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Company Require Require Requires Previous Applicati Paid Require Require Supplemen Other

s s Certain Work on Period ? s s Test tal Requirement

Letters Certain Status Experien Transcri Scores Materials s
of Rec GPA ce pt
Amgen Unkno No 3rd or 4th Yes May 11th Yes Yes Unkno -Short Bursting
wn year to wn statement with energy
Bachelors or Septembe of and friendly
Masters r motivation
and period
Leukemi Unkno No No Yes Unknown No No No -Resume -Flexible
a and wn -Cover schedule
Lympho Letter -Excellent
ma communicati
Society on skills
-Tech Savvy
Jet Unkno 3.0 Undergradu 10 weeks Year Yes Yes No -Resume -US Citizen
Propulsio wn minimu ate and or more Round
n m but graduate
Laborato 3.5 students
ry preferre pursuing
d degrees in
s disciplines.
Red Unkno No Bachelors 3-5 years Jun3 4th Yes No No -Resume
Cross wn Degree until
City of Unkno No Highschool No Open Yes No No -Resume -ICS
San wn Graduate until -Cover Courses
Mateo but filled Letter -Driver
Bachelors License
LACoFD Yes No Highschool No Varies on Yes No No -Resume -Paramedic
Firefighter Graduate need -Cover Certification
Paramedic Minimum Letter -Driver
TO: Professor Crystal J. Zanders
FROM: Jonathan Kuo
DATE: 6/7/2017
SUBJECT: Assignment 1-2 Reflective Memo

My research process included looking up different internship that are available online. I then researched what
the different requirements were for each position. For each position, I looked through the site to find the
different requirements, the job description and the responsibilities. Additionally, for the Firefighter Position I
talked to my supervisors and anyone who was working in that job. For the other positions, I emailed the person
who helps coordinate the programs. I determined who I needed to contact regarding each position by going
through the companys website or through the job descriptions. Some of the companies did not make is obvious
who to contact with questions so I had to do further research. Personally, for me the most effective way of
getting information was not by using the internet, rather it was more effective for me to email someone or to ask
someone in person about the questions I had.
For all the companies, the number one most prestigious/competitive I believe would be Firefighter Paramedic.
Working as a Firefighter Paramedic means that you will be responsible for both the duties of a Firefighter and a
Paramedic. As a Firefighter, you are responsible for handling structure fires, brushfires, hazmat, auto collisions,
public service calls, public service events. As a Paramedic, you are responsible for handling any call that is
medically related, trauma related, or public service calls and events. The job of working as a Firefighter
Paramedic is full time, this means that you cannot have another job at the same time as this one. Also as a
Firefighter Paramedic one of the sacrifices you make is that you are away from home most of the time and when
you are off work you are usually on call in case something happens. Additionally, working as a Firefighter
Paramedic is an inherently dangerous job where people are killed and injured but for the most it is a safe and
very prestigious job. The second job the is most prestigious job to me would be Disaster Intern for the City of
San Mateo. This job is slightly similar to Firefighter Paramedic because you will be interacting with those
agencies during disaster and for disaster preparedness however for the most part the jobs are not that similar.
The Disaster Intern job entails assisting in the update of disaster plans, maintaining disaster records, work with
staff of community groups and organization to help with emergency preparedness and assist with anything else
that may be necessary for disaster/emergency preparedness. The pros of this job are that you are making a
positive difference in the community but helping with the planning and management of disaster/emergency
preparedness which can help keep the community safe. The cons are that this is a starting position so the pay
isnt the best pay however you do get valuable experience which can be useful in getting your dream job. The
third most prestigious job I believe is Red Cross intern. The job doing anything that the branch looking for an
intern is doing. These jobs can include disaster/emergency preparedness which is like the previous position of
disaster intern. The pros are that the job is flexible and willing to work with students according to their schedule
and the work gives you valuable skills and experience. The cons are that the internships typically only run for
10 weeks and the positions are only open based off their need. The fourth most prestigious to me would be the
JPL intern. The jobs of the JPL include completing any projects that their mentors assign them as well as
assisting their mentors. The pros of the intern job include that you receive a stipend, valuable experience and
insight into the work that JPL does. The cons are that the intern job in a limited time and that you may be
required to move to the area in order to work as an intern. This job however is not related to the three previous
jobs. The fifth internship is the Pennies For Patients Intern with The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The job
entails helping coordinate and administer ongoing programs, provide administrative and clerical support,
maintain assigned office, public speaking and various other duties. The pros are that you can gain valuable
experience and you are gaining community service hours. The cons are that this is a limited time position and it
is unpaid. This job in not similar the others. My number one choice is I would apply for is Firefighter
I believe that I would be an I deal candidate for all the programs except for the JPL program. For the Firefighter
Paramedic position, I almost have all the stuff I need except for my paramedic and CPAP card. Once I finish
those I will have everything that I need to apply for the position. For the Disaster Intern, I have all the
qualification needed currently and I could apply for the position now if I wanted to. For the Red Cross Inter the
only qualification I would need to finish is a bachelors degrees after which I could then apply. For the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society position I would be able to apply now if I wanted, the only setback would be
that I would need to move out of state to work. Finally, for the JPL position I would have to change my career
path and I would need previous internship experience first before I could apply.
Factors that will affect my application decision include location, pay, flexibility and the company reputation.
The location for me must be relatively close to where I live currently unless I am given a phenomenal job offer.
Location is a factor for me because I really like the area which I currently live in and I would not move unless I
like the area of where I would have to move to. Next pay would be another key factor for me because I would
need to be able to pay for rent, food, as well as school if the internship is during when I am in school. I would
possibly consider a job with lower pay if the rest of the benefits were good. Next flexibility would be another
factor for me because I like to be able to do things on my free time and not have worry about having to go into
work. In addition, I want to have flexibility with work schedule so I can still attend school. Finally, company
reputation must be good for me to apply there. I do not want to apply for a company who has a bad reputation
even if their benefits are great.
My body language for the interview response was good for the most part and I was relaxed for the response. In
my video, I am speaking clearly therefore my interviewer can understand me when I respond. I was also
properly dressed so it shows my interviewers that I am serious about the job.
I believe I prepared well for this assignment so my response sounded rehearsed. However, I could practice more
to make my answers smoother and much better overall.
Changes I would make for my response would be to spend more time rehearsing and adding content to my
response. Additionally, I would try to iron my shirt more to make me look more professional in my response.

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