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By Leonard Busch and Niels Waliszewski

Gel Electrophoresis:
1) Deoxy ribo nucleic acid
2) To sort DNA based on its length.
3) It is a sponge made out of gel.
4) On the sides of the sponge in the holes.
5) An electric current.
6) The small strands move farther in the gel than the long ones.
7) The DNA.
8) Powdered agerose. Buffer fluid. A flask. Microwave. Gel Comb. Gel Mold.
9) It is salt water and it lets a current flow through it.
10) The gel comb.
11) The gel comb holds the gel in place. Half an hour.
12) One has the gel in the middle and buffer fluid in it.
13) It has a dye which lets one see the DNA more easily.
14) Red is positive. Black is negative.
15) Negative.
16) So that the DNA moves.
17) Look for tiny air bubbles.
18) 6000. 3600. 1500.

1. To create a genetically identical version of Mimi.
2. Mimi. Egg cell donor. Surrogate mother. Petri dishes. Microscope. Sharp pipette. Blunt
pipette. Chemical to stimulate cell division.
3. Isolate the donor cells. The difference is that one is male the other is female.
4. Sucking the nucleus out of a cell.
5. An egg cell with a somatic cell nucleus.
6. Because it created new cells out of the few it had.
7. Into the surrogate mother.
8. Brown, because the nucleus has the DNA, not the cell.
9. Waiting for one to six hours for the newly transferred nucleus to adjust to the enucleated
By Leonard Busch and Niels Waliszewski


1) What is the main point of PCR and what are some potential uses of it?
It is used to focus a segment of DNA and copy it billions times over.
2) Define PCR.
The process of copying a DNA segment.
3) What are the most basic pieces of equipment needed to perform PCR?
Test tubes, (PCR Tube), Primer 1, Primer 2,
4) What are primers and why are you adding two primers?
They attach to the segment (of DNA that need to be copied.
5) Why are you adding nucleotides?
So that the DNA Polymerase can use these to make a new copy of DNA.
6) Why is DNA Polymerase added?
So that it can copy the DNA segment.
7) Why is the PCR mix put into the thermocycler?
The thermocycler heats up the Dna causing it to untwine.
8) What does the temperature of the first cycle reach, and why would you want to reach
that temperature?
To untwine the DNA. So the the DNA Polymerase can copy the segment.
9) What is the temperature of the second sequence and what happens in it?
50 degrees Celsius. The primers can lock into the DNA before it twines up.
10) What is the temperature of the third sequence and what happens in it?
72 degrees Celsius. It stimulates the DNA Polymerase to copy.
11) What happens after going through three cycles of this process?
You get the first segments of copied DNA
12) After cycle 30, how many copies of the desired sequence will you have?
1 Billion copies have been made.

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