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Name: Juan Rivera

District: LAUSD
School: Los Pollos Locos Middle School
Subject: Choral Music
Grade: 6th Grade
Date: April 18, 2017
Lesson Plan Number: 1

National Standards for Music Education

Rehearse, Evaluate and Refine
MU:Pr5.1.2b Rehearse, identify and apply strategies to address interpretive,
performance, and technical challenges of music
MU:Pr4.2.5a Demonstrate understanding of the structure and the elements of music (such
as rhythm, pitch, form, and harmony) in music selected for performance

MU:Pr4.2.5b When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation

California Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards

Students read, notate, listen to, analyze, and describe music and other aural information, using
the terminology of music.

1.2 Read, write, and perform rhythmic and melodic notation, using standard symbols for
pitch, meter, rhythm, dynamics, and tempo in duple and triple meters.

1.4 Analyze the use of music elements in aural examples from various genres and


Creating, performing, and participating in Music: Students apply vocal and instrumental musical
skills in performing a varied repertoire of music.

2.1 Sing a repertoire of vocal literature representing various genres, styles, and cultures
with expression, technical accuracy, good posture, tone quality, and vowel shape (level of
difficulty: 3).

2.2 Sing music written in two, three, or four parts.


Understanding the historical contributions and cultural dimensions of music

3.2 Identify different or similar uses of musical elements in music from diverse culture

By the end of the lesson, student will be able to:

1. Sing through Cantate Domino with appropriate use of dynamics (mp, mf, f etc.)
2. Understand through singing what descant singing is in m.45
3. Understand through singing what antiphonal singing in m.23

1. Greet class
2. Physical Warm up (Stretches):

Have students stand up with feet shoulder width apart and do the following:

a. Left and right arm starches

b. Touch tip of toes
c. Neck rotations
d. Shoulder rotations
3. Vocal Warm-up:

a. Have class sing the following exercise in time. Make sure class follows your cues:
i. Nah
ii. Neh
iii. Nee
iv. Noh
v. Noo
vi. Nuh

Can also incorporate dynamics here by having class sing each vowels sound at
different volumes.
Make sure that students are singing with a nice and open sound. This can be
achieved through demonstration by teacher. Referencing other sources like
Edvard Munchs famous painting The Scream can help to further supplement this
b. vocal sirens
i. Bottom to top and vice versa
ii. Have students use hand gestures
c. How are you doing today
i. Start on D major triad and play:
1. Root, 3, 5, Octave
2. Go as high as the choir is able to go.
d. Sing Do to Sol using the syllable ahh in the following manner:
i. crescendo(ascending) and decrescendo (descending)
ii. Start on D and keep going as high as your choir can sing.

4. Cantate Domino
a. Begin singing Cantate Domino and stop if necessary.
b. After our initial run through of the piece, ask the class: When do you think this
music was written? Medieval, Renaissance, Classical, Romantic etc. Why?
c. Briefly mention a little history and move on.
d. Have class sing piece once again in the areas of importance in terms of dynamic
markings. The markings to take notice of are the following:
i. mf in m. 5
ii. legato and crescendo in m. 14
iii. forte in m. 17
iv. mf in m. 24
e. Sing Cantate Domino again starting at m.23 and afterwards ask class:
i. Can anyone tell me what is happening here with the parts?
1. Wait for responses and tell class about antiphonal/ call and
response singing and talk about how other styles of music like the
blues use this same technique.
2. Ask class to sing that section again but this time, have group
#1(call) sing it mf while group #2 (response) echoes in mp.
f. Continue singing through until m. 53, stop and start over at m.45.
g. After singing from m.45, ask class:
i. What are the voices doing here?
1. Wait for responses and talk very briefly about descant singing
h. Sing from the beginning and fix any additional problems. Remind them about
posture, relaxation and singing with a nice round sound. Pay attention to the blend
between the two parts.

Somethings I would do would be to sing it with a faster tempo and create a call and response
exercise that incorporates the song so they can further understand this concept.


Overall, my teaching presentation turned out better than what I was expecting. My warm-ups
were good but I didnt focus on the actual piece a lot which I will need to work on for next time.
I will also need to work on preparing and correlating my warm-up and procedures to my
objectives as I originally chose some exercises that didnt quite match what I wanted to achieve.

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