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Enhancing Email Etiquette

Enhancing Email Etiquette


Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette


Whats Email Etiquette?

Why do we need to follow Email Etiquette?

Lets do a Mindmap of essential tips for email etiquette

Email Etiquette Tips

Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette


How you express your thoughts in written communications has always been an important asset
in the business world. With today's technology-enhanced communication, such as e-mails,
virtual-teams, and collaborative e-space, our writing skills are even more important in affecting
how others perceive us and our organization. Therefore it is important that we make our emails

In order to do this, we could adopt a systematic approach.



Internal Team
Team members?
Invite? Peers?
Immediate manager?
Update? Executives?
External Team
Bring to attention/notice?

It is important to consider the purpose and also the level of the users before we compose any

Activity: Choose any scenario from work, preferably a challenging one and create a Document

Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette


WHA One of the

advantages of
mapping your content
either in your mind or
O putting it down in
writing is that it helps
HO WH avoid unnecessary
W chain mails which
largely results when
all the necessary
information is not
WHE given


Reasons why we need to write an appropriate subject line:

a) For mails to be read: possibility of your mails going to the trash without a subject line

b) For effective documentation and retrieval of information: One of the advantages

of writing an appropriate subject line is that, later when you pull out mails from your
archive, it could be a crucial search criterion.

How should the subject lines be?

Ideally a subject line should:

a) Be five words or less than that

b) Be short and concise

c) Be a phrase and not a sentence

d) Be neutral

e) Be specific

Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

Activity: Write Subject Lines for each of the scenarios

1) You had informed your team that the meeting with DCS client had been postponed. Now
the meeting is going to take place as first planned

Sub Line:_____________________________________________________________

2) A colleague located elsewhere has not sent a critical update. The DPE is pressurizing you for
it. This is not the first time the colleague has delayed sending important information.

Sub Line:_____________________________________________________________

3) Your DPE demands an explanation for certain accounts persistently being in RED.

Sub Line:_____________________________________________________________

4) You have recently been the Business Development Officer and have been asked to get in
touch with one of your prestigious clients, who hasnt off late been giving substantial

Sub Line:______________________________________________________________

5) Off late there are several Customer Satisfaction issues with one of the competencies that
you work with. You are conveying your frustration over this scenario.

Sub Line:______________________________________________________________


Salutations are an effective way of setting the atmosphere of the email. It allows the
readers to get into the right frame of mind, preparing them for your message. Including the
receivers name in the salutation, personalizes the email.

What salutations are appropriate in professional email interaction?

Dear Tom Hi Cruise Hi Grace Hi Tom

Hi Hi Mr Tom Hi Mrs. Dorohill Good morning Tom

Hello Tom Hi Ms. Dorohill Greetings everyone

Hi All/Team Hi Mr. Cruise Hi Mrs. Grace Hey Jing


Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

We may be aware of what content do we need to include as part of mails, however

it is equally important that we do not present information in a wooly mess fashion.
Therefore structuring information and presenting information coherently becomes

How do we structure information?

1) State the key information upfront

E.g.: This is to give you an update on the meeting that our team had with the Sending

2) Explain the key concept in detail in the next paragraph

E.g.: The agenda of the meeting was to develop strategies to turn the Red accounts
into Green

3) State the action that needs to be taken by the receiver

E.g.: Therefore we have decided to follow all the action points generated with
immediate effect across all accounts.

4) Use a pre sign off: E.g.: Do get back for any clarification

While we structure information, it is also very important that we maintain

coherence, meaning, words and the information conveyed should be related to
one another so that the readers can follow the flow of thought easily from
sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph. One of the best ways to achieve
coherence is to use transitional words or phrases.

Transitional word function Transitional words used

Use to add another thought and, or, nor, also, moreover, furthermore,
indeed, in fact, first, second, third, in addition

Use to add, illustrate, or expand a or instance, for example, for one thing,
point similarly, likewise

Use to add up consequences, therefore, thus, so, and so, hence,

summarize minor points to emphasize consequently, finally, on the whole, all in all, in
a major point other words, in short

Use to add a qualifying point or frequently, occasionally, in particular, in general,

illustration specifically, especially, usually, often

Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

Use to concede a point to the of course, no doubt, doubtless, to be sure,

opposition, or recognize a point just granted, certainly
off the main line
Use to reverse or deflect the line of but, however, yet, on the contrary, not at all,
thought, usually back to your own surely, no, until.
Use to return the thought to your side still, nevertheless, notwithstanding
after a concession
Use to attach a concession although, though, whereas

Use to connect a reason to an because, since, for.

Use to qualify and restrict a more if, provided, in case, unless, lest, when
general idea
Use to glance at tentative or as if, as though, even if.
hypothetical conditions that
strengthen and clarify your point
Use Relative and demonstrative this, that, these, those, who, whom, he, she, it,
words, which tie things together, they, all of them, few, many, most, several
pointing back as they carry the
reference ahead.



Writing, like speaking, requires an organizational flow. The simple structure that we could
confirm to in our writing is:

a) Tell them what you are going to tell them

b) Tell them

c) Tell them what action needs to be taken

In addition to ensuring that we structure information appropriately, we could use the following
suggestions to make our writing more readable:

A) Use bold and italics for emphasis

B) Use subtitle headings for long mails

C) Use bullets and numbers to organize a list

a) Use the bullet symbol to create a list of items where sequence is not important

Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

b) Use numbers when order is significant

Advantages of using bullets and numbers instead of paragraph text:

helps the reader focus on the simpler components of complex subjects

helps the reader get to the point faster, save time, and increase productivity
helps the reader keep track of the key points
draws the reader's attention and help them get to necessary information more efficiently
groups parallel ideas or information in a way that helps the reader process the
present content in a clear and visually appealing way

D) Avoid using all uppercase letters,

Except for commonly understood abbreviations, such as IBM, US, EMEA, APAC, avoid
the upper case
For example:
E) Avoid using all lowercase letters
Readers are accustomed to seeing an initial capital letter at the start of each sentence.
Hence use of all lower case slows the reader because it requires added concentration to
determine where sentences begin and end. This standard convention is an important
signal that helps the reader's speed and comprehension
F) Minimize sentence and paragraph length
It is important that we optimize our line and paragraph length because our eyes follow
sentences in short jumps known as saccades. If you have too many saccades per line,
it becomes problematic for the reader. . Each sentence should convey one idea.
Paragraphs should contain five to six lines.
G) Use correct font color and spacing
Use black for all text, single spacing within the paragraph, and double spacing between

H) Make list items parallel in structure

Eg: The responsibilities of a CSM are:
a) To serve as a SPOC to the DPE

Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

b) To drive overall technical delivery

c) To assist PE/DPE in cost and recovery management
a) Serving as a SPOC to the DPE
b) Driving overall technical delivery
d) Assisting PE/DPE in cost and recovery management

I) Avoid emoticons or smileys


One of the ways to make our mails effective is to keep it concise. Clear, impactful writing uses
only as many words as needed to convey thoughts. Unnecessary words add clutter and distract
from the intent of your message. When you eliminate clutter, the text that remains becomes
much stronger.

In order to be concise, you need to avoid:

a) Wordiness:

It means using more words than necessary. In business situations, people do not have the
time to wade through extraneous words. The following table shows some examples of using
concise words to replace wordy phrases:

Wordy Phrases Concise Phrases

at the present time, at this point in time now

due to the fact that because
during the course of while
for the simple reason that because
in spite of the fact that although
in the not too distant future soon
in view of the fact that since
on the part of by
to the effect that that
give rise to arouse
make contact with meet
render inoperative destroy, delete, defuse, deactivate
The copy that is yellow is for you to retain Keep the yellow copy.

b) Redundancy:

Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

It refers to a phrase that conveys the same meaning twice. The following table shows some
examples of concise words that replace redundant phrases:

Redundant Phrases Concise Words

adequate enough adequate

advance planning planning
both together both
contributing factor factor
deliberate lie lie
equally as important as important
exact same same
few in number few
final outcome outcome
free gift gift
join together join
many in number many
past history history
share in common share
shuttle back and forth shuttle
two different reasons two reasons

c) Intensifiers:

It refers to words that intensify a certain situation or context or a quality. It is

recommended that they be avoided in business and professional writing, as Written
business communication aims at a measured tone. Eliminating intensifiers, without changing
your meaning, enhances your text and allows the reader to understand the message.
Examples of intensifiers are as follows:

absolutely, definitely, very, just, really, basically, incredibly, simply, so

d) Inflated Language:

Some of us have the temptation to use pompous words to impress a reader. It is important
that we use simple language for the benefit of a diverse audience. If the inflated word is the
best choice for your intent, use it. But if a synonym is simpler and says the same thing, use
it instead. Use a thesaurus when necessary. The following table shows some examples of
clear words that replace inflated ones:

Inflated word Clear word

utilize use (verb)

utilization use (noun)


Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

beauteous beautiful
differential difference
requisite required, needed
deleterious harmful

e) Delayers:

It refers to sentences that begin with words and phrases that postpone your main idea. Use
of delayers leads to the information losing impact, as it is pushed back and use of too many
words in the sentence.

1) There is
2) There were
3) There are
4) It is
5) It was
6) It had been


With Delayer: There are helpful hints in this Participant Manual that can improve writing

Without Delayer: The Participant Manual has helpful hints to improve writing


By enhancing the impact of our writing, we ensure that our mails are effective. The different
ways to make our mails more impactful are:

Using positive form

Negative ideas are as legitimate as positive ones, however negatively worded sentences
are usually less emphatic than positive ones. They also make for wordiness and result in
a slight loss of readability. For example:

Negative Phrase Positive phrase

Claudette did not do well on the test. Claudette did poorly on the test.
Gerry was not convicted. Gerry was acquitted.
Luis has no trust in facilitators. Luis distrusts facilitators.
Sandy's bonus was not significant. Sandy's bonus was insignificant.
Lee did not arrive on time. Lee arrived late.


Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

Negative expressions Positive expressions

not many few

not the same different

not different similar

not unlike like

not exclude include

not . . . until only when

not . . . unless only if

Negative expressions Preferable expressions

does not have lacks

does not allow prevents

does not accept rejects

not able unable

not possible impossible

The positive form simplifies the mental operations.

Using active voice

Our sentences can be strengthened and also made concise by the use of Active voice, as
passive voice renders our sentences long and also separates the actor from the action.
For example:

Active Voice Passive Voice


Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

Nancy gave the presentation. The presentation was given by Nancy.

Lou facilitated the program. The program was facilitated by Lou.
Dan carries the team. The team is being carried by Dan.
Nirmala demonstrated the application. The application was demonstrated by

However passive voice has its own application especially to construct diplomatic

Replacing modifiers with strong, short verbs

One of the ways to make your writing impactful is to use strong verbs rather than use a verb with
a modifier. This will ensure that the right impact is conveyed and you express using a single
word. For example:

Verb with modifier Strong Verbs

went quickly rushed, sped, raced

came out emerged
sits high above looms
picks up lifts
goes back retreats
goes down descends
yelled angrily raged, screamed
fell down hard stumbled, crashed

E.g.: With modifier: Khalid asked lots of questions of the class during the breakout
Strong Verb: Khalid quizzed the class during the breakout session

Responding to FLAME mails

A Flame mail is a mail sent to ridicule, complain or chastise the recipient. It is important to
note that we dont respond to a Flame with another Flame. We need to look beyond the
Flame and look to fighting it fair.


Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

A few ways in which conflict could be resolved via email are:

1) Clarify the intent of your communication- preferably your intent should be a

combination of a justification and an intent to arrive at a resolution with the other party

2) Write as directly and clear as possible- Consider how the other person might
misinterpret your language, and take more time to explain thoughts that might easily be

3) Establish an empathic resonance- first agree to or join the receiver in their thoughts
or feelings, before moving away and further explaining your point of view. Don't start by
putting them on the defensive. Let them know you listen and understand what they are

4) Beware of pre conceived notions- you may misinterpret his or her message. If
you're not sure about his or her meaning or intent, communicate your confusion. ASK
before you make assumptions which may not be accurate, and before you treat
those assumptions as if they are fact.

5) Take responsibility for your part in the conflict- Apologize honestly and sincerely

6) Take time to work through your raw feelings- Take time to clarify your reactions
and thoughts or to feel ready to communicate openly with the other person

7) Do not get lost in the content of the argument- Stay close to how you feel and
how the other person feels. Aim to heal the hurt or angry FEELINGS rather than change
the other's perception of reality. He/she may not be able to see your point of view

Remember: Know when to LET GO. You may not be able to change another person's
perceptions or interpretations of a situation, and may have to validate yourself or look for
validation elsewhere if the other person can't fully grasp your point of view


When communicating through emails, it is important that we make the right choice of words
or use the right vocabulary that will provide for clear communication of our ideas and
thoughts. It is important that the type and level of our audience and adjust our vocabulary
accordingly. It is worthwhile to constantly work at improving our knowledge of words.

Some tips to remember about the choice of words that we make are:

Avoid slang

Avoid jargon

Avoid colloquialism


Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

Avoid idioms

Avoid negative words


Tone in writing refers to the writer's attitude toward the reader and the subject of the
message. The overall tone of a written message affects the reader just as one's tone of
voice affects the listener in everyday exchanges. Ultimately, the tone of a message is a
reflection of the writer and it does affect how the reader will perceive the message.

What kind of tone should be used?

Fortunately, we can use the same kind of tone for most business messages. Ensure to

Be confident
Be courteous and sincere

Use appropriate emphasis and subordination

Use non-discriminatory language

Stress the benefits for the reader

Write at an appropriate level of difficulty

How do we use and convey an appropriate tone?

Use appropriate vocabulary- words convey emotions

Choose an appropriate greeting and closing

Ensure to avoid you sentences especially when conveying bad news

Use active voice to use a direct tone

Use necessary punctuations for emphasis to convey the right tone

Use contractions

What kind of tone should be used for negative messages?

It is especially important to consider tone when you are writing a negative message. In a
negative message, be sure to assume a tone that is gracious and sincere. Thank the reader for
their input or involvement and carefully state that you cannot comply with their wishes. Follow
this response with an explanation as necessary.

It is best not to draw attention to the person performing the action that will likely displease the


Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette


a) You may want to avoid using active voice when delivering negative messages.

b) You might also avoid stressing the reader benefits unless there are clear benefits to the
negative message. It can sound insincere to stress reader benefits in a negative

In some negative messages, you may need to address faults or issues concerning an individual.
When writing messages such as this, maintain a professional tone that does not attack the
individual but that makes your position on the issue clear.

E.g.: Not -I do not understand why you made such discriminatory remarks.
But -Discriminated remarks are not tolerated in this organization

Remember your tone must be appropriate for an international audience

1) Those who read information in English, and for whom English is their primary language.
2) Those who read information in English, but for whom English is not their primary language.

3) Those who read information that has been translated from English into their primary

Remember to use unbiased language in your information as that also affects the
tone. Avoid making assumptions about gender or race in your writing


It is important to note that it is not only important to get our content right in our emails,
but also pay attention to how we sign off with the appropriate tone, close with the
intended meaning getting across..

Whats an appropriate sign off to be used in a business environment?

Regards Thanks and regards Best wishes Warm regards

Cheers Yours truly Warmest regards Kind regards


a) Spell out the meaning of the abbreviation or acronym in the text, at the first occurrence
E.g.: The Service Level Agreement (SLA) has to be reviewed every quarter to suit the
ever changing facing of business or it will lead to several SLA breaches.

b) Avoid being overtly polite using please and thank you


Organization Development
Enhancing Email Etiquette

E.g.: Could you please send across the document so that the case can be closed please?

c) When dates are written, spell them out so that they are understood across cultures

E.g.: Write 12th Nov 09, Not 12/12/09

d) Avoid typographical errors as it could lead to miscomprehension or unnecessary humour

E.g.: Please replay for any clarification

Please reply for any clarification

Websites for Reference to enhance Business Writing

e) Construct grammatically appropriate sentences and avoid sentence fragments

1) We can able to send across the project schedule.- Incorrect

We can send across the project schedule or We will be able to send across the project
schedule. - Correct
2) As you know that we have completed the task. So we will dispatch it- Sentence
fragment- Incorrect
As you know that we have completed the task, the dispatch will be sent. Correct

f) Set the appropriate priority level
If you have the habit of setting all your mails on high priority level, irrespective of their
nature, then people may not take your mails seriously and may turn a blind eye on your
priority level.


Organization Development

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