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Algebra 1

Section 3.3

Families of Functions
Families of Functions

We have thoroughly studied linear functions by this point, but sometimes real-world relations
are not accurately modeled by linear functions. For example, think of a quantity that increases at first
and then decreases as time increases. Or, think of a quantity that increases as time increases, but the
rate of increase changes. These are situations that are not accurately described by linear functions.
Fortunately, however, there are many different kinds of functions beyond linear functions. We classify
these functions by their form, and a group of functions that have the same form are called a family
of functions.

This section will briefly go over many of the function families studied in Algebra 1 and 2, but
sections later on will be devoted to thoroughly describing the characteristics of specific function families.

Each family of functions has a parent function that is the simplest function in that family.
Every other function in that family is made by making small changes to the parent function, such as
multiplying by or adding a constant.

This section will look at the parent function, its table, and its graph for each of the major families
of functions studied in Algebra 1 and 2.

Linear Functions

Linear functions are really a sub-family of functions that all belong to the larger family of
functions polynomials. Nonetheless, all linear functions have the same form and a parent function
f (x) = x. All linear functions produce a graph of a straight line and can be made by multiplying
the parent function by a constant or adding a constant to the parent function (or both). A table and
graph for the parent function f (x) = x is given below. Note that every vertical line drawn on the
graph of a linear function will cross exactly one point on the graph. If graph is a vertical line, then we
say the slope in undefined, because since slope is rise over run, and a vertical line has no run, one
would need to divide by zero, which is undefined. Since there is no way to express a vertical line as a
function of x, it is not a function. A horizontal line has no rise, so the slope of a horizontal line is 0
and a horizontal line has to form f (x) = c for some constant c.

x f (x) = x
2 2
1 1
0 0
1 1
2 2


Quadratic Functions

The quadratic family of functions is another sub-family that belongs to the larger family of poly-
nomials. Quadratic functions, however, appear frequently enough that it is useful to discuss the group
of functions itself.

Every quadratic function has an x2 term and possibly and x term and/or a constant term. The
parent quadratic function is f (x) = x2 .

The graph of every quadratic function is an upward or downward facing parabola, or a curve that
gets steeper further away from its vertex, the point where the curves direction changes. The parent
quadratic function f (x) = x2 has a vertex at the origin and does not go below the x-axis. A table
and graph of f (x) = x2 are given below. Note that every vertical line drawn on a parabola will cross
exactly one point on the graph, satisfying the vertical line test.

x f (x) = x2
2 4
1 1
0 0
1 1
2 4


Polynomial Functions

Polynomial functions make up a larger family of functions that include linear and quadratic
functions. Any polynomial function is of the form f (x) = axn + bxm + ... + cx + d where a, b, c, d, m, n
are constants. The largest power of x can be as large as possible and can be as small as 0 (producing
a constant function, or a horizontal line). If the highest power of x in a polynomial function is n, then
the function is said to be a nth degree polynomial function. The parent function of an nth degree
polynomial is f (x) = xn . Because n can vary, there is no single parent function for the polynomials.
However, every polynomial has a graph that is a curve (or line) with wiggles in the middle and ends
that go to infinity or negative infinity. The ends go in the same direction if n is even and in opposite
directions if n is odd. Polynomials are the focus of Section IV and the properties of polynomial func-
tions and their graphs are elaborated upon in that section.

Radical Functions

Radical functions functions involve radicals, or roots such as square roots or cube roots. If the
root is odd, then the domain of the function is all real numbers. If the root is even, then the domain
is all positive real numbers, because an even root of a negative number is not real.

The graphof every radical function looks like the graph of the corresponding polynomial (x2 for
x and x3 for 3 x, and so on) turned on its side, or reflected across the line y = x with the bottom
half them removed for even radicals, because this must be the case to satisfy the vertical line test.
The parent radical function is f (x) = x. Again, radical functions can include cube roots, fourth
roots, and so on. Radical functions can also be multiplied by a constant or have a constant added to
them to form another radical function. A table and graph for f (x) = x are given below. Again,
negative numbers are not used since the square root of a negative number is not real. Note that
any vertical line drawn on a radical function graph will cross no more than one point on the graph,
satisfying the vertical line test.

x f (x) = x
0 0
1 1
4 2


Exponential Functions

Exponential functions have the independent variable, x, in the exponent of the function. As the
independent variable increases, positive exponential function can either increase (exponential growth)
or decrease (exponential decay). However, unlike linear functions, as the independent variable changes,
the rate of increase or decreases of the function changes. That is, the rate of change, or slope, of an
exponential function is not constant.

The graph of a positive exponential growth function starts very close to the x-axis for negative
values of x, and gets very large as x becomes positive. The graph of a positive exponential decay
function starts large for negative x values and approaches the x-axis, getting very close to it but not
touching it, as x becomes positive. The graph of negative exponential functions are the shape but
reflect across the x-axis.

The parent exponential function is f (x) = ex , where e 2.71828... is the irrational Eulers
number. A table and graph for f (x) = ex is given below. Note any vertical line drawn on the graph
of an exponential function will gross the graph at exactly one point, satisfying the vertical line test.
Exponentials are studied thoroughly in Section V.

x f (x) = ex
2 0.135
1 0.368
0 1
1 2.718
2 7.389



Rational Functions

Simply put, a rational functions is a function with a fraction in which the numerator and denom-
inator are polynomials. The result is disconnected curves with gaps in the domain of the function at
values of x when the denominator is 0.

The parent rational function is f (x) = x1 , and recall that 1 is a polynomial function or degree
0, since x0 = 1. This graph has an asymptote at x = 0, meaning the graph approaches but never
touches the line x = 0, because when x = 0 the function f (x) is undefined. A table and graph for
f (x) = x1 is given below. Note that any vertical line placed on the graph of a rational function will
cross the graph at no more than one point, satisfying the vertical line test.

x f (x) = x
2 12
1 1
12 2
2 2
1 1
2 2



Here are a few examples to test the concepts provided in this section. Answers can be found on
the following pages.

Describe the graphs and trends of the following types of functions:

1. Linear Functions.

2. Quadratic functions.

3. Polynomials.

4. Exponential functions.

5. The function f (x) = x1 .


These are the solutions to the questions on the previous page

1. All linear functions produce graphs of straight lines, and either increase, decrease, or stay constant
as x increases. The increase or decrease is constant.

2. Quadratic functions produce a parabola either pointed up or down. If the function initially
increases as x increases, it will reach a constant point at the vertex of the parabola and then
decrease as x increases. If the function initially decreases as x increases, it will reach a constant
point at the vertex of the parabola and then increase as x increases.

3. A polynomial produces a graph that is a curve that has wiggles in between two ends that go to
infinity or negative infinity if the polynomial is non-linear. Whether the function increases or
decreases as x increases may change several times for the same function.

4. An exponential function produces a graph that is a curve that moves in one direction as x
increases, but whose rate of change changes itself as x increases.

5. The function f (x) = x1 produces a graph of two tilted parabolas with vertices pointed at the
origin. The graph decreases as x increases for negative x and increases as x increases for positive
x. The function is undefined at x = 0 and so the graph is empty at that line.


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