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spE/-!Ar?c 134s0

Use of the Engineering Simulator for Drilling for Evaluating and

Designing Drilling Rigs
by J .F. Brett, Amoco Production Co., and D.L. Yoder, Drilling Resources Development Corp.
SPE Members

b subject

wellbore. This complex machine consists of various
Drilling personnel typically base the selection components such as hoisting, pumping, and power gen-
of a Drilling Contractor and rig on their subjective eration equipment, and a drillstring. These compo-
evaluation of how well varioue rig components will nents interact in many ways. For example, each
meet their envisioned drilling needs. This evaLua- piece of equipment on a diesel-electric rig makes a
tion process involves rating the capabilities of the contribution to the total power consumed and to the
drawworke, mud and soLids control system, mud pumps, apparent power usage. This interaction is a major
tubulare, power generation equipment, and ancillary factor in determining the overaLL fuel efficiency of
equipment such as blow-out preventers, choke mani- the rig. Another example of this interaction
folds, automatic driller, and instrumentation. Con- between components involves the tradeoff between the
aideration must aleo be given to the type of geology uae of drillpipe with a larger inside diameter to
that the planner expects to encounter. However, the minimize power losses because of friction and the
true performance or capability of the selected rig fact that a Larger (heavier) pipe will increase
is not known until it is contracted and used to po~er usage during tripping and rotation. There are
drill a well. Many times the advertised capability many other examples of interaction, or cause and
of the rig is not achieved in the field. effect reLationships, between the major component
which constitute a drilling rig.
An Engineering Simulator for Drilling (ESD) has
been deveLoped that can simulate the operation of Without the use of a detailed computer simuLa-
any SCR type drilling rig in any type of drilling tion planners must baee design and selection of
environment. The simulator has been used to compare drilling rige on analysis of overall rig capabiLi-
different equipment for specific drilling programs ties. Often this analysis ie as simple as making
and hae predicted which rig would be the best rig to sure the drawworke and roCary can handle the aiitici=
drill the well. The simulator has also been used to pated loads and that the pumps can produce the spe-
up-grade the deeign of existing rigs to optimize cified flowrate and pressure. The reason for this
their performance. -~
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perform a detailed rig cost analyeis for a complete
This paper presents an overview of the drilling well is prohibitive. A drilling rig represent both
rig simulation algorithms and how they are used to a complex machine and a complex process. Analysis
emulate an actual drilling rig. The paper also of overall capabilities can Lead to less than
givee examples of how the simulator is used to evaL- optimum results.
uate rig capabilities, and how this ability to eval-
uate rigs, with an unbiased eyetems approach, can be Aa MiLLheim, Huggins, Brett, and Summersl234
used by operators to select rige on a performance have reported in recent literature, a significant
basis. effort is underway to develop an engineering simu-
lator for the study of the entire drilling process.
INTRODUCTION This eimulator uees detaiLed mathematical models of
the processes involved and of the varioua component
A drilling rig, with all of its many compo- of the drilling rig. Simulation is possibly the
nenta, should be viewed as a complex machine only viable means of studying complex eystems. In
designed for producing one product--a useable the current context, a simulator coneists of mathe-
..,, I-..--:L.
maclcal moaels whicn aescrlue each part of each cricl-
References and illustrations at end of paper. ponent of the drilling rig. These models are


formulated for a high 1< J ct fidelity and are he would on an actuaL rig. tichas compLete control
based on the fundamental phvs,cs of the equipment of the drawworks c~utch, throttle, and brake, the
whenever this is reasonable. These models are mud pump speed, soLids control routing and configu-
modular in nature and arranged in a total system so ration, driLLstring choice, etc. Facilities are
that each component can effect other components in provided to perform certain operations such as trip-
the system. ping the string very quickly while still accounting
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IOr nu~sc~ug ..,,,=, Cl!ne$~~~, In addi-
STRUCTURE OF ESD RIG MODELS tion, drilling under a given set of operating condi-
tions can be accomplished up to one hundred times
Simulation Process faster than real-time.

The functionality ofthe ESD, in a broad sense, While the user is controlling the simulator to
is shown by Fig. 1. The user may select a partic- study rig performance concerning tripping times,
ular drilling rig to model, modify an existing rig, fuel usage, hydrauLic capabilities, or any other
model drilling a well with that rig, or evaluate the reasonable criteria, the time and cost models are
performance of the equipment and operating parame- continuously recording and summing all resource
ters by investigating the contents of the historical costs. The costs of fuel consumed, mud additives,
database. Lost mud, bits, and other resources are recorded in
a results database for further study.5 TotaL rig
Each of these functions will now be discussed time is also maintained for all operations. After
in more detail. First, the user must select a rig any simulator session, the user may request a report
to be used in the evaluation. This process is containing alL of the resource costs and associated
described in Fig. 2. Operating parameters for a elapsed times for the study just performed.
wide range of drilling equipment have been gathered
and reside in the rig equipment database. To illus- In essence, the user is able to simulate the
trate the size of this database, the Appendix pres- performance of virtually any SCR drilling rig under
.%(XM~f the inf~rma~i~n required to initialize
e.-.ts almost any driLling situation. The user can con-
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a the mechanical rig equipment on the ESD. This struct drllllng situations slmiiar to those aL~Ua..7
data base contains the parameters necessary to model anticipated and compare the bottom Line economic
many different brands and types of rig components. effectiveness of different equipment and operating
These parameters have been u;ed to model a wide conditions. *_--
lllt! prihca> ---- -c c#A,,...L.-..
L -;-i -t~mm ce= then pro-
range of rigs for welL planning purposes. The data- vide insight to the key factors that determine rig
base can store information on rigs that have previ- efficiency. The user can generate his own rig
ously been simulated. The user may reuse this effectiveness index that is tailored to the pecul-
:-.s.. at a!?yCi.Me9or m=y configure a com-
.I..rmatior. iarities of his drilling situation. This rig effec-
pletely new rig using components of other rigs as tiveness index wouid measure cne economic value cf
building blocks. A partial description of the pro- using a particular suite of equipment and operating
cess is given by the right hand branch of Fig. 2. conditions. ExampLes of actual ESD use to investi-
gate drilling rig performance will follow a brief
As the user proceeds through the configuration section describing the ESD rig models.
process, the various equipment selections are pre-
sented to him by brand and model number. He may Model Descriptions
view the technical specifications and performance
data for each piece of equipment he is considering. Any analysis of drilling rig performance,
As an exampLe, consider the selection of mud pumps whether of capability, time required, or costs, is
to be used on the newLy designed rig. First, the only as good as the fidelity of the models used in
user is presented a list of manufacturers. After the simulation. The common procedural training
choosing the desired manufacturer, he is presented simulators contain models of sufficient fidelity to
with a table giving the specifications for each provide a reasonabLe emulation of the drilling pro-
model of pump available from that maker. From here, ce5503 ~ engineering simulator, however, con-
the user may decide to view performance data which tains mathematical modeLs with the highest leveL of
will give fLow rates and maximum pressures for var- fideLity practical for all equipment and processes.
ious liner sizes and pump speeds. After evaluation, This is true of the engineering simulator for
the user seLects the desired pumps. All data neces- drilling discussed here. Conceptually, each model
sary for the models to accurately represent the in the simulator can be considered a black box.
behavior of the chosen pump are provided from the Each accepts a given set of inputs and produces out-
rig equipment database. This process is repeated puts consistent with what would be obtained if the
for each piece of rig equipment, a complete list of actual piece of equipment (or process) were given
which is shown in TabLe 1. the same inputs. Whether the model is theoretical
or empirical is of secondary importance to the fact
After the rig has been selected or designed and that the model produces accurate results for aLl
the geology, mud system, and initial conditions have reasonable inputs. Sometimes, models can be derived
been specified, the simulator is ready to be used to from basic physicaL principles, for example, the
evaluate drilling operations. While the ESD can drawworks model. For other modeLa, e.g., diesel
simulate many aspects of drilling operations, 1)2,3J4 engines, the odel is based on empirical data. A
the the present concern is with rig performance very important advantage of this modular design is
evaluation. Controls are provided so that the user that any individual model can be changed or improved
can coussandthe performance of the equipment much as without disrupting the rest of the system.


Fig. 3 depi[cs the general relationships Thus, the user may investigate the effect various
between the various rig equipment models, the u~~:, operations have on fuel consumption. Also, the sim-
the downhole models, and the various databaaes. ulator can help plan how many engine-generator pairs
Because the primary concern here is with rig per- are required m-line for various operations.
formance, each of the rig models wiLl be briefly
described. Rotary System

Mud Handling System The rotary table and associated drive are
modeled in a manner consistent with the basic phy-
The mud handling system consists of the tank sits of the mechanism. Gear ratios and efficiencies
system and soLids control equipment. As described are modeled. When coupled with the models for the
previously, the user has control of tank and com- driving device and the drill string models, the
partment sizing, equipment selection, and routing of rotary system allows the determination of surface
equipment. The tank model allows equalization torque for various operating conditions.
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over compartment boundaries, and dumping of mud. Mud Pumps
Solids control models include all common devices
such as shale shakers, hydrocyclone, centrifuges, Mud pumps are modeled by using the stroke,
etc. A mud hopper model provides capability to add piston diameter, volumetric and mechanical efficien-
mud additives at a specified rate into the system. ties, internaL and external gear ratios, and pump
ConsiderabLe detail is included in the solids con- wear. Pump liners can be changed to suit the appro-
trol models. For example, it is possible to change priate operating conditions. Working with the
the impeller size on a centrifugal pump and observe driving motor and the model for system pressure
the change in feed head and separation efficiency. Losses, the user can study the hydraulic system per-
formance for any particular set of operating condi-
In operation, the surface mud handling model tions.
accepts cuttings laden mud from the downhoLe models
and processes it in a manner consistent with the Drawworks and Hoisting System
equipment and routing set up by the user. Mud
constituents are tracked through the complete Up to this point, the model descriptions, of
system. Mud properties and mud constituents are necessity, have been brief. To provide insight into
available at any point in the system. Skidmore and the level of modeling required, and the way that the
Anderson6 provide a more detailed description of the models interact, the hoisting system will be dis-
ESD solids control system. cussed in some detail. Fig. 4 shows the relation-
ships between the models associated with the
Power Generation System hoisting system.

The power system consists of diesel engines, There is no interaction between the database
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V . and che models in real-time. All data required to
AC motors. Diesel engines are modelled using empir- characterize the equipment are loaded into active
ical relationshipa for fuel consumption as a func- memory at the time the rig is selected or designed.
tion of the output power of the engine. A different
reLationship is given for each engine in the data- Behavior and function of the models will be
base. Elevation effects are also accounted for. described by stepping through the process of lifting
A/C generators are similarly modeled to give input/ the string as follows:
output power relationships. The system is limited
both by KW and KVA. The SCR control and DC motor L. After selecting the correct setting of the
models work together to provide complete user con- transmission clutch, the user engages the
trol of the various DC motors. Motors may be series clutch, increases motor power, and releases the
or shunt with either speed or torque control. They brake--much Like the actual process on the rig.
may be operated independently or run in electrical
series. A/C motors used for solids control equip- 2. Motor control circuitry senses that the actual
ment and other miscellaneous rig equipment are motor speed is not yet to the desired speed.
modeled based on an efficiency factor relating input This results in a torque deLivered by the motor
and output power. to the input of the drawworks.

Operationally, the user has complete control of 3. The drawworks model increases the torque con-
the motors which are driving the various rig compo- sistent with the gear ratios associated with
nents; that is, motors can be turned on or off, the specified path through the drawworks.
their operating speed or torque can be controlled. -----:-. dllu
CiuiGh GapUGIUY .-2 ....lI-..
a =..cL.!.
Each motor interacts with the model associated with monitored to allow clutch sLippage when appro-
the driven components. For example, the motors for priate. Efficiency reductions between gears is
the mud pumps work with the mud pump model which in taken into account. Finally, the model pro-
turn communicate with the pressure loss models. At ducea a torque at the drum which is converted
any point in time, the total power, both real and to a fastiine tension.
apparent, can be determined for all power consuming
processes. These powers are then used by the engine 4. FastLine tension is used by the hoist model to
and generator models to determine fuel consumption. produce an effective upward force for Lifting.

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l-n 1 a/LRn

This is done by using the number of lines of six to eight collars (6 or 8. in. OD, depending on
strung and an associated efficiency. From a hole size), 35 joints of 5-in. heavy weight drill-
previous execution, the drillstring model, pipe, and the remainder being 5-in., 19.5 lb/ft
(having taken into account pipe weight, mud drill pipe. Casing points are 20 in. at 1600 ft,
weight, wellbore shape, and friction effects) 13-3/8 in. at 6300 ft, and 9-5/8 in. at 15,000 ft
provides the effective mass to be accelerated measured depth. A total of thirty-two trips are
and the hookload. planned. Operational constraints, considering swab
effects, call for a hoisting time of no less than 35
5. Given the effective lifting force, surface com- seconds until the bit is well within casing.
ponent weights, hookload, and effective mass, Another constraint is that the number of lines
the equation of motion is solved to obtain a strung will not be changed until it is time to run
value for hook acceleration. From this, a new casing.
hook position and velocity are obtained.
Drawworks chosen for this study are rated for
6. This new velocity is taken back through the 16,000, 20,000, and 25,000 feet, with input horse-
hoist and drawworks models to produce a new power ratings of 1500, 2000, and 3000, respectively.
speed for the DC motor. In turn, the motor For the remainder of this example the drawworks will
control circuitry uses the difference between be identified as DW#l, DW#2, and DW#3. While it is
actual and desired speeds to produce a new obvious with rudimentary calculations that drawworks
torque. The process repeats itself. At number one (DW#l) will not handle the last casing
steady-state speed, the torque from the motor string; however, a casing jack could be used there-
is just sufficient to compensate for system fore it is instructive to study it over the various
losses and maintain Lifting the string. hole depths. The study was accomplished by timing
the hoisting of one stand at various depiiis. 1%
As mentioned above, the models for power gener- satisfy the requirement that the number of lines
ation keep track of fuel consumption as the simu- strung would not be changed until casing was run,
lator runs. Thus, the fuel consumed in the hoisting the drawworks were tested at 15,000 ft. Allowing
operation just described has been taken into for a 100,000 lb overpull capability, it was deter-
account. And, because the simulation is taking mined that DW#l required twelve lines, DW#Z required
place in real-time, the actual time to trip out a ten lines, and DW#3 required eight lines, for the
given string can be determined. final hole section.

EXAWPLE USES Typical results from some of the simulator runs

are shown in Table 2. These results include the
Since the ESD models almost every aspect of the effects of the power required to accelerate the
drilling system, users can predict the performance drill string to the specified speed, the system
of any particular SCR rig in any drilling situation. losses due to friction in the surface equipment, and
With this technique a number of interesting prac- the friction of the drill string caused by the
tical problems can be investigated. One useful 7*S
normal forces produced by the deviated hole.
study, especially for deep holes, deals with Conditions at each specified depth were consistent
deciding when diesel generator sets may be pulled for each case. Using data from the simulator runs
off-line in an effort to improve fuel efficiency. one can calculate the time to complete each of the
It can be used to investigate the performance of the required trips. All hoisting was done in the min-
complete hydraulics system when drilling with a mud imum time possible given the constraint of drawworks
motor, or be used to compare the economic perform- capacity and the specified maximum allowable
ante of particular rigs or drilling programs. The hoisting speed. Total hoisting time for all trips
examples included below are meant to demonstrate the planned for the well is shown in Fig. 6 for each
way that detailed simulation can help solve drilling drawworks. These times account only for actual
problems. hoisting time during trips. They do not include
other time requirements such as making and breaking
Selecting the Proper Drawworks connections.

SeveraL useful things can be accomplished with As indicated, there are significant differences
the simulators hoist modeling capabilities. One in the hoisting times when comparing among the three
obvious possibility is to check if a given drawworks sizes of drawworks. Using DW#3 in place of DW#l
is powerful enough to hoist the deaired drill string would reasonably save one and a haii days of rig
in the proposed wellbore. It is also possible to time for the example well. If the well required
study the cost-effectiveness of using different size more trips than pLanned the time savings would be
drawworks. This example is discussed in more detail even higher. Whether the difference is significant
below. enough to justify a Larger rig with the more pow-
erful drawworks would depend on the the relative
A simulator study was performed to investigate economics of the situation. Assuming that there was
the relative merits of different sizes of drawworks. a difference of $1,000 per day in the cost of a rig
The well chosen is an actual field directional well with the DW#3 and a rig having DW#l, a 65 day well
plan with a modified S shape, as shown by Fig. 5. with operations costing $25,000 per day would almost
Total departure is 9000 ft with a TVD of lL,000-ft, justify a rig having DW#3 drawworks due to reduc-
and a measured depth of 15,000 ft. Maximum inclina- tions in hoisting time alone. ALternatively, Less
tion angle is 56 degrees. The drillstring consists expensive daily operations might be able to economi-

13480 J. F. BRETT AND D. L. YODER 5

tally justify the smaller rig even with the At this point, the large torque should also
increased hoisting time. In this example the ESD wave a red fLag to a pLanner in the area of drilL
has helped the planner place an economic value on string design. 33,000 ft-lbs near the limit of the
each of the three drawworks. Finally, it should be recommended make up torque for any connection on 5
pointed out that different conditions, such as well- in. 19.5 lb/ft drilL pipe. Safety considerations
bore shape, or maximum allowable tripping speed would dictate that consideration be given to alter-
would alter the results of any study of this type. nate plans. The ESD could be used to investigate
different drill string designs or operating condi-
Impact of a Top Drive tions in an effort to reduce the required torque.
8ecause the simulator provides the capability of
The ESD can be used to investigate the positive actually driLling under a proposed environment, the
effects of a top drive mechanism on drill string user can study the effect on torque of
drag. A second set of simulations was conducted weight-on-bit, rotary speed, string design, friction
using the same hole conditions, drill string! and reducing agents, aluminum drill pipe, different well
drawworks that were used in the example above. How- paths, and unplanned dogLegs.
ever, instead of hoisting normally, the situation
was modeled where the rig was able to hoist and Extending the Depth Rating of a Rig with Smaller
rotate the string simultaneously. The ESD models @
compound friction and can be used to quantify some
of the benefits of using a top drive mechanism. The As a finaL example, consider a situation where
phenomena of compound friction explains how drag it would be desirable to extend the depth rating of
is reduced while translating a rotating drillstring. an 8,000 foot rig to 12,000 feet. For this example
a rig with a 650 HP drawworks, a 300,000 lb. mast,
Fig. 8 presents the results of hoisting simula- and an 600 HP mud pump is nominally rated to 8,000
tions identical to those in the example above with feet when using 4-1/2 in. drill pipe. Simple calcu-
the exception that the drill string was rotating at lations show that if 3-1/2 in. drillpipe is used to
40 RPM while it was being hoisted. The ESD pred- in pLace of the 4-1/2 in. string, then the hookload
icted that the rotation would reduce the maximum expected for a 12,000 ft. string would be within
hookioad from 5i5K co 4iflKpounds at i5,800 feet. the nominal capabilities of the drawworks and mast.
The drag was aLso reduced by lower amounts in dif- If unusuaL conditions were expected or directional
ferent parts of the hole. This reduced drag pro- work were to induce considerable drag, then a simu-
vided the benefit of reduced hoisting times. For lator study might be necessary to determine the fea-
the three test drawworks the hoisting times were sibility of using the rig and 3-1/2 in. drill pipe
reduced by 11.2 hours for DW#l~ 9.4 hours for DW#2s to drill to 12,000 feet. However, if the rig were
.A ?*g ~Q~~~ fQ~ ~w#3,
.1..- t~ I.a..ea~
= U.=u for ~leer~y.ra*F+eslw-l1c
.e,...-e..---., ~~.~rius
hoisting system would adequately meet the need. The
Top drives can also provide advantages of 3-L/2 in. pipe would allow the small rig to extend
drilling 90 feet at a time, promoting hole cleaning, its depth rating to 12,000 feet.
and facilitating reaming. ( The ESD can help quan-
tify these advantages with similar simulations). It is the intention of this study to consider
Any benefits gained by using such a mechanism have the possibility of using this depth extended rig to
to be weighted againat cost and availability fac- drill a series of development wells with 8-1/2 in.
tors. The important point is that use of a detailed hole from 8,000 to 11,500 feet. The main questions
engineering simulator allows quick determination of left to be answered are: what is the limiting
the effects of equipment changes on rig operations. effect of the 3-1/2 in. pipe on the available bit
hydraulics? and; what is the economic impact of the
Sizing a Power Generation System reduced hydraulics on drilling between 8,000 and
11,500 feet? The ESD was used to compare the effec-
For the rig finally chosen in the example tiveness of the depth extended rig with what couLd
above, it would be necessary to insure that suffi- be expected from a normaL 13,800 foot rig through
cient power and torque could be delivered to the a set of simulations. Table 4 presents a summary of
rotary tabLe while drilLing. Significant torque the capabilities of the two rigs.
would expected in a welL of this type, and the ESD
can be used to predict the value of the torque whiLe ~he rnnahilities
--r--------- of both driLling rigs were
drilLing.89 These downhole predictions are coupLed modeled, and the driLLing environment of the pro-
with the rig surface modeLs so that the user can posed development area was simulated b,{ the con-
eaaily determine if the rig in question can meet the struction of a Geologic Drilling Log. A series of
anticipated downhole drilling requirements. preliminary shulations used this log (with the
ESDS enetration rate and hydraulics
While drilling the above mentioned 12-1/4 in. modelsY1$2$3) to optimize the drilling of the
hole at 15,800 feet, the simulator predicted total interval from 8,000 to 11,500 feet. Table 5 shows
rig power of approximately 2340 horsepower with a the results of these simulations which provided the
rotary load of 590 horsepower. Table 3 provides operating conditions used for the evaluation of the
detaiLed information. The ESD also predicted that depth extended drilling rig.
the torque required while drilling waa 33,000 ft-Lb.
This large torque couLd not be delivered by the L500 After the preliminary simulations helped deter-
horsepower drawworks, and the 2000 horsepower draw- mine the operating conditions to be used, the ESD
works is marginal.. The decision must be made to go was used to directly compare the effectiveness of
with the larger rig.
the depth extended ilg with the larger rig. The ating plans. Planners can build a cost index for
same geologic Interval was driiled with both rigs Fk.=;-n.-r~e,.la~~i~uation
-=..Y--------- and weigh the benefit of
from 8000 to 11,500 feet. The same bit types, mud the possible alternatives. They no longer must rely
properties, and solids control practices were used on historical data to make informed decisions
for both simulations. The only difference was that regarding rig selection. Before a contract is let
the smaller rig was able to average 2.5 hydraulic it is possible to examine the particular capabili-
horsepower per square inch (HHPSI) through the ties of different rigs in a systematic, technically
interval, while the Larger rig was able to maintain grounded, and easy way. The chances of selecting
an average of 3.9 HHPSI. Because of this difference the proper equipment for the proper job are
in hydraulics, the ESD predicted that the smalLer increased.
rig would require 250 rotating hours, 5 bits, and 14
days to drill the interval, while the larger rig The ESD is still under development with additions of
could drill the interval in 220 hours, 4 bits, and floating vessel dynamics expected soon. Only a por-
12 days. Table 6 presents these results in detail. tion of its future capability is described here.

The attractiveness of deciding in favor of the REFERENCES

smaller rig would depend on the relative costs of
the daily operations of the two rigs, and on the 1. Millheim, K. K., and Huggins, R. L., The Engi-
effectiveness of the two rigs in drilling the hole neering Simulator for Drilling (Part 1), SPE
to 8,000 feet. A second set of simulations could Paper 12075 presented at the 58th Annual Fall
predict the costs of drilling the first 8,000 feet, Technical Conference and Exhibition of the
and a planner could assign a bottom line cost to Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME held in
each rig. A well planner could also use the San Francisco, CA, October 5-8, 1983.
existing information to quickly show that, in this
situation, it would be possible to use this partic- 2. Millheim, K. K., and Huggins, R. L., The Engi-
ular depth extended rig to drill to 11,500 feet neering Simulator for Drilling (part 2), SPE
without drastic reductions in performance. Data Paper 12010 presented at the 58th Annual Fall
show that reductions in penetration rate of 14% Technical Conference and Exhibition of the
could be expected by using the 3-1/2 in. drill pipe Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME held in
at depth. Having defined the real costs of the San Francisco, CA, October 5-8, 1983.
alternatives, planners could calculate a bottom Line
value of for each piece of rig equipment. 3. Millheim, K. K., The Role of the Simulator in
Drilling Operations, SPE Paper 11170 presented
It should be emphasized that the the results of at the 57th Annual Fall Technical Conference
this simulation depend heavily on the specific situ- and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum
ation and would be different if the rig capabili- Engineers of AIME held in New Orleans, LA, Sep-
ties, the geology, or the proposed operating tember 26-29, 1982.
conditions were changed. The example does not pro-
vide the baais for a blanket recommendation pro- 4. Brett, J. F., and Summers, M. A.,, Planning and
moting smaller (or larger) rigs. It does, however, Practical Problem Solving Using an tm~~ineering
demonstrate the ESDS capability of rating the eco- Simulator for Drillinq, SPE Pape~r 1jLu6
-- pre-
nomic performance of different rigs in the context sented at the 59th Annual1 Fall Technical- Cnn-
of the actual drilling problem at hand. Existing ference and Exhibition of the Society of
methods of evaluating rig performance are helpful, Petroleum Engineers of AIME held in Houston,
but they depend on the planner having access to his- TX, September 16-19, 1984.
toric inf~rmation about rig performance. 14 Usually,
this data is available onl~ if the rig has already 5. Keynoifis,w. ii.,Economic Analysis of Briiling
been under contract far sciiie
time. AS a nul~-
.---., Che Plans and Contractors using an Engineering Sim-
methods do not lend themselves to evaluating rigs ulator for Drillin IADC/SPE Paper 13466 pre-
that have not been recently under contract by the sented at the IADC PE Drilling Conference held
operator faced with the choice. They also do not in New OrLeans, Louisiana, March 6-8, 1985.
help planners rate the capabilities of rigs for well
programs different from those for which performance 6. Skidmore, D. B., and Andersen, C. T., Solids
data is available. Since the ESD allows planners to Control Analysis and Design Using an E-
test the performance of rigs in drilling conditions neering Simulator for Drilling, IADC/SPE Paper
very similar to those actually anticipated, and 13438 presented at the IADC/SPE Drilling Con-
because the predictions are based on physical meas- ference held in New Orleans, Louisiana,March
urements of rig capabilities, the ESD can give plan- 6-8, 1985.
ners insight into rig performance without detailed
historical rig performance data. Detailed simula- 7. Millheim, K. K., Jordan, S., and Ritter, C. J.,
tion can be used a basis for improving drilling Bottom-Hole Assembly Analysis Using the
plans and rig design. Finite-Element Method, J. Pet. Tech. (Feb.
1978) 265-274.
8. Johancsik, C. A., Friesen, D. B., and Dawson,
One real value of detailed simulation is that -- -
R., Torque and Drag in Directional Well~
it allows planners to compare the best estimates of Prediction and Measurement, J. Pet. Tech.
performance and costs of drill equipment or oper- (Jun. 1984) 987-992.
13480 J. F. BRETT AND D. L. YODER 7

9. Warren, T. M., Factors Affec:ing Torque for a
J. pet. ~Sc& (SePt 11384)
Roller Cone Bit, - Typical
1500-1507. Description Units
. Value

0. Onyia, E. O., GeoLogy Drilling Log (GDL) - A Efficiency 0.95

Computer Database System for Drilling Simula- SCR controller internal
tion, SPE Paper 13113 presented at the 59th current limit amps 1500.0
~aL Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition Backvoltage constant amp-ohms 0.0
of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME Controller proportional gain amps 12.0
held in Houston, TX, September 16-19> 1984 Controller integral gain amp/see 1.0
Motor constant ft-lb/amp 4.0
Il. Warren, T. M., Drilling Model for Soft Forma- Inductance henry 0.03
tion Bits, J. pet. Tech. (Jun. 1981) 963-970 Power factor 0.6
Motor resistance ohms 0.10
L2. Warren, T. M., and winters, M. ~., .M8XF.ctcr speed radjsec 120.0
of Nozzle Diameter on Jet Impact for a Tricone Motor inertia slug-ft2 75.0
Bit, SOC. pet. Egnr. J. (Feb. 1984) 9-18.
13. Millheim, K. K., and Tulga, s.> Si~lat~~e f
the Wellbore While Drilling, Including Typical
Effects Gf Fluid Influences and Losses and Pipe Description Units Value
Washouts, SPE Paper 11057 presented at the 57th
Annual Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition Hoist efficiency 0.84
of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME Weight of block lbf 35000.0
held in New Orleans, LA, September 26-29, 1982. Maximum hoisting height ft L1O.O
Length of elevators ft 3.0
14. SheikhoLeslami, B. A., MilLer, J. D.> and Rig floor height ft 43.0
Strong, R. E., A Practical Method for Evalu-
ating Rig Performance,~J. Pet. Tech. (Mar. MUD PUMP PARAMETERS
1984) 489-494.
APPENDIX Description Units Value

DRAWORKS PARAMETERS Number of chains driving the pump - 3.0

Suction pressure at which cavi-
Typical tation begins lbf/ft2 0.0
Description Units Value Strength of individual chain lbf 15000.0
Chain wear factor 1.7 E-13
Air pressure to clutches Lbf/ft2 14400.0 Diameter of sprocket on pump ft 1.0
Maximum torque from electric Gear ratio - motor to pump 10.0
brake ft/lbf 50000.0 Maximum input power to pump ft-lbf/s 400000.0
Diameter of countershaft clutch ft 3.0 Pump mechanical efficiency 0.9
Inner diameter of drum clutch ft 3.0 Pump mechanical wear factor 0.1
Outer diameter of drum clutch ft 4.0 Wear constant - normal conditions - 1.3 E-13
Diameter of cathead ft 2.0 Pump piston diameter ft 0.5
Drum diameter ft 3.0 Ratio of rod Length to stroke 3.0
Diameter of hand brake ft 4.8 Suction pressure below which
Diameter of main clutch ft 3.0 efficiency is reduced lbf/ft3 0.0
Efficiency to cathead 0.98 Pump stroke ft 1.0
Efficiency to high drum 0.98 Initial Volumetric efficiency 0.95
Efficiency to low drum 0.98 Number of chains or rotary drive - 3.0
Efficiency to main clutch 0.96 Strength of one chain lbf 15000.0
Gear ratio - output shaft to Chain wear factor 3E-12
drum shaft-Low 0.223 Diameter of rotary drive sprocket ft 1.0
Gear ratio - Low drum to cathead - 1.733 Gear ratio - Low speed 10.0
Gear ratio - output shaft to drum Gear ratio - high speed 5.0
shaft-high 0.476 Power rating for table ft-lbf/sec 500000.0
Gear ratio - motor to output Rotary wear factor 3E-12
shaft - high 0.542
Gear ratio - motor to output TANK PARAMETERS
shaft - Low 0.406
RPM at which electric brake Typical
torque Levels RPM 5.0 Description Units Value
Coefficient of friction for brake - 0.6
Coefficient of friction for clutch - 3.0 Tank height in 96
Width of countershaft clutch ft 0.4 Tank length in 360
Width of main clutch ft 0.4 Tank width in 120


Units Value
in. 90
Height of partition 84
Height of weir
in. 12
Height of equalization valve in2 LOO
Area of equalization vaLve 120
Length of compartment 2
Area of dump door
ftz 100
Area of compartment base


tulr, ~ ~ ~
in. 10.0
in. 6.0
Suction size
in. 5.0
Discharge size ~.~
Suction height
ft 2.0
pump height
ft 10.0
Device height fj.~
Suction pipe diameter 5.0
Discharge pipe diameter 10.0
Effective Length of suction line 10.0
-r J:--l....--
I <na
L A..-
Effective length or UL5U1-.E= 0.0004
Roughness factor for discharge line ft 0.0004
Roughness factor for suction line ft
Coefficients for pump head equation -
Coefficients for pump power
equation (hp)

Units Value
volts 440.0
Motor suppLy voltage 30.0
Motor horsepower rating 0.95
Motor efficiency
rpm 1750.0
Motor speed

Units Value
hp 1200.0
Engine power rating
Fuel consumption equation
Fuel consumption equation
KU 820.0
Generator KW rating 1025.0
Generator KVA rating
Performance equation coefficients -

Series Accumulators
Parallel Blowout Reventors
Choke Manifold
DEPTH #1 #2 #3
DRAWWORKS Tanks System
Transmission Fluid Mixing 4000 45 sec. 41 sec. 28 Sec.
clutches Fluid Routing
8000 69 Sec. 60 Sec. 39 sec.
Mechanical Brakes Shale Shakers
Electric Brake Hydrocyclone 15000 106 Sec. 90 sec. 64 Sec.
Automatic Driller Centrifuge
Centrifugal Pumps
TM Speed Was Only Allowed After Casing Was Set At 6800.
Blocks and Line MUD IPUMPS
Movement Algorithm
ROTARY SYSTEM T- Required To Hoist One Stand
Movement Algorithm


Tabla 1
ESD Modalled Rii Equipment MAST 300,000 LBS. WITH 8 UNES


MUD PUMP 800 H.P., 3000 psi MAX. DISCHARGE

13,800 tT. RATED RIG

MAST 410,000 LBS. WITH 10 UNES
1340 H.P. DRAWWORKS 950 H.P.
2344 H.P.

Table 4
Rii Capability Sumrnnafy

SmallRig 3-1 /2, 13.3lb/ft Drill Pipe

Big Rig 4-1/2, 16.6lb/ft IMll Pipe
600 of 6-1/2 x 2-1/2 D.C.
8.5 IADC 5-1-7 Bit
W.O.B. = 40,00Q RPM = 80

(Feet) (PP9) (CP) (lb/l&2 )

8,000-9,400 9.5-9.6 12 16

9,40&l 1,500 11.4-11.5 16 18


Flow HydraulicHP Flow HydraulicHP

Depth Rate perin2 at Oepth Rste perin2at
(Feet) Jats (GPM) en (Feet) Jets (GPM) Bit

8,000 0-11-11 250 3.8 8,000 0-12-12 320 4.7
9,000 0-11-11 240 3.5 9,000 0-13-14 320 3.7
9,500 0-11-12 230 2.8 9,500 0-14-14 320 3.7
10,500 0-12-12 230 2.5 <n El-m
W,.luu &f+~A ~~o 3.7
Il,ooo 0-12-13 230 2.2 Il,ooo 0-14-14 320 3.7

Table 5
Operating Conditions Summary


8,000-9,309 0-11-11 250 59.7 21.9
i 9,309-10,000 0-11-12 228 62.7 11.0
3 10,000-10,601 0-11-12 226 58.9 10.2
4 10,601-11,274 0-12-12 223 43.8 15.4
5 11,274-11,500 0-12-13 230 25.2 8.9


(Ur UnlIqs
,,. ., FTI!4R
1 8,000-9,363 0-12-12 320 59.1 23.0
9,383-10,055 0-14-14 318 60.2 11.5
: 10,055-10,892 0-14-14 320 58.6 11.25
4 10,892-11,500 0-14-14 320 44.1 18.3

Tabia 6
Comparison of DrillingIlrnas

~ 1.3400


Fb, 1-S,mulator kmctionality






A h-i=+=+


+,+, [ p+pkl~+,

FQ. 2-Rq select.. Pwsa

E!!!EIF!IIE Fb. 3-Dfilllw rig catmdly

_5y7=-, my-


auroh arm

I 4 t

~ 1348.0
SECTION SCALE 1 = 1210.00
NORTH (1000 FT.) /

..A-LAAA.. I.J..4J.JA!J!J...J-J-

IW. 5-Drawwks eelechn example wellbore.

901 03
{ 71.8

(HOURS) 60



1 2 3


F@ 7-H01stin9 tirma with tq) drive.

Fb.o-ToM hoistimJ times.

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