme?
(A) The Caesar Cipher, a substitution cipher
(B) DES (Data Encryption Standard), a symmetric-key algorithm
(C) Enigma, a transposition cipher
(D) One-time pad
Answer: B
35. Which of the following is a Parameter passing method in C?
(A) Call by value (B) Call by result
(C) Call by value-result (D) Call by name
Answer: A
36. Prolog programs are
(A) facts and knowledge bases (B) horn clauses
(C) A set of functions (D) None of the above
Answer: B
37. Kerberos is:
(A) an operating system
(B) A networking file system protocol
(C) an encrypted file system
(D) a system that supports authentication in distributed systems
Answer: D
38. ACL stands for:
(A) Automatic Control Language (B) Access Control List
(C) Associate Cache Level (D) Amortized Circular Lists
Answer: B
39. A one-time password is
(A) one that changes every time it is used.
(B) one that is assigned once and not changed at all.
(C) one that can be used only at a particular time of the day
(D) one that is assigned for all session that starts at a particular time
Answer: A
40. A hostile applet is:
(A) a downloadable applet that can cause harm on a clients system
(B) an applet that resides on a system infected with a virus
(C) a downloadable applet that attaches itself to an existing applet.
(D) an applet generated by another applet
Answer: A
1. The Page Rank algorithm is used by

(A) (B)

(C) (D)
Answer: A
42. The recursive function defined by f(n)=1 if n=1 and f(n)=n+f(n-1) computes the value:
(A) n2 (B) n!
(C) n(n+1)/2 (D) 2n
Answer: B
43. Which of the following file formats have the largest compression ratio?
Answer: A
44. The founder of Computer Graphics is:
(A) Blaise Pascal (B) Ivan Sutherland
(C) Dennis Ritchie (D) Gourard
Answer: B
45. The scientist credited with the evolution of JAVA programming language is:
(A) James Gosling (B) Scott McNealy
(C) Andy Grove (D) Linus Torvalds
Answer: A
46. The scientist who developed the idea of the WWW is:
(A) James Gosling (B) Tim Berns Lee
(C) Andrew Tannenbaum (D) Linus Torvalds
Answer: B
47. Discovery of hidden patterns in a very large database is called:
(A) Data warehousing (B) Data management
(C) Online Transaction Processing (D) Data mining
Answer: D
48. SQL is:
(A) Data Definition Language (B) Data Manipulation Language
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Answer: C
49. Which of the following terms is not related with ISDN?
(A) NT1 (B) ATM
Answer: B
50. Which of the following commands can be executed by a user for knowing the number of users logged in a UNIX system?
(A) ps (B) telnet
(C) who (D) login
Answer: D

51. 1+4+7+......+(3n-2) is:

(A) 3n(n+1)/2 (B) n(3n-1)/2
(C) n(2n-1)/2 (D) n(3n+1)
Answer: B
52. Which among the following functions is not reflexive?
(A) The relation on the set Z of integers
(B) Set inclusion on a collection C of sets
(C) Relation (perpendicular) on the set of lines L in a plane
(D) Relation || on a set of lines L in a plane
Answer: C
53. Which of the following type of relations partitions a set into a set of disjoint classes?
(A) partial ordering (B) equivalence
(C) reflexive (D) symmetric
Answer: B
54. How many times in nPr that of nCr?
(A) r! (B) n!
(C) (n-r)! (D) n*r
Answer: A
55. Deterministic and non-deterministic models of which among the following automata have non-equivalent powers?
(C) LBA (D) TM
Answer: A
56. Which among the following types of languages are accepted both by Finite Automata and Push down automata?
(A) Regular (B) context free
(C) Context sensitive (D) none of the above
Answer: D
57. Consider the following two languages over {a, b}.
L1- the set of strings beginning and ending with an a
L2- the set of strings with same number of as and bs
Which of the following is true about L1 and L2?
(A) L1 and L2 are both regular
(B) L1 is regular and L2 is context-free but not regular
(C) Neither L1 nor L2 is regular, but both are context-free
(D) L1 is context free but not regular and L2 is not context free
Answer: B
58. Classify into one of the alternatives the grammar denoted by the productions SaB, SbA, Aa, AaS, AbAA, Bb, BbS, BaBB,
(A) Regular Grammar (B) Context free grammar
(C) Context sensitive grammar (D) Unrestricted Grammar
Answer: C
59. ~qp is equivalent to:
(A) ~pq (B) qp
(C) ~p~q (D) ~q~p
Answer: B
60. CRC is:
(A) an error detection code
(B) an error correction code
(C) an error detection and correction code
(D) none of these
Answer: A

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61. Data entry can be performed with all of the following except
Answer: C
62. The principle of locality of reference justifies the use of
(A) Interrupts (B) Polling
(C) Status checking (D) Cache memory
Answer: D
63. EPROM consists of
(A) UJTs (B) Bipolar transistors
(C) MOSFETs (D) Diodes
Answer: B
64. The term P in semaphore means
(A) Wait (B) Signal
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of the above
Answer: A
65. Probability of page fault is
(A) Nearly equal to 1 (B) Equal to zero
(C) Between 0 and 1 (D) None of the above
Answer: C
66. Which of the following is not a characteristic for Testability?
(A) Operability (B) Observability
(C) Simplicity (D) Robustness
Answer: D
67. Cyclomatic Complexity method comes under ............ testing method.
(A) White box (B) Black box
(C) Yellow box (D) Red box
Answer: A
68. In prototyping, the following are used
(A) Screen generators (B) Input generator
(C) Application generators (D) All of the above
Answer: D
69. In data flow diagrams, an originator or receiver of the data is usually designated by
(A) a circle (B) an arrow
(C) a square box (D) a rectangle
Answer: C
70. A structure chart is
(A) Error control diagram
(B) Data flow diagram
(C) A hierarchical partitioning of the program
(D) None of the above
Answer: B

71. A data flow diagram shows

(A) The flow of data (B) The processes
(C) Areas where they are stored (D) All of the above
Answer: D
72. Digital deferential analyzer is
(A) A routing algorithm (B) A modulation method
(C) A line drawing algorithm (D) A problem solving method
Answer: C
73. Which of the following is not true for shadow-mask CRT?
(A) Can display much wider range of colors
(B) Use in majority of color TV sets
(C) A shadow mask is used
(D) Uses a single electron gun
Answer: D
74. The depth buffer algorithm is
(A) A line drawing algorithm
(B) A point plotting algorithm
(C) A polygon generating algorithm
(D) A image space algorithm
Answer: D
75. The object-oriented paradigm includes which of the following properties?
I. Encapsulation
II. Inheritance
III. Recursion
(A) I only (B) II only
(C) I and II only (D) II and III only
Answer: C
76. Which one is not shared by the threads of same process?
(A) Stack (B) Address space
(C) File descriptor table (D) Message queue
Answer: A
77. Heap allocation is needed for languages
(A) that support recursion (B) that support dynamic data structure
(C) that use type conversion (D) none of the above
Answer: B
78. Along with explicit result, an operation may modify other data objects. This type of implicit results are called
(A) Polymorphism (B) Inheritance
(C) Side effect (D) All of the above
Answer: C
79. An access path that continues to exist after the life time of the associated data object is called
(A) Scope of variable (B) Dangling reference
(C) Reference variable (D) Actual variable
Answer: B
80. When a language has the capability to produce new data types, it is called
(A) Extensible (B) Overloaded
(C) Encapsulated (D) All of the above
Answer: A

81. A subset of data in a data warehouse in the form of summary data, related to a particular department or business function:

(A) Meta Data (B) Archive data

(C) Data Marts (D) Operational Data Store
Answer: C
82. In an IP packet, header checksum computes:
(A) 1s complement sum of 16 bit words in the header without data field
(B) 2s complement sum of 16 bit words in the header without data field
(C) 1s complement sum of 16 bit words in the header including data field
(D) 2s complement sum of 16 bit words in the header including data field
Answer: A
83. A TCP server must prepare to accept a connection attempt from a TCP client by calling the function:
(A) connect() (B) bind()
(C) accept() (D) listen()
Answer: calling listen() and then calling accept()
84. Not a Bernsteins condition for two processes P1 and P2 executing in parallel on input set I1 and I2, producing output set 01 and 02
(A) 0102= (B) I102=
(C) I201= (D) I1I2=
Answer: D
85. The normalization of 1NF relations to 2NF involves:
(A) Removal of partial dependencies
(B) Removal of full dependencies
(C) Removal of transitive dependencies
(D) Removal of multi-valued dependencies
Answer: A
86. The technique used for dimensionality reduction of original data:
(A) Discrete Wavelet transform
(B) Principal Component Analysis
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Answer: C
87. The technique used for producing color displays with random scan CRT monitors:
(A) Beam Penetration (B) Shadow Mask
(C) Direct View Storage (D) Gas-Discharge
Answer: A
Beam Penetration Method
Random scan monitors use Beam penetration method to display colour. It can display only four colours i.e. Red, Green, Orange and Yellow.
Shadow Mask Method
Raster scan monitors use Shadow mask method to display colour. It can display Millions of colours.
88. An objective measure of pattern interestingness in data mining:
(A) Support rule (B) Confidence rule
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Answer: C
89. DHCP stands for:
(A) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(B) Dynamic Host Control Protocol
(C) Dynamic Heap Control Protocol
(D) Dynamic Heap Configuration Protocol
Answer: A
90. A static member function can have access to:
(A) Static functions in the same class
(B) Static members in the class
(C) Static members of other classes
(D) Public functions of the same class
Answer: B

91. Hidden terminals in a wireless network may cause:

(A) Delay (B) Collisions
(C) Drain of battery charge (D) Reduction of Signal Strength
Answer: B
92. IC 80287 is:
(A) Graphics Processor (B) Microprocessor
(C) Micro-controller (D) Co-processor
Answer: D
93. The maximum size of main memory of a computer is determined by:
(A) Operating System (B) Address Bus
(C) Data Bus (D) Chipset
Answer: B
94. In computer terminology, POST stands for:
(A) Power Operating System (B) Push Pop Stack
(C) Power On self Test (D) Power Storage
Answer: C
95. SaaS is a popular term in the field of:
(A) Data mining (B) Bioinformatics
(C) Information Security (D) Cloud Computing
Answer: D
96. Not an assembler directive
Answer: A
97. In a CDMA system, a code for a certain system should have:
(A) Good auto correlation with other codes
(B) Orthogonality to other codes
(C) High standard deviation
(D) Both (A) and (B)
Answer: D
98. 1 Kilo Bytes refers to:
(A) 1000 Bytes (B) 1024 Bytes
(C) 8000 Bytes (D) 8192 Bytes
Answer: B
99. Tuple in relational algebra refers to:
(A) Row (B) Column
(C) Table (D) Relation
Answer: A
100. A ternary operator in C++
(A) ?: (B) ||
(C) :: (D) .*
Answer: A

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