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soMotion in a Plane and Laws of Motionlutions

3. To have the same range (with same speed), the

1. Zero vector. The vector sum of all the vectors sum of the two angles of projection should be 90.
represented by the sides of a closed polygon taken Since one of the angles is 15, the other should be
in the same order is zero. 90 15 = 75.
2. Yes. For example, when a body moves along a 4. Here, angle of friction, q = 30
circular path with constant speed, it possesses Coefficient of static friction,
centripetal acceleration due to continuous change ms = tan q = tan 30 = 0.5774
in its direction of motion. 5. Net force acting on the body of mass M, i.e.,
F = Mg f, f being the force of air resistance.
Net acceleration acting on the body of mass M, i.e.,
F Mg f f
a= = =g
Net acceleration acting on the body of mass m, i.e.,
a = g
If M > m, then a > a. Hence the body of larger mass
will reach the Earth earlier.
6. Let A and B be the two forces
Then A = 3x; B = 5x; R = 28 N and q = 60
Thus, A/B = 3/5
Now R = A2 + B2 + 2 AB cos q
\ 28 = (3x )2 + (5x )2 + 2(3x )(5x )cos 60
or 28 = 9 x 2 + 25x 2 + 15x 2 = 7 x or x = 28/7 = 4
\ Forces are; A = 3 4 = 12 N and B = 5 4 = 20 N
7. (a) Velocity,

dr d
v= = (3.0 t i 2.0 t 2 j + 4.0 k )
dt dt
= [3.0 i 4.0 t j] m s 1

dv d
Acceleration, a = = (3.0 i 4.0 t j)
dt dt
= 0 4.0 j = 4.0 j m s 2
(b) At time t = 2 s,

v = 3.0 i 4.0 2 j = 3.0i 8.0 j
2 2 1
\ v = (3.0) + (8) = 73 = 8.54 m s
If q is the angle which makes with x-axis, then
v y 8
tan q = = = 2.667
vx 3
\ q = tan1(2.667) 70 with x-axis
8. Here, range of projectile = 2 maximum height
v 2 sin 2q v 2 sin2 q or 2v2 sin q cos q = v2 sin2q
g 2g
or 2(v sin q)(v cos q) = (v sin q)(v sin q)
But v cos q = x and v sin q = y (given) The magnitude of the resultant velocity is
y v = v R2 + vW
= (35)2 + (12)2 = 37 m s 1
\ 2yx = y2 or 2x = y or = 2
Let resultant velocity v makes an angle q with the
OR vertical.
m m2 g m1 m2 AC vW
As a = 1 g \ = g Then, tan q = = = 0.343
m1 + m2 8 m1 + m2 OA v R
m1 m2 1 (m + m2 ) + (m1 m2 ) 8 + 1
or = or 1 = \ q = tan 1(0.343) 19
m1 + m2 8 (m1 + m2 ) (m1 m2 ) 8 1
Hence the boy should hold umbrella bending it
m1 9 towards east making an angle of about 19 with the
or = or m1 : m2 = 9 : 7
m2 7 vertical.

9. Suppose force FB is required in applying brakes to stop 12. Suppose vector A is represented by OP , as shown
the truck in distance d. Then in figure. Taking O as origin, construct a rectangular
mv 2 v2 parallelopiped with its three edges along the three
FB = ma = a =
2d 2d rectangular axes i.e., X-, Y- and Z-axis.
Suppose FT force is required in taking a turn of
radius d. Then
mv 2 1
FT = = 2FB or FB = FT
d 2
Clearly, it is better to apply brakes than to take a
circular turn.
10. Let F be retarding force applied on the motor car.
So retarding acceleration, a = = constant

Using kinematics equation, v2 = u2 + 2as Thus Ax , A y and Az are the three rectangular

u2 components of A.
Here v = 0, \ 0 = u2 + 2(a)s s =
2a Applying triangle law of vectors, OP = OT + TP
Now speed of the car is doubled so distance covered Applying parallelogram law of vectors,

by it will be s (say). OT = OR + OQ

u2 \ OP = OR + OQ + TP
\ 0 = (2u)2 + 2(a)s s = 4 = 4 s
2a But TP = OS
11. In figure,
Velocity of rain, Hence OP = OR + OQ + OS

or A = Ax + A y + Az = Ax i + A y j + Az k
v R = OA = 35 m s 1, vertically downward
If a, b and g are the angles between A and X-, Y-
and Z-axes repectively, then
Ax = A cos a, Ay = A cos b, Az = A cos g
We note that
OP 2 = OT 2 + TP 2 = OQ 2 + QT 2 + TP 2
or A2 = Ax2 + A2y + Az2 or A = Ax2 + A2y + Az2
13. The scalar or dot product of

two vector A and B is
defined as the product of
Velocity of wind,
the magnitudes of A and
vW = OB = 12 m s 1 , east to west
B and cosine of the angle q between them. Thus

A B = A B cos q = AB cos q t2 t2 t
J = Fav dt = Fav dt = Fav [t ]t2 = Fav (t2 t1 )
As A, B and cos q are all scalars, so the dot product 1
t1 t1
of A and B is a scalar quantity. Both A and B have
direction but their dot product has no direction. or J = Fav t , where t = t2 t1
Geometrical interpretation of scalar product : As Thus, the impulse of a force is equal to the product

shown in figure (a), suppose two vectors A and B of the average force and the time interval for which

are represented by OP and OQ respectively and it acts.
POQ = q. Dimensions of impulse = [MLT1]
SI unit of impulse = kg m s1
A B = AB cos q = A(B cos q) = A(OR )
= A Magnitude of component of B in the direction 15. The horizontal range of a projectile projected at an

of A angle q with the horizontal velocity u is given by
u2 sin 2q
Replacing q by (90 q), we get
u2 sin 2(90 q) u2 sin(180 2q) u2 sin 2q
R = = =
g g g
i.e., R = R
From figure (b), we have Hence for a given velocity of projection, a projectile

A B = AB cos q = B( A cos q) = B(OS) has the same horizontal range of the angles of
projection q and (90 q). As shown in figure, the
= B Magnitude of component of A in the direction
horizontal range is maximum of 45. Clearly, R is
of B.
same for q = 15 and 75 but less than Rm. Again R
Thus the scalar product of two vectors is equal to
is same for q = 30 and 60.
the product of magnitude of one vector and the
magnitude of component of other vector in the
direction of first vector.
14. Impulse is defined as the product of the force and
the time for which it acts and is equal to the total
change in momentum.
Impulse = Force time duration
= Total change in momentum

Impulse is a vector quantity denoted by J . Its
direction is same as that of force. The impulse of Maximum height attained in first case,
a force is positive, negative or zero depending on u2 sin2 q
the momentum of the body increases, decreases or H1 =
remains unchanged.
Maximum height attained in second case,
Suppose a force F acts for a small time dt. The
impulse of the force is given by u2 sin2 (90 q) u2 cos2 q
H2 = =
dJ = Fdt 2g 2g

If we consider a finite interval of time from t1 to t2, Again,

then the impulse will be H (30) u2 sin2 30 2g
t2 H (60) 2g u sin2 60
J = dJ = Fdt
t1 (1 / 2)2 1
= =
2 3
If Fav is the average force, then ( 3 / 2)
16. Let the ball of mass m prevents skidding. If road is straight up then q is
moving along AO large then f is small.
with initial speed u Due to this reason, mountain roads generally made
hits the bat PQ and winding upward rather than going straight up.
is deflected by the 18. Let v be the velocity acquired by stone after falling
batsman along OB through a height of 50 m.
(without change in the speed of the ball), such that
AOB = 45. Clearly, v = 2 gh = 2 9.8 50 = 980 m s 1
Let ON be the normal to the bat such that Now v is the velocity with which the stone starts
burying itself into the sand and finally comes to rest
AON = BON = = 22.5 in it after travelling a distance of 1 m.
2 From vf2 vi2 = 2as,
The initial momentum of the ball can be resolved
0 v2 = 2as (as vf = 0, vi = v)
into two components
(i) mu cos22.5 along NO and v2
or a= (neglecting negative sign)
(ii) mu sin22.5 along PQ 2s
Also, the final momentum of the ball can be resolved 980
or a = = 490 m s 2 (as s = 1 m)
into two components 2(1)
(i) mu cos22.5 along ON and Let F be the average resistance offered by the sand
(ii) mu sin22.5 along PQ to the stone. Since F acts vertically upwards and mg
The component of the momentum of the ball acts vertically downwards,
along PQ remains unchanged (both in magnitude F mg = ma or F = m(g + a)
and direction). However, the components of the = (5)(9.8 + 490) = 2499 N
momentum of the ball along ON are equal in Let t be the time taken by the stone to penetrate the
magnitude but opposite in direction. Since the sand.
impulse imparted by the batsman to the ball is equal From vf = vi + at ; 0 = 31.30 + (490)t
to the change in momentum of the ball along ON, 31.30
or t = = 0.06 s
Impulse = mucos22.5 (mucos22.5) 490
= 2 mucos22.5 19. Let us draw free-body diagrams for the weights A, B
Here, m = 0.15 kg ; u = 54 km h1 = 15 m s1 and C as shown in figure (a), (b) and (c).
Therefore, impulse = 2 0.15 15 cos 22.5
= 2 0.15 15 0.9239
= 4.16 kg m s1
17. (a) When porcelain objects are wrapped in paper
or straw, the time of impact between themselves is
very much increased during jerk in transportation.
Hence, force on the porcelains is reduced during From figure (a), (b) and (c)
transportation, and saves them from breakage. T1 mg = ma ...(i)
(b) A small portion of the road is shown in the T2 + mg T1 = ma ...(ii)
figure. and mg T2 = ma ...(iii)
Friction on the track, Adding equations (i), (ii) and (iii),
f = mN = mmgcosq g
mg = 3ma or a =
As roads winding
From equation (i), T1 = mg + ma = mg + m(g/3)
upwards, q is small,
f is large, which = mg
From equation (iii), T2 = mg ma = mg m(g/3) In the absence of any external force,
2 F = 0 and ma = 0
= mg
3 As m 0, therefore, a = 0.
20. Here, m1 = 4 kg, m2 = 5 kg Thus there is no acceleration when no force is
Force applied on block A = 12 N applied. That is in the absence of any external force
This force must atleast be equal to the kinetic a body at rest will remain at rest and a body in
friction applied on A by B. uniform motion will continue to move uniformly
\ 12 = f k = mk R = mk m1 g along the same straight path. Hence first law of
or 12 = mk 4 g motion is contained in the second law.

12 3 dp
or mk = = Third law is contained in the second law : Let B
4g g dt
The block B is on a smooth surface. Hence to move be the resulting change of momentum of B. Let
A and B together, the force F that can be applied on
FAB be the force (reaction) exerted by B on A. Let
B is equal to the frictional forces applied on A by B
and applied on B by A. dpA
be the resulting change of momentum of A.
F = mk m1 g + mk m2 g = mk (m1 + m2)g dt
3 According to Newton's second law,
= (4 + 5) g = 27 N
dp dp
g FBA = B and FAB = A
dt dt
As this force moves both the blocks together on a

smooth table, so the acceleration produced is \ FBA + FAB = dpB + dpA = d ( p B + pA )
F 27 dt dt dt
a= = = 3 m s 2
m1 + m2 4 + 5 In the absence of external force, the rate of change
of momentum must be zero i.e., ( pB + pA ) must
be zero. dt
Here m = 4 kg, sin q = , g = 9.8 m s 2 \ FBA + FAB = 0
(i) Various forces acting on the box are shown in or FBA = FAB or Action = Reaction
figure. When the box just begins to slide, the forces Hence third law of motion is contained in the
are in equilibrium. second.
f = mg sin q and R = mg cos q As both first and third laws of motion are contained
f mg sin q in the second law, we can say that Newton's second
m= = = tan q law is the real law of motion.
R mg cos q
1 1 22. In a closed cage, the inside air is bound with the cage.
= = = 0.35 (i) As the acceleration is zero, there is no change
32 12 8
in the weight of the cage.
(ii) When the block moves up the inclined plane, (ii) In this cage, the reaction R is given by
friction f acts down the plane. So minimum force R Mg = Ma or R = M(g + a)
needed to just move the box up the inclined plane Thus the cage will appear heavier than before.
F = mg sin q + f = mg sin q + mR (iii) In this case, the reaction R is given by
= mg(sin q + m cos q) [... R = mg cos q] Mg R = Ma or R = M(g a)
Thus the cage will appear lighter than before.
1 1 8
= 4 9. 8 + = 26.13 N 23. (a) Quest for knowledge
3 8 3 (b) Concern for the child and scientific thinking.
21. First law is contained in the second law : According (c) The child experiences the velocity of the rain
to Newton's second law of motion, the force acting relative to himself. To protect himself from the rain,
on a body is given by the child should hold umbrella in the direction of
F = ma relative velocity of rain with respect to the child.
24. An acceleration which is directed along the radius angle Dq also approaches zero. In this limit, as
towards the centre of the circular path is called AB = AC, so ABC = ACB = 90. Thus the change

centripetal acceleration. in velocity Dv and hence the acceleration a is

Consider a particle moving on a circular path of perpendicular to the velocity vector v1. But v1 is
radius r and centre O, with a uniform speed v as directed along tangent at point P, so acceleration

shown in figure (a). Suppose at time t the particle a acts along the radius towards the centre of the
is at P and at time t + Dt, the particle is at Q. Let circle.

v1 and v2 be the velocity vectors at P and Q. OR
Any object launched in an arbitrary direction in
space with an initial velocity and then allowed to
move under the influence of gravity alone is called
a projectile. Suppose a body is projected with initial
velocity u, making an angle q with the horizontal.
The velocity u has two rectangular components
(i) The horizontal component u cos q, which
remains constant throughout the motion.
(ii) The vertical component u sin q, which changes
with time under the effect of gravity.
Applying triangle law of vector addition in DABC, Y

AB + BC = AC
\ BC = AC AB = v 2 v1
v A Path of
Thus the change in velocity in time Dt is given by x projectile
BC = Dv u sin u P(x, y) x
Also OP = OQ = r, radius of the circle. y Maximum
height = hm

v1 = v2 = v i.e., AB = AC = v vx = u cos
O u cos X
And POQ = Dq, BAC = Dq B
Thus the two triangles POQ and BAC are similar. R
PQ BC vy = u sin v
Hence, =
OP AB Equation of trajectory of a projectile : Suppose the
or Ds = Dv or Dv = Ds body reaches the point P(x, y) after time t.
r v r \ The horizontal distance covered by the body
Dividing both sides by Dt, we get in time t,
Dv v Ds x = Horizontal velocity time = u cos q t
= x
Dt r Dt or t =
u cos q
Taking the limit Dt 0 on both sides, we get
For vertical motion : u = u sin q, a = g, so the
Dv v Ds vertical distance covered in time t is given by
lim = lim
Dt 0 Dt r Dt 0 Dt 1
s = ut + at 2
Dv dv 2
But lim = = a, is the instantaneous acceleration x 1 x2
Dt 0 Dt dt or y = u sin q g.
Ds ds u cos q 2 u2 cos2 q
and lim = = v , is the instantaneous velocity. g
Dt 0 Dt dt or y = x tan q 2 x2
v v2 2u cos q
\ a = v or a = = w2r [... v = wr]
r r Thus y is a quadratic function of x. Hence the
This gives the magnitude of the acceleration of the trajectory of a projectile is a parabola.
particle in uniform circular motion. Time of flight : It is the time taken by the projectile
Direction of acceleration : As Dt tends to zero, the from the instant it is projected till it reaches a point
in the horizontal plane of its projection. The body Equating the forces along horizontal and vertical
reaches the point B after the time of flight Tf. direction respectively, we get
\ Net vertical displacement covered during the mv 2
time of flight = 0 R sin q + f cos q = ...(i)
As s = ut + at 2 mg + f sin q = R cos q, where f = mR
2 or R cos q f sin q = mg ...(ii)
\ 0 = u sinqT f gT f2 Dividing equation (i) by equation (ii), we get
R sin q + f cos q v 2
or T f = 2 u sin q =
R cos q f sin q rg
Maximum height of a projectile : It is the maximum Dividing numerator and denominator of LHS by
R cos q, we get
vertical distance attained by the projectile above the
horizontal plane of projection. f
tan q + 2 2
At the highest point A, vertical component of R = v or tan q + m = v
m =
f 1 m tan q rg R
velocity = 0 1 tan q rg
As v2 u2 = 2as R
u2 sin2 q 2 m + tan q m + tan q
\ 02 (u sin q)2 = 2 (g)hm or hm = or v = rg or v = rg . 1 m tan q ...(iii)
2g 1 m tan q
For m = 0 in equation (iii)
Horizontal range : It is the horizontal distance
v = (rg tan q)1/2
travelled by the projectile during its time of flight.
So, OR
Horizontal range = Horizontal velocity time of flight (a) Consider a body of weight mg placed on an
2u sin q u2 inclined plane. Suppose the angle of inclination q
or R = u cos q = 2 sin q cos q be greater than the angle of repose. Let a be the
g g
acceleration with which the body slides down the
u2 sin 2q inclined plane.
or R= [... 2 sin q cos q = sin 2 q]
g The weight mg has two rectangular components :
25. The process of raising the outer edge of a curved (i) mg cos q perpendicular to the inclined plane.
road above its inner edge through certain angle is It balances the normal reaction R. Thus
called banking of the road. R = mg cos q
(ii) mg sin q down the inclined plane.
Consider a car of weight mg going along a curved
If f k is the kinetic friction, then the net force acting
path of radius r with speed v on a road banked at an
down the plane is
angle q. The forces acting on the vehicle are
F = mg sin q f k
1. Weight mg acting vertically downwards
But f k = mk R = mk mg cos q
2. Normal reaction R of the road acting at an angle
\ ma = mg sin q mk mg cos q
q with the vertical. Hence a = g(sin q mk cos q)
3. Force of friction f acting downwards along the (b) As shown in figure (a), suppose a force F is
inclined plane. applied to pull a lawn roller of weight W. The force
F has two rectangular components
(i) Horizontal component F cos q helps to move
the roller foraward.
(ii) Vertical component F sin q acts in the upward
If R is the normal reaction, then
R + F sin q = W or R = W F sin q
Force of kinetic friction,
f k = mk R = mk(W F sin q) ...(i)
F R 20 5 103 v = 10 103 9.8
10 9.8
v= = 0.98 m s1 = 98 cm s1
F cos
(a) Laws of limiting friction :

F sin F (i) The limiting friction depends on the nature of
f k
the surfaces in contact and their state of polish.
(ii) The limiting friction acts tangential to the two
(b) surfaces in contact and in a direction opposite to
As shown in figure (b), if a force F is applied to push the direction of motion of the body.
a roller of weight W, then the normal reaction is (iii) The value of limiting friction is independent
R = W + F sin q of the area of the surface in contact so long as the
Force of kinetic friction, normal reaction remains the same.
f k = mk R = mk (W + F sin q) ...(ii) (iv) The limiting friction (fs)max is directly
Comparing (i) and (ii) we find that f k > f k proportional to the normal reaction R between the
i.e., the force of friction is more in case of push than two surfaces.
in case of pull. So it is easier to pull a lawn roller i.e., ( f s )max R or ( f s )max = m s R
than to push it.
( f s )max Limiting friction
26. (a) In the absence of any external force, the vector or m s = =
R Normal reaction
sum of the linear momentum of a number of The proportionality constant ms
particles in an isolated system remains constant and is called coefficient of static
remains unchanged by their mutual interaction.
friction. It is defined as the
Consider an isolated system of n particles. Suppose
ratio of limiting friction to the
the n particles have masses m1, m2, m3, ..., mn and are
normal reaction.
moving with velocities v1 , v2 , v3 ,..., vn , respectively.
Then total linear momentum of the system is As f k < ( f s )max or mk R < m s R \ mk < m s
Thus the coefficient of kinetic friction is less than
p = m1v1 + m2v2 + m3v3 + .... + mnvn
the coefficient of static friction.
= p1 + p2 + p3 + ... + pn
(b) W is the weight of the body, R is the normal
If F is the external force acting on the system, then reaction, (fs)max is the limiting friction, F is the
according to Newton's second law, F = applied force and OC is the resultant of (fs)max and
dt R.

For an isolated system, F = 0 or dp = 0 C B
As the derivative of a constant is zero, so R

p = constant or p1 + p2 + p3 + .... + pn = constant
Thus in the absence of any external force, the total Applied force
linear momentum of the system is constant. (fs)max O
(b) Mass of each marble piece,
m = 5 g = 5 103 kg
Number of marbles thrown per second = 10
Let velocity of impact of each marble = v BC OA ( f s )max
\ tan q = = =
Change in momentum of each marble OB OB R
= mv ( mv) = 2 mv ( f s )max
But = m s = Coefficient of static friction
Change in momentum per second = 2 mv 10 R
\ Force exerted by marbles on the disc = 20 mv \ tan q = ms
But the disc can be kept floating if this force balances Thus the coefficient of static friction is equal to the
the weight of the disc. tangent of the angle of friction.
\ 20 mv = Mg

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