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`Exam matters:

1. Before you start answering ANY question, please ensure that all the pages are present.
Notify staff of any incomplete exams immediately. Please do NOT use any incomplete
2. Please do not take the staple off or tear-off any pages; the staff will not be responsible
for any lost pages. Only the stapled pages of the exam will be marked.
3. Please write your name on each page of the exam.
4. Please write the answer within the space provided. The general rule-of-thumb is that
the extent of your answer should fit in the space provided. Thus, prioritise accordingly.
a. You may write on the other side (overleaf) of the SAME question.
b. Please do not write an answer on the other side (overleaf) of other pages. This
can lead to errors in marking and may be difficult or impossible to reconcile later.
5. Cryptic sentences or simply writing keywords will be penalised. Please write in full
6. Difficult to read text will lose an unpredictable number of marks. Please write
legibly. Such answers will NOT be graded again and this may not be appealed.
7. The worth of each question is indicated with the question.
8. Total marks will be normalised to the exam's worth in the course.
9. This is a completely closed book exam.
10. No notepads, etc., are permitted.
11. No electronic devices of any kind are permitted.
12. For writing, only a writing pen (or pencil and eraser) is permitted.
13. Universitys plagiarism and academic dishonesty policy applies fully to this test.
14. Washroom break, one person at a time; you will need to wait for your turn!
15. Bags underneath your desk please.
16. Stay put: 30 mins locked in at the beginning; 15 mins locked in at the end.
17. Mandatory UWO Student ID card.
18. If you are not clear about anything, please ask.

Some Tips:
For substantive descriptive answers, it may help to write in bullet points your
thoughts in a little margin before you write flowing text. Rationale:
o I believe the text would be more comprehensive and, perhaps, better
o It gives the examiner at-a-glance view of the text.
o If you do not complete the entire description, the list of bullet points still
coveys what you had intended and this may (or may not) work in your
favour! But worth trying this way .
For descriptive answers, consider the following angles:

o EXAMPLES (both inline and as separate)
o Etc.
If you can help it, do not leave any question unanswered (blank). Give your best
possible attempt; even to remotely show your thoughts. This could work in your
favour! The worst you can do is get a zero for an incorrect answer/response;
there are no negative marks for a wrong answer/response!
Give examples in brackets: <text> (e.g., .......) <text>. Rationale: this makes
your descriptive (possibly abstract) answer more concrete.
Highlight keywords in a descriptive response (e.g., underline, draw a box
around the keywords, etc.). Rationale: it helps the examiner to focus quickly on
the core content of your answer.

Topics coverage Rough guide only NOT a definitive list:

(Please note:
- this is only a general overview. Not *all* the details of each and every topic
or possibly even the list of topics is fully listed below.
- You are expected to make your own comprehensive preparation for the
final exam and in no way the list below constitutes the bounded scope of
the exam content)

Analysis and Design

o OO Concepts & UML
Complexity, OO model, classes/objects, classification
Knowledge/theory questions
C++, Code smells, Refactoring, and Re-engineering
o Given some code, you identify code smells
o Restructure code to get rid of the smells
o Knowledge/theory questions
Code and Design Metrics
o OO metrics
o Complexity calculation, BMI, software metrics
o Basis for OO software inspection
o Key principles
Patterns and antipatterns
o Life cycle of patterns
o Benefits of design patterns
o Scope: patterns covered in the class
Given some code for a specific pattern, you extend this code to
make it comprehensive
Given the structure of a pattern, you answer some follow-up
questions, possibly including coding.
o Knowledge/theory questions
State machine
o Scenario given; you draw a state machine

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