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(Person adult, kid; object)
Words Meaning and example
Sibling (n) A brother or sister (often used in writing)
Ex: Sibling can have a profound (big) impact on a childs life.
Thuy Tien didnt have any siblings growing up, so I she learned to be
In China, one of the effects of the one child policy was that many children
grew up without a sibling.
Sibling rivalry competition and arguments among brothers and sisters.
(compound noun) Ex: When we were little there wasnt very much sibling rivalry between us.
We didnt have any kind of sibling rivalry or jealousy or anything that
normal sibling do.
Relate (v) (connect) to find or show the connection between two or more things
Relative (n) Ex: A supercomputer could relate all those factors.
Relation (n) When parents relate to a child, they do a lot of work, figuring out what the
Related (adj) children needs and then accommodating those needs.
Relatively (adv) The study found a strong related/relationship between a lack of friends
and sibling rivalry.
Whether you think the price of goods is high is relative to the amount of
money you earn.
Studies have shown that stress in adulthood can be related to un unhappy
I am writing in relation to the job advertisement in yesterdays paper.
Relationship relationship between:
I really admire the relationship between my mother and my grandmother.
I can't see the relationship between the figures and the diagram.
relationship with
close relationship
There's a close relationship between increased money supply and inflation
establish a relationship

special relationship

personal relationship
Care for relative Ex: On weekend, I go to the hospital to care for my relatives.
(my grandparents or aunt and uncle to care for your relative)
Other relative Ex: I have my brother and sister and then I have other relatives that live in a
house as well.
Nuclear family/ a family consisting of two parents and their children, but not including
Immediate family aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.
Ex: With the rise of nuclear families, the amount of time spent with
extended relatives has decrease.
My immediate family is relatively small, just my parents, my sister and me.
Extended family a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles,
etc. in addition to parents and children
Ex: Both of my parents come from very large families so my extended
family is very large I have 25 cousin.
In extended families, the network of relatives acts as a close-knit
Adolescence (n) The period between childhood and adulthood (teenager aged 14 19)
Adolescent (n) (thuc Ex: Adolescence can be a difficult time both for the child and the parents.
v thi thiu nin) Mary spent her childhood and adolescence in Europe.
It's a book a lot of people read at school and strongly associate with their
The apparent protective effect seemed to be greatest for sun exposure
during childhood and early adolescence
Childhood and adolescence are essential periods of your life in which to
learn the importance of physical activity
Nurture (v) to help someone/something develop and growth.
Nurturing (adj) Ex: Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family
Nature and Nurture is common topic among scientists. It discussed
whether a persons life is mostly from his DNA (nature) or from life
experiences and his environment (nurture)
Growing up in a healthy and nurturing environment can prepare children
for future success.
The child was nurtured by their coach for many years.
Close connection Ex: I have established a close connection with an older member of family.
There is very close connection between a mother and a newborn baby.
in common I have a lot more in common with my friends than my family.
My sister and I have totally different tastes. In fact, we dont have much in
common at all.
Physical resemblance Resemblance /rzem.blns/ the fact that two people or things look
family resemblance like each other or are similar in some other way.
(=between members of There was a clear family resemblance between all the brothers.
the same family) These prices bear no resemblance to (= are completely different from) the
striking resemblance ones I saw printed in the newspaper.
(bear/have a o People often commented on his physical resemblance to his father.
resemblance to o I couldn't detect any family resemblance. (Ti khng h nhn ra bt c s
somebody/something) ging nhau trong gia nh no c.)
o People said he bore a striking resemblance to the president. (Mi ngi
ni rng ng y mang mt s nt tng ng ni bt vi tng thng)
active role Both of my parents played a very active role in our school life, and our
home life, and they taught me to resolve my conflicts in a very fair way.
- play a role model
Family gatherings Our family gatherings very chaotic, but fun.

Mental and physical development

Words Meaning and example
infant a baby or a very young child (first year of child)
infancy (n)
toddler stage a young child, especially one who is learning or has recently learned to walk.
Ex: By the age of two or three, the infant has reached the toddler stage.
gesture (n) (v)
imagination (n)
maturity (n)
mature (adj)
immature (adj)
rebellious (adj)
tolerant (adj)
acquire (v)
imitate (v)
mature (v)
reminisce (v)
throw a tantrum
typically (adv)

Phrases with mind:

Bear in mind:
Broaden the mind
Have something in mind
Have something on your mind
It slipped my mind
Keep an open mind
My mind went blank
Put your mind at ease

Words Meaning and example

Words Meaning and example
broader economic


(Films, book, movie, drama)
(Bulding, Destination)

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