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Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 53:3 (2012), pp 271282 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02463.

The effects of including a callousunemotional

specifier for the diagnosis of conduct disorder
Rachel E. Kahn,1 Paul J. Frick,1 Eric Youngstrom,2 Robert L. Findling,3 and
Jennifer Kogos Youngstrom2
University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA; 2University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA;
Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, USA

Background: With Significant CallousUnemotional Traits has been proposed as a specifier for con-
duct disorder (CD) in the upcoming revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-V). The impact of this specifier on children diagnosed with CD should be consid-
ered. Methods: A multi-site cross-sectional design with volunteers (n = 1136) in the thirdseventh
grades and 566 consecutive referrals (ages 518) to a community mental health center were used to
estimate the prevalence rates of CD with and without the proposed specifier. In addition, the degree of
emotional and behavioral (especially physical aggression) disturbance and level of impairment in youth
with and without CD and with and without the specifier was evaluated. Results: In the community
sample, 10%32% of those with CD and 2%7% of those without CD met the callousunemotional (CU)
specifier threshold depending on informant. In the clinic-referred sample, 21%50% of those with CD
and 14%32% without CD met the CU specifier threshold depending on informant. Those with CD and
the specifier showed higher rates of aggression in both samples and higher rates of cruelty in the clinic-
referred sample. Conclusions: Results indicate between 10% and 50% of youth with CD would be
designated with the proposed CU specifier. Those with CD and the specifier appear to be more severe on
a number of indices, including aggression and cruelty. Keywords: Callousunemotional traits,
conduct disorder, DSM-V, aggression, youth.

the construct of psychopathy, there is substantial

evidence to support the clinical utility and theoreti-
Research has supported the importance of callous
cal importance of CU traits in children and adoles-
unemotional (CU) traits (e.g. lack of empathy and
cents. Specifically, recent qualitative (Frick &
guilt) for understanding antisocial and aggressive
Dickens, 2006; Frick & White, 2008) and quantita-
youth. CU traits are a principal component of the
tive (Edens, Campbell, & Weir, 2007; Leistico, Sale-
construct of psychopathy (Cleckley, 1976) and CU
kin, Decoster, & Rogers, 2008) reviews found that
traits in childhood and adolescence are predictive of
CU traits are predictive of a more severe, stable, and
psychopathy in adulthood, even after controlling for
aggressive pattern of behavior in antisocial youth.
childhood conduct disorder (CD) and other child-
Further, this association with severity of antisocial
hood risk factors (Burke, Loeber, & Lahey, 2007;
behavior is evident for both boys (Kruh, Frick, &
Lynam, Caspi, Moffitt, Loeber, & Stouthamer-
Clements, 2005) and girls (Marsee & Frick, 2007)
Loeber, 2007). For example, a study by Lynam et al.
and for children as young as ages 3 and 4 (Kimonis
found that youth scoring high on psychopathic traits
et al., 2006). Importantly, youth with CU traits have
at age 13 (top 15%) were over three times more likely
a differential treatment response compared to other
to have a psychopathy diagnosis at age 24. However,
antisocial youth (Hawes & Dadds, 2005; Was-
irrespective of its conceptual and empirical link to
chbusch, Carrey, Willoughby, King, & Andrade,
Conflict of interest statement: Dr. Findling receives or has Crucially, the association between CU traits and
received research support, acted as a consultant and/or severity of antisocial behavior does not seem to be
served on a speakers bureau for Abbott, Addrenex, Alexza, adequately captured by current diagnostic criteria.
AstraZeneca, Biovail, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Forest, Glaxo- Specifically, in clinic-referred children, CU traits
SmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, KemPharm Lilly, Lundbeck,
designate a more severely troubled group within
Merck, Neuropharm, Novartis, Noven, Organon, Otsuka, Pfiz-
er, Rhodes Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi-Aventis, Schering-Plough, children who were diagnostically similar in their
Seaside Therapeutics, Sepracore,Shire, Solvay, Sunovion, rates of CD and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Transcept Pharmaceuticals, Vali- (Christian, Frick, Hill, Tyler, & Frazer, 1997). Fur-
dus, and Wyeth. ther, in a sample of high risk boys, CU traits were a
Dr. Eric Youngstrom has received travel support from Bristol unique predictor [odds ratio (OR) = 1.12, p < .05] of
Meyers Squibb to attend the Annual Meeting of the American severe and persistent delinquent behavior after
College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
controlling for number of CD symptoms (Pardini &
Dr. Paul Frick, Dr. Jennifer Kogos-Youngstrom, and Ms.
Rachel Kahn have no biomedical, financial interests or poten- Fite, 2010). Although children high on CU traits are
tial conflicts of interest. more likely to show an early onset to their severe

 2011 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry  2011 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main St, Malden, MA 02148, USA
272 Rachel E. Kahn et al. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2012; 53(3): 27182

conduct problems (Dandreaux & Frick, 2009; Sil- In clinic-referred children (ages 613) with dis-
verthorn, Frick, & Reynolds, 2001) the current dis- ruptive behavior disorder diagnoses, approximately
tinction made between childhood-onset and 35% were also high on CU traits (Christian et al.,
adolescent-onset CD is not sufficient to identify the 1997). Rowe et al. studied a nationally representa-
CU subgroup. For example, in a sample of high risk tive sample of 516 year olds (n = 7,977) and used a
boys followed into adulthood, CU traits predicted a definition of significant CU traits that closely
higher likelihood of being a violent offender, even approximated the proposed specifier (i.e. the pres-
controlling for an onset of delinquency by age 10 ence of two or more of a list of seven CU traits; Rowe
(Loeber et al., 2005). Similarly, in a large (n = 754) et al., 2010). They reported that 2% of their sample
prospective study of early adolescents in the sev- met criteria for CD and 46% of those with CD had
enth grade at the initial assessment, CU traits pre- high rates of CU traits. Importantly, children with
dicted adult (2 years posthigh school) arrests CD who were high on CU traits showed more severe
(standard b = .87, p < .01) and greater likelihood of behavioral problems (b = 1.7, p < .001) and were at
having an antisocial personality disorder diagnosis higher risk for a CD diagnosis (OR = 13.8, p < .001)
(standard b = .30, p < .05), even controlling for 3 years later.
childhood-onset CD (McMahon, Witkiewitz, & Thus, the available research suggests that from
Kotler, 2010). 13% to 46% of antisocial youth would be designated
Callousunemotional traits have also proven to be with the proposed CU specifier. However, none of the
important for theoretical models of antisocial studies to date have used the exact symptoms or cut-
behavior. Frick and White reviewed a significant offs proposed for DSM-V. In the present multi-site
body of research demonstrating several differences cross-sectional study, our first goal was to create
in the social (e.g. response to parenting), cognitive symptom counts of CU traits using the proposed
(e.g. response to punishment), emotional (response DSM-V criteria and determine the number of youths
to distress in others), and personality (e.g. level of with CD who would likely meet criteria for this
thrill seeking) characteristics of antisocial youths specifier using different informants. Further, we
with versus without CU traits (Frick & White, 2008). compared the rates of the CU specifier in both clinic-
Other research has demonstrated important differ- referred and community samples. Finally, we tested
ences in the genetic contribution to conduct prob- differences between the two groups with CD on the
lems for children with and without CU traits. For level of their emotional and behavioral problems and
example, in a large sample of 7-year-old twins, con- clinical impairment. Given the importance of CU
duct problems in children with CU traits were found traits for designating a particularly aggressive sub-
to be under strong genetic influence (heritability of group of antisocial youth, we were particularly
.81), whereas conduct problems in children without interested in whether the proposed specifier would
elevated levels of CU traits showed a more modest designate a more aggressive subgroup of youth with
genetic influence (heritability of .30; (Viding, Blair, CD.
Moffitt, & Plomin, 2005).
In response to this extensive body of research, the
DSM-V ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Method
Work Group has proposed the addition of a specifier, Participants community sample
With Significant Callous Unemotional Traits, to the Participants in the community sample were 1,136
diagnosis of CD (Frick & Moffitt, 2010). A child or children in the thirdseventh grades from two school
adolescent would have to meet full criteria for CD systems in a small metropolitan area in the southeast-
and exhibit two of the following four traits over at ern United States. The mean age of the sample was
least a 12 month period: lack of remorse or guilt, 10.65 (SD = 1.60) and 53% were girls. The two primary
callous-lack of empathy, unconcern about perfor- ethnic categories were Caucasian (77%) and African
mance at school or work, and shallow or deficient American (19%), which is representative of the region
affect. While there is a large body of evidence to served by the two school systems. The mean Duncans
support the predictive validity of CU traits, the Socioeconomic Index (SEI; Hauser & Featherman,
impact of this newly proposed CU specifier on the 1977) was 47.20 (SD = 23.8). Based on parental report,
21% of the sample had received some type of special
diagnosis of CD has not been systematically studied.
education service through their school system.
Specifically, much of the research to date has used All procedures were approved by the Institutional
various assessment instruments, cut scores and Review Board at the University of Alabama. Community
informants to designate youth high on CU traits. participants were recruited through fliers sent home to
Within primarily antisocial youths (i.e. incarcerated their parents, which described the study and asked
adolescents), percentages of persons with high CU them to complete a consent form. All children in the
traits have ranged from 13% to 36% (Caputo, Frick, appropriate grades were eligible to participate. A total of
& Brodsky, 1999; Corrado, Vincent, Hart, & Cohen, 1,136 parents returned the forms from approximately
2004; Forth, Hart, & Hare, 1990; Forth, Kosson, & 4,000 eligible. Consenting parents were mailed packets
Hare, 2003; Frick & Hare, 2001; Gretton, Mcbride, that included study measures, and the childs teacher
Hare, O-Shaughnessy, & Kumka, 2001). received measures to complete at school. For each child

 2011 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry  2011 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02463.x Callousunemotional specifier 273

who participated, $10.00 was donated to the classroom was available. Using the combined-informant report,
teacher to use for educational supplies. the four CU symptoms were all significantly positively
correlated with one another, ranging from r = .17
(p < .001) to r = .32 (p < .001) in the community sample
Participants clinic sample and from r = .10 (p < .05) to r = .42 (p < .001) in the
Participants in the clinic-referred sample were 620 clinic sample.
children and adolescents ages 518 recruited from a
community mental health center (CMHC) serving four
Measures community sample
urban sites in the Midwestern United States. Families
were recruited from all intakes and 65% agreed to DSM-IV diagnostic assessment. The Childrens
participate. Consistent with the typical rate of first Symptom Inventory-4 (CSI-4; Gadow & Sprafkin, 1994)
appointments at these CMHC, 59% kept their first is a standardized behavior rating scale designed to
appointment. The youth needed to be between the age assess childhood disorders based on DSM-IV criteria.
of 5 and 18, and the youth and caregiver needed to be The CSI-4 was completed by parents (n = 871) and
conversant in spoken English to complete the inter- teachers (n = 1,068). Only the items assessing the
views. Participants were excluded from the present symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
analyses if they were diagnosed with a psychotic dis- (ADHD), ODD, and CD were administered. Parents and
order (n = 11), pervasive developmental disorder teachers rated each symptom on a 0 (Never) to 3 (Very
(n = 12), or had missing or incomplete data (n = 31) Often) scale and specific symptoms were rated as
leading to a final sample of 566 with a mean age of present if they were rated as 2 or 3. The parent and
10.62 (SD = 3.39) years. The primary ethnic category teacher ratings were combined similar to the procedure
was African American (88%) and the next most common used for the CU specifier. Correlations between parent
was Caucasian (6%) and 40% of the sample were girls. and teacher ratings ranged from r = .29 (p < .001) for
In terms of SES, approximately 95% of the participants the CD symptoms to r = .58 (p < .001) for ADHD
were Medicaid eligible, representative of the counties symptoms. Research using a combination of parent
served by the CMHC. The Institutional Review Boards of and teacher reports on the CSI-4 reported good corre-
University Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western spondence between CSI-4 scores and clinician diag-
Reserve University, and Applewood Centers, Incorpo- noses, with sensitivity rates of .87 (ADHD) and .89
rated approved all procedures. All youths provided (ODD) in a clinic-referred sample of children (Gadow &
written assent and guardians provided written consent. Sprafkin, 1994). At the request of the participating
The interviewer met with the adolescent and parent school systems, the CSI-4 CD items assessing vandal-
separately and while the youth was being interviewed, ism, assault, and cruelty were omitted on teacher
the parents would complete questionnaires. When the report forms; therefore, these items were assessed
parent was completing interviews, youths age 1117 solely by parent report.
were given self-report questionnaires. Youths younger
than 11 years did not complete the self-report instru-
ments. Measures clinic sample
DSM-IV diagnostic interviews. In the clinic sam-
Materials community and clinic sample ple, DSM-IV diagnoses were based on the Kiddie Sche-
dule of Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for
Callousunemotional traits. The antisocial process School-aged Children Present and Lifetime Version
screening device (APSD; Frick & Hare, 2001) is a (KSADS-PL; Kaufman, Birmaher, Brent, Rao, & Ryan,
20-item rating scale that is commonly used to assess 1996). The KSADS-PL was administered to all partici-
CU traits in children and adolescents. Four of the six pants and their families by a highly trained research
items from the CU subscale consist of items forming the assistant. Discrepancies between informants were
CU specifier: lack of remorse or guilt, lack of empathy, resolved by reinterview and clinical judgment. All cases
unconcerned about performance, and shallow or defi- were reviewed by an expert consensus team, with the
cient affect. On the APSD, items are scored on a 3-point review always involving a licensed clinical psychologist
scale ranging from 0 (not at all true) to 2 (definitely and the rater conducting the KSADS-PL. Consensus
true). To form the specifier, items scored as definitely meetings integrated the KSADS-PL, family history, and
true were rated as present and the presence of two of prior treatment history to assign a consensus diagnosis.
the four items met the specifier threshold. In the com-
munity sample, the APSD was administered to parents Emotional and behavioral functioning. Parents
and teachers. The parent and teacher ratings were completed the child behavior checklist (CBCL; Achen-
correlated r = .20 (p < .001) and a combined-informant bach, 1991a) and youth ages 1117 completed the
composite score was formed based on the highest rating youth self-report (YSR; Achenbach, 1991b). The global
of each symptom. If an informant was missing, the and well-validated Externalizing composite was used in
score of the available informant was used to determine these analyses. Given that the standard Aggressive
the specifier. In the clinic-referred sample, the APSD Behavior scale of the CBCL and YSR include a number
was administered to all parents and youth (age 11 and of non-aggressive conduct problems (e.g. demands a lot
older). Similar to the community sample, symptoms for of attention, sudden changes in mood or feelings, sulks
the CU specifier were created using the higher score a lot), a physical aggression scale was formed by sum-
from the two informants (which were not correlated, ming three items specific to physical aggression (i.e.
r = .06, p = .28), or the available information if only one gets in many fights; physically attacks people; threatens

 2011 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry  2011 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
274 Rachel E. Kahn et al. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2012; 53(3): 27182

people). An additional cruelty subscale was formed by community sample. Of those with a diagnosis of CD
summing two items related to cruel behavior (i.e. cruelty based on parent or teacher report (n = 185), 59 (32%)
to animals; cruelty, bullying, or meanness to others). met criteria for the specifier. The rate was 24% and
10% based on teachers and parents only. Impor-
Quality of life and global assessment of function- tantly, 7%, 6%, and 2% of the sample without CD
ing. Parents of children in the clinic sample completed had two or more of the CU symptoms based on both
the KINDL Questionnaire for Measuring Health-Related informants, teachers and parents, respectively.
Quality of Life in Children (Ravens-Sieberer & Bullinger,
These rates differed significantly from those with CD
1998). This scale has proven to be related to various
in each case. The prevalence rates for the individual
impairments associated with psychiatric diagnoses
(Freeman et al., 2009). Parents completed 24 items in CU symptoms in those with and without CD are also
the six dimensions of physical well being, emotional provided in Table 1. The rates range from 6% to 34%
well being, self-esteem, family, friends, and school. The in children with CD and from 2% to 9% in those
six dimensions are combined to produce a total score without CD. In all cases, the percentage with the
for quality of life. symptom was significantly higher for CD children
The Childrens Global Assessment Scale (CGAS; than non-CD children.
Shaffer et al., 1983) is a global measure of impairment Table 2 presents the rate of the CU specifier in
associated with psychiatric diagnoses. It is a single children diagnosed with CD in the clinic-referred
rating scale of severity of impairment ranging from 1 sample. Of 71 children who met criteria for CD, 35
(most impaired) to 100 (healthiest). Interviewers rated
(50%) met criteria for the CU specifier by combined-
each childs highest level of functioning within the past
informant report. The rate was 21% and 31% based
2 weeks.
on youth and parent reports alone. Importantly,
32%, 14%, and 23% of the clinical sample without
Data analysis CD had two or more CU symptoms based on both
Chi-square (v2) analyses were used to assess prevalence informants, youth, and parents, respectively. The
rates of diagnoses and CU symptoms in the clinic and rates of the specifier differed significantly between
community sample. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) the CD and non-CD groups only for the combined-
was used to evaluate differences across the four informant report [v2(1) = 8.56, p < .01]. In the clinic-
diagnostic groups (Control, CU-only, CD-only, and referred sample, the rate of the symptoms in youth
CD + CU) on continuous measures (CBCL, YSR, and with CD ranged from 4% to 51% and from 4% to 37%
quality of life/global assessment of functioning). These in youth without CD. Significant differences between
analyses controlled for appropriate covariates in the those with and without CD emerged for the symp-
community (gender and race) and clinic (age) samples. toms of is not concerned about how well he/she
Partial g2 was used as the effect size estimate for these
does at school/work [v2(1) = 6.08, p < .05] for par-
analyses. When F values were significant, we included
ent report and combined-informant report [v2(1) =
post hoc comparisons between groups.
4.61, p < .05] and does not feel bad or guilty when
he/she does something wrong for combined-infor-
Results mant report [v2(1) = 7.90, p < .01]. There were no
Prevalence of CU traits significant differences, regardless of reporter, for the
other CU symptoms in the clinic-referred sample.
Table 1 reports the rate of the CU specifier in those Positive predictive power (PPP) and negative pre-
children with a research diagnosis of CD in the dictive power (NPP) for predicting the presence of the

Table 1 Prevalence of individual callousunemotional symptoms in community sample

Teacher or parent Teacher Parent


Symptom (n = 945) (n = 185) (n = 887) (n = 176) (n = 730) (n = 145)

3. Is not concerned about how 89(9) 60(32)a*** 70(8) 44(25)f*** 24(3) 21(14)k***
well he/she does at school/work
12. Does not feel bad or guilty when 77(8) 62(34)b*** 64(7) 52(30)g*** 15(2) 14(10)l***
he/she does something wrong
18. Is unconcerned about the 77(8) 55(30)c*** 61(7) 44(25)h*** 19(3) 14(10)m***
feelings of others
19. Does not show feelings or 53(6) 20(11)d** 35(4) 12(7)i 20(3) 8(6)n
CU trait criteria 64(7) 59(32)e*** 50(6) 43(24)j*** 14(2) 14(10)o***

Values in parentheses are in percentages. CD, conduct disorder; CU, callousunemotional.

v(1)2 = 71.46***; bv(1)2 = 91.68***; cv(1)2 = 69.24***; dv(1)2 = 6.98**; ev(1)2 = 100.64***; fv(1)2 = 44.90***; gv(1)2 = 75.91***;
v(1)2 = 54.53***; i
v(1)2 = 2.90; jv(1)2 = 65.09***; k
v(1)2 = 31.08***; l
v(1)2 = 21.72***; mv(1)2 = 16.42***; nv(1)2 = 2.98;
v(1)2 = 23.43***.
***p < .001;**p < .01.

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doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02463.x Callousunemotional specifier 275

Table 2 Prevalence of individual callousunemotional symptoms in clinic-referred sample

Youth or parent Youth Parent


Symptom (n = 495) (n = 71) (n = 239) (n = 53) (n = 490) (n = 71)

3. Is not concerned about how 122(25) 26(37)a* 9(4) 2(4)f 115(24) 26(37)k*
well he/she does at school/work
12. Does not feel bad or guilty when 166(34) 36(51)b** 39(16) 13(25)g 141(29) 28(40)l
he/she does something wrong
18. Is unconcerned about the feelings of others 124(25) 25(35)c 37(16) 10(19)h 92(19) 16(23)m
19. Does not show feelings or emotions 128(26) 26(37)d 88(37) 19(36)i 54(11) 11(16)n
CU trait criteria 157(32) 35(50)e** 33(14) 11(21)j 113(23) 22(31)o

Values in parentheses are in percentages. CD, conduct disorder; CU, callousunemotional.

v(1)2 = 4.61*; bv(1)2 = 7.90**; cv(1)2 = 3.31; dv(1)2 = 3.63; ev(1)2 = 8.56**; fv(1)2 = 0.00; gv(1)2 = 1.96; hv(1)2 = 0.37; iv(1)2 = 0.03;
v(1)2 = 1.64; kv(1)2 = 6.08*; lv(1)2 = 3.31; mv(1)2 = 0.56; nv(1)2 = 1.20; ov(1)2 = 2.13.
**p < .01;*p < .05.

Table 3 Positive and negative predictive power of callousunemotional traits in clinic-referred and community sample



Teacher or Teacher or
parent Teacher Parent parent Teacher Parent
(n = 1,132) (n = 1,061) (n = 877) (n = 1,132) (n = 1,061) (n = 877)

3. Is not concerned about how well .56 .57 .53 .96 .97 .96
he/she does at school/work
12. Does not feel bad or guilty when .68 .67 .59 .97 .98 .99
he/she does something wrong
18. Is unconcerned about the feelings of others .69 .70 .61 .95 .96 .99
19. Does not show feelings or emotions .59 .55 .36 .92 .93 .98



Youth Youth or
or parent Youth Parent parent Youth Parent
(n = 566) (n = 291) (n = 561) (n = 566) (n = 291) (n = 561)

3. Is not concerned about how well .74 .81 .63 .80 .88 .89
he/she does at school/work
12. Does not feel bad or guilty when .77 .52 .69 .90 .90 .95
he/she does something wrong
18. Is unconcerned about the feelings of others .85 .70 .88 .84 .95 .91
19. Does not show feelings or emotions .64 .25 .69 .77 .91 .82

PPP, positive predictive power; NPP, negative predictive power.

CU specifier by the individual CU symptoms across parent, teacher, and combined-informant, respec-
reporters in both the community and clinic samples tively. In the clinic-referred sample, PPP values for
are reported in Table 3. In the community sample, the individual CU symptoms ranged from .25 to .88
PPP values for the individual CU traits ranged from and NPP values ranged from .77 to .95. Again, the
.36 to .70 and NPP values ranged from .92 to .99. symptoms generally had very similar PPP and NPP
Although the symptoms generally had very similar values, with the exception of the very low PPP for the
PPP and NPP values, the symptom does not show symptom does not show feelings or emotions by
feelings or emotions by the parent report had a youth self-report (.25). Again, the symptom uncon-
much lower PPP (.36) than the other indicators of the cerned about the feelings of others had the highest
specifier. Also, the symptom unconcerned about the PPP values: .85, .70, and .88 for combined-infor-
feelings of others had the highest PPP values: .61, mant, youth, and parent report, respectively. The
.70, and .69 for the parent, teacher, and combined- symptom does not feel bad or guilty when he/she
informant, respectively. The symptom does not feel does something wrong had the highest values for
bad or guilty when he/she does something wrong NPP: .90, .90, and .95, for combined-informant,
had the highest NPP values: .99, .98, and .97 for youth, and parent report, respectively.

 2011 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry  2011 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
276 Rachel E. Kahn et al. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2012; 53(3): 27182

To better understand the prevalence of CU traits in and number of aggressive CD symptoms, symptoms
children without CD, we divided the non-CD group of ODD and symptoms of ADHD as the dependent
into those with an ODD, with an ADHD or with no variables (see Table 4). In all cases, the overall
disruptive behavior disorder (No-DBD) based on ANCOVA was significant with effect sizes ranging
parent and teacher reports on the CSI-4 (community from gp2 = .161 to g2 = .672. The CD + CU group had
sample) or by the expert consensus diagnosis from more overall CD symptoms and more aggressive CD
the K-SADS-PL (clinic-referred sample). We also symptoms than the CD-only group, according to
examined the rate of participants with two (the parent report and using the combined-informant
specifier threshold), three, and four CU symptoms report for the specifier. For the comparisons of ODD
across these different groups. In the community and ADHD symptoms, the CD + CU had a signifi-
sample, the CD group (32%) was significantly more cantly greater number of symptoms than the
likely than the No-DBD group (4%) to have youth CD-only group across all informants. In all of the
with two CU symptoms based on parent and teacher comparisons, the CD + CU group had a significantly
report. However, the CD group did not differ from the greater number of symptoms than the CU-only
ODD group (22%) or ADHD (26%) groups. Similar group.
findings were reported using a threshold of three and
four symptoms and when teacher and parent reports
Emotional and behavior problems clinic sample
were examined individually. In the clinic-referred
sample, the CD group (50%) was significantly more As was performed in the community sample, four
likely than the ADHD (28%) and No-DBD group groups of clinic-referred children were formed with
(23%) to have youth with two CU symptoms based on and without CD and with and without the CU spec-
youth and parent report. However, the CD group did ifier. This was again done separately for each infor-
not differ from the ODD group (41%). Again, similar mant for the CU specifier. On demographic variables,
findings were reported when using youth and parent groups differed only on age for combined
report separately and when using a threshold of [F(3,550) = 7.95; p < .001] and for parent
three symptoms. However, when the threshold was [F(3,545) = 7.18; p < .001] report. Next, a series of
raised to four symptoms, too few youth met the ANCOVAs covarying age were performed using the
threshold to obtain meaningful results. (Supporting externalizing scale from the CBCL and YSR and the
data tables are available on the journals website in aggressive behavior and cruelty scales formed for
an electronic appendix). this study (See Table 5). For the externalizing com-
posite, the groups differed significantly (gp2 ranging
from .066 to .150). The two CD groups differed from
Comorbid symptoms/diagnoses community sample
the two non-CD groups but the two CD groups did
In the community sample, four groups were formed not differ from each other. The groups also differed
for further comparison: control, CU specifier only, significantly on the physical aggression and cruelty
CD-only, and CD with CU specifier (CD + CU). These scales (gp2 ranging from .085 to .163). The CD + CU
groups were formed using parent report, teacher group was significantly more severe than the CD-
report only, and a combination of informants for the only group in four of the nine analyses across
CU specifier. The groups were first compared on informants with these two scales. In all cases, except
demographic variables and were found to differ sig- the CBCL cruelty scale, the CD + CU group differed
nificantly on race for parent report, [v2(3) = 34.72, significantly from the CU-only group.
p < .001], teacher report, [v2(3) = 21.99, p < .001],
and for the combined-informant report [v2(3) =
Quality of life and global assessment of
29.45, p < .001]. Significant differences were also
functioning-clinic sample
found between groups on gender for the parent re-
port [v2(3) = 27.58, p < .001], teacher report [v2(3) = Similar ANCOVA analyses were conducted on the
34.99, p < .001], and for the combined-informant two measures of impairment, again controlling for
report [v2(3) = 27.95, p < .001]. In general, the gen- age in all analyses. In five of the six analyses, there
der differences were largely due to the control group was an overall significant group effect (gp2 ranging
having a greater percentage of girls (56%59%) than from .019 to .107). However, in most analyses, the
the other three groups (29%48%). In terms of the two CD groups showed greater impairment than the
racial differences, this was due to the CU specifier other groups of clinic-referred children but the two
only group having a greater percentage of African CD groups did not differ significantly from each
American youths (50%77%) than the other three other. (Supporting data tables are available on the
groups (19%57%). Those participants who had journals website in an electronic appendix).
teacher report only were excluded from these anal-
yses, as gender and race were collected from parent
Using aggression to subgroup youths with CD
Next a series of ANCOVAs, controlling for gender Given that the CD + CU group was more aggressive,
and race, were conducted with total CD symptoms an important question is whether the presence of

 2011 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry  2011 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02463.x Callousunemotional specifier 277

Table 4 Group comparisons of conduct disorder symptoms and comorbid diagnostic symptoms in community sample

Teacher or parent

Control (n = 669) CU-only (n = 40) CD-only (n = 98) CD + CU (n = 39) Test statistic gp2

CD symptoms
Aggression 0.14(0.38)a 0.21(0.51)a 1.89(0.96)b 2.18(0.74)c F(3,840) = 444.83*** .614
Symptom total 0.46(0.71)a 0.74(0.79)a 4.17(1.66)b 4.43(1.46)b F(3,840) = 565.55*** .670
Comorbid symptoms
ODD SX 0.76(1.44)a 1.83(2.30)b 3.74(3.02)c 5.46(2.43)d F(3,840) = 144.40*** .340
ADHD SX 1.34(2.80)a 4.07(4.91)b 4.85(5.44)b 8.10(5.70)c F(3,840) = 68.92*** .200


Control (n = 628) CU-only (n = 27) CD-only (n = 104) CD + CU (n = 24) Test statistic gp2

CD symptoms
Aggression 0.15(0.39)a 0.26(0.56)a 1.97(0.94)b 2.10(0.64)b F(3,777) = 406.43*** .611
Symptom total 0.49(0.72)a 0.72(0.79)a 4.20(1.63)b 4.45(1.53)b F(3,777) = 508.59*** .663
Comorbid symptoms
ODD SX 0.75(1.43)a 2.07(2.29)b 4.17(3.06)c 5.20(2.45)d F(3,777) = 136.26*** .345
ADHD SX 1.41(2.85)a 4.91(5.05)b 5.19(5.58)b 9.08(5.60)c F(3,777) = 65.01*** .201


Control (n = 694) CU-only (n = 13) CD-only (n = 123) CD + CU (n = 14) Test statistic gp2

CD symptoms
Aggression 0.14(0.39)a 0.21(0.58)a 1.94(0.97)b 2.32(1.08)c F(3,838) = 442.01*** .613
Symptom total 0.47(0.71)a 1.04(0.88)b 4.16(1.67)c 4.96(2.29)d F(3,838) = 571.83*** .672
Comorbid symptoms
ODD SX 0.78(1.47)a 2.83(3.01)b 4.07(2.98)c 5.62(2.10)d F(3,838) = 137.52*** .330
ADHD SX 1.47(3.07)a 3.03(3.75)a 5.54(5.74)b 7.64(5.18)c F(3,838) = 53.42*** .161

ODD SX, oppositional defiant disorder symptom total; ADHD SX, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptom total; CD,
conduct disorder; CU, callousunemotional.

Participants who only had teacher report were excluded from these analyses, as gender and race were only collected in the parent
report; Means reported are least squares means adjusted for the covariates. Means with different superscripts differ significantly in
pairwise comparisons.
***p < .001.

aggression would designate a group similar to those Discussion

designated by the presence of CU traits and thus, In the community sample, our findings suggest that
could be used for subtyping youths with CD. Within the proposed CU specifier would designate between
both samples, a highly aggressive subgroup was 10% and 32% of children with CD. Further, the base
formed for individuals who had two or more aggres- rates of the CU specifier and the individual CU
sive CD symptoms on the CSI-4 (community) symptoms were fairly low in children without CD. In
according to parent or teacher report or who had two the clinic-referred sample, between 21% and 50% of
more aggression or cruelty items scored 2 or higher children and adolescents with CD showed the CU
on the parent reported CBCL (clinic-referred). In the specifier, depending on the informant. However,
community sample, the number of highly aggressive unlike in the community sample, a significant
individuals ranged from 15(2%) for the control number of clinic-referred children without CD
group, 3(5%) for the CU-only group, 92(73%) for the showed high rates of CU traits and this was espe-
CD-only group, and 51(86%) for the CD + CU group cially true for children with an ODD diagnosis. Youth
[v2(3) = 726.12, p < .001]. Similarly, in the clinic- with CD and the CU specifier, as compared to CD
referred sample, the rates of highly aggressive indi- youth without the specifier, exhibited significantly
viduals ranged from 74(23%) in the control group, higher rates of aggressive behavior in both samples,
50(33%) for the CU-only group, 22(65%) for the CD- as well as higher cruelty ratings within the clinic
only group, and 25(76%) for the CD + CU group sample. These findings were present across different
[v2(3) = 59.84, p < .001]. Thus, although in both informants for assessing the specifier. In addition,
samples the CD + CU group had the highest rate youth with CU traits also demonstrated higher rates
of highly aggressive individuals, a significant of comorbidity in the community sample. Within the
minority of youths in this group was not aggres- clinic sample, there was no difference in the level of
sive and aggression was not specific to this group impairment between CD youth with and without CU
of youths.

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278 Rachel E. Kahn et al. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2012; 53(3): 27182

Table 5 Group comparisons on CBCL and YSR subscales in a clinic-referred sample

Control CU-only CD-only CD + CU Test statistic gp2

Youth or parent
Externalizing (n = 323) (n = 145) (n = 33) (n = 32)
67.51(10.08)a 71.95(8.47)b 77.09(7.49)c 79.57(6.65)c F(3,528) = 27.14*** .134
Aggression (n = 316) (n = 143) (n = 33) (n = 31)
1.95(1.98)a 2.60(1.99)b 3.70(1.94)c 4.83(1.58)d F(3,518) = 26.74*** .134
Cruelty (n = 303) (n = 137) (n = 33) (n = 31)
0.81(0.97)a 1.37(1.08)b 1.45(1.27)b 2.27(1.10)c F(3,499) = 26.04*** .135
Externalizing (n = 146) (n = 85) (n = 25) (n = 26)
56.48(10.12)a 58.36(12.85)ab 63.21(12.51)bc 65.76(9.98)c F(3,277) = 6.65*** .067
Aggression (n = 140) (n = 83) (n = 25) (n = 26)
1.03(1.40)a 1.16(1.40)a 2.00(1.83)b 2.42(1.90)b F(3,269) = 8.38*** .085
Externalizing (n = 198) (n = 30) (n = 40) (n = 11)
67.11(9.62)a 70.00(7.63)a 76.44(7.48)b 78.22(8.32)b F(3,274) = 16.09*** .150
Aggression (n = 195) (n = 28) (n = 39) (n = 11)
1.82(1.82)a 2.41(2.12)a 3.68(1.93)b 4.56(1.51)b F(3,268) = 17.42*** .163
Cruelty (n = 197) (n = 30) (n = 40) (n = 11)
0.84(0.96)a 1.10(0.76)ab 1.69(1.31)c 1.76(1.01)bc F(3,273) = 10.06*** .100
Externalizing (n = 200) (n = 30) (n = 40) (n = 11)
56.64(11.18)a 59.99(10.63)ab 63.39(12.07)bc 68.61(6.39)c F(3,276) = 7.61*** .076
Aggression (n = 192) (n = 30) (n = 40) (n = 11)
1.04(1.39)a 1.23(1.45)a 1.95(1.83)b 3.18(1.72)c F(3,268) = 10.32*** .104
Externalizing (n = 361) (n = 104) (n = 45) (n = 20)
67.79(9.91)a 72.86(8.05)b 77.26(7.60)c 80.16(5.27)c F(3,525) = 27.80*** .137
Aggression (n = 352) (n = 104) (n = 45) (n = 19)
2.01(1.99)a 2.68(1.96)b 3.96(1.85)c 4.84(1.65)c F(3,515) = 24.82*** .126
Cruelty (n = 341) (n = 96) (n = 45) (n = 19)
0.85(0.95)a 1.50(1.12)b 1.56(1.20)b 2.45(1.12)c F(3,496) = 26.73*** .139
Externalizing (n = 182) (n = 44) (n = 37) (n = 14)
56.73(10.66)a 58.56(13.49)ab 65.12(11.15)bc 62.82(11.76)c F(3,272) = 6.41*** .066
Aggression (n = 176) (n = 42) (n = 37) (n = 14)
1.01(1.37)a 1.36(1.51)ac 2.32(1.97)b 1.93(1.54)bc F(3,264) = 8.68*** .090

Means reported are least squares mean adjusted for the covariate. Means with different superscripts differ significantly in pairwise
CBCL, child behavior checklist; YSR, youth self-report; CD, conduct disorder; CU, callousunemotional.
***p < .001.

traits. Thus, in clinic-referred youth, children with predominantly Caucasian (77%) and the clinic-
CD appeared to be significantly impaired, irrespec- referred sample being predominantly African Amer-
tive of their level of CU traits. ican (88%). Past research has suggested that, while
The individual items that comprise the CU speci- the association between CU traits and severity of
fier showed very similar prevalence rates and pre- antisocial behavior is found in both Caucasian and
dictive power. The one exception is the low ethnically diverse samples, the strength of the
prevalence rate of the item does not show feelings or association is often weaker in samples with high
emotions, which also showed the lowest PPP in the rates of ethnic minority youths (Edens et al., 2007).
community and clinic-referred sample. Although the Thus, although it is important that we did find some
performance of this item was not low enough to utility of the new specifier in a predominantly African
recommend against including it in the specifier at American sample, we are unable to determine whe-
this time, future research should continue to evalu- ther the differences between samples were due to
ate this item and whether its wording could be referral status or the ethnic composition of the
enhanced to increase its predictive power. sample. Interestingly, one potential explanation that
One important issue in interpreting these com- has been given for the weaker predictive utility of CU
parisons between the community and clinic-referred traits in ethnically diverse samples is that minority
samples is that the two samples not only differed on individuals may be rated as higher on these traits by
referral status but they also differed on their ethnic non-minority raters. This is not likely an explanation
composition, with the community sample being for findings in our clinic-referred sample, as the

 2011 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry  2011 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02463.x Callousunemotional specifier 279

ratings of CU traits were from parents and from self- the study was correlational and, as a result, the
reports. Also, although we did not obtain the eth- association between CU traits and higher rates of
nicity of the teachers who rated students in the aggression and cruelty should not be considered
community sample, most teachers in the partici- causal. It is possible that persons with CU traits lead
pating school systems were Caucasian. Further, in someone to act more aggressively and cruel, but it is
this community sample, both parents and teachers also possible that a history of aggression and cruelty
were more likely to rate African American students could make someone callous to the pain and suf-
as being more likely to meet the CU specifier and, fering of others. Finally, data were not available from
more importantly, the association between race and each informant in all cases. Thus, the single-infor-
meeting the specifier was somewhat lower (u-coeffi- mant groups and combined-informant groups were
cient = .16, p < .001) for teacher ratings than for based on somewhat different samples. We used this
parent ratings (u-coefficient = .19, p < .001). Thus, method because it utilized the most available data
there was no evidence of an ethnic bias for teacher and approximated typical clinical practice, address-
ratings relative to parent ratings. However, this is a ing concerns about clinical generalizability that are
critically important area for future research, which central to the DSM-V revision process. To determine
should continue to evaluate whether the CU specifier how this methodology may have influenced our
is valid across ethnic groups, as well as examine the results, we repeated all analyses in both samples for
most appropriate assessment methods to use across only those with both informants; these analyses led
ethnically diverse individuals. to very similar results.
There were other limitations in the study that need In addition to considering the validity of the pro-
to be considered when interpreting these results. posed specifier, an additional consideration is the
Methodological differences between the studies potential harmful consequences of using a pejorative
make it challenging to isolate potential sources of label like callousunemotional as part of a diagno-
any differences in the pattern of findings. For sis. Several issues are important in considering this
instance, the community sample used teacher and concern. First, although there is no research directly
parent ratings to assess CD, while the clinic sample testing the effects of the label callousunemotional,
relied on semi-structured interviews of the youth and there is an empirical literature studying the negative
caregiver. By using multiple informants, it allowed effects of the use of the term psychopathic traits
us to study the effects of different informants on the when applied to children and adolescents. A review
prevalence and validity of the CU specifier. For of these studies suggests that the term psychopathic
example, in the community sample teachers rated a traits does affect ratings of treatability by clinicians,
higher percentage of CD youth with CU traits (24%) as well as legal decisions made by judges and juries;
than parents (10%). In the clinic sample, parents however, it does not have more negative effects than
rated a higher percentage of CD youth with CU traits the term conduct disorder (Murrie, Boccaccini,
(31%) than youth themselves (21%). Despite some- McCoy, & Cornell, 2007). Thus, these results suggest
what different levels of endorsement, the validity that any diagnosis related to antisocial and aggres-
across informants was quite similar. Thus, these sive behavior could have pejorative effects. Results
findings support the utility of gaining information also highlight one potential problem in not recog-
from multiple informants in the assessment of CU nizing that only a small percentage of antisocial
traits. Unfortunately, it was beyond the scope of this youths or children and adolescents with CD show
article to compare the different ways of combining characteristics associated with psychopathy; spe-
informants but this is another important direction cifically, these terms can become viewed as being
for future research, given that different combinato- interchangeable. Second, previous attempts to cap-
rial strategies may yield varying results (e.g. see ture CU traits in the DSM used names designed to
Youngstrom, Findling, & Calabrese, 2003). reduce the potential stigmatizing effect of the label
Another limitation within the clinic-referred sam- (e.g. undersocialized; American Psychiatric Associ-
ple was that the measures of impairment were gen- ation, 2000), but the lack of clarity in this term led to
eral indices related to health and daily life activities. great variability in how the construct was concep-
Measures of impairment more specifically related to tualized and assessed by researchers and clinicians.
CD, such as police arrests, school suspensions, or Third, there is a danger that if terms that seem to
substance use may have showed clearer differences connote a less severe disturbance (e.g. uncaring)
between CD groups with and without the CU speci- are used for the specifier, this could actually be more
fier. On the other hand, inclusion of different meth- harmful by resulting in many children and adoles-
ods and sampling strategies enhances confidence in cents with less severe disturbances being diagnosed
the generalizability of findings that were consistent by clinicians.
across both samples. Further, the measurement of Further, it is important to note that recent
the proposed specifier in both samples was based on research examining the predictive utility of CU traits
standardized rating scales. It is unclear how likely has shown these traits alone are associated with
clinicians are to use such assessment methods for overall conduct and emotional problems, as well as
making diagnostic decisions in typical practice. Also, general psychiatric difficulties in a large sample of

 2011 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry  2011 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
280 Rachel E. Kahn et al. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2012; 53(3): 27182

children and adolescents followed over 3 years that increasing reward-oriented parenting reduced
(Moran et al., 2009). These findings suggest the conduct problems in children with CU traits (Hawes
presence of CU traits in youth, without conduct & Dadds, 2005). Similarly, an intensive intervention
problems, could also be a clinically relevant group which utilized reward-oriented approaches, targeted
and future research should continue to examine this the interests of the adolescent, and taught empathy
unique subgroup. This is particularly relevant for the skills reduced recidivism in adolescents with CU
clinic-referred children, given that a significant traits in a residential treatment program (Caldwell,
number of youth without CD met criteria for the CU Skeem, Salekin, & Van Rybroek, 2006). Further, a
specifier in our clinic sample. Also, there needs to be study examining the effects of behavior therapy
more research testing ways to improve the mea- among children with CU traits demonstrated
surement of these traits for both clinical diagnoses improvement in conduct problems and noncompli-
and research (Johnstone & Cooke, 2004; Poythress ance after stimulant medication was added to the
et al., 2006). Finally, the current study examined the treatment regimen, suggesting a combination of
prevalence rate of the newly proposed DSM-V spec- therapeutic approaches may be beneficial for chil-
ifier in an outpatient clinic-referred and community dren and adolescents with high levels of CU traits
sample. Thus, the impact of this specifier among (Waschbusch et al., 2007).
detained youth, inpatient youth, and other samples
which may include a large number of children with
CD is warranted. Supporting information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
online version of this article:
Conclusion Table S1 Prevalence of callousunemotional speci-
Within the context of these limitations and concerns, fier across diagnostic categories in clinic-referred and
our findings suggest that the proposed specifier community samples
would identify a minority of children and adolescents Table S2 Group comparisons on quality of life and
with CD but a minority that seems to have a more functioning subscales in a clinic-referred sample
Please note: Wiley-Blackwell are not responsible for
severe behavioral disturbance, especially related to
the content or functionality of any supplementary
aggression and cruelty. These findings, combined
materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other
with past studies showing support for the predictive than missing material) should be directed to the corre-
validity of these traits (Frick & Dickens, 2006); their sponding author for the article.
ability to predict differential treatment response in
youths with CD (Hawes & Dadds, 2005; Was-
chbusch et al., 2007); and their ability to designate Acknowledgement
youth with CD with distinct social, cognitive, emo- This work was in supported in part by grants MH55654
tional, and neurological characteristics (Frick & (PI:Frick) and MH066647 (PI:E.Youngstrom) from the
White, 2008) support the potential utility of this National Institute of Mental Health.
specifier for guiding both clinical practice and
research with children and adolescents who show
severe conduct problems. Research has found that if Correspondence to
interventions are tailored to the unique needs of Paul J. Frick, University of New Orleans, 2001 Geology
children and adolescents with CU traits, treatments & Psychology Bldg., New Orleans, LA 70148, USA; Tel:
can successfully reduce the antisocial behavior of +1 (504)280 6012; Fax: +1 (504)280 6049; Email:
these youths. Specifically, one study demonstrated

Key points
Proposed revisions for the DSM-V include a new specifier for the diagnosis of CD that would designate those
with Significant CallousUnemotional Traits.
Between 10% and 50% of youth across community and clinic-referred samples were designated with the
proposed CU Specifier.
Youth with CD and the DSM-V proposed CU specifier were higher on aggression and cruelty than those with
CD without the specifier.
The CU specifier appears to designate a unique group that is not solely accounted for by differences in
A significant number of youth without CD met criteria for the proposed CU specifier suggesting this is a
clinically relevant group that deserves further research.

 2011 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry  2011 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02463.x Callousunemotional specifier 281

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