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Chapter IX: From 1st to 2nd Draft Improving Organization

How to revise for efective writing

1. Congratulate yourself for reaching this milestone!
You have been working steadily on a major creative effort. Now that you have crafted the basic
form, you are ready to shape it more carefully to bring out its natural beauty.

2. Understand Paragraph and essay structure.

The structure of a paragraph in the traditional English style is generally identical to the structure of
the essay. Like the essay, a paragraph begins with the main idea of the paragraph; this is stated in
the topic sentence, which is usually near the beginning of the paragraph. Then the topic sentence is
supported by details in the body of the paragraph. In a long research paper, each point which
supports the thesis statement might be covered in several paragraphs instead of one paragraph.

3. Be creative.
The creativity is not expressed in the structure, but in the ideas, and in the words and
sentences which convey those ideas.
4. Check the support of your thesis.
First, as you wrote your first draft, some new ideas can be included, but if there are some
points that are not so relevant, they can be cut from the paper. During this process, you
may have discovered a more natural progression of ideas, but you should re-read your
paper to make sure that each point logically leads to the next.
5. Check paragraph structure.
First, the topics sentence should be clearly stated, ans should cover one main idea. Second, the
topic sentence should be supported using appropriate techniques like definition, description,
explanation, and so forth.

6. Create smooth connection.

It is really important to create connection between one idea and the next, or between one
sentence or paragraph and the following one.

Connecting devices: Connections may be marked by various devices which make the
relationship between ideas clear. For example, words such as first, next, and then
state a time (chronological) relationship between two ideas. The words, furthermore,
moreover, and also describe a relationship of addiction, in which one idea is added to
the previous idea. Transitional devices are also used, for example: As a result, therefore,
consequently, and so forth.
Reference words : Words such as this, the, she, he, her, him, it, they, them, the former,
the latter, such, etc. are reference words; that is, they refer to a concept, object, person,
or event mentioned in a previous sentence.
7. Write an effective introduction

In order to get your reader interested in your topic, you need to create an introduction which is
relevant, attractive, compelling, or even amusing or shocking.

What kind of details contribute to an interesting introduction? Some of the techniques you may
employ to provide a hook to catch your reader are:

A thought-provoking relevant quote

A real life event
An anecdote
A shocking or amusing facto r experience
A personal view
Writing an effective conclusin

To finish up with style, you must write a strong,effective conclusion in order to mark the end of your
paper. There are various techniques of writing a good conclusion, and you may want to use more
than one of them:

1. Restatement of thesis. It may be helpful to briefly rephrase your thesis. This technique may be
used as part of a broader conclusion using the techniques below:
2. Summary. It should be combined with more lively techniques such as prediction, solution, full
3. Consequence. The support of your thesis will suggest consequences which should be
mentioned in the conclusion.
4. Prediction. It shows possible future results.
5. Solution. A natural conclusion to this type of paper is the presentation of a possible solution to
the problema.
6. Extensin. This means that you broaden the topic in the conclusion, pointing to a larger picture
than you have discussed in your paper.
Problems you may encounter

Accepting the status quo. Students think they are basically finished. This is a mistake which may
result in a poor paper rather than a good one.Not seeing problems. One way to deal with this is to
set your paper aside for a few days, so that when you come back to it, you will have a fresh Outlook.

Improving organization: checklist

1. Check the support of your thesis.

2. Improve paragraph structure.
3. Create smooth transitions between ideas.
4. Write an effective introduction and conclusion
5. Print or type your second draft.

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