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The 10 Rules and 1 Clause

1. Rotate taking the garbage out so one person doesnt have to do it every

2. Keep your food in your section of the fridge.

3. Let your roommates know if you have a friend coming over in advance.

4. Always knock on the door and respect the privacy of your roommates.

5. Stay out of others bedrooms and bathrooms.

6. Keep your laundry to yourself.

7. Clean after yourself in the common area.

8. Respect the need for quiet time.

9. Dont borrow/take things without asking.

10. Do not blast your music/media.

All preliminary negotiations by the Roommates are merged into, and superseded by, the terms of the
Agreement. Any modification to this Agreement must be in writing, signed by all the Roommates. We,
the Undersigned, agree to the above stated terms.

Date: _______________ ______________________________

Date: _______________ ______________________________
Date: _______________ ______________________________

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