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Research # 2

-Fractures & Muscular System-

Lince, Marvin T.

I- E

BSIT- Drafting Technology

N.J. Besana


8:30 (Wed/Fri)

Most people were introduced to the orthopedic surgeon at a young age when they were
brought to the emergency room with their first broken bone. Fractures, broken bones--
you can call it what you wish, it means the same thing--are among the most common
orthopedic problems

What is Fractures?

A broken or cracked bone is known as a fracture.

This can be a crack or buckle in the structure of
the bone or a complete break, producing two or
more fragments. A fracture is a complete or
incomplete break in a bone resulting from the
application of excessive force.

Fractures happen because an area of bone is not

able to support the energy placed on it (quite
obvious, but it becomes more complicated).
Therefore, there are two critical factors in determining why a fracture occurs:

• the energy of the event

• the strength of the bone

The energy can being acute, high-energy (e.g. car crash), or chronic, low-energy (e.g.
stress fracture). The bone strength can either be normal or decreased (e.g. osteoporosis).
A very simple problem, the broken bone, just became a whole lot more complicated!

About fractures

Bone is the strong tissue that forms the basis of your skeleton. It is a living tissue, made
up of bone-forming cells, which produce the mineral compound (matrix) that makes your
bones strong and hard. Your bones can usually tolerate external forces (for example,
knocking a bone as a result of a fall or injury) but if the force is very big or your bones
are weak, they may crack or break into fragments.

Types of fracture

Fractures are divided into two types depending on

whether or not they break through your skin.

• Closed fractures. This is when your bone

doesn't damage your skin.
• Open (compound) fractures. In these fractures, the broken end of your bone
breaks through your skin and may stick out. A colles wrist fracture in a right arm

Classification of fractures:

• Simple fracture. This is when your

injury causes a single crack across the
• Complex fracture. These are also
called spiral fractures due to their
shape. They are caused by a twisting
movement. Fractures in long bones,
such as your thigh bone (femur) are
often spiral fractures. The surfaces of
the broken bone may not come
together and be harder to heal properly.
• Hairline fracture. This is when your bone is only partially fractured. These
fractures can be difficult to detect on X-rays.
• Greenstick fracture. This is when your bone buckles and splits on one side, but
just bends on the other. These usually occur in children as their bones are softer.
• Comminuted fracture. In this type of fracture, your bone breaks into several
fragments. This is more common after a serious accident.
• Impacted fracture. This is when one of your bone fragments is driven into another
after they separate.
• Stress fracture. This is when small repeated stresses and strains build up and
eventually break one of your bones. These may be difficult to pick up on X-rays.
• Avulsion fracture. This happens when one of your muscles or ligaments pulls on a
bone and causes a piece to break off.
• Pathological fracture. This is a fracture that develops when a tumors or a disease
such as osteomalacia weakens your bone.
• Fragility fracture. These are common after middle age, when your bone density
can decrease due to osteoporosis and a minor trauma, such as falling from
standing height, can cause the bone to fracture.

Symptoms of fractures

If you fracture a bone, you will usually feel a lot of pain, especially when you try to move
it. You may even find that you can't move the fractured part of your body.

At the site of the fracture you may also notice:

• swelling
• bruising
• the bone sticking out or bending
• a grating feeling or sound
You may also become pale and clammy, and feel sick or light-headed due to the pain. If
you think you have a fracture, you should go to your nearest accident and emergency
department or call for an ambulance if you are unable to move.

Complications of fractures

Fractures can sometimes cause a number of additional problems. Your fracture may
damage surrounding structures, such as your nerves or a blood vessel. You may need
special treatment if this happens.

Your fracture may become infected. This is more common if you have an open fracture
or if you need surgery to fix it. If your fracture becomes infected, it may take longer to
heal and there is a chance that your bone will become infected. This is called
osteomyelitis - see related topics for more information

Causes of fractures

Fractures usually occur if you hit your bone or if you twist or bend awkwardly. This can
happen as a result of a fall or a collision. Fractures are more common in young children
because they tend to have more falls and accidents, partly because they are less aware of

You may fracture a bone without an obvious trauma. For example, athletes are more at
risk of getting stress fractures, as these can happen with repeated stress over time. You're
also more likely to break a bone as you get older or if you have a disease that weakens
your bones.

Diagnosis of fractures

At the hospital, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and examine you for signs of a
fracture, such as swelling or if your bones are held in an unusual position.

He or she will usually use X-rays to diagnose your fracture. However, if a fracture doesn't
show up clearly on the X-ray, your doctor may request an MRI (magnetic resonance
imaging) or CT (computerized tomography) scan to look at it more closely. Your doctor
may also ask you to have some blood tests to check for conditions that can weaken your

Treatment of fractures

You should always seek medical attention if you

think you may have broken a bone. However,
there are some things you can do to reduce your
pain and prevent further injury until you see a
First aid

If you break your arm, you can secure the bone with a sling or a splint to help reduce the
pain and prevent further injury, until you receive medical help. You can also take
painkillers to ease the pain. Always read the patient information leaflet that comes with
the medicine and ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.

Hospital treatment

Fractured bones are able to heal naturally by themselves. However, the fractured parts of
your bone may need to be lined up and fixed in position so that the bone is in the correct
position when it heals. Re-alignment of your bones is called reduction of the fracture. It is
usually carried out under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep during the
procedure. Your surgeon will gently pull and manipulate your bones until they are in the
correct position. Sometimes, you may need to have surgery to re-align the broken bone.

Once your bone has been moved into the correct position, it will need to be held in place
(immobilized) until it heals. You may be given a cast, splint or sling to wear. Sometimes,
you may need surgery to fix the bone together with metal plates, screws or rods to help
them unite (see related topics).

Whether or not your surgeon will advise you to have surgery depends on a number of
factors individual to you, including whether you have any other injuries, the type of
fracture you have, your age and how active you are.

The time it takes for your bone to heal depends on your age, as well as which bone you
has broken and the type of fracture you have. Fractures in children and smaller bones,
such as the finger bones, usually take less time to heal. In adults, it usually takes between
six and 12 weeks until your bone is strong enough for normal use. However, it can take
up to two years until it is back to full strength.

If your fracture is taking a long time to heal, your doctor may refer you for a treatment
called pulsed ultrasound therapy or electromagnetic therapy. This treatment is still being
investigated to find out how effective it is at helping bones to heal, and so it may not be
offered in all hospitals.

Physical therapies

Once your fractured bone has been set in place, you will need to build up the strength in
the bone. Your doctor may suggest you begin with some gentle exercises or refer you to a
physiotherapist. Physiotherapy can help promote healing and increase your movement of
the affected area.
After your treatment

You should return to the fracture clinic or accident and emergency department at the
hospital as soon as possible if:

• you continue to have pain

• your swelling doesn't go down and your toes or fingers turn bluish
• your fracture has an offensive smell or discharge
• your cast has been damaged (e.g. it has softened because it got wet)
• your skin has become increasingly red around the wounds

One of the most amazing things about the human

body is the incredible range of movement and
mobility it has. This day to day activity is
accomplished by our muscles through the
extraordinary and fascinating ability of converting
chemical energy, energy stored in nutrients, into
mechanical energy, energy of movement. Muscles
are often viewed as the "machines" of the body.
They help move food from one organ to another,
and carry out our physical movement. There are
three different kinds of muscles in our body:
cardiac, smooth, skeletal.

What is Muscular System?

The muscular system is the anatomical system of a species that allows it to move. The
muscular system in vertebrates is controlled through the nervous system, although some
muscles (such as the cardiac muscle) can be completely autonomous. The fleshy part of
the human body. It makes nearly half of our body mass. It is composed of specialized
cells (muscle fibers) of different shapes that are bound together into bundles to form a
supporting framework.


• It gives shape to the body

• It protects some vital organ from
• It produces heat to maintain the
body temperature
• Joint stability
• Posture

The Muscular system

Muscles anterior labeled

Muscle posterior labeled

Muscle Groups
Over 600 skeletal muscles function for body movement through contraction and relaxation of
voluntary, striated muscle fibers. These muscles are attached to bones, and are typically under
conscious control for locomotion, facial expressions, posture, and other body movements.
Muscles account for approximately 40 percent of body weight. The metabolism that occurs in this
large mass-produces heat essential for the maintenance of body temperature.

Cardiac muscle

Cardiac muscle is only in the heart and makes up

the atria and ventricles (heart walls). Like skeletal
muscle, cardiac muscle contains striated fibers.
Cardiac muscle is called involuntary muscle
because conscious thought does not control its
contractions. Specialized cardiac muscle cells
maintain a consistent heart rate.

Smooth muscle

Smooth muscle is throughout the body, including

in visceral (internal) organs, blood vessels, and
glands. Like cardiac muscle, smooth muscle is
involuntary. Unlike skeletal and cardiac muscle,
smooth muscle is no striated (not banded).
Smooth muscle, which is extensively within the
walls of digestive tract organs, causes peristalsis
(wave-like contractions) that aids in food digestion
and transport.

Except the heart, any action that the body performs without conscious thought is done by smooth
muscle contractions. This includes diverse activities such as constricting (closing) the bronchioles
(air passages) of the lungs or pupils of the eye or causing Goosebumps in cold conditions.

Skeletal muscle

A skeletal muscle has regular, ordered groups of

fascicles, muscle fibers, myofibrils, and
myofilaments. Epimysium (thick connective tissue)
binds groups of fascicles together. A fascicle has
muscle fibers; perimysium (connective tissue)
envelops the fascicle. Endomysium (connective
tissue) surrounds the muscle fibers.

A muscle fiber divides into even smaller parts. Within

each fiber are strands of myofibrils. These long
cylindrical structures appear striped due to strands
of tiny myofilaments. Myofilaments have two types of
protein: actin (thin myofilaments) and myosin (thick
Tendons and Ligaments

As fascinating as they are, muscles alone

can't do the job. At every joint, tendons and
ligaments also help out. Muscles wouldn't be
very useful alone because they don't directly
connect to the bone, so even if they contract,
they wouldn't be moving anything. Instead,
muscles are connected to tendons, when they
are connected to the bones. When the
muscles contract, they pull on the tendons,
which in turn pull on the muscles, and that
causes movement.

But without ligaments, that movement

wouldn't be too useful because it would not
be directed movement. Without ligaments,
instead of bones bending or rotating about
each other when muscles contract, they
would slide by each other. Ligaments are
what hold the bones together. They connect
at the ends of muscles and keep them from
slipping and sliding, and force them to bend.

Muscle fibers and exercise

Skeletal muscles have two types of muscle fibers: fast-twitch and slow-twitch. Anaerobic exercise
uses fast-twitch fibers. Such exercise includes activities that are fleeting and require brief high-
energy expenditure. Weightlifting, sprinting, and
push-ups are examples of anaerobic exercise.
Because all cells require oxygen to produce
energy, anaerobic exercise depletes oxygen
reserves in the muscle cells quickly. The result
is an oxygen debt. To repay the debt, humans
breathe deeply and rapidly, which restores the
oxygen level. Anaerobic exercise creates excess
lactic acid (a waste product). By increasing
oxygen intake, the liver cells can convert the
excess lactic acid into glucose, the primary food
molecule used in cellular metabolism.

Aerobic exercise uses slow-twitch muscle fibers.

Such exercise includes activities that are
prolonged and require constant energy. Long
distance running and cycling are examples of
aerobic exercise. In aerobic exercise, the muscle cell requires the same amount of oxygen that
the body supplies. The oxygen debt is slashed and lactic acid is not formed.
Muscle-Bone interactions LEVER SYSTEM
A lever is a rigid bar on which a given load is moved with supporting help from a fulcrum. A
fulcrum is a fixed-point on which lever can move in different ways or angles. The whole
muscular system interacts in this kind of way with the skeletal system- Given a load the muscles
pull the bone up or in any direction against the load. Your usually seem to be the fulcrum on
which you move the lever or bone. For example, try lifting a book with your hand and putting
your elbow on the table. You can move the book in any direction with the help of the joints in
your elbow, and the book is lifted in any direction due to the muscles contractions.

Skeletal muscles can be broken down into groups based upon the type of movement they portray.
The movement of the muscle is based upon the type of joint upon which the muscle works.
Skeletal muscles can't expand, or make themselves longer, but they can contract, or make
themselves shorter, so they generally work in pairs. One contracts, and in doing so stretches the
other, and reverses its effects on the joint. For example, when you contract your major arm
muscle, which is called the bicep, in return the lower arm muscle, called the triceps, extends. So
as you contract one muscle the other one extends. These effects can be broken down into groups
of their own: flexors, extensors, adductors, and abductors. Flexors and extensors become plantar
flexors and dorsiflexors, respectively, when located within either the wrist or ankle joints.


Flexors bend at the joint, decreasing the interior angle of the joint. The «bracius»
humorous, or bicep, is a flexor of the elbow joint, bringing the fist towards the shoulder.
If a flexor appears in either the wrist or ankle joints, it becomes a plantar flexor.


Opposites of flexors, extensors unbend at the joint, increasing the interior angle. The
«Traci us» humorous, or triceps, is an extensor of the elbow joint, taking the fist farther
away from the shoulder. If an extensor is found in the wrist or ankle joints, it becomes a


Abductors take away from the body, like lifting the arm to the side. Abd- means to take
away, like abduct and abdicate. Spreading out your fingers uses abductors, because you
are taking away your fingers from an imaginary line running down your arm.


Adductors, the opposites of abductors, move toward the body. Add- means to increase or
include. By lowing an arm raised to the side, or moving your fingers together while
keeping them straight, your muscles are adducting.
Muscular Disorder:

Your muscles help you move and help your body work. Different types of muscles have
different jobs. There are many problems that can affect muscles. Muscle disorders can
cause weakness, pain or even paralysis.

There may be no known cause for a muscle disorder. Some known causes include

• Injury or overuse, such as sprains or strains, cramps or tendonitis

• Genetics, such as muscular dystrophy
• Some cancers
• Inflammation, such as myositis
• Diseases of nerves that affect muscles
• Infections
• Certain medicines
• Contusions
• Tenosynovitis
• Torn muscle
• Bursitis

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