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Other composting methods

Compost can be used as a potting Master Composter Program

mix or seed starter for growing
G rasscycling H arvesting & using
your compost
containerized plants, seedlings, or
transplants. A good mix would in-
clude two parts finely screened
A dditional
Learn the art and science of composting! The
Master Composter Program is a 5 week train-
ing course (12 hours classroom and hands-on
instruction) in backyard composting for inter-
Grasscycling is a quick and easy way to recycle your grass How to tell when your compost is ready compost, one part coarse ested volunteers. Participants agree to give
sand, one part vermiculite Backyard composting is best learned by doing. With back 30 hours of volunteer service teaching
clippings and fertilize your lawn at the same time! It saves Your compost is finished when the original materials have
or perlite, and one part experience, you will learn what works best for your composting workshops and other outreach ac-
time and money, reduces the need for frequent watering been transformed into a dark brown, crumbly soil prod-
peat moss. particular situation. In the meantime, the following tivities. Call Solana Center (760-436-7986) or
and chemical fertilizers, and promotes healthy lawn growth. uct with a pleasant, earthy aroma. None of the materials
list of composting resources and information will visit for more information.
Grasscycling is simple: just take the bag off your mower and originally placed in the bin should be recognizable. There
An organic liquid fertilizer can also be made for help you get started.
leave the grass clippings on the lawn. The nitrogen rich clip- may be a few chunks of woody material left, as these are
pings decompose quickly, adding nutrients to the soil and generally slower to break down. These can be screened out your plants with compost. Place one or two shovels Books
helping your lawn retain water. and used as mulch or placed in the next batch of compost full of finished compost or vermicompost into an CITY OF SAN DIEGO
to continue decomposing. old pillowcase, tie the end with a cord, and soak it Rotline Rodale Book of Composting, Martin &
overnight in a five-gallon bucket of water. The liquid Gershuny, Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA,

Harvesting & Troubleshooting

Mow your lawn on a regular (760) 436-7986
basis and when the grass is Screening your compost of any large, undecomposed can be stored for several months. Water your house- 1992, 278 pp.
dry, keep the clippings short and materials before placing it in your garden is a good idea. plants, transplants, and seedlings with the liquid to The Worm Book: The Complete Guide to
give them a good start and keep them healthy. A one-stop resource for all Worms in Your Garden, Loren
make sure they don’t form clumps. Screening keeps valuable nitrogen and oxygen from being
your composting questions. Nancarrow & Janet Taylor, Ten Speed
Mowing once a week during the sum- robbed from the soil as the undecomposed materials con- Press, Berkley, CA, 1998, 152 pp.
mer and every 10 to 14 days during tinue to break down. Screened compost is also much Worms Eat my Garbage, Mary Appelhof,
winter should be sufficient. You can easier to use as an amendment in potting soil Backyard Composting Flower Press, Kalamazoo, MI, 1982,
also use a mulching mower, whose and top dressings. Troubleshooting Demonstration Gardens 100 pp.
special blades chop the grass into There are three Composting Demonstration Gardens Dead Snail Leave No Trails: Natural Pest
The The The
smaller pieces. You can build a simple screen for located in the San Diego area. These gardens exhibit Control for Home and Garden, Loren
Problem cause solution Nancarrow & Janet Taylor, Ten Speed
your compost by nailing a 3-foot working compost piles in a variety of both manufactured
Don’t worry, grasscycling does square piece of 1/2” wire mesh to and homemade composting bin systems. Examples Press, Berkley, CA, 1996, 150 pp.
Compost Not enough air Turn the pile
not cause thatch. Clippings are made up of mostly water and a wooden frame. This frame can be of Vermicomposting systems are also demonstrated.
smells like rot- and add more Internet web sites
nitrogen, and will dissolve quickly into the soil. set over a wheelbarrow, to catch ten eggs brown, woody CA Integrated Waste
the screened compost as it falls material Ridgehaven Composting Garden Management Board
through the mesh. City of San Diego Environmental Services Dept.
M ulching
Compost can be incorporated into your garden soil, spread
Pile doesn’t
heat up
Pile too small,
or too dry,
not enough
Add more
greens to pile,
add water
while turning
9601 Ridgehaven Ct. • San Diego 92123 Cornell Composting
Wig L. Worm Composting Garden
Mulch is different from compost in the way that the materi- like mulch or as a top dressing on your planters and lawn, San Diego Children’s Zoo City of San Diego
als are processed and used. While compost is fully decom- or used as a potting mix or seed starter. The center of Not enough Add water 29290 Zoo Drive • San Diego 92103 Environmental Services Department
posed material that can be used as a soil amendment, mulch the pile is dry moisture while turning
is uncomposted material that is spread over the surface of Soil incorporation is the most common use for
the soil as a ground cover. compost. In San Diego, where the soil is either The pile is at- Food scraps Bury all food Compost Resource Page
Water Conservation Garden
tracting ants not buried, scraps, add
sandy or clay, mixing compost in with the soil pile too dry
12122 Cuyamaca College Drive West
water to pile
Using mulch has many benefits: It prevents soil erosion, helps to improve its texture, El Cajon 92019 • San Diego County Composting Group
reduces the evaporation of water from the soil, and inhibits and increase its nutrient level Flies buzz Food scraps Bury all food
weed growth. It has even been shown to reduce the incidence and water holding capacity. around the pile exposed, scraps, do not Free Composting Workshops
of certain plant diseases. The best way to apply mulch is to Spread 2 to 4-inches of com- and rodents wrong put any meat, Sign up for a free one-hour Backyard Composting
sources for red worms
spread a layer approximately 3-inches thick around the base post over the soil and turn it forage through ingredients oils, or dairy Sharon’s Worm Farm (760) 788-4423
it at night products into
Workshop regularly held at one of the Composting Walter Andersen’s Nursery (619) 224-8271
of plants and on bare soil. Take care to keep the mulch from in with a shovel to a depth of Demonstration Gardens. Taught by Master Com-

touching the base of plant stems or trunks. about 6 inches. pile
posters, the hands-on workshops cover compost-
ing basics, the benefits and uses of compost, and your local nursery
Mulch can be made at home with the use of a power chipper. Top dress your planters by troubleshooting techniques. Call the Rotline (760)
If you have a large yard, you may want to consider purchasing spreading compost to a depth of 3-inches around the base Your Local Nursery is always a great source
436-7986 to register. of gardening and composting information.
one, otherwise, chippers can be rented on an as needed ba- of plants and shrubs, much like you would spread a mulch.
sis. Ready-to-use mulch is also available at the City’s Miramar For lawns, hand cast screened compost over the surface June 2007
Landfill. Call (858) 492-6100 for more information. of the lawn, to a depth of 1/2 inch. Printed on recycled paper
This information is available in alternative formats upon request.
Getting Started
Space VERMICOMPOSTING, or composting with earthworms, is
Your compost pile will need an area about a fun and easy way to recycle your food scraps. It takes
W hat is composting
and why do it?
3 foot square. Vermicomposting uses less
space, and is better suited for apartment
residents and small yards. The pile should be
C omposting basics
50% Greens: Fresh grass clippings, yard
C omposting in style up less space than regular composting, and can work in
an apartment setting. Red wiggler earthworms
are voracious eaters, consuming up to half
trimmings, horse or cow manure, fruit
Composting is nature’s way to recycle. located in a partially shady spot, so that the Making compost is a lot like cooking a meal. You take and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds & There are several different styles of composting. Some their body weight in organic material every
It is the controlled natural decomposition sun doesn’t dry out your compost too quickly. some basic ingredients, add water, mix well and let require more time and effort, but yield quicker results. day. These worms are different than the
filters, tea bags, egg shells, breads.
of organic material, such as leaves, grass You may want to plan for extra space around Make composting convenient for you by choosing the style large night-crawlers commonly found
it “cook” over a given period of time. In as little as
clippings, prunings, and fruit and vegetable your pile to make turning and harvesting your that best fits your needs and schedule. burrowing in San Diego
12 weeks, you can have finished compost ready to 50% Browns: Woody materials, dried
scraps. Microorganisms break down these compost easier. backyards. Red worms
materials into compost, or humus, the nutrient use in your garden. leaves, ground-up branches and twigs,
bark, straw, hay, sawdust, shredded pa- Active Composting involves turning the pile on a regular are smaller and process
rich soil product that results from proper Compost Bins
Ingredients per or cardboard, wood ashes. basis and maintaining proper moisture and temperature organic materials at the
A compost bin will help to keep your compost levels. Some bins, such as stacking tiers and turning surface of the soil, excreting
Four basic ingredients are required for composting:
pile neat and tidy, deter rodents from digging units, are designed to make turning and maintaining the it in the form of castings, a nutrient
in your pile, and help your pile retain heat and pile easier. rich fertilizer that plants love.
moisture during composting. Compost bins amounts of these ingredients together will provide COMPOST PILE?
Composting has many the composting organisms (microbes and insects)
can either be homemade or purchased from Meat, fish, poultry & bones.
benefits for the homeowner with enough nitrogen, carbon, moisture and oxygen Dairy products, oils, grease & lard. When using the active method, To get started, you need to purchase or make a bin
a bin manufacturer. Ideally, your compost bin
and the environment: should be at least 3 feet wide x 3 feet deep x to break down the material efficiently. Fresh weeds with mature seeds. it is best to start with a specifically designed for vermicomposting. These bins
3 feet tall. Even if your bin is not this large, it Dog and cat manure. full compost bin. This generally are 10" to 15" deep, have a tight-fitting lid
Saves you money by con- will work just fine if managed properly. Take the GREENS include grass clip- provides enough organ- and holes drilled in the

Composting Basics
Charcoal or Duraflame ashes.
serving water and reduc- time to consider your options and the style of pings, green leaves, fresh ic material to insulate bottom for drainage and
Treated wood products.
ing the need to purchase composting that is most convenient for you. prunings, and fruit and the pile and keep the ventilation. Some designs
commercial fertilizers vegetable scraps. Be sure microbes working hard. You may want to stockpile some come with catch basins
If in Doubt, Leave it Out!
and soil amendments. Homemade bins not to add any meat or materials until you have enough to build a full pile. As you for collecting "worm tea,"
can be easily con- dairy products to your pile. build the pile, layer your greens and browns and add water. the natural liquid fertilizer
Benefits your yard and structed out of Turn your pile at least once a week and add water if needed. that is a by-product of the ver-
garden by improving soil wood, wire mesh, Your compost should be kept moist, but not soggy. If your micomposting process.
BROWNS consist of dry, woody
health and fertility and pre-
venting erosion.
scrap pallets, or
other materials
commonly found
in your home. Call
materials such as dead leaves,
wood chips, twigs, sawdust
and paper. These materials
C ompost critters
pile is too wet, add shredded newspaper or leave the lid
off your bin until excess moisture is dried up. Next, make a "bed" for your worms. Worms like to live
under lots of moist paper or leaves. You can create a moist
Conserves water by bedding for your worms by tearing strips of newspaper and
helping the soil hold more the Rotline at (760) are best added to the pile A handful of compost contains more decomposer or- During the first few weeks of the composting process, the
436-7986 or visit ganisms than there are people on the planet. These pile will heat up to temperatures of 120 to 150 degrees, soaking them in water, wringing them out and placing them
water and reducing the need after being shredded or to amazing little critters are responsible for making the helping to speed decomposition and kill any plant diseases in the bin. Add your worms and a handful of food scraps
for frequent watering. chopped, and help to “bulk-up”
get a set of plans whole composting process happen. and weed seeds. Your compost will be almost ready when to the bedding, burying them underneath the newspa-
and aerate the compost pile.
for building your it fails to heat up after turning. At this point, you should per. Feed your worms slowly at first, about a handful of
Helps the environment fruit and vegetable food scraps each day. No meat, oils,
own bin. Microorganisms stop turning it and let it "cure" for two or three weeks.
by recycling valuable

composting methods
(bacteria and fungi) Finished compost can be ready to harvest in as little as or dairy products, should be placed in your worm
organic materials and WATER is impor t ant in our bin. Gradually increase the amount of food scraps you
extending the life of the M a n u fa c t u r e d are the main workers 12 weeks.
climate. Your compost pile give to your worms. Bury the food in differ-
landfill. bins include turn- of the compost pile.
should be kept as moist as a ent areas around the bin, so that you don't
ing units, cone- Although too small Passive Composting is less labor intensive than active
shaped bins, and wrung out sponge. Too little disturb the worms where
moisture will inhibit the com- to see, they are on ev- composting, but it takes longer. Generally, passive com-
bins with stacking erything you throw into they're feeding.
tiers. These bins posting process, and too posting is done by adding green and brown materials as
much water can cause your the compost pile. they’re generated, rather than starting with a full bin. You
can be purchased
G etting started at nurseries and garden centers, or mail-or-
dered directly from the manufacturer. To see
examples of the different types of composting
pile to smell.

Air is essential for a sweet smelling

also turn and add water to the pile less frequently, about
once a month. The pile won’t get as hot
and it may dry out at times, so it won’t
Your vermicompost
will be ready to har-
vest in about three
to four months. To separate your worms from the castings,
bins available, visit one of the Composting compost pile. Turning your compost decompose as quickly and may not kill
Composting can be practiced almost Macroorganisms (insects, worms, place food in one half of the bin only. Most of the worms
Demonstration Gardens at the San Diego Zoo, pile once or twice a week will inhibit any weed seeds. But compost will your backyard, at work or the Water Conservation Garden, or the Envi- and grubs) are big enough to will migrate toward the food, leaving the other half of the
the growth of odor-causing an- “happen” in about 6 to 18 months.
school, even if you live in an apartment! All ronmental Services Department Ridgehaven see. They usually enter the com- bin full of worm-free castings. Start the process over by
aerobic bacteria, and result in Bins with doors near the bottom are
you need to get started composting is a little building. Call the Rotline for directions or to post pile from the surrounding adding fresh bedding to the side of the bin that was just
faster composting. designed to make harvesting the
bit of space, a bin, and a basic understanding register for a free Saturday composting work- landscape in the later stages of harvested.
finished compost easier.
of the composting process. shop at the gardens. decomposition. More on back ¡
Getting Started
Space VERMICOMPOSTING, or composting with earthworms, is
Your compost pile will need an area about a fun and easy way to recycle your food scraps. It takes
W hat is composting
and why do it?
3 foot square. Vermicomposting uses less
space, and is better suited for apartment
residents and small yards. The pile should be
C omposting basics
50% Greens: Fresh grass clippings, yard
C omposting in style up less space than regular composting, and can work in
an apartment setting. Red wiggler earthworms
are voracious eaters, consuming up to half
trimmings, horse or cow manure, fruit
Composting is nature’s way to recycle. located in a partially shady spot, so that the Making compost is a lot like cooking a meal. You take and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds & There are several different styles of composting. Some their body weight in organic material every
It is the controlled natural decomposition sun doesn’t dry out your compost too quickly. some basic ingredients, add water, mix well and let require more time and effort, but yield quicker results. day. These worms are different than the
filters, tea bags, egg shells, breads.
of organic material, such as leaves, grass You may want to plan for extra space around Make composting convenient for you by choosing the style large night-crawlers commonly found
it “cook” over a given period of time. In as little as
clippings, prunings, and fruit and vegetable your pile to make turning and harvesting your that best fits your needs and schedule. burrowing in San Diego
12 weeks, you can have finished compost ready to 50% Browns: Woody materials, dried
scraps. Microorganisms break down these compost easier. backyards. Red worms
materials into compost, or humus, the nutrient use in your garden. leaves, ground-up branches and twigs,
bark, straw, hay, sawdust, shredded pa- Active Composting involves turning the pile on a regular are smaller and process
rich soil product that results from proper Compost Bins
Ingredients per or cardboard, wood ashes. basis and maintaining proper moisture and temperature organic materials at the
A compost bin will help to keep your compost levels. Some bins, such as stacking tiers and turning surface of the soil, excreting
Four basic ingredients are required for composting:
pile neat and tidy, deter rodents from digging units, are designed to make turning and maintaining the it in the form of castings, a nutrient
in your pile, and help your pile retain heat and pile easier. rich fertilizer that plants love.
moisture during composting. Compost bins amounts of these ingredients together will provide COMPOST PILE?
Composting has many the composting organisms (microbes and insects)
can either be homemade or purchased from Meat, fish, poultry & bones.
benefits for the homeowner with enough nitrogen, carbon, moisture and oxygen Dairy products, oils, grease & lard. When using the active method, To get started, you need to purchase or make a bin
a bin manufacturer. Ideally, your compost bin
and the environment: should be at least 3 feet wide x 3 feet deep x to break down the material efficiently. Fresh weeds with mature seeds. it is best to start with a specifically designed for vermicomposting. These bins
3 feet tall. Even if your bin is not this large, it Dog and cat manure. full compost bin. This generally are 10" to 15" deep, have a tight-fitting lid
Saves you money by con- will work just fine if managed properly. Take the GREENS include grass clip- provides enough organ- and holes drilled in the

Composting Basics
Charcoal or Duraflame ashes.
serving water and reduc- time to consider your options and the style of pings, green leaves, fresh ic material to insulate bottom for drainage and
Treated wood products.
ing the need to purchase composting that is most convenient for you. prunings, and fruit and the pile and keep the ventilation. Some designs
commercial fertilizers vegetable scraps. Be sure microbes working hard. You may want to stockpile some come with catch basins
If in Doubt, Leave it Out!
and soil amendments. Homemade bins not to add any meat or materials until you have enough to build a full pile. As you for collecting "worm tea,"
can be easily con- dairy products to your pile. build the pile, layer your greens and browns and add water. the natural liquid fertilizer
Benefits your yard and structed out of Turn your pile at least once a week and add water if needed. that is a by-product of the ver-
garden by improving soil wood, wire mesh, Your compost should be kept moist, but not soggy. If your micomposting process.
BROWNS consist of dry, woody
health and fertility and pre-
venting erosion.
scrap pallets, or
other materials
commonly found
in your home. Call
materials such as dead leaves,
wood chips, twigs, sawdust
and paper. These materials
C ompost critters
pile is too wet, add shredded newspaper or leave the lid
off your bin until excess moisture is dried up. Next, make a "bed" for your worms. Worms like to live
under lots of moist paper or leaves. You can create a moist
Conserves water by bedding for your worms by tearing strips of newspaper and
helping the soil hold more the Rotline at (760) are best added to the pile A handful of compost contains more decomposer or- During the first few weeks of the composting process, the
436-7986 or visit ganisms than there are people on the planet. These pile will heat up to temperatures of 120 to 150 degrees, soaking them in water, wringing them out and placing them
water and reducing the need after being shredded or to amazing little critters are responsible for making the helping to speed decomposition and kill any plant diseases in the bin. Add your worms and a handful of food scraps
for frequent watering. chopped, and help to “bulk-up”
get a set of plans whole composting process happen. and weed seeds. Your compost will be almost ready when to the bedding, burying them underneath the newspa-
and aerate the compost pile.
for building your it fails to heat up after turning. At this point, you should per. Feed your worms slowly at first, about a handful of
Helps the environment fruit and vegetable food scraps each day. No meat, oils,
own bin. Microorganisms stop turning it and let it "cure" for two or three weeks.
by recycling valuable

composting methods
(bacteria and fungi) Finished compost can be ready to harvest in as little as or dairy products, should be placed in your worm
organic materials and WATER is impor t ant in our bin. Gradually increase the amount of food scraps you
extending the life of the M a n u fa c t u r e d are the main workers 12 weeks.
climate. Your compost pile give to your worms. Bury the food in differ-
landfill. bins include turn- of the compost pile.
should be kept as moist as a ent areas around the bin, so that you don't
ing units, cone- Although too small Passive Composting is less labor intensive than active
shaped bins, and wrung out sponge. Too little disturb the worms where
moisture will inhibit the com- to see, they are on ev- composting, but it takes longer. Generally, passive com-
bins with stacking erything you throw into they're feeding.
tiers. These bins posting process, and too posting is done by adding green and brown materials as
much water can cause your the compost pile. they’re generated, rather than starting with a full bin. You
can be purchased
G etting started at nurseries and garden centers, or mail-or-
dered directly from the manufacturer. To see
examples of the different types of composting
pile to smell.

Air is essential for a sweet smelling

also turn and add water to the pile less frequently, about
once a month. The pile won’t get as hot
and it may dry out at times, so it won’t
Your vermicompost
will be ready to har-
vest in about three
to four months. To separate your worms from the castings,
bins available, visit one of the Composting compost pile. Turning your compost decompose as quickly and may not kill
Composting can be practiced almost Macroorganisms (insects, worms, place food in one half of the bin only. Most of the worms
Demonstration Gardens at the San Diego Zoo, pile once or twice a week will inhibit any weed seeds. But compost will your backyard, at work or the Water Conservation Garden, or the Envi- and grubs) are big enough to will migrate toward the food, leaving the other half of the
the growth of odor-causing an- “happen” in about 6 to 18 months.
school, even if you live in an apartment! All ronmental Services Department Ridgehaven see. They usually enter the com- bin full of worm-free castings. Start the process over by
aerobic bacteria, and result in Bins with doors near the bottom are
you need to get started composting is a little building. Call the Rotline for directions or to post pile from the surrounding adding fresh bedding to the side of the bin that was just
faster composting. designed to make harvesting the
bit of space, a bin, and a basic understanding register for a free Saturday composting work- landscape in the later stages of harvested.
finished compost easier.
of the composting process. shop at the gardens. decomposition. More on back ¡
Getting Started
Space VERMICOMPOSTING, or composting with earthworms, is
Your compost pile will need an area about a fun and easy way to recycle your food scraps. It takes
W hat is composting
and why do it?
3 foot square. Vermicomposting uses less
space, and is better suited for apartment
residents and small yards. The pile should be
C omposting basics
50% Greens: Fresh grass clippings, yard
C omposting in style up less space than regular composting, and can work in
an apartment setting. Red wiggler earthworms
are voracious eaters, consuming up to half
trimmings, horse or cow manure, fruit
Composting is nature’s way to recycle. located in a partially shady spot, so that the Making compost is a lot like cooking a meal. You take and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds & There are several different styles of composting. Some their body weight in organic material every
It is the controlled natural decomposition sun doesn’t dry out your compost too quickly. some basic ingredients, add water, mix well and let require more time and effort, but yield quicker results. day. These worms are different than the
filters, tea bags, egg shells, breads.
of organic material, such as leaves, grass You may want to plan for extra space around Make composting convenient for you by choosing the style large night-crawlers commonly found
it “cook” over a given period of time. In as little as
clippings, prunings, and fruit and vegetable your pile to make turning and harvesting your that best fits your needs and schedule. burrowing in San Diego
12 weeks, you can have finished compost ready to 50% Browns: Woody materials, dried
scraps. Microorganisms break down these compost easier. backyards. Red worms
materials into compost, or humus, the nutrient use in your garden. leaves, ground-up branches and twigs,
bark, straw, hay, sawdust, shredded pa- Active Composting involves turning the pile on a regular are smaller and process
rich soil product that results from proper Compost Bins
Ingredients per or cardboard, wood ashes. basis and maintaining proper moisture and temperature organic materials at the
A compost bin will help to keep your compost levels. Some bins, such as stacking tiers and turning surface of the soil, excreting
Four basic ingredients are required for composting:
pile neat and tidy, deter rodents from digging units, are designed to make turning and maintaining the it in the form of castings, a nutrient
in your pile, and help your pile retain heat and pile easier. rich fertilizer that plants love.
moisture during composting. Compost bins amounts of these ingredients together will provide COMPOST PILE?
Composting has many the composting organisms (microbes and insects)
can either be homemade or purchased from Meat, fish, poultry & bones.
benefits for the homeowner with enough nitrogen, carbon, moisture and oxygen Dairy products, oils, grease & lard. When using the active method, To get started, you need to purchase or make a bin
a bin manufacturer. Ideally, your compost bin
and the environment: should be at least 3 feet wide x 3 feet deep x to break down the material efficiently. Fresh weeds with mature seeds. it is best to start with a specifically designed for vermicomposting. These bins
3 feet tall. Even if your bin is not this large, it Dog and cat manure. full compost bin. This generally are 10" to 15" deep, have a tight-fitting lid
Saves you money by con- will work just fine if managed properly. Take the GREENS include grass clip- provides enough organ- and holes drilled in the

Composting Basics
Charcoal or Duraflame ashes.
serving water and reduc- time to consider your options and the style of pings, green leaves, fresh ic material to insulate bottom for drainage and
Treated wood products.
ing the need to purchase composting that is most convenient for you. prunings, and fruit and the pile and keep the ventilation. Some designs
commercial fertilizers vegetable scraps. Be sure microbes working hard. You may want to stockpile some come with catch basins
If in Doubt, Leave it Out!
and soil amendments. Homemade bins not to add any meat or materials until you have enough to build a full pile. As you for collecting "worm tea,"
can be easily con- dairy products to your pile. build the pile, layer your greens and browns and add water. the natural liquid fertilizer
Benefits your yard and structed out of Turn your pile at least once a week and add water if needed. that is a by-product of the ver-
garden by improving soil wood, wire mesh, Your compost should be kept moist, but not soggy. If your micomposting process.
BROWNS consist of dry, woody
health and fertility and pre-
venting erosion.
scrap pallets, or
other materials
commonly found
in your home. Call
materials such as dead leaves,
wood chips, twigs, sawdust
and paper. These materials
C ompost critters
pile is too wet, add shredded newspaper or leave the lid
off your bin until excess moisture is dried up. Next, make a "bed" for your worms. Worms like to live
under lots of moist paper or leaves. You can create a moist
Conserves water by bedding for your worms by tearing strips of newspaper and
helping the soil hold more the Rotline at (760) are best added to the pile A handful of compost contains more decomposer or- During the first few weeks of the composting process, the
436-7986 or visit ganisms than there are people on the planet. These pile will heat up to temperatures of 120 to 150 degrees, soaking them in water, wringing them out and placing them
water and reducing the need after being shredded or to amazing little critters are responsible for making the helping to speed decomposition and kill any plant diseases in the bin. Add your worms and a handful of food scraps
for frequent watering. chopped, and help to “bulk-up”
get a set of plans whole composting process happen. and weed seeds. Your compost will be almost ready when to the bedding, burying them underneath the newspa-
and aerate the compost pile.
for building your it fails to heat up after turning. At this point, you should per. Feed your worms slowly at first, about a handful of
Helps the environment fruit and vegetable food scraps each day. No meat, oils,
own bin. Microorganisms stop turning it and let it "cure" for two or three weeks.
by recycling valuable

composting methods
(bacteria and fungi) Finished compost can be ready to harvest in as little as or dairy products, should be placed in your worm
organic materials and WATER is impor t ant in our bin. Gradually increase the amount of food scraps you
extending the life of the M a n u fa c t u r e d are the main workers 12 weeks.
climate. Your compost pile give to your worms. Bury the food in differ-
landfill. bins include turn- of the compost pile.
should be kept as moist as a ent areas around the bin, so that you don't
ing units, cone- Although too small Passive Composting is less labor intensive than active
shaped bins, and wrung out sponge. Too little disturb the worms where
moisture will inhibit the com- to see, they are on ev- composting, but it takes longer. Generally, passive com-
bins with stacking erything you throw into they're feeding.
tiers. These bins posting process, and too posting is done by adding green and brown materials as
much water can cause your the compost pile. they’re generated, rather than starting with a full bin. You
can be purchased
G etting started at nurseries and garden centers, or mail-or-
dered directly from the manufacturer. To see
examples of the different types of composting
pile to smell.

Air is essential for a sweet smelling

also turn and add water to the pile less frequently, about
once a month. The pile won’t get as hot
and it may dry out at times, so it won’t
Your vermicompost
will be ready to har-
vest in about three
to four months. To separate your worms from the castings,
bins available, visit one of the Composting compost pile. Turning your compost decompose as quickly and may not kill
Composting can be practiced almost Macroorganisms (insects, worms, place food in one half of the bin only. Most of the worms
Demonstration Gardens at the San Diego Zoo, pile once or twice a week will inhibit any weed seeds. But compost will your backyard, at work or the Water Conservation Garden, or the Envi- and grubs) are big enough to will migrate toward the food, leaving the other half of the
the growth of odor-causing an- “happen” in about 6 to 18 months.
school, even if you live in an apartment! All ronmental Services Department Ridgehaven see. They usually enter the com- bin full of worm-free castings. Start the process over by
aerobic bacteria, and result in Bins with doors near the bottom are
you need to get started composting is a little building. Call the Rotline for directions or to post pile from the surrounding adding fresh bedding to the side of the bin that was just
faster composting. designed to make harvesting the
bit of space, a bin, and a basic understanding register for a free Saturday composting work- landscape in the later stages of harvested.
finished compost easier.
of the composting process. shop at the gardens. decomposition. More on back ¡
Other composting methods
Compost can be used as a potting Master Composter Program
mix or seed starter for growing
G rasscycling H arvesting & using
your compost
containerized plants, seedlings, or
transplants. A good mix would in-
clude two parts finely screened
A dditional
Learn the art and science of composting! The
Master Composter Program is a 5 week train-
ing course (12 hours classroom and hands-on
instruction) in backyard composting for inter-
Grasscycling is a quick and easy way to recycle your grass How to tell when your compost is ready compost, one part coarse ested volunteers. Participants agree to give
sand, one part vermiculite Backyard composting is best learned by doing. With back 30 hours of volunteer service teaching
clippings and fertilize your lawn at the same time! It saves Your compost is finished when the original materials have
or perlite, and one part experience, you will learn what works best for your composting workshops and other outreach ac-
time and money, reduces the need for frequent watering been transformed into a dark brown, crumbly soil prod-
peat moss. particular situation. In the meantime, the following tivities. Call Solana Center (760-436-7986) or
and chemical fertilizers, and promotes healthy lawn growth. uct with a pleasant, earthy aroma. None of the materials
list of composting resources and information will visit for more information.
Grasscycling is simple: just take the bag off your mower and originally placed in the bin should be recognizable. There
An organic liquid fertilizer can also be made for help you get started.
leave the grass clippings on the lawn. The nitrogen rich clip- may be a few chunks of woody material left, as these are
pings decompose quickly, adding nutrients to the soil and generally slower to break down. These can be screened out your plants with compost. Place one or two shovels Books
helping your lawn retain water. and used as mulch or placed in the next batch of compost full of finished compost or vermicompost into an CITY OF SAN DIEGO
to continue decomposing. old pillowcase, tie the end with a cord, and soak it Rotline Rodale Book of Composting, Martin &
overnight in a five-gallon bucket of water. The liquid Gershuny, Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA,

Harvesting & Troubleshooting

Mow your lawn on a regular (760) 436-7986
basis and when the grass is Screening your compost of any large, undecomposed can be stored for several months. Water your house- 1992, 278 pp.
dry, keep the clippings short and materials before placing it in your garden is a good idea. plants, transplants, and seedlings with the liquid to The Worm Book: The Complete Guide to
give them a good start and keep them healthy. A one-stop resource for all Worms in Your Garden, Loren
make sure they don’t form clumps. Screening keeps valuable nitrogen and oxygen from being
your composting questions. Nancarrow & Janet Taylor, Ten Speed
Mowing once a week during the sum- robbed from the soil as the undecomposed materials con- Press, Berkley, CA, 1998, 152 pp.
mer and every 10 to 14 days during tinue to break down. Screened compost is also much Worms Eat my Garbage, Mary Appelhof,
winter should be sufficient. You can easier to use as an amendment in potting soil Backyard Composting Flower Press, Kalamazoo, MI, 1982,
also use a mulching mower, whose and top dressings. Troubleshooting Demonstration Gardens 100 pp.
special blades chop the grass into There are three Composting Demonstration Gardens Dead Snail Leave No Trails: Natural Pest
The The The
smaller pieces. You can build a simple screen for located in the San Diego area. These gardens exhibit Control for Home and Garden, Loren
Problem cause solution Nancarrow & Janet Taylor, Ten Speed
your compost by nailing a 3-foot working compost piles in a variety of both manufactured
Don’t worry, grasscycling does square piece of 1/2” wire mesh to and homemade composting bin systems. Examples Press, Berkley, CA, 1996, 150 pp.
Compost Not enough air Turn the pile
not cause thatch. Clippings are made up of mostly water and a wooden frame. This frame can be of Vermicomposting systems are also demonstrated.
smells like rot- and add more Internet web sites
nitrogen, and will dissolve quickly into the soil. set over a wheelbarrow, to catch ten eggs brown, woody CA Integrated Waste
the screened compost as it falls material Ridgehaven Composting Garden Management Board
through the mesh. City of San Diego Environmental Services Dept.
M ulching
Compost can be incorporated into your garden soil, spread
Pile doesn’t
heat up
Pile too small,
or too dry,
not enough
Add more
greens to pile,
add water
while turning
9601 Ridgehaven Ct. • San Diego 92123 Cornell Composting
Wig L. Worm Composting Garden
Mulch is different from compost in the way that the materi- like mulch or as a top dressing on your planters and lawn, San Diego Children’s Zoo City of San Diego
als are processed and used. While compost is fully decom- or used as a potting mix or seed starter. The center of Not enough Add water 29290 Zoo Drive • San Diego 92103 Environmental Services Department
posed material that can be used as a soil amendment, mulch the pile is dry moisture while turning
is uncomposted material that is spread over the surface of Soil incorporation is the most common use for
the soil as a ground cover. compost. In San Diego, where the soil is either The pile is at- Food scraps Bury all food Compost Resource Page
Water Conservation Garden
tracting ants not buried, scraps, add
sandy or clay, mixing compost in with the soil pile too dry
12122 Cuyamaca College Drive West
water to pile
Using mulch has many benefits: It prevents soil erosion, helps to improve its texture, El Cajon 92019 • San Diego County Composting Group
reduces the evaporation of water from the soil, and inhibits and increase its nutrient level Flies buzz Food scraps Bury all food
weed growth. It has even been shown to reduce the incidence and water holding capacity. around the pile exposed, scraps, do not Free Composting Workshops
of certain plant diseases. The best way to apply mulch is to Spread 2 to 4-inches of com- and rodents wrong put any meat, Sign up for a free one-hour Backyard Composting
sources for red worms
spread a layer approximately 3-inches thick around the base post over the soil and turn it forage through ingredients oils, or dairy Sharon’s Worm Farm (760) 788-4423
it at night products into
Workshop regularly held at one of the Composting Walter Andersen’s Nursery (619) 224-8271
of plants and on bare soil. Take care to keep the mulch from in with a shovel to a depth of Demonstration Gardens. Taught by Master Com-

touching the base of plant stems or trunks. about 6 inches. pile
posters, the hands-on workshops cover compost-
ing basics, the benefits and uses of compost, and your local nursery
Mulch can be made at home with the use of a power chipper. Top dress your planters by troubleshooting techniques. Call the Rotline (760)
If you have a large yard, you may want to consider purchasing spreading compost to a depth of 3-inches around the base Your Local Nursery is always a great source
436-7986 to register. of gardening and composting information.
one, otherwise, chippers can be rented on an as needed ba- of plants and shrubs, much like you would spread a mulch.
sis. Ready-to-use mulch is also available at the City’s Miramar For lawns, hand cast screened compost over the surface June 2007
Landfill. Call (858) 492-6100 for more information. of the lawn, to a depth of 1/2 inch. Printed on recycled paper
This information is available in alternative formats upon request.
Other composting methods
Compost can be used as a potting Master Composter Program
mix or seed starter for growing
G rasscycling H arvesting & using
your compost
containerized plants, seedlings, or
transplants. A good mix would in-
clude two parts finely screened
A dditional
Learn the art and science of composting! The
Master Composter Program is a 5 week train-
ing course (12 hours classroom and hands-on
instruction) in backyard composting for inter-
Grasscycling is a quick and easy way to recycle your grass How to tell when your compost is ready compost, one part coarse ested volunteers. Participants agree to give
sand, one part vermiculite Backyard composting is best learned by doing. With back 30 hours of volunteer service teaching
clippings and fertilize your lawn at the same time! It saves Your compost is finished when the original materials have
or perlite, and one part experience, you will learn what works best for your composting workshops and other outreach ac-
time and money, reduces the need for frequent watering been transformed into a dark brown, crumbly soil prod-
peat moss. particular situation. In the meantime, the following tivities. Call Solana Center (760-436-7986) or
and chemical fertilizers, and promotes healthy lawn growth. uct with a pleasant, earthy aroma. None of the materials
list of composting resources and information will visit for more information.
Grasscycling is simple: just take the bag off your mower and originally placed in the bin should be recognizable. There
An organic liquid fertilizer can also be made for help you get started.
leave the grass clippings on the lawn. The nitrogen rich clip- may be a few chunks of woody material left, as these are
pings decompose quickly, adding nutrients to the soil and generally slower to break down. These can be screened out your plants with compost. Place one or two shovels Books
helping your lawn retain water. and used as mulch or placed in the next batch of compost full of finished compost or vermicompost into an CITY OF SAN DIEGO
to continue decomposing. old pillowcase, tie the end with a cord, and soak it Rotline Rodale Book of Composting, Martin &
overnight in a five-gallon bucket of water. The liquid Gershuny, Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA,

Harvesting & Troubleshooting

Mow your lawn on a regular (760) 436-7986
basis and when the grass is Screening your compost of any large, undecomposed can be stored for several months. Water your house- 1992, 278 pp.
dry, keep the clippings short and materials before placing it in your garden is a good idea. plants, transplants, and seedlings with the liquid to The Worm Book: The Complete Guide to
give them a good start and keep them healthy. A one-stop resource for all Worms in Your Garden, Loren
make sure they don’t form clumps. Screening keeps valuable nitrogen and oxygen from being
your composting questions. Nancarrow & Janet Taylor, Ten Speed
Mowing once a week during the sum- robbed from the soil as the undecomposed materials con- Press, Berkley, CA, 1998, 152 pp.
mer and every 10 to 14 days during tinue to break down. Screened compost is also much Worms Eat my Garbage, Mary Appelhof,
winter should be sufficient. You can easier to use as an amendment in potting soil Backyard Composting Flower Press, Kalamazoo, MI, 1982,
also use a mulching mower, whose and top dressings. Troubleshooting Demonstration Gardens 100 pp.
special blades chop the grass into There are three Composting Demonstration Gardens Dead Snail Leave No Trails: Natural Pest
The The The
smaller pieces. You can build a simple screen for located in the San Diego area. These gardens exhibit Control for Home and Garden, Loren
Problem cause solution Nancarrow & Janet Taylor, Ten Speed
your compost by nailing a 3-foot working compost piles in a variety of both manufactured
Don’t worry, grasscycling does square piece of 1/2” wire mesh to and homemade composting bin systems. Examples Press, Berkley, CA, 1996, 150 pp.
Compost Not enough air Turn the pile
not cause thatch. Clippings are made up of mostly water and a wooden frame. This frame can be of Vermicomposting systems are also demonstrated.
smells like rot- and add more Internet web sites
nitrogen, and will dissolve quickly into the soil. set over a wheelbarrow, to catch ten eggs brown, woody CA Integrated Waste
the screened compost as it falls material Ridgehaven Composting Garden Management Board
through the mesh. City of San Diego Environmental Services Dept.
M ulching
Compost can be incorporated into your garden soil, spread
Pile doesn’t
heat up
Pile too small,
or too dry,
not enough
Add more
greens to pile,
add water
while turning
9601 Ridgehaven Ct. • San Diego 92123 Cornell Composting
Wig L. Worm Composting Garden
Mulch is different from compost in the way that the materi- like mulch or as a top dressing on your planters and lawn, San Diego Children’s Zoo City of San Diego
als are processed and used. While compost is fully decom- or used as a potting mix or seed starter. The center of Not enough Add water 29290 Zoo Drive • San Diego 92103 Environmental Services Department
posed material that can be used as a soil amendment, mulch the pile is dry moisture while turning
is uncomposted material that is spread over the surface of Soil incorporation is the most common use for
the soil as a ground cover. compost. In San Diego, where the soil is either The pile is at- Food scraps Bury all food Compost Resource Page
Water Conservation Garden
tracting ants not buried, scraps, add
sandy or clay, mixing compost in with the soil pile too dry
12122 Cuyamaca College Drive West
water to pile
Using mulch has many benefits: It prevents soil erosion, helps to improve its texture, El Cajon 92019 • San Diego County Composting Group
reduces the evaporation of water from the soil, and inhibits and increase its nutrient level Flies buzz Food scraps Bury all food
weed growth. It has even been shown to reduce the incidence and water holding capacity. around the pile exposed, scraps, do not Free Composting Workshops
of certain plant diseases. The best way to apply mulch is to Spread 2 to 4-inches of com- and rodents wrong put any meat, Sign up for a free one-hour Backyard Composting
sources for red worms
spread a layer approximately 3-inches thick around the base post over the soil and turn it forage through ingredients oils, or dairy Sharon’s Worm Farm (760) 788-4423
it at night products into
Workshop regularly held at one of the Composting Walter Andersen’s Nursery (619) 224-8271
of plants and on bare soil. Take care to keep the mulch from in with a shovel to a depth of Demonstration Gardens. Taught by Master Com-

touching the base of plant stems or trunks. about 6 inches. pile
posters, the hands-on workshops cover compost-
ing basics, the benefits and uses of compost, and your local nursery
Mulch can be made at home with the use of a power chipper. Top dress your planters by troubleshooting techniques. Call the Rotline (760)
If you have a large yard, you may want to consider purchasing spreading compost to a depth of 3-inches around the base Your Local Nursery is always a great source
436-7986 to register. of gardening and composting information.
one, otherwise, chippers can be rented on an as needed ba- of plants and shrubs, much like you would spread a mulch.
sis. Ready-to-use mulch is also available at the City’s Miramar For lawns, hand cast screened compost over the surface June 2007
Landfill. Call (858) 492-6100 for more information. of the lawn, to a depth of 1/2 inch. Printed on recycled paper
This information is available in alternative formats upon request.
Other composting methods
Compost can be used as a potting Master Composter Program
mix or seed starter for growing
G rasscycling H arvesting & using
your compost
containerized plants, seedlings, or
transplants. A good mix would in-
clude two parts finely screened
A dditional
Learn the art and science of composting! The
Master Composter Program is a 5 week train-
ing course (12 hours classroom and hands-on
instruction) in backyard composting for inter-
Grasscycling is a quick and easy way to recycle your grass How to tell when your compost is ready compost, one part coarse ested volunteers. Participants agree to give
sand, one part vermiculite Backyard composting is best learned by doing. With back 30 hours of volunteer service teaching
clippings and fertilize your lawn at the same time! It saves Your compost is finished when the original materials have
or perlite, and one part experience, you will learn what works best for your composting workshops and other outreach ac-
time and money, reduces the need for frequent watering been transformed into a dark brown, crumbly soil prod-
peat moss. particular situation. In the meantime, the following tivities. Call Solana Center (760-436-7986) or
and chemical fertilizers, and promotes healthy lawn growth. uct with a pleasant, earthy aroma. None of the materials
list of composting resources and information will visit for more information.
Grasscycling is simple: just take the bag off your mower and originally placed in the bin should be recognizable. There
An organic liquid fertilizer can also be made for help you get started.
leave the grass clippings on the lawn. The nitrogen rich clip- may be a few chunks of woody material left, as these are
pings decompose quickly, adding nutrients to the soil and generally slower to break down. These can be screened out your plants with compost. Place one or two shovels Books
helping your lawn retain water. and used as mulch or placed in the next batch of compost full of finished compost or vermicompost into an CITY OF SAN DIEGO
to continue decomposing. old pillowcase, tie the end with a cord, and soak it Rotline Rodale Book of Composting, Martin &
overnight in a five-gallon bucket of water. The liquid Gershuny, Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA,

Harvesting & Troubleshooting

Mow your lawn on a regular (760) 436-7986
basis and when the grass is Screening your compost of any large, undecomposed can be stored for several months. Water your house- 1992, 278 pp.
dry, keep the clippings short and materials before placing it in your garden is a good idea. plants, transplants, and seedlings with the liquid to The Worm Book: The Complete Guide to
give them a good start and keep them healthy. A one-stop resource for all Worms in Your Garden, Loren
make sure they don’t form clumps. Screening keeps valuable nitrogen and oxygen from being
your composting questions. Nancarrow & Janet Taylor, Ten Speed
Mowing once a week during the sum- robbed from the soil as the undecomposed materials con- Press, Berkley, CA, 1998, 152 pp.
mer and every 10 to 14 days during tinue to break down. Screened compost is also much Worms Eat my Garbage, Mary Appelhof,
winter should be sufficient. You can easier to use as an amendment in potting soil Backyard Composting Flower Press, Kalamazoo, MI, 1982,
also use a mulching mower, whose and top dressings. Troubleshooting Demonstration Gardens 100 pp.
special blades chop the grass into There are three Composting Demonstration Gardens Dead Snail Leave No Trails: Natural Pest
The The The
smaller pieces. You can build a simple screen for located in the San Diego area. These gardens exhibit Control for Home and Garden, Loren
Problem cause solution Nancarrow & Janet Taylor, Ten Speed
your compost by nailing a 3-foot working compost piles in a variety of both manufactured
Don’t worry, grasscycling does square piece of 1/2” wire mesh to and homemade composting bin systems. Examples Press, Berkley, CA, 1996, 150 pp.
Compost Not enough air Turn the pile
not cause thatch. Clippings are made up of mostly water and a wooden frame. This frame can be of Vermicomposting systems are also demonstrated.
smells like rot- and add more Internet web sites
nitrogen, and will dissolve quickly into the soil. set over a wheelbarrow, to catch ten eggs brown, woody CA Integrated Waste
the screened compost as it falls material Ridgehaven Composting Garden Management Board
through the mesh. City of San Diego Environmental Services Dept.
M ulching
Compost can be incorporated into your garden soil, spread
Pile doesn’t
heat up
Pile too small,
or too dry,
not enough
Add more
greens to pile,
add water
while turning
9601 Ridgehaven Ct. • San Diego 92123 Cornell Composting
Wig L. Worm Composting Garden
Mulch is different from compost in the way that the materi- like mulch or as a top dressing on your planters and lawn, San Diego Children’s Zoo City of San Diego
als are processed and used. While compost is fully decom- or used as a potting mix or seed starter. The center of Not enough Add water 29290 Zoo Drive • San Diego 92103 Environmental Services Department
posed material that can be used as a soil amendment, mulch the pile is dry moisture while turning
is uncomposted material that is spread over the surface of Soil incorporation is the most common use for
the soil as a ground cover. compost. In San Diego, where the soil is either The pile is at- Food scraps Bury all food Compost Resource Page
Water Conservation Garden
tracting ants not buried, scraps, add
sandy or clay, mixing compost in with the soil pile too dry
12122 Cuyamaca College Drive West
water to pile
Using mulch has many benefits: It prevents soil erosion, helps to improve its texture, El Cajon 92019 • San Diego County Composting Group
reduces the evaporation of water from the soil, and inhibits and increase its nutrient level Flies buzz Food scraps Bury all food
weed growth. It has even been shown to reduce the incidence and water holding capacity. around the pile exposed, scraps, do not Free Composting Workshops
of certain plant diseases. The best way to apply mulch is to Spread 2 to 4-inches of com- and rodents wrong put any meat, Sign up for a free one-hour Backyard Composting
sources for red worms
spread a layer approximately 3-inches thick around the base post over the soil and turn it forage through ingredients oils, or dairy Sharon’s Worm Farm (760) 788-4423
it at night products into
Workshop regularly held at one of the Composting Walter Andersen’s Nursery (619) 224-8271
of plants and on bare soil. Take care to keep the mulch from in with a shovel to a depth of Demonstration Gardens. Taught by Master Com-

touching the base of plant stems or trunks. about 6 inches. pile
posters, the hands-on workshops cover compost-
ing basics, the benefits and uses of compost, and your local nursery
Mulch can be made at home with the use of a power chipper. Top dress your planters by troubleshooting techniques. Call the Rotline (760)
If you have a large yard, you may want to consider purchasing spreading compost to a depth of 3-inches around the base Your Local Nursery is always a great source
436-7986 to register. of gardening and composting information.
one, otherwise, chippers can be rented on an as needed ba- of plants and shrubs, much like you would spread a mulch.
sis. Ready-to-use mulch is also available at the City’s Miramar For lawns, hand cast screened compost over the surface June 2007
Landfill. Call (858) 492-6100 for more information. of the lawn, to a depth of 1/2 inch. Printed on recycled paper
This information is available in alternative formats upon request.

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