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David C. Warltier, M.D., Ph.D., Editor

Anesthesiology 2006; 104:158 – 69 © 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Succinylcholine-induced Hyperkalemia in Acquired

Pathologic States
Etiologic Factors and Molecular Mechanisms
J. A. Jeevendra Martyn, M.D., F.R.C.A., F.C.C.M.,* Martina Richtsfeld, M.D.,†

Lethal hyperkalemic response to succinylcholine continues ciated desaturation, with no intravenous access. In some
to be reported, but the molecular mechanisms for the hyperka- instances, however, adverse hemodynamic consequences,
lemia have not been completely elucidated. In the normal in-
nervated mature muscle, the acetylcholine receptors (AChRs)
including death, have been reported with its use. One of
are located only in the junctional area. In certain pathologic the most deleterious side effects of succinylcholine is the
states, including upper or lower motor denervation, chemical acute onset of hyperkalemia and the cardiovascular insta-
denervation by muscle relaxants, drugs, or toxins, immobiliza- bility associated with its administration in certain suscepti-
tion, infection, direct muscle trauma, muscle tumor, or muscle ble patients.
inflammation, and/or burn injury, there is up-regulation (in-
crease) of AChRs spreading throughout the muscle membrane, Patients with congenital muscular dystrophies are sus-
with the additional expression of two new isoforms of AChRs. ceptible to hyperkalemia and rhabdomyolysis with suc-
The depolarization of these AChRs that are spread throughout cinylcholine.8 The etiology of this response, however, is
the muscle membrane by succinylcholine and its metabolites unclear. The acquired disease states that are associated
leads to potassium efflux from the muscle, leading to hyperka-
with succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia were first
lemia. The nicotinic (neuronal) ␣7 acetylcholine receptors, re-
cently described to be expressed in muscle also, can be depo- reviewed in 1975.9 The etiologic factors contributing to
larized not only by acetylcholine and succinylcholine but also this side effect in certain individuals were comprehen-
by choline, persistently, and possibly play a critical role in the sively updated approximately a decade ago.10 Brief at-
hyperkalemic response to succinylcholine in patients with up- tention to this topic was given in a recent review on the
regulated AChRs.
“neurobiology of neuromuscular junction.”11 Classic ac-
quired conditions that have the potential to result in
SUCCINYLCHOLINE continues to be the drug of choice acute lethal hyperkalemia with succinylcholine adminis-
for producing paralysis, particularly when there is a need tration are enumerated in table 1. In each of these con-
for rapid onset and offset of effect. None of the currently ditions listed, there is an up-regulation (increase) of
available nondepolarizing relaxants have the pharmacody- muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs),
namic profile of the depolarizing relaxant, succinylcho- which when depolarized with succinylcholine leads to
line.1,2 Therefore, succinylcholine continues to be used for efflux of intracellular potassium into the plasma, leading
urgent tracheal intubation in the perioperative period, in to acute hyperkalemia. Several recent clinical reports
the emergency room, in the intensive care unit, and even continue to implicate distinct and varied pathologic
outside the hospital during emergency transportation of states that give rise to hyperkalemia with succinylcho-
patients.3–7 Because succinylcholine has a rapid onset of line. Some of the conditions purported to cause hyper-
effect even when administered intramuscularly, it is also kalemia with succinylcholine have included gastrointes-
used to treat laryngospasm, especially when there is asso- tinal mucositis,12 necrotizing pancreatitis,13 catatonic
schizophenia,14 meningitis,15 and purpura fulminans.16
Despite the claim (actual or implied) that each of these
* Professor, Harvard Medical School; Director, Clinical and Biochemical Phar-
macology Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital; and Anesthetist-in-Chief, varying pathologic states is a potential independent risk
Shriners Hospital for Children, Boston. † Research Fellow, Massachusetts Gen- factor for hyperkalemia with succinylcholine, it is evi-
eral Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and Shriners Hospital for Children, Boston.
dent that one or more of the etiologic factors previously
Received from the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Harvard Med-
ical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Shriners Hospital for Children, enumerated in table 1 were concomitantly present, lead-
Boston, Massachusetts. Submitted for publication June 17, 2004. Accepted for ing to the up-regulation of AChRs and therefore making
publication June 1, 2005. Supported in part by grant Nos.RO1 GM31569-23, RO1
GM55082-08, and RO1 GM51411-05 (to Dr. Martyn) from the National Institutes them susceptible to hyperkalemia with succinylcholine.
of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, and grants Nos. 8830 and 8510 from Shriners There is now evidence that an isoform of AChR, neu-
Hospitals Research Philanthropy, Tampa, Florida.
Address reprint requests to Dr. Martyn: Department of Anesthesia and Critical
ronal (nicotinic) ␣7AChR, previously not described in
Care, Massachusetts General Hospital, Clinics 3, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, Massachu- muscle, is also expressed and up-regulated in muscle
setts 02114. Address electronic mail to: Indi-
vidual article reprints may be purchased through the Journal Web site, www.
during development and with denervation.17 There is preliminary evidence to suggest that these ␣7AChRs may

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006 158


Table 1. Pathologic Conditions with Potential for AChRs spread well beyond the neuromuscular junction
Hyperkalemia with Succinylcholine (NMJ) and are present throughout the muscle mem-
Upper or lower motor neuron defect brane. Supersensitivity to AChR agonists (acetylcholine
Prolonged chemical denervation (e.g., muscle relaxants, or succinylcholine) is observed throughout the muscle
magnesium, clostridial toxins) membrane.9,24 The increase in AChRs after denervation
Direct muscle trauma, tumor, or inflammation is more profound and occurs more quickly than with
Thermal trauma
Disuse atrophy simple immoblization.24,25 This increase in receptor
Severe infection number can be confirmed by radiolabeled ␣-bungaro-
toxin (cobra toxin), which covalently binds to all muscle
All of these conditions have the potential to up-regulate (increase) acetylcho- AChRs, irrespective of isoform. Chemical denervation
line receptors.
occurs when neuromuscular relaxants are used for pro-
longed periods.26,27 The up-regulation of AChRs associ-
also be expressed in other conditions listed in table 1. ated with the use of muscle relaxants is a predictable
The ␣7AChR can be depolarized not only by acetylcho- response. Classic receptor theory indicates that during
line or succinylcholine, but also by their metabolite, the chronic presence of a competitive antagonist (or
choline, strongly and persistently (without desensitiza- conditions that decrease concentrations of transmitter),
tion),18 with a capability to exaggerate the intracellular there is up-regulation of that receptor.10 Up-regulation is
potassium efflux into plasma in any pathologic state, typically associated with increased sensitivity to agonists
where ␣7AChRs are up-regulated. This review reaffirms and resistance to antagonists. These typical responses
the unifying hypothesis that conditions with increases in have been verified in many receptor systems, including
AChRs have the potential to cause a hyperkalemic re- the AChR, where increased sensitivity to succinylcholine
sponse with succinylcholine and provides an update on and resistance to nondepolarizing relaxants were dem-
the biochemical and molecular pharmacology of AChRs onstrated.10,26,27 Therefore, the chemical denervation
in muscle with new insights into the molecular mecha- and increase in AChRs associated with prolonged admin-
nisms for hyperkalemia with succinylcholine. istration of muscle relaxants can lead to hyperkalemia
with succinylcholine.26,28 The coadministration of mus-
cle relaxants in association with another pathologic con-
Conditions That Increase AChRs in Skeletal dition that up-regulates AChRs (e.g., burn injury, immo-
Muscle bilization) can magnify the increase in AChRs even
Functional or Anatomical Denervation further, over and above that caused by the pathologic
Lower or upper motor neuron injury is the classic condition alone.26,29
condition where up-regulation of AChRs has been con-
sistently observed.9 –11 Despite previous warnings about Simple Immobilization
the use of succinylcholine in patients with upper or Examples of immobilization include confinement in
lower motor neuron lesions, its use in these situations bed or wheelchair, pinning of joints, and plaster casting
continue. There is an account of the use of succinylcho- of single limb or total body (spica). Severe critical illness
line, to decrease myogenic activity during the perfor- often results in immobilization of some or most of the
mance of electroencephalography in a patient with skeletal muscles for varying periods because of disease-
stroke, that resulted in hyperkalemia.19 Another report induced factors. Although the nerve itself is not anatom-
of hyperkalemia with succinylcholine implicating pan- ically severed during this time, the immobilized muscle
creatitis as the etiologic factor actually had an upper behaves as if it were denervated.30 –32 Within 3–5 days of
motor neuron lesion of several weeks’ duration.13 Poly- immobilization, the muscle fibers become atrophied,
neuropathy and myopathy of critical illness is a disease and the NMJ begins to show degenerative changes
of multiple etiology and is associated with both sensory (nerve terminal disruption, terminal nerve sprouting,
and motor deficits.20,21 Therefore, in critical illness–in- multi-innervations of the NMJ, exposed or lost junctional
duced neuromyopathies, the muscle and the AChRs folds).30 Although there is no associated apparent dis-
would behave as if they were denervated. It is, therefore, ruption of nerve function, the biochemical feature of
not surprising that one would see hyperkalemia with classic denervation, up-regulation of AChRs and spread
succinylcholine in the presence of critical illness poly- of receptors beyond the NMJ, is observed.30 –32 This
neuropathy.22 Chronic ischemia (peripheral vascular dis- up-regulation of AChRs that occurs with immobilization
ease), renal failure, and diabetes produce neuropathies can be seen as early as 6 –12 h33,34 and is transcription-
of varying degrees, depending on the severity and dura- ally (messenger ribonucleic acid)32,33 or posttranscrip-
tion of the illness. All of these diseases have the propen- tionally mediated34 but does not reach critical levels to
sity for hyperkalemia with succinylcholine, because of cause hyperkalemia as early as 24 –72 h after immobili-
the neuropathy-induced denervation.23 zation. Although immobilization itself up-regulates
In both upper and lower motor neuron lesions, the AChRs, concomitant pathologic states or iatrogenic ma-

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006


nipulations can accentuate this up-regulation. Examples ner M, unpublished observations, June 2005). To the
of the latter would include use of drugs such as magne- contrary, infection may, in fact sometimes, decrease
sium sulfate35 or muscle relaxants.25–27 Magnesium, AChR number (in the absence of immobilization).45 The
among other effects, also inhibits the release of acetyl- reports of hyperkalemia in patients with infection36,37
choline at nerve endings, which by itself can up-regulate may be related to the up-regulation of AChRs induced by
AChRs.35 Succinylcholine hyperkalemia has been ob- total body immobilization with and without muscle re-
served as early as 5 days of immobilization in association laxants acting in consort with the infection itself. Ac-
with meningitis.15 Therefore, the concomitant presence cordingly, infection together with immobilization, as
of one or more pathologic states, with immobilization, seen in the intensive care unit, may be comorbid factors
which independent of each other can up-regulate that would accentuate the up-regulation of AChRs and
AChRs, leads to quicker and more profound increase in lead to hyperkalemia with succinylcholine.
receptor number with a potential for hyperkalemia at an As indicated previously, sepsis or systemic inflamma-
earlier period of time. tory response syndrome, however, is known to be asso-
ciated with both sensory and motor demyelinating neu-
Infection and Burn Injury ropathies.20,21 The motor neuropathy no doubt will lead
Previous reports have indicated that chronic infection to AChR spread, with a chance for hyperkalemia with
is a risk factor for succinylcholine-induced hyperkale- succinylcholine. The burn injury–related increase of
mia.36,37 Infection with Clostridium botulinum and AChRs is probably related to inflammation and local
tetani, causing botulism and tetanus, have well estab- denervation of muscle.46 The up-regulation of AChRs at
lished effects on the NMJ.38,39 These exotoxins produce sites distant from burn, if it occurs, is most likely related
paralysis by binding to cleavage proteins that control the to the concomitant immobilization, because systemic
release of acetylcholine, leading to muscle paralysis and distant effects on AChRs are not consistently ob-
a denervation-like state. Although the nerve itself is not served.46,47 Major third-degree burn involving extensive
severed, the decreased release of acetylcholine pro- body surface area may, however, up-regulate AChRs
duced by clostridial toxins and the associated paralysis throughout the body because of its extent and direct
leads to the up-regulation of AChRs.25,38,39 Therefore, inflammation/injury to muscle, even in the absence of
the use of succinylcholine in patients with tetanus can infection. However, hyperkalemia after burn injury to a
result in hyperkalemia. Infection by botulinum is not single limb (8% body surface area) has been observed,
uncommon among drug abusers, and succinylcholine indicating that burn size alone is not the only contribut-
hyperkalemia has been reported during clostridial sep- ing factor.48 Superimposition of infection or sepsis may
sis.40,41 Therefore, the use of succinylcholine to rapidly accentuate the burn- or immobilization-induced increase
secure an airway in a long-term drug abuser does have of AChRs even further. Exogenous steroids, sometimes
the potential for hyperkalemia. Parenthetically, botuli- used to treat critically ill septic and asthmatic patients,
num toxin (Botox®; Allergen Inc., Irvine, CA), now exten- by itself does not increase receptor number.49 It may be
sively used as a therapeutic agent for many muscle disor- of interest to note that steroidal muscle relaxants (pan-
ders, does not usually produce generalized denervation in curonium, vecuronium, rocuronium), sometimes used in
the recommended doses.42 The use of muscle relaxants the intensive care unit to facilitate mechanical ventila-
either to prevent the muscle spasms of tetanus or to facil- tion, do not have a steroidal effect and do not seem to
itate mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit ag- potentiate the effects of exogenous steroids.50
gravates the up-regulation of AChRs produced by the clos-
tridial infection or disease-induced immobilization. These
patients, therefore, have the propensity for hyperkalemia Nomenclature of Nicotinic AChRs,
with succinylcholine, if it is used subsequently. Pharmacology, and Control of Expression in
In contrast to clostridial toxins, it is unclear whether Muscle
infection with other bacterial or viral agents can effect
changes in receptor number to critical levels to produce Nicotinic AChRs, named for their ability to bind to the
hyperkalemia, particularly in the absence of immobiliza- tobacco alkaloid, nicotine, are members of the neuro-
tion. An inflammatory or infectious state induced by transmitter gated ion channels that mediate excitatory
repeated exposure to endotoxin or a single injection of neurotransmission at the NMJ, autonomic ganglia, and
Corynebacterium parvum in animals that were allowed selected synapses of the brain and spinal cord.51,52 Di-
to move freely did not increase AChR number.43,44 Re- verse genes encode the heterogenous AChRs, and the
peated (three times) injections of C. parvum over 12 ion channel is formed of multiple subunits (multimers).
days, with and without single limb immobilization, pro- To date, 17 nicotinic acetylcholine subunit genes have
duced modest increases of AChR number but did not been cloned from vertebrates and include ␣1–␣10 and
produce a hyperkalemic response to succinylcholine ␤1–␤4 subunits and one each of ␦, ␥, and ␧ subunits.
(Helming M, Fink H, Unterbuchner C, Martyn JAJ, Blob- Specific information about the molecular organization

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006


Fig. 1. Sketch of muscle acetylcholine receptor channels (right) and tracings of cell patch records of receptor channel openings
(left). The mature, innervated, or junctional receptor consists of two ␣1 subunits, and one each of the ␤1, ␦, and ␧ subunits. The
immature, extrajunctional or fetal form consists of two ␣1 subunits and one each of the ␤1, ␦, and ␥ subunits. The ␧ subunit is
therefore substituted by the ␥ subunit in the immature receptor. The subunits are arranged around the central cation channel. The
mature isoform containing the ␧ subunit shows shorter open times and high-amplitude currents; hence, it is called high-conduc-
tance channel. The immature isoform containing the ␥ subunit is called low-conductance channel because it shows long open times
and low-amplitude currents. The immature receptors can be depolarized with smaller concentrations of acetylcholine or succinyl-
choline. Therefore, they can be depolarized more easily even with decreasing concentrations of succinylcholine during its continued
metabolism after systemic administration. The fact that these immature channels remain open for a longer time and are up-regulated
in muscles in certain pathologic states increases the chance that intracellular potassium ions will leak out and increase the plasma
levels of potassium.

and function of AChRs in the central and peripheral state and its duration. Their density, however, never
nervous system is lacking, but those in muscle are better reaches that of the junctional area. These AChRs, called
characterized. “immature,” “fetal,” or “extrajunctional” type, are
formed of two ␣1 subunits and one each of the ␤1, ␦,
Conventional Muscle AChRs and ␥ subunits, differing from the mature channel only in
The schematic in figure 1 illustrates known arrange- the substitution of the ␥ for the ␧ subunit.
ments of the subunits constituting the well-studied (con- Each AChR subunit protein consists of 400 –500 amino
ventional) muscle AChRs, the molecular weight of acids. The receptor protein complex passes entirely
which is approximately 250,000 Da. In the mature adult- through the membrane and protrudes beyond the extra-
innervated NMJ, the AChRs are located only in the junc- cellular surface of the membrane and also into the cyto-
tional area. The AChR ion channel on the muscle mem- plasm (fig. 1). The binding site for agonists and antago-
brane transmits cations (sodium and calcium) into and nists is on each of the ␣ subunits located near 192–193
(potassium) out of the cell, during depolarization and amino acid positions.10,11 During immobilization of mus-
repolarization, respectively, and is formed of five subunit cle also, whether it is produced by simple muscle inac-
(pentamer) proteins consisting of two ␣1 subunits and tivity or chemically, iatrogenically (e.g., pinning), or
one each of the ␤, ␦, and ␧ subunits. This AChR channel pathologically induced, the AChRs qualitatively and
is referred to as a “mature,” “innervated,” or “␧-contain- quantitatively behave as if they are denervated.24 –32 The
ing” channel. The density of the junctional (mature) most common chemical agents producing immobiliza-
AChRs is quite high, approximately 5 million per junc- tion and denervation are the neuromuscular relaxants.
tion, in the adult mature junction. In the fetus (before Another therapeutic chemical causing denervation is
innervation) or after denervation syndromes (table 1), botulinum toxin (Botox®), used for treating muscle dis-
the receptors are not clustered (localized) in the junc- orders.42 Magnesium has similar effects on the nerve,
tional area only, but are spread throughout the muscle preventing the release of acetylcholine.35 Direct electri-
membrane (extrajunctional receptors). These extrajunc- cal stimulation of the muscle, even in the absence of
tional receptors occupy the whole muscle membrane, nerve function or nerve-evoked muscle contraction, at-
and their number varies depending on the pathologic tenuates the spread of AChRs, underscoring the impor-

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006


Fig. 2. Sketch of an ␣7 acetylcholine receptor (AChR) (right) expressed in muscle after denervation and its pharmacologic property
during depolarization by choline (left). The ␣7AChR is a homomeric channel composed of five ␣7 subunits (pentamer) whose
channel is responsive to (opened by) acetylcholine and choline, and binds to nicotine. The chemical agent, ␣-conotoxin GI, was used
to specifically inhibit muscle ␣1, ␤1, ␦, and ␧/␥ AChRs. The ␣7AChRs are not inhibited by ␣-conotoxin GI, thus allowing the study
of ␣7AChRs in muscle (left). Of note, choline, the metabolite of acetylcholine and succinylcholine, is a full agonist of the ␣7AChR
with little desensitization even with continued (15 s) exposure to choline (left). Note that the depolarization can be increased with
higher (30 vs. 10 mM) concentrations of choline, and the depolarization persists as long as choline is applied. This phenomenon has
the potential to continue efflux of intracellular potassium into the synapse, extracellular fluid, and plasma. Redrawn from Tsuneki
et al.18; used with permission from Blackwell Publishing.

tance of muscle electrical activity in the control of expected, the endogenous agonist, acetylcholine binds
AChRs.24,34,53 to ␣7AChRs, and each of the five subunits has the po-
The changes in subunit composition (␥ vs. ␧) in the tential to bind acetylcholine or succinylcholine mole-
conventional muscle AChRs confer certain changes in cules.51,52,55 Other agonists, including nicotine and cho-
the electrophysiologic (functional), pharmacologic, and line, and antagonists (muscle relaxant, pancuronium and
metabolic characteristics.10,11 The mature receptors are cobra toxin, ␣-bungarotoxin) also bind to the ␣7AChR.18
metabolically stable, with a half-life of approximately 2 The ␣7AChRs display unusual functional and pharma-
weeks compared with less than 24 h in the immature cologic characteristics compared with the conventional
receptor. The changes in subunit composition also alter muscle (␣1, ␤1, ␦, ␧/␥) AChRs or the neuronal (brain)
the sensitivity or affinity of the receptor for specific ␣7AChRs. Choline, a precursor and metabolite of acetyl-
ligands or both. Depolarizing or agonist drugs, such as choline (and succinylcholine), is an extremely weak ag-
succinylcholine and acetylcholine, depolarize immature onist (EC50 1.6 ␮M) of the conventional muscle AChRs
receptors more easily and therefore can efflux intracel- but is a full agonist of the muscle ␣7AChRs (0.26 mM);
lular potassium at lower concentrations of these ago- i.e., concentrations of choline that do not open the
nists; only one tenth to one hundredth of doses that conventional AChR channels will open the ␣7AChR
depolarize mature receptors effect depolarization in im- channels.18 Furthermore, no desensitization of the
mature AChRs.9,24,54 Immature receptors have a smaller ␣7AChR occurs even during the continued presence of
single-channel conductance and a 2- to 10-fold longer choline (fig. 2),18 thus allowing a greater chance for
mean channel open time (fig. 1). That is, once depolar- potassium to efflux from within the cell (approximately
ized, the immature channels stay open for a longer time. 145 mEq/l in cell) to the extracellular space including
plasma (approximately 4.5 mEq/l) down its concentra-
Neuronal AChRs in Muscle tion gradient. The chemical ␣-conotoxin GI specifically
Quite in contrast to the conventional muscle AChRs inhibits the conventional (mature and immature) AChRs
consisting of ␣1, ␤1, ␦, and ␧/␥ subunits described in muscle but does not inhibit ␣7AChRs. The muscle
above, receptors formed of ␣7AChR subunits have re- ␣7AChRs are different from neuronal (autonomic ganglia
cently been found in skeletal muscle during develop- and brain) ␣7AChRs in that the former are not strongly
ment and denervation.17,18 These ␣7AChRs are homo- inhibited by the selective antagonist of neuronal
meric (i.e., formed of the same subunits) channels ␣7AChR, methylcaconitine. The ␣7AChRs expressed in
arranged as pentameres (fig. 2). Ligand (drug) binding neuronal tissue are also desensitized readily with cho-
pockets are thought to be formed at negative and posi- line,56 a feature that contrasts with muscle ␣7AChRs,
tive faces of the ␣7-subunit assembly interphases. As which do not desensitize with choline.18 The ␣7AChR in

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006


muscle also has a lower affinity for its antagonists, in- other critical muscle-derived proteins, all of which are
cluding pancuronium and ␣-bungarotoxin; higher con- necessary for maturation and stabilization of the AChRs
centrations of these drugs are, therefore, required to at the NMJ. Sometime after birth, all of the receptors are
block agonist-induced depolarization in the ␣7AChR ver- converted to mature ␧-subunit– containing AChRs. Al-
sus the conventional muscle AChRs (␣1, ␤1, ␦, ␧/␥).18 In though the mechanism of this change is unclear, a neu-
the conventional AChRs, the binding of even one of the regulin (growth factor) called ARIA (for acetylcholine
␣1 subunits by an antagonist results in inactivation of receptor-inducing activity), which binds to ErbB recep-
that receptor, because acetylcholine needs both ␣ sub- tors, seems to play a role.57 No information is available
units of the AChR for its activation. In the ␣7AChR, regarding the growth factors that control the expression
however, even when three subunits are bound by an of ␣7AChRs, except that conditions that increase expres-
antagonist (e.g., muscle relaxant), there are two other sion of the ␥-subunit– containing AChRs also seems to
subunits still available for binding to agonist and depo- increase ␣7AChRs. Therefore, signaling from agrin, and
larization. This feature may account for the resistance of neuregulins may be important for suppression of
␣7AChR, compared with conventional AChRs, to the ␣7AChRs.
blocking effects of drugs such as pancuronium.18
The clinical pharmacology of the muscle ␣7AChR has not
been studied yet, but the basic pharmacology provides Molecular Pharmacologic Bases for
some insight into succinylcholine-related hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia with Succinylcholine
Chemical or physical denervation of muscle not only re-
sults in up-regulation and qualitative (␧-subunit ¡ ␥-subunit Acetylcholine receptors in the electrically excitable
expression) changes in AChRs, but also up-regulates the innervated muscle cluster and localize around the nerve
␣7AChRs in muscle. Preliminary (Kaneki M, Martyn JAJ, at the NMJ due to trophic factors released from the
unpublished data, June 2005) evidence suggests increased nerve. The nerve-evoked muscle contractions stabilize
protein expression (by Western blotting) of ␣7AChRs in this clustering.33,53 When succinylcholine is adminis-
burn injury also. Succinylcholine, a synthetic analog of tered to healthy patients, it depolarizes the receptors,
acetylcholine consisting of two molecules of acetylcholine which are present only at the NMJ, and the resulting
joined together, is capable of depolarizing not only the efflux of intracellular potassium ions is therefore limited
conventional muscle AChRs, but also the ␣7AChRs found to the junctional area. Despite the high density of AChRs
in muscle55 (fig. 3). In addition, the metabolite of succinyl- at the NMJ, this depolarization results in a change in
choline, choline, can depolarize ␣7AChRs with little desen- plasma potassium concentrations of approximately 0.5–
sitization. The depolarizing effects of succinylcholine and 1.0 mEq/l. Loss of muscle excitation (contraction), for
choline on the up-regulated ␣7AChRs result in continued whatever reason (denervation, immobilization, muscle
leak of intracellular potassium with flooding of extracellu- relaxant therapy, toxins), leads to a loss of clustering and
lar fluid including plasma, leading to hyperkalemia. The the spread of AChRs throughout the whole muscle mem-
effect of choline, particularly on the ␣7AChRs, may explain brane. The extent of the up-regulation of AChRs (2- to
the persistence of hyperkalemia that is seen in some pa- 100-fold) is determined by the severity and duration of
tients well beyond the paralytic action of succinylcholine the pathologic state. It is important to note, however,
(vide fig. 2 and infra). that although the density of AChRs at the extrajunctional
areas is very much less than that at the junctional area,
Synthesis and Stabilization of the AChRs the surface area of the muscle itself is so large that the
This subject has been recently reviewed in detail,11,33 AChR numbers are markedly increased on the muscle
but a brief description is provided. The trophic function membrane.24,53 These up-regulated receptors in the ex-
of the nerve and the associated electrical activity is vital trajunctional area consist of immature (2␣1, ␤1, ␦, ␥) and
for the development, maturation, and maintenance of ␣7 AChRs. The proportion of each of these receptor sub-
neuromuscular function. Shortly after the motor nerve types (␥ vs. ␣7) in the affected muscle is unknown, but the
axon grows into the developing muscle, these axons total AChR number dramatically increases compared with
bring nerve-derived signals (i.e., growth factors), includ- the innervated muscle. Acetylcholine released during
ing agrin, that are key to maturation of muscle and nerve-evoked muscle contraction is able to activate only
NMJ.10,11,33,53 Agrin is a protein released by the nerve junctional receptors, because the transmitter is rapidly me-
that stimulates postsynaptic differentiation by activating tabolized by acetylcholinesterase enzyme present in the
muscle-specific kinase (MUSK), a tyrosine kinase ex- perijunctional area. This depolarization produced by ace-
pressed selectively in muscle. With signaling from agrin, tylcholine, therefore, does not extend beyond the junc-
the AChRs, which have been scattered throughout the tional receptors, even in denervation/immobilization/
muscle membrane, cluster at the area immediately be- inflammation states. However, in the pathologic states,
neath the nerve. Agrin, together with other growth fac- where the AChRs are up-regulated and occupy all of the
tors called neuregulins, also induce the clustering of muscle membrane, the systemically carried succinylcholine

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006


Fig. 3. Schematic of the succinylcholine (SCh)–induced potassium release in an innervated (top) and denervated muscle (bottom). In
the innervated muscle, the systemically administered succinylcholine reaches all of the muscle membrane but depolarizes only the
junctional (␣1, ␤1, ␦, ␧) receptors because acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) are located only in this area. With denervation, the muscle
(nuclei) expresses not only extrajunctional (␣1, ␤1, ␦, ␥) AChRs but also ␣7AChRs throughout the muscle membrane. Systemic
succinylcholine, in contrast to acetylcholine released locally, can depolarize all of the up-regulated AChRs leading to massive efflux of
intracellular potassium into the circulation, resulting in hyperkalemia. The metabolite of succinylcholine, choline, and possibly succi-
nylmonocholine can maintain this depolarization via ␣7AChRs enhancing the potassium release and maintaining the hyperkalemia.

is able to depolarize all of the AChRs (not only junctional down product of succinylcholine, choline, is a strong
receptors), causing efflux of potassium from all of the agonist of ␣7AChR. Each molecule of succinylcholine
AChRs throughout the muscle membrane (fig. 3). Further- releases two molecules of choline. The usual 1.5-mg/kg
more, in contrast to acetylcholine, because succinylcholine dose of succinylcholine (approximately 100 mg in the
is metabolized more slowly (10 –20 min), sustained depo- adult), therefore, is able to release approximately
larization of the 2␣1, ␤1, ␦, ␧/␥, and ␣7 AChRs occurs, 0.56 mM choline. This choline concentration is well
exaggerating the potassium release. outside the physiologic range,58 and sufficient to con-
There are additional factors that may compound the tinue to activate ␣7AChRs, with release of more potas-
exaggerated release of potassium from these AChRs. The sium into the circulation. (As indicated previously, the
immature receptor, which has a longer open channel EC50 for muscle ␣7AChR is 0.26 mM.18) Because the
time when depolarized, has a greater potential for sus- ␣7AChRs do not desensitize with choline (fig. 2), the
taining a more prolonged potassium leak. Because these ␣7AChR channel can continue to be depolarized (open)
immature AChRs can be depolarized with smaller-than- with persistence of hyperkalemia for a prolonged pe-
normal concentrations of succinylcholine,9,24,54 the de- riod. It is conceivable that the other metabolite of suc-
polarization can continue to occur despite continued cinylcholine, succinylmonocholine, would have the
metabolic breakdown and lower concentrations of suc- same effect on the ␣7AChRs, but this has not been
cinylcholine. Most importantly, the metabolic break- studied relative to ␣7AChRs. The up-regulation of

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006


Fig. 4. The electrocardiogram and serum potassium levels after succinylcholine (SCh) in a patient 1 month after massive trauma. The
release of potassium reaches its peak in 2–5 min and can persist for long periods. Ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia,
wide QRS complexes, and/or peaked T waves can persist as long as potassium levels are high. Defibrillation is ineffective in the
presence of high potassium levels. High levels of calcium may revert this, and repeat doses may be required while monitoring the
response to electrocardiography. Redrawn from Mazze et al.67; used with permission.

␣7AChRs may also lead to resistance to nondepolarizing graphic changes include tall T waves greater than 5 mm
relaxants, such as pancuronium; the concentration of (K⫹ 6 –7), small broad or absent P waves, wide QRS
pancuronium required to attenuate choline-evoked de- complex (K⫹ 7– 8), sinusoidal QRST (K⫹ 8 –9), and atrio-
polarization was higher in the presence of ␣7AChR than ventricular dissociation or ventricular tachycardia/fibril-
with conventional AChRs.18 Therefore, usual doses of lation (K⫹ ⬎ 9).59 Although peaked T waves may be seen
pancuronium, or any other nondepolarizing muscle re- at serum potassium levels as low as 6 mEq/l, it is not until
laxant administered before succinylcholine, would not the level reaches 8 mEq/l or more that the electrocar-
ablate the hyperkalemic response to succinylcholine.9 diogram is consistently diagnostic of hyperkalemia. Car-
diovascular instability usually occurs at a serum potas-
sium level equal to or greater than 8 mEq/l, although
Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperkalemia
values of more than 11 mEq/l have been recorded with-
with Succinylcholine
out cardiovascular complications.60,61 Therefore, hyper-
Electrocardiographic changes in association with car- kalemia, even in the presence of an abnormal electrocar-
diovascular instability, occurring within 2–5 min after diogram, may go unnoticed, or electrocardiographic
succinylcholine administration, should alert the care- changes may not always be present with hyperkale-
giver to a tentative diagnosis of succinylcholine-induced mia.60,61 Differential diagnosis of the new-onset QRST
hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia can be classified as mild changes should include acute pericarditis, left bundle
(K⫹ 5.5– 6.0 mEq/l), moderate (K⫹ 6.1– 6.9), and severe branch block, pulmonary embolism, Prinzmetal angina,
(K⫹ ⬎ 7.0).59 The electrocardiographic changes are usu- and acute myocardial infarction.62 Although the diagno-
ally proportional to the serum potassium levels in ap- sis of acute hyperkalemia is confirmed by the measure-
proximately 64% of patients (fig. 4). The electrocardio- ment of serum potassium levels, treatment should be

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006


initiated based on history (succinylcholine administra- nists, such as epinephrine, will not only help with car-
tion in susceptible pathologic state), and electrocardio- diopulmonary resuscitation but also drive the potassium
graphic or cardiovascular changes. intracellularly; ␣-adrenoceptor agonists are not consid-
Severe hyperkalemia, particularly with cardiovascular ered useful for the decrease of extracellular potassium.64
collapse, is a life-threatening condition. Therefore, treat- ␤2-Adrenoceptor agonists via nebulizer (e.g., albuterol)
ment of the hyperkalemia and the associated cardiovascu- have been used in renal patients with hyperkalemia. The
lar compromise needs immediate attention. Although fre- effect of catecholamines can be seen as early as 3–5 min,
quent serial measurements may be accurate in this critical but peak effect takes 30 min.63
setting, the fastest measure of efficacy of therapy is the The hyperkalemia to succinylcholine is dose depen-
electrocardiogram. There are no studies examining the dent. Extremely small doses of succinylcholine (0.1 mg/
treatment of acute hyperkalemia induced by succinylcho- kg) in denervation states can cause paralysis with no
line. Experience in the treatment of hyperkalemia comes hyperkalemia.65 Despite this (single) observation, it is
from management of this condition in end-stage renal dis- inadvisable to use succinylcholine in susceptible pa-
ease. The subject has been reviewed recently.63 Whenever tients, because the paralytic and hyperkalemic responses
there is electrocardiographic evidence of hyperkalemia in- are unpredictable. In most patients, the succinylcholine-
cluding early signs of it (peaked T wave), multipronged induced hyperkalemia lasts less than 10 –15 min.9,66 In
therapy should be initiated simultaneously. some instances, however, the reversal to normokalemia
Approaches to treatment should include antagonizing K⫹ may take much longer (fig. 4).67 Therefore, cardiopulmo-
effects on cardiac conduction and shifting K⫹ from extra- nary resuscitation should be continued as long as neces-
cellular fluid to intracellular fluid. Calcium salt (chloride or sary. Why the hyperkalemia subsides in 10 –15 min in some
gluconate) should be administered intravenously with con- but persists longer in others is unclear. Basic studies indi-
tinuous electrocardiographic monitoring. Calcium directly cate that the hyperkalemia induced by succinylcholine is
antagonizes hyperkalemia-induced depolarization of resting proportional to the AChR number (fig. 5), and the expres-
membrane potential. Calcium, among other electrophysi- sions of these receptors are proportional to their messen-
ologic effects, increases the threshold potential, thereby ger ribonucleic acid expression levels.25,31,32,46 The higher
restoring the gap between the resting membrane potential the up-regulation is, the more profound will be the hyper-
and threshold potential in the heart, and preventing spon- kalemia. If the up-regulation of AChRs is limited to some
taneous depolarization.61 The membrane stabilizing effect but not all muscles, redistribution (dilution) of potassium
is seen even in the presence of hyperkalemia. The recom- within the extracellular fluid will result in shorter-lived
mended dose is 10 ml (1–2 ampules) of 10% calcium hyperkalemia. If many muscles are involved, the potassium
gluconate (or chloride) administered as a slow bolus over increase will be more acute and profound and will last
2–3 min.63 The dose in children is 0.5 ml/kg.59 Calcium, longer. Concomitant rhabdomyolysis may aggravate this.
even when effective, may require several repetitive doses Lack of redistribution and decreased reuptake by mus-
because its effect dissipates in 15–30 min. Accordingly, the cle due to cardiovascular collapse may explain the
dose should be titrated based on electrocardiographic and persistence for longer periods. Another plausible
cardiovascular response. Because calcium chloride is more speculation for the persistence of the hyperkalemia
likely to cause tissue necrosis with extravasation, calcium may be related to the continued effects of succinyl-
gluconate is increasingly used. choline and choline on the ␣7AChRs, which can con-
Agents that promote the cellular uptake of potassium tinue to leak potassium without desensitization.18 The
include insulin with glucose, catecholamines, and so- decreased pseudocholinesterase activity seen in critical
dium bicarbonate. Acidosis enhances the release of po- illness68 may contribute to the persistence of depolariz-
tassium from the cell. Repeated doses (1–3 ml/kg) of ing effects of succinylcholine and succinylmonocholine
sodium bicarbonate (8.4%) to correct the acidosis may and to the morbidity.
be useful, although its effectiveness in the acute setting
has been questioned.63 Alkalization of plasma decreases
levels of ionized calcium. This should be kept in mind, Onset and Duration of Susceptibility to
and the calcium administration should be more liberal. Hyperkalemia with Succinylcholine
Glucose (50 ml dextrose, 50%) together with 10 U reg-
ular insulin will facilitate the redistribution of potassium The up-regulation of AChRs at the muscle membrane
into the cell. In children, a glucose load of 0.5 g/kg has been demonstrated within hours of denervation, the
(2.5 ml/kg dextrose, 50%) with 0.05 U/kg insulin is most severe form of immobilization. Even in the absence
recommended.59 Insulin enhances cellular uptake of po- of denervation, immobilization with and without the use
tassium by stimulating sodium–potassium adenosine of muscle relaxants can lead to redistribution from the
triphosphatase pump and is independent of the hypo- NMJ and up-regulation of AChRs in the extrajunctional
glycemic effect. The effect of insulin takes at least 10 areas as early as 6 –12 h.33,34 This up-regulation is not
min, and peak effect takes 30-60 min.63 ␤-Receptor ago- high enough to cause hyperkalemia with succinylcho-

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006


Fig. 5. The relation between membrane acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) and potassium release after succinylcholine. Potassium
response to succinylcholine was assessed in normal, lower limb plaster cast–immobilized, nonparalyzed (mobile) animals receiving
d-tubocurarine (dTC), and lower leg plaster cast–immobilized animals also receiving subparalytic doses of dTC. Each of these
perturbations was associated with graded increases in AChR number. The potassium response to succinylcholine correlated with
AChR number. The importance of each of the subunit isoforms in the hyperkalemic response to succinylcholine was not charac-
terized. Redrawn from Yanez and Martyn26; used with permission.

line even at 24 – 48 h of immobilization/denervation. kalemia throughout life. Succinylcholine hyperkalemia

Persistence of the perturbation, however, will lead to has been seen 8 weeks after recovery from a transient
further up-regulation. In a study of denervation of a stroke.71 Hence, the hyperkalemic response to succinyl-
single limb, hyperkalemia was observed as early as 4 days choline after even transient stroke or denervation may last
after injury, but the potassium levels did not reach lethal even after recovery of muscle power. In another patient,
levels, probably related to the duration and limited (sin- cardiac arrest after succinylcholine administration was seen
gle limb) nature of the denervation.69 The concomitant weeks after mobilization and “resolution” of Guillain-Barré
presence of a pathologic state (e.g., meningitis, head syndrome.72 A pathologic state causing direct damage or
injury) together with immobilization has been reported inflammation to muscle (e.g., radiation to muscles, or met-
to cause hyperkalemic cardiac arrest as early as 5 days.15 astatic rhabdomyosarcoma) may cause sufficient up-regula-
Use of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants, clostridial in- tion of AChRs to cause hyperkalemia after succinylcho-
fections, major burns, and quadriplegia are conditions line.73,74 Rhabdomyosarcoma is a muscle tumor expressing
involving many muscle fibers. These pathologic states high quantities of AChRs. Compared with simple immobi-
associated with immobilization may be sufficient to up- lization, the use of muscle relaxants will cause more pro-
regulate receptors to critical levels to cause hyperkale- found increases in AChRs.26,75 It is also unknown, how-
mia even earlier. Therefore, it may seem wise to avoid ever, when this AChR up-regulation, in critically ill
the use of succinylcholine beyond 48 –72 h of denerva- intensive care unit patients who have had critical illness
tion/immobilization or any other pathologic state where neuropathy/myopathy and/or muscle relaxants, reverts to
AChRs are known to increase.70 Whether severe infec- normal. The recovery of muscle dysfunction can be de-
tion alone, in the absence of confinement in bed, is a layed as long as 1–5 yr after critical illness and prolonged
contraindication to succinylcholine, is unknown. It stay in the intensive care unit.76,77 The relation of this
should be noted, however, that hyperkalemia to succi- muscle dysfunction to AChR number is unclear. Therefore,
nylcholine has not been reported in patients with ac- it seems prudent to avoid succinylcholine in patients who
quired pathologic states of less than 4 days’ duration. have recovered recently from critical illness, particularly if
The up-regulation of AChRs can persist as long as the muscle function is still abnormal. Our experience with
condition that induced it continues to be present. Quad- burned patients suggests that AChRs return to normal lev-
riplegics and paraplegics with persistent paralysis, there- els when wounds are healed, protein catabolism has sub-
fore, could have the potential for succinylcholine hyper- sided, and the patient is mobile. This healing process may

Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006


take well over 1–2 yr after wound coverage in patients with not prevent succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia.9 In
major (80% body surface area) burns. If immobilization conditions where AChRs are increased, even a high dose
persists as a result of severe contractures or other reasons, of a nondepolarizing relaxant (e.g., 1.2 mg/kg rocuro-
the up-regulation will not be abated. We have observed nium) does not have an onset time comparable to that of
resistance to nondepolarizers as long as 1 yr after complete succinylcholine.80
healing of a 35% body surface area burn and discharge from The purpose of this review is to emphasize that individ-
the hospital.78 This would suggest that the chance for ual pathologic states enumerated in table 1 can lead to
hyperkalemia may still be present, although the potassium up-regulation of AChRs with a potential for hyperkalemia
levels may or may not reach lethal levels at this late stage. with succinylcholine. The presence of two or more etio-
logic factors will magnify the up-regulation of AChRs in
Conclusion muscle, which in turn can lead to earlier and more pro-
found hyperkalemic response to succinylcholine.25–28 It is
With US Food and Drug Administration approval of the important to note that, even in the absence of denervation
fast onset nondepolarizing relaxant, rapacuronium, the use states, hyperkalemia and cardiac arrest can occur in certain
of succinylcholine was expected to dwindle.79 With the conditions after the administration of succinylcholine.
removal of rapacuronium from the market because of its Some of these conditions include certain congenital muscle
severe bronchoconstrictive effects, the use of succinylcho- dystrophies8 and exsanguinating hemorrhage with acido-
line has continued in the hospital and even outside the sis.81,82 The underlying mechanisms for this hyperkalemic
hospital setting, particularly when there is a need for rapid response in these situations, where no up-regulation of
onset and offset of effect.3–11 A lethal hyperkalemic re- AChRs has been reported, are unclear.
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Anesthesiology, V 104, No 1, Jan 2006

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