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** Joomla: Web Portal System **

** Module for 123 Flash Chat Server software **
** ============================================== **
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** Copyright (c) by TopCMM **
** Daniel Jiang ( **
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** **

## Notes:
## If you need to use the chat service on a local machine, before installing
this module, please ##
## download 123FlashChat Server software first from this page:
## You may get the latest free demo version of 123 flash chat server softwar
e at there. ##
## And get professional support from:
ml ##
## We provide email support, online live support, and phone support
## etc.

Step 1, Install the module in the Joomla admin panel

1). Copy 123flashchat.php -> htt
p://<Your Joomla root URL>/123flashchat.php
2). OPEN: Admin panel -> Extensions -> Install -> Upload Package File:

Step 2, Configure chat module's running mode:

1). 1.OPEN: Admin Panel -> Extensions -> Module Manger
2.Click "Chat", configure your chat setting there
3.Please choose the running mode according to your needs.
Configure the following parameters:Hosting Mode

2). Configure the parameters of the Hosting Mode you chose.

1. Chat server is hosted by your own.

If your chat is hosted by your own, 123FlashChat server softwar
e should be installed at first,
please download 123FlashChat:
copy <123flashc
hat install directory>/client/ to http://<Your Joomla root URL>/client/
Configure the following parameters:
Chat server path
Client location
Configuration reference:
Chat server path =
"<123flashchat install directory>";
Client location = "
http://<Your Joomla root URL>/client/";

2. Chat server is hosted by

If your chat is hosted by, no 123FlashChat ser
ver software is needed to be installed;
you may connect to your host chat room directly.
Configure the following parameters:
Client location
Configuration reference:
Client location = "

3. Chat server is hosted by free of charge .

If you need to use this service, no 123FlashChat server softwar
e is needed to be installed,
we will provide you free chat room, and you can choose the room
name as you want.

Configure the following parameters:

Chat room name
Configuration reference:
Chat room name =
(If you leave room name as
blank, the default room name's value will be your domain's name.)

Step 3, Integrate your chat with Joomla user database

If you choose running mode 1 or mode 2, integration is needed, you may a
chieve this by following the instructions below.
1. Log in the Admin Panel of your 123FlashChat server
OPEN: System Settings -> Integrate Panel
2. Find: DataBase -> SELECT: URL -> edit
3. Change URL:
http://<Your Joomla root URL>/modules/mod_chat/login_chat.php?u
4. Press OK to save your setting.
5. Restart chat server at System Management -> Restart
Step 4, Enable chat module in Joomla
OPEN: Admin panel -> Extensions -> Module Manage
r -> Find: 123FlashChat (in the "Module Name") -> Enabled it
Integration done, enjoy your chat:), if you have any question related chat room,
please visit or contact our online supporte
r at

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