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‘The Six Trigonometric Functions ising = 2 b 2. cos = 3.tand = 4.cscO= 5.80c0 = 6. cotd= Trigonometric Identities 1 1sind@= 5 1 o-— 2. cos! 5 in A cos B + cos A sin B 10. sin(A+ B) = u1.sin(A— B) = sin A cos B cos A sin B 12. cos(A + B) =cos A cos B~ sin A sin B 1g. cos(A — B) = cos A cos B-+sin A sin B tan A +tanB uaetan(A +B) = Tan A tan B tan A—tanB 35. tan(4~ B) = Tata 16. sin 20 = 2sin 8 cos 17. c08 20 = cos® @ — sin” = 1 — 2sin? @ = 2cos? @—1 18. tan 20 = 2iand T— cos T¥ e058 10 Solving for angle A in triangle ABC Problem 10 Inatviangle apc, ¢ 28° eB Pees find the value of angle A Solution ick here to show or hide the solution Given: 2eosA , cosB | 2cosC a 6 € From Cosine law: Bee —a cos A= ‘Substitute to the given equation: 2 Beea—a 1 acti 2 atte ab a be o 2ac c ab be * ca. BaPad Pree tated oat abe abe abe 2 (eat) SEE teem 4 2 2 a @He-F v-@ +> 26? — 2a? + (a? +e? — 0") Ba@te +c =a? — Equation (1) Equation (1) satisfies the Pythagorean theorem for a right triangle whose perpendicular sides are b and € and hypotenuse @, Thus, angle A= 90°. answer From the right triangle shown below, the trigonometric functions of angle 0 are defined as follows: __ opposite side _ ~ “hypotenuse ~ adjacent side _ hypotenuse — opposite side ‘adjacent side hypotenuse ‘Opposite si hypotenuse ‘adjacent side adjacent side _ opposite side sin® Se ‘The above relationships can be written into acronym soh-cah-toa-cho-sha-cao, 1. soh = sine of theta is equal to opposite side over the hypotenuse. 2. ealt = cosine of theta is equal to adjacent side over the hypotenuse. 3. toa = tangent of theta is equal to opposite side over the adjacent side. 4. cho = eosecant of theta is equal to hypotenuse over the opposite side. 5. sha = secant of theta is equal to hypotenuse over the adjacent side. 6. eao = cotangent of theta is equal to adjacent side over the opposite side. See how these relationships were used to derive the Pythagorean identities Summary of Trigonometric Identities Basic Identities Click here for the derivation of basic identities. 2. cos 3.tane cot 0 ‘ sind Tand ‘The derivation of basic identities can be done easily by using the functions of aright triangle. For easy reference, these trigonometric functions are listed below. afe=sin® o/b = sec ® bja=cot ® Sine and Cosecant are reciprocal to each other sing= e sino= 2/4 cla apt ea and 1 oO 0 1 0-4, SO ecb and ot seco= ‘Tangent and Cotangent are reciprocal to each other and Tangent is the ratio of Sine to Cosine tand= = o afa tno L tang =. votd tand= cos Thus, i al and g a Pythagorean Identities Click here for the derivation of Pythagorean ider 1. sin? @+ cos? 2 tan? O+1=sec?O 3.1 cot? = esc? 6 Derivation of Pythagorean Identities In reference to the right triangle shown and from the functions of a right triangle: @4h=e sin? 0 + cos? @=1 2 -@) (tan)? + 1 = (seco)? tan? @-+1=sec? 6 e+e (2) 1+ (cote)? = (esc)? 1+ cot? @ = csc? 0 Sum and Difference of Two Angles Click here for the derivation of sum and difference of two angles. 1 sin(o+ f) = sina cos A + cosa sin f 2. sin(a — 8) = sina cos — cosa sin 8 3.cos(a+ 8) = cosa cos A — sina sin 8 4.cos(a— 8) = cosa cos A+ sina sin 8 stan(a 9) = fame 6-tanla—) = tana —tan8 I+ tana tanB Derivation of Sum and Difference of Two Angles FE ‘The sum and difference of two angles ‘ean be derived from the figure shown below. Consider triangle AEF: cos = AE; AB = cosp EF op sng =F, BF —sinp From triangle EDF: - DE sin sin 8 DE =sina sing DF sin DF =cosa sing BC = DE =sina sing From Triangle ACE: BD=C =sina cos ‘The summary of the above solution is shown below: Sum of two angles From triangle ABF: sin(a + 8) = BD + DF sin(a +8) =sina cos + cosa sin 8 cos(a + 8) = AC — BC cos(a + ) = cosa cos — sina sin 8 _ sin(a+ 8) tana+ 8) = ara) tana = Eee tan(a +A) cosa COs F cosa cosh cosa cos sina , sing cosa’ cosh sna sing cosa cos A tan(a +A) tana + tan § tanla+ 8) = Tana tan Difference of two angles Let B =-f and note that sin (8) 0s (-f) tan (-B) sin{a + (—8)] = sina cos(—£) + cosa sin(—A) sin(a~f) 005 8 — cosa sin 6 cos| a +(—8)| = cosa cos(—8) — sina sin(—S) cos(a — ) = cosa cos +sina sin tana + tan( tana + (—8)) = let CA tana tan| Double Angle Formulas Click here for the derivation of double angle formulas. ‘sin 8 cos@ 108” @ — sin? 8 2tand tan? 6 a.sin20 2. cos20 3. tan20 The Double Angle Formulas can be derived from Sum of Two Angles listed below: sin(A + B) = sin A cos B+cos A sin B — Equation (1) cos(A +B) = cos A cos B— sin A sin B — Equation (2) tan A+tanB tan(A+ B) = Ta tan B = Equation (3) Let 0 = A = B; Equation (1) will become sin(9 + @) =sin 8 cos +cos0 sind sin 20 = 2sin 6 cos Let 8 = A = B; Equation (2) will become cos(8 +4) = cos8 cos — sind siné 0828 = cos? — sin? @ > Equation (4) ‘The Pythagorean Identity sin®8 + cos#8 = 1 can be taken as sin*@ = 1 -cos*@ and Equation (4) will become. cos 20 = cos” @ — (1 — cos? @) 608 20 = 2cos* @— 1 sin? + cos*@ can also be taken as cos*6 = 1 sin and Equation (4) will become. eos 20 = (1 — sin®) — sin? @ 2sin?@ For easy reference, below is the summary for cos 20 Tet o= = B; Equation (3) will become fan0+) = Half Angle Formulas Click here for the derivation of half angle formulas. in cost rsingo= +78 1 2.c0s 4 1 gtande sin® Half angle formulas can be derived from the double angle formulas, particularly, the cosine of double angle. For easy reference, the cosines of double angle are listed below: ~2sin®@ — Equation (1) ‘os? -1 + Equation (2) Note that the equations above are identities, meaning, the equations are true for any value of the variable 8. The key on the derivation is to substitute 6 with ¥/2 8, For Equations (1) and (2), let @ = ¥26 From Equation (1) c082(48) = 1 —2sin? 40 = 1-2sin? 4 cos = 1—2sin? 40 2sin? 10 =1— cos From Equation (2) cos 2( 40) = 20s? 30-1 cos 24 cos? $0 — 2cos? 49 = 1+ cos — Equation (3) From Equation (3) 1—cosd le- (030 VT c088 1 (1 — cos 4)? 00 Teo _ [cos 0)? VO sine From Equation (9) T= cos 1+ cos ge tan 29 VT eosd * THcosd 1 cos? tan $9 = | A008 my (+ cosy sin? @ (TF cosa Sum and Difference of Two Angles Go to the derivation of sum and difference of two angles if you want information on ‘where these formulas eame from, 1. sin(a +8) = sina cos f+ cose sin 8 2. sin(a — f) = sina cos — cosa sin 8 3.cos(a-+8) = cosa cos 8 —sina sin B 4-co{a— 9) = casa cos + sina sin# 5.tan(a+ 8) foo on B 6 tan(ar~ 6) oo a Derivation of Sum and Difference of Two Angles ‘The sum and difference of two angles F can be derived from the figure shown below. Consider triangle AEF. DE ~sinB sina sin 8 DF cosa = —— EF BD = CB =sina cos ‘The summary of the above solution is shown below: oO _cosasing c0s a cos B c Sum of two angles From triangle ABF: sin(a +8) = BD + DF sin(a + 6) = sina cos + cosa sin 8 cos(a + 8) = AC — BC cos(a + 8) = cose cos 8 ~ sina sing _ sina +8) tan(a+ 9) = StS _ sina cos + cos sin 8 tan(a +?) = cosa cos 8 —sina sing sina cos | cosa sin’ don(a-t 9) = Sa * sms = cosa cosh sina sin cosa cos cosa cos sina, sind tan(a-+ 9) = SF cosa 008 3 tana +tan, tan(a+A)= ee Difference of two angles Let B =-P and note that sin B) = -sin B 0s (8) = cos Band tan (-B) = -tan B sin| a+ (=8)] = sina cos(—A) + cosa sin(—) sin(a — 8) = sina cos 8 — cosa sin 8 cos| a + (—8)] = cosa cos(—) — sina sin(—A) cos(a — 8) = cosa cos 6+ sina sin 8 tana +tan(—§) tant (P)1= ata ay __tana— tang. a le taro cant Example 001 | Sum and Difference of Two Angles Problem Iftan x = 1/3 and tan y = 1/2, what is the value of tan (x + y) and tan (x- y)? Solution ~ Click here to show or hide the solution answer tan(x +9) tan(x+y) tan(e+y) answer

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