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Research has proven that it is impossible to say that one technique is completely adequate in teaching

and learning the English language. It is wrong to use merely one technique at all stages. Therefore,
what we provide with WORD DICT is the different techniques or strategies from which, learners can
choose from, depending on their level and comfort.

BEE WORD DICT is a program under BEEReads which focuses on enhancing the English Language
learner's vocabulary skill. This program adopts the integrative approach to teaching vocabularies taking
into account the importance of both the semantic and thematic mapping as the acquisition strategy to
vocabulary teaching . The activities and materials provided do not just teach words. They teach
strategies for acquiring words.

Under the semantic approach, we offer the following strategies for pre-reading, the use of which will
depend on the types of learner:

- Accessing prior knowledge

- Writing your way into reading (writing about your experience related to the topic)

- Asking questions based on the title

- Semantic mapping

- Making predictions based on previewing

- Identifying the text structure

- Skimming for general idea

- Reading the introduction and conclusion

- Writing a summary of the article based on previewing

These strategies is summed up into three stages: questioning, brainstoming and semantic mapping.

How do students READ at Beereads and become worddict?

1. A copy of the vocabulary wordmap will be attached to the student page before the lesson time as a
pre-reading activity.
2. The student then fills up the vocab map.

3. After finishing it, the teacher will send the reading article that comes with an audio.

4. The student listens to the audio while reading the transcript silently on his own.

5. Once the student is done with listening and silent reading, he then takes the call of his teacher via
skype and start brainstorming what he has done with the voca map.

6.After the voca map is accomplished, the student starts to demonstrate his reading skill by imitating
the audio of the reading material as much as he can.

7. The teacher then actively listens and engages himself throughout the period of reading. After a 2-5
minute reading, the student and teacher then work on comprehending the article and applying the
voca strategy learned.

adopt an approach with comprehensible input, adequate and supportive feedback and the material
that the leaners find interesting

it is important to :

1. discuss with teh students how they go about learning the language

2. Talk about their expectations concerning their language study before and during the language

3. administer tests for various skills and subskills at regular intervals and have them compare their
tests results with their expectations

4. Evaluate with them their language strategies


1. ASK THE students to mention examples of words that they have learned spontaneously or

2. Then ask why these words were retained in memory without their conscious effort to learn and
remember them

3. then ask students to give examples of words whose meanings they have had to look up several
times , words they have had difficulty remembering

Thematic clustering refers to a group of words that share a similar schema or frame.

Learners actively arrange the past reactions or experiences with the new information (Celce-Murcia
&Olshtain, 2000). Several scholars reasoned that presenting words in thematic clustering can facilitate
the process of vocabulary acquisition and therefore avoid the undesirable effects.

How to learn Vocabs from the articles?

1.Teach the strategies on how to acquire the vocabs from the articles easily

2. Gather as many researches on strategies for acquiring a vocab to be able to find great strategioes for
the students

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