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Literacy PE

Art & Design

For literacy this term, we will kick off with This term children will be
Compare artwork and
Literacy Shed clip and do some writing based on improving their core PE skills
techniques from different
this (recount and riddle). We will also be through athletics, in
recapping sentence and word structure. preparation for Sports Day!
We will also be readingThe owl who was afraid
of the Dark. Year 2
Term 6
What you can do
Encourage children to practise sounds as much Lets Explore! Measurement: Time, volume,
as possible. length
Provide children with as many opportunities as
possible to write; keep a diary, write shopping Problem solving recapping all
lists and stories etc. aspects of Maths covered this

Science Ongoing daily Minute Maths

What you can do
(Geography and History)
Count with your child on the way to
school, look at different numbers when
History you are out bus numbers, prices in
Music shops, house numbers etc.
Significant individuals in History who have
Practice adding and sharing
contributed to national and international Music/ instruments from around the
achievements Christopher Columbus and world.
Times tables are very important, please
Robert Falcon Scott.
practice 2,5,10 (extending to 3, 4, 6
when your child is ready).

Geography Computing RE
Unit 2:4 - We are researchers (search
engine: researching a topic). This term children will be learning about
Polar regions and America.
Using an atlas, compass and general Pentecost.
fieldwork skills.

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