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Uncertainty and complementarity: the heart of quantum physics

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2000 Phys. Educ. 35 393


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Uncertainty and
complementarity: the heart
of quantum physics
Gesche Pospiech
Institute of Physics Education, University of Frankfurt/Main, Germany

The discussion of particlewave dualism be settled till now. Only recently, by the
still plays an important part in teaching realization of former gedanken experiments, has
quantum theroy. This surely is for something like experimental philosophy arisen
historical reasons, since it was important that might help in deciding which interpretations
in grasping the concept of uncertainty. could explain the experimental results best within
Recent EPR-like experiments, however, a unique conceptual context.
indicate new ways of teaching the notions A thorough conceptual understanding of quan-
of uncertainty and complementarity. tum theory, however, does not seem possible with-
These allow us to achieve a clear out at least a rough knowledge of the mathematical
understanding without difficult structure of quantum theory. But the mathemati-
mathematical obstacles and promote also cal difficulties of the fully developed apparatus
a well-founded discussion of e.g. handling infinite-dimensional Hilbert space,
philosophical aspects. The core of the the abstract concept of operators and related
considerations presented here are subjectsprevent many people from obtaining a
systems consisting of two-state objects, detailed understanding. Furthermore the mathe-
for example the spin states of photons or matical formalism often hides the philosophical is-
electrons. sues. For educational purposes I therefore propose
an elementary procedure that quickly reaches the
heart of quantum theory.
Quantum theory has been much discussed since its One possible and far-reaching method is
invention almost a century ago. Many people were indicated by the relevance of the concept of
excited by its strangeness and became interested in spin in many recent experiments concerning the
its implications. Soon it became obvious that the fundamentals of quantum theory in the spirit of
interpretation of its mathematical structure would the famous EPR experiment. Its consequent
have a deep influence on the world view. Several use during a course opens up a comparatively
incompatible opinions emerged: simple way of teaching quantum theory to novices
Some people could accept the world only as an right from the start (Peres 1993, Pospiech 1999).
objectively existing reality and as being well The unfolding of the mathematical structures with
determined in all its properties. This is the the help of spin presents a fixed framework
viewpoint and the presupposition of classical for a well-motivated interpretation of quantum
physics. phenomena. It should become clear to the students
Some people regarded the indeterminism and that the inevitable conceptual changes have their
the holism that came into the physical counterpart in a change of mathematical structure.
world with quantum theory as a fundamental Admittedly this framework, although far-reaching,
philosophical advance. cannot explain all aspects of quantum theory,
These differing attitudes initiated a long-lasting especially the heavily discussed measuring process
debate and the different interpretations could not and the emergence of classicality. Nevertheless

Phys. Educ. 35(6) November 2000 393


it allows a close look at these questions. At theory predictions about a single quantum
the heart of the difficulties lies uncertainty, an object in a single measurement can only be
understanding of the EPR experiment and the made as a probability. Therefore in this case
transition from the quantum regime to the classical the probability description of quantum theory
regime, where the concept of complementarity is the relevant one.
comes in. From a philosophical point of view. Quantum
theory has had a deep influence on many peo-
ples views concerning reality and objectivity.
The heart of quantum theory For an insight into the whys of the behaviour
of quantum objects the fundamental structures
In 1900 Planck solved the problem of black body
of quantum theory have to be treated, mainly
radiation by introducing the constant that now
the nature of uncertainty.
bears his name. Then 25 years later (which
is now 75 years ago) Heisenberg discovered In this article I will follow the last point,
the mathematical structure of quantum physics. elucidating the fundamental ontological difference
At once he was struck by the beauty of the between classical and quantum physics.
observed structure, and after he had controlled
energy conservation he decided not to be overly
concerned about the non-commutativity of the kind Main differences between classical and quan-
of multiplication he had to use. tum objects. It turns out that the following
However, it was just this non-commutativity points are quite important for a deeper understand-
after the quantization of actionthat gave the first ing of quantum phenomena:
sign that nature had something fundamentally new 1. The most important feature of quantum theory
to offer physicists (and mankind). is its linearity. The consequence of this
is that any two superimposed states form
From classical physics to quantum physics an admissible third state. These strictly
valid superpositions are the roots of all the
Most difficulties in understanding quantum theory unusual phenomena, the indeterminism, the
arise from trying to develop quantum theory start- uncertainty, the representation of physical
ing from classical concepts and then explaining quantities as operators in a linear vector space
the differences. So one often triesmostly for and so on.
historical reasonsto explain the peculiarities of 2. In classical physics as well as in everyday life
quantum theory in relation to the classical con- objects have fixed values for all their physical
cepts of position and momentum or to the duality properties. Each object can be described
of wave and particle. But it is just these classical in an objective manner independent of the
concepts borne from daily experiences that have order in which different measurements are
to be thrown away. Hence a completely different performed; every physical quantity can be
path should be taken in order to explain quantum measured exactly and always possesses a fixed
theory. There are several different methods of at- value. This is no longer true with quantum
tacking quantum physics: objects: the value to be obtained depends on
From a practical point of view. This the order of measurements. This may sound
means teaching atomic physics, perhaps with strange at first if we think of objects as little
computer simulations of the Schrodinger balls. But as soon as we consider actions
equation and training in the use of these tools, from daily life that we perform all day, we
in order to explain related phenomena. This know very well that the order may play a very
approach is related to the many semiclassical substantial role; some results depend crucially
descriptions that exist and work very well to on the order in which things are done: we must
quite an extent. write down a phone number in our address
From a pragmatic point of view. Physics tries book before throwing away the scrap of paper.
to describe natural phenomena and wants to Otherwise the phone number could be given a
make predictions about them. In quantum wrong digit.

394 Phys. Educ. 35(6) November 2000


3. Classical objects are isolated not only from First experiments towards quantum theory
their environment but also from the measuring
The purely quantum phenomenon of spin,
apparatus. This isolation and well-determined
related to polarization of photons, offers quite
existence are the characterizing features of
a simple introduction to the heart of quantum
classical physics. Only the neglect of
theory. The spin or, more generally, two-state
possibly existing (weak) relations between
systems can serve as a unifying concept, as
objects and the modelling of behaviour under
a kind of link between the following subjects
ideal circumstances made possible the great
that are nowadays broadly discussed: quantum
achievements of physics since the beginning
cryptography, teleportation, quantum computing,
of modern scienceoften marked by Galileo.
and last but not least the philosophical aspects
From this success it is quite obvious that most mainly concerning the perception of reality.
physicists claim that physics has to describe an Since these topics are touched on in the media,
objective real world, independent of a subject or an students can be motivated by referring to these
observer. Seemingly this important assumption is fascinating phenomena.
no longer fulfilled in quantum theory. There arise The following experiments concerning the spin
features such as uncertainty of values for physical are intended to give a first impression of what
quantities. quantum phenomena may look like and to promote
a feeling of the differences from classical physics,
especially concerning the properties of quantum
Characterization of measurement. We men- objects. There are surely much more sophisticated
tioned measurement above, so what happens to experiments, but my purpose here is to do it
quantum objects with respect to their states in almost hands-on. Hence the interpretation of the
a quantum measurement? Physical quantities experiments is by no means unique and has to
are represented by operators with corresponding be prepared carefully, invoking the imagination of
eigenvalues (the possible results of a measure- the students. The main objective is to indicate
ment) and eigenstates (the possible states after a that one gets into contradictions if it is assumed
measurement). A first approach to the measure- that the spin of a single photon does have fixed
ment process consists in interpreting a measure- components, which the observer just would not
ment of a given physical quantity as an irreversible know.
projection onto one of these eigenstates, resulting
in one single well-defined value, namely the cor- Polarization properties with light. Polarization
responding eigenvalue. Therefore the possibilities of light cannot be perceived directly without
of a quantum object (the superposition of eigen- training (Rieck 1999), but calcite crystals and
states) change into a single fact. Repeating the polarization analysers are often available. The
same measurement (i.e. projection) gives exactly beam of a (HeNe) laser (see figure 1) is sent first
the same result: the measured property has now through a polarizer, oriented at an angle of 45 to
obtained a definite value. One could say that the the vertical, then through a calcite crystal (I).
quantum object is lifted into the classical world A second calcite crystal (II) is then inserted.
through contact with the environment. An isolated If it is oriented in the same orientation as the first
quantum object shows superpositions or entangle- the distance travelled by the two outgoing beams
ments which are destroyed at once if the isolation simply increases.
breaks down, e.g. in a measurement; to a certain But what happens if the second one is turned
extent it becomes a classical system. But which to an angle of 45 relative to the first crystal?
value from its catalogue of possibilitites is actually What is to be expected with an interpretation in
obtained remains completely undetermined and the terms of single photons and under the classical
value is decided by chance, in sharp contrast to the assumption that each single photon possesses a
classical Laplace Daemon. well-determined direction of polarization? Before
Let us look at a simple experiment, suitable for the first crystal all photons are polarized at 45
school, giving a hint of this unfamiliar property of relative to the vertical because of their preparation.
physics. Hence they leave the first crystal with a probability

Phys. Educ. 35(6) November 2000 395



laser polarizer calcite I calcite II lens of beam

Figure 1. Sketch of the experimental set-up. The arrowed lines indicate the path of the light beams or
(single) photons; the dashed line indicates that the path differs according to the orientation of the second
calcite crystal. The small arrows indicate the direction of polarization of the photons.

along either the 0 or the 90 beam. For the same Peculiarities of quantum theory
reason, namely the preparation of the photons at
Now we are ready to discuss the most important
45 , after the second crystal one should see the
feature of quantum theory besides the superposi-
45 beam only, and no 45 beam, which would
tion principle.
be orthogonal to the first preparation. Hence two
images of the laser beam should be expected. But
four images are visible! Analysis by a polarizer Quantum phenomena: uncertainty. The de-
then shows the results given in table 1. scription of quantum objects in terms of eigen-
Of course, this phenomenon could be ex- states of self-adjoint operators becomes crucial as
plained in terms of light being a wave and the vec- soon as two different physical quantities (opera-
tor of electric field strength oscillating in the polar- tors) with different eigenstates are analysed. From
ization direction. But as soon as light is regarded a mathematical point of view uncertainty is there-
as being composed of single photons, difficulties fore quite simple: as alluded to above its root is
arise in defining field strength etc. Therefore the just the principle of superposition together with the
tacit assumption has to be abandoned that the first description of physical quantities by operators.
preparation has fixed the property direction of po- The concrete mathematical structures relating
larization once and for all. The concept that has the unfamiliar behaviour of quantum objects to
the non-existence of common eigenstates of the
to be introduced now is uncertainty: fixed values
involved operators extend to a deep philosophical
of a physical quantity arise only in a measurement.
question: Do we have to change our perception
of reality, as was first pointed out in the EPR
experiment? Indeed, recent experiments indicate
that for a consistent interpretation of quantum
Table 1. Table of visible images if the second
theory we need a modified understanding of
calcite crystal is turned at an angle of 45 relative
to the first and a polarization analyser is inserted reality, differing from classical physics in that
between the lens and the screen. no fixed reality exists in advance, i.e. before a
measurement. It emerges only on contact with an
Orientation of Number of visible environment.
polarizer images
The first uncertainty relations to be discovered
90 4 images by Heisenberg are at the same time perhaps the
45 2 images (the upper left most difficult ones to understand: the uncertainty
ones (white circles))
0 4 images of position with regard to momentum. Accord-
45 2 images (the lower right ingly there are uncountably many formulations and
ones (black circles)) interpretations of them. Why are the uncertainty
90 4 images relations of position and momentum so difficult to
comprehend from a conceptual point of view?

396 Phys. Educ. 35(6) November 2000


They give rise to associations with classical by people with a poor background in mathematics,
concepts and hence tend to produce confusion. and the physical interpretation is at hand quickly
with help of the above mentioned simple experi-
It is very difficult to convey the non-existence
ments. Therefore a correct understanding of other
of the position of a physical object, because
uncertainty relations is promoted.
in everyday life every object has a describable
There might be a way to intuitively accept
position. It is nearly impossible to talk about
the notion of uncertainty although it is not known
an object without mentioning its position. This
from classical objects such as balls. Many people
problem becomes obvious as soon as the double-
experience a kind of uncertainty if they talk to each
slit experiment is treated: how to describe the
other and try to arrange things: there are differing
passage of a photon through the apparatus? A
opinions and semantics and so on; for an example
possible formulation would be that the photon is
see Pospiech (2000).
in a superposition of possibilities of position (and
equally in a superposition of momenta). But it
does not seem possible to provide students with a The principle of complementarity. The uncer-
concrete image of classical objects. Lets look at tainty is deeply connected with the term comple-
an example. mentarity. In the early times of quantum theory
A photograph of a moving car can be taken Heisenberg and Bohr had different views on the
in two different ways: one with sharp contours, uncertainty relations. Bohr tried to capture its es-
hiding the velocity; the other with blurred sential feature with the notion of complementarity.
contours, hiding the exact position. In classical The main example for illustration was again posi-
physics the car always has definite position and tion and momentum. There are several notions of
definite momentum; we cant tell from just one complementarity that are not always clearly dis-
photograph. From the point of view of quantum tinguished.
theory, however, the car would not be on a 1. Complementarity of position and wavelength
fixed path: only the photograph fixes the values, (momentum with the de Broglie relation). This
either for position or for momentum. Once the notion already is well known from classical
photographer has taken a photograph of one kind waves, e.g. acoustic waves, where either a pure
(position or velocity), it cannot be replaced with sine wave with a single frequency is observed
the other kind. The crucial point to be stressed or a short signal containing many frequencies.
is that in quantum theory statements can be made The mathematical notion relating the range of
about the photograph only; the car itself is not frequencies to the length of the wave is simply
accessible for further measurements (it simply the Fourier transfom.
has gone) and cannot be described completely 2. Complementarity among two concepts of
and correctly. This is indeed very difficult to classical physics, e.g. particle and wave.
comprehend. Quantum objects showdepending on the
measuring apparatustypes of behaviour that
There are mathematical reasons. The operators
might be described in analogy to a wave
representing position and momentum are very
(interference) or to a particle (if so-called
difficult to handle and cannot be taught at
which way information is extracted). Some-
times, however, both aspects are revealed at
The underlying principle of superposition, how- the same time: in the Taylor experiment single
ever, is easy to comprehend. Hence it might be ad- photons arrive on the screen and form an
visable to choose a different way in order to get the interference pattern.
students acquainted with the structures of quantum 3. Spacetime description versus causality. This
physics. As was alluded to in Pospiech (1999), means that the description of objects in space
the pure quantum phenomenon of spin allows for and time (by a trajectory) is complementary to
a concise and unique formulation of uncertainty. their description in terms of the corresponding
Because of their comparatively simple mathemat- conservation theorems of momentum and
ical structure (the spin operators are represented energy. Both these descriptions follow from
by the 2 2 Pauli matrices) the corresponding un- the principle of least action: the space
certainty relation can be computed directlyeven time description is derived from differential

Phys. Educ. 35(6) November 2000 397


equations, the conservation theorems stem perception of quantum phenomena lying far
from symmetry considerations, as expressed in deeper: we need classical physics in order
the Noether theorems. to be able to describe quantum phenomena.
This last characterization refers best to Bohrs Already Bohr always insisted: classical physics
understanding of the term complementarity (von is necessary to describe and understand quantum
Weizsacker 1976) and clearly shows how uncer- theory (Gornitz 1999; Bohr 1958, S 90):
tainty and complementarity are related to each The conditions of experiments can be
other. As soon as two observables satisfy an un- varied in many ways; important however
certainty relation Bohr would call them comple- is that we in every single case can
mentary to each other: each describes one aspect communicate to others what we have done
of the whole physical process and each delivers or observed and that because of this the
a complete description. It is to be noted that, in measuring apparatus has to be described
Bohrs opinion, complementarity can apply only in the world of classical physics.
to observable phenomenawhich therefore have
We have to communicate our observations to other
to be described in terms of classical physicsand
people or record them on a tape. However, if
not to abstract concepts, such as the -function.
we want to relate something absolutely precisly,
Bohr used the term complementarity in a very gen-
we have to duplicate it; but this is forbidden
eral sense: suppose there is given One Whole of
for quantum objects by the No-Cloning theorem
which we could imagine a bundle of properties
(Peres 1993). The results of a measurement
(e.g. the -function of quantum physics). But if
never give complete information on the state of
we wish to describe it, we can capture only aspects
of itfirmly related to each other. Hence, in order a quantum object because a state is a quantum
to appreciate complementarity we have to concern physical quantity, described by a -function.
ourselves with the observation and measurement Observations or measurements, however, always
of quantum objects. have to be communicated classically; they cannot
There is another quotation from Bohr that be related in quantum language, whatever that
gives a hint of the interpretation of complemen- might be.
tarity when he says (Bohr 1958, S 92):
Classical versus quantum. From the described
. . . the term complementarity only gives a
relations we can derive the following threefold
hint of the logical conditions related to our
image with a circular structure. We start with
position in description and in collecting of
a quantum object in its quantum state, the
experiences in atomic physics.
-function with all its possibilities. Without
Hence neither wave nor particle is the relevant any measurement nothing is known about the
notion for talking about complementarity but given quantum object. It has to be isolated
rather the standpoint the observer takes in referring completely from its environment in order to remain
to an experiment. She has to choose between undisturbed. Hence it can be regarded as one
two mutually exclusive possible descriptions, e.g. Whole, mathematically to be charcterized by the
space versus momentum, whereas in classical action S through = eiS/h .
physics both are necessary for a complete From this quantum description in terms of
description. So a treatment of complementarity the -function we now turn to a description
should not focus on particlewave dualism. But in terms of the action S and related physical
what could complementarity be then? It is seen to quantities, thus using physical quantities well
be deeply connected to the (human) description of known from classical physics, where the action
quantum objects. can be written as a function of position and
momentum. In quantum physics, however,
Measurement and complementarity. Taking these quantities are represented by operators that
into account that only experiments, measurements are related to each other by an uncertainty
and the recording and communicating of them relation [q, p] = ih. So it seems plausible
make up physics, there isrelated to comple- that in quantum physics the action (and other
mentarityanother important feature about our functions) are already described completely by one

398 Phys. Educ. 35(6) November 2000


variable. In this sense the term complementarity requires a change in viewing physics and its
acquires a new meaning. If, say, position is meaning for people: suddenly there are notions
measured the quantization of action implies that such as (cor)relation, uncertainty, chance
this measurement already gives all the obtainable etc. In all these respects quantum theory
information while at the same timebecause of deviates significantly from classical physics.
superpositionsmomentum is undetermined and Complementarity is one of the fundamental
uncertain. notions Bohr developed for dealing with quantum
On the third level we are describing measure- phenomena. His notion of complementarity
ments and talking about observations. Then the nowadays might be enriched by the three-level
physical quantity in question has eventually taken image described in the last section, a construction
on definite values, which in advance could only related to the Schichtenstruktur introduced by
be talked of in terms of probability. Viewed from Gornitz (1999). Hence it is seen that human beings
the classical world the shadow of the quantum ob- need both parts of physics to describe nature
ject and its state is seen. Whilst, however, in the classical theory as well as quantum physics.
classical world a full description requires fixing all
values for all physical properties, in the quantum
world only half of them are needed. Hence also
the uncertainty throws its shadow onto the classi- I wish to thank Thomas Gornitz for very fruitful
cal world. Perhaps herein lies the deeper reason discussions.
why we can speak about quantum phenomena only
in partly true images which in principle are never Received 17 August 2000
totally adequate. Very fine experiments in recent PII: S0031-9120(00)16468-8
years (see e.g. Herzog et al 1996) have shown
a fine structure of this shadow, allowing one to
look down to the second level and to get a glimpse
of the first level. References
What is striking is that this three-level
image could help explain why semiclassical Bohr N 1958 Atomphysik und menschliche Erkenntnis
(Wiesbaden: Friedrich Vieweg) pp 8495
approximations to quantum phenomena so often Gornitz T 1999 Quanten sind anders (Heidelberg:
give correct results: as soon as we observe an Spektrum Akademischer Verlag)
objectas we inevitably do in an experimentit Herzog T J, Kwiat P G, Weinfurter H and Zeilinger A
has taken the first step into classicality, or we could 1996 Complementarity and the quantum eraser
say that it throws a shadow visible in the classical Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 30347
Peres A 1993 Quantum Theory: Concepts and
world. Only in very fine experimental set-ups is Methods, vol 57 of Fundamental Theories of
the classical approximation (i.e. the description Physics (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic)
of the shadow) no longer adequate, and hence Pospiech G 1999 Teaching the EPR paradox at high
the object needs a quantum mechanical treatment, school? Phys. Educ. 34 3116
which helps to resolve the shadow. Pospiech G 2000 Experiences with a modern course in
quantum physics Research in Science Education:
Past, Present and Future ed R Duit (Dordrecht:
Conclusion Kluwer Academic)
Rieck K 1999 Polarisation wahrnehmen Zur Didaktik
der Physik und Chemie (Koln: Aulis Verlag)
Until today most people have viewed nature and in press
its physical description similarly to the view von Weizsaecker C F 1976 Zum Weltbild der Physik
of newtonian physics. But quantum theory (Stuttgart: Hirzel Verlag)

Phys. Educ. 35(6) November 2000 399

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