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West Bengal Act XXV of 19811

Wesl Ben. ACLXX or 1983.
Wesr Ben. Acl XXVIII or 1954.
W e s ~Ben. Acr VIII of 1985.
Wesr Ben. Act XX or 1986.
West Ben. Acl VIII of 1988.
Wcst Ben. Act XI of 1989. ,

West Ben. Act 111 of 1991.

We51 Ben. Act V11I of 1993.
Wesl Ben. Act 1X of 1996.
. Wcsr Ben. Act XVII of 1997.

An Acr to provide for rlre ~-eco~rstirution

of [he U)~iver.siryuf Norllr
d cerioirr r~iotrersinciderr~altlrereto a r ~ dconnected
Bengfll a ~ for
WHEREAS i r is expedient Lo reconstitute the Universiry of Norlh
Bengal lo enable it to funclion mare efficiently as a Universily encourag-
ing and providing Tor inskuclion, leaching, [raining and research in
various branches oilearning and courr;~of study, promoting advancement
and dissemination of knowledge and learning, and exlending higher
education, to meer Lhe growing needs of saciery arid lo makc he
consdtution of various aurhorities or bodies or the Universiry more
It is hereby enacted in h e Thirty-second Year of lhe Republic of
India, by the Legislarure of W e s ~Bengnl, us follows:-
1. (1) This Acl may be called [he Norlh BengaI University Act, Shon 1i1Ic . , . ..
. . - . ..
. ..
and - . .
. .
. . . .- .
cornrncncc- . . ,
, (2) This seclion and section 57 shaIl come into force a1 once; and mcnl.
h e remaining provisions of this ACLshall come inro rorcc on such dare ..
. ,

or dares as the State Government may, by nolifica~ionin the Official .. .

Gazefte appoint, and difkrent dates may be appoinled for diFferent
provisions of this Act.
2. In this Act, unless here is anything repugnant in the subject or Defini[jons,
(1) "affiliated" in relation to a college or an inslilulion means
affilialed lo he University of Nonh Bengal as cons~iruted
prior to [he appojnlcd day and continuing a such immediately
before such day or affiliated ID [he University under [his
'For Statcmcn~or Objec~sand Reason<, Jee lhc Calcrrrm Ga:crre Er~rctordinur).
Pun IV of rhc 29111 AU~UFI,1980, p?gc 2(12 for repon of tiit Sclccl Commirlcc, JCC thc
rcpon o i Commirlec publ~shcdIn lllc Calcrrrra Go:errc. Er~mordi~~nn.. Pm IV or h e
I01hJunc, 1981,pngcq 1431-1481):for pmceEdin&s oCmccIingorrhc Wesl Bcngal Lcg~slarivc
A~scmhly,scc \he proceedings aC nrccling or [ha! Assembly held on ~ l i c1 5 ~ hApril. 1961.

[Wesl Ben. Act

(2) "appoinred day" means the dale referred to in sub-secrion

(5) a f srcrion 57;
(3) "consti~ucnrcollege" means an affiliared collegc in \vhich
instruction is provided, under prescribed conditions, for
honours as well as for posl-graduate courses or sludy, and
which is declared as such by [he Universi~y:
Provided [hat, ir in any professionat subjec~no honours
courses of study have been prescribed, a professional
collegc may be n coasriruen~collcge although no instruction
is provided in thal collcgc Tor honours courses or sludy in
thal subjecl;
" c o n v o ~ i ~ ~ i omcnns
n " 3 tneering of Lhc Courl for lhe purpose
of conferring degrees. titles, diplomas, certificates or other
academic disrjnclions;
"dislrict" mcnns any of the dis~ric~s of Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri,
Cooch Bchar, Malda, Wesl Dinajpur or any disrrict which
may be created in Future OUI of any part or paris of one or
more of the aforementioned districts;
"employee" in relillion Lo lhe University means any person
ernployed by hc Universiry;
"financial year" means lhe year ending on ~ h 31st c day of
"Govemmcn~ College" means n college maintained and
managed by the Stare Governmenl;
"Governor" means [hc Governor of the Scale or W e s ~
"HaI1" or "Hostel" means a unit of residence or studcnls
recognized by thc Universiry;
"Librarian" means,--
(a) in relation to the Universi~y,a .Librarian, Deputy
Librarian, assist an^ Librarian or any othcr person
discharging the Cunc~ionsOF a Librarian on whole-rime
basis, by whalevcr name called, appointcd or recognized
as such by rhe Universi~y,and
(b) in relation Lo a college afLliatcd to [he University, a
Librarian, Deputy Librxian, Assislant Librarian or
any otherperson discharging tlie functions oTa Librarian
on whole-time basis. by w h a ~ e v c rnumc called,
appoi~~ted or recognized by the Univcrsiiy or appoinled
by such college;
"Minister" means [he Minislcr-in-charge of Highcr Education
appointed as such by the Governor;
'Clawc I I ) w a S U ~ S ~ ~ I Ufor
I C original
~ clausc by s. 2 or thc Nonh Bcngal Univcni~y
(Arncndrncn~) Ac1:1983 ( W e s ~Rcn, ACI XX of 1983).

(13) "non-reaching stnfr' mcnns,-

(a) inrelation iorheUniversiry, rhrnon-lcaching sraff, not
Iiolding any leaching posl (including part-lime Leaching
post), appoinled or recognized as such by the Universily.
(b) in rcliltion lo an affiliated collcgc, Lhc non-teaching
slarf, nor holding any teaching post (induding part-
lime reaching post), appoinred or recognized by lhc
University or appoinled by such college,
but does not include an Officer or a Librarian:
(14) "prescribed" means prescribed by Slalures, Ordinunces,
Regulations or Rules made under this Act;
(15) "Principal" means the head of a college or or an institulion
by whatever name called:
(16) "professional college" means a University College or an
arfilialcd collcge in which inslruclion i s provided primwily
for courses or s ~ u d yleading 10 any degree, diploma or
cerlificale of [he Univcrsity in any professional subjecl and
which is recognized undcr this Act as a professional
(17) "professainal subjecl" means any or the fallowing sub-
jects, namely, Law. Medicine, '[Denustry,] Engineering,
Teachers Trailling, PhysicaI Education, Technology,
Journalism, Managemenr Studies, Agricul~urc or such
oiher subjec~35 may be prescribed by Regulatians;
(1 8) "registered gradua~e"means a graduale registered under this
Act, at leas1 ~hreemonths prior to lhe date of election oC
members to the Court on applicalion in the prescribed form
and on paymcnt or u icc OF one rupee:
Provided thar no pcrson shal Ibe eligible lo be registered
under [his Act unlcss he has graduated himseIt' from the
University a1 least thrce y e n s prior to the date of eleclion
or members to rhc Coun;
(19) "Slalules", "Ordinances", "Regula~ions"and "Rules" mzan,
respectively, the Stnrures, Ordinances, Regulations and RuIes
of h e Universily made under this Act; .
(20) "Students' Union" means,-
(a) in rzlauon lo the University, thc Sludenls' Union
constilured in the manner prescribed, and
(b) in relation Lo an undergraduate college, the Sludenls'
Utlion conslituied in ihc manner prescribed;

'Thc word within the squarc hnclicu :wcw inscrled by s. 2 or the Nonh Bcngal
University (Arncndrncnt) Acl, 1993 (W~qr'Ben.Acl VIIJ or 1993).

The Norrii Bengal U~liversipAcr, 1981.

[West Ben. Act

(Cltapfer 11.-Tlrr Utr i v a r s i ~artd its oficers.-Sectioti 3.)

'(21) 'Teacher" means a Principal, Professor, AsdstantProfessor,

Reader, Leclurer, Demonslralor, Tutor. Tns~mcloror any
olher person appoinled or recognized as such by the
University, eilher whole-time or parl-time, for [he purpose
of imparling instruction or conducting research in [he
University or appointed by an affiliated college or ins\itulion;
(22) "Teacher of Lhe University" means a Professor, Reader,
Lecturer or any orher person, appointed or recognized as
such by h e Univcrsi~y,either whole-time or part-time, for
the purpose of imputing instruction or conducling research
in [he University:
(23) "the Universjry" means h e University OF North Bengnl as
consri[uted under this Act;
(24) "University Laboratory ", "University Library", "University
Museum" ar "University Instimlion" means a laboratory, a
library, a museum or an institution, as [he case may be,
maintained and managed by the Univcrsicy, whether
established by ir or not;
(25) "Universily Professor", "University Reader" or "University
Lecturer" means a Protessor, Reader or Lecturer appointed
or recognised as such by the University.

The University and its oflicers

Thc 3. (1) The firs1 Chancellor and [he first Vice-Chancellor of Ihe
Universily and the firs^ members of h e Court and the Executive Council,
and all persons who may hereafer become the Chancellor or the Vice-
Chancellor of the University or the members of the Court or he
Executive CounciI, so long as they continue to hold such office or
membership. shall constitule a body corporate by the name of the
University or North Bengal.
(2) The University shall have perpetual succession nnd a
common seal and shaIl sue and be sued by h e name of [hc Universi~y
of North Bengal.

'Clause (21) r v z firs! substi!utcd Tor original clause by s. 6(a) of Ihe Wcsr Rengal
Univcsily h w s (Arncndmcn~)ACI. 1986 ( \ V a l Bcn, Act XX or ISS6). Thcrcalwr. lhc
clausc was rcsubslituled by s. 6 ( ~ ofrhc
) Wcsl Bcngnl University LWS (Amendnbcnl) Acl,
19R8 (IVcsl ncn. Act Vm or 1988). w.c.f. 13.8.85. .

The Norib Bengal Universiry Act. 1981.

XXV of 1981.1

( Cl~apter!l.-T!~e Utl i~!ersityarid irs oflccrs.-Secriorr I.)

4. The University shall have the following powers, namely:-- Powcm*f I

, -
(1) to provide for instruction nnd training in such branches of unive~ily-
learning as i~ may lhink f i t and to rnakc provisians for
research and Tor the advancemen\ and dissernitlaiion of
(2) LOeslablish, maintain or manage colleges, librnies, n~uscurns
and such other insiilulions or centres as it may consider El;
(3) to recognize any college as a consrituent college or a
proiessional collcge and to withdraw such recognidon;
(4) to affiliate to j~sellany college. ioslilulion or cenlre and to
wirhdraw such aKIiation:
'(5) to prescribe for affilialed colleges, other than Government
(a) the constitulion, porvers and. iunclions of their
Governing Bodies, and
(b) wilh thc approval of h e S ~ a l eGovernmcnr,-
(i) h e rerms and conditions o f servicc of Teachers.
Libnrians and non-teaching slaff, and
(ii) rules ror providen~fund;
(6) to prescribe for colleges rhe rules for Teachers' Councils:
(7) lo provide Tor the jnspcc~ion.or invcstigarion into rhe affairs.
OF colleges or inslitutions or centres recognized by it or
allilialed to i t and to exercise general supervision and control
over them:
(8) 10take over for a period of Lwclve months the management
of any affilinled. constituent or professional college or
institurion or cenue other than a Governmen1 Collt,ae or
instituuon in order to ensure that proper standard of leaching.
[raining or instruction is mainlained therein:
Provided h a t the Universiry may,iT it considers necessary
so to do, extend such period so, howcver. [ha1 [hc aggregate
period shall no1 exceed eighteen rnonrhs;
(9) LOdissove the Governing Body of any affiliated. constiluenl
or professional college or instiludon other than n Governrncnt
ColIege and, pending reconslitulion o f he Governing

'Clnusc ( 5 ) was subsrilutcd Tor orginal clause by 8, 6(b)o f rhe W c s t Bengal Univesiry
(Amcndmcnt) Acl. 19RS (Wmr Rcn GCI V l l I o r 198RI w r f 17 8 rDRr

The Norrli Bellgal Utliversify Acr, 1981.

(Cl~uprerIi.-Tf~e Un iversify arrd its oflcers.-Secrion 4.)

Body thereof in such manner as may be prescribed, lo

appoin~an Administralor or an ad hoc Governing Body:
Provided that recostitutior~of h e Governing Body shall
h e made within a period of lwelve monlhs from [he dale of
ils dissolution:
Provided furher Lhat the University may,if i~considers
iieccssnry so to do. extend such period so, however, lhat the
aggregate pcriod shnll no[ exceed eighteen months;
(10) to instilule degrees, titles, diplomas, cerlifica~esand other
academic distincrions;
(11) lo hold examinalions and to confer degrces. lides, diplomas,
ccrlilicates and other academic dis~incljonson pcrsons w h e -
(a) shall have pursued an approved course of sludy in [he
Universily or in an affilinred. cons~ituentor proressional
college or a University Laboratory or University Library
unless cxempled therefrom in the rnanncr prescribed,
and shall have passed the prescribed cxnminarions of
the Universily, or
(b) shall have carried on research under condiijons
(12) to wiihdraw or cancel degrees, titles, diplomas, ccrriiicates
or other academic distinctions under such condihons as may
be prescribed by Siatutes and after giving h e persons affecled
a reasonable oppoflunity lo presenr his case;
(1 3) to confer honorary degrees and other academic dist inclions
under conditions prescribed:
(13) to inslitule and make appointment lo Professorship,
Readership, Lccrureship and orher posw required by lhe
University for h e purpose of imparung instruction or
conducting rcsearch in h e Univcrsity;
(1 5) to creale posts, as and when required,, of officers and
employees 01 [he University besides those provided for in
his ACI and lo appoint persons lo such posts;
(16) to institule fellowships,lravelling fellowships, scholarships.
studenrships, sripends, bursari&, exhibibiiions, medals and
prizes lo be awarded obt of Ihe ~ n i v e r s i Fund;
(17) to prcscribe, subjec~10 the provisions of h i s Act, rhe
constiLuuon, powcrs and duties of the Boards of Studics,
Finance Comrnit~eeand other bodies;

XXV of 1981.1

(Cltuprcr 11.-Tlie Utr iver.cily ar~dirs nJ/ic~'rs.-Sec~

ion 4. )

(18) prescribe the powcrs anti dulies or orficers or rhc

(19) 10prescribe, subject lo the provisions of h i s Act, the lerms
and conditions orscrvice, including Lbe rulcs of conducl and
discipline, and the emoluments for 311 p o s ~ ~Teachers
of and
orher ernplovees of rhe Universily;
(20) to make provisions Tor provident f~tndand othcr funds for
Ibe employees or ~ h cUrliversity;
(21) ro esrablish, maitltain and nlanagc hostels and ollier places
of residence For [he sludenls, Teachers, Officers and other
employees or the Univcrsi~y;
(22) lo recognize hostels and orher pliccs of residcrice and
withdraw rccogiiition ~hcreol;
(23) lo prescribe. dcn~aildand receive recs, fines and othcr
(24) to provide for rhe supervision and controI of residence and
discipline of studcnts of rhc Universi~y and LO make
arringemznts Tor promotion of rhcir. healrh nnd general
we1 fare;
(25) tn cottducr, co-ordinnlc, regularc and conrrol post-gmduare
research work and teaching in the Univcrsi~y,the conslilueni
and affiliated colleges and the ios~ilutionsrecognized by the
(26) to make grants lo h c Ndional Cadel Corps and the Naiional
Social Servicc Trom [he Universily Fund;
(27) 10 enter inlo an agrccmenr wirh the Statc Government or
with the approvnl of rhe Slate Government with wy olher
Govcrnrneilr or with any person, body or authoriry for the
raking over by lbe University of rlie manngernenl of any
collegc or insritulion, including its assers and liabililics, or
for any olhcr purposc nor repugnanl lo Lhc provisions of this
(28) to acquire, hold and dispose of properLy, movable and
immovable, and 10 mabc grants and ndvances Ibr furthering
any or ils objects;
(29) lo accepl and administer gifts, endowmenls and beneBcrions,
fur the rurtherance o f any or i ~ sobjecls lor the University
or on beholr of any instilurion established by, affiliated ro,
or recognized by, the U~~ivcrsity;
(30) to instilure awards, fellowships. lravelling rcllowships,
scholarships, studenlships, stipends, bursaries, exhibitions,
medals and prizes:

The Norrh Bengal Unirersiry Acf, 1981.

[Wcsl Ben. Act

(Ciiaprer II.-The U~rivursirya~rdits oflcers.-Sectiot~i 57.)

(3 1) to accept grants rrom the Cenml or any State Governmcnl

or lhe Universily Grants Commission, and, wirh he approval
of ihe S r a ~ eGovernment, also from olher sources, to raise
loans, or to accepi loans from the Central or the Slate
Governmenior [he Universiry Granls Commission and from
other sources:
Provided that raising o r Iaans and acceptance of loans
from other sources shall require he approval of the Srale
(32) lo co-opcrare with other universilies, inslilulions and
educa~ionalaurhoriries in matters that relale lo and further
the educational objectives of the University;
(33) generally to d o all such acts and rhings as may be necessary
or desirable for, or incidenlal lo. [he advancement of h e
, objects or purposes of [he University.

5. ( 1 ) Save as otherwise provided in this Acr, the powers of the

Utliversity conferred by or under lhis Act shall exlend lo [he whole of
each of the d i s ~ i c t sreferred 10 in clsusc ( 5 ) of secdon 2.
(2) Notwithsranding anything in sub-seclion (I), the tcmlodal limits
of [he University shall no1 include any area which, far the rime being,
is included wilhin the local limits of jurisdiction of any olher university
established by law wirhin Wesr Bengal.
(3) Norwithsranding anylhing conldned in sub-secion (I), any collcge
or institution siluated beyond the limils of any dis~rictreferred ro in
clause (5) of seclion 2 may. with the sanction of h e Stare Governn~ent,
apply to the University for affiliation and thc University may, subject
lo such condi~ionsand restrictions as i~ may wirh the approval of thc
Srate Government think fil to impose, affiliate ro itself such college or
institurion and admil the same to all [he privileges of the University.

Ti. The Univcrsi~ym a y delegare such of irs powers as il may dccm

expedienl lo any or [he aulhoritics cotlstitutcd under section 16 or to any
of its orficers, and, may at any lime withdraw, at i b discretion, any power
so delegated.

Ofliccrs or 7. The following shall be he officers of Ihe University:-

Unitcrsi~y. (i) the Vice-Chancellor,
(ii) the Regislrar,
(iii) the Finance OTficer, and
(iv) such other persons in [he service of the Universiry as the
Universily may declare to be officers of rhe Universily.

xxv or 1981.1

S.( I ) The Governor shall. by virlue or his office, be the Chancellor 'Ihc
, of [he University. Hc shall be [he head of the University and the President
of the Courr and shall, when present, preside ovcr [he meetings or the
(2) The Chancellor sllall exercise such powers as may be cotlferred
on him by or under rhe provisions or this Act.
(3) Whcrc power i s conferred up011 the Chancellor la make
nominalions ro any authority or body of the University. [hc Chancellor
shall, to thc exlcnt necessary, norninate persons to rcprcsenl ili~eres~s
olherwise adequn~clyrepresented.
(4) Every proposal lo confer any honorary degrcc shall he subjecl
ro confirmalion by thc Chancel lor.

9. (1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor l'hc Vicc-

on [he unanimous recommendalion of the Cour~.If the Court fails to I
make any such recommcndarion, Ihe Vice-Cba~~cellor shall be appointed
by rhe Chancellor in consuIt;l\ion with rhe Millister from a panel of three
persons to be elecred by thc Cuur~in accordance with [he systcrn of
propor(iona1 representarion by mcilns o f ~ h single
z iransrerable vote.

(2) (a) Thc Vice-Chancellor sllnll hold officc Tor a term of four I
years or Lill he nrtnins the age of 65 yenrs, whichcvcr is earlier, and shall
be eligible for re-appoinlmen~For another term of four years or rill he
attains [he age of 65 yenrs, whichever is earlier.
(b) The Chancellor may, nolwiths~anding[he expiration of the term
o f the office of die Vice-Charicellor or his altaining the agc of 65 years,
aIlow him Lo continue in office Lill a successor assumes office, providcd
[hat he shall not continue as such for any pericd exceeding six months.
(3) The Vicc-Chancellor shall be a wholc-time officer or thc
Universi~yand shall be paid from the University Fund such salary and
allowauces as the Chancellor may decido in consullalion w i ~ hLhe Srilre
(4) The Vice-Chanccllor may resign liis office by writing under his
hand addressed lo [he Chancellor.
( 5 ) If-
(a) lhe Vice-Chancellor is, by reason or Icnvc, illness or other
cause, rcmporari ly unable ro exercise thc powers and perfonn
h e dutics oC his office, or
(b) ;
I vacancy occurs in [he office of the Vice-Chancellor by
rcason of death, resignation or expiry of the lerm of his
orlice or otherwise.

[West Ben. Act

then, during the period o f s u c l ~temporary inability or pending Lhe

appoit~ume~~t of a Vicc-Chancellor, as the case may be, h e Chancellor
io consultation will1 ~ h Minister
c may appoint ally person to exercise the
powers a i d perrorrn ~ h cdudes of [he Vice-Chancellor.
(6) Thc vacancy in h e office of the Vice-Chancellor occurring by
reason ordcatb, resignntiol~or expiry of [he Lerm of his oflice or olhenvjse
t be filled up by appointment o r a Vicc-ChancelIor ill accordance
with the provisions of sub-secrion (1) within a period of six ~nonlhsfrom
the date of occurrence or ~ h cvacancy.

Powcrs and 10. (1) The Vicc-Chancellor shall be lhe principal execulive and
tluria LIT lllc
Vicc- acadcrnic olficcr of thc Universily and shall, in the absence of rhe
Clncclr Chnnccllor, preside over the meeting of [lie Cour~.Hc shalt, by virluc
o r his office. be n member a ~ t d[he Clinirmiln o r Ihc Executive Council
a ~ l dthe Facul~yCou~iciIsfor posl-grilduale sludies and also the Chairman
of any other aulhority or body of the University of which he may be
a tnember. He shall also bc cnli~lcdto be presenr a1 and lo address any
ineering of ally orhcr aulhoriry or body or the Universily of which he
may nor bc a member, bill shall not be eutitled to vote rhereat.
(2) The Vicc-Chnnccllor shall have Ihe power to convene meelings
of the Court, rhc Exccutivc Council, Lhe Faculty Cout~cilsfor posk
graduare studies, thc Councils for undergraduate sludies and of any other
authorily or body of thc University.
(3) Ir shall bc rhc duty o r the Vice-ChancelIor to ensure [hat Lhe
provisions or this Act, and k e Sta~utes,the Ordinances and the Regulations,
arc IaithfulLy observed, and 10 take such aclion as may be necessary for
Lhis purposc.
(4) Thc Vicc-Chunccllor shall have the power to exercise general
co~llroland supervision over all other officers of the Universily and over
all Tcachci-s and cmployccs of thc Universily and-generally over all [he
aITairs o r thc Univcrsily.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall eitercisc such orhcr powcrs and
discharge such othcr duties as may bc delegated to him by any authorily
or body of the Univcrsi ty or as may be prescribed by Slalules, Ordinances
or Rcgula~ions.
(6) The Vice-Chanccl lor may takc on behalf of the Universily such
aclion as hc may dcem cxpcdicnl in any matter which, in his opinion,
is either urgenr or of an enicrgcnt nnlure and shall report the same Tor
confirnlalion at thc next mcc~ingof the aulhoriry or body which in the
o r d i ~ ~ a rcoursc,
y would hi~vcdeal1 with the rnalter:
Provided Ilia[ ir lhe aclion taken by the Vice-Chancellor is not
approved by he autliori ty or body conccmed, the matier shall imrnedintcly
be referred to thc Chancellor whose dccision Lhcreon shalt be Iinal.

Tltc Arorlh Berlgol Utlivet.siv Act, 1961.

XXV of 1981.1

(7) The Vice-Cl~anccllormay, with thc approval o r thc Execu~ive

:: Council, at any tirnc delegale any of his powers othcr tliaii Ihe powcrs
referred Lo in sub-seclion (6) to any alher officer subofdinarc ;o him.

11. ( I ) TheRegistrorshallbeawhulc-~in~eofficeroTtheUniversily.Thc
He shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the rzcommcndu~ian Regisrnr.
of a cornmiltee consisting o f the Vice-Chilncellor ils Cllairman. a notnincc
ofrhc Chancellor, I W O nominees of thc Execurive Council and a nominee
of he State Govcmmenl.
(2) The Registrar may resign his office by wriling under his hand
addressed to lhc Vice-Cha~~cellor.
(3) Ifthe Registrar is for any rcason temporarily unable lo cxcrcise
the powers or perform the d u ~ i e sof his orlilicc, he Vice-Chancellor with
the approval of the Execulive Cauncil may nppoint a Teacher of the
Universily or an officer of thc Uoiversiry temporarily for a lollrl period
nor execceding six months LO exercisc thc powers and pcrfarm rile duties
of rhc Kegiswar.

12. Subject to the s ~ p e ~ i s i odirection

r~, and gencral control or Powcrs :~nrl
d u l i nr
~ ~lhc
the Vice-Chancellor, thc Regisrrar shall acl a [he Secrc~aryof the Coun Rcgihlr;~~.
as also of the Executive Council and st~allexcrcise such powers and
pcrForn~such duties as may be prescribed, or delegalcd lo him by or
under this Act and the Slatulzs, ~ h Ordinances
c or the Regulalions. as
the case may be.

13. (1) The Finance Officer shall be a wholc-lime olficcr of Ihe 'l'hc I'liiancc
Univeisily. He shall be appointed by thc Execulive Council on the Orficcr.
reco~nmendarionaT a comnultee consisling of rhc Vice-Chnncellor as
Chairman, a nominee of [he Chancellor, two nominees or the Execulive
Council and n nominee of thc State Govtmmenl.
(2) Thc Finance OfIiccr may resign his office by wriling undcr his
hand addressed Lo the Vice-Cl~anccllor.
(3) IT the Financc Officer js for nny reasoti ~cmporarilyunable lo
exercise the powcrs or perform the duties of his office, h e Vicc-Chancellor
wilh the approval or the Execulive Council may appoin~n person
rcmporarily for a Lola[ period not exceeding six monrhs lo exercise the
powers and petlorrn h e duties of h e Finance Ofhccr.

14. (1) Subjecl to thc supervision, dil-echn and gcncral c o ~ l ~ r o fl t'oivcrs and
duties of rllc
~ h cVice-Chancellor, he Finance Officer shnll be in cliargc of d ~ e
adminisualion of the funds, rhc finances and he propenies and asscts Omccr.
of the University and of all trus~sand eodoivn~enb;and he shall lake
special interest in aclivilies, (hat aim at raising funds Tor rhe purposes
of the University and augmenting the resources o f [he Univcrsily.

T / INor111
~ Berrgal Utliversiy Acr. 1981.

[Wcsl Ben. Act '

(Cl~rrptcr!I.-Tf~c U/~i~~ersityand irs o f l c e r s . S e c ~ i o n15.-
Cirapter 1II.-A~rrhori~iesnf tAe ~ r ~ i ~ ~ e r s i ~ - ~ c16, u l 17.)

(2) The Finance OCliccr shall exercise such olher powers and perform
such other duties as may bc prcscribed. or delegated to him by or under
this A c l and the Stntulcs, [he Ordinances or Lhe Regulations, as the case
may be.

Supc~isar~ 15. In their respective spheres of du~ies,the Regis~nrand t hc Financc

po\r.LhrA a(
,hc ~~~i~~~~ Officer shall, subject to h e provisions of this Acr, have the power of
and rhc supervision and control ovcr all officers and employees serving in
Ofliccr. departments under [heir chargc and shall exercise such disciplinxy
power a s may be confcrrcd on them by or under this Act or by Sralules
or Ordinunccs.

Aulhorilies or the University

Aurhonlics, 16, The follotving sllall be aulliariries of [he Universi1y:-

( I ) the Court;
(2) the Executive Council;
(3) the Faculty C o u ~ ~ c i for
l s posl-gnduale sludies;
(4) the Councils far undergraduatc sludics;
(5) [he Boards of Studies;
(6) the Finance Comnlillee;
(7) such orher authorities as may be eslablished under h e

Thr: Courl. 17. (1) The Court shall consist of the following:-
(a) ex oficiu t~errrbers
(i) the Chancellor;
(ii) Lhe Vice-Chancellor:
(iii) the immediately preceding Vice-Chancel lor;
(iv) the Deans of the Faculty Councils lor post-graduate
(v) rhe Secretary, Education Departmcn~,Government o f
Wesr Bengal '[or his nomincc not bclow the rank of
Depur~ySecretary lo Lhc Govcrnmenr of Wcst Bengal];
(vi) the Secrelary, Finance Department, Governmen1 of
West Bengal or his nominee not below the rank of
Depury Secretary to [he Governrncnt of West Bengal;
t i inscncd by s. 6(b) of thc Wwl Bcngal
'The *or& wiihin ~ h csquare b ~ ~ c k cwcrc
University Lu-s (Amcndrncnt) Acr. 1986 (\Vcsl Bcn. Acl XX or 1986).

The Nortli Bengal Utiiversiry Acr, 1981.

XXV or 1981.1

Ill.-Arr111ori1it.sof rhe Utli~ler.rity.-Scfliorl 17.)

(uii) the President, W e s ~Bengal Council of Higher

Secondary Education;
(viii) the Presidcn~,W C S LBengal Board of Sccondary
(ix) thc Principal, DarjeeIin~GovernmcnL College;
(x) [he Principal, Norih 13cngal Mcdical College:
[(xa) h e Principal, Norlh B e n g l Denral Collegc;
(xi) t h e Principal, Jnlpaiguri Governnienr Engineering
(b) eIec~edn~ett~bcrs
(xii) four Professors or the Universiry Depanmcn ts elected
by such Professors rrom nn~oiigsl~hemselvcsor whom
one shall belong to any Deparlment unrlcr cach
at I c a s ~
Facul~yCouncil for post-gmdua~esrudies '[in Arls,
Commerce, Law and Science]:
(xi ii) eIeven Tenchcrs of rhe Universiry Dcparlmenrs olher
than Prolessors cleclcd by such Teachers from amongst
themselves of whom ot least four~sl~all belong LO the
Deparlmenrs under cach Fuculry Council for posl-
graduate s ~ u d i e s'[in Ark,. Cotnmecce, Law and
(xiv) Len Teachers, other than Principals, clec~edby [he
Teachers o r nrIiliarcd colleges (olher h n teachers'
training, engineering and medical collcgcs) From
amongst then~selvcsof whom at least one shall be a
(XV) one Tcacher elecled by thc Tcachers of Teachcrs'
Training Colleges frotn amongst themselves;
(xvi) two Teachcrs elecled by rhe Teachcrs of Engineering
College from amongst \hemselvts or whom one shall
be a Proressor and one shall be a Tcacher oll~erthan
a Professor;
(xvii) two Teachers elected by ~ h cTeachers of Mcdical
Collcge from amongsl themselves of whom one shall
he a Professor and one shall be a Teacher other khan
a Professor;

'Clausc (xa) w a s inrcncd by s. 3(a) of thc Nonli Bengal Udivcrsily (Arncnd~ncnt)Acl,

1993 (Wcsr Utn. Act Vlll or 1993).
'Words tvilhin Ihc squnn: bnckcls wcrc insened by s. 3 ( b ) { i ) , ihirl.
JWords wirhin thc quarc bnckca wcrc inbcrtcd by 5. 3(b)(ii), itjid.

[West Ben. Act

'(xviia) rwo Tcachers elec~cdby 1heTcachers orDcnral Collegc

ham amonpsi rhemselves of w l ~ o mone shall be a
Professor and onc sliaIl bc a Teacher orher than
(xviii) lllree Principals of affiliated colleges (other lhan
Medical ?I, De11tnl1and Engineering colleges), oFwhom
cnc shall be a Principal of a Tcachers' Training College,
clccled by ~ h cPrincipals of all slfilinled colleges;
(xix) lhrllc persons elccled by the regislered grfiduares Irom
arnongsi themselves;
( x x ) Lhree mcmbers of the Wesl Bengal Legislative
Assembly from the Assembly constimencics within
rl~etcrrilorial jurisdic~ion or the University elecled
from ainongst Lheinselves by (he members or [he West
I3engal Lcgislarive Assembly of whom one shall belong
ro rhc subdivision of Kurseong or Kalimpong or Sadar
sub-divjsion of [he dish-ict of Darjccling:
(xxi) thicc regular post-graduate siudenrs of the University
of whom one shall be a lady s~udcnt,elected by such
studcnrs from amongst thcmselves.
E.rplat~ariu~~ I.-"Regular poa-graduate student" shall
mean ;l sludenl who has been proseculing his s~udicsin a
posl-gradu+c dcpan~lienloi the University under any Faculty
Council Tor post-gmduzl~esludics and who is not in dchutt
or paymenr of prescribed tui tion fees and oher dues of Ihc
University till s u c h darc as may bcnolified by Ihe University
in [his behall. , .

. .
E s ~ ~ l a ~ r a11.-Nolwithshnding
tio~~ anylhing contained
clselvherc in thisAc1, a regularpost-gnduale studenr elecred
. , .. .
under h i s clause shall hold orficc For a period of lwo years - . -
. ,
... .
from the date o r his elecrion or till he ccases lo be a reguIar
post-grndua~esludenl, whichever is earlier;
(xxii) "[lvo regular sludenls of undergmduateor past-graduale
degrcc classrs of ilFfilinted colleges, of w ham one shall
be a sludent of s Governrnenl College, clected jaintly
by such undergnduale and post-graduate sludenls from
amongst ll~e~nselves].
'Ciaubc (xviin) jcw inscncd hy 5 , .f(b)(iii)ofthcNonh Bcngal University (Arncndrilcol)
Acl, 1993 (IVcst UCII.Acl VIIl of 1Y93),
T h c word within ~ l l csquare bnckc~swa inscncd by s. 3(b)(iv). ibirl.
'lhc \r.urds wilhin rhc srlunrc bn~%clswcrc suhhfi~utcdfor h c words beginning wit11
"IN-o rc~ulnrsludcnts" and t i d i n g rvilli "limn ilrnongsl d~crnselves;" by s. 3 or Ihc N ~ r l h
Bcngal Univcrsily (Arnrndn~cnr)Act, 1983 ( W a c Bcn. Acf X X uf 1983).

XXV OF 1981.1

Explonn~ion I.-"Regular s!udel~!" shali meal1 n srudenl

who has becn proseculing 11is s~udiesin iloy strcam ill at1
undcrgradua~eor posr-graduate degree class o r :111 affiliated
collcge and who is not in defaull of puymcnt of prcscribcd
luirion rees and oliier dues or such collcgc till such dntc ;is
may be norilied by [lie Univcrsiry in this behalr.
EE~plnt~n~iotr !I.-Norwi[lis[a~~di~iganything con tnincd
elsewl~erzin [his Acr, a regular s~udcnlclccted 11nrlrrthis
clause shall hold ollicc rut a period or 1h1-eeyears [roll1 1112
date of his ctcction or [ill he ceases 10 be a regular sludzlu,
whichcver is earlier:
(xxiii) one Research Scliotar or Rcscrrrch Fcllow of Ihc
Univerdty eIecred by such Kcsearch Scholars and
Research Fellows.
E~plarvlriot~ 1.-"llesearcl~ Sciiolar" or "Research t;ellow"
shall meat\ a wbole-1i11ie Research Scholar or Rcscilrch
Fello\il of ltlc University who rcccivcs a stipcntl horn the
Universiry .
E~plflnfltio~; 11.-Notwi~hs~anding aayrhiog co~~!aiued
elsewhere in this Act, a Rcsearch SchoIar or a Research
Fellow clccted undcr this clause shall cease to hold office
on the expiralion of the term of Research Scholarship or
Research Fellowship, as the case may be;
(xxiv) one ~neniberto be elected by ~ l i cLibrarians or Ihc
Universily and rlle colleges arfilialed 10 the Univcrsi~y
from amongst Ihernselves;
(XXV) three members elec~edby the mcinbcrs o f lhe non-
leaching staff or lhe U n i v c r ~ iyl frvm ;taloiISst
(xxvi) two members elecred by the inetilbers OF the lion-
reaching slalf of colleges affilialed to the Univcrsiry
horn amongsr Ihemselves;
(xxvii) one member elecred by [lie oflicers of the Universi~y
rrom amongsr lhemselves;

(xxviii) four persons nornillared by thc Stair G o v r m m r n ~or

(a) une shall bc a lnenlber 01n regislered wade uliiorl
within lhc (errilorial jurjsdicrion of [he University,
(b) one shall be a rne~riberofa peabrrn~s'orgrrnisarion
ivirhin the ~errilorialJUI-isdiclionof [he Universiry,

[West Bcn. Act

(ClrupferII1.-Arrlhorirics of ihe Llliiver.sity.-Sccriolr IS.)

(c) one shall be a rnernbcrola primary school teachers'

nssociation wilhin the tenilarial jurisdic~ionof the
University, and
(d) one shall be n member oT il secondary school
rcnchers' associalion within the territorial
jurisdic~ionof the Universily:
ljxxix) one p c r s o ~nominated
~ by ihe S ~ n r eGovernmen! from
amongsr rhe members of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill
Council cons[ilu~edunder [he Darjeeling Gorkha Hill IVcsr Rcn.
Council Act, 1988; ActXIIIof . .
, .
1985, . .
, . . -
(xxx) lhrce persons nominared by [he Chancellor 10 secure . . .

the rcprescnration of the professions;

(xxxi) onc person nominaled by the Governrnen~of Sikkim.
(2) All elec~ionslo the Court shall bc heId in the manner prescribed
by Statutes.

I'owcmand IS. (1) Subject to such conditions as may bc provided by or under

iunurions nf
,hcCoun. the provisions of rhis Acl. the courl shall exercise [he Ibllowing powers-
and prriorm rhe l ~ l l o w i n gfuncrions:-
(i) [o es~i~blish Univcrsily Deparlmenk, inslilutions, centres,
libraries, laboratories and muscums Tor study and research;
(ii) to creatc and inslilule. with ~ h capproval of [he Srale
Govcrnmcnt, Pr~fessor~hips, Readerships, Lectureships and
such p o s ~ sincluding posts of officers as may be necessary
for Ihe establishmen1 of the Universily Dcpar[men[s,
insritu~ion,cenucs, libri~ries,laboratories atld museums
referred 10 in clause (i);
(iii) to institule degrecs, ~itlcs,diplomas, cerrificates and orher
academic distinctions;
(iv) lo institute rellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships,
studenlships, sripcnds, bursaries, cxhibilions, medals and
prizes to be awarded o u ~of the University Fund;
(v) LO confer degrecs, [illcs, djplorn~c,certificnles and olhcr
academic disrinctions on persons who-
(a) have-pursued prescribed courses o r srudies or have
bcen exempled rhcrefrom in the manner prescribed,
and have passed such examinations as may be
prescribed, or
(b) have carried on research in nccordal~cewilh such
condiiions as m a y be prcscn'bcd;
'Clausc {xxix) w s subs~iluledfor original clnurc by s. ?of rl~r:Nudl Benznl University
(hrncndmcnt) Aci. 1991 (\VCSL Urn. ACI 111 ni 1991),

T f ~Nortlr
e Betrgt~lUtriversily Acr, 1981.

(vi) to withdraw or to cancel degrees, litles, diplomas, certificales

or othcr i~cadcmicdisrincrions under such condilions as may
be prescribed by Stntutcs and after giving rhc pcrson affecred
a reasonable opponuuity 10 present his case;
(vii) LO conrcr honorury degrees or other academic distincrions;
(viii) lo considcr thc Annual Stn~cmcntof Accounts and rhe Annual
Financial Esrimalcs approved by ~ h Executive
c Council and
to pass such resolurions relaring lhcrcto as may be considered
Provided that for the purpose or passing 3 resolution
modifying or rejecring any such Annual Financinl Estimates
it shall be necessary for a majoriry or the tolnl number of
members of the Court existing ar [he rime of vote in favour
of hc rcsolurion;
(ix) lo consider h e AnnuaI Report as prepared by Ihe Execulive
Council and to pass such resolutions relaling rherero a5 may
be considered necessary;
(x) lo consider and advise on such olher reports from the
Exccudve Council or any other body as may bc made to it;
(xi) lo consider, and advise on. proposals horn lhc Executive
Council for en~eringinlo agreemen1 wilh !hc Governmenr
or, with the approval of the State Governrnenl, with any
persons body or authority for the raking over by Ihc University
or the management of any college or instilulion, including
its assels and liabilities, or Tor any o h e r purpose not rcpugnanl
lo ~ h cprovisions of this Act;
(xii) to considcr, and advise on, proposals from h c Execulive
Council lor co-operation with other universiries, insliru~ions
and educational authorities in matlers thar relale to or further
the educniionnI objectives OF the Universiry;
(xiii) to consider and suggesl measures for [he impmvcment of
the administration and finances of the University, and
generally for the fuflherance of its objectives;
(xiv) to make rules for the tnnsaction ol its own business;
(xv) lo exercise all other powers and perform all olher funclions
conferred and imposed on the Court by or under this
(2) Thc Cour~shallno1 exercise the powers and p e r t o m thc functions
rerzrred l o in clauses (i) LO (vii) or sub-seclion (1) excepl on thc
recomrncndadon of [he Exccutivc Council, but may send proposnIs in
respecl ihercof to the Executive Council for ils--recommendalion.

The North B L ' I I ~Utiiversity

~I! Act. 1981.
[West Ben. Act i

(3) The Court shall hnvc the p w z r to review the action or lhc
Executive Council. save wherc [he Execu~iveCoui~cilhas acled in I

accordance with llle powers crsnrcrred on ii by or under rhis Acr:

Provided [hat iT any ques~ionarises as to whether the Exccutive
Council has acled in uccordnnce wilh [he powers conferred on i t by or
under lhis Acl, thc matter shall be decided by rdcrence to [he Chonccllor
whose decisiou shall bc final.

Mccrings Of
lllc Court.
19. (1) Thc Coun sliall meet n l leasf thrice in a financial ycilr, other
than for cotlvoca~ion,on dates lo be fixed by lhe Vice-Chanccllor. One . .

01 such meelings sl~allbc held before March and shall be caIlcd the . . . .

Annual Meeririg. The Courl may also meel a1 such other titnes as il may,
from timc 10 lime, decidc.
(2) Onc-third of the iota1 number OF members of the Courlpl[rs onc
shall be a quorum for a neer ring o r [he Coun:
Provided rhal such quorum shall nor bc required a1 a convocation.
(3) Thc Vice-Chancellor may, whenever he thinks f i t , and shall, !
upon arequisirion in writing signed by not less tllan one-hird of members
o f the Court, convene a meetjng of the Coug. A mecling on such
requisition shihI bc held within firreen days ofthe receipt orthe requisilion
by rhe Vice-Ch~nccllor. 1
Thc 20. ( 1 ) The Execulive Council shall consist of the rol1owing:-
Council. (a) r.s o f i i n I I I C ~ I I ~ P T S
(i) the Vice-Chancellor;
(ii) the Deans of the Faculty CounciIs forpost-graduate
(iii) the Secrelary, Education Depnrlmcnt, Governrnenr
of Wesr Rengal '[or his nominet not below rhc
rank of Depuly Secretary ro the Govcrnrnenl of
W e s ~Betlgal];
(iv) the Secretary, Finance Deparhnent, Governmenr
of W e s ~Bengal or his no~nineeno1 below the rank
or Deputy Secrclary to the Government of Wesl
(v) [he Presidcnl, Wesl Bengal Council o r Higher
Secondary Education;
(vi) lhe Priucipal, Dnrjeeling Governrncnl College;
(vii) the Principal, Jalpaiguri Goverr~mcnlEngineering
'Thc words ivithin ~ h csqu.uc bn-kcls wurc inscr~cdby s. 6(c) of rhc lVcsr Bcngal
Univcuiiy Laws {An~cndmcnr)Acl, 19SG (Wcs! Bcn. Au! XX or I9Uh).

Act. 1981.
The Nortll Bc~igulU~iiver~ity

XXV of 1981.1

(viii) the Principal. Norlh Bengal Medical College:

'(viiia) [he Principal, Norlh Bengal Denlal College;
(b) elecled rnetlibers
( i x ) two Professors clcctcd jointly by the ProFcssors
of the Faculty Councils for post-gradualc studies
'[in Arts, Commerce, Law and Scicncc] from
amongst lhemselves of whom tlol more Ihnn onc
shall belong to the same Faculry Council;
(x) two post-graduate Teachers, other than Professors
eleclcd j o i n ~ l y by the Teachers (other than
Professors) o r thc Faculty Councils for post-
gnduale srudies '[in Ads, Commerce, Law and
Science] from amongsr themselves of whom not
more than one shall belang to lhe same Facully
#- '

(xi) (a) one Professor of the Universjly elecled by

such Professors of the University as are
mcnlbers O F the Court From amongst
(b) one post-gnduate Teacher of [he University
other h a n a Pmfissorelec~edby such Teachers
~5 are members of lhe Court from ainongsl
(c) one Teacher o r an undergraduate college
elected by such Tenchers or undcrgradunte
colleges as are members of the Courl from
amongst rhemselves;
( x i ) one person, olher than a Teacher or o sludent or
a member of the non-leaching staff or an orficcr,
elected by such persons as &&members or thc
Court (olher rhan Teachers, srudenrs, members or
the non-leaching staff or officers) rrom amongst
'(a) one non-leaching slaff of [he University
elected jointly by such non-teachjag sraff of
the University and the aFfi liated colleges as
are members of the Courr from amongst
'Clausc (viiia) was inscncd by s. 4(a) of h e Nonh Bcngal Univcsiry (Amcndmcnr)
Act, 1993 (West Bcn. Act VlIl of 1993).
%c words wihin thc square bnckca wcrc inscrred by s. 4(b)(i), ibid.
'Thc words wirhin thc squarc b r ~ c k c ~wcrc
s inscrrcd by s. 4(b)(ii). ihid.
'Sub-clauses (a) and (b) wcrc suhstitutcd Tor original sub<laus~s by a. 4 uT thc Nonh
Bcngal Univcrsily (Amcndrncn~)ACT,1983 (War Ucn. Acr XX 01 1983).

The Nor~frUengal Ut~iversiiyAci, 1981.

[West Ben. Act

'(b) one posr-graduate studcnr elccled jointly by

such pox-gmdua~esrudenls or thc University
and studenw of [he affiljaled collcges as arc
mcmbers o f [he Courl from amongsl
(c) one member of [he Wesl Bengal Legislative
Assembly clcctcd by such members of h e
Wesl Bengnl Legislalivc Assembly as are
members of [he Courl from amongst
(xiv) the member elected under clause (xxvii) of sub-
seclion (I ) of section 17:
(XV) row persons clcctcd by the members OF the Councils
for undergradunlc sludies horn amongst ~helnselves
of whom-
(a) two shall be Teachcrs other than Principals,
from the Council for Undcrgraduate S~udies
i n Arts, Science, Commerce and Law.
(b) one shatI be a Teacher, other rhan a Principal,
from lhe Council For Undergnduale Srudics
in Engineering and Technology, and
(c) one shall be a Teacher, olher than a Principal,
from h e Council for Undcrgraduate Sludies
in Medicine ?[and Denlislry];
(xvi) onc Principal e l e c l d by such Principals of collegcs
impming inslruclion in A m , Science, Commerce
and Law as are members of the Council for
Undergradua~eS~udiesin Arb. Science, Cammcrce
and Law from arnoogsl rhernselves;

(xvii) one person llominared by rhc Chancellor.

(2) All elections lo the Execu~iveCouncil shall bc hcld in the manner
prescribed by Slarutes.
(3) One-lhird of the loral number or members or tile Execuiivc
Council plrrs one shall be a quorum for a meetitlg or the Executive

-'The words within rhc squarc hnckcLx wcrc inscncd by s. 4(b)(iii) of Ihc Nonh DcngaI
University (Amcndmcnr) Acl, 1993 (\Vest Ucn. h c l VIll of 1993).

77ie Nurflr Berrgol Utliversiry Acr, 1981.

XXV of 1981.1

21. Subject ro the provisions of this ALL,hc Exccu~iveCouncil shall Po\xrcrsand

iunl-[inn n l
A:' exercise ~ h cfollowing powers and perform thc rollowing func1ions:- ,h,
(i) ro iniliare proposals for [he making oTSlatules and Ordinances
jncIuding proposals for amcndment or repeal thereof, in the
manner hereinaher provided;
(ii) to recommend lo [he Court, afier consuIdng thc respecrive
Faculty Councils Tor posl-graduate studies, lhe establishment
of Univcrsily Deparlmenls, institulions, centres, libraries,
laburatodes and museums For study and research;
(jii) to mainlain Univcrsily Depar~menrs,University insti[u[ians,
Universi~ylibraries, University lahoralories and Univcrsily
(iv) lo cslnblish, mainlni~~, manage and recognize Halls and
(v) lo direct the inspecrion of University libraries, Universily
laboralories, Universily museums. Halls and Hoslels:
(vi) lo recommend lo the Courl, after consulting the respective
Facul~yCouncils lor posl-gradua~esrudies the insli~ulionor
rcllorvships, travelling Fellowships, scholarships,
studcnuhips, stipends, bursaries. exhibitions, mcdals and
prizes, the cxpenszs of which sl~allbe met from the University
Fund, and ta award rhz same after institurion thercof by the
(vii) lo recommend to h e Coud, ;lf cr consulting h e respeclive
Facully Councils for post-graduate studies, [he crearion and
ins~lulionof Professorships, Rcadcrships, Lectureships and
such posts as may be necessary Tor thc csrablishmenl of the
Universily depanments, inslitulions, ccnrres, libraries,
laborarories and museums referred lo in clause (i)of sub-
section (1) of section 18;
(viii) to creale, wirh [he approval of the S ~ a r cGovernmcnt, p o s ~ s
orofficers, Teachers and other employccs o l Ihe Univcrsily
or to recornmend lo the Court for crca~iono r posrs or
orficers and Teachers of he Univcrsi~y;
(ix) to prescribe Lhc minimum qualifications For post ororficcrs,
Teachcrs and olher employees of the University;
(x) LO appoint Teachers, officers and employees of the Univcrsily
and to fix [heir cmolumenls and define heir duties and other
lerrns and condirions of service in accordance with the
.Slalures and the Ordinances and to suspcnd, dischargc ar
otherwise punish in accordance wilh Lhe SLa~u~es and the
Ordinances such Teachcrs, officers and employees:

[West Ben. Act

(xi) to p a s appropriare orders on the basis of the recommendalion

or the respeclive Council for uodergndu;aes~udiesregarding
affiliation of a collcgc or an inslirurioo in one or more
subjab or wirlidnwal or affiliation or recognition of a collcge
or an insti~utionor temporary lakc over or the management
of an affilialed or a rccognised college or insdtution;
(xii) to makc draft of Statures. o n he recommendation or the
respecrjvc Council for undcrgraduale siudies, for colleges,
other than Governrnenl Colleges, prescribing h c canstituLion,
powers and functions of [heir Governing Bodies;
'(xiii) lo de~crmine,with [he approval of the Stale Government,
the rerrns and conditions of scrvice of Teachers, Librarians
and non-leaching slaff or affiliated colleges other lhnn
Government Colleges;
?(xjv) [omake rules for Teachers' Council Tor all affilinrcd colleges
nod, wirtl lhe approval of the Slatc Governrnenl, rules far
provident fund for affiliaied colleges other than Government
(xv) ra prcscribe and colIecl rees or chargcs Tor the regisIralion
ofsrudcnls and their admission to coursa ofstudies organised
by h e Universily, for holding examina~ions,or the g n n i
of degrees, diplomas and cerljficales. and for orher like
(xvi) to reconunend to Lhe Courl, artcr cansulung the respecrivc
Facul~yCouncils for post-graduale studies, the institution
of degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and ather academic
(xvii) lo recommend to the Courl, on the advice ofthe appropriate
body. [he confermen[ oldcgrees, dtles, dipIomas, cerlilicales
and oll~eracademic dislinclionson persons who have pursued
prescribed courses of sludies or have beco exempted
therefrom in thc prescribed manner, and have passed such
exnminaliot~s,or have carried on research under such
conditions. as may be prescribed;
(xviii) LO rccorrlmend to the Court, [he confermenr oF honorary
degrees and olher academic distinclions;
(xix) to approvc the conslitulion or recons~lutionof the respeclive
department of teaching in the University on the
rccomrnendalion of the respcclive Facul~yCouncil for post-
graduare studies;
'Clauic (xiii) was subs~iruiedTor original clause by s. 6(c)(i) or the W t s ~Bcngal
University h i v s (Arncndmcn~)ACI, lq8K (WCSIBcn. Acr VllI r r i 1988). w.c.T. 13.8.1985.
'Clause (xiv) X Y subs~i~uled
~ for origin11 clnusc by s. 6(c)(i1),ibirl, w.c.f. 13.8.1985.

Tllc Norrlr Beegal U ~ ~ i v e r s i Acr,

l y 1981.

XXV of 1981.1

(xx) to make regulations regarding Lhe courses of studies and the

division of subjecls after obtai~tingand considering thc
recortimendatiotl of the Facully Council for posr-graduate
studics and Council Tor undcrgmduutc sludics in this regard;
(xxi) to make regulations regarding tlte exa~ninnrionswhich shall
be recognized as the equivalent examinations held by the
(xxii) Lo make regulations regarding the conduc~or examinations
held by the University nnd h e condition under which sludcnls
may be admillcd lo lhc dirkrent courscs of studies of attd
the examinatiot~sheld by the Uaiversily:
(xxiii) to makc rcgulalions rcgurding all othcr mutters which Itlay
be or are required to be prescribed or providcd for by
(xxiv) to provide for co-opcralion and rcciprocily among colleges.
n s labora~oriesand lhc University so as to
i ~ ~ s l i ~ u l i oand
rostcr lhc development of academic life-and ro ensure the
fulles~ulilisation o r the teaching resources available on Ihe
recomrnendalio~iof rlte respeclive Faculty Council lor post-
graduate sludies or Council ror undergndualc studies;
(XXV) to give direc~ionsregarding the Tom, cuslody and use of
h e common seal of [he Universily;
(xxvi) ro acquire. hold and disposc of properly, movable and
immovable, ~ n dto ndminislcr all asscts, properties and
funds of the University. and to underlake all measures
necessary or desirable Tor thc conservation o r augrneulalion
of the resaurces or [he University:
Provided Ihal for [he purpose of disposing or any properly
valued a1 not less than one Iakh orrupces, previous approval
of the Courl shall be necessary:
(xxvii) lo accept and administer gifts, endownlents and beneractions
for the furtherance of [he purposes of h i s Act;
(xxviii) to accept gmnts and, with the approval of the Stale
Government. lo raise or accepl loans on behillr of the
Universily and to make grams o r advances from the
Univcrsi~yFund or other spccial ru~ldsmainlaincd by the

Tile hror~hBengal Urrhlersiry Act, 1981.

I W u t Ben.Act

(Cllaprer 111.-Awflroritirs of the Univr.rsily.-Sec~ion22.)

(xxix) lo cnrer inlo an agreemcnl with [be S t a ~ eGovernmenl or

wi tli the approval of the Slale Govcrnmenl wilh any other
Govcmment or \\oil11 any pcrson, body or authority for [he
taking over by rhc Universily or thc nianagemenr or any
college or institution, including i ~ assets
s and liabilities, or
for any orher purpose not repugnanl to Ihc provisians or this
Acr on the recomme~tdalionofthe Facully Council for post-
graduate studies or the Council for undergraduate s~udies
(xxx) lo manage the Press Establishment. 1he.Publication Burcou
and [he Employment Bureau or the Univerisly, iT any, and
, lo exercise general supervision ovcr S~udents' Unions,
University Exlension Boards and Universiry Sporh Board,
i T any, and orher bodies instiluted by ~ h cUnivesily:
(xxxi) to approve Annual Slnkmenls of Accounts and [he Annual
Financial Estimales or thc Universi(y and lo submit thc
same ro the Courl for consideration;
(xxxii) to prepare the annual reporr and submil thc same lo the
Court for consideration;
(xxxiii) to make duc provision for the hcal th, welfare, rcsidence and
discipline of srudents and their-relationship rvilh [he
Universily and ro provide for such other [raining oCsluden&
as may be considered desirable:
(xxxiv) to co-operate with olhcr universilies, ins~irulions,
associarions, sacielies or bodies on such lerrns and lor such
purposcs. not inconsislcn~with Lhe purposcs of this Acr, as
it may dererrnine;
(xxxv) [a make rules for [he ~riosactionof irs own business;
(xxxvi) lo excrcise all: olher powers and perform all other functions
conferred and imposed on the Execulive Council by ot

under this Acl:

(xxxvii) to exercise gcoenl supervision over the Facully Councils
for post-gnduale studies and the Councils for undergrdduale
studies and give such directions lo [hose Councils for [he
due discharge or their respective duries as il may consider

TheFacull~ 22. (1) There shall be thc rollowing Facully Councils for posr-
graduale studies:-
arudic~, '(a) [he Faculty Council for post-graduate studies in ?[Arts,
Cornmcrce ,and Law:] ,

'Clauw (a) wns subsututcd for original c1au.w by s. ? of [he Nordl Bcngil Univtrsiry
(An~c~id!ncnl)ACI, I989 (Wcs1 Bcn. Acl X1 or I9R9).
-l'hc words rvilhin thc squm bncke~swcrc suh<titu?cd Tor the wards "Am and
Cornrncrcc:" by s. 5(a)(t) or thc N o i d Bcngal Univcrsily (Arncndmcnr) Acl, 1993 (Wc51
Bcn. ACI Vlll of 1993).

Tlic Nor111Ber~g[tlUnivcrsily Act, 1981.

XXV of 1981.1
(Cl~uprcrIll.-Autlroriries of thc Ut~iversiry.Seclior~

(b) h e Faculty Council for posl-graduatc srudies in Science:

'(c) the Faculty Council Tor posl-graduate studics in Mcdicinc.
(2) Each ?[Faculty Council for post-graduurc sludies i n A r k ,
Commerce, Law and Science shall co~lsistoq thc lbllowing members:-
(i) the Vice-Chancellor-Chairnmn;
(ii) the Head or Heads of the Deparlrncnl or Deparlments
concerned, iT any:
(iii) the Professor or Professors of the Depaamenl or Dcparlmenls
concerned, if any:
(jv) five Teachers padicipnling in post-graduate teaching in the
subjecr or subjccLs concerned of whom-
(a) onc shall be from constiluent collcges or professional
colleges, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, and
( b ) four shall be Teachers of [he Universi~y,oher than
Prorcssors, from [he Departments undcr h e Faculty
Council for posl-gnduale studies concerned elected
jointly. by sucll Teachers from amongsr themselves of
whom no1 more than one shalk belong to one
(v) one person having special knowledge in the subject or
subjecls concerned nominated by Ihe Vice-Chancellor;
(vi) three Teachers panicipaling in undcr-graduale teaching
elected by thc Teacher membcrs of rhc Council ror
undergraduate s~udiesin rhe subjecl or subjecrs concerned
from amongst Ihemseives.
'(2A) The Faculty Council lor post-graduale sludies in Medicine
shall consisr of the following members:-
(i) h e Vice-Chancellor-Chairman;
(ii) lhc Dcan of the Faculty CounciI for post-graduate studies
in Mcdicjne, who shall be a Professor of [he North Bengal
Medical College-Vice-chairman;
(iii) the Principal, Nonh Bengal Medical College;
(iv) the Head of the Dcparlrnent or Departmen~sconccmcd;

'Clause ( c ) w S inscncd by s. 5(a)(ii) of the Nonh Bengal Univcnity (Amcndmcnl)

Act, 1993 (WL(~ ncn. Acr VIll or 1993).
The words wilhin thc s q u m bnckcrs wcrc sub~u~uicd Tor Be words "Faculiy Cuuncil
lor post-gridunlc sludies shall consis1 of' hy s. 5(b), ilrid.
'Sub-sccrion (2A) was fint inscncd by. s. S(c). ilrid. Thcrcdlcr, the samc was rc-
subs~irulcdby s, 2 or Lhc North Bcngil University [Amcndmcnr) Act, 1997 (Wcsl Bcn,
Act XVII or 197)-

IWwl Ben. Act

- :.
.. .- . .. ..
. . ,
. -
(v) the Proressvror Professors or the Depmment or Depmments . . ., .
, .
. ..- - - . -., ..-. .
, . -
. .
(vi) four Teachers of the Nor111Bengal Medical Collcge. oil~cr
lhan Proressors, from rhc Deparrmen~sunder rhc Faculiy
Council forposr-graduate studies in Medicinc, 01wham not
Inore than one shall bclong lo one Dcparirnen~,elected
joinrly by such Teclcllers from i~tnongst~hemselves;
(vii) one Teachel- from constituent colleges or profcssiunai
collcgcs, nominated by the Vice-Cl~ancrllor;
(viii) onc person having spccial knuwlcdge in [he subjrcl or
subjecls concerned. nominated by ~ l Vice-Chancellor;
~ c
(ix) thrce Teachcrs participa~ing in undergrnduatc teaching,
elected by the Teacher-members of 11lc Cou~lcil for
undergraduilre sludics in Medicine in the subjecl or subjecis
concerned lrom amongst tl~cmsclves.
(3) Each Faculty Council for posl-graduale sludics shall Itave a
Sccrelary to be appointed by the ~xecurjveCouncil:
'Provided that Ihc Secrcrary of rho Facul~yCouncil [or post-graduatc
studies in Science sllitli also be the Secrerary or the Faculty Council for
posr-gradunk ~ [ ~ r d iin
e s Medicine.
(4) One-rhird or the rolal number of members of a Faculty Council
hi-post-graduate sludics pllrs one shall be a quorum for a meeting of
the Faculty Council.
PO\I'CIX2nd 23, Subject lo tllc provisions of [his Acl, and the Stalules, the
[hc F ~ Ordinatlces
~ ~ I and ~[ h e Regula~ions,
~ ;r Facully Cou~icilfor post-graduate
Council for studies sllall exercise [hc following powen and perfom the Iollowing
pddu;llc iunc1ions:-
{i) lo make proposals to the Executive Council Jor the
establisltrncltt 01 Universily ~epirrtnents,insti~utions,
libraries, laboratories and nluseurns far srudy and research
lo be maintained by the University;
(ii) lo recornrncnd to the Execulivc Council Ihe creihlion and
ifls~ilulionof Professorships. Readerships, Leclureships
and oihcr [caching pasts and the duties and cmolurncnrs
(iii) LOmake proposals lo lhc Executive Council for the promoLion
of research and, through special commiltees, if any,
constiru~edfor thc purpose, lo call forrcporison sudl rescarch
work from pcrsons cngaged therein, and lo make
recommendarions to the Execulive Cotrr~cil\hereon;
"hcproviso w a irlscncd
~ by s. 5(d) 01thc Nonh Bcngal Uni\.crsity (Aincndnrcnl) Act,
1993 (Wcht Ucn, ACI VIIJ of 1993).

XXV of 1981.1

(Cllaptcr Ill.-A!rrhori~it.s of the Utrirl~rsiry.-Secrio)~23.)

(iv) 10 rccomrnend to [he Executivt: Council rile minimum

qualificnlions for posts of Teachers of the University;
(v) ro make proposals lo thc Exccutive Council regarding
provisions 10be made for enabling the Universily lo under-
rake speciillisat ion of shdizs and for organisa[iou oTcommon
laboralorics, libraries, museums. inslilules of research and
orher instilutions, mainlained by hc Universiry;
(vi) to cor~s[iLuteor rcconslitute the deparlmenrs of teaching
will1 the approval o r Lhe Execu~iveCouncil;
(vii) lo make provisions for lccrures and ins~ucrionsfor sludents
of nlfiliated colleges, Univcrsity Deparlmenrs, Universiry
Laboratories and also for othcr persons ~ I I Oarc 1101 such
(viii) to ndvisc thc Execuljve Council on [he insrilu~ionordcgrees,
titles, diplomas, cenificales and olhcr academic disrincrions;
(ix) ro hold and conducl, subjecl 10 gcnernl supervision by the
Executive Council, Universi~yeaaminarians leading lo post-
graduate degrees, diplornus and cedificatcs, and approve
and publish the resulrs lhcrcof in accbrdnnce wilh Ihe
reguladons made in this bchulk
(x) to provide for the inspeclion or thc invesligarion into the
affairs of any Univcrsily Department or any college and
submil reporr lo the Execu~iveCoutlcil;
(xi) to have gcneral supervision ovcr the Boards of S~udies
arlached to [he Faculty Council;
(xii) to frame rules relaling 10 the courses of pox-graduate srudies
and thc divisio~iof subjects in regard thereto ilnd 10
recommend to lhe E ~ e c u t i v cCouncil -the making of
Regulalions in this bzl~nlfi
(xiii) to appoinl. if required by Lhe Exccudve Council, alter
considering thc views of the Boards o l Sludies altachcd to
[he Faculty Council, Boards of Examincrs in the subjccr or
subjecis rclaring lo post-graduatc htudies, including the
subjects for docloral thesis and Ior prizes and mcdals;
(xiv) 10call Ibr such reporrs or inrormnlion as the Facully Council
may consider necessary for efficien~discharge o r ik duties
from Lhc teaching deparrments, rcsearch unjls or Boards of
[xv) to consider any cduca~ionalmailer relaling to the Faculty
Council and to anive at decisions or make recommendalions
pertaining 11ierelo ro thc appropriaie aulhorily or officers:

The Norlir BerzgaI Urriversiry Acr. 1981.

[Wcsl Ben. Act

(xvi) ro mailllain contact with the curresponding Council for

undergraduarc srudies for the purpose or shirring idcw and
ensuring co-ordination;
(xvii) to subrni~ each year its annual repon to Ihc Execi\!ivc Cou~icil;
(xviii) lo make rules for [hc [ransaclion of ils own business;
(xix) 10 exercise all other powers and pcrform all other funcrions
conrcrred and iinpwed on it by or under this Acr;
(XX) to delegatc to the reaching deparlmenrs, research units. and
Boards of Srudies attached lo it the responsibjIity for such
academic mar ters as rcspecrivcl y concern such dcparhnenrs,
uoirs and Boards;
( x x i ) ro rccornmend ro ilie Excc~ltiveCouncil ihc confermen1 or
posl-grdduare dcgrees. diplomas afld cerlificales.

'fhc 24. (1) There shall be thc following Councils far undergraduate
undcr- studies:-
gradun~c (i) the Council for undergraduille studics in Arls, Science,
Commerce and Law;
(ii) llle Council for undergraduate s~udiesin Engineering and
(iii) lhc Council for undcrgradualc studies in Medicine '[and
(2) (a) The Council for undergmduato sludics in A r k , Science.
Comn~erct:and Law shall consisl o f the rollowing members:-
(i) he Vice+Chancellor-Chairmnn;
(ii) lhe Deans of thc Faculry Councils Ibr pox-graduate studies
in A m , Commcrce and Science:
(iii) the Principal, Durjeeling Governmcn~Collcge;
(iv) six Teachers or dfiliared colleges orher lhan medical arid
engineering colleges, of whom onc shall be from a teachers'
tnining college, elecled by such Teachers;
(v) LIVO Teacl~erswho are members o f the Faculty Council for
posl-graduarc studies par~icipatingin posl-graduatc [eaching
in [he subject or subjeck concerned elected by the members
of rhc concerned Faculry Council for posl-graduale studies
from amongst rhemselves;
(vi) four Principals, o f whom three shall be from undcrgradunle
colleges of Arls. Science, Cornn~erccand Law and one shall
be from il leathers' training college, elecred jointly by I he
Principals of such colleges:
' T h e words wi~hinrhc square bnckcts icrc inscncd by .F, 6(a) or the Nonh Bcngal
Unircrsily (Amcnd~ncnr)Acr, 1993 (Wcsl Bcn. AcI VllI of 1993),

The North Bellgal U t r i ~ ~ * rAcr.

~ i t y1981

XXV of 1981.1

(vii) IWO persons having special knowledge in the subjccl or

aubjecw co~~ccrncd nomina~edby [he Vicc-Chunccllor.
(b) Thc Council shall have a Sccrclnry lo be appoin~ed by rhc
Executive Council.
(3) (a) The Council For undergradua~esludies in Engjnccring and
Technology shall consisl of thc Ibllorving membcrs:-
(i) [he Vicc-Chancellor-Chairman:
(ii) the Principal, Jalpniguri Government Engineering College;
(iii) the Heads 01 the Deparlments of Teaching. Jalpaiguri
Government Engineering Collcgc;
(iv) three Teachers no1 belonging to the same Deparlment elec~ed
jointly by the Teacl~erso f collcges imparting instruction in
Engineering or Technology diilialed lo [he Universiry;
( v ) one person nominaled by the D i r e c ~ o rof Technical
Education, Wcsl Bengal;
(vi) two pcrsons having knowledge in rhc subjecr concerned
nominaled by the Vice-Chancellor.
(b) Thc Council sllall have a Sccrclary to be appoinred by ~ h c
Execu~ivcCouncil. ,
(4) [(a) The Council for undergraduate studirs in Medicine and
Dentistry shall consis1 or the following members:-
(i) [he Vicc-Chancellor-Chairm3n; '

(ii) thc Principal, North Rengitl Medical College;

(iii) the Principal, Norlh Bengal Dental Collcge;
(iv) the Hcads af the Departments of Teaching, Nortll BetlgaI
Medical College:
(v) ~ h cHcads of the Departments o r Teaching, North Bengal
Dcnlal College;
(vi) fiveTeachcrs of North Bengal Medical College and Colleges
affiliatcd to the Universily, i F any, imparling inslrucrion in
Medicinc, elected by such Tcachcrs from amongst
(vii) two Tenchcrs of Norih Bengal Denral College imparting
insrruction in Deniistry, elected by such Teachers rrom
ilrnongs! t hcmsel ves;
(viii) oncpcrson nomina~edby the Dircctor oTMcdical Educalion,
Wesl Bengal;
(ix) LWO persons having knowledge in the subjcct concerned
nominated by rhe Vice-Chancellor.
'Clouse (a) W ~ Ksuhstiluicd Cnr original clausc by s. G(b) orthc North Bcngal Univcnily
(Amcndmcnl) ACI. 1993 (Wcs~Bcn. Acl Vlll uT 1993).

The ~YorrltBtnsnl Utiivursirp Act, 1981

(Wesi Ben. Act

(b) The Council shal[ have 3 Sccrelary to be appointed by the

Executive Council.
(5) All eicctions to 111eCouncils Tor undergraduate studies shall be
hcld in he manner prescribed by S~atules.
(6) One-third of thc lorn1 number of mcmbers of a Coullcil for
under_rradualc sludics plrrs one shnll be n quorun1 for 3 meeting of !he

~ o w c and
s 25. (1) Subjecl lo tlie provisions OF this Acl, and the Siarules, the
iunclions of
lhcCoullcilr Ordiwallces and Lhc Regula~ions,a Council Tor undergraduate s~udizs
rur undcr- shnll exercise the rollowing poivcrs aud pcrform the I b l l u w j ~ ~runctions:-
(i) to recommend to thc Esecu~iveCouncil ihe arfilialion of n
college or an i n s ~ i ~ u ~ iino none or more subjec~s;
(ii) ra ensure annual inspeclion of collcges:
(iii) lo exercise gcncral supervisioii ovcr the collegcs to ensure
that thc candilious or affiliation arc propr.rly fulfilled. h e
standard of teaching is unifomIy rnninlained and syllabi as
prescribcd are properly co~nplctedrvilhin Ihc acaden~icyear:
(iv) In Lx thc last date ol' admission or studcnts LO diIfcr-c~~l
caurscs o r studies and thc dale of conitnencemcnt or
examinations in consullltlion wirh olher C o u ~ ~ c i llor
undergmcluate s ~ ~ r d i e s .
(v) LO appoint Head Examiners, Examiners, Paper-selters,
Scrulincers, Co-ordinalors, Conveners, Tabulators and other
persons under the gcncrul sup:rvisio~~of he Exccu~ivc
(vi) to hold and conducr examjnations and to approve nod declare
illz resul(s or the exan~ioalionswithin such period as may
be prescribcd;
(vii) 10 recommend to thc Esecutive Council h e disaffilialion or
~virhdrawnlot nffilialion OF any collcge in respcet of any
subjecl or subjccrs, if. on ~ c e i p rof a writlen rcpon from
a learn of lnspcdors appinicd by i h t Univcrsiiy, the Council
i s uT opinion that proper standard of leaching is not
maintained or conditions uf aflilialion dre not properly
fullilled or the results o f [he candidates sent up by the
college For arly cxi~rninaiionare u nsalislaclory or [he college
has failed 10 Eompl y with the direclives of the Council;
(viii) ro establish, mainrain and manage HaIls and Hoslels of

Tlie Nortli Bc~lgnlUtlillcrsity Act, 1 98 1.

XXV of 1981.1

(ix) to rccommend to the Esecutive Council thc rcmporary Lnkc

over of the managemcnl of an affilialed or a recognized
college 01. instilurion, othrr than n Govemmenl College in
order lo ensure thal propcr standards of teaching, training
or insvucrion are maintnincd [herein:
(x) to provide for ~ h inspeclion
c or investignrion inlo rhe affairs
of undcrgraduilte college or instiluliona rccognizcd by [he
Council or affilia~edro rhe University and to cxcrcisc gcneral
supervision and conlrol ovcr lhem:
(xi) ro make due provision for health, wclfarc, rcsidcncc, and
discipline of s~udentsand thcir relationship with Colleges
and the Universiry and lo providc for such tr$ning oisludenls
as may be considcrcd desirable;
(xii) to recon~mcndro Lhc Excculive Cotincil the dissolution of
!he Governing Body or an affilialed college or instirurion,
other than n Govcrnmcnl College and pending r e c o ~ u r i ~ u ~ i o n
of the Govcming Body, theappoint~nentof a11Administrator
or an ad hoc Governing Body;
(xiii) to collect fees for cxaminnlion, condonalion uT shorr
percentngc Tor appearing a1 an examination as non-collegiale
sudcnr, mark-sheet, late admission, cliange of examination
cenlre, scruliny of answer script, and change o r namc ur
surname, and any other charge for regislrution und migra~ion
or sludenrs and gram of diplomas, certificates or any o~her
documenls a1 such rate as may be prescribed by Ihe Execu~ive
(xiv) lo cxcrcise supervision to ensure that all propenies and
funds or the Council are properly controlled and
(XV) lo supply promptly such informalion, rclurns, rcporls and
other materials 3s may be rcquircd by the Uaiversity:
(xvi) to cxlcnd facili~iesand other assistance including exhibi~s
of records, books of accounts. ledgers and uny other
d o c u m e n ~ s10 officers depuled by the Universily for
(xvii) 10approvc thc annual report of [be activi~ieso f the Council
during thc prcvious ncndenlic year arid submit the same lo
[he Executive Council on or before such dale as ]nay be
fixed by the Executive Council;
(xviii) lo abidc by, and implemcnl promplly, the decisions that may
be arrived fit by thc University frotn Lime to time in regard
10 the Council:

Tile Norrll Bengal Uttiversiry Acr, 1981.

[West Bcn. Act

.. .
.- - ..- - -..,
. . . ,. . .
. . -
(xix) to follow thc guide lines .and Lhe rules framed by die Universiiy . .....
. . ..

from rimc Lo time;

(XX) lo have general responsibili~yfor acarlcrnic affairs in relalion
lo undergnduale studics with which [he Council is concerned;
(xxi) to have gencral supervision over he Board of Studies attachcd
to the Council in accordance wilh the rilles rrarned for the
(xxii) to rnaiu~ain conlac1 will1 Lhc corresponding Council Tor
posl-graduale studics Tor the purpose of sharing ideas and
ensuring co-ordination;
(xxiii) ia frame mIes rclating to [becourses of undergraduate s~~!dies
and the division OF subjecrs i n regard [hereto and to
recommend to the Execurivc Council the making of
Regulations in this behalf.
(2) Not\vithsrnnding anything conlained in sub-seclion (I), hecouncil
for undergraduate studies in Medicine shall have the rollowing additional
(i) to hnvc general responsibility for academic affairs of N o r ~ h
Bengal Medical College and colleges affiliated to the
University, if any, imparting insrnlction in Medicinc, relating
l o entrance requircrnents, curricula, inslruclioas,
exanlina~ions,discipliae. sludenl ac~ivi~ies, alhle~ics,collcge
libraries, and similar oilier matters;
(ii) 10 frame rulcs and make regulations relaling to courscs of
undergradualc studies i n Medicine and the division of
subjecls in rcgard lherero subjec~to h e approval or the
Execulivc Council;
(iii) to advise affiliated coIlegc or colleges regarding provisions
to be madc for and [he administration and supervision of
Ihe academic affairs rnenuoned in sub-clausc (i), lo provide
for inspeclion of the collegc or colleges and 10 call for from
such college or colIeges repor& or orher informalion in
conneclion therewith.

26. '(1) (a) There shall bc e Dean for each of the Faculty Council
for posr-graduate studies in Arls, Con~nlerceand Law and the Faculiy
Council for posl-graduate srudies in Science, who shall be a Professor
of the University.
'(b) There shall bc a Dean For thc Faculiy Council for posl-graduate
sludies in Medicine who shall be n Professor a f he Norlh Bengal
Medical CoIlegc.
'Sub-section ( I ) w& lilirsl subslirured by s. ?(a) or the North Ecngal bnivc<ity (Arncnd-
menr) Acl, 1993 (iVcs1 Bcn, Act VIIl 011993). lien suh-secrion (1) cnnsiaing of clnuscs
(3)and (b) was rcsubs~ilulcdby s. 2(1) of 11ic North Btngal Universi~y(Amtndmcnl) Acl,
1996 ~ V E I Ben. Acl I X or 19-76), b7nally, clause @) rvns subsliru~edby s. 3 or rbc Nonli
Bcngal Univcnily (Amend~ncn~) Act. 1897 (Wc51Bcn. Ac1 XVII of 1997).

XXV of 1981.1

l(2) The Dean shall be elecled by the members of the Facul~yCouncil

and shall acr as Vice-Chairman of ~ h cFaculty Council. -
(3) Thc scniormosl Dcan shall acl as Vice-Chairman of a Council
Tor undcrgraduale studies.
(4) The Dean shall hold office for such term as may be prcscribed
by Slalules.

27. There shall be Boards of Sludics attaclled lo cvcry Facul~y T ~ Boards C

Council for post-grnduiltc sludics or Council Tor undergraduate studics. O'SIUdiu-
Thc constitution of Ihc Boards o r Sludies shall be prescribed by Stnlutcs
and h e powers m d iuncrions of [he Boards shall be prescribed by
Regulauons. . .

28. There shall bc a Finance Commilree wilh lhe Vice-Chancellor Thc Finilnuc
as thc Chairman. Thc conslilulion, powers and runclions of Ihe Finance
Comrnirke shall be prescribed by Slalules and i ~ procedure
s in financial
mallers, including the delegalion of its powers. shall be prescribed by

29. (1) A University Proressor shall bc uppointcd by the Executive Sclcclion

Council on the recommendntion of a Selee~ionCornrni tlcc consisting ~~~~~~~g
of- pOSL5.

(i) the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman;

(ii) the Dean of lhe Faculty Council concerned;
(iii) a person, not holding any office orprofit under h e University
and having spccial knowledge or h e subjecl which lhe
Professor wiIl leach, nominaled by the Chancellor;
(iv) lwo persons, not holding any ol'lTce or profir under the
Universily and having special knowIedge of [he subjec~
which [he Professor will teach, nominared by the Execulive
(2) A Universily Reader or a University Lecturer shall be appointed
by Ihe Execuuve Council on the recommendation of a Seteclion Cornmiltee
consisling of-
(i) the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman;
(ii) thc ~ k a nof h e Faculry Council concerned;
(iii) the Head o r Ihe Deparlmenr concerned, if any;
(iv) a person, no1 holding any ofFice of under [he ~ n i v k r s i l ~
and having special knowledge of the subject which [he
Readcr or the Leclurer will teach, nominared by [he
'Sub-secrion (2) was first suh<tilu~cdby s. 7(b) or tilt Nonh D c n ~ a lUliivcmity
(Amcndmcnt) Acr, 1993 ( \ V a l Bcn. ACI VlII or 1993). ThcrwCrcr, thc rilmc w a rcsubsli-
lulcd by s, 2(2) aT [he North Bcngill Univcrsiry (Amcndmcni) Acl, 1996 OVat Ben.
Acl 1X of 1996).

Tlrc Rlurrf~Uar,yn/ Utriwrsiry Acr, 1981.

[Wesl Bcn. Act

(v) LWO pcrsolis, 1101 holdin: ;lily orficc OF prolit under the
University and having special knowledge of ~ h csubject
whicl~the Rcndcr or [lie Leclurcr will teach, non~inaledby
the Exccurive Council.

Roccdurc 30. (1) Tllrze mcmhcrs, of wllom a1 leas1 lwo shall be persons
lor hold in^
rncc~ingsor having special knowledge in llic subjec~co~icerncd.shall be a quorum
Sclcc~inn [or a meeting of n Sctection Commi~tce.
(2) If the Execurivc Council dots no1 accepr r l ~ erccomrne~~dation
of i~Sclecrior~Cornmiltee, i t slialI rercr the reco~i~mendationback lo he
Sclccrion C o m m i ~ c cwi~hreasons for reconsjdenlion and ifthe Exccurive
Counci I does no1ilcccpl [he reconsidcrcd views of rhc Selec~ionC o m i ~ e e .
the mnrlcr >hall be refcrrcd ko [lie ChnnccIlor wilh rcLsoiis and tht
decision of the Chancellor shall be final.

Lcllcr or 31. (1) Every Tcnchcr. every olficer nnd every employee 01 thc
or Tcachcrs. Ul~iversityshall. on appoinru~e~il as such, be proviclcd with a leller OF
ornccrs and i n g rerms and condi~ionsor appoinlmcn~as
appointment c o ~ ~ ~ a i n sucl~
nlny be prescribed by Ordini~nccs.
(2) A Tenchcr or an orlicer or an eniployec uppoin~edagainsr a
permanent vacancy shall bc on probarion ordinarily for a period of onc
year rrom the date of stich appoi~l[mentand sucb period of probntion
may, at the discrclion of [he apprvpriale aulboriry or the University, be
extended rur a iurtllzr pcriod not escerding one year.
(3) If, a[ any time during [hc period of probalion, !he pr~bationer's
work is not coilsidered sa~ishciory,Lhe probationer shall be discharged
by the aulhoriry concerned.
(4) On surisf;rc~orycomplcliorr of lllz period of pfobation, a Teacher
or an olficer or an employee, as [he case may be. shall be confirmed
w i ~ hefficl from [he date or his ;lppoinrment on probation by an order
in wri~ingmade by Lhc Universiry in this behalf and [he fact of such
confirmalion shall be communicafied [o the pcrson concerned:
Providcd 1ha1 if. on completion of thc period of proburion, no such
ordcr of conlirmadon is made and communicn~rdLo [he person concerned
wirhin a pcriod of rwo months of the complerio~~ of [he period of
probation, \lie pcrson concerned shall be deemd 10have been conlirrned
with errcct from [be diltc or his nppoin~mcn~ on proba~ion.

32. The services oTa renlpornry Tcncher or officer or cmpIoyee shall

no1 be iermina~cdbefore the expiration of the pcriod for which he is
appointed excepz nner serving orlz month's notice or paying him one
monrhs's salary in lieu rhereor.

XXV of 1981.1

- - .. , , . ,

'33. The Exccutive Council may, subjecl 10 Lhe provisioiis o l this Slanding , .
cornln~tlcc . .. , ,

Act, prescribe by Ordinat~ccsthc conslilulion of a s~andingcommiltec for sclcc~ior~

of oCtitcrs
or standing committees Tor scleaioa or persons for nppoinrmenl ro thc 2nd non-
pos~sOF officers and lo the olhcr nun-teaching posts of thc Universily cmpIoyccs.
and the procedure artd ihc method of such sclcction.

34. (1) If in the case OF ally dispule bctween the Universi~yand any
Teacher, officer or cmployee of thc University no final order has been
passed by rhe University wilhin a period of o n e ycar from the date on
which the disputc was referred to the Universiry by such Tenchcr, officer
or cmployee, such dispute shall, on the requesr or such Teacher, officer
or cmployee, be rercrrd lo a Tribunal consisring of lhc rollnrving members,
(i) a Chairman, who shall be nominated by thc Chancellor in
consultation with [lie Minisler:
(ii) one pcrson to be nominated by the Exccutive Council;
Iiii) one person to be nominated by ihe Teacher, officer or
enlployee concerned.
(2) Any appeal from an cmployee ofthe Universily in a discipliuary
maltec shall be referred to the Tribunal and shaIl be decidcd and disposed
of by ihe Tribunal.
'(3) The Tribunal may call for any record, repor1 or other inrormnian
rrom the University if, in it-i opinion, such recurd. report or other
inForrnalion is necessary Tor crficient discharge of jb. functions. and the
Universiry shall furnish such rccord, reporr or other infonnarian 10 the
(4) The decision oFlhe Tribunal shall be final and nu suil or proceeding
shall lie in any civil court in rcspect of the mallcrs decided by rl~e
(5) Every requcsL under sub-section ( 1 ) shall be deemed to bc a
submission to arbitration upon [he terms of this section, within thc
~u or 1910. meaning of rhz Arbitration Act, 1940, and all [he provisions of that Act
with [he exception or sccrion 2 thereor shall apply accordingly.

'Scclian 33 1v.u subslitutcd iorcriginal scclion by s. 6(d)oithc Wesr Ucngal Univeni~y

Laws (Arncndmcn~)ACI, 1988 (WUI Dcn. A c t VIII or I9SS).

. Act, 1951.
Tlie North hellgn1 Ur~iversi~y
[West Ben. Acl
guverrririg all arrrlrorilies or
(Clrapter 1V.-Getreral pro~~i~siot~s
35, 35A.)
oiher bodies otrllle U~~iver.sity.-Secriotrs

General provisions governing a11 authorities or
othcr bodies of h e University.

35. (1) No person shall be qualified for eleclion or nominalion as

a member of any iluthorily or body of [he Universiry or shall con~inue
as such mcmber if he-
(i) is or unsound mind or a deaf-mule, or
(ii) is an undischarged insolvcnr, or
(iii) has bccn convicled by a courl of law for an offence involving
moral turpilude.
( 2 ) I n c a e of any doubl or dispu~e.[he Chancellor's dicision whelher
n person is disqualified under rl~eprovisions of sub-section (1) shall be
(3) No person shall be entilled to sland as a candidale for election
to any auhority or body of thc Univcrsiry from more rhan one consli!ueny.
(4) No person shall be enlilled lo be enrolled as a voter for, or to
L vote a[, an election to any aurhoriry or body o r thc University
C ~ his
From more lhan one conslituency:
Provided h a 1 h i s sub-seclion shall not apply in the case of an
election of members of the Court to the Executive Council, the Faculty
Councils for post-graduate studies, nnrl rhe Councils for undergraduate

Pan-rime '35A. Notwithstanding anylhing conliincd elsewhere in this Act, no

Tcachcn or
pan-limc person shall,-
non- caching
s t ; ~ f lnor lo (a) if he is a Teacher, not holding any whole-lime teaching posl,
bc enli~lcd10
bc cnrollcd o r appoinred for a specified period, or
as volcrs or
ro bc (b) if he is a member of rhe non-reaching staFF, not appointed
nominn~cd. on a regular scale of pay, or not holding any whole-time
non-leaching posl,
be cntitled LO be enrolled as a voter for, or ro cast his vote at, an election
to any au~horityor body of [he University or of any college or instilulion
affiliated lo [he University o r 10 be no~ninaiedto any such aulhority or

'Scction 3SA rvas inscried by s. 5(d) orihc Wcs~Bcngal University L w s (Amcndmcnt)

ACI, 1986 (\Vest Bcn. Aci XX ul 1986).

XXV of 1981.1
(Cfruprer1V.-Get~eral provisiorrs govenlit~gall ul~ll~orifies
orller bodies of rlie Ut~iversiry.-Sectiu~is36-39.)

Explanarion.-"ReguIar scale of pay" shall mean pay. which, subjec~

.; lo any conditions prescribed by [he Universily, rises by periodical
incrcmenls Trom a m i ~ ~ i m u10m a maxiomm.

36. (1) Save as otlienvise provided in sub-section (41, an elected o r Tcrlnol

O ~ C OT
nomina~cdmcmber of any i~uthori~y or body o r [he Universiry shall hold ,b,
olfice Tora period o r four years [corn the date of his eleclion or tlomination,
as ~ h caw
c may be:
Providcd [ha[ in rcspccl o r !he first cleclions and nominations undcr
this Acr, rhc said pcriod o r four years shall commence rrom thc date o r
thc first mceling of lhc aulhorily or body held nrrer such clcclions and
(2) The rerm of office of members other rhan ex ojficio members
of any au~horityor body of the Universi~yshall bc hcld to include any
period which may elapse between lhe expiry o r he said term and rhe
date of elecrion of new membcrs 10 such authority or body Lo fill
vaoancics ;rising by crflux o r lime.
(3) When elecrions are held on morc than onc datc, rhc last of such
dares shall he paken to be he date o r clcclion Tor ihc purposes o r this
(4) Any member elecled or nornina~edlo fill a casual vacancy shall
hold office for the unexpired porrion of [he lerm of office of the member
in whose sear he is so clecled or nominaled.

37. (1) When a person is qualified to be a member of any aulIlori~y Cc"uio"r

or body of the Universiry by virlue of his membership of any other incenain
authority or body, he shaIl cease to be a member of [he authority or body CxCS-

of lhe Univerjsty when he ceases 10 be a member of rhe other.

(2) When a pcnon is clectcd or nominared as a member 01 any
authority or body of [he University from any consliruency, he shall ccilsc
to be such a membcr whcn hc ccascs to belong ro [hat consrituency.

38. (1) Any casual vacancy among thc clectcd members of any Fillin~or
authoriry or body o r h e University shall be lillcd, in such manner and
wilhin such time as may be prcscribcd, by eleclion by such nuthorily
or body of a person representing [he inleresl which the member, whose
seat has become vacan t, represented.
(2) Any vacancy among !he norninaled members of any authori~y
or body of the Univcrsiry shall be filled, within such lime as may be
prescribed, by nomination by [he person or authorily that nominated [he
mcmber whose seat has become vacant.

Tlic hror~l1Uerrgal U ~ ~ h s rAct,

s i ~1981.
[Wesl Ben. Acl
( C l ~ n p ~iV.-Ge~leral
er provirions goverrting all a~rtIroririesor
orhcr borlies o f t he Llrri\leisiry.-Sections 39-41.)

(3) Vacancies wising by efflux or time in the scat5 ofelected mcmbcrs

of any autllorily or body of die Univrrsiry shall be filled by election to
be hcld on such darc or dates, no1 Inier lhltn six months or such exlendcd
period as [he Cllnnczllor may, by order made in [his behalr. specify so
liowevcr tlial Ihe aggrcgule period shall not exceed one year from Lhe
dare on which the vacancies arise. as rhc Vice-Ct~ancellormay fix.

39. No acl or pracccdings of the Univcrsity or or any authorily or

body of the University sllall bc deemed to bc invalid mercly by reason
of the txislence or a vacancy or vacancies amang i ~ rnembcrs
s or [be
invatidily of r l ~ eeleclion of any of thc members.
E.t-pla~la~iorr.-ForLhc avoidance of doub~i t is hereby declared rhar
where the orficeof any rnembcr of any authority or body ofthc Universily
cannot be filled up, when such nuthori~yor body is constilu~cdfor the
first lime, on account of any clecrion or appointment nor bcing far any
reason feasible, there shall bc dcerned to be n vacancy i n Ihc office or
such member until such etecrion lakes place or such appainlment is

40. (1) Therc shal l be an Election Tribunal to which shall be rcrerred

any question as to whether any pcrson is eligiblc under this Act for
election or nomination or has been duly elecled or non~inaledas, or is
e~ilirttdlo be, a ~nzmberof any authority or body of Ihe Universiry, and
the dccision of h e Elcction Tribunal on such question shall be linal.
(2) The conslitu~ionor the Eleclion Tribunal shall be prcscribed by
(31 IF, during h c progress of any elec~ionof members lo any authorily
or body of the University, the Elcclion Tribunal i s satislied [ha1 such
eIection i s vilialed by fraud or cormpl prac~ice,he Eleclion Tribunal
may makc an order annulling the proceedings in respecl of such eleclion
or any par1 thereof and dirccring fresh proceedings ro bc started, i n
ilccordance with the provisians of this ACLand Ihc Statu~es,h e Ordinances
and lhe Rzgula~ions,from such slage as may bc specified in the order
and such ordcr of the Election Tribunal shall be final.
(4) No suit or proceeding shull lie in any civil court againsl a
dccision or an order of the Elecrion Tribunal under sub-section (I) or
sub-section ( 3 ) , as the case may be.

41. At ;I rncc~ingof the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty

Councils for post-gritduele sludies, [heCounci Is for undergrad uatc studies
or aoy other aulhority or body of the University. h e person presiding
a[ the meeting shall no1 vorc in he firs[ inaance, bul shall have and
exercise a casting vole in the c:wc of an equality of votes.

Acr, 1981.
T11eNurrll Uengal Utiivcr.~iq
XXV of 1981.1

Funds of lIie Uflivcrsity, Accounts, Audil and lnspcct ion

42. Thc University shall Iiave n rund to be known as Ihe Universiry 'I'hc
Fund to which shall bc credited 311 irs incoluz rroln fees, lines. 1:ur~I.
contributions, donarions. loans and ~ddvauccsand horn any other source
whalsoever. Thc Universiry may also crenre. by Ordinances made in this
behalf, separate speciaI ruilds for the adlainistration o r endowmenrs,
trus~sor specikc zr;lnt5 or grants for other spccial purposes.

43. (1) The budget of the Univcrsity showing the rcceipr and
expendilure of [he Universily on c1ilTere111nccounts for a financial year
shall bc submitted to [he Srale Government ior approval at least rour
months bcfore [he beginning of such financial ycnr in such rclrin as ]nay
be specilicd by ihe Stair: Governnlcnr.
(2) The Sure Govcmment shall. wirhin fi irccn days of commeacemcnl
of the financial year to which the budgcr relales, comrnunica~cils approval
or otherwise o f [he budgcl 10 rile University:
Providcd that rl~eStare Government shall, from lime to tirnc, release
grinfi to the Universig ro incur expenditure till rhc budger is approved.
(4) Notwithstanding nnylhing to the contrary coalaincd in [his ACI,
the University shall not. cxcepl wit11 the prior approv:~lof rl~eS u r e
Government, incur any espenditure on any account in cxcess oi the
amount specified in rhc budgel on that accounl.

44. Any providenl fund insliiurcd by !he Universily Tor [he benifil Pmvidcnr
1901 1925. of i l empIuyces
~ shall be governed by the provisions of lhe I'rovidenl
Funds Act, 1925. as i T such fund wcre a Govcmment Providenr Furld
and the Executive Council shalI have power ro frame S[alutrs no1 inconsis-
tent w j ~ hthe provisions of rhac Acl, for [he ndminislration o f the rund.

45. (1) The Annual Sta~emenrof .4ccounls OF r l ~ eUniversity shall, Anni~nl

itrter examination by \he Execulivc Council, bc su bjecrzd to sucll audi I and Audil.
as the State Governmenl may direct.
(2) Such Annual State~neniof Accounls shall. iogcrhcr w irh copies
or the audit repor1 [hereon, b t sub~nirledto he Courl and lo 111t State
Govern~nentand shall thereupon be publishcd by the Court. The Coun
shall consider the audited annual accounls at a n~eeringand rnny take
such action thereon as jl rhinka fit.
(3) The University shall hnvc a conrinuous i n ~ c n ~ audir,
al and ~ h c
reporl of such audil shall bc subrnirrcd ro rliz Srnre Guver~lmcntas soon
as possible nficr the end of rvcry Finaucial ycar.

The N o r ~ hBerlgal Ut~iversityAct, 1981.

[West Bcn. A d

(4) The Statc Govcrnmetll may require thc Univcrsily to supply to

ir any informalion in regard lo the accounts and the budget and the
University shall comply with such rcquisilion.

~nspcciion. 46. (1) (i) The S t a ~ eGovernmcnt shalI have the righl-
(1) to cause an inspcci~ion to be made, by such person oc
pcrsons as it may direct,-
(a) of the University, irs buildings, labonlories, librxies.
museums, press eslablishmcnt, workshops artd
(b) or any college or institulion rnain~ainedby or affiliated
to the Universily, and
(c) into all alT;lirs of the University and of such college
or insritu~ionincluding examination and other work
conducted o r done by the Univcrsily or such college
or jnsrilution, and
(2) lo cause an enquiry ro be made into the income, expenditure,
properties,asscrs and liabilities of h e University and of any
college or instilution maintained by or affiliated 10 the
(ii) The Statc Government shall, in every such case of inspection or
enquiry, give previous notice lo 1l1e University and if the inspeclion or
enquiry relatcs to such college or insritution,. both to Lhc Universi~yand
[he college or the inslitulion, as he case may be, of its intention to causc
such inspection or cnquiry.
(2) The State Governmcnl shnlI comrnunica~eto the Court and the
Execulive Council or to such college or ins~imlion,as [he case may be,
its views on the results of such inspeclion or enquiry and may, aFter
considering the opinion of the Court and the Executive Council or of
such college or inslilu~ionhereon, advise Lhe University or such college
or institution regarding the acrion which the Srale Government considers
fit to be takcn by Ihe University or by such college or inslilution in the
mattcrs cunccrned and the Universiry or such college or ins~ilutionshall
report LOthe S h ~ Governmcnt,
e within such dme as the Stale Govemrnenr
may direct, the action which is proposed l o be taken or has been taken
by the University or by such college or inslilulion to give effect to such
advice of r he S ~ I CGovernment.
(3) The S h l c Government may, aher considering !hc rcpon rcrcrred
lo in sub-scclion (2), advise h e Universiry or such cotlegc or institulion,
as [he case may be, to take such furlhcr action in the malters concerned
us may, i n the opinion of Ihc Statc Government, be necessary, and he
U~livcrsityor such college or insliluuon shall take or causc to bc taken
such furlher achon wilhin such time as may be specified in that behalf
. by Ihe State Government.

~ B e r ~ ~ Utliilersily
T / INor~h al Acr, 1951.

XXV of 1981.1

Stalulcs, Ordinances, Rcgulaf ions and RuIes

47. Subjecr ro the provisions or I his Acl, Slalu tes may be mode to Slalu~cs:
provide for all or any of the rollowing mailers:-
(a) the consliLulion, duties and powers of thc subordinale
auihori ties whicb may be cons~i~uled by the Univcrsi ty;
(b) the subordinalc authori~iesof which rhc Vice-CIia~~cellor
shall bc an c.r flficio member and Chairman;
(c) [he Elling of vacancies o r members of the subordillate
nuthoriries and all athcr matters relating 10 those slu~horities:
(d) the appoin~ment,powers and dulics of the officers or the
Universiry orher than thc Vice-Cl~anccllorin so far as rhese
have nol beet1 specifically provided for in his Act;
(c) the lenns and condirions of appoinlmcnt of the Registrar
and rhc Finance Ofticer:
(r) lhc constilution of a pension, insurancz or providciit fund
for h e benefil of Teachers, officers. and cniployees of ~ h c
(g) (he conlcm~cn\of L~auararydcgrees;
(h) the wilhdrawnl of degrccs, diplomas, cenilicatcs and other
academic dis~inclions;
(i) rhc estnblishment of aulhorirics o f rhe Universily refcrred
lo in clause (7) of secrion 16 and colleges, libraries, museums
and 011ier inslilu~ionsslild abolition of such aulhorities,
coIlcgcs, libraries, museums and inst ilulions:
Q) the rnainte~~anccoC registers o f Govcrnmenl ColIeges,
constiiueru college and arliliated colleges:
(k) the mai~itenanccof a register of-
(i) Prorcssors of l l ~ eUniversily,
(ii) Teachers orher rhan Professors of the University,
(iii) Principals of affiliated colleges,
(iv) Teachers no1 bcing Principals of arfiliilrcd colleges,
(v) hll-rimc students of the University and affilialcd
(vi) oFficers and non-leaching slafr or thc Universily and
non-tenching slaI-F of affiliated collcgcs;
(I) rhe rulcs and procedure for holding clcclions lo the C o u r l ,
thc Execu~i~t: Council :md other auiIiorilies and bodies of
Ihe Universj~y:
(m) the condilions undcr which colleges and orhcr insti~uiions
may be recognised or urfiliated by the University, and the
rvithdrawill of such recogni~ioflar arfilia~ion;

XXV or 1981.I

(2) A Starule, passed in the maltnzr provided in sub-seclion (1 ), shall

: be presented LO the Chnncellor for assenl and shall come inlo rorcc on
bein3 asscn~cdIn by the C l ~ n ~ ~ c c lin
l o co\~sulrarion
r with the Minister.
(3) A Stalule shall rcnu~ini n force un~ilrcpcillcd or amcndcd by a
ncw Slalute simiIarly passed and nsscnlcd to by !lie Chancellor.

49. Subjec~to thc provisions of rllis Acl and thc Slalules. 0rdin;mccs 0rdinan~c.c~
inay be mad6 io provide for all or any o r [he following marlcrs:-
(n) ihc admission of s~irdeittslo the Universily and their . .. . . .
. .,
. . , . .
enrolmenl as such; . . . - ., . .

(b) the courses ors111dyto be Iaid down Tor all degrees, diplomas
and cerli Scales of ~ h cUniversity;
(c) the degrees, diplomas. cerlilica~csand otller academic
dislincrioiis to be uwardcd by rile Univcrsity, !he
qualiticalions for lhc same. and the examinations and papcrs,
il'any, lo bc passed and sirbmi~lcrlrctaling ro Ihc granring
imrl obtaining or tlie same;
(d) thc conditions o r the award of Fellowships, scholarships,
sludenrships, exhibitions. medals and prizes:
(e) the conduul OF exnlni~~ntions.
includilig the rerms o r orl'ice,
the manner of nppoinlmcnt, and I l ~ edulics, o f examining
bodies. examiners and modemlors;
(f) rhc rnain~ennnczo r discipline nfnong ~ h ch~udenrsill lhc
University and ~ k ecolleges:
(g) Ihe condiriuns of resideace ofstudcn~sat [he U~ijvcrsityand
~ I i ccolleges:
it- any, which may be ~nndefor
(h) LIIZ spccial nrr~ngerne~lls,
thc rrsidence, discipline and l e a c h i ~ or
i ~ \vomen srudents,
and prescribing for [hem or special courses of study;
(i) the crnolumenls, aud thc [crn~sand co~tditionsor service of
Teacllers or thc University:
Ij) Lhe mitnagemeol or collegcs and other it~slirutionsfounded
or mrri~i~ained
by thc Uniuersi~y;
(k) rhc supervision nnd inspecrion or collcges and orher
(1) all other milrters which undcr Lhis Acl or rlte Slalules are
rcquired lo be or may he przscribed by Ordinances.

Tile Nnrtll Betrgal Ur!i\lcrsily Acr, 1981.

1West Bcn. Act

How 10 50. (1) Ttlc Execurive Council sllilll t.&c inlo consjdera~io~l drafts
Ordinances. of Ordiuances proposcd LO be pased, alirr notice thcrcof has been given
to the nlernbrrs of thc Excculivc Council a[ least Lhret: wceks in advance
of the date fixed Tor considcrarion of [he same by rl~eExrculivc Council.
Thc Vice-Chancellor may direct a shorlcr nntice i i ~a rnaller which in
his opinion is of an ernergen1 nalurc.
(2) An Ordinance shall be deemed to bc passed by the Execulivc
Council if i~ is agreed to by a majority or [he lolal number of members
of the Execulive Council exisling r r ~the timc.
(3) An Ordinance pnsscd by the Executive CounciI in [tie manner
providcd hereinbefore in this section shall be submirted to thc Chancellor
for asscn t 2nd shall come into force on bein:: a~sciiledlo by ihc Chancellor
and shalI bc rcported lo the Coua at ils nexr meeting.
(4) The Chancellor may ddirecr [ha1 [he opcrarion of any Ordinance
shall be suspendcd until such time as the Courr has had an opporlunity
of considering [he same.
(5) An Ordinance sliall unless cnncellcd or modified by [he Chnnccllor
remain in forcc until repealed or anlendcd by u new Ordinance similarly
passed and broughl into force.

51. Subjcct lo lhe provisions or this Act and !he Slatules and [he
Ordinances, Regulations may be rnadc 10 provide for all or any of the
following ma1tcrs:-
(a) [he proccdurc t o beohservrd at the meetings oiil subordinare
authorily and the number of members rcquired LO form a
(b) the calliog of meetings or such subordii~a~e aulhori~y,and
giving of uorice to ils mcmhers OF rhe dates or [he meetings
and of the business lo bc considered lhereat and the keeping
of a record of the proceedings of such meetings:
(c) mailers which by 11iis Acr, rhc Slnlutcs or 111e Ordinances
are required lo be prescribed by Regula~ions;
(d) all olher mallcrs solely c w ~ c e n ~ i nagsubordinate authoriry
or a commitlce appointed by it and no1 provided Tor by [his
ACL,the Slalulcs or rhe Ordinances.
How IU 52. ( 1 ) The Executive Council or a Committee appointed by i t shall
Rcgual~ions. lake inlo cons id era ti or^ drafis af Regulations, consisrenr rvirh this Act and
rhe Statules and the Ordiuancrs aflcr norice of the proposcd Regulations
has been given to [he members uf thc Executive Council a1 least lhree
wceks in ndvancc of Ihe date fixed [or considcralion of ihc same by the
Executive Council or ~ h Com~nittee
c appoin~cdby it. TheVice-Chancellor
may djrecr a shor~ernolicc in a malter which in his opinion is of an
emergem nalure.

XXV of 1981.1

(2) A Regularion shall be dreolcd LO he passed by [he Execulive

Council i F it is agrecd 10 a1 a meeting or the Execu~ivcC o ~ ~ n cby il a
majorily OF the torn1 number of mernbcrs of the Executive Council
existing at [he rime. A Reguialion shall conic inlo forcc imrnedialcly on
being passed u~llessorhcrwise direcled by thc Chancellor.
(3) The Courl stlnIl havc he power, by it rcsolulion passed by a
y ik tolaf number of mcrnhers exisling at the rime. ro cancel
n ~ a j o r i ~ol
or modify any Regularion.
(4) A Regulalion shall, unlsss cancelled or modified by llle Courl
under sub-secrion ( 3 ) , remain in rorce u~lrilrepcaled or amended by s
new Regulation sirni lady passed and brougt~linlo force.

53. Subject to the provisions of tliis Acl and the Sl;~tu~es. Ihe R~;ICS.
Ordinances and r he Regulalions, Rules may be made for [he purpose of
duly carrying our the provisions or, or exercising the powers conferred
by, his Aclor to provide For lnntrzrs rvhicli, by lI~eStniurcs,the Ordinances
or rhc Rcgula~ions,art: rcquired to be prescribed by Rulcs.

MiscclIaneous and Transitory Provisions

54. (1) Thc Vice-Chanccllur or. will1 [he approval or rhc Vice- Dclcgdioli.
Chancellor, the Regis~rar,may, subject 10 thc provisions or this Act,
dzlegare such of his powers or du~iesconfencd or imposed by or under
this Act 4s may be prescribed by the Sliirules to an officer of the
University under his direct administarive con~rol.
(2) Subject to thc provisions or this Ac1,-
(a) rile Court may delegale any o!' ib powers or duties, conferred
or imposcd by or under [his Aci. !+
(i) the Vice-Chancellor,
(ii) [lie Execuli vc Council.
(iii) o cornmirtee conslilulcd from among ils own membcrs,
(iv) it cornmiltee appoin led in accordndce with [he S larufes;
(b) the Executive Council may delegalc any of its powers or
dulics, couferred or imposed by or under this Act. t-
(i) thc Vice-Chnnccllor,
(ii) a committee constilu~edl i o ~ nanlong i rs own mcrnbers,
(iii) acornmiltee cunstirured in accordance ivilh [he Statu~es
or [he Ordinances.

The Norrlr Bfl~galUtliversiry Acr, 1981.

[Wcst Bcn. Acl

(iv) any of the Facully Councils for posl-grilduatc sludies

or Coul~cilsfor undergraduate s~udics,or
(v) the Finnncc Co~nmittee;
(c) the FacuI~yCouncil for post-graduarc studies or Lhc Councils
for undergr:~duute srudies )nay delegatc any of i!s powers
or dutics. conferred or irnpascrl by or under this Acl, lo-
(i) [he vice-~honmllar,
(ii) a cornniit~eeconstiruled rrom among its own members,
(iii) a commi~lceconstiluled in accordance with the
Regulations, or
(iv) any o r the Boards of Srudies;
(d) (be Fiaance Commirlce may delegate any of ils powers or
duties. conrerrcd or imposed by or under this Act, 1-
(i) thc Vicc-Chancellor, or
(ii) to a commirree constituted rrom among its own

Passing,or 55. All properties and all righls of whatever kilid used, elljoyed or
and ngiils. possessed by, and all intcrcs~sof wllalever kind owned by or vested in
CIC. or held in rust by or Tor, the University of Norlh Bengal as conslilutcd
prior ro the appointed day (hereinnf'rer reierred 10 as the former University)
as well 2 s all liabilities legally subsisring against thc furmcr Univcrsity
shall pass 10 thc Universily as,constirured under this'Ac1.
Complcrion 56. Notwithstanding anylhing contained in this Acl, the Stalu~es,the
of cuurscs or
s~udicsin Ordinances and the Regulations, any studcnt 01a college affilia~edlo
collcge the former University, who was studying for any examinarion of 1he
arfiliarcd lu
rhc ronucr iorn-lcrUniversily. shall be perrniltcd to complele his course i n preparalion
Univcrsily. rhcrcror and [he university shall hold, Tor such~studenu,examinalions
in accordance with [he curricula ol'sludy in force i n the iorn~erUniversily
Ibr such period as rnay be prescribed.

l'msi~ory 57. (1) Thc Vicc-ChancelIor holding office at the dare of vublica~ion
and r c ~ a l . of this Acl in thc Oficiul Gtrzctle shall be [he first Vice-Chancellor o r
the Universily and shalI be deemed to have been appoin~cdunder lhis
ACLand he shall hold office for a period of two y c u s from the dare o r
publication of [his Act in the Oflciul Gnze~leor till hc attzlins thc age
of 65 years, whichcvcr i s earlier.
(2) The first Vice-Chancellur shall. with the approval of lheCI~ancellor
and wilh the assisrance or u commitree consisting of not less than ninc
members nominared by thc State Goverament, cause Lhe Sta~utes,rhc
Ordinances and [he R e p talions or the farmer Universjly to be reviewed
and, if he considers it necessary. cause [hem lo be amended.

Tile Nortlr Rcrigcrl Utrivcrsi~yArr. 1981.

XXV of 1981.1

l(3) Tlie firs1 Vice-Cl~ancellorshall, wilhin six rnoiillis from thc date
of pub1 icalion or rhis ACLin rhe Officirrl Gnzetle 01. williin such Iongcr
period as the Slate Government m y , rro~nlime to time, by natificarion
dirccr. c:tusc arrnngemenls to be made so as to complete, wirhin the
period o r his orficc as the Lrsl Vice-Chancellor appointed under sub-
seclion (I), the constitu~ionof tlie Couri, the Excculivc Council. lbe
Facully Councils for post-gri~duiltesmdies, the Councils Tor undergraduate
srudies and the Boards of Srudics in accordance with the provisions of
thc Starules, the Ordinauces and the Rcgulil~ionsof llie ibrnier University
as revicwcd or amended under sub-seclion (2) a s if 11iey bad already
colne into forcc.
14) If, for any reasons,-
(;I) ihe conslitulio~~
o r the Courr, thc Executive Couhcil and
other bodies rererred to in sub-scctioo (3) cannot bc
compIctcd within rhe period of office of the first Vice-
Chancellor appoinlcd under sub-seclion (I), then, on the
expiry of such pcriod, thc Chancel lor oiay. i n consultation
with ~ l l Minis~er,
e on such tcrnls a11dconditiot~sas he thinks
Fil, appoint [he first Vice-ChnnccIlor whose period of officc
has expired or allother person to be thc Vice-Chancellor for
[he purposcs of this sec~ionfor such period ?[no[ exceeding
rwo years] SI: thc Chuncellor lliiliks fit. o r
(b) a vacancy occurs iu the office o r thc first Vice-Chancellor
before the expiry of [he period o r his office, hen. the
Chancellor may. in consullnlion wilh the Minister, on such
tcrms and condiljons as he thinks fit, appoint another person
to be the Vice-Chancellor Tor thc purposes o i [his section
Tor rhe unexpired porlion o r such period w such lunher
pcriod ?[no1 exceeding rrvo ycnrs] as the Chancellor thinks
and rercrences in this Act to lbe firs1 Vice-Chancellor shall be deemed
10 include references to the Vice-Chancellor appointed under rhis
(5) The Slare Governmcnt shall, by nolification in tile Oficinl Gaze~le,
appoint a date-and on and rrom such dale the Coun, h e Executive
Council, the Faculty Councils lor pos~-groduarestudies. the Councils for
'Sub-scciion (3) rvas substilu~edTor original sub-scclion by s. 5(a) uf ihc N o h B c n ~ a l
Univcrsily (Amcndmcnl) ACI. 1983 ( \ V c s ~Bcn. Acr XX ni 1983). w.e.f. 8.8.83.
T h c i v o d s "nor cxcccding cigli~ccnmonlhh" w t r t fils1 substituted lor thc words "no1
cxccdding one year", in clauses (a) and (h). by ss. ? ( I ) and 212). rcspcclivcly, or thc Nonh
Bcngd Univcrsiry (Amcndmcnt) Acr. 1981 (west Dcn. Acl XXVllI or 19R4)..Thcrc.1Rcr,
1I1t tvnrds wi~hinthc squarc: br~cliehwcre s u b s ~ i ~ u ~for'thc
cd words "no1 cxcccding
cigh~ccnrn3nlhsu, in clnuses (a) and (b). by ss. ? ( I ) and 2(2), rcspcc~ir.ely,of dlc Nonh
Bcngal Univcmily (Arncndmcn~)Acr. 1485 (\Vc<t Bcn, Acl VIlI uT 1985).

[West Ben. Act

undcrgruduate studies and the Boards of Srudies shall cotnrllerice 10

exercisc their respecrive futlctions and the Slalules, the Ordinances, and
the Regulations of \be former Universily 3s reviewed or amended under
sub-secrion (2j shall come inlo rorcu: 'land shall be the first Slarutes, the
firs1 Ordinances and [he lirsl Regulations of the Universily.]
(6) (a) The Norlh Bcngnl Universily (Temporary Supersession) Acl, \vest BC".
1978 (hereinafter referred to in lhis sub-section as lhc said Acl) shall
~ ~ ~ ~ v o r
sland repealed wilh effec~From Ihc date of publicnrion of this Act i t ) thc
Oficial Guzette.
(b) No~wilhstandingsuch rcpcnl,-
(i) until [be appointed day, rhe North Bcngnt University Council,
referred ro in clilusc (b) of section 4 of Ihe said Acr, shall
contirme 10 exercisc 311 the powers and perform 1111 the
duties in the mnnncr and on the terms and condilions provided
i n the said Act. and
(ii) any~hingdone or any action Laken under the said Act shall
bc dcemed ID have bccn validly done or paken under lhis
(7) '[Thc Iirst Starules, [he firs1 Ordinances and thc firs[ Regulr~~ions]
stlilll remain in lorcc until new Slatulcs, new Ordinances and new
Regulations are ~nadcunder [lie provisions of this Act.
(8) The first Vice-ChanceIlor may, subjecr Lo rhc approval or lhc
Chancellor. appoinl such ndn~inistralivc,clerical and ather staff as he
deems necessary for giving effect to rhc provisions of [his sec~iofl.
(9) nn and horn llle appoin~cdday the Norlh Bengal U~liversilyAcl, w,, B ~ ~ .
1961 shall s~andrepealed and (hereupon- Acr Xxvl t
of 1961.
(a) the Statu~es, the Ordinances and the Regulations of [he . .

Ibrrner Universily shall, subjecl to lhe provisions of sub- .,

seclion ( S ) , stand repcalcd and all au~horiiiesor bodies of

the rormer University shall cease lo runction;
(b) all colleges and i n s ~ i t u l i o ~affiliated
~s 10 or recognized by
the former Univcrsily and coainuing as such immcdiarely
berore ihe appointed day shall be dccmed to be arfiliared
Lo, or recognized by, Lhe University;
(c) alI colleges or ioslitutions o r whatever kind esablished,
maintained or managed by (he former University prior lo
the appoinled day shall be decmed LO be colleges or
institutions eslablished. maintained or rnanngcd by the
University under this Act;
'Words wilhin Lhc s q u m brackcu wcre subs~iturcdlor thc wards "and shall bc the
S~PIUICS. the Ordinances and f l ~ Repul;lrions
c of rllc University." by i.5(b) or rlrc Wonh
Bengai Univcrsily (Amcndmcnt) Acl, 19R3'(1Vcsr Ben. ACLXX or 1963). w.c.i. 8.3.83.
-%IC wards within ihc squatc b n c h L ~uerc subsrirurcd Tor thc \vords "n~c Stdiurt%.
thc Ordinnnc~c~ n thcd KcguIa~ions"by s. S(c). ibid.

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