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Appendix A

Introduction to Biomes

Biogeography is the study of _____________________________________

Continental drift is the theory that ___________________

What is the driving force of continental drift?

Define dispersal. List the three types of dispersal?

What can be transported by wind and water?

How do human play a role in dispersal?

What makes exotic species different from other animals?

How are invasive species different from exotic species?

A biome is ______________________________________

How many major biomes are there in the world?

List the major biomes in the world.

Appendix B
See Biomes Presentation PDF Attachment
Appendix C
Biomes + Map Worksheet


Everywhere you go, you are in a Biome. Scientists have divided our Earth into
different regions named biomes. However, not all scientists agree on the number of
biomes and we will focus on the six major biomes which are: Deserts, Grasslands,
Deciduous Forests, Tropical Rainforests, Taiga, and the Tundra. Each biome has its
own unique climate, plant and animal species. Each Biome has its own distinct
community of weather, plants and animals who all adapt to their specific biome.
Biomes are like ecological communities classified by both living and non living
components. The main factors that determine the biome are latitude, altitude, soil,
temperature, precipitation, sunlight, plants and animals.
To better understand the location of the major biomes of the world, color all
matching numbers the same color.
Appendix D
Rainforests and Deserts

What are the two types of rainforests? Where are they located?

In the table below, list information about the types of rainforests

Temperate Tropical

What are the layers of rainforest? List the characteristics of each layer including plant life and
animals that live in each layer.

How much rain does a desert receive?

There is more __________ than ____________ in a desert

What is temperature like in the desert?

What do animals in the desert do to deal with the extreme temperatures?

Where do most desert animals live?

Appendix E
A Walk in the Desert
Appendix F
The Layers of the Rainforest
Appendix G
Grasslands and Deciduous Forests

A grassland biome is ___________________________________________ and has mostly


What are common in grasslands?

What is a savanna? What kind of plants does it have?

What are the three types of temperate grasslands?

Where are savannas located?

List 5 examples of animals that can be found in a grassland.

How do animals impact grasslands?

The deciduous forest biome is ________________________________________

Define deciduous trees

Where do animals go or do during the winter?

List 4 examples of deciduous trees.

What types of animals can be found in the deciduous forest?

Appendix H
Grassland Word Search
Appendix I
Deciduous Forests
Appendix J
Boreal Forests and Tundra

What is the climate like in the boreal forest?

Where are boreal forests located?

The boreal forests are characterized by ___________________________________

What are coniferous trees?

How do coniferous trees grow? How are they different from deciduous trees?

The boreal forests have many _____________________ that eat ___________, __________, and

How are carnivores supported in boreal forests?

List 3 examples of animals found in boreal forests.

Where is the Tundra located?

The Tundra is an extremely ________ and _________ climate

What does the tundra receive little of? How is the tundra similar to deserts?
What is permafrost?

How long are summers? What happens to soil in the summer?

How many types of Tundras are there?

List and explain the different types of Tundras.

The Tundra consists of _______________________________________________

What happens to the sun in the summer?

What happens to birds in the summer?

What do mammals have to withstand the winter? List 3 animals.

Appendix K
Taiga Forest
Appendix L
Tundra Word search
Appendix M
Biomes at a Glance
Appendix N
Biome Quiz
Appendix O
Biome Think-Tac-Toe

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