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Revista Brasileira de Geocincias 30(4):j69-774, dezembro de 2000



ABSTRACT The La Josefina Au-Ag epithermal deposit is located in the Jurassic Macizo del Deseado volcano-sedimentary complex. In
the present work mineralized vein formation fluids and dominant mineral stability conditions during their percolation have been studied. Primary
fluids ofaqueo_-sline composition (without nitro-carbonic phases) have been identified. The eailiest fluids related to the initial mineralizin!
stages (gold, adularia, tetrahedrite, galena and early quartz genelations), with a salinity between 9 to l5 wtVo NaCl equivalent and temperatures
near 250"C. On the othel hand, late primary fluids related to the latest quartz generations and (probably) hematite precipitation presented lower
salinity (<6wt7oNaCl.quivalenl).qr:d temperatures near 200"C. During the vein formation, an oscillation of pH (between 4.5 and >5.5) and of
O, activity (from l0'rr/''* to l0 rtrr) occurred. Gold must have precipitated as a consequence ofboiling proess at prssures near 9 to 36 bars.
Adding to the loglJHr/ft7rOl-2.9 value the type of mineralization (gold-electrum{etrahedrite), the small sulfide abundance, presence of adu-
laria, range of salinity ancl temperatures and evidences of fluid boiling indicate the La Josefina district as a low sulfidation type deposit.

Keyword: Fluid Inclusion, La Josefina Au-Ag epithermal deposit, Patagonia-Argentina .

INTRODUCTION The Macizo del Deseado, in southern Finally, covering large extensions in the northern part of the area,
Patagonia, Argentina (Fig. 1), gained a remarkable importance in the Tertiary and Quaternary basaltic levels complete the geological
last two decades due to the discovery of numerous epithermal mineral sequence.
districts such as Cero Vanguardia, Manantial Espejo, La Josefina and
Dorado Monserrat. Important Au and Ag deposits have been formed, MINERALIZATIONS The mineralized area extends over a stlip
and some of them are already being mined. In this study fluids related of approximately 12x1 km, where the mineralizations are associated
to the Au-Ag mineralized veins in the La Josefina district will be with vein stockworks and breccias (Schalamuk et a\.1998). In these
pfesented. structures, silica minerals plus primary minerals (native gold, electrum,
galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, pyrite and marcasite) are
REGIONAL GEOLOGY The Macizo del Deseado is a common (Fig. 2). Those authos noticed that the sulphide content at
morphostructural province which developed in the upper Precambrian the shallow levels of the deposit is low. Three generations of quartz
or Eopaleozoic and is represented by low to medium grade have been identified: l) the earliest is saccharoidal and forms most of
metamorplric rocks of the La Modesta Formation (Di Persia 1962). the mineralized structures; 2) the second consists of translucent grains,
Small fluvial basins filled with Pelmian sediments of the La and 3) the latest is lepresented by chalcedony or opal. In the ore, native
Golondrina (Archangelsky 1958) and La Juanita (Arrondo 1972) gold is distributed in the limonite and coarse-grained quartz (or
Folmations and Triassic sediments of the El Tranquilo Formation (Di disseminated in fissures and boxwork) while electrum occurs as
Persia 1965) were fbrmed over these rocks. inclusions in coarse quartz grains. Sulfides are dominated by pyrite
From the upper Triassic to lower Jurassic an extensional system which occurs in two generations: an early one consisting of coarser'
was established resulting in basaltic and ndesitic lava flows of the grains that carrying noble metals and a later and subordinate one
Bajo Pobre Formation (Lesta & Ferello 1972). From the mid Jurassic consisting of finer grains (20-30 mm). Galena is the main base metal
an intensive acidic volcanism commenced giving rise to a rhyolitic sulfide and is associated with both saccharoidal and chalcopyrite as
plateau which is now known as the Bahia Laura Group (Archangelsky well as with quartz of the second generation. Sphalerite is subodinate
1967). The tensional regime established in areas of crustal instability and associated with galena whereas tetrahedrite was identified only as
cuhninated in the Atlantic Ocean opening (Uliana et al. 1985). This small inclusions in the sphalerite.
crustal extension process led to the formation of closed basins filled Finally, Schalamuk et aL. (1998) described also barite, hematite,
with continental sediments (Bajo Grande and Baquer Formations) adularia and some supergene copper sulphides (covellite and
during the Cretaceous period. chalcocite) in the paragenesis of the mineralized structures (Fig. 2).
Duling the Terciary and Quaternary, in the eastern part, basaltic Cerussite-anglesite and mainly Fe-hydroxides (limonite) exist as
flows intercalated with upper Oligocen marine (Patagonia Formation) oxidized phases. Barite may even form veins in the central western part
and early Miocen continental sediments (Santa Cruz Formation) have of the area. Hematite (specularite) forms radial aggregates of a few
been produced. centimeters in diameter made up of needle like crystals. Adularia is an
early mineral which presents two varieties: one is in contact with tre
LOCAL GEOLOGY The oldest unity in the area is the La Modesta host rock being paltially replaced by quartz and the other forms in
Formation, which crops out westward of the La Josefina Formation. It euhedral grains smaller than 500 mm with rhombohedral section and
is formed mainly by grey to greenish micaceous-quartz schists and coeval with the saccharoidal quartz.
phyllites that occur in small outcrops. An angular unconformity
separates the overlying La Modesta Formation from the rnid-Jurassic FLUID INCLUSION STUDY This study was done at the CDTN
basic to intermediate volcanic rocks of the Bajo Pobre Formation (Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear) Fluid Inclusion
(Lesta & Ferello 1972). The most extensive unit is represented by the Laboratory in a CHAIXMECA and a FLUID INC stages and the
Jurassic Bahia Laura Group (Stipanicic & Reig 1957, Archangelsky MacFlincor 0.9 software (Brown & Hagemann 1994) compatible with
1967) wich is divided in the Chon Aike Formation and La Matilde a Maclntosh 5500 PC. Micro-Raman spectroscopy was perfbnned at
Formation tuffs, The Chon Aike formation is divided into four the Laboratory of Optics of the Department of Physics, Universidade
members (Fernandez et al. 1996): Piedra Labrada (acidic ignimbrite Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Samples from three different areas
fl ows, glassy lithoclastics, cristaloclastics and megabreccias); Cerro were studied: Estancia La Josefina, Veta Norte and Subsinter (Fig.1).
Jorge Paz (litho-glassyclastic ignimbrites with rare crystaloclasts and The Estancia La Josefina samples are from quartz veins cutting
strongly lithoclastic brown-reddish ignimbrites); La Josefina pyroclastic host rocks that occur near the farmhouse. In some places
(aphanitic, dacitic-rhyodacitic volcanites); and Maria Esther (vitro- the veins present brecciated features and consist basically of several
crystaloclast ignimbrites and gray to darkviolet lavic facies). generations of qJartz, hematite and micas. The two early generations

I CDTN-CNEN, Cx. Ps. 941, 30123-9'10 - Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil;;;
2 INREMI-UNLB 47 n" 522 (1900) La Plata, Argentina. E-rnail:
770 Revista Brasileira de Geocincias, Volume 30, 2000

e'la Ceva hill

TT 11 TT l-_-l o uu,rrna ry sedimerrts

TT TT .,
T1Tf/ r------71
L/ .lauarcrnary Ea salts

ffiffirru'u* Basalts
,\ tr-.l a- Veins and veinlets
abL-zl n- stockworks
lllT]Tliltlll .,,,.n,,a on- ka niza tion
v v v v,: v tJV
ri o ri

V V V V'

v v Y Y'Y
u "

# lNo.l

M nrrulizeci and altere
(Veta N ortE)

T,T'J| ' +--.=- "u,,u

cl zone

V V V V V V V V-Y:- LabradaThill F--=-=lMaria Esther
li - llMernber Chon "o*n
VVVVVVVaTf [- " lLa Josefina (
1T l- - IN'l ember


IT [,' lElPedra Labrada
| llM ember
a- M egallreccia

li)lrleujo Pobre F (J)

FlT tu NI odesta F pe)

(nubut, Satuu Cruz) Provinces in Southern Putagoniu; (F) Formatkn'

Pl INCLUS/ONS They are primarv, two phased (L+V,

of quartz [quartz I (saccharoidal with solid inclusions) andquarlz2 T'/PE FLUTD
(corse)l aie the dominant types in the veins. The third generation no solid phases) srnaller than 10pm and hosted by quartz-l tom
(quartz 3) occurs in the middle of veins enveloping the previous Estancia La Josefina. The degree of filling varies from 0.1 to 1.0
generations. It presents a feather-like texture tllat probably resulted suggesting the occurrence of boiling. Phase changes during cryometry
Irom the recrytallization of chalcedony (Sander & Black 1988). do-not indicate presence of carbonic phases. This was confinned by
Hematite crystallized toward the end of quartz- I plecipitation. Quartz micro-Raman spectroscopy (nitro-calbonic and HrS phases were-no1
crystals prir to the vein formation (magmatic?) and limonite (from detected). Ice melting temperatures 1Tm,"o) were'in the -6 to -11'C
pyrite) have been found in the pyroclastic matrix' range implying salinty between 9.2 r.o lYwtEo NaCl equivalent. FI
'' populationi with larger variation in the degree of filling present the
The Veta norte samples are from hydrothermal veins consisting of
quartz- I and 2 and needle-shaped hematite crystls. The quartz crystals iower salinity. Heating tests yielded homogenization temperatures (Th)
often present primary fluid inclusions (FI) defining growth lines. between 220 to 280"C.
Barite together with opal and drusy quartz tbrm pockets and are
present as late minerals. TYPE P2 FLUID INCLUS/ONS These are primary two-phase (L + V
^ inclusions), irregular in shape and <5 to 40rm in size pr-esent in
The Subsinter area is located at the northeastern end ofthe district
(Fig. l). Samples studied are from quartz veins cutting host pyroclastic quartz-2 from Estancia La Josefina, Veta Norte, and Subsinter veins
rocks that has two generations of quartz similar to quarfz-2 and quartz- Gie.:). The degree of filling in Type P2 FI studied at Estancia La
3 from Estancia La Josefina. Josfina valies from 0.0 to -0.9 (Fig. 3A) suggesting again the
occurrence of boiling process. This process, nevertheless, was not
INCLUSIONS TYPE Petrography and Mcrothermo' observed at the Veta Norte and Subsinter (Fig. 3B) areas. Some
metry MELT INCLUSIONS They are rare and found in quartz pseudo-secondary FI present randomly captured.birefringent solid.
are indicative of
fiom host pyroclastic rock, being two-phased, rounded and of -20mm hases. The micro-Raman OH peaks of these solids
in size. muscovite. The cryometry does not show evidence of carbonic phases.
Bevista Brasileira de Geocincas, Volume 30, 2000


--:-Stages lntal Stage Man Stage Supergenic


Figure 2 - Paragenetic setl.rence in tl La Josefirut area (frttnr Schalanruk et

al. 1998).

Tm...^ between 0.0 and -3.6oC indicate.low salinity of the aqueous fluid
(0.d'to 5.8 wt % NaCl equiv.). The Th shows a general dipersion of Figure 3 - Pltotomicrographs ttf .telected FI ttf the La Josefina area A:
values, but two intervals are more frequent: 210 to 290"C and 170 to Prinutry-boiling Type P2 FI (Veta Norte, qtz-2); B: Prinury ube-like Type P2
200nC. The latter corresponds to FI with solid phases. FI (Subsinter qtz-2). Bar: 10 pnt.

ryPE P3 FLUID INCLUSIONS These are primary FI associated with

growth surfaces of quartz-3 veins fiom Estancia La Josefina. They are
one to two-phase aqueous inclusions presenting irregular shape and in Au solubility due to the increase in salinity and lowering of fluid
evidences of necking down. Solid phases are scarce. Tm,.^ occur temperature (O'Neil & Silberman 1974,Henley 1993, Hedenquist &
between -1.0 and -0.1"C indicating satinity of 0.18 - t.lqwlfqoNaCt Lowerstern 1994) which could be the case for La Josefina and
equivalent. Th are in the240 to 260oC range. Manantial Espejo deposits.
During crystallization of quartz-Z an evident dilution of fluids
WPE P4 FLUID INCLUS/ONS These are primary FI in barite from occurred, although the thermal and boiling conditions of the system
Veta Norte samples. They are single phased dark and rounded FI with remained unaltered. According to Fournier (1983 and 1985) the quartz
10 to 40rm in size and high relief. Tm.,.^ between -2.0 to -3.0')C solubility increases as salinity rises at temperatures around 300'C. This
indicate 4 to 5 wlVo NaCl equivalent saliniiy. fct could explain why quartz-l (FI with higher salinity) is less
abundant than quarlz-2 (FI with lower salinity) in the veins.
TYPE S1 FLUID INCLUS/ONS These are secondary FI in quartz 2
Feather like quartz (recrystallized chalcedony?) was forrned later'
t'om Estancia La Josefina and Veta Norte. They usually contain three
from low salinity fluids due probably to silica oversaturated fluids
phases (L+V+S) due to the very common presence of a trapped
(Rimstidt 1997). Sander & Black (1988) call attention to the validity
birefiingent solid (micas?). Their behavior under cooling and heating
of FI microthermometric data from feather like quartz, as they would
are similar to type P2 inclusions.
be pseudo-primary or modified, originated during post-depositional
changes, and probably do not reflect the true thermal conditions of
DISCUSSION Fluid evolution FI data indicate that the precipitation. Barite has crystallized Inuch later from a very low
rnineralized veins were formed from aqueous-saline fluids of variable
salinity aqueous fluid at temperatures, probably lower than 100oC.
salinity in a relatively nal'l'ow telnperature interval (Fig. a).
Finally, although CO, and H,S have not been detected during
Quartz-l clystallized fiorn a boiling fluid with moderate salinity (< microthermornetry andmicro-Rrnan studies, crushing tests showed
16 wt Vo NaCl equivalent). Paragenetic relations (Schalamuk al.
bubbles of gases, besides water vapor, associated with the fluids of the
1998) suggest a temporal overlap during sphalelite and q\artz-l
precipitation, so that both minerals must have precipitated from the silicification stage.
same fluid. FI study in sphalerite from Manantial Espejo (Rios el a/.
1998), which is another epithennal distlict in Macizo del Deseado, Pressure Estimates The aqueous fluid eutectic temperature that
points to a fluid with similar characteristics to type P1 fluid described at La Josefina could not be detennined.
precipitated quartz
here. In low sulfidation epithermal environments, fluids with 10-15w7o Nevertheless, these solutions which belong to the NaCl - (KCl) - H,O
NaCl equivalent concentrations are characteristic of depositional system are similar in salinity and temperature to those found in quaitz
periods where Ag was dominant over Au in a rate up to AglAu> 100 in the nearby Manantial Espejo District (Rios et al. 1998). Thus,
(Hedenquist & Lowerstem 1994). This process happens as an increase barornetric estimates based on FI data of Josefina using the NaCl -
772 Revista Brasileira de Geocincias, Volume 30, 2000

Quartz 2
S il is) ?-so" C

, o

R o

Th o -g
og o- o I
o FNARGTTF ."-r1". ./
o J -lo TEI llAl'lEUrillE a
/ \4-
-lt Fs
,'' d$
t./ tre^"
/ t\Y, !\

-c"7"rJ, -,,'- -.(l

=t'-fl; t
- t2 ,K6 , J\
t': z
(Th inferred from P4 FI)
- 40 -3t -36 -14 -3 -50
Log o O.
Figure 5 - Log a52 X Log ae2 diagrant at 250'C, shttwittg the srability Jield.s oJ
mlnerals in pithermal envirownents (Hayba et aL. 1985) To locate tlze
0 2 4 6 I 10 1214 16
position ttf Lu Josefina coyecipitatittrt ttf pyrite, tetraherlrite and K-tttica and
SalinitY (wt % NaClequiv. ) the sphalerite FeS molo/o were considered.

Figure 4 - Th x Salinity diagram showing the evtlution path.fttllowed by vein-

fonning brines in the La Josefina district.

(KCl) - HrO system suggest that quartz-l. was formed under a

minimum p?essure range of 24 to 36 bars while quattz-2 was formed
between 9 and20 bars, characterizingan almost superficial condition. -29 U
(., 250"c
Boiling It is considered to be one of major causes for gold -30 o I o
J Log ES=-3
precipitation in epithermal environments (Henley 1990 and 1993). FI =l =
ata oint to the occurrence of boiling in type Pl and P2 fluids' The
presence of adularia is another indication of boiling (Henley I 993'
-31 *on r

Dong & Morrison 1995). Thus, gold precipitation at La Josefina, can -12 .*)-\ GALENA

be interpreted as a result of this process. Fluid dilution observed

between the end ofquartz-l precipitation and the beginning ofquartz- N -(x
2 precipitation may have been a subordinate process for gold ore o -33 PY+ EN d?
formation which was favored by a decrease in the temperature of o
mineralizing solutions of at least 50"C. The role of other factors such -34 CPY -)- HEMATITE

as changes in pH, pressure, and HrS concentrations have not been ctt
evaluated. o -35 / MA sNETITE
Evolution Stages - Activity Gonditions The paragenetic -36 \
sequence in mineralized veins (Schalamuk et al. I 998) at La Josefina PYRITE
allws us to distinguish two stages. The first, of reducing character, -3? .r/
stafted after the cryitallization of adularia and extended over the pyrite,
tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, galena, quartz-1 and sphalerite formations.
-38 \'\
This mineral assemblage enabled us to limit the field of stability of
pyrite (in relation to S, and O, activities). For that purpose the average ,YRRFIOTIT

Th (-250'C) of type 1 FI frdm quaz-l was used (quartz-l is the mi- -39
neral probably coeval with late pyrite). The data are plotted on a
log aon x log a^" diagram at 250"C (Fig.5). To set the position of La
Josefira pyritbn the y-axis of this diagram the FeO content in o2468
sphalerite (0.I 93 molTo) was calculated from Schalamuk et al. (1998)
microprobe data. To set the position on the x-axis the presence of K-
mica in the paragenetic sequence was considered. As this mica is Figure 6 - Log a s2 X pH diagram at 250'C and low S concentration (log i S=-
present as solid phase in typeP2 FI, it precedes the formation of 3)lHayba et al. 1985). The position of La Josefna paragenetic sequence (Fig
quartz-2. Furthermore, Schalamuk et al. (1998) recognized the 2) and log a oz (from f,rg. 5) were considered.
occurrence of sericite coeval with late pyrite and, .therefore, with
quartz-1. To set the position of K-mica, considering that at La Josefina
the sulphide concentration at surface is very low, the K-mica-kaolinite
boundary corresponding to LS = -3 was chosen. The results indicate
Revista Brasileira de Geocincias, Volume 30, 2000 773

concluded, therefore, that pH values around 6 in epitherrnal (250"C)

environments must represent alkaline conditions. However', dur-ing
precipitation of hematite, qtartz-z and chlorite, the log ao, x pH
diagrams (Fig. 6) points to pH higher than 5.5.
To fix the position of the La Josefina deposit in relation to other low

tt"o''Iorrr'*/ "t and high sulfidizing epithermal deposits the log (fH,/fH"O) x
temperature (('C) diagram (Hendequist et al. 1997) was use? (Fig. 7)
Fol log (fH"/fH,O) determinations the H,O(l) = H, (B) + Vz O" (g)
reaction, wh'ere log K = 7 .6 - 14564.131T,(oK) (Henley et al., 1984),
a Has and the log a^, values obtained from Fig 5 diagrams were used. For'
temperature, (irartz-l Th average values (250"C) were used. Qualtz-
fr-+ HIGH-SULFIDATION Au I is conternporaneous with gold precipitation. The results indicate that

t the La Josefina deposit overlaps the field of the low sulfidation Au-Ag
deposits (log [fH"/fH"Ol=2.9), in a reducing environment and within
T @ the pyrite and HiS sability fields. Under these prevailing physico-
chemical conditins, pyrrhotite saturation in the La Josefina deposit
was expected.
o Gomplex lons Looking at activity, fugacity, pH, and temperature
diagrams used in the present study, the conditions delimited at La
Josefina overlap the H,S field stability. This condition suggests that the
ion complex carrying-Au in solution was Au(HS), according to the
reaction Au + 2 H.S e Au(H.)" + H* + 0.5 H" prposed by Henley
(1990). Temperafures <350''favor the I'ormtion of Au sulphide
complex (Gammons & Williams-Jones 1997). Au hydt'osulfide
too 200
300 400 complexes are known to be efficient gold carriers in hydlothennal
solutions (Henley 1990) undel relatively reducing, low salinity, in
Temperoture (oC) equilibrium with pyrite conditions (Seward 1984; Phillips & Powel
Figure 7 - Redox x Potential x Temteratu'e.ftt epithermalfluids (nndified 1992).
.fiom Hedenquist et ul. 1997). Tlrc values obtaine.fbr Lu Joseina are: Redox
Potential = 2.9 and TIt (Qz-l ) = 230 - 280'C. Fluids.frum La Jo.tef ina pbt CONCLUDING REMARKS The mineral content (electrum +
near the pyrrhotite stabilitl' ,fiekl, coittcidental witlr tther ktw sulfidatiotr gold + tetrahedrite), in addition to textures, low-medium fluid salinity,
utu-il ro us epithe rnruL depo.sits. temperature average (-250"C, quartz), presence ofadularia, values of
log (fH./fH,O) = 2.9, little abundance of sulfides and evidences of
fluid boling are indicators for the inclusion of the La Josefina District
that the solutions precipitating pyrite, electrum, and probably, part of in the category of adularia-sericite (Heald et aL. 1987, Marcoux 1995,
the gold at La Josefina during the reducing stage, presented low ao, among others) low sulfidation (Hedenquist & Lowenstern 1994,
near 10-r' / I 0-'" and a", around I 0-"'. Following the reducing stage, Hedenquist et al. 1997) epitherrnal deposits. These deposits are
a slight increase in oxy!n concentration occurred, leading to hematite generally located on marginal zones of volcanic centers, of lode types,
and late quartz precipitation, starting an "oxidizing" stage. The use of formed within limited pH range (ahnost neutral) under hydrostatic
log a". x log a^n diagrams (Hayba et al. 1985,Heald et aL. 1987) pressures and may be associated with geothermal activities.
permitied the inlerence that during this stage the ao, values increased
io near l0
-31l-32. Acknowledgements To Drs. J.M. Correia Neves (CDTN/
CNEN) and E. Bilal (EMSE-France) for their comments and
pH and tH,llH,O relations The log a^, x pH diagram for lS suggestions; to FAPEMIG (Process 1046/95); to FOMICRUZ Provin-
cial Mining Company (Santa Cruz, Argentina) for the support duting
= -3 at250'C wa-s used to estilnate the pH o*the aqueous solutions
(Fig.6). The results indicate that during the formation of veins the pH field work; to Dr. M.S.S. Dantas (Fsica-ICEX-UFMG) tbr her suppolt
of mineralizing fluids varied from 4.5 to 5.5. According to Hedenquisr during micro-Raman analysis. To three anonymous referees of RBG
et al. (1997) adularia is the indicator for alkaline pH. It can be for the critical review ofthe manuscript.


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