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Poblacion , Valencia, Negros Oriental


Name:________________________________________ Score:___________________________
Grade Level: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Direction: Choose the letter which corresponds to your answer. Put your answer on the space provided
before each number.

_____1. The concept of Karma is best described as ________________.

a. the continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth c. the rebirth into another life form of higher caste
b. The total consequence of ones action in life d. the relationship between Rama and Sita
_____2. The Hindu practice of physical and mental exercise that teaches people to focus their body and minds
a. Moksha b. Vaisheshika c. Yoga d. Samkhya
_____3. The ancient Vedic texts were writeen in what language?
a. Hebrew b. Punjabi c. HIndi d. Sanskrit
_____4. The different school of thoughts in Hinduism are recognized as their expression or manifestation of the Sanatana
Dharma. Which is not included?
a. Samhitas b. Vaisheshika c. Mimamsa d. Samkhya
_____5. Ramayana and Mahabharata are great Hindu epics which is about the ______________.
a. writing of religious text c. battle of Krishna
b. triumph of good over evil d. devotional literature for deities
_____6. In observance of the Dharma, individual must possess the ten qualities, one of which is the Dhriti. It means___?
a. control over organs b. absence of anger c. self-control d. patience
_____7. A yogi who engaged in this type of yoga seeks to do good deeds without expecting for anything in return
a. Raja Yoga b. Jnana Yoga c. Karma Yoga d. Bhakti Yoga
_____8. Although the Hindus believe in multitudes of deities, they also see deities as manifestation of One Divine
Principle, the Absolute, and eternal , uncreated that keeps the universe in existence is called______________.
a. Thrimurthi b. Brahma c. Brahmin d. Brahman
_____9. It is a Chinese Religion that is more on respect for nature and on mystical powers
a. Daoism b. Confucianism c. Buddhism d. Hinduism
_____10. In the Hindu caste system, which of the following is the caste of the laborers?
a. Brahmins b. Sudras c. Kshatriyas d. Vaishyas
_____11. The form of yoga known as the way of action where persons livelihood can be a means of experiencing the
divine called __________________.
a. Raja Yoga b. Jnana Yoga c. Karma Yoga d. Bhakti Yoga
_____12. Which of the following is the main focus of the religion Buddhism?
a. Emphasis on the fulfillment of duties and behavior in accordance with the established order in the world
b. Attaining enlightenment by understanding the nature of suffering and how to overcome it
c. The observance of Gods commandments will result to rewards
d. Emphasis on the unity and harmony among opposing elements (yin and yang)
_____13. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion. This means that________________.
a. they believe in the existence of a God or deities
b. they reject the existence of a God or deities
c. they believe in gods and their existence but they do not worships the
d. they reject he existence of any deity but they do worship them
_____14. In getting rid of ones desire and to achieve liberation from suffering, one must follow the Eight-fold path
according to Buddhism. Which is not included here?
a. Right Action b. Right Livelihood c. Right Speech d. Right Beauty
_____15. Which of the following Hindu texts are considered to be Shruti text, meaning revealed by God?
a. Puranas b. Vedas c. Mahabharata d. Ramayana
_____16. The daily practice of Hinduism which might include ritual bathing, reciting mantras, lighting incense or offering
fruit to deities is called __________.
a. Aranyakas b. Khumba Mela c. Puja d. Dharma
_____17. The form of god who dissolves the universe with his dance in a circle of fire; also called as the destroyer
a. Vishnu b. Asteya c. Hanuman d. Shiva
_____18. The ______________ school establishes the foundations of interpreting Vedic texts that has been employed by
other schools of thoughts.
a. Vedanta b. Vaisheshika c. Mimamsa d. Samkhya
_____19. Bhagavad Gita means ______________________.
a. Song of the Enlighetened One b. Song of Joy
c. Song of Thanksgiving d. Song of the Lord
_____20. The last book to be written before the closing of the Vedic and Brahmanical Period is the _________.
a. Yahur Veda b. Rig Veda c. Atharva Veda d. Upanishads


Direction: Identify whether the following statements are true or false. If the statement is true, write TRUE. If
the statement is false, underline the word or phrase which makes the statement false and write the correct
answer on the blank space provided before each number.
____________________ 1. The term Hinduism was introduced by Mughals in the 9 th century B.C.E. to refer to the
people residing near & beyond the eastern side of Indus River.
____________________ 2. Vedas is a very diverse collection of writings including hymns to gods, dialogues, stories, and
sagely advice from religious masters.
____________________ 3. A persons puja will determine the state of the persons rebirth after his life on earth. If he do
good while he was still living, he will be reincarnated in a higher state and vice versa.
____________________ 4. The caste system formed the social organization of Indian society. However, the caste
system became an instrument of stratification or classification.
____________________ 5. One of the rituals of the Aryans are the practice of animal sacrifice done by a Brahmin & the
instructions of the ritual are contained in the Bhagavad Gita to guide the doer of the ritual.
____________________ 6. During the Medieval Period of the History of Hinduism, there is the rise of devotional
literature, the writing of the great Hindu epics which are the Ramayana and Mahabharata,
and the rise of Buddhism.
____________________ 7. When puja is done in temples, worshippers follow stricter rules to ascertain the purity of one's
offering to the deity.. The Kshatriyas handles the offering and offers it to the deity's altar.
____________________ 8. One of the highlights of the Lohari festival is the bathing of the devotees on the Saraswati
River of enlightenment.
____________________ 9. Vaisheshika Philosophy is concerned with logic ad establishment of proof.
____________________ 10. Hinduism has no identifiable founder. It started in Indus Valley where the semi-nomadic
Aryans migrated and occupied the cities of Tigris and Euphrates and so its civilization
____________________ 11. It was then in the Modern Period in the History of Hinduism where the British brought
modern education,, imposed political systems and oriented the Christianity religion in
____________________ 12. Yogi engaged in asanas to facilitate the flow of prana along the different chakras by chanting
the kundalini.
____________________ 13. Guru Purnima is a river festival wherein the devotees do ritual bathing and religious ascetics
to purify themselves before discussing religious matters.
____________________ 14. Yoga enables individual to activate his/her sattvic state & and escape influence of raja and
____________________ 15. During the Classical period of the History of Hinduism, actual practice of Hinduism in
everyday life in terms of social virtues, called dharmic orthodoxy pave its way.
____________________ 16. Saraswati, the goddess of speech is associated with Brahma, Lakshmi with Shiva, and
Parvati with Vishnu.
____________________ 17. The explanation as to why Hindu deitys have multiple arms is that it emphasizes the deitys
immense power and ability to perform several acts at the same time.
____________________ 18. The Brahmin is the eternal, uncreated and all-pervasive Reality that has no form, and keeps
the universe in existence.
____________________ 19. The festival of Holi is inspired by the triumph of good over evil as narrated in Ramayana.
____________________ 20. The British, during their reign in India, built beautiful and unsurpassed architectural
landmarks of which the famous example is the Taj Mahal built for Shah Jahan's favorite


Direction: Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
______1. A teacher of Hinduism a. Samsara
______2. Endless cycle of birth, death, rebirth b. Moksha
______3. Liberation from the cycle of rebirth c. Prana
______4. Non-violence to all beings d. Purusha
______5. Vardhamma/ Mahavira e. Bhakti Yoga
______6. Energy centers of the body f. Sattvic State
______7. Combination of Hinduism and Islam g. Sikhism
______8. Collection of writings in different volume h. Ganesh Chaturthi
______9. Timeless order of all life i. Tama
______10. Invisible psychic energy j. Dharma
______11. Atheistic Philosophy k. Parvati
______12. Person as fundamental princple of universe l. Ahimsa
______13. Atomistic views of reality m. Mahabharata
______14. Devotion towards the deity n. Confucianism
______15. Soul/spirit of a living being o. Jainism
______16. Mother goddess associated with Shiva p. Guru
______17. Towards decay q. Kali
______18. Spiritual calm, virtue, & joy r. Chakra
______19. Translated as sorrow or suffering s. Mahatma Gandhi
______20. Focused on learning and erudition t. Ramayana
______21. Celebration of the birth of Ganesh u. Dukkha
______22. Epic fifteen times longer than Bible v. Makara Sankranti
______23. Goddess holding a head w. Atman
______24. Social activist and critic x. Vaisheshika
______25. Festival of harvest y. Vedas
z. Samkhya
Direction: Enumerate what is asked for each item. You can write your answers at the back of this paper.
1-3. Smriti scriptures.
3-6. Major gods in Hinduism
7-10. Social ranks in the Caste system from highest to lowest rank.
11-13. Main schools of thought in Hinduism
14-20. Hindu Festivals
Direction: Identify who is illustrated in the picture below. Write their attributes at the back of this paper.

1. _________________ 2._________________ 3.____________________________ 4.______________________

5.__________________ 6. _______________________ 7. __________________ 8. _________________

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