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HID Architecrural Downlighting

Marcr.r ;s ple.rsed n, presenr its High lntensiry ofenergy consumed drLn incanclesccnt or i'luo-

I Discharge (IIID) rccessecl lighring cacalog. lhis rescenc vnrres. This coupLecl wirh an extended lifc
catalog is desigrrcd to rnakc ir simple r<, locate and '1an l k orrllll)r.,,.r'.,rr .Lerbrrr '
rrrilize all dara required to specill and otder Matco lighring svsrem ncluiring high tfliciencv an.1
lllD lixrurcs. durabilrtv.
This carrlog includcs our corrplcte lLne of Stanclarcl fcatures includc precrsion dic cast alu
neLcur-r' r.rpor, meral h.rltcle and high pressLrrc minum plaster frarnes, adjLLstabie hanger bracke*
sodium recessed fixtures. Our HID producn ancl F can type balhsn vrth encl(xures designcd
lnclude con63ur.rtions for open. lensed, rvrliwash, foL easl removal trom below drc ceiling. Our HIL)
clLpsoidal, rdjustablc and low profilc us.rge. Vc product line also includes a conrplece sclcctron of to suppLying your nost rime sens;rivc ordeA wirh
offer a solurion lor crcry lighring plan. For installa- accessories ro fiLnher enh.'nce yoLrr l;8hring Plan. walehorrses located ir D. las, Ailanta. Philadclphi.l

rions rcquiring thc crx,rdinarion of HID sources Muco h:r proven co bc an innovarivc lbremnncr
L.' ir . nJF.. rn . ,i.- pru. r,, r. -,"rr \rr. r,\ r rlre r rr r-.r11 'rn e ' r/ ( rrr ur-l I
rvhich p.Lrallel rvirh those fixturcs ment cocngineering clL. itt is evidcnt in every
HID lamps ofler more l;ghr ourt)ur Per tmoltllr procluct that rve manuiirctLrrc We .rre commire(l


'fypical ofall Marco fixtures, our HID products are lunher tailoring ofour HID fixtures wirh emer
ers,reered or -fi]' rer' y gency srandby relays, weatherproof gaskering and
abiliry. Srandard leatures include precision die tamper-proofing.
aJuminun plrrer irame. ad urrbl" hanser
bra.l, r. rrc r' bar hars -. Tr- ." Ourpla.rc rr ,n-.'.,re nade urd , a'r alumrnt.m
every HID f]xcure arc preciseiy posirioncd at the Tlr', r, I prevenrord.'r'n.",th*anl orto. on
r-, rory ro e.,ninJ , e 1e, e',ti u ireld a lrLr. - and provide exrra strengrh for the housingassem
'l bly. In addrcion, rhe frame has a regression to
ments. An extruded aluminum he.rt sink neck con
nec$ ro a die cast aluminum socket cap ro promoce accept the bead ofthe cone or bal}1e, creating a
','olcrop.r"rlng 1g6p".r urF'. M.ft o. tr,' i'i.r crimLcss appearance if clesired.
formed reflectors are produced with a mirror 1ike,
high gloss Alzakrv finish. Raced lor use in damp Our hanger brackets are adjustable up to 1.5'
locations, all our fixtures are thermally Prorecred. which acconmodates various ceiling chicknesses or
A comprehensive selection of acccssoris allow construcrion, such as 'T" baa gypboard, or phster


our ballasts are HPF and thermally protected ln- (rsers and flat and regre+sed ftesnel lenses.
Bat hangets ate supplied with every HID txture.
O.r teJescopic slijirrtpo adjust ro 25" and will line fixing is standard, which protects the ballast The rccessed squaris include flat and drop opal
accommodate all ceiling imtallations. and assures condnuity of the circuit. Positioned on diffuser. flat ftesnel, concave, flat and drop holo'
the outrigger, orrt ballasts teceive excellent arrflow phatle, and C-73 temperd lenses.
Marco reflectors are a:lailable in clear, gold and for maximum life. They a$ dc-signed with a trur* Marco lensed fixtltes are nimmed with die cast
black specular Alzak. Cleat Alzak maximizes light strap and latch for easy rcmoral. OurJ-boxes ate aluminum doot assemblies featuring our excltrsive
output and precisely controls beam pattems Gold pre-wired wich the ground wire included The touch-latch/rrigger-larch lock and cam-hinge.
Alzak warms the light teflected. Black Alzak and ballast arid J-boxes are serviceable from below the designed to protect the outer trirn ftom scratchiog
black baffle reduce glate and provide visual ceiling. when the lens is opened.
comfort. The cones are held in the plaster ftame
with out unique snap-in Grip Klipfr system. Irnsed fixtures can provide creacive ahematives
ro lightiog plans. Our line oflensed HID fi-tmres
Our HID fixrutes Gatrue enclosed l-can type includes a wide range ofoPtions. In recesrd
ballasts, a coostant wattage auto transforrner. A.ll of rounds, we offer holophane, drop opal and flat dif-
The excellent engineering of Marcoi HID pro,C- specular Alzak coacings pmduce a high gloss,
ucr line extends to the aspects of crims and mirror like finish thati uniform from cop to
finishes. To maintain design harmony with other bottom. Clear and gold finishes maximize light
architecrutal downlights, our HID fixtures are output and precisely control beam pattems.
crafted to be compatible wich our extersive line Champagne gold adds a flatcering warm quaiity
ofLghcing prcducts. to the reflected light thac compliments many
environments. Black Alzak and black bafile cones
The standard trim supplied with Marco HID eliminate glare ac rhe apenure, providing visual
fixtffes is a l'lac, narrow aluminum design thac .omlorr ar normal vie$in8 angle.. To mrin'ain
conceals the ceiling cutout and gives aclean 6nish. the precise photometric specifications of our HID
The scandard iinish is 1ow gloss white to match flxtutes. black Alzak cones and black baffles are
mosr ceiling materials. The frarne for our fixtures designed with clear Alzak reflectors. The black
has a regression co accept rhe bead ofthe cone or ba&le is constructed ofaluminum and deep recess-
baffle, thereby cteating a trimless appearance ed for a clean finished appearance.
Our lensed fixtures are trimmed with die cast
Out reflectors/cones come in clea! champagoe aluminum door assemblies. The inner trim houses
gold or black AlzakrM and black baffle. OLr dre lens and fits securely in the outer trim. An

ClearAlzak Gold Alzak

(D O
Black Alzak Black Ba1lle

,} {''_ 3
cold Alzak

Flat Fresnel
Flat Fresnel Concave Holophane Concave Holophane
Multi srep
Drop Opal SpLay
Splay Multi-step Splay

Flat DiffLrser
Drop Opal
Multi step
Drop Holophane
Concave Holophane

4 MARco
upward pressure on the lens automatically activates Our recessed squares rnclude flat and drop opal above tk ceiling tine is especially desirable to
our touch-laccb Lock to open the fixture. Vhen diffuser, flat fresnel, concave, flar and drop holo- shield the luminance from the viewe! during
opened, our exclusive patented hinge cam drops phane, and C-73 tempered lerses. normal viewing.
rhe inner trim rA" to procect the outer trim from
damage while rhe fixture is being serviced. To close The ltesnel lens, regressed 2rli" above the nnished The dmp opal difliser is purely decorative. Its
the Lens, simply push it back and it will re-lock ceiling, provides positive downlighting with high round cosine distrjbution cufte indicates lighc
candiepower at nadir. This is especially usetul in drrected n alldownward angles. De.orarivc
Trim finishes for our lensed fixrutes are offered higher ceilings wbere fixtlues are spaced on a one applications call for this handsome unir wher
irner orrrer whre pdint. inner.rrtenatin
in e.rher to one ratio. The regressed lens, with splay or other prismatic lenses seem somewhat tommercial"
.l.rminum. nner black ouLer whire parnt. or inncr stepped baffle, shields the brightness from the in appearance. Used with dimmers, the droP oPal
black/outer sarin aluminum. viewer by lifring the lens above the ceiling during diffuser is enhanced when sumounded by the
Trims for our round lens fixtures are available in normal viewing- black stepped baffle.
either splayed or multi-step.
L'n'ed ixt.rreq can pmvide crearr.e alternarive. The holophane concave lens provides a broader
ro lighcins plans. Our line oflensed HID fixrures distribution fot use in low ceilings with a greater
includes a wlde range ofoptions. In recessed spacing to mounting height ratio of 1.3.
rounds, we oller holophane, drop opal and flac dif surfaces,re evenly rl luminared. rhereby redu< ing
fusers and flat and regressed fresnel lenses. visual contmst. The 2rA ' regression ofthe lens

Clear Alzakt
Satety Glass
-J SL,.
Gold Alzak/
Safecy Glass
Black Baffle


Drop Opal

C'73 Tempered kns Tempered Fresnel Mulci-step Polycarbonare
Multi-step Herculite kns Diffuser

Consisrenc with Marco s new series ofliterarure, Lamp Designation
the High Intensity Discharge catalog has been
Mercury Vapor
organized and prepared wirh rhe engineet in mind.
Specifuing and ordering criteria lollow a logical High Pressure Sodlum
flow product by product, section by section.
Metal Halide
Complece. ar .rr"re inlormar ion s prov ded rn a
format thar is consistenr from catalog to catalog.
Fixture Designation
Fixcures are only available with accessories and
finishes listed. For special modificarions consult Downlights
the hctory Recessed Open Apercute Rounds

Recessed Open Apenure Rounds and Squares

Round lens, Recessed

Two P;ece Die Cast Trims

Square Lens, Recessed

Two Piece Die Cast Trims

tt .,:jtL*n*:rri' _,,;]ll_

6 MARco
frrst lencr prelix Sccond leccer Three digir Trim inish nusr Volrage musr bc Oprional
prelix design.rtcs digits are rrinl be qxciticd rvhen specificd
t) Pc housing typc
I HID Soulces

source/Ballast Data High lnrensiry Discharge lamps olfer a better lamps are weil suited ro installations rhat are dif-
lumen/warc ratio than eirher incandescent or ficult to relamp.
fluorescent sources. This, coupled with che ex Metal Halide
tended lllc ofHID lamps, makes HID fixtures Meral haLide urilizes iocline and other halogens co
suirable for any lighting sysrem requiring high rhe arc trbe to produ.e che most natural lighc of
(rr . i"n, y dn., urubilir1. Trere are r\+r b.', che HID lamps. Although rhy ar very econom-
HID lamp sources: mercury vapor, metal halide, ical to operace, the life range ofmecal halides is
.rnd high pressure sodium. Each ol thse sources rhe strorrest of HID lamps. Mecal halide lamps are
has ics own lumen ou rpur, coloration, and lamp suiced co installations requiring r natural light
tirr .h -". re-r,||, , v ( h.v" pro\ ided , bd,r.
guide to these qualiries to help you specify rhe High Pressure Sodium
correcr sour.e fo. your insrallation. H,dr pr".'Jft 'oo -'n cnoloy. .orium ' por rr
Mercuty vapor the arc tube. The sodium vapor is responslble for
In mercury lamps, lighr is produced by the Pas the characrerisric golden glow produced by this
sage ofan electrical current through vaporized type of lamp. High pressure sodium is the most
mercury wirhin the arc tLrbe. A cool cast ;s nor- efficient ofthe HID lamps. It produces more
mally associared with this lamp cype. Because lumens per watr and is particularly suiced to
of rheir recognized long life, mercury vapor installations requiring high elfi ciency.

Wattage Lamp Lumens Hours

lMercuryVapor 100\Yy'arrs EI7 Mediun Base 4,4aa 24,000

100 \{arrs E2aVl Mogul Base .i,.i00 24,000

17 5 \rarrs R40 Mogul Base t,700 24.000

250 \garrs E28 Mogul Base 12,100 2:1,000

a00 \(/arrs F']1 Mogul Base 22,t00 24,000

lMetal Halide l2 \(arrs EDIT Medium Base 2,100 7,t00

I OO \X/arrs ED17 Mednm Base 6,800 10,000

17 5 lvar$ BT28 Mogul Base r.1,000 7,t00

250 vatts BT28 Mogul Ba5e 20,t00 10,0{x)

40o \(ars F'11 Mogul Base 14,000 20,000

lHigh Pressuie 50 \(atts 817 Mednrm Bzse j,s00 24,000

70 %rts E17 Medium Base t,400 24,OOO

100 Vatts E23t/) Mogul Base 8,800 24,O00

I50 $0atts E21/, Mogul Base I1,000 24.0AA

150 \Yy'arrs BT28 N{ogul Base t4,400 24,000

250 Watts F28 Mogul Basc 21,400 2.1,000


I HID Ballasts

N{arco HID fixmres fearurc enclosed F c.rn tvpc
ballasrs. a consrant wartage auto rransformer. All
our balLasrs are HPF and rhermallv prorected.
In line firsing rs srandard. this Prorecrs rhe ballast
and assurcs conrinuity of rhe circurt Positionecl
on the r.rutrlgger, our ballasts receive exccllent
airltow lor maximum Life They are designed with
a crLrnk strap and latch for easy renoval and
sc.vicng ftum below the ceiling. The charr below
rvill inform vou ofopen voLtages .rnd staning
remperarures for our ballasrs.

Thermal Starting
Voltage Open Volts Prolection Temp. Type
jj \Vans 120t21 ,- 255 Srandrrcl 20 Degrecs F

I00 \vatis I )Ot21t 215 -20 Dcgrees F

ll: Warls r2t)t27 ,- 245 Standard 20 Degrees F

2i0 Wait\ t2ai271 245 Standard 20 Degrees F

100 Y/,Ifts 110i21 .j Srandarcl 20 Degnes I

211 90 Srandard 50 Dcgrees F

100 \i/at$ r20t217 211 Standard 20 Degrees F

lr- 5 Wxrrs 1201211 100 Srandad -20 Drgrees F

250 \Varls r20t211 2ilo Standard -20 Degrees F

100 Wart\ 120t21 .1 2t)t) Srandard 20 Degrecs F

12at217 t20 Standard -40 Degrees F 2

t0 Varrs

120 Scand.rrd 20 Delirccs tr l

l0 \I/ans 120t211

1201211 IJ0 Standard -,10 Degrees F 2

100 V/arts

1t0 \Var$ ) 20t21 ,1 120 20 Degrees F 2

M^r\RCO Table of Contents/Fixturc Selector

Open Aperturc

Found Flxlures Round Elipsoidal Round Wallwasher

Clear/Gold Black Alzak/ Clear/Gold Black Alzak/ Clear/Gold

Alzak Baffle Alzak Ballle Alzak


tr{,Lx Van.
l2\vllvtH lr\xri NfH
I'g 12


NIN. \V.1tt. Max. \Vxrr. N,l.lx. \Vatt. lvlax. Vitt. Ifux. \
LOO\ Jtr,IV roa)\v/t\'TV 100wi MV I OO\X/lNIV 100\v1MV
J2\(,/lvlH 12w1.\1ll 100\(i HPS I (X)\(1llPS ll\vi trIH
70\{r1HPS 7O\V1HPS Pg. -16 1)g.26
Pg. l':i Pg. 1.1


luax. V,'atr. N{llx. \Vxrt. ivfax.Wrtt. N{.ir Warr.

1J I I t\V/ M\r 250\(1M\i I tO\vi Ntv
7O\{i HPS ]0wiHPS Ij5\{/1i\,IH rriwi NlH
Pg. 16 I']g. l8 150\\i/i HpS li0\irll{PS


i\{ar. V.rrr. N{.l){ \Varr. Max. \{/rtt. Mlrx. \\'atr.

2i0wMV 2 t0\(//l\tv 2 )0\X//MV 2iO\\//NIV
2t0wI{H rriw/NtH 2)0wi MH 2t0\(/i N{H
r50\x//HPS 1t0\(/IIPS 2iowi HPS t50wi lll)s
Pg.20 Pg. l2 Pg.i2 I'g .11


Nlax. V/att. M'ix \{att. Nfd. \Vutt.

I i 0\(iMI{ 100\flr'lv :100 \i,,1r\{v
Pg. ll 100\vi l\'tH .1( X )\X/i NI H
.1tn\vi HI,S l00w1I IPS
P's 16
I 0 rvlA.Frco
I r square etinsoiaat
I Lens

r Round Fixtures I Round Low Profile r Square Fixtures


Ma-r. watt. M1Lx. Warr.

l00w/MV l75\(//MV
100wMH 100\(//MH
TOO\(//HPS Pg.4il
PB. 42


Max. \(att.
Pg. 66


Max. Wart. Max. \flatt. Ma-r. \(acc.

2i0wMV 2 t0\(//MV 2towMV
250l(//MH 2t0wMH 2t0w/MH
LS()w/HPS I'Ow/HPS 1t0\(/HPS
Pg 18 Pg.51t Ps.60

lEittoo*,r,inn Tvpe:

I Bound Open Apertur Downlight Accessodes Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Consrruction includes a one piece die cast pl:rsrer
hangers frame. Hanger brackets are adjustable to 1.5'Rar
/32WMH l2 \(an hange$, whicb are suPPlied, adjusr ro 25'. Orhet
Meral Halide limp hanger accessories 27 ' C channel /Ol J box with
L/t & j/i" knockours is pre wire.l wirh Sround wire
includecl. Socket assembly has porcelain socket,
medium screwshell base and dle cast aluminr[n

Ballast circuit aLlows maximum '1-inl4-out #l2
A\VG conducrors rared at minimum 75'C
Enclosecl F can rype; constant wattig auco
transformer; HPF] in line fusing standard;trunk
latch unsntps to allow remov.rl of bal Last; voltage
must lx specified. Furrher ballasr specs on page 9.

Sourte Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

\(//ED17 Trim Finish

I Metal Halide LD243656 Clear Alz.rk 32
Cone/Reflector Mediun Base is

LD243657 GoLd Alzak l2wlDlT

Medium Base
LD243654 t2\(//ED17
Shallow Cone Medium Base
LD243659 Black Baffle 32\7/rDl7
ShalLorv Cone Medium Base

be specified

t L Listed Specs
in ctamP locatlons ancl is thermalLv
R,lred for use
prorecied.J box nnd ballast are.rccessible from
D) |p i-> Golcl Alzak Black Alzak
tslack Ball'le

Avrilnble in clear. gold and black specular Alzak.

Cle.rr Alz.rk naximizes light ourpLrt and providcs
conrrollecl beam partern Black Alzak ancL bal+lc

reduce glare. i2\{/MH does nor require enclosure.

Nmorv flar aluminum dcsign

Cone ol light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method

ao705030to0 LD243656
Mrc Hr AFCD' DA i6 so so ro io so go ro 50 30 lo so 30 lo 50 30 lo o I2\(/i ED17i MH
o id is 8, e9 s7 ez oz 87 83 s3 83 Ba ao aa 77 77 77 75
; #;5sr i6 es ez eo 7B ?9 77 76 76 75 74 73 12 T2 70 Total Lumens 2500
i Ei ti' 1s ti Aa 1t tq 72 74 72 ?a 72 70 6e 70 68 67 66
a;; ;3;,66 io z: og 66 70 67 65 68 66 64 66 64 63 62 si MH-1.0
i )i e;;4 6i ti at at 61 66 63 60 64 62 60 63 61 5e 58 I-D24j6tl CU x.9
\'. i zo o+ oo sr og o: ss 56 62 58 56 61 58 55 59 57 5554
55 52 58 54 52 s7 54 52 5i I-D2,11658 CU x 6
l-'- i o) eo so ii oo eo so 53 59 54 51 43 54 50 48 53 50 47
; ;i E6 ai +e oz ss sr '18
46 44 43 LD2/r1659 CU x.lj
51 17 44 5a 47 44
!| i !e 5, ae +l sg sz ae 45
6 io +g +i +r ss +e 4a 41 4a 44 41 47 43 41 46
'a 43 41 d0
io si +o +l ss 5i +s ,lt 38 45 41 38 44 41 3a 44 4a 3a 3T
Consult iacrory lor
rvatcagc or lamp v.rriaci,rn


MAFlCO Downlight fYper

aBound Open Apertuie Downtight Accessofies Housing Assembly

/Ol 27r C channel bar Construction includes a one piece die cast plaster
hangers frame. Hanger brackers are adjusrable ro 1.5'. Bar
/32WMH 32 Vatt hangers, rvlich are suppli.I, .rdjllst to 2ti. Other
Metal Halide iamp hanger accessories 27'C channel /Ol. J-box with
7:r * 7l' knockouts is pr-wired wirh ground wire
included. Socket assembLy has porcelain socket,
medium screwshell base and die casr aluminum

Ballasr circuic allows m:ximum 4-in/,1 out #12
ArVG conduccors rated at minlmum 75oC
Enclosed f-can cype; consranc warrage aut.)
transformer; HPF; inline ft$ing srandard; Trunk
larch unsnaps to allow removal of ballas r; voltage
musr be speclfied. Funlrer baliasr specs on page 9.

Sourre Fixturc Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

I MercuryVapor MD33s67t Clear Alzak 100\(442jlE17lBL7 Trim Finish

Cone/Betlector Medium Base is Vhite
MD335672 Gold Alzak l00\//A2tlEl7lB17
Medium Bzrse
MD33s673 Black Alzak L00\//423/E17/Bl7
Shallow Cone Medium Base
MD335675 B]ack Baffle lm\a4A21lEr7/Br7
be specified
Shallorv Cone Medium Base
I -;,.

I Metal Halide LD343666 Clear Alzak j2wED17 Trim Flnish

Cone/Betlector Mediun Base is Vhite
LD343567 Gold Alzak 32 \(4rD r 7
Medium Base
LD34366a Black Alzal j2\(//ED17
shallow cone Medium Base
LD343669 Black Ballle 32w/ED17
Shallow cone Medium Base

be specifiecl

I High Pressurc HD33r6al Clear Alzak 50\0E17lB17 Tr;m Fhish

Sodium Medium Base is r{/lr;re
Cone/Reflector HD33t6a3 Black Alzak t0\t//E17/Bl7
Shallorv Cone Medium Base
HD33r6A5 Black Baffle towl17/B17
Shallow Conc Mediurn Base
HD332682 Clerr Alzak 70\a4ErllBr7
Medium Base
HD3326A4 Black Alzak 70\0117lB17
Shallow Cone Medium Base
raD3326a6 Black Baffle 70wEr 7/B17
Shalloiv Cone Medium Base

14 MAFTCO be specified

UL Listed Specs
Rrrecl for use in d.rmp locations and
prorecrcd. J-box m<1 ballast are accessibLe
below ceiling.
ts $ermallv

Clear Alzak GolJ Alz.rk

(-)<D Black Baflle

Anihble in cle.rr, gold and birck qtcul.rr Alzak.

Clcrr Alzak maximizes lighr ourpur and provides
conrrolled beam pattern. Black Alzak and baflle
reduce gl.rre. i2\{tNfH does nor rcaulre enclosure'
N.Lrrow flar aluminum design

Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

Cone of light CP

ao 70 so30 loo MD335671

MTGHT DIA i6 so oo ro zo 50 30 to so 30 lo 50 30 lo so 30 1o o 100WB17/MVtoated
/TCA o ;l a5 sl 85 s3 s3 83 a3 7g lg 79 76 76 76 73 73 73 71
iso;6t;1snttts74747371 71 70 69 69 68 67 66 Total Lumens 4400
i 16 t6 n 67 7s 7i 69 60 65 62 59 63 60 58 65
67 69 67 65 67 65 64 64 62 61
i ii ei ai er zr oo os 55 60 57 54 59 56 54 61 s9 57 56 S/MH 1.1
i os 63 5g ss or oz se 50 56 52 50 55 52 49 54 55
57 53 52
51 49 48 MDl3t672 CU r.9
; i8s+so o: sr ss MDll)671 (iU x.8
; ;l ao +i oo s.r so 46 53 49 46 52 4a 46 51 48 46 44
i it io is 42 56 49 45 42 4a 44 42 47 44 41 47 43 41 40 MD3i5675 CU x 75
i ss a6 ni 38 53 46 4l 38 45 41 38 44 41 38 43 40 38 37
s 50 +i gs is +s +z se 35 42 38 35 41 3735 4037 3534 ConsuLc f.rctory for
io +i +o ss 32 46 39 35 32 39 35 32 38 34 32 38 34 32 31 wartage or lamp variation

ao 70 s030 100 LD343666

MT6Fr i6 so so ro 70 50 3tl to 5tl 30 lo 50 30 lo 5rl 30 1rr o
o ie e6 ,6 6o s+ g,l s+ 94 90 90 90 86 86 86 82 82 82 81 l2\ EDl7/MFI coated
i ;, aa aa oo go ss ao 85 85 83 82 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 Total Ltrmens-2500
i ;; a; si is eo es eo 78 80 78 76 7a 76 75 76 74 73 72
5 ea is;5 7, A2 78 75 72 16 73 71 74727072 70 6967 S/MH 1.0
i aa ta i ai 1e 7s to 67 72 69 66 70 67 65 69 66 64 63 LDl41667 CU x.9
i ro zo os 62 75 6s 65 62 68 64 61 66 63 61 65 62 60 59
e iiooei 58 71 65 61 58 64 60 57 63 60 57 62 59 s7 56 LDl.1l668 CU x .8
t;a6i t$676i 56 53 60 56 53 59 5s 53 58 55 52 5l LDl.1l669 cu x .7t
i ol sz ss 50 64 57 53 49 56 52 49 55 52 49 55 51 49 48
i or s+ ig +o oo ss +g 46 52 48 45 52 4a 45 51 4a 45 44 Consult factory for
I io ie 5o +6 4, 57 5a 45 42 49 4a 42 49 45 42 4a 45 42 41 watrige or lamp variarion

ao 70 5030 loo HD332642

MrG Fr /\:. o D e i6 so so ro z6 5o 30 lo 50 30 to so 30 lo 50 30 lo o 701I/i EDlT/HPS coated
o e5 85 8S 85 83 83 83 83 80 30 80 76 16 76 73 73 7372
i i'i ;a i; ia 1e n ft 74 75 73 72 72 T1 7a 1a 6s 6a 67 Tot.rl Lumens i,100
i tt tl tt 6a rc P 7a 67 70 68 66 68 66 65 66 64 63 62
5 i: oe os 62 72 67 64 61 65 6260 6461 59 62 60 5857 s/MH-1.2
I OS 63 5S 56 68 63 59 56 61 58 55 60 57 54 58 56 54 53 HDl1268:1CU x.8
i os !g s+ si 64 5s 54 51 57 53 50 55 52 50 54 52 49 48
46 HDll26116 Cll x .7i
;;i aa ao 47 60 54 50 47 53 49 46 52 49 46 51 1B 45
; a;,a 4,42 56 49 45 42 4a 4a 42 4a 44 41 47 44 41 4'

50\0/817 CP x .6
i l+ +o +i 3s 53 46 41 38 15 41 38 44 40 38 43 40 37 36
6 so qi ll 34 49 42 37 34 41 37 34 40 37 34 '10 36 3'1 33 ConsL t hccory for
io ai 3s il or +o og :+ 31 38 34 3l 37 33 3l 37 33 31 30 rv.rrtal;e or lamp varlatioLr

MAFICO Downlight TYpe:

lBound Open Aperture Downlight Accessofies Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Conscrucrion incLudcs a one piece clie casr plascer
hangers Ianre. H.rngcr br.rckers rre. jusrable co I.t'. Bnr
hangers, rvhich are supplid, adjust tc, 2t'. Other
hanger accessories lnclLrde 27' C chnnncl/Ol. J'box
rvith .r:'* r'"'knockouts is pre wircd ivirh ground
rvire included. Socket asscmblv hm porcelain socket,
medium and moguL screwshell bases (consulc ryecific
camlog number) and die casr aluminum socket cap.
Ballast circuit allows maximum 4 in/4 out #12
A\(G conduccors raced ar m;nimLlm 75'C.
Enclosed F can type; consrant wattage auto
r.ansformer; HPF; in-line fusing srandard; trunk
l.rrch LLnsnaps to allow removal olball.rst; voltage
must be specified. Furrher balLast specs on p.rge 9.

Source Fixtuie Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

I MercuryVapor MD421271 Clear Alzak 100\(//El7/Bl7/R,l0 'rrim Finish

Rellector Meclium Base is White
MD421242 ts1.rck Alzal r00wE17i B17/R40
Medium Base
MD421243 Gold Alzak 100\(/El7/Br7/R.l0
Medium Base
l/ID4222f,1 Clcar ALzak L7tw/R.10
Mogul Basc
-*' ,-t ""-3
MD422292 Black Alzak I l5\a4 R:10
NIogL Base
MD422n3 Gold Alzak lTtwi It.10
Mogul Base

be speciliecl

I High Pressure 11D441250 Clear Alzak 50w!17/BL7 Trinr Finish

Sodium Meclium Base is U/hire I

Reflector HD4412s1 Black Alzak t0wEl7/817

NIediLrm Base

Clear Alzak

Black Alzal<

Meclium Base
l]lJ-*l _7t.^ -)
Medium Base
_8 -l
be specified

^ I

Listed Specs
R'r lor'l ' ".rn1 " r'-- ulr''rr'r-nr l)
'" '." l,or rnd -r1,.:r
rr' - -..ib.e rror .\:;p,

uhck Alzak
Ar.rilablc in clear, gold and black specular Alz.rk
Clear Alzak m:-rimizes lighr ourput and provicles
rontrolled lnm pancrn Black Alzak and bafi'le

Nanoiv tlat aluminum dcsign

Distribution Zonal Gavity Method Notes

Cone of light CP

ao ?o 503(} loo MO422291

MrGFr o4 i6 so so ro ?o so 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o
L7t\(//R.l0i MV
/Tco o 99 99 99 99 g7 s7 gT 97 93 93 93 89 89 89 85 85 85 84
r e6ragi91 94 92 91 89 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 e2 80 Tocal lumens 5700
i ei ss s7 es sr eo eo 84 8s 83 82 83 81 80 8i 80 78 77
gs s5 sz Bo 88 g4 81 79 82 80 78 ao 7a 77 7a 71 Ts 14 si N{H,.6
5 74 77 7a 13 76 T1 72 T1
i s6t,rfu is ss sr rr 75 7s 7673 tu 74 72 70 73 71 69 6a
l\,ID422292 CU x .ar
i si ie za 7i 82 7i 74 71 76 68 72 69 67 71 69 67 66 MI)422291 CU x .9
6 eoz5 li 6e 79 74 7i 68 73 70 68 66 64 63
i 1i ii az aircr s 65 70 67 64 69 66 64 100\(i E1l CU x .75
i ii orl 6+ ai 1t aa aa 62 67 64 61 66 63 61 66 63 61 60
6 zi os 6r is zr os or 59 64 6i 58 64 60 58 63 60 58 57 Consult lactory for
io oe 6i a9 so oe ez sg 56 62 58 56 61 58 56 61 53 56 55 x,arrage or lamp variation

ao ?o 503() loo HD4422s2

*"* i6 so go ro zo 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 !0 50 30 lo o 70\V/Bli/HPS (qrred
/\co "^ o ii 1s 1i i5 73 73 73 n 7a 7a 7a 67 67 67 64 64 64 63
l ii to es 67 70 69 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 62 61 60 59 Toral Lumens 5400
i o9 o6 63 a: oz os os 61 63 61 60 61 59 58 59 58 57 56
l;i615sszo+or se 56 59 57 55 58 56 54 56 55 54 53 S/MH 1.1
; 6, 68 s5 6z or sz s,r 52 56 54 52 55 53 51 51 52 50 49 HDl.122!l CU x .8
F ! 6a si +e se s4 sr 48 53 so 48 52 4e 47 51 49 47 46
F 6 ii sr le 45 s6 51 47 45 50 47 45 49 46 44 48 46 44 43 50V/B17 CP x .6
; aai6l.+4,fi4t 44 42 47 44 41 46 43 '11 45 '13 41 40
ConsLrlc factory for
ig si ,is +i 3s 50 44 41 39 44 41 38 4 4a 3a 43 4a 3a 37
aa +i ge 35 47 41 3a 35 41 38 35 40 37 35 40 37 35 34 *'artagc or lanp variatlon
io +s s9 :s 33 44 39 35 33 38 35 33 33 35 33 37 34 33 32
MAFlCO Sttoo-,rlistt Type:

I Found Open Aperlure Baflle Downlight Accesso es Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Construction includes a one piece die cast plaster
hangers frame. Hanger brackers are adjustable to 1.5'. Bar
hangen, which are suppLied, adjust to 25'. Other
hanger accessories include 27' C channel/Ol. J-box
wich V! &)/a'knockouts is pre-wired with ground
wire included- Socket assembly has porcelain socket,
medium and mogul screwshell bases (consult
specific catalog number) and die cast aluminum

Ball,lt circuit ailows ma-ximum 4-inl4-out #l2
AWG conductors rated ar minimum 75'C.
Enclosed F-can type; consrant wattage mrto
transformer; HPF; io line fusing standard; trunk
larclr unsnaps to allow removal ofballasr: volrage
must be specified. Iurther ballasc specs on page 9-

Sourre Fixtuie Description Wattage Dimensions

MercuryVapot MD421284 Black Baffle i00WEl7/B17/R40 TrimFinisb

Volcage must
Black Ba{1le
Mogul Base
is \fhice

be specified


I High Prcssur 1tD441254 Black Baffle 50\c/El7lB17

Sodium Medium Base
Baffle HD442255 Black Bafi'le 1lwlEt1lB11

Volcage musc
be specified

1 H,1'itT1l*liii::l:r.::'-*:1;r''
tslack brl+1e recLuces glare.
Nrrro*' flar aluminom clesign.

Cone ol light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Noies

60 ?o 5030 loo Mta224t4

DA ?o 50 30 lo ?o 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 1()5030too
o7979797s7a7A7e7A74747471 7l 71 68 68 68 67 17t\(/Ri0Fr/MV
176757372757372 71 70 69 68 68 67 66 66 65 65 63 Toral lumcns i700
2 73 7A 6A 66 72 69 67 66 67 66 64 65 64 63 63 62 61 60
3 7A 67 64 62 69 66 63 61 6462 60 6361 59 61 60 58 57 S/MH .9
4 67 63 60 58 66 63 60 57 61 59 57 60 58 56 59 57 56 55 L00WIi1r0 CU x .t
: 5 65 60 57 54 64 59 56 54 58 55
6 62575451 61 57 53 51 56 53
53 57 55
51 55 52
53 56 54 52 52
50 54 52 50 49 100w/B17 CU x .75
7 59 54 50 48 58 53 50 48 53 50 48 52 49 47 51 49 47 46 ConsLrlt laccory fir
a 5751 48 45 56 51 47 45 50 47 45 49 47 45 49 46 45 44
9 54 48 45 42 53 .18 45 42 47 44 42 47 44 12 46 44 42 41 rvatrage or lamp variarion
10 52 46 42 4A 51 46 42 4A 45 42 4A $ 42 4A 44 42 4A 39

ao?o5030loo HD442255
Mr"Nr DA 70 50 30 ro ?o 50 30 lo 50 30 lo s0 30 l0 so 30 loo
nFco. o 65 65 65 65 63 63 63 63 61 61 61 5858 58 56 56 5654 70V//BL7/HPS coated
16261 60 59 6i 60 59 53 58 57 56 56 55 54 54 53 53 52 Toral Lumens 1400
2 60 51r 56 54 59 57 55 54 55 54 53 54 52 51 52 51 50 50
3 58 55 53 51 57 54 52 50 53 51 50 51 50 49 50 49 48 47 S/MH .9
4 55525A 48 5451 49 47 50 4A q 19 4e 46 4A 47 46 45 ;0V/BU CP x .a)
I 5 53 49 47 45
6 51 47 44 42
52 49 46
50 47 44
4A 46
46 44
47 45
45 43
46 45
44 43
43 43
4t 41 Consulr f&rory for
7 49 44 42 40 4a 44 42 40 43 41 39 43 41 39 4240 3938 wattage or Lamp variation
a 47 42 39 37 46 42 39 37 41 39 37 41 39 37 40 38 3736
g 44 4A 37 35 44 4A 37 35 39 37 35 39 36 35 38 36 35 34
10 43 38 35 33 42 38 35 33 37 35 33 37 35 33 37 34 33 32

19 MAFlCcl
MAFlCO Downlight lvpe:

I Round OFen Aperture Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27" C channel bat Construction includes a one piece die cast plrster
hangers frame. Hanger brackets are adjuscable to 1.5 ". Bar
/ll Emergeflcy stand- hangets, which are supplied, adjust to 25". Other
by relay for MV, HPS hanger accessories include 27' C chmnel/Ot.J-box
and MH 100\(or with 7:" & 7.r" knockouts is pre wired with ground
gfearer units wire included. Sockec assembly has porcelain socket,
medium and mogul screwshell bases (consrilt
specifrc catalog number) and die cast aluminnm
sockec cap.
Ballast circuit allows maximum 4-inl4-our #12
AWG conducrors rated at minimum 75"C.
Enclosed F-can type; constant wattage auto
ffansfomer; HPF; in-line fusing standard; trunJ<
latcb unsnaps to allow removal of ballast; voltage
must be specified. Iunher ballast specs on page 9.

Source Fixtule Description Waftage Finish Dimensions

I MercuryVapor MD525677 Clear Alzak Reflecror t001{/lE23VrlBT2t Trim Fioish

Rellecto/Cone Clear Alzak Cone Mogul Base is \trhite

Gold Alzak Reflector
Gold Matte Cone
Clear Alzak Rellector
Mogul Base

Clear Alzak Cone Mogul Base

MD527t5a GoId Alzak Rellector 175\7/E28/8T28


Gold Marre Cone
Clear Alzak Reflector
Clear Alzak Cone
Gold Alzak Reflector
Mogul Base
Mogul Base
250WtE28 tBT28

I Hill
Gold Matte Cone Mogul Base
Vokage mr.:st
be specified

lMetal Halide LD525674 Clear Alzak Reflector l00vtED17 Trim Finish

Rellector/Cone Clear Alzak Cone Medium Base is \trhite
LD5m258 Gold Alzak Reflector 100\7ED17 I
Gold Matte Cone Medium Base
LD52a67a Clear Alzak Refleccor t7rWlE2lVr lE28
Clear Alzak Cone Mogul Base
LD527254 Gold Alzak Reflector 17tWlE21Vr lE28
GoId Marre Cone Mogul Brse
LD529674 Clear Alzak Ref-lector 250\(//E28/BT28
Clear Alzak Cone Mogul Base
LD53O25A Gold Alzak Reflecror 250ry/tE28tB'r28
Gold Marre Cooe Mogul Base
Volrage must
be sP."cified

I High Prcssure HD529677 Clear Alzak Reflector tjvlE2)Y,lBT2t T(im Finish

Sodium Clear Alzak Cone Mogui Base is $7hite
Rellector/Cone HD525677 Clear Alzak Reflector 10V/lE23Vrl BT25
Clear Alzak Cone Mogul Base
HD526,677 Clear Alzak Reflector t00'VlE21Y2l BT2t
Clear Alzal Cone Mogul Base
HD527677 Clear Alzak Reflecror 150\Y/lE27VrlBT2t

Vohage must
be specified
Clear Alzak Cone Mogul Base
t L Listed Specs
Rrred for usc in damp locarions and is rhermauy
protected. J-box ancl ballasc arc accessible frour
belorv ceiling.
Clear Alzak Colcl Matce Cr-rnc
Avrihble 1n clear and gold specular alzak. Clcar
alzak narimizes Lighr outpur ancl providcs
.onrrclled btam pattern. Safecy lens for Meral
Halide fixtures sLq4lied standard.
Nmorv 0ar aluminum design.

Cone of light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Melhod Notes

ao 70 5030 100 MD529677

rcHr n(o Ds 70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 !o 50 30 l0 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 64 64 64 64 62 62 62 62 59 59 59 57 57 57 55 55 55 53 2i0\{/E28/MV coated
'r 61 59 58 57 59 58 57 56 56 55 54 54 53 53 52 52 51 50 Toral I-umens 12,100
2 53 56 53 52 57 55 53 51 53 51 50 51 50 49 50 49 48 47
3 55 52 49 47 54 51 49 47 50 48 46 48 47 45 4J 46 45 41 Si MH 1.0
4 52 49 46 44 52 4A 45 43 47 45 43 46 44 42 45 43 42 4l MD52815il CU x 1.0
5 50 45 42 40 49 15 42 40 44 ,11 40 43 41 39 42 40 39 38
6 47 43 39 37 46 42 39 37 41 39 37 41 38 37 40 38 36 36 175\n/E2fl CP x .65
? 45 40 36 34 44 39 36 34 39 36 34 38 35 34 37 35 33 33 100V/E2lh CP x .15
a 42 37 34 31 4i 36 33 31 36 33 3i 35 33 31 35 33 31 30
9 393431 29 39 34 31 29 33 30 28 33 30 28 32 30 28 28 Consulr facrory for
10 37 32 2A 26 37 31 2A 26 31 28 26 31 2a 26 3A 28 26 25 wattageo.lafff viftxtron

80 70 5030 1oo LD52a67A

Mrb Fr o DA 7() so 30 to 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 loo
,^,rc 55 55 53 53 53 5i 175\flBT28/MHcoated
o 61 6t 6i 6t 60 60 60 60 57 57 57 55
I 58 57 56 54 57 56 55 54 a4 53 52 52 5i 50 50 49 49 48 Toral Lunens 1,1,000
2 555351 49 54 52 50 49 50 49 48 49 48 47 47 46 46 45
352 19 47 45 51 48 46 41 41 45 43 16 11 43 45 43 42 41 S/MH I.2
4 50 46 43 41 49 45 42 4A 44 42 4A 41 39 42 40 39 38 LDt27258 CU n 1.0
5 47 42 39 37 46 42 39 37 41 39 37 40 38 36 39 37 36 35
I 6 44 39 36
7 41 36 33
a 39 34 30
38 36
35 33
33 30
33 37 35
30 34 32
2A 32 29
33 32
30 29
27 27
250Wi l2ti CP x L5
Consult factory lor
9s631 27 25 36 3a 27 25 30 27 25 29 21 25 29 27 25 24 rvartage or lamp variarlon
10 34 2A 25 23 33 28 25 23 2A 2a 23 27 24 22 27 24 22 22


ao 70 5030 loo j1D527677

70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loso30loo
o 7a 7a 7a 7a 76 76 76 76 t3 73 73 69 69 69 67 67 67 65 1tov/EzlYtHPS coared
1 -/4 72 71 69 73 71 7A 68 68 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 6l fotal Lumns-It,000
2 71 68 65 63 69 67 64 63 65 63 61 63 61 60 61 60 59 58
3 67 63 60 s3 66 62 60 57 61 58 56 59 57 56 58 56 55 54 s/MH-t 0
4 64 59 56 53 63 59 55 53 57 54 52 56 54 52 55 53 51 50
ltnV/!21'l: CP x.6
5 61 55s243605551 49 54 50 48 52 50 48 51 49 47 46
L 6 58 524845 57 51 48 45 50 47 45 49 46 44 49 46 41
43 70\X4E2l% CP x .lt
? 54 4A 44 41 53 48 44 41 47 43 41 46 43 4l 45 43 40
50\0E21% CP x .25
a 51 45 4i 38 50 44 40 38 43 40 38 .13 40 37 42 39 37 36
9 4841 37 34 1T 41 37 34 40 37 34 40 36 34 39 36 34 33 Consulr lacrory lor
45 3A 34 31 44 38 34 31 37 34 31 37 33 31 36 33 31 30
warrage or lamp vrriation

2I MAFltrcl
MAFlCO 9tlo*^tigl,t l\rpe:

I nound Open Aperturc Baflle Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27" C channel bar Construcrion includes a one piece die cast plaster
hangers frame. Hanger brackets are adjustable to 1.5 ' Bar
/ll Emergency stand- hangers, which are supplied, adjust to 25'. Other
by relay lor MV, HPS hanger accessories include 27" C channel /Ol. J-box
and MH 100wor s/ich LZ' & 7a' knockours is pre-wired with ground
grearer units wire included. Socket assembly has porcelain socket,
medium and mogul screwshell bases (consult
specific catalog number) and die cast aluminum
sockec cap.
Ballast circuit allows ma-rimum 4-inl4 out #12
AWG conductors rated at minimum 75"C
Enclosed F can type; constant wattage aulo
transformer; HPF; io-line fixing standard; trunl
latcb unsnaps co allow remov ofballast; volege
must be specified. Funber ballast specs on page 9

Fixtur Description Wattaqe Finish Dimensions


I Mercuqr Vapor MD522266 Black Ball'le 100u/t823%lB'f 25 Trim Finish

Ballle Mog Brse is \X/hice
MD523266 Black Baft'le t1twlE2alw28
Mogul Base
MD524m6 Black Ballle 250\r/tE28lB'128
Mogr.rl Base
Voltage mr.rst
be specified I
_r0- r I

I Metal Halide LD522256 Black Baffle 100wED17 Trim Finhh

Baffle Medium Base is \trhite
Lttsz3 6 Black Baffle 11tU/lE23V, lE28

Mogul Brse
Voltage must

L H.3
be specified

I High Pressur HD530266 Black Bafr.le t0U/lE27VzlW25

Sodium Mogul Base
10WlE23Y2l B'f 2t
Baftle HD5t7266

Black Ball'le

Black Baffle
Mogul Base

L Ei3
Mogul Base
HD523266 Black Baflle 1rjvlE23hlBT2t
Mogul Base
Voltage must
be specified

UL Listed Specs
RrLJ tiL use ln Jarrp l<,c.trom rnd is rhlrmrllr'
plxetten .l b,,x rnd brlhst .iLe .rccessiblc fn,m
Blrr k Brtllc
B r k Lrl11c reduces .qlare Srfitr' lcns lor.N{trrl
Hrlnlt lirtLLres supplrr il strnd.rrcl
N.rrros llrt rhnrrnum ltsign

Cone ol liqht CP Dislribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

ao 70 so30 1()0 MD524266

70 50 3() ro ?o 50 30 ro so 3() lo 50 30 10 5030 loo
o 626262 62 61 61 61 61 58 5a s3 56 56 56 53 53 53 52 li0\i',llS, MV (on(J
I 59 58 57 56 53 57 56 55 55 5.1 s3 s3 52 51 51 51 50 49 Tr)tJl Lullrens I l,I {){)
2 57 54 52 51 56 53 52 50 52 50 49 s0 49 ,18 49 48 47 46
3 54 5t ,18 ,16 53 50 48 46 49 ,17 45 4T 16 14 46 45 11 13 S,Ill I 0I
4 51 48 45 43 50 ,17 4!i 12 16 44 42 45 43 41 44 42 '11 '10 lr j\ViEls (lP x r
5 49 44 4l 39 48 44 ,11 39 43 4l 39 .12 '10 33 41 39 38 37
6 .16 ,12 39 36 46 .31 38 36 41 38 36 ,10 38 36 39 37 36 35 I(l0vrr El ll,r Cl) r .It
7 44 39 36 33 ,13 38 35 33 33 35 33 37 35 33 36 34 33 32 (:(n,n,lr t.r()rv tiir
I 41 36 33 3r ,r0 36 33 31 35 32 30 35 32 30 3,1 32 30 29
9 39 34 30 23 38 33 30 28 33 30 28 32 30 ?8 32 30 23 27 Nxrrirsc or l.lm j) \'trlitioL,
lo 37 31 23 26 36 31 28 26 31 28 26 30 28 ?6 30 27 26 25


-t 80 70 5030 1oo
'lo LD523256
70 50 30 to 70 50 30 l0 50 30 1() 50 30 io 50 30 o
o 57 57 57 57 56 56 s1r 56 53 53 53 51 51 5l ,19 49 49 43 ll;\\', BTlS,Ml I .o,(r,l
1 a4 53 52 51 53 52 s1 50 50 ,1ll ,18 4e 4a ,17 47 ,16 46 15 'li)ri1 Lunrens I i,000
2 a2 aa 4a 46 51 49 47 46 17 16 45 46 45 ,14 44 43 43 12
3 Cq C6 .1.1 42 4A 45 43 42 11 42 41 43 .12 40 42 '11 40 39 S]N{I1 L I
4 41 43 4A 38 .16 43 40 3a 41 39 3e 41 39 37 40 38 37 36 100\\trltI)1r (it) r i
5 44 40 37 35 43 .10 37 35 39 36 35 38 36 34 37 35 34 33
6 12 37 35 32 41 37 3,1 32 36 34 32 36 34 32 35 !! 32 3l Consulr tiit<,rr li,r
7 311 35 32 30 39 34 3r 29 34 31 29 33 3r 29 33 31 29 28
ivrrragc or lan1. run.rtior
a 37 32 29 27 36 32 29 2t- 31 29 21 31 28 27 30 28 27 26
9 3530?7 2a31 29 27 2a 29 26 24 29 26 24 28 26 21 21
ro 33 27 2,1 22 32 27 24 22 2i 21 22 26 21 22 2a 21 22 22

ao 70 so30 100 HD523266

70 50 3() ro 70 50 30 lo 50 3() io 50 30 lo so30 lo0
o 56 56 56 56 54 54 54 54 52 s2 52 50 50 50 4a 43 48 47 Lt0\i ., HPS coltrl
I 53 52 51 4s 52 5l 50 19 49 4a 47 '17 46 46 45 45 44 44 'li,nl LLrn,cns Ii.0(10
2 50 4A 46 ,15 49 47 46 4,1 46 45 43 45 43 42 43 42 12 11
3 48 45 ,13 41 1t- 44 42 41 43 41 1A 42 ,11 39 4l 40 39 3a Sri\rH I 0
4 46 42 4A 38 45 42 39 31 41 39 31- 40 38 il6 39 37 36 35 100W,l-2l l (.j'jr (r
5 43 39 36 3.1 42 39 36 34 38 36 34 37 35 34 36 35 33 33
6 41 37 34 32 4A 36 31 32 3633 32 35 33 31 34 33 31 30 -r0\irltI Ir.,I c:P x.ti
7 333431 29 38 34 31 29 33 3l 29 32 3A 29 32 3a 29 2a iow,El ll,r (iP x 2i
a 36 32 29 27 36 31 29 21 31 2A 26 30 23 26 30 28 26 26
9 3,1 29 26 21 33 29 26 24 29 26 24 28 26 21 28 26 24 23 ConsLrlt t,Lctorv liL
10 32 21 21 22 31 21 24 22 26 21 22 26 24 22 26 24 22 21 s rtr.rgc c,r l.lr1, urirritr,

) i M/\RCC]
MAFlCO l2ttoorrnligt t Tlrpe:

I Bound Open Aperture Downlight Accessoties Housing Assembly

/Ol 27" C channel bar Construction includes a one piece die casc phster
hangen frame. Hanger brackets are adjtutable to L5' . Bar
/ll Emergency stand- hangers, which are supplied, adiust to 25'. Other
by relay lor MV, HPS hanger accessories include 27' C channel /Ol J-box
and MH 100\(or wirh Lr' & T4" knockouts is pre-wired rvith ground
greater units wire included. Socket assembly has porcelain socket,
mogul screwshell base and die cast aluminum
socket cap.
Ballast circuit allows ma-timum 4-inl4 out #12
A\(G conductors rated at minimum 75'C
Enclosed F-can type; constaflt wattage auto
transformer; HPF; in-line fusing standad; trunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal ofballast; voltage
must be specifid. Funher ballasr specs on page 9

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

I Metal Halide LD73464t Clear Alzak/ 175ry//E28lBT28 Trim Finish

Reflector Safety Glass Mogul Base is $rhire
LD734642 Gold Alzak/ r7t\vltEza lB'128
Safety Glass Mogul Base
LD735643 Clear Alzak/ 250\X/lE2a lB'f28
Safety Glass Mogul Base
LD735644 Gold Alzak/ 2J0\v/tE28 tBT2a I IL ---l
l i'
12rs I

Salecy Glass Mogul Base ''

Voltage must l---
be specified

UL Listed Specs
Rated for use in damp locatlons and is thermally ,Q&ryrt-ffi-:i\
protecred.J-box and ballast are accessible from
below ciLinS.
Clear Alzak/ Gold Alzak/
Rellector Safety Glass
Safery Glass
Available in clear and golcl specular Alzak. Clear
ADak ma-rimizes light ourput and provides
conroLled beam parrern. Safety lens for Mecal
Halide lixtures supplled standard.
Nurow flat alumioum design

Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

Cone ol light CP

ao 70 sO 30 ',lO o LD735643
MrGBr DA io so oo ro zo 50 30 to so 30 lo 50 30 to 50 3rr lo o
nFro o 68 68 6S 68 67 67 67 67 64 64 64 61 61 61 59 59 59 58 2i0\7/BT2B/MH coated
iooo+0g626463626i61 60 59 58 58 57 57 56 55 54 Total Lumens-20,500
i oi oo sa 57 62 59 58 56 58 56 55 56 55 54 54 53 53 52 S/MH
i oo sz s,t 52 Fg 56 54 52 55 53 51 53 52 50 52 51 50 49 .8
r se5nsr 495753 51 49 52 50 48 51 49 47 50 4A 47 46 LD1 )1644 CU \ .9
s ss st +e 45 54 50 47 45 49 47 45 4A 46 44 47 46 44 43
a ii le qs 43 52 4a 45 43 47 44 42 46 44 42 45 43 42 41 L75w/8T28 CP x .65
T i io qi qz 40 4s 45 42 40 '!4 41 39 43 41 39 43 41 39 38

Consulr hctory lor
it ii +i ss 37 47 42 3s 37 42 3s 37 4r 38 37 40 38 37 36
s +s r,o 3z ia u ao st 34 39 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 33 watrage or Lz,rnp variation
io +s se :+ 32 42 ir 34 32 37 34 32 36 34 32 36 34 32 31

MAFlCO 7",Ellipsoidal rvpe:

I Round Ellipsoidal Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Consrruction incltdes a one piece die casr plascer
hangers '-.rrc I llp,orcrl .'l.. onuur,li.d uiLh l'or" rr.
/ll Emergency stand Hanger brackers are adjuscable to 1.5 . Bar hangers,
by relay for MV, HPS which are supplied, adjust to 2t'. Other hanger
and NIH 100Wor accessories include 27'C channel/Ol. J box with
greater unirs 7r'& y']' knockou$ is pre-wirecl rvirh grouncl wire
/aO Slope ceiling includcd. Socker.rssembly has ponelain sockec,
aclapcet, slope mursr be mogul scrervshell base and die cast aluminum
specified (0 l0 degrees
Ballasr ci.cuir dlloss mnrimum .I-in/.l-our #12
A\X/c conductors rated at minimum 75'C.
Enclosed I-can rype;consmnr watrage auro
transformer; FIPF; in line hising sr.rndard; rmnk
latch unsnaps co alLorv rcmoval of Mllast; voltage
musr be qrecificd. Funher ballast specs on page 9.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryvapor ME3tt32t CLcar A1z.rk L00\(//E2l'/r/BT2t ]'rin Fin;sll

Cone/Baffle Mogul Base is Whire
ME371322 Black Alzak I00V/ E 2l'l.2 / BT2 5
lvlogul Base
ME3rr323 Gold ALzak 1(n)wr23hi BT2t
Nlogul Base
ME3tt324 Rlrk Rrfile 100\(4E2lLlBf2t
Nlogul Base
Volr.rge musr
be specified

I lligh Pressure HE3tO32t 70\(4 [2 j L/ri BT2t Trirr Finish

Clear Alzak
Sodium Mogul Base is \Y/hire
Cone/Baflle HE3tO322 Black Alzak 70\(4E2l7tBT2i ,T-i .
Mogul Base
HE3t0324 70wE23L/tBT2t
-{r*r/- --+i
Black Baft'le -r
Mogul Base
HE3l l32t
Clear Alz.rk

Black Alzak
100wE2t h/BT25
Base t ",'r:,"1
Mogul Base
HE311324 Black Baffle nr\(4 E2 j L/ri B:f 2i
Mogul Base

be specilied lor 50 watt

consLrk lactory

26 MAr4co

q- R-..dr
Listed Specs
re.n ,r' l' .r ^n'-r .rr. n 'll1
'.r J-,,. ."r,. r,'..r.,'

Cle.rr Alzak Gold Alzak

BlacL Alzak Blar k Bafflc
tl|psorclal rcflccror supplied rvith housing. Also
permits using higher rvarr.tgc wirh smaLlet
rNft ures rh.rn conrcnrlon.rl clorvnli ghts.
Nlrno\, irr rluminum desisn.

Cone ol light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

!, ao70so30too
DA 70 50 30 1()705030roso30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30
'rrc o 69 69 69 69 67 67 67 67 64 64 64 61 61 61 59 59 59 58 100\(/E2llr/MV coated
r 656i6260646261 59 60 59 57 58 57 56 56 55 54 53 Toral I-L,nrns -12(10
2 62 58 56 54 60 57 55 53 56 54 52 54 52 51 52 51 50 49
3 5s 5.1 51 4a 57 53 50 $5249 47 50 48 46 49 47 46 45 si l\'tH 12
4 55 50 46 44 54 49 46 43 4S 4s 43 47 44 42 46 13 42 41 NIEI1ll22 CU x .8i
5 51 46 42 39 50 45 42 39 44 41 s9 43 41 38 42 40 38 37
|j 6 48 43 39 36 48 ,12 39 36 ,11 38 36 4i 38 36 '10 37 35 34 l\,lEl I l l2l CU x .9i
7 45 39 35 32 44 38 35 32 38 34 32 37 3,1 32 36 34 31 31 I{rllll2lCUr.s5
a 42 36 32 29 41 36 32 29 35 31 29 3.1 31 29 34 31 29 28
9 39 33 29 26 39 33 29 26 32 29 26 32 2A 26 31 28 26 25 (ionsult factory for
10 37 30 27 24 36 3a 2T 24 30 26 24 29 26 24 29 26 24 23 rvartage or lemp varitrion

ao 70 5030 loo HE3lt32t

hraHr 0a 7(} so 30 to 70 so 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
/Tc0 o 56 56 56 56 55 55 55 55 53 53 53 50 50 50 48 48 48 47 100\(i l2 j Ll / HPS co.rted
t 545251 50 52 51 50 49 49 48 17 47 47 46 46 15 45 44 Total l-lrlnens 8s00
2 5l 48 46 44 5A 47 46 44 16 14 43 44 43 42 43 42 41 4A
3 4A45424A47 44 12 40 43 41 39 41 40 38.10 3S 38 37 si MH r.l
4 451,l3A 364441 s3 36 40 37 36 39 37 35 33 36 35 34 HEl11l22 CU x .8t
5 42 38 35 33 42 38 35 33 37 34 32 36 3,1 32 35 33 32 31
6 40 36 33 30 39 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 30 33 31 30 29 HEl11l21CUx.85
7 37 33 29 27 37 32 29 27 32 29 2T 31 29 27 3A 2A 27 26 rowll3Ll CP x .l
s 35 30 27 25 35 3A 27 25 29 21 25 29 26 25 2A 26 24 24
9 33 28 25 23 32 2a 25 23 27 24 22 27 24 22 26 24 22 22 (lonsult faccLr.l for
'to 21 26 23 21 30 26 23 21 25 22 21 25 22 2A 24 22 20 2A n'artage or lanrF variatiotr

2r tvlal:lco
vtAFlco 8t'elnp"oia.t lvpe:

I Round Ellipsoidal Downlight Accessodes Housing Assembly

/Ol 27" C channel bar Construction includes a one piece die casr plascer
hangers tmme. L lipsod"l r.fle ror.upplied housirg.
/ll Emergency scand Hanger brackets are adjustable co 1.5 '. Bar hangers,
by relay lor MV, HPS which are supplied, adjust to 25'. Other hanger
and MH 100\tror accessories include 27' C channel /Ol.J-box with
greater units rzr & %rrkflockours is pre wired with ground wire
/36 Clear Cone included. Socket assembly has porcelain socket,
medium and mogul screwshell bases (consult
specific catalog numbet) and die cast aluminum

Ballait circuit allows ma-rimum 4-inl4-out #12
A\(/c conductors rared at minimum 75'C.
Enclosed F-can rype; constarlt wattage auto
transformer; HPF; in Line fusing standard; trunk
larch unsnaps to allow removal of ballasr; volrage
ml$t be specified. Funher ballasr specs on page 9.

Source Fixtur Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

I Mercrlry Vapor ME5t53aA Clear Alzak 1aovlE2llrlW25 Trim Finish

Cone Mogul Base is \(hite
ME5l53?a Gold Alzak 100u/lE2)hlB'125
Mogul Base
ME5t63aA Clear Alzak 175\7/E28/BT28
Mogul Base
ME516378 Gold Alzak 175S4./r28/8T28 _str -l

MEst73aa Clear Alzak

Mogul Base
Mogul Base
ME5t737a Creld Alzak 250\X/tE28 tBT28
Mogul Base
Voltage must
be specified

I Metal Halide LE515379/36 Clear Alzak 100s7/ED17 Trim Iinish

Cone Medium Base is White
LE515379 Gold Alzak 100wrDl7


Clear Alzak

cold Alzak
Medium Base
t75WlE21Vr lE28lB'f 28
Mogul Base
ti 5WlE21Y, lE28lBT2a
Voltage must
be specified
Mogul Blse
L E13

I High Prcssure HE5243aA Clear Alzak SAWtE2SklB'125 Trim Finish

Sodium Mogul Base is \(hite
Cone }tE505388 Clear Alzal< I aWlB23Vrl B'f 25
Mogul Base
l{Est53AA Clear Alzak 100lr'lE23V,l BT2t
Mogul Base

Voltage must
be specified
Clear Alzak ItoWE23V,lBT25
Mogul Base
UL Listed Specs
Rated for Lrse in damp locarions and is thermally
pmtecred. J-box and ballasc are accessible from
beLow ceiling.
Safety lens tor Metal Halide fixrures supplied
,r.rr Jard. I llip.or,l"l re'1e.ror.uplJred witl'
rLsopermits using higher wattage with smaller
apertures rhan convenlional downligbrs-
Narrow flat rluminum design.

Cone ol light CP Distribution Zonal Cavily Method

ao 70 5030 loo ME517374

Tc Hr
oa io so go ro zo 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 5rl 30 lo o 0\7/BT2 S/MV
o 7a 1s 75 75 73 73 73 73 7o 7a 70 67 67 67 64 64 64 63 2 t
i t)n ae 67 To 6a67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62
61 61 60 59
58 57 56 55
Toal Lumerx 12.100
i oe os oz 60 67 64 62 60 62 60 58 60 58
o o! oo sz 55 63 60 57 54 58 55 53 56 54 53 55 53 52 5l s/MH-l. t
+ oi so se 50 60 56 52 50 54 51 49 53 51 49 52 50 4a 47 M8517188 CU x I t
5 58 52 4A 46 57 52 4A 45 51 47 45 49 47 45 4A 46 44 43
o ss lg qs 42 54 48 45 42 47 44 42 47 44 42 46 43 41 4A
40 38 43 40 37 42 39 37
17t\(4E28 CP x .7
i si +srt 38504441 38 44 36
100V/BT2t CU x .15
6 4A 423A35 47 41 37 35 41 37 35 40 37 34 39 36 34 33
g qs ge g+ 92 44 3a 34 32 37 34 31 37 34 31 36 33 31 30 Consult factory lor
io qi za ez 29 42 3s 32 29 35 3i 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 28 rvatrage or laop variation

ao 70 5030 loo LE516379

rG Hr
oA io so go ro zo 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o BT28/MH
o 6a 65 65 65 63 63 63 63 60 60 60 58 58 58 55 55 55 54 17 t \(//
I r eioi ss 58 6i 60 58 57 57 56 56 55 55 54 54 53 53 52 Total Lumens i4,000
i oo sz ss 54 5g 56 55 53 55 53 52 53 52 51 52 51 50 49
t iiicsz s0565351 49 52 50 49 51 49 4a 49 4e 47 46 S/MH_.9
r ss st as 47 54 g 4A 46 49 47 46 4A 47 45 47 46 45 44 LEi l6 CU x 1.1
5 52 4A 45 .13 51 48 45 43 47 45 43 46 44 43 45 44 42 4l
o soqoas 41 49 45 43 41 45 42 41 44 42 4A 43 41 4A 39 r00\(tED17 CP { .t
i ie+e l'o3a474340 38 42 40 38 42 39 38 41 39 38 37 Consult faccory lor
a 4541 38 36 45 41 38 36 40 37 36 3S 37 35 39 37 35 35
i +g gg go 34 43 3g 35 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 37 35 33 32 wattage or lamp variation
io +i so ss 32 41 36 33 32 36 33 31 35 33 3i 35 33 31 3l

ao 70 5030 loo HE5t63aa

DA io so oo ro zo so 30 ro 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o 150\(/E23l:/HPS
o 6t 6t 6a 64 62 62 62 62 59 59 59 57 57 57 55 55 55 53
i or ie 5e s7 60 5e 57 56 56 55 54 54 53 53 52 52 51 50 Toral Lumens 15.000
i se s6 5a 52 57 55 53 52 53 52 50 52 50 49 50 49 4a 47
5 so si so 4a 54 52 49 48 50 48 47 49 47 46 4a 46 45 45 s/MH-r.0
+ so +s +o 44 52 49 46 44 47 45 44 46 45 43 45 44 43 42 t00WE2l% CP x .6
5 504643 41 49 46 43 41 45 42 4A 44 42 40 43 41 4A 39
o +g +s +o 38 47 43 40 38 42 40 38 42 39 38 41 39 37 37 1oWlE2lVz CP x .15
i cs tr st 35 45 40 37 35 39 37 35 39 37 35 38 36 35 34 t0WlE23V, CP \ .2t
a 35 33 42 3A 35 33 37 34 32 37 34 32 36 34 32 31
gti 43 38
ss sz 30 40 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 3a 34 32 30 29 Consult lictory for
io sg gg go 28 3g 33 30 2a 33 30 2a 32 30 2a 32 29 2a 2T wattage or lamP variacion

MAFICcl Stteuip"otorl rype:

I Round Ellipsoidal Baftle Downlisht Accessofies Housing Assembly

/Ol 27" C channel bar Construction includes a one piece die cast plascer
hangers ir,me. tllrpsordal relerLo- <uoolied wrrh hou<ing.
/ll Emergency srand- Hanger brackets are adjustable to l.5rr. Bar hangers,
by relay for MV, HPS which are supplied, adjusr ro 25'. Orher hanger
and MH 100vor accessories include 27rC channel /Ol. J-box with
greater units %'& %'knockours is pre-wired with ground wire
/60 Black cone included. Socket assembly has porcelain socket,
/61 Black Baffle mogul scrcwshell base and die casr aluminum

Ballast circuit allows ma-ximum 4,inl4-ouc #12
A\7G conductors rared ac minimum 75'C.
Enclosed F-can type;consnnt warrage auro
transformer; HPF; in-line fusing standard; trunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal ofballast; vokage
must be specified. Iurther ballast specs on page !.

Source Fixtur Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor ME5l537A/60 Black Alzak l00U/lE21Vr lB'f25 Trim Finish

Cone/Bafile Mogul Base is Vhite
ME515376 Black Baffle l9AW/E23t/rl BT2t
Mogul Base
ME5t637a/60 Black Alzak 175w/E28tB,r28
Mogul Base
ME516376 Black Baffle 175V/l 828 I BT28

ME5t737a/60 Black Alzak

Mogul Base
25AWlE23V, t BT25
Mogul Base
ME517376 Black Baffle 250\y/tE2atB'r28
Mogul Base
Volrage musr
be specified

I Metat Hatide LEsi5379/60 Black Alzak 100\0/ED17 Trim Finish

Cone/Baftle Medium Base is \fhite
LE515377 Black Baft'le 100\7ED17
Medium Base
LE516379/60 Black Alzak 175w E23Vr lB2alB'f28
Mogul Base
LE516377 Black Baffle I7 5WlE2)Y, lE28lBT28 Lsr.-,
l L1o -r
Mogul Base _! i
Voltage must Llo* _l
be specified

I High Prcssur HE5O53aa/60 Black Alzak 10WE23VzlBT 25 Trim Iinish

Sodium Mogul Base is rJThire
Cone/Baffle HE5O53aO Black Baft:le 70WlE21YrlBT25
Mogul Base
HE5t5388/60 Black Alzak nawlE23VzlB'125
Mogul Base
HE5t53aO t00wE23thtB'f2J

Black Baffle
Mogul Base
HE5t63aA/60 Black Alzak 150wlE23V,lB'f 25
Mogul Base
HE5t63aO Black Ballle 150WE23V,lB'f25
Mogul Base
Voltage must For 50 watt
be specified consult factory
o |
UL Listed specs
c.."r ' L,. r'Jnr'4.rr-, ..rJr '\.rr ly
rJ,JJ. I .'.',. -'ibe ro|
(-(O) Black Bafllc

Srlerv Lens for Nletal IJalidc iixmres suppliecl

s ndnrcl. Ellipso al reflcctor supplied wldr
ho sing also pern;ts using highcr warrage with
snnllerrpertules rhan convenrional downlighrs
Narrol tlat alumtnum design.

Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

Cone of light CP

soTOsO30lOo lo0 MEst6376

7{) 50 30 10 ?o 50 30 lo so 30 10 50 30 lo 50 30 1li\(,/E28/MV
o 484848 4a4747 17 47 45 45 45 43 43 43 41 41 41 40 coated

ar]53j i +s ++ +s 42 44 43 42 41 42 41 4a 40 40 39 39 38 38 37 Toral I-umcns-8600

2 43 4i 39 33 42 40 39 38 39 38 37 38 37 36 37 36 35 35
i +i se so 34 ,ro 38 36 34 37 35 34 36 34 33 35 34 33 32 S/}"{H 1.0
a ge so go 32 38 35 33 31 34 32 31 33 32 31 33 31 30 30 L00wr2lL, CP x .6t
s si:: or 29 36 33 30 29 32 30 2a 31 30 28 31 29 28 27
s:sii zg 27 34 31 2a 27 3a 28 26 29 2e 26 29 27 26 25 2iOV/B2 J'l (lP x L.l
i si zg ze 24 32 2a 26 24 2a 2a 24 27 25 24 27 25 24 23 Consult facrory ibr
a31 27 24 22 3A 26 24 22 26 24 22 25 23 22 25 23 22 21
i zs zs zz 2a 2a 24 22 20 24 22 2a 21 22 2a 23 21 20 19 rvrrtage or lamp varlarion
io zt zs zo 1a 27 23 2a 19 22 20 19 22 2a 19 22 2a 19 18

aoTOso30lo0 30 lo 50 30 'to o
MTG !T .L1FC]O. 0!A io so lo ro 70 50 30 lo 5tl 30 lo so 48 48 46 '16 46 45 ll5Wi RT28/MH
ss a3 a2 a2 52 52 50 50 50 48
o si ss ,ts coared
i si so qs11 48 50 49 4a 47 47 4f' 45 4a 45 44 44 43 43 42 ToL1l LL,mens- I 1,0r:X)
z ieq 4a46la434a 43 42 43 42 41 42 41 4a 4a
i ql aq qz 40 46 43 42 40 42 4i 39 41 40 39 '10 39 33 38 SiT,{H.9
i qs e ss 38 44 4r 39 37 40 38 37 39 38 37 38 37 36 36 l00\/llDll CP x .6)
s 43 39 37 35 ,12 39 37 35 38 36 35 37 36 34 37 35 34 33
E o +i oi ss 33 40 37 35 33 36 34 33 36 34 33 35 34 32 32 Consutt fictoq for
i:qis::31 3835323i 34 3231 3532 3c 33 323030 rvatrage or lamp variarion
a373331 293633302932 30 29 32 3A 29 32 40 29 28
g rs ol:g 27 3531 29 27 3t 28 27 30 2A 27 3a 2A 27 26
io i+ z9 zt 2s 33 29 27 2a 29 27 25 29 21 25 2a 27 25 25

80 70 5030 1oo HE5rs3AO

MTG NT ifC/O' O A io so go ro 70 50 30 ro 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 loo
o +e ae ae 4a 47 47 47 4T 44 44 44 43 43 ',13 41 41 41 40 I00\{i E2I ITHPS .oared
i +a ai a+ 43 45 44 43 42 42 41 41 41 40 39 39 3s 38 38 Total Lumens 8800
z dieao 3s4341 40 39 43 4t 40 39 38 37 37 37 36 35
i az ss er 36 4r 3s 37 36 38 36 35 37 35 34 36 35 34 33 S/MH_.9
+ +o sz ss 33 39 36 35 33 36 34 33 35 33 32 34 33 32 31 70\V/E2l7: CP x.r
i ea ss:s 31 37 34 32 31 34 32 31 33 31 30 32 31 30 29
F o so:s sr 29 36 33 30 29 32 30 29 31 30 29 31 29 28 28 150\//E2.]l.l CP x 1.j
i o,r sr ae 27 34 31 2a 27 3a 2a 27 3a 2a 27 29 2a 26 26 Consoit facrory for
10 ,l a,32921 25 32 29 27 25 2a 26 2a 2a 26 25 2a 26 25 24
e31 Zt ZS 23 30 27 25 23 27 25 23 26 24 23 26 24 23 23 rvatrrge or lamp vmlacion
i )g za zs 22 29 2s 23 22 25 23 22 25 23 22 25 23 22 21

MAFICO Ellipsoidal lllpe:

I Round Ellipsoidal Downlight Accessodes Housing Assembly

/Ol 27" C channel bar Construction includes a one piece die cast plasrer
hangeIs frame. Ell psordrl relector suoolied wrrh hou.inS.
/ll Emergency stand- Hanger brackets are adjusrable to 1.5f. Bar hangers,
by relay for M!HPS which are supplied, adjust to 2r'. Orher hanger
and MH 100wor accessories include 27 C channel/O1. J-box wirh
greater units lZr e< %"knockours is pre-wired vith ground v/ire
included. Socket assembly has porrelain socket,
mogul screwshell base and die casc aluminum
socket cap,
Ballast circuit allows ma-xim[m 4 in/4 out #12
A\fG conducto$ rated at minimnm 75oC.
Enclosed F-can type; constanc wattage auto
tmnsformer; HPF; inline 6.rsing standard; trunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal of ballasc; volrage
musr be specified. Funher ballast specs on page 9.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor ME512341 Clear AlzrLk 175ly/7828/8T28 Trim Finish

Cone Mogul Base is \(hite
ME512343 cold Arzak l15V/tE28tBT2a
Mogul Base

ME5t334t Clear Alzak 2t0wtE28 / B'f 28
Mogul Base

ME513343 Gold Alzak 2t0\x4 E28 tBT2a
Mogul Base L-o% -rI I

Volrage must 10l

be specified

I Metal Halide LE5t23al Clear Alzak I75V/l E23VrlE28lB'f28 Trim Finish

Cone Mogul Base is $fhire
LE5t23A3 Gold Alzak llwllE23Y,lE2alBT28
Mogul Base

LEsl33at Ctear Alzak 250W'I2atB'128
Mogul Base
LE5t33A3 Gold Alzak 2t0\x/t E2B t 8"f28

Mogul Base Lq ,____! |
Voltage must l,"ll
be specified ,nt-

lHigh Prcssul HE5O734i Clear Alzak ,0U/lE21Vrl B'f25 Trim Finish

Sodium Mogul Base is nrhite
Cone HE5lO34l Clear Alzak 70WlE21V,lPT25
Mogul Base
HE5t l34t Clear Alzak l00WE23V2lW2,
Mogul Base
11E512341 Clear Alzak It1\t/lE23V2lB'125

Mogul Base
Voltage rnust
be specified
Clear Aizak 250Wt828
Mogul Base
I l*'."-
UL Listed Specs
Rated for use

below ceiling.
Salety lens
in damp locations and is thermaliy
pmrecred.J box and ballasc are accessible from

for Meral Halide Iixtures supplied

D @D
clear Alzak Goid Alzak

snndard. lllipsoidal reflecror supplied with

housing also permits using higher warrage wlth
smaller apertures rhan conventional downlights.
Narow flat aiuminLrm design.

Cone of light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Meihod Notes

ao 70 5030 loo ME5l334l

Hr /t\Fc/o'
MrG. DA 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 69 69 69 69 67 67 67 67 64 64 64 61 61 61 59 59 59 58 250w/E28/I{V coated
. /","\ 3e
.t 65 64 62 6i 64 62 61 60 60 59 58 58 57 56 56 55 55 54 Total Lumens 12,100
2 62 59 57 55 6i 58 56 54 56 55 53 55 53 52 53 52 51 50
3 5o ss 52 50 58 54 52 50 53 51 49 5i 50 48 50 49 47 46 S/MH_.9
4 56sl 4a 46 55 51 48 46 5A 47 45 48 46 44 47 45 44 43 MEt I ll,1l CP x.95
5 53 48 44 42 52 47 44 42 46 43 41 45 43 41 44 42 41 4D
6 50454t 39 49 44 41 39 44 41 39 43 40 38 42 40 38 37 175\(/E28 CP x.7t
7 47 41 3A 35 46 41 37 35 40 37 35 39 37 35 39 36 34 34 Consult facrory for
A 44 38 35 32,l3 38 35 32 37 34 32 37 34 32 36 34 32 31
g 423632 3041 35 32 30 35 32 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 28 wattage or lamp vrriation
ro 39 33 30 27 39 33 30 27 33 29 27 32 29 27 32 29 27 26

ao 70 5030 loo LE5t23al

MTG Nr A.c/o. DrA. ?o 50 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 64 64 64 64 62 62 62 62 60 60 60 57 57 57 55 55 55 54 l75W/BT28/MH coated
161 60 58 57 60 58 57 56 56 55 54 54 53 53 52 52 51 50 Total lumens 14,000
2 58 56 54 52 57 55 53 51 53 52 50 5i 50 49 50 49 48 47
3 55 52 50 48 54 51 49 47 50 48 46 49 47 46 47 46 45 44 s/MH 1.0
4 53 49 46 44 52 4A 46 44 47 45 43 46 44 43 45 43 42 41 lEtl2lsl CP x.9t
5 50 46 43 4A 49 45 42 40 44 42 40 43 41 39 42 41 39 38
6 48 43 40 3a 47 42 40 37 42 39 37 41 39 37 40 38 3736 250w/I28 CP x 1.4
7 45 4A 37 34 44 39 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 38 35 34 33 Consulr laccory lor
6 42 37 34 32 42 37 34 32 36 33 31 36 33 31 35 33 31 30
I403531 29 39 34 3i 29 34 3i 29 33 31 29 33 31 29 28 wattage or lamp variation
'to 38 32 29 27 37 32 29 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 31 2A 27 26

ao ?o 5030 loo HE5l334l

r,nc. m ftcto on 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 !o 50 30 lo 50 30 lo5030too
o767676767474747471 71 71 68 68 68 65 65 65 64 250\f/E28/HPS coaced
1727A6A67 7A69 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 62 61 60 59 Toral Lumens 21,400
2 68 65 62 60 67 64 61 59 62 60 58 60 58 57 58 57 55 54
3 64 60 56 54 63 59 56 53 57 55 52 56 54 52 54 52 51 50 S/MH_,9
4 61 55 52 49 59 55 51 48 53 50 48 52 49 47 51 49 47 46 50\7/E2lrl CP x .2
55751 47 44 56 51 47 44 49 46 43 4A 45 43 47 45 43 42
6 54 48 43 40 53 47 43 40 46 43 40 45 42 40 44 42 39 3A f\h CP x .)6
7 50 43 39 36 49 43 39 36 42 38 36 41 38 3540 373534 I00VE2 j'l: CP x .4
6 47 40 35 32 46 39 35 32 39 35 32 3A 35 32 37 34 32 31
g 44 37 32 29 43 36 32 29 36 32 29 35 31 29 34 3l 29 28 r50! /lE21V, CP x .6
10 41 34 2s 27 40 33 29 27 33 29 26 32 29 26 32 29 26 25 Corsulc Ilcrory for
watrage or lamP var;alion

MAFlCO 9 rype:

I Round Ellipsoidal Downtight Accessodes HousinE Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Construction includes a one piece die cast plaster
hangers frame. tllipso d"' relle.ror srpp.ied wrh hou.rng.
/ll Emergency stand- Hanger brackets are adjustable ro 1.5 '. Bar hangers,
by relay for MV, HPS which are supplied, adjust to 25 '. Other hanger
and MH 100wor accessories include 27riC channel /Ol. J box with
%r'& 7a' knockours is pre-wired with ground wire
inciuded. Socket assembly has porcelain socket,
mogul screwshell base and die cast alumiflum

Ballast circuit allows ma-ximum 4-inl4-out #12
A\fG conductors rared at minimum 75"C.
Enclosed l-can type;constant waccage auro
tmnsformer; HPI; inJine fusing standard; trunl<
latch unsnaps ro allow removal of ballast; voltage
must be specified. Further ballasr specs on page 9.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor ME512342 Black Alzak 175S0/E28/BT28 Trim Finish

Cone/Ballle Mogul Base is $rhice
ME512344 Black Baffle 17twE28/BT2B
Mogul Base
ME513342 Black Alzak 25AWlE28tBtr28
Mogul Base
ME513344 Black Baftle 250\X/ tE2a tB'.f28
Mogul Base
Voltage musr la:;.-l
be specified

I Metal Halide LE5723a2 Black Alzak ti ,WlE23V,lE2a lBT28 Trim linish
Cone/Baffle Mogul Base is rvh;re

Black Ball'le

BlacL Alzak
Mogul Base
250\X/lE28 tBT28
LE5l33a4 Black BalTle
Mogul Base
Mogul Base
Voltage must
be specified E13

I Bssurc
High 11E511342 Black Alzak l00WE23Vrl B'f25 Tfim Finish
Sodium Mogul Base is !(rhite
Cone/Baffle HEsl1344 Black Ballle t00\WlE21Yrl BT2t
Mogul Base
)1E512342 Black Alzak ISAWB23Vzl B'f 25
Mogul Base
HE512344 Black Bafi'le 1r9\XrlE23Yrl B,r25
Mogul Baie
HE5t3342 Black Alzak 250WlE2A
Mogul Base
HE513344 Black Baffle 250w/E28
Mogul Base
Voltage must
be specified
34 l\rarlco
UL Listed Specs
- ll.'. f"r c* ir d.'r' l. r or' r.l r rl" rm.,ll1
i r' ,. I 'or r.JL l.',, re.' ,l"lon
Black Alzrk
Srietl,lens tbr Meral ltalide fixmres supplied
vmLlarcl. Ellipsoldal re0ector supplicd rvirh
hoLrsing also pcrmirs using higher uatt.rge with
smrllcr .rpcrt ures than convenrronal clorvnlights.
Nrrrorv flar aluninun desigo

Cone ol light CP Distribution Zonal Cavily Method N"t":-:

ao705030roo ME513344
/TCo 7() so 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 ro so 30 loo
o 64 64 64 64 63 63 63 63 60 60 60 57 57 57 55 55 55 54 250\X/,'E28/MV corted
r 61 60 58 57 60 5a 57 56 56 55 54 54 54 53 52 52 51 50 To l Lumens 12.100
2 58 56 53 52 57 55 53 51 53 51 50 51 50 49 50 49 48 47
3 55 52 49 47 54 51 49 47 50 48 46 48 4T 45 4T 46 44 44 si MFt- 9
4 524A$ 4351 4a 45 43 47 44 42 45 43 42 44 43 41 41 lli\0'E28 CP x .75
5 50 45 42 39 49 ,14 .11 39 44 41 39 43 40 39 42 40 38 37
6 47 42 39 37 46 42 39 36 41 3a 36 40 38 36 40 37 36 35 Consuic lactory lor
? 44 39 35 33 43 38 35 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 36 3,1 32 32 warr.L:tc or lxmp v.rriarion
a 4236333041 36 33 30 35 32 30 35 s2 30 34 32 30 29
9 39 34 30 28 38 33 30 28 33 30 28 32 3A 2A 32 29 2A 2T
10 37 31 28 26 36 31 28 26 31 2A 26 3A 27 25 3A 27 25 25

Fr o DA
a0705030roo LE5t33a4
AFT 70 50 30 r o 7(} so 30 to 50 30 lo5030ro5030roo
o 65 65 65 65 64 64 64 64 6i 61 61 58 58 58 56 56 5655 25o\XlB'l2S/MH coared
t 6261 59 58 61 60 58 57 57 56 55 55 54 54 53 53 52 51 Tb!.rl Lumen! 20.100
2 59 57 54 53 58 56 54 52 54 52 51 52 51 50 51 50 49 48
3 56 53 50 48 55 52 49 4T 50 18 47 49 11 46 4A 46 45 44 s/NfH 1.2
4 53 49 46 44 52 48 46 43 4T 14 43 46 41 42 45 43 42 41 LE5lll82 CP xI0
5 5A 46 42 40 49 45 42 4A 44 41 39 43 41 3942 40 3938
6 4843393747 12 39 37 41 39 36 41 38 3640 38 3635 lr5\fli E2lf!/MH CP
7 45 39 36 33 44 39 36 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 37 34 33 32 Consulr fa.ton lor
a 42 36 a3 30 4i 36 33 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 30 29
9 39 34 30 23 39 33 30 28 33 30 28 32 29 21 32 29 27 27 warragc or lxmp varjrtion
10 3T 31 2A 25 36 31 2a 25 3A 2T 25 3a 27 2a 30 27 25 24

a0 70 503(} 1oo HE5l1344
70 so 30 lo 70 50 30 to 50 30 10 5()30 ro 50 30 lo o
o 6363636361 61 61 61 59 59 59 56 56 56 54 54 54 53 1m\W.[2]/r/HPS coared
t,,,\ r 60 5s 57 56 59 57 56 55 55 54 53 53 53 52 51 51 50 49 Toral Lumers 8801)
2 57 55 53 5i 56 54 52 50 52 5t 49 51 49 !8 49 4e 47 46
3 5451 49 47 53 50 48 46 49 47 46 4A,164547 45 44 43 S/lvIH 1.0
4 52 48 45 43 5i 47 45 43 46 44 42 45 13 42 44 43 41 4A
HE5121.1.1(lP x 1.7
5 49 45 42 40 48 44 41 39 43 4l 39 42 40 39 42 40 33 38
6 4T 42 39 37 46 42 39 37 41 38 36 40 38 36 .10 38 36 35 Hr5111.1.1 CP x 2.6
i 7 44 39 36 34 43
39 36 33 38 35
36 33
37 35 33 37 35
35 33 31 34 32
Black Alzak CU x 1.0
,, t . \,,,
a 42363331
9 39 34 3l 29
10 37 32 2A 26
33 31
31 28
2A 26
33 30
31 28
33 3A 2A 32 3a
31 2A 26 3A 2A
Consult factory lor
*'arrage or lamp variation

vtA.I:lcct i2lterip"oia.r lVpe:

I Round Ellipsoidal Downliqht Accessories Housing Assembly

lO1 27' C chanelbar Construction includes a one piece die casc plaster
hangers irame. tllip"oidal rellector supplied $irh housing.
/ll Emergency stand Hanger brackets are adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers,
by relay for MV, HPS which are supplied, adjust to 25'. Other hanger
and MH 100rvor accessories include 27'C channel /Ol. J-box with
greater units %'& 7a" kflockouts is pre-wired with ground wire
included. Socket assembly has porcelain sockec,
mogul screwshell base and die cast aluminum
socket cap,
Ballast circuit allows ma-rimum 4-inl4-out #12
A\(G conduccors raced at minimum 75'C.
Enclosed F can type; constant wattage auto
transfome! HPF; in-line fusing staadard; trunk
latch ursnaps ro allow removal of ballast; voltage
musc be specified. Funher ballast specs oo page 9.

Source Fixturc Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor ME714371 Clear Alzak Reflector 400wlE)1lB'1371R40 Trim Iinish

Cone/Baffle Clear Alzak Cone Medium Base is \flhite
ME714372 Clear Alzak Reflectot 400wtE1t tB"t17 tF.40
Black Alzak Cone Medium Base

Clear Alzak Reflector
Gold Atzak Cone
Clear Alzak Reflector
Black Baffle
Medium Base
400wtE37 tB'f 17 tR40
Medium Base
Voltage must
be specifled E':jJ

I Melal Halide LE714371 Clear Alzak Reflector 400sllE31lBT17 IR40 Tdm Finish
Cone/Baltle Cleat Alzak Cone Medium Base is \flhite
LE714372 Cleat Alzak Refleccor 400wtE37 tB'l)7 tR4o
Black Alzak Cone Medium Base
LE714373 Clear Alzak Reflector 400wt837IB'l37IR40

Gold Alzak Cone Medium Base
LE714374 Clear Alzak Reflector 400wtE37 t9'131tR40
Blak Baffle Mednrm Base
Vohage must
be specified E'i3

I High Prcssurc LE714371 Clear Alzal< Reflector 400w1871/B f1/ tI.40 Trim Finish
Sodium Clear Alzak Cone Medium Base is V4rite
Cone/Batfle HE714372 Clear Alzak Reflector 400wtE31t8'117 tR40
Black Alzak Cone Medium Base
He774374 Clear Alzak Reflector 400wtB tmrtF.40

Black BaffIe Medium Base
Voltage must
be specified

36 M-aFco
IJL Listed Specs
^- I . - , 1 .,.n...,. r-r 'l r
' '- I J l, ., L.'l . ,r' ..I l :..'
Clcar Alzrk (]old Alzrk Rlrrk Aluek Bhck Bal0r
rcilc.ror suFflicd r'iLr housng
ELLif{,idal aLso

fdniis uring higher wrrrrge n,rlr smalleL

ryenLrres than conlenrlonal doivnligbts
Nrro*. fl rt aluninunr dcsign

Cone of light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Noles

a0705030loo ME?14371
70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 to 50 30 10 50 30 to 50 30 loo
0 7t 7t 7t 7t 69 69 69 69 66 66 66 63 63 63 60 60 50 59 .i 0()\{r E lr NtV ,

I 67 65 54 62 66 64 63 6t 62 61 60 60 59 58 57 57 56 55 'li,ral Lumtnr 22.i00

2 64 61 s3 56 62 60 58 56 58 56 55 56 55 53 5,1 53 52 51
3 60 s6 53 5i 59 56 53 5t 54 52 50 53 51 49 51 50 48 47 SINIH 1 I
4 51 53 49 4T 56 52 49 46 51 48 46 49 47 ,15 48 46 45 .1.1
ML,- I llrl CL. x 8:
5 54 49 45 42 s3 4a 45 42 1l 44 42 46 43 ,11 45 ,13 4l 10
6 51 46 42 39 50 45 42 39 44 41 39 43 41 39 43 ,10 38 37 M[,- ]l ir I CLI x 9
7 4A423A 354741 38 35 41 37 35 40 37 35 39 37 35 34 NIF.,- ll il.i CU x .85
a 45 39 35 32 .1,1 38 35 32 38 34 32 37 34 32 36 34 32 31
9 12 36 32 29 .11 35 32 29 35 31 29 34 31 29 31 31 29 28
lo 39 33 29 27 39 33 29 27 32 29 21 32 29 2T 31 29 27 26 ivrn.L.gc or l.rmp v.rriarlrr

ao705030roo LE714371
70 so 30 Io ?o 50 30 Io5030to5030r0so3()roo
o 7272727271 T1 71 7l 68 68 68 65 65 65 62 62 62 61 100\!'lE -.1' NrH rorttd
I 69 67 66 64 67 66 65 63 63 62 6t 61 60 60 59 58 58 57 'lhalLunlcns 1.1.(X)0
2 66 63 60 s3 64 62 59 58 60 58 56 58 56 55 56 55 5.1 53
3 62 58 55 s3 61 57 55 52 56 54 52 5,1 52 51 53 51 50 19 siI{H 11
4 595451 43 58 54 51 48 52 50 48 5r 49 47 50 48 46 46 Llr I 't lrl CLi \ .8i
5 56 51 47 44 s5 s0 47 44 19 46 44 ,r8 45 43 .17 45 43 .12
6 53 47 43 41 52 47 43 41 ,16 43 40 ,r5 42 ,10 44 42 40 39 T_Fl cll x r)
lri ir I
: 7 4941 4A 37 49 43 39 3T 12 39 37 42 39 36 41 38 36 35 T.Er r.ilrl cti x .iii
a !6 40 36 34 46 40 36 3.1 39 36 3,1 39 36 33 38 35 33 32
9 44 37 33 3t 43 37 33 31 36 33 31 36 33 30 35 32 3029
tO 4l 34 31 23 4a 3.1 30 2A 34 30 2a 33 30 23 33 30 28 27 w.rn.rgcorhmp varilron

!-C NI 80 70 5030 1oo HE714371

70 50 30 ro 70 so 30 ro 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 65 65 65 65 64 64 64 64 61 61 61 58 58 58 56 56 56 55 'i{X)\\/lF ll,l IPS r oarecl
1626aa9 58 61 59 53 57 s7 56 55 55 54 53 53 53 52 51 Toral I-rrmens
2 59 56 54 52 58 55 53 52 54 52 5o 52 51 49 50 49 ,18 47
3 56 52 49 47 55 51 .i9 47 50 ,13 46 ,19 17 45 47 46 45 ,14 srl,IH r.2
4 53 49 45 43 52 48 .i5 43 4T 44 42 ,16 44 42 .15 43 ,11 41 Hlil ili2 (iLI x ilt
tJ 5 50 45
6 47 42
7 44 39
a 41 36
9 39 33
4,1 41 39
,11 33 36
38 35 32
35 32 30
32 29 27
,r3 40
,r0 33
37 34
34 31
32 29
.12 40
3S 37
36 34
34 31
31 29
38 37
35 35
32 31
29 28
2t' 26
llElLl.jrl CLI

ivatrege,.lr lamp varirrlon

r 8i

to 3ii 30 27 25 36 30 27 25 30 2J 24 29 26 21 29 26 24 24

j-r MAFlco
MAFICO Squarc Ellipsoidal Tlrpe:

lSquarc Ellipsoidal Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27" C channel bar Construcrion includes a one piece die cast plrsrer
hangers lrame. Ellip<o.dal relleLLor supp ied w rh hou:irg.
/ll Emergency scand Hanger brackets are adjustable to 1.5 '. Bar hangers,
by relay for MV, HPS which are supplied, adjust to 25r. Other hanger
aod MH 100\tror accessories incllde 27r C channel /Ol. J-box wich
greater units /:u' & %"knockours is pre-wired with ground wire
included. Socket assembly has porcelain socket,
medium and mogul screwshell bases (consult specific
catalog number) and die cast aluminum socket cap.
Ballast circuit allows maximum,i-inl4-out #12
A\trG conducrors rated at minimum 7'oC.
Enclosed F can type; constant wartage auto
transtormer; HPF; in-line fusing standard; rrunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal of ballas c; voltage
musr be specified. Furcher ballast specs on page 9.

Souice Fixture Descliption Wattage Finish Dimensions

IMercuryVapor ME52O349 Black Baffle r751y/7 E2atB'f28 Trim Finish

Balfle Mogul Base is White
ME52t349 Black Baft'le 2t0wE28tBT2a 1

Mogul Base

L trJl
Voltage must
be specified

I Metal Halide LE5t93A6 Black Baffle 100x7/8D17/817 Trim linish

Eaftle Medium Base is \trhite
LE520386 Black Ballle ll'WlE2)VrlE28lBT28
Mogul Base
LE52t 3a6 Black Baffle 250\7/I28/BT28
Mogul Base
Vokage must
be specified

ll{ighPrcssure HE523349 Black Baftle towlE2lYzlB'f 25 Trim Finisl,

Sodium Mogul Base is White
Batfle HE509349 Black Baffle 7 0WlE23Yzl BT25
Mogul Base

HE519349 Black Baffle r00V/lE21VrlBT25

Mogul Base
HE520349 Black Bafile rtjvlE23Vzt B'f 25 8"

Vokage must
Mogul Base
tr, 9"

be specified

33 t\raFrco
UL Listed Specs
Rared for use
below ceiling.
Salery lens
in damp locations and is themally
J-box and ballast are accessible from

for Metal Halide lixtures supplied

Ellipsoidal re0eccor supplied with
Black Baftle

housing also permits using higher rvarrage with

smaller apertures than conventional downlights.
Nalrow flar aluminum desisn.

Cone of light CP Distribution zonal Cavity Method Noies

Nr A:c/0. oa
ao7l'5030too ME52r349
7() 5() 3() ro 7{) 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 lo5030too
o 58 58 58 5A 57 57 5T 5T 54 54 54 52 52 52 50 50 50 49 250\7/I28/MV coated
.! 56 54 53 52 54 53 52 51 5l 50 50 49 49 4A 4a 4-7 47 46 Toral Lumens-12,100
2 5351 49 47 52 5a 4A 4T 4A 47 46 47 46 45 45 45 44 43
3 5A 47 45 43 49 47 45 43 45 44 42 44 43 41 43 42 41 40 S/MH_.9
4 4A 44 42 4A 47 44 41 39 43 41 39 42 40 39 41 39 3a 37
MI5203'i9 C x .7
5 45 41 39 37 .15 41 38 36 40 38 36 39 37 36 39 37 35 35
6 43 39 36 34 43 39 36 34 38 35 34 37 35 33 37 35 33 33 Consult Ecrory for
7 4i 363331 40 36 33 31 3533 3i 34 3231 34 32 30 30
vattage or lzn1p va.iacion
a 383431 29 38 33 31 29 33 30 28 32 30 2A 32 3A 2a 27
9 3631 28 26 36 31 2A 26 31 28 26 3A 2a 26 30 2A 26 25
10 34 29 26 24 34 29 26 24 29 26 24 2A 26 24 2A 26 24 23

MTG HT. orA.

ao705030too LE5203a6
A:c/o. 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to 50 30 lo5030to5030too
o 53 53 53 53 52 52 52 52 49 49 49 4T 47 4T 45 45 4a 44 175\X4BT2slMH coared
'I 51 49 48 48 50 49 48 4T 47 46 45 45 45 44 44 43 43 42 Total Lumens 14,000
2 49 4T 45 44 4A 46 45 43 45 43 42 43 42 41 42 41 41 40
3 47444241 46 43 42 40 42 41 4a 41 40 3940 3S3838 S/MH_.9
4 45 42 40 3A 44 41 39 38 40 39 37 39 38 37 39 37 36 36 lE5L9386Cx.5
5 43 39 37 35 42 39 37 35 38 36 35 37 36 35 37 35 34 34
6 41 37 35 33 40 37 35 33 36 34 33 36 34 33 35 34 32 32 1E521186 C x 1.,i5
7 39353331 38 35 33 3i 34 32 31 34 32 31 33 32 30 30 Consulc lactory for
a 373331 29 36 33 31 29 32 30 29 32 3A 29 32 3A 29 2a
9 3531 29 27 35 31 29 27 3A 28 27 30 2A 27 30 2A 27 26 wnrtage of lamp vlrriation
10 33 29 27 25 33 29 27 25 29 2T 25 2a 26 25 2a 26 25 24

Mrc Nr /tcro. DA
ao 70 5030 loo HE520349
70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 lo5l'30too
o 58 58 58 58 57 57 57 57 55 55 55 52 52 52 50 50 50 49 110\7E23 L/z/HPS coated
I 56 55 54 53 55 54 53 52 52 5i 50 50 49 49 48 48 47 46 Total lumens 15,000
2 54 52 50 48 53 5t 49 48 49 48 47 48 47 46 46 46 45 44
351 49 46 45 50 48 46 44 47 45 44 45 44 43 44 43 42 42 s/MH .9
4 49464341 48 45 43 41 44 42 41 43 42 40 42 41 4A 39
HR523)49 CP x .2i
5 47 43 40 39 46 43 40 38 42 40 38 4t 39 38 40 39 37 37
6 4541 38 36 44 40 38 36 40 38 36 39 37 36 38 37 35 35 H!5093,i9 cP x.3t
7 42 38 35 34 42 38 35 33 37 35 33 37 35 33 36 34 33 32
H81t9149 CP x .6
a 40363331 40 36 33 3l 35 33 3l 35 33 31 34 32 3l 30
I383431 29 38 34 31 29 33 31 29 33 30 29 32 30 29 28 Consult lactory for
lo 36 32 29 2T 36 32 29 2T 31 29 27 31 29 2T 31 2A 27 26
waftage or lamp variarion

MAFlCCI 7 lype:

I Bound Wallwasher Accessories Housing Assembly

Ol 27'C channel bar Corutruction includes a die cast aluminum plrster
hangen frame. Housing is supplied s/ith dual reflector cone
/47 Conversion kit a.embll which -orar.' lor d.rection"L po"inoning.
lor downlight only 'lwo g*rdnjled srcel .uppon' hold a".emblv rn po..-
(clear cone) rion with Grip Klips Platet ftame accornmodates
/48 Conversion kir maximum 7,t' ceiling thickness. Hanger brackets
for downlight only are venically adjustable to 1.5". Bar hangers, which
(gold cone) are supplied, adjust to 25". Accessory 27" C channel
/32WMH 32 Watt hangers are availableas /Ol . J-box with % ' & %'
Mecal Halide lamp knockouts is pre-wired with ground wire included.
Socket assembly has potcelain socket, medium
screwshell base, and die cast aiuminum socket cap.
Branch circuit allows maximum 4-inl4 out #12
A\(G conductors rated at minimum 75oC.
Enclosed F-can type; constant wattage auco trans
former; HPF; in-line fusing standard; trunk latch

Cat, No. Cat. No. Degrces

Source Clear Alzak Gold Alzak Cut.Oui Wattage Dimensions






120o Degrees

90" Degrees
100\7/423lE 17
Medium Base
Medium Base
Medium Base
/r 17
MW307513 MW307514 2/90o Degrees r00wA21tEt1
Medium Brse
Voltage must Voltage must
be specified be specified

132 Watt LW307505 LW307506 180' Degrees 32WlB17

Metal Halide Medium Base
LW307507 LW307504 l20o Degrees 12W tBtl
Mediur Base
LW307509 LW307510 90' Degrees 12W lBrT

Medium Base
LW307513 LW307514 2/P0" Degrees 32\X/ tBlT
Medium Base
Voltage must Voltage must
be specified be specified E:'1,,,'-l

40 MARco

@> (e_-.-r-
unsnaps ro allow of balllsr; voltag must be
specified. Fu.ther bnllNt specs on page 9.
UL Listed Specs
Rared for use in damp locations and in djrect
Clear Alzak Gold Alzak
contact with lnsularion. J-box is accessible from
\[allwasher \(rallwasher
hlon' ceiling.
Bellector Finishes
Dual rellecror cut arvay rv.rllwash sysrem assures
scallop fiee, even washing ofwalls lrom 90' co 180"
Nhile srill providing downlighr. Double cut arvay
wrllwash (2/90") is ideal for hallways providing
uniform lighc throughout the space. Crt-away,
when properly insralled, directs light near the
ceillng 11ne.
Narrow flat aluminum design.
Low gloss whice paint.

SinEle Fixturc Data Multiple Fixturc Data Notes

04' 3' 2"l O t 2 a o o'2'I'O'1'201 MW307505

1 19 3.1 74 97 11.2 97 7.4 3.7 19 1' 12A 175 173 18.5 175 185 17.3 17.5 128
2 26 3.9 5.7 8.i 9.0 81 5.7 39 26 2' 125 164 165 i7.5 160 17.5 16.5 16.0 125 100!7E17lI{V coated
3 2.3 3.4 54 83 106 83 5.4 3.4 2.3 3 14.0 173 175 17.0 17.3 17A 17.5 t7.3 144 Total Lrmens 4000
4 23 3.6 6.3 8.8 10.0 88 63 36 2.3 4' 14.A 177 185 i8.5 177 18.5 18.5 177 r40
5 2.6 46 65 8.3 9.i 83 6.5 4.6 2.6 5 13.0 17 3 17.5 17 0 17.3 i7.0 i7.5 17.3 13 0
6' 30 4.3 5.7 7.3 A.1 7.3 5 7 43 3.0 6' i2.0 i5 7 15 5 i6.0 15 7 16.0 15.5 15 7 12.0
7 3.2 4.4 52 6.5 13 6.5 5.2 4.4 3.2 7 110 150 15.0 16.0 15.0 i6.0 i5.0 15.0 11.0
8 25 3.5 4.9 6.0 65 6.0 4.9 35 2.5 a' 100 i3.3 i30 i3.5 133 13.5 13.0 133 100
9, 2.4 3.4 41 44 46 4.4 4.1 3.4 2.4 9' 95 11.3 11.0 |.5 113 11.5 i1.0 11.3 9.5
10 22 3.1 3.6 3.9 42 3.9 36 31 2.2 to' I5 i0.3 10.5 10.0 10 3 10 0 10.5 t0 3 I5
va@s bed on one finre mouired 3 rl rrDn war led r1 .e e, )h lDr 4,

0'4' 3 2 1' O' l' 2' 3 4 o'f'o2to'1'2'o'I LW307505

r'12 10 35 56 65 56 35 19 12 r' 68 9.2 9.0 97 9.2 9.7 9.0 92 68
2 1.6 2.5 38 5.4 6.0 5.4 3.8 25 1.6 2 75 9.9 10.0 108 9.9 108 i0.0 9.9 7.5 12\(/B17/MH coared
2.3 35 6.0 9.0 6.0 35 23 i.4 3' 8.3 i15 i0.5 11.1 tl 5 11.1 105 115 83 -roral lumens 2500
3'14 -7.3
41.4 25 5.0 7.3 LA 5.0 25 1.4 4 9.A 12.3 12.9 136 12.3 136 12.9 123 9.0
5'20 3.3 47 64 75 64 4.7 a3 2A s' 98 13.0 12.8 i3.0 13.0 130 128 130 9.8
6 2.2 3.2 44 6.0 6.7 6.0 4.4 32 22 5 9.1 120 118 12.4 12.4 128 11.8 12.0 9.1
1' 1.9 2.9 41 5.0 65 50 4.1 29 1.9 ?' 7.3 10.2 10.5 10.6 10.2 10.6 10 5 i0.2 7.3
8 1.9 28 3.7 4.6 4.8 4.6 3.7 28 19 a 6.1 80 89 89 8.0 8.9 89 8.0 6.1
a' 1.8 2.5 30 3.8 42 38 3.0 25 i.8 9' 53 6.9 6.8 78 6.9 7.8 68 6.S 5.3
'10 20 25 27 3.2 3.7 3.2 2.7 25 2.4 10 5.7 72 85 96 7.2 96 85 7.2 5.7

4] MAFElf,
MAF|CCI lOtt"orrrro*r'. rype:

lRound Flat Frcsnel Lensed Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27r C channel bar Conscrucrion includes a one piece die cast plaster
hangers frame. Hanger brackets are adjuscable to 1.5rr. Bar
/O3 Thmper proofing hangers, which are supplied, adjusc co 25I. Other
/06 \Teatherproof hange( accessories 27rC channel /Ol. J-box wirh
gasketing LZ' 3. 7a' knockouts is pre wired with ground wire

/O7 Trigger-Latch included. Socket assembly has porcelain socket,

hinge medium and mogul screwshell bases (consult
/ll Emergency stand specific catalog flumber) and die casr aluminum
by relay for MV, HPS socket crp.
and MH 100\0or Wiring
greacer unirs Ballast circuit allows mr-rimum 4 in/4 out #12
AVG conductors rated at minimum 75'C.
Enclosed F-can type;constanr wattage auto
transformet HPF; in-line fusing standard; trunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal of ballasc; volrage
must be specified. Funher ballast specs on page p.

Sourre Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MR3O6752 Splayed /Touch- 1001y//E23VrlBT2t PP Inner Outer/

Flat Fresnel lacch Trim Mogul Base Strhice Painc
Lens MR3O6753 Multi Step/Touch- 100\Y/lE2)Y,l BT25 SS Inner Outer/
latch Trim Mogul Base Satin Aluminum
Volcage must (Splay Only)
be sp."cified Finish must KP Inner Black/
be specified Outer \trhire
KS Inner Black/
Outer Satin

Iinish musr
be specified

I Metal Halide Ln3O6/t4l Splayed /Touch 100\7ED17l817 PP Inner Outer/

Flat Frcsnel I-atch Trim Med;um Base \(hite Paint
Lens LR306442 Mulci-Step /'Iouch- 100\7/ED17/B17 SS Inner Outer/
Latch Trim Medium Base Sarin Aluminum
Vokage musr (Splay Only)
be specified Finish must KP Inner Black/
be specified Outer \Zhire I-,0---t1
L i' -l
KS Inner Black/ +267s.
Outer Satin

Iinish musr
be specified

lHigh Prssur HR3t542a Splayed/Touch- 50vIlE2)V,lB'f25 PP Inner Outer/

Sodium Latch Trim Mogul Base \X/hite Paint
Flat Fresnel HR3t5429 Multi Step/Touch ,AVlE23t/rlBtr25 SS Inner Outer/
Lens Latch Trim Mogul Base Satin Alumimrm
HR305793 Splayed/Touch- 7 0\X/lE23V2lB'125 (Splay only)
larclr Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/ L 10_ -J
Hn305794 Multi Scep/Touch- 7 0v/tE2ltktB'f25 Outer 'White . 11
latch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
H8306795 Splayed/Touch t00wtE21t1tB'f 25 Ourer Satin
larch Trim Mogul Base
lt8306796 Multi Step/Touch- Ioo\YlE23V,lB'f25
Intch Trim Mogul Base Finish must
Voltage must Finish must be specified
be specified be specified
42 MAHco
UL Listed Specs
Rared for use in damp Locarions ancl is clrermally
protected. J-box and ballasr are accessible from
below ceiling
FLat Fresnel Sphy Flat Fresnel Mulri-Step
llim Assembly
lso pic. c dic ,.rsr ror.cJr-lar. r Lri;5rr h-l rnm.
Inner trim houses lens and fits securely in outer
!rim. Upward pressure on lens auromarically
touch latch hinge and re locks rvhen
pu.hed bl t. Wnen
"p.n-.. hin;e.rn dr p' rnner
trim yr'to prorct outer rrlm from scratching. Lens
oprical characteristics see page 5.
Narrow flat aluminum design
Fimsh must be specified.

Cone of light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Noies

ao 70 5030 loo Mn306752

TG Fr /\Fcro DrA
70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 3() lo 50 30 loo
o 7373 73 73 71 71 71 71 68 68 68 65 65 65 62 62 62 61 l00wE2l'/tMv
I 69 67 65 63 67 65 64 62 63 62 60 61 60 5959 5e 5756 Total lumens-4200
2 6551 58 56 63 60 58 55 58 56 54 56 55 53 55 53 52 51
3 61 56 53 50 60 55 52 50 54 51 49 52 50 48 51 4S 47 46 s/MH-l.l
457524A455651 47 45 5A 47 44 4A 46 44 47 45 43 42 MRl0675l x 1.0
5 54 4A 44 4A 53 47 43 40 46 43 40 45 42 4A 44 41 39 3A
6 5i 44 40 37 50 44 4A 37 43 393742393741 38 36 35 Consult lactory for
7 47 40 36 33 46 40 36 33 39 35 33 38 35 33 38 35 32 31 warrage or lamP variarion
a 44 37 33 30 43 37 33 30 36 33 30 36 32 30 35 32 30 29
9 4t 3430 27 41 34 30 27 33 3A 2T 33 29 27 32 29 2T 26
10 39 32 28 25 3A 32 2a 25 31 21 25 31 27 25 30 27 25 24

60 70 5030 1oo L8306441

Mrc Hr AFc/o DrA.
70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 lo 50 3() to 50 30 lo so30 io o
o71 71 71 71 7A 7A 7A 70 67 67 67 64 64 64 6i 6i 61 60 l00W/B17/MH coated
1686664636665 63 62 62 61 60 60 59 58 58 57 57 56 Toml lumens-6800
2 6461 59 57 63 60 58 56 58 57 55 57 55 54 55 54 53 52
3 6i 57 54 52 60 56 53 51 55 52 50 53 51 50 52 50 4S 48 s/MH,1.0
4 58 53 50 47 57 53 50 47 51 49 47 50 48 46 49 47 46 45
1R306442 CU x 1.0
5 55 50 46 44 54 49 46 43 48 45 43 47 45 43 46 44 42 41
6 5247 4341 51 47 43 41 46 43 40 45 42 4A 44 42 40 39 Consulc lactory for
7 49 44 40 37 4a 43 40 37 42 39 37 42 39 37 41 38 37 36
warcage or Lamp variarion
a 4741 37 35 46 41 37 35 40 37 34 39 36 34 39 36 34 33
9 44 38 35 32 43 38 34 32 37 34 32 37 34 32 36 34 32 31
'to 42 36 32 30 41 36 32 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 30 29

Hr /\Fc/o. ao 70 5030 loo H8306795

70 so 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo so 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 626262 62 61 61 6i 61 58 58 58 56 56 56 53 49 53 53 52 100V/E2l'lri HPS coated
I 59 57 56 54 58 56 55 53 54 53 52 52 51 50 50 49 48 Toral lumenF8B00
2 55 52 5A 48 54 52 49 47 aa 4A 46 4A 47 45 47 45 44 43
3 524a454351 47 45 42 46 44 42 45 43 41 43 42 4A 39 S/MH 1.1
4 494441 38 48 44 41 38 43 40 38 41 39 37 40 38 3736 HR115428 CU x .,i
5 4641 37 35 45 40 37 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 37 35 33 33
6 43 38 34 32 42 3A 34 32 37 34 31 36 33 31 35 33 31 30 HR315429 CUx.4
? 403431 28 39 34 31 2A 33 30 2A 33 30 28 32 30 2A 27 HR305991 CU x .6
a 38 32 28 26 37 32 2A 26 31 2A 2a 30 27 25 30 27 25 24
9 35 29 26 23 35 29 26 23 29 25 23 2a 25 23 28 25 23 22 HRl0t79,1 CU x .6
,,1 10 33 27 24 21 32 27 23 21 26 23 21 26 23 21 26 23 21 2a HR105795 CU x 1.0
Consult facrory for
warrage or iamp varialion


M/\FlCO Bound Lens rype:

Round Concave Holophane Lensed Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 2l -
C chrnnel

/O3 'liLnltr pruoling

brr ConsrrLrct,on rnclucles.r one prece clie cast phsrer
fLame. llan.qer brackers aLe adjLrsrable ro ] I Unr
bnngers, lfiich are sLrpplied. adlLrsr ro l; . Orher
/O6 Vearbertvool b,LngelLcressories 2r ' C channel /Ol..1 bor rvitlr
l.r Ni,' kno!kours istr irild rvith gnrLrnd sin'
/O7 Trig.1jc. Lxi.h includcd. Sochcr rsstnnrll hrs porcchin sirkcr,
mecl,Lrm incl mo.qul scrervshell brses (consLrk
/ll Emer-qencl stand qrecitic caralog nunberl an,:l die casr alLrmirLrm
bv rclal tor l\lV, HPS
rrrl ITH loOVrrr Wiring
nr^imunr l rn,1tmnll
Balhsr circuir rlloss
AW(l.ondu.rds rlre.l .ll m,nrmtrnr ri'(1.
Enclosecl F-can tlpe; constnnr .lurc
rrurslormer, HPF; in line firsing srrLnclarl; trLrnk
lrrch ursnrps to r1lrrr rcmoval ofbrllrtr; v<,ltrgc
must br sFcc,llrd li,rrhcr b.rllisr sFrcs on prsc ,

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

MercuryVapor MB3O675i Sllaled t'Ii,Lrch L00w|-21l,,]iBTli PP lnner Ourerl

Concave Lrr.h'1iim N[ogLrl Base Vbire Painr
Holophane M83O6754 NIL,lt, Srrp, Tou.h- 10()N/rE2Ir/'rrB'1 2i SS Innrr OLrrt'r'
lens I-arch Trio, lli,gul Btsc Srrn Alumirun.l
Volt;ge musr (SFlx\ Onhl I
be spe.itled KP lnner Bl.rck,
Ir spcciricd OLrrer Whlre
KS Inner Bl.rckl
OLrrer SrLtir

!inrsh orLrst
Metal Halide LR306434 Splx\ cd,Tou.h 100\11[l)1], B1,- PP Inntr Ourcri
Concave latch Tlm Nledium Base \! hite l).unt
Holophane LR306439 ,\lulri-SreplToLrch 100v"EDttlBt,- SS Irner OLrrer,
Lens I-atch Trinr t\{eilirrm Brse SrLrin AlLrminLrnr T.
(Spl,r Onll)
l:,nish mun KP lnncr Bhcki
be speciliecl aJuter Whre
KS lnneL Black,
OLrrer Sltln

frnrsh musr

High Pressure HR315426 Splx.ved,T0L,.h t0 Si-r E I i ..r.i BTI t PP Inner OLrrerr

Sodium iltogLrl Brsc Vl,lrr P,,lnr I
Concave HR315427 Mtrhi SreF,lbuch i0\x/1l-lll"rrBT2t SS lnncr ()uierl
Holophane Larrh Trinr ,Mogul Bse Srt,n AlLrm,num
Lens HR305729 SplaledlToLrch r0\xrr E r i r:"i BT2 t (Splal Onh )
Latrl,'liinr IIo,801 Bxs! KP hncr Bhr k'

Lxi.h Tnm
lO\V, E-2:,1, BT2)
Ilosul Basr
l{X) V7, !.1 j /r r BT2 t
()utcr \,hirc
0urer Sarin Urr,, ;;.at
Lrtch liinr Nft,gul Brsc
HR306792 I{uhi r0 0\\,,r E2 l n r BTt i
hrch Trrn Nlogul Brse |inrsh rnun
be specitied
be specilieJ
1.:1 rvtar{co
UL Listed Specs
Rated for use

llim Assembly
Tro p.
in damp locations and is thermally
prcrected.J-box and ballast are accessrble from
beLow ceiling.

ed e. sr h trn
rou. ' hr.h rr 35e- l.t
Concave Holophane
Concave Holophane

Inner rrim houses lens and firs securely in outer

dm. Upward press[re on lens automatically
activates touch latch hinge and reJocks rvhen
pus"c b,.k. \ hFn onened. h,nse. m,lrop''nre-
trim /1r'ro protecr oucer trim from scrarching.lens
olrical characrerisrics see page 5.
Narrow flat aluminrm desi{ao.
Iinish musc be specified.

ol light CP Disiribution Zonal Cavity Method Noies


aoTo5030iOo 30 lo o
M'rG. Hr Nc/o' D A 70 50 30 lo ?o 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50
o777771 77 75 75 7575 72 72 72 69 69 69 66 66 66 65 100\(4r2I 'llMV
i zgzoog6771 69 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 62 61 60 59 Total Lumens-4200
2 686561 59 67 63 6i 58 61 59 57 59 57 56 57 56 54 53 S/MH I.2
5 o+ ss ss 52 63 Fg 55 52 56 53 51 55 525053 51 49 48
I OO S+ SO 47 59 53 49 46 52 4A 46 51 4A 45 49 47 45 44 MR106754 CU x 1.0
5 46 50 45 42 55 49 45 41 4a 44 41 46 43 41 45 43 40 39
o ssao+l ga524541 38 44 41 38 43 40 38 43 40 37 36
35 33 32
Consult factory for
i isatrz 334841 37 33 40 36 33 39 36 33 3836 32 30 29 watrage or lamp variacion
a 46 33 33 30 45 38 33 30 37 33 30 36 33 30
9 42 35 30 27 42 35 3A 27 34 30 27 33 3A 27 33 29 2T 26
io qo ez za 2s gg 32 2a 25 31 27 25 31 27 25 3a 27 24 23

aoToSO30lOo 3l' loo Ln306434

MTG Nr nFc/o DA 70 50 30 lo ?o 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 100v/817/MH
o767676767474747471 71 71 68 68 68 65 65 65 64 coared
i n n aa 67 70 69 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 61 61 60 59 Total Lumens-6800
i oe os oz 60 67 64 6i 59 62 60 58 60 58 57 5e 57 55 54 s/MH 1.0
i o+ oesz E4 63 59 56 54 57 55 53 56 54 52 54 53 51 50
+ or so sz 49 60 55 52 49 54 4751 48 52 50 48 51 49 47 46 1R3064i9 cu x 1.0
5 5T 524A 455651 48 45 5A 44 49 46 44 4A 46 44 43
o ss +g +s 42u4a 44 42 47 44 41 46 43 41 45 43 41 40 Coosult facrory for
i it +sq 38501441 38 44 40 s8 43 40 37 42 3s 37 36 wrttage or lamP variarion
s ia 42 38 35 48 42 38 35 41 37 35 40 37 35 39 37 34 34
.io 46 39 35 32 45 39 35 32 3A 34 32 37 34 32 37 34 32 31
a: sz :: 3a 42 36 32 30 36 32 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 29

ao ?o 503(' loo HR306791

MrG Fr /Tc/o DrA io so oo ro ?o 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o
o 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 62 62 62 59 59 59 57 57 57 56
52 52 51
100\7E21%/FIPS coated
i ei or se 57 61 59 58 56 s7 565555545353
49 51 4s 4a 49 4a 47 46
Totallumens 8800
i sgsosg51 57 55 52 50 53 51
i sssi +g 45 s4 aa 47 45 4a 46 44 47 45 43 46 44 42 41 s/MH-1.2
i izq qs4051 46 43 4a 45 42 4a 4'4 4i 39 42 40 39 38
37 35 34 HR315426 CU x .4
i +g
q6 +g
ss 36 47 42 39 36 41 38 36 40 37 35 39
37 34 32 31
e +o so 33 45 39 36 33 38 35 33 38 35 32 HR3i5427 CU x .4
i 4saaz2s41 sE B2 29 35 31 29 34 31 29 33 31 28 28 HR105729 CU x.6
o sg is zs 26 39 33 29 26 32 29 26 31 2a 26 31 28 26 25
9 37 30 26 24 36 30 26 24 29 26 24 29 26 24 2A 26 23 23 HR31r440 CU x.6
io sq za zl 22 34 28 24 22 27 24 21 27 24 21 26 23 21 20 Consult factory lor
wactage or lamp variarion

45 MAFco
MAFICO lO"no.,r'o*rr" rYpe:

I Round Drop Opal Ditfuser Downtighi Accessodes Housing Assembly

/Ol 27rC channel bar Construccion includes a one piece die casc plaster
hangers frame. Hanger brackets are adjustable to 1.5,. Bar
/O3 Tamper-proofing hangers, rvhich are supplied, adjusr ro 25'. Other
/06 Wearherprool hanger accessories 27rC chnnnel /Ol. J-box with
gasketing Ll' & /.rr knockouts is pre-wired wirh ground wire
/ll Emergency stand- included. Socket assembly has porcelain socket,
by relay for M! HPS mediurm ancl mogul screwsheil bases (consulr
and MH r00\X/ or specific catalog number) and die cast aluminum

Ballasc circuit allows maximum 4 in/4-out #12
AVG conductors rated at minimum 75oC.
Enclosed F can type; consranr wartage auro
transformer; HPF; inJine fusing standard; trunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal ofballasr; voltage
must be specified. Fufther ballasr specs on page !.

Source Fixtur Descriptioh Waltage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor M8306755 Splayed/Trlgger- 100wE2ahtB'f25 PP Inner Oucer/

Drop Opal larch Trim Mogul Base SThite Paint
Dilluser MR3O6756 Mu1ri-Step/Trigger-
Iatch Trim
Mogul Base
SS Inner Outer/
Satin Aluminum
i1 '" E !
Voltage must
be specified Iinish must KP
(Splay Only)
Inner Black/
'1ElL t-10-_
be specified Ourer Whice
KS Inner Black/
Outer Satin

Finish must
be specified

lMetal Halide LR306443 Splayed/Trigger 100\7/EDl7/B17 PP Inner Ourer/

DropOpal latch Trim Medium Base \(hite Paint
Difluser LR306445 Mulu-Step/Trigger- 100\(4ED17lBl7 SS Inner Outer/
Latch Trim Medium Base Sat;n Aluminum
Voltage musc (Splay Only)
be specified Iinish musr KP Inner Black/ - l
be specified Ourer \Vh;te -10-,,1
KS Inner Black/
Outer Sarin

Finish must
be specified

f High Prcssuie HR315430 Splayed/Trigger- 50\X4E2)1/rlBT25 PP Inner Outer/

Sodium larch Trim Mogul Base White Paint
DrcpOpal HR3l543t Multi Srep/Trigger SOWl E2lYr lB'f 2t SS Inner Outer/
Difluser I-atch Trim Mogul Base Sacin Aluminum
Hn305444 Splayed/Trigger- t 0\Yl E23V, t BT21 (Splay Only)
larch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
HR305797 Multi-Srep/Trigger- 10WlE27t/rlB'f 25 Outer \(hire
I-atch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
Hn30679a Splayed/Trigger- t00V/lE23V,lW2t Outer Satin
hrch nim Mogul Base
H8306799 Mult;Srep/Trigger tolv/lE23V,l BT25
I-atch Trim Mogtl Base Finish musr
Vokage must Finish musr be specified
be specified be specified
46 MARco
UL Lisled Specs
Rated for usein damp loca.ions and is rhermally
protected.J-box and ballasc are accessible from
beLow ceiling.
Drop OpaL Splay Drop Opnl Multi-Step
Ilim Assembly
Two p,..e die.asr ro..r.h l"r'\'ris;er rrJrrim
Inner rrim houses lens lrnd fits securely in outer
dnr. Upward pressure on lens automaticaLly
acrivates rouch latch hinge and reJocks when
p r\.o ba.\. Wh.n .pereJ. rrnsc.:n- droo' inr"r
rrim y'4'to protct outer trim from scratching Lens
opdcal characteriscics see paEie 5.
Namow flat aluminum design.
Finish must be specified.

Cone of lisht CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

ao?o5030lOo 30 loo
MTG Hr /\c/o D a ?o 50 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 10owr23%/MV
o 41 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 38 38 38 37 37 37 35 35 35 35
I 38 36 35 34 37 36 34 33 34 33 32 33 32 31 32 31 30 30 Total Lrmens -4200
2 35 32 3A 2A 34 32 30 2A 3A 29 27 29 2A 27 28 27 26 25
3 3229262431 2A 26 24 27 25 23 26 24 23 25 24 22 22 s/MH-1.3
4 29262321 29 25 22 2A 24 22 2A 23 22 2A 23 21 2A 19 MRl06rt6 CU x 1.0
s 27 23 20 $ 26 22 2A $ 22 19 17 21 19 17 20 19 17 16
6 25 21 1A 16 25 21 $ 16 20 i8 16 19 i7 16 19 i7 16 15 Consult factory for
7 23 18 t5 13 22 1A 15 13 18 15 13 17 15 13 17 15 13 12 warcage or lamp vari^tion
a 21 1-/ 14 12 21 16 14 12 16 13 12 16 13 12 l5 13 12 ll
9 20 15i2 10 19 l5 12io l5 12 10 14 12 10 14 12 10 10
'to 18 14 ll 918 14 11 913 11 913 ll 913 11 I 9

aoTO5030lOo 50 30 loo
Mrc Fr Ac/o DrA ?o 5(' 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo
o 48 48 48 4A 47 47 47 47 45 45 45 43 43 43 41 41 41 40 l00rJ{/B17lMH coated
1444341 40 43 42 4A 39 40 39 38 3e 37 37 37 36 36 35 Total Lumens 6800
2 4l 38 35 33 40 37 35 33 36 34 32 34 33 31 33 32 31 30
3 37 33 30 28 36 33 30 2A 32 29 27 31 29 2T 30 2A 26 25 s/MH-1.1
4 34 3A 27 24 34 3A 26 24 29 26 24 2A 25 23 27 25 23 22 rR306445 CU x r.0
s 32272321 31 26 23 21 26 23 21 25 22 20 24 22 20 19
6 302521 19 29 24 21 19 24 21 19 23 20 19 22 20 1A 18 Consult factory for
7 27 22 $ 1626 21 fi i6 21 i8 16 20 i8 16 20 i7 16 15 warcage or lamp variation
a 2520 17 14 25 20 16 14 19 16 14 19 16 14 18 16 14 13
9 23i8 ]5 ]3 23 18 15 13 17 15 13 17 14 12 17 14 12 12
10 22 17 13 11 21 16 13 1i 16 13 1i 16 13 11 l5 13 1i 10

ao 70 5030 loo HR306794

MrG FT A.c/o. o A. 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 'lo 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o
I m\x4 E 2 3'lt
o 36 36 36 36 35 35 35 35 33 33 33 32 32 32 31 31 31 30 HPS coared
I 33 32 30 29 32 31 30 29 3A 29 2a 2A 2A 27 27 27 26 26 Toral lumens-8800
2 3A 2e 26 24 29 27 26 24 26 25 24 25 24 23 24 23 23 22
a 28 25 22 21 2-7 24 22 2A 23 22 20 23 21 2a 22 21 19 19 S/MH 1.0
4 26222Aft2522 19 i8 21 19 i7 20 19 17 20 18 17 16 HRl15.110 CU x .4
5 2320 17 15 23 2A 17 15 19 17 15 18 16 15 18 16 15 i4
6 22 1A 16 14 21 $16 t4 17 15 14 17 15 14 16 15 13 13 HRl15,13l CU x .zi
7 2A16 13 12 i9 16 13 12 15 13 12 15 13 li 15 13 li ll HR301,i44 CU x .6
6l9 15 i2 10 18 i4 12 lO i4 12 1o i4 12 10 i3 ll l0 10
917 13 il 917i3 11 9i3 11 912 10 9i2 10 9 8 HR305797 CU x .6
to 16 12 10 816i2 lO 812 10 I ji I Iil 9I8 HR106799 CU x 1.0
Consutt fatory for
waftage or Lamp variation

MAFICO I O Prof ite Lens Tltpe:

lRound Flat Ftesnel Diffuser Downlight Accessodes Housing Assembly

/Ol 27'C channel bar Construction includes a die cast aluminum plaster
hangers fmme- Housing is square, round aperture
O3 Tamper-proofing bonderized steel with white baked enamel finish.
/06 Veatherproof Hanger brackets are adjustable ro 1.51. Bar hange$,
gasketing which are supplied, adjust to 25!r. Other hanger
lO7 'frigger Latch accessories 27 | C channel lO1. J boxwith th" E )/a'
hinge knockouts is pre-wired with ground wire included.
/11 lmergency stand Fixture has porcelain socker, medium and mogul
by relay for MY HPS screwshell base (consuh specific catatog number).
and MH 100Vor Wiring
Bajlrst circuir allows maximum 4-inl4-out #12
A\fG conductors rared ar minimum 75oC.
Enclosed F-can type; coosranr wattage auro
transformer; HPF; in line fusing standard; trunk
Iatch unsnaps to allow removal of ballasc; voltage
must be specified. Funher ballast specs on page !.

SourEe Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MR3t974l Low Profile Splayed/ E23Y,lB'r2t PP Inner Outer/

Flat Fresnel Touch-Iatch Trim
Mogul Base $7hite Paint
I cs
Lens M8319745 low Profile Multi-Step/ I00WlE2lVrlBT25 SS Inner Ourer/ "i+EL
Touch larch Trim Mogul Base Satin Alumioum
I l-,(l. -------l
MB3m74t low Profile Splayed/
Touch-I-atch Trim
Mogul Base KP
(Splay Only)
Inner Black/
MR320745 Low Profile Multi Step/
Touch-I-atch Trim
17 5lv7E28tB'128

Mogul Base KS
Outer \7hite
Inner Black/
Voltage must Outer Satin
be specified Finish musr
be specified
Finish must
be specified

ll'tetal Halide LR3l974l low Profile Splayed/ I00WED17/B17

Flat Frcsnel Touch latch Trim Mediurn Base
PP Inner Outer/
lVhire Paint l^af: (-
Lens L8319745 Low Profile Multi-Step/ 100S0/ED17/B17 SS Inner Ourer/ ''ie.@.-.l/
Touch-Latch Trim Medium Base Satin Aluminum
Volcage must (Splay Only)
be specified Finish musc KP Inner Black/
be specified Outer \7hite
KS Ioner Black/
Outer Satin

Finish must
be speciied

48 MAHEo
UL Listed Specs
Rmd for use in clamp locations and is rhermally
protecred.J-box and ballast are accessible lrom
below ceiling.
Frcsnel Splay Fresnel MuLti Step
llim Assembly
hope e,.l <. .. r ro, h-LL.r rrrgger "r. \ r-'n
Inner rrlm houses lens and fits securely in outer
ffim. Upward pressure on lens aucomatically
mrivates rouch Latch hinge and re-locks when
p .h"d o.l. Wre opened. \inge arr droo. 'nrer
$im /l to prcrect outer crim from scratching Lens
opticnl charncrerisrics see Page 5.
Nanow fl.rt aluminum design.
Finnh musc be specified.

Cone ol light Zonal Cavity Method Notes

aoToso30loo 30 loo MR3m74l

Mrc HT
DrA 70 5(} 30 lo ?o so 30 lo so 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 l7t\(/E28/MVcoated
o 41 4t 4i 41 41 41 414139 39 39 37 37 37 36 36 36 35
'I 39 38 37 37 39 38 37 36 36 36 35 35 34 34 34 33 33 32 Toral Lumens 8600
2 37 36 34 33 37 35 34 33 34 33 32 33 32 31 32 31 31 30
3 35 33 31 30 35 33 31 30 32 30 29 31 3A 29 3A 29 2A 28 s/MH-1.0
4 3431 29 27 33 30 29 27 3A 2A 27 29 2a 27 2A 27 26 26 MR]I97.11 CP x .15
5 322927 2531 2A 26 25 2a 26 25 27 26 24 2T 25 24 24
6 30 27 25 23 3A 27 25 23 26 24 23 26 24 23 25 24 23 22 MRll97.15 CP x .'15
7 2A252321 2A 25 22 21 24 22 21 24 22 21 23 22 21 2A MRl20745 CU x l.0
g 272321 19 26 23 21 19 23 21 l9 22 2A 19 22 2A 1S 19
2522 19 18 25 21 19r821 19 18 21 19 1a 20 19 1A 1T ConsuLt facrory for
to 24 2A 18 17 23 2A 1A 17 20 18 16 i9 18 16 19 18 16 16 wartage or lanrf vrriation

aoTo5030tOo LB3t974l
r,rrc. Hr /rfc/0. DA 70 50 30 lo ?o so 30 lo so 30 lo so 30 lo5030too
o a7 57 5? 57 55 55 55 55 53 53 53 4A51 51 51 48 48 48 47 100V/B17/MH toated
1545251 50 53 51 50 49 50 49 48 45 47 46 46 46 45 44 TotrL Lltmens 6800
251 49 47 45 50 48 46 45 47 45 44 44 43 44 43 42 41
3 49 46 43 42 4A 45 43 41 44 42 41 43 41 40 42 40 3939 S/MH_.9
i qaqaq 39464340384239 38 41 39 37 40 38 37 36 LRtI974i cu x l.o
i ai +o sB :o +g +o oz 36 39 37 35 38 36 35 38 36 35 34
6 42 38 36 34 42 38 35 34 37 35 33 37 35 33 36 34 33 32 Consult factory for
7 40363331 3936333i 353331 34 32 31 34 32 31 30 warcage or lamp variation
a 3l 29 33 31 29 33 30 29 32 30 29 28
g 383431 29 38 34
36 32 29 27 36 32 29 27 31 29 27 31 29 27 30 2A 27 26
'to 35 30 28 26 34 3A 27 26 3A 27 26 29 27 26 29 27 26 25

MAFICO 1O"*"""o Low Profite Lens TYpe:

I Bound ConcaveHolophane Lensed Downlight Accessories l{ousing Assembly

/Ol 27'C channel bar Constructiofl includes a die cast alumimrm plastet
hangets frame. Housing is square, round aperture
/O3 Tamper-proofing bonderized steel wirh white baked enamel finish.
/06 \Teatherproof Hanger brackets are adjustable to L5 I. Bar hangers,
gasketing which are supplled, adjust to 2 tl. Other hanger
IO7 'ftigger Lacch accessories 27rr C channel /O l. J-box wirh yrri& Tarl
hinge knockouts is pre-wired with ground wire included.
/ll Emergency stand Iixturehas porcelain socket, medium and mogul
by relay for MV, HPS screwshell base (consulr specific catalog number).
and MH 100vor Wiring
Ballrit circuit allows ma-ximum 4-inl4 out #12
A\(G conductors rated ar minimum 75oC.
Enclosed I can type; constant warrage auro
tmnsformer; HPF; inJine fusing standard; trunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal ofballast; volrage
mrut be specified. Further bailasr specs on page !.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MR3t9739 Iow Ptofile Splayed/ 100V1/E23V,lB'r25 PP Inner Outet/

Touch-Latch Trim
low Profile Mulci-Step/
Touch-latch Trim
Mogul Base
Mogul Base
\fhite Paint
Inner Outer/
Satin Aluminum
M8320739 low Profile Splayed/

Touch-larch Tri m
Low Prcfile Multi-Step/

Mogul Base
5\y/ I E2atBT28
(Splay Only)
KP Inner Black/
Outer \fhite
Touch Iatch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
Voltage must Outer Satin
Finish musr
be specified
Finish must
be specified

I Metal Halide
LR319739 low Profile Splayed/
Io -r.h-lat, l- Tr
MFdium Base
PP Inner Olrter/
\fhite Paint
f ,' r- -fr
Holophane L8319743 low Profile Multi-Step/ 100WID17/B17 SS Inner Outer/
Lens Tourl- Lrt h lnrr Medrum Br,e Satin Aluminum I _1o. .l
Vohage must (Splay Only) L- j1 __.]
be specified Finish must KP Inner Black/
be specfied Outer \(/hite
KS Inner Black/
Outer Sarin

Finish must
be specfied

50 MAr4co
Listed Specs
Rated for use in damp locarions and is thermally aU*..-"--_l
protecred.J box and ballasc are accessible from \'--
beloiv ceiling.
- --'/
Concave Holophane Concave Holophane
Tlim Assembly
Splay Muki Srep
hu1" " lr-ca .u,- . r h rr llc' l-.1- rr -
lnner trim houses lens and firs securely in ourer
uim Upward pressure on lens arLromatlcally
rrivares touch-latch hinge and re-locks when
p nhd o. k. Wh, n u1 rn J. r rp. . r, d op
rrinr L/l to protecr oLrrcr trim from scrarching. lens
optical chuacteriscics see page 5.
Nmow llat aluminum design.
Iinnh must be specified.

Cone ot light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Melhod Notes

ao To so30 loo M8320739

Hr /\Fc,o. DA 70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 lo so 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
'rrc o 535353535i 51 51 51 49 49 49 47 47 47 45 45 45 44 i751I0/828/MVcoared
1 5A 49 47 46 49 4a 47 46 46 45 44 44 44 43 43 42 42 41 Totallumens 8600
2 47 45 43 42 46 44 43 41 43 41 40 41 40 39 40 39 3838
3 45 42 39 37 44 41 39 37 40 38 37 39 37 3633
38 36 35 35
35 34 33 32
4 4239363441 38 36 34 37 35 33 36 34 MR3r97l9 CP x .4i
5 40363331 39 35 33 31 35 32 30 34 32 30 33 31 30 29
6 38 33 3i 29 37 33 30 28 32 30 28 32 30 2e 31 29 2A 27 MRI19741 CP x ..15
7 35 3t 28 26 34 30 28 26 30 27 25 29 27 25 29 27 25 24 MR120743 CU x I.0
a $ 28 25 23 32 2A 25 23 2A 25 23 27 25 23 27 25
25 23 22
23 21 20
931 26 23 21 31 26 23 21 26 23 21 25 23 21 Consult firrory lor
'lo 29 24 22 2A 29 24 21 20 24 21 20 23 21 20 23 21 19 19 wattage or lamp variation

ao 70 5030 loo LR319739

Mrc Hr /rfc/o. DA 70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 lo so 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 3r, loo
o 6363636361 61 61 61 59 59 59 56 56 56 54 54 54 53 l00V4EDl7/MH coated
I 60 58 57 56 59 57 56 55 55 54 53 53 52 52 51 51 50 49 Tonl Lumens 6800
2 5754a2 50565351 50 52 50 49 50 49 48 49 48 47 46
3 5451 4e465350474548 46 45 4T 45 44 46 45 43 43 s/MH-1.0
451 47 44 42 5A 47 44 42 46 43 41 45 43 41 44 42 4A 4A LRll97l7 CU x 1.0
5 494441 39 48 44 41 39 43 40 38 42 40 38 41 39 38 37
6 46 42 38 36 46 41 38 36 40 38 36 40 37 36 39 37 35 35 Consulc factory lor
7 44 39 35 33 43 38 35 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 36 34 33 32 warrage or lamp vafia.;on
s 4i 363331 41 36 33 31 35 33 31 35 32 30 34 32 30 30
s 393431 23 38 34 31 28 33 30 28 33 3a 2A 32 3A 2a 2T
to 3J 32 2s 27 37 32 29 27 31 2A 26 31 2A 26 3A 2a 26 26

MAFICcl lOtt*o""d tow Profite Lens TYpe:

lRound Drop Opal Difluser Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Construction jncludes a die cast aluminum plaster
hangers frame. Housing is square, round apefture
/03 Tamper proofing bonderized steel with white baked enamel finish.
/06 \Veatherproof Hanger brackets are adjusmble to 1.5 ". Bar hangers,
gasketing which are supplied, adjust to 25". Other hanger
/ll Imergency stand accesso.ies 27! C channel /Ol. J-box wlth y2t &./a'
by relay for MV, HPS knockouts is pre wired wlch ground wire included.
and MH 100vor Fixture has porcelain socket, medium and mogul
greater units screwshell base (consult specific catalog number).
Ballast circuit allows maximum 4-inl4-out #12
AWG conductors rated ar minimum 7i'C.
Enclosed I-can type; constant wattage auto
cransformer; HPI; inline fluing standard; trunk
latch unsnaps ro allow removal ofballast; voltage
must be specified. Furrher ballast specs on page 9.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Dimensions

lMercuryVapor M8319735 lorv Profile Splayed/ l00\y// E23VrlB'f25 PP Inner Outer/

Drop Opal
Difluser MR319737
Trigger larch Trim
Low Profile Multi Step/
Trigger-latch Trim
Mogul Base
100tYl E23Vz lB'r25
Mogul Base
\rlire Painr
Inner Ourer/
Satin Aluminum
L_ F^^,-
MR320735 Low Profile Splayed/ 115\\4 E28 tB'f28 (Splay Only)
Trigger krch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
MR320737 Low Profile Muiri Step/ 17'v.lE28lPT28 Ourer \7hire
Trigger I-atch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
Voltage must Outer Satin
be specified Finish must
be specified
Finish must
be specified

LR319735 low Profile Splayed/
ft5ser-lar' h Tnm
Mediun B;.e
PP Inner Outer/
\{hire Paint I nn
Difluser LR319737 lowProfileMulti-Step/ 100\(u/ED17/B17 SS Innet Oucer/ "'ilE!J
Trig6e- larc\ Trim Medium Base Satin Aluminum
Voltage must (Splay Only)
be specified Finish must
be specified
KP Inner Black/
Ourer \fihite
I 11-

KS Inner Black/
Outer Sacin

Iinish must
be specified


UL l-isted Specs
Raral for use in damp locations and is thermally
protected. J-box and ballasc are accessjbLe
below ceiling.
llim Assembly
(_) e>
Drop Opal Splay Drop Opal Multi-Step
Two pie, e d.e.or rourlr Lr. h r -rger-lar, h rr.n.
Inner rrim houses lens and fits securely in outer
mim. Upward pressure on lens automacicaily
activates touch-latch hinge and re locks when
pus ..c ba k Wh.nupened. l rgec-Tdmp..rner
trim L/4 ro protecr ourer trim from scratching. lens
oprical characreristics see page 5.
Narrow flat aluminum design.
linish musr be specified.

Cone ol light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

Mrc Fr /tci o ao 70 5030 loo MR320735

70 5lt 3l' to 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o
o 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 22 22 22 21 21 21 20 U5\(/828/MVcoated
1222221 2A 22 21 2A 2A 2A 20 19 19 19 19 19 18 l8 18 Toral Lumens 8600
2 21 19 1a 17 20 19 18 17 18 17 16 17 i7 i6 17 16 15 15
319 17 15 14 18 17 15 l4 16 15 14 15 14 i4 15 14 13 l3 s/MH 1.3
417 15 13 12 17 15 13 12 14 13 12 14 13 12 13 12 12 11 MR31973i CP x.45
516 14 12 1i 16 13 12 10 13 ]t t0 13 11 l0 12 11 10 i0
515 12 lt 915 12 11 912 10 912 10 9li l0 II MR319717 CP x .45
7 14 11 9 8 13 11 9 I 10 I 8 10 9 I l0 9 I 7 MR320737 CU x 1.0
a 13 10 8 712 1A I 71Q A 7 9 A 7 I a 7 7
912 I7 6lt 9 76 9 7 6 8 7 6 8 7 6 6 Consult factory for
'to 11 8 7 6ll I 7 6 8 7 6 8 6 5 8 6 5 5 riation
wartage or lamp va

fr /1fc/0. ao 70 5()30 loo LR319735

Mrc 0 A.
70 so 30 to 70 50 30 to 50 30 ro so 30 to 50 30 loo
.! 37 37 37 37 36 36 36 36 34 34 34 33 33 33 32 32 32 31 100V/Bl7lMH coated
34 33 31 30 33 32 31 30 3l 30 29 29 29 2A 28 2A 27 2T Torallumens 6800
231 29 27 25 30 2A 27 25 27 26 24 26 25 24 25 24 23 23
3 29 26 23 21 28 25 23 21 24 22 21 23 22 21 23 21 20 20 S/MH 1.3
4 26 23 2A 19262320 1A 22 2A 1a 21 19 i8 20 19 18 17 lRl197l7 CU x 1.0
5 2421 1A 16 24 20 i8 16 20 17 16 19 17 16 18 17 15 15
623i9 16 15 22 19 16 l4 18 16 14 1A 16 14 17 15 14 14 Consult facrory for
721 17 14 12 2A 16 ]412 16 14 12 i6 14 12 15 13 12 11 wattage or lamp variation
a 19 15 13 11 l9t5t3 11 15 12 11 14 12 11 14 12 11 10
.to 17 14 11 10 17 t4 11 t0 13 ll i0 13 11 l0 13 ll l0 9
13 10 Ii6 13 10 912 10 Ii2 10 912 10 9I

t3 MAFco
MAFlCO l3tt"our,o*r,. r\rpe:

I Round Flat Fresnel Lensed Downlight Accessofies Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Consrruction includes a one picce die cast plaster
hangers frame. Hanger brackets are ad j[stable to L i' . Bar

/O3 Tamper-proofing hangers, which are supplied, adjust ro 25'. Other

/06 \fleatherproof hanger accessories 27" C channel /Ol. J-box rvich
'l'& , 'knockours rs pre-wired wich ground wire
/O7 Trigger-Latcb included. Socket assembly has porcelain socker,
hinge mogul scrervshell base and die c.rst aluminum
/ll Emergency stand-
by relay for MV, HPS Wiring
and MH 100\7or Ballasr circuit allorvs maximum .1 in/4 our #12
greater unirs AWG conducrors rareclac minimum 75oC.
Enclosed F-can cype; consrant wnttage iuto
rranslormer; HPF; in line fl$ing sandard; rrunk
lacch unsnaps ro allo*' removal ofballast; voltage
must be specifled. Further ballasr specs on page 9.

Sourre Fixture Description Wattaqe Dimensions

I MercuryVapor M86o7758 Splayed/Touch- 17t\7E28lBT28 PP Inner Outer/

Flat Fresnel I-arch Trim Mogul Base \(hite Pa;nt
Lens MR6O7759 Multi Step/Torch- 175\7E28l8T28 SS Inner Outer/
latch Trim Mogul Base Satin Aluminum

larch Trim
Mogul Base
2t0\x/ I E28 tBT2a
(Splay Only)
Inner Black/
Outer \7hrre
]of+- L r!_ -l
lacch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/ 1 ,4_
Outer Sarin
be specified Finish mrlsr Aluminum
be specified
Finish musc
be speclfied

I Metal Halide L8607747 Splayed/Touch- r 75\(4r23 /tE28/BT28 PP Inner Outeri

Flat Frcsnel htch nim Mogul Brse rvhire Pa;nt
Lens LR607744 Multi-Srep/Touch Il5wt E2)VzlE28l B'f 28 SS Inner Ourer/
Larclr Trim Mogul Base Satin Allmin].lnl
Ln60a749 Splayed/Tomh- 250\(//E28/BT28 (Splay Only)
Latch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
LR604750 Multi-Step/Touch-
Latch Trim
Mogul Base KS
Outer \(hlce
Inner Black/ 5l: -l
Voltage musc Outer Satin
be specified Finish mlrsr
be specified
Finish musc
be specified

I High Pressur HR6O5775 Splayed/Touch 7 0'$/ t 1.2)t/,lB'f25 PP Inner Orrter/

Sodium Iatch Trim Mogul Base \rfhite Paint
Flat Fresnel HR6O577a Multi-Step/Touch- '/0WlE23Vzlw21 SS lnner Outer/
Lehs I-atch Trim Mogul Base Satin Aluminum
HR606776 Splayed/Touch 100wE23rz/BT25 (Sp1ay Only)
latch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
Orter \(/hite _jr -l
HR606779 Multi Step/Touch- rcO\Xl1E21lrl BT25
latch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
HR606777 Splayecl/Touch 1t0v4E2l7r/BT2t Outer Satin
larch Trim Mogul Base
HR6067AO Multi Step/Touch- rtowtE2lvtw2t
latch Trim MoguL Base .l-inhh rnusc
Voltage must Iinish must For 50 watt be sp."6;6"6
be specified be specified consult factory
UL Listed Specs
Rated for use
below ceiling.
llim Assembly
in damp locations and is rhermaLly
J box and ballasr are accessibLe from

e4,e o'rou'. laL.l- tr gger-larh tnm.

Fresnel Splay
Fresnel Multi-Srep

loner rrim houses Lens and fits securely in outer

rrim. Uplvard pressure on lens aucomarically
activxrcs torrh-latch hinge and re locks rvhen
pr r.d ba. k. Vlren op.ned. Jrop. rr n.r
ffim %i ro prorect outer trim from scratching. Lens
oprical characteristics see page 5.
Nanow flat aluminLrm design.
linish must be specified.

cone ot lisht CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method l{otes

oo 70 5030 loo MR604764
rc Hr /Ycro. D,A.
70 50 30 lo 70 so 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 7373737371 71 71 71 68 68 68 65 65 65 63 63 63 6l 2 50\g/ E2 8/MV
I 6S 67 65 64 67 66 64 63 63 62 61 61 60 59 59 58 57 56 Total Lumens 12,100
2 65 62 59 57 64 61 58 56 59 56 55 57 55 53 55 54 52 51
3 6i 575351 60 56 53 50 54 52 50 53 51 49 51 50 4 47 S/MH .9
4 58 53 49 46 57 52 49 46 5i 48 45 49 47 45 4a 46 44 43 MR6077tB CU x .7
5 55 49 45 42 54 4A 45 42 47 44 42 46 43 41 45 43 41 40
6 52 46 4239 51 46 42 39 45 41 39 44 41 39 43 4A 3a 37 MR6077t9 CU x .7
7 49 42 38 36 4A 42 3a 35 41 38 35 40 37 35 40 37 35 34 MR60s465 CU x 1.0
a 46 40 36 33 45 39 36 33 39 35 33 38 35 33 37 35 32 32
I4437 33 30 43 37 33 30 36 33 30 36 32 30 35 32 30 29 Consult facrory for
to 41 35 31 28 41 35 3i 28 34 31 28 34 3A 28 33 3A 2a 2T wactage or lamp variation

ao 70 5030 loo LR604449

Mrc Hr /\Fc/o. oA ?o 50 30 to 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 loo
o 72 72 72 72 70 70 70 70 67 67 67 64 64 64 62 62 62 61 250$7BT28lMH coated
'I 68 66 64 63 67 65 63 62 62 61 60 60 59 58 58 57 56 55 lumens 20,500
2 64 6i 58 56 63 60 57 55 58 56 54 56 54 53 54 53 52 5i
3 61 56 53 50 59 55 52 50 54 51 4952 50 4851 49 47 46 S/MH ,9
4 57 52 4A 46 56 5t 48 45 5A 47 45 49 46 44 4A 46 44 43 LF'607747 CU x .7
5 54 48 44 42 53 4a 44 41 47 43 41 46 43 41 45 42 40 39
6 51 46 42 39 50 45 4l 39 44 41 38 43 40 38 42 40 38 37 rR607748 CU x .7
7 4A 42 3A 35 47 4i 38 35 41 37 35 40 37 35 39 37 34 33 1R6087t0 CU x 1.0
o 46 39 35 33 45 39 35 32 38 35 32 38 34 32 37 34 32 31
9 ,13 37 33 30 42 36 33 30 36 32 30 35 32 30 35 32 30 29 Consulr factory tor
ro 41 34 31 2A 4A 34 3A 28 34 30 28 33 30 28 33 30 28 27 warhge of lamp variarion

ao 70 5030 loo 1'R607777

MTG Br /fc/o. DA
70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 67 67 67 67 66 66 66 66 63 63 63 60 60 60 58 58 58 57 1!0\a'lE2 3/r'HPS coaced
I 63 62 60 58 62 60 59 58 58 57 56 56 55 54 54 53 53 51 Total lumens l),000
2 60 57 54 52 59 56 53 51 54 52 50 52 50 49 50 49 48 47
3 56 52 49 46 55 51 48 46 50 47 45 48 46 45 47 45 44 43 s/MH-1.0
4 53 48 45 42 52 4A 44 42 46 44 41 45 4i 41 44 42 40 39 HR60t775 CU x .4
5 504541 3A 49 44 41 38 43 40 38 42 4A 37 41 39 3T 36
6 48 42 38 36 47 42 3A 36 4l 38 35 40 37 35 39 37 35 34 HR605778 CU x.4
7 45 39 35 32 44 38 35 32 37 34 32 37 34 32 36 34 32 31 HR606776 CU x .6
a 42 36 32 30 4t 36 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 29 34 31 29 2A
9 40 34 30 27 39 33 30 27 33 30 27 32 29 27 32 2S 27 26 HR606779 CU x .6
to 38 31 28 25 37 31 28 25 31 2a 25 3A 2T 25 3A 27 25 24 HR607780 CU x 1.0
Consurlt factory for
wattage or lamp variation

5t MArlco
MAFlCO 13tt"o.,rro *n. rvpe:

I Round Concave Holophane Lensed Downlight Accessofies Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Construction includes a one piece die casr plasret
hangers frame. Hanger brackets are adjustable to 1.5'. Bar
/O3 Tamper proofing hangers, which are supplid, adjust to 25'. Other
/06 \treatheryroof hanger accessories 27' C channel/Ol. J box rvich
gasketing %" & ]l" knockours is pre-wired wich ground wire
/O7 Trigger-Latch included. Socker assembly has porcelain socket,
hinge mogul screwshell base and die casr aluminum
/ll Emergency srand socket cap.
by relay for MV, HPS Wiring
and MH 100wor Ballasr circuic allows maximum 4 in/4-out #12
greater Lrnits A\rG conduccors rated at minimum 75"C.
fn lo.ed I- .rr r)pe: ' ^n., w4 dse 4,,r'
transformer; HPF; in-line hrsing standard; rrunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal of ballast; volnge
must be specified. Futcher baLlast specs on page 9.

Source Fixtur Description Waltage Finish Dimensions

IMercuryVapor MR6O7757 Splayed/Touch- 17t\g/E28/BT28 PP Inner Outer/

Concave Latch Trim Mogul Base Vhite Paint
Holophane MB6O776O Mulci-Srep/Touch 115\X4 E28 tP,I28 SS Inner Ourer/
Lens Latch Trim Mogul Base Satin Aluminum
MR604763 250\(4E28lBT28 (Splay only)
Finish musr Mogul Base KP Inner Black/ l --l
Mn60a766 be specified 250\(//r28/BT28 Outer vhite t,"
Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
Voltage mrst Outer Satin
be specilied

Finish m].lst
be specified

I Metal Halide L8607717 Splayed/Touch 17 trvt E2)V] E28l B'f 28 PP Inner Oucer/

latch Trim
Multi Step/Touch-
latch Trim
Splayed /Touch
Mogul Base

Mogul Base
$rhice Paint
17wlE23YrlE28lB'f 28 SS Inner Ourer/
Satin Aluminum
(Splay Only)

Voltage must
be specified
lacch Trlm
Muhi Srep/Touch
larch Trim

!inish must
Mogul Base
Mogul Base

Inner Black/
Outer Whire
Inner Black/
Outer Satin
I _r1 -l

be specified
Finish must
be specified

lHighPressure HR6O5969 Splayed/Touch- 1l\xrlE2)t/t w25 PP Inner Outer/

Sodium I-atch Trim Mogul Base Vhite
Concave HR6O5772 Muki-Srep/Touch 70wlE23klB'f25 SS Inner Outer/
Holophane l-atch Trim Mogr Base Satio Aluminum

t_ htl.l
Lens HR6O677O Splayed/Touch- rcO\XllE21Yrl BT2t (Splay Only)
l-atch Trim MoguL Base KP Inner Black/
HR606773 Mulri-Step/Touch t00ulE2)hlBT25 Outer Vhite
I-acch Trim Mogul Base KS Innet Black/
HR607771 Splayed/Touch- r50v/tE21htBT25 Outer Sntin
Latch Trim Mogul Base
j1R607774 Mulri-Step/Touch l50wtE21V,tBT25
Latch Trim Mogr Base Finish must
Voltage must Finish must For 50 warr be specified
be specified be specified consult lactory
56 i,!AEICO
UL Listed Specs
RaL.d ror
.r'e r J"mp
. n.l br
"r' rrd r. tle-n-rl
:rc .r..*,b1. 'ror ,
\-\*/, -./
| '" '".1. J-L,ox
I belnw ce,l,ns.
Concave Holophane Concave Holophane
Trim Assembly
Splay Multl Step
Trvo plece die casr rouch latch/trigger-larclr crim.
.rn.r rin l-o- c. en,.,r o fir, * urclj in ou Fr
ffim. Upward pressur on lens anromatically
acrivates touch-larch hlnge and re locks when
pushed back. \When opened, hinge cam drops inner
rrin 7l'to protect olLter trim from scrarchins. Lens
oprical characreristics - see page 5.
Narrou' l1at rluminum design.
finish must be speci6ed.

Cone ot liqht CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

ao 70 5030 loo MR604763

Mrc FT DrA
70 50 30 to 70 50 3() lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo so 30 loo
/lfc,o o a2 82 A2 82 80 80 80 AA 77 71 77 74747471 71 71 69 2)0\7/E28/MV
r /r2r \ | 7A 76 74 -72 76 74 72 71 71 70 69 69 68 67 66 65 65 63 Toral Lunrens 12.100
2747A67 64 72 69 66 63 66 64 62 64 62 61 62 61 59 58
3 69 64 60 57 68 63 60 57 61 58 56 60 57 55 58 56 54 53 S/MH 1.1
4 65 60 55 52 64 59 55 52 57 54 51 5653 5054 525049 MR6077t7 CU x .7
5 61 55 50 47 60 5450 47 53 49 46 52 49 46 5i 48 46 45
6 5851 47 44 57 51 47 43 50 46 43 49 45 43 4A 15 43 41 MR6o7760 C{J x .l
7 54 47 42 39 53 47 42 39 46 42 39 45 41 3A 44 41 3A 37 MR608466 CU x 1.0
a 51 44 39 36 50 43 39 36 42 38 36 42 38 35 41 38 35 34
9 48 40 36 33 47 40 36 33 39 35 32 39 35 32 3e 35 32 3l Consulr fatcory for
to 45 3A 33 3C 44 37 33 30 37 33 30 36 32 30 36 32 30 29 warrage or lamP variation

ao 70 5030 loo LR60a7t9

Mrc. HT.
/fc/o. DrA
70 50 3() to 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 3l} loo
o 7a 7a 7a 7B 77 -77 77 77 73 73 73 70 7A 70 67 67 67 66 250\ 8T28/MHcoated
174727A 69 73 71 69 68 68 67 65 66 64 63 63 62 62 60 Total Lumens 20,500
2 7A6764 61 69 65 63 60 63 61 59 6i 59 58 59 58 57 55
3 6661 58 55 65 60 57 54 59 56 53 57 55 53 55 54 52 51 S/MH I.1
4 625753 5061 565249 5551 49 53 50 48 52 50 48 47 LR607717 CU x.7
5 59 53 48 45 57 52 4e 45 51 47 44 50 46 44 48 46 44 4s
6 56 49 45 42 55 49 45 42 4A 44 41 47 43 41 46 43 41 4A LR6077LU CU x .7
't 52 45 41 37 sl 4s 40 37 44 4A 37 43 39 37 42 39 37 36 LD608720 CU x 1.0
6 49 42 37 34 4A 41 37 34 41 37 34 40 36 34 39 36 34 33
9 46393431 45 38 34 31 38 34 31 37 34 31 37 33 31 30 Consulr facrory for
ro 43 36 32 29 42 36 32 29 35 31 29 35 31 29 34 3i 29 28 wattage or Lanp variation

70 503(} loo jt8607771

*'* /\'" "^
70 50 30 to 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 5(} 30 lo 50 30 loo
150\{/E2l7u /HPS coareci
o 73 73 73 73 72 72 72 72 68 68 68 65 65 65 63 63 63 61
'I 69 67 65 64 68 66 64 63 63 62 61 61 60 59 59 58 57 56 Toml Lumns-I t,000
2 65 62 59 57 64 61 58 56 59 57 55 57 55 54 55 54 53 52
3 61 57 54 5t 60 56 53 50 55 52 50 53 51 49 52 50 48 47 s/MH-l.l
4 53 53 49 46 57 52 49 46 51 48 45 49 47 45 48 46 44 43 tsrR60t,i69 cu x .4
5 54 49 45 42 53 4A 44 42 47 44 41 46 43 41 45 42 40 39
6 52 46 41 39 5l 45 41 38 '14 4i 38 43 40 38 42 40 38 37 HR605772 CU x .:1
7 4A 42 37 35 47 4l 37 34 4A 37 34 40 36 34 39 36 34 33 HR606770 CU x .6
a 45 39 34 32 44 38 34 32 38 34 31 37 34 31 36 33 3i 30
q: I423632 29 42 35 3l 29 35 31 29 34 31 29 34 31 28 28 HR606773 CU x .6
nl \,r; 10 4A 33 29 27 39 33 29 26 32 29 26 32 29 26 31 2A 26 25 H1i607774 CU x 1.0
Consult factory for
wattage or lamp variation

57 MAFrCcl
MAl:lCO l3tt*o.rrro *,r. l\rpe:

IRound Dropopal Diffuser Dow light Accessofies Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Construction includes a one piece die cast plasrer
hangers frame. Hanger brackers are adjrntable ro 1.5r. Bar
/O3 Tamper-proofing hangers, whlch are supplied, adjust .o 25'. Other
/06 \feafierproof hanger accessorles 27 ' C channel/Ol. J box with
gaskering Lr' & y'.r' knockoucs ;s pre wired wicb ground wire
/ll Emergency stand included. Socker assembly has porcelain socker,
by relay for MV, HPS mogul screwshell base and clie casr aluminum
ancl MFI 100\(or socker cap.
4 in/.1 our #12
Ballasc circuic allorvs m.Lx;mum
AWG conductors rated at minimurm 75"C.
Enclosed -F-can type;constant wattag alrto
transformer; HPI; inline fusing srandard; rrunk
latch unsnaps co allow removal ofballasc; voltage
must be specified. Further ballast specs on page 9.

Source Fixture Description Wattaqe Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MR6O776I Sl,layed/Trigger- 17tw/r28/BT28 PP lnner Outer/

Drop Opal Larch Trim Mogul Base \(hire Painc
Diffuser MR6O7762 Multi Step/Trigger 17twr28/BT28 SS Inner Ourer/
Lrtch Trim MogLLl Base Satin AlLrminLrm
MR604767 Splayed/Trigger- 2t0wr28/BT28 (Splay Only)

Larch Trim
Iatch Trim
Mogul Base
Mogul Base
KP Inner Black/

Ourer $ihite
Inner Black/
Outer Satin
be specified Finish must
be specified
Firish musr
be specified

I Metal Halide LR607747 Splayed/Trigger 11 5VI I E23V) I E28 I B-l 28 PP Inner Outer/
DrcpOpal latch Trim Mogul Base Vhite Painr
Dilfuser LR6077Aa Mulri-Scep/Trigger- r1lryllE23V,l E28lBT28 SS Inner Ourer/
lacch Trim Mogul Base Sacin Aluminum
LR60A7A9 Splnyed/Trigger 2t0w/E28lBT2I (Splay Only)
Latch Trim Mogul Brse KP lnner Black/
LR604790 Muh-Step/Trigger- 250\(/E2s/BT28 Ourer Whire
Larch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
Oucer Satin
be specified Finish must
be specified
Finish must

I High Pressure HB6O57al Splayed/Trigger t 0wtE2)t/t BT25 PP Inner Outer/

Sodium Lntch Trim Mogul Base White Paint
Dropopal llR6o57a4 Multi-Step/nigger- 7 ow lE23t/,1 BT25 SS Inner Ourer/
Dittuser Latch Trim Mogril Base Sarin Aluminum
HR606742 Splayed/Trigger l00\V/E2ll:/BT2t (Splay Only)
Latch Tr;m MogL Base KP Inner Black/ L
HR606745 Multi-Srep/Trigger- nov/lE2)htB-t25 Outer White
Latch Trim Mogr Base KS Inner Black/
HR6077A3 Splayed/Trigger- Ii}tYlE2SV- IBT 25 Outer Sacin
larch Trim Mogul Base
HR607746 Multi Srep/Trigger lSOV/l E21V2l BT 25
latch Trim Mogul Base Finish musr
Voltage must Finish musr For )0 wacc be specified
be specified be sp."ci6ed
58 tvtaFrco

-aE UL Listed Specs

L r r. rr .,r r ' I'rr'. lr
itlo* ceiling.
Drop Opel Splrr l)rot) ()|irl Multi StcF
Trim Assembly
Tto prece l ie c,rsr nrrrch lrtrh ' r.i!g( trln 1, rrinr
hrer rrim hoLrvr lcrs arrd fitr stcurcl,, rn outtr
rrm. IJprvrrd prcssurt <,n lens ,Luronrrrrc,rlLv
,Lctirlcs Louch-hrch hrnge ard re 1*ks rvhen
prshrl b.rck. \\'hen oltnerl. hingc c:m rlny ir:rcr
uinr r: to |r(rtc(r ourli r im tirrn s ratching. Lcns
opt trlrhlrrrL,isrirs vt' p.tgc i.
Nrnrv llrr.rluminunr dcsign
l'inrsh mLrst be speciiied

Cone ol light CP Distribution zonal Cavity Method Notes

80 7() 5030 100 MR604767

70 so 3() ro 7() so 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 100 r;0W,I,8r
o 48 4 4 48 4T 4T 17 47 45 ,r5 45 43 ,13 43 4r 4r 41 4r l\1V i oire(l
I .15 .13 41 40 43 42 40 39 40 39 38 39 38 37 37 36 36 35 Torul J-unrens ll,100
2 .11 38 35 33 10 37 35 33 36 34 32 3,1 !3 31 33 32 30 30
3 37 33 30 28 36 33 30 28 32 29 27 3A 2A 27 29 2A 26 25 S]I,IH I,1
4 34 30 26 24 34 29 26 21 28 26 23 2i- 25 23 21 21 23 22 i\IRln)rl6l (ltr '
5 32 27 23 21 31 26 23 2A 2a 22 2Q 25 22 2A 24 22 2A 19
6 302421 19 29 24 21 l8 23 20 18 23 20 r8 22 20 13 17 illR60l-61(itJ r.:'
7 2i21 1A 15262t 18 15 20 17 15 20 17 r5 19 17 15 14 NlIt60S la,S (-Lr \ 1.0
a 25 19 16 14 24 19 16 t4 l9 t6 t4 18 l5 l3 18 l5 13 13
9 23 1A 11 12 22 17 14 12 17 14 12 16 l4 l2 16 l4 12 l1 Consult ficron firr
to 2l 16 13 11 21 16 13 11 15 13 | t5 12 ll l5 l2 ll 10 rvatraue or lrLmp verieron

FC0 01 00 70 5030 1oo LR607489

705030 IO7050 30 10 50 3() 10 5() 30 tO 50 30 IOO )-1)U/r BT)S, itl l
O 48 48 48 48 41 4i- 41 .17 45 45 45 43 43 ,13 41 41 41 40 I .oir.(l
1444241 39 43 41 40 39 40 39 37 33 37 36 37 36 35 34 T.)ril I-rnrens 20 -00
2 .10 37 35 33 39 37 3,1 32 35 33 32 34 32 31 33 31 30 29
3 37 33 30 28 36 32 30 21 31 29 2t- 30 28 26 29 2t- 26 25 S]NfI I I]
4 34 3A 26 24 33 29 26 24 28 24 23 21 25 23 26 24 23 22 l-R60llsr (lll r.r
sa1 26 23 20 31 26 23 2A 25 22 24 24 22 20 24 21 2A 19
6 292421 1A 29 24 21 t8 23 20 18 23 2a 18 22 20 18 1i LR(l()llsS ( ltJ r.1
7 21 21 1A 15 26 2t r8 t5 20 17 l520 17 l5 r9 17 r5 14 LRd)-:'l!0 (ltJ r 1.0
a 25 19 16 14 24 19 16 14 18 t6 13 16 15 13 r8 15 l3 13
9 23 18 14 12 22 1T 11 12 17 14 12 16 14 12 16 l4 r2 l1 (irnsult lictorr lir
'to 21 16 13 1l 21 16 13 11 15 13 | l5 12 l1 r5 12 10 10 rvatt.rge or lLnry variation

ao705030too HR607783
70 50 30 to 70 so 30 lo5030to5030ioso30roo
o 44 44 44 44 43 43 43 43 4l ,11 41 40 .10 40 38 38 3 37 I i0\iEl ll.'r,HPS ((,arcd
'r 41 39 3a 36 40 3a 37 36 37 36 35 35 3,1 34 34 33 33 32 'li,rdl Lunrcn\ 1i,000
2 3T 35 32 303634323033 3t 29 31 30 29 30 29 2827
3 31 31 2a 25 33 30 27 25 29 21 25 2A 26 24 2i 2a 24 23 sr}lH I l
4 322T21 22 31 2i 24 22 26 24 21 25 23 21 24 22 21 20 Illta,otrSl CLi x.l
5 292421 19 2A 24 21 19 23 21 19 23 20 1a 22 2A 1A 17

t HRd)i:ll1
6 2T22 19 1T 26 22 19 17 21 19 17 2r 18 r7 20 l8 17 16 (lI I x ..1
7 25 2A 16 1,1 2.X 19 16 14 19 15 14 18 16 r/r 18 16 14 13 HR606rii2 (ll J r.6
a 23 18 15 13 22 18 15 13 l7 14 13 17 14 12 16 11 12 12
9 2l 16 l3 1r 21 16 13 1l 16 13 11 15 13 11 15t3 | l0 HR6o6rsi Ct-r \.6
l0 20 l5 l? 10 19 15 12 10 l.{ 12 10 14 12 10 14 ll l0 I HRanl,- ,-S6 CLi x 1.0
Consulr tarnrn trr
Nirt.L,g! (tr ldn.,t !xn.iuon

tvtAFlco 13tlor,ro -w Profite Lens Type:

I Round Flat Fresnel Diftuser Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Conscruction includes a die cast aluninum plaster
hangers lrame. Housing is square, rourld apefture
/O3 Tamper-proofing bonderized steel with white baked ennmel finish.
/O5 Veatherproof Hanger brackets are adiustable ro 1.5 '. Bar hangers,
gasketing rvhich are supplied, adjust to 25'. Other hanger
/O7 Trigger-Latch accessories 27'C channel /Ol. J-box wrth /,'& r'
hinge knockouts is pre wired wich ground wire included.
/ll Emergency stand Fixture has porcelain socket, mogul scrervshell base.
by relay for MV, HPS Wiring
ancl MH l00Vor Ballast circuit allows maximum 4-inl4-out #12
A\WG conductors rared ar minimum 75"C.
Enclosed F-can type; constant warrage auto
rrnnsformet HPF; in line lusing srandard; rrunk
Iatch unsnaps to allorv removal ofballast; voLtage
musr be specified. Funher ballasr specs on pxge 9.

Source Fixture Description Watlage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryvapor MR613742 low Profile Splayed/ 100\YlE21V2lW2t PP Inner Ourer/

Flat Frcsnel
Touch lacch Trlm
low Profile Mulc; Step/
Touch-larch nim
Mogul Base
roov/l E23h lB'f2t SS
White Paint
Inner Outer/ "i-*o
Mogul Base Satin Aluminum
MR611742 low Profile Splayed/ 175t(//E28/BT28 (Splay Only)
Touch-larch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
MB6ll7/16 low Profile Mulri-Srep/ 175\(//E2B/BT28 Outer \(/hite
Touch lacch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
MR612742 I-orv Profile Splayed / 2 5 0\(/ E2 il / BT2u Outer Sarin
Torrrh-larch Trim Mogul Base
Mn612746 Low Proiile Multi-Srep/ 2t0\{./E28/8T28
Touch-lacch Trim MogL Base Finish musr
Voltage must be specified
be specified Iinish must
be specified

I Metal Halide LR611742 lorv Profile Splayed/ l/ t\/IE2)V,IF,28I BT28 PP Inner Oucer/
Flat Fresnel
Torr.h-T,i.h Trim
Inw Profile Multi-Step/
Mogul Base
17 5\Y/l E23V] E28 I B'l2B
\/hite Pa;nt
SS Inner Outer/ ""'l*a
Touch-Latch Trim Mogul Base Satin Aluminum
LR672742 Low Profile Splayed/ 2t0\7/E28/BT28 (Splay Only) _1o -l
Touch Latch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
LR612746 lorv Profile Multi Step/ 250\{//F28lRT?8 Outer \trlr;te
Touch-rarch nim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
Outer Sarin
be specifiecl F;nish must
be specified -29./c'
Finish must
be specified

lHighPressurc HR614742 lorv Profile Splayed/ 7 1tVlE23lzlB'f25 PP Inner Outer/

Flat Fresnel HR614746
Touch lacch Ttim
low Profile Multi Srep/
Mogul Base
t0wtE21VzlBT2t SS
$7hire Painr
Inner Oucer/ il-}
Touch-Latch Trim MogL Base
Satin Aluminum _13. -rl
HR613742 Low Profile Splayed/ (Splay Only)
Touch Latch Mogul Base KP Inner Black/ _ 2q9a'
ltB6t3746 Low Profile Multi Step/ l00v/lE2lVrlBT2i Oucer Vhire
Touch Lntcl, Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
HR611742 Iow Profile Splayed/ t50wtE23.llB'f25 Outer Satin
Touch-larch Trim Mogul Base
HR6lt746 low Profile Mulr; Srep/ 1501xrlE23VzlW25
ToLrch latch Trim MogLLl Base Fin;sh musr
lirish must be specified
be specified be specified
60 MAlaEo
UL Listed Specs
Rrted for use in damp locxtions and is themally
prorected.J-box and ballast are accessible from
\i) -/
belorv ceiling.
Fresnel Splay Fresnel MrLlti-Srep
T',op.edie.. r rorrrlr-lat.l rr tr:n.
lnner rrim houses lens and firs securely io outer
trim. Upward pressure on lens auronatically
acrivates touch-latch hinge and re Locks when
pu -eu :* k W-er op"r.ed. rirse ram drut* rrer
rrim /r" co protect outer crim frcm scracchinS lens
oprical characteristics - see page 5.
Narrow flat aluminum design.
Finish musr be specified.

Cone ol light CP Distribution zonal Cavity Method Notes

ao ?o 5030 loo MR612742

MrG Hr AFc/o. oa 70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 68 68 68 68 66 66 66 66 63 63 63 61 61 61 58 58 58 57 2t0\7/E2S/IfV coaed
1646261 59 63 61 60 58 59 58 57 57 56 55 55 54 53 52 Tocal LLrmens-l2,100
2 61 58 55 53 59 57 54 52 55 53 51 53 51 50 5i 50 49 48
3 57 53 50 48 56 52 50 47 51 49 47 50 4A 46 48 47 45 44 s/MH-1.0
4 54 50 46 44 53 49 46 43 48 45 43 46 44 42 45 43 42 41 MR613742 CP x .4
551 46 42 40 50 45 42 40 44 41 39 43 41 39 42 40 38 38
6 49 43 40 37 48 43 39 37 42 39 37 41 38 36 40 38 3635 MR613746 CP x .4
? 46 40 36 33 45 39 36 33 39 36 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 32 MR611742 CP x .7
a 43373431 4297 33 3i 36 33 31 36 33 31 35 32 30 30
9 41 35 3t 29 40 34 31 28 34 31 28 33 3A 2a 33 3A 2A 2T MR611746 CPx.7
.ro 38 32 29 27 3A 32 29 26 32 29 26 31 2A 26 31 2a 26 25 MR612746 CU x 1.0
Consulr facory for
warrage or lamP variation

so ?o 5030 loo LR612742

MTc Nr
oA 7(} 50 3() ro 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 626262 626i 61 61 6i 58 58 58 56 56 56 53 53 53 52 2t0\tr/BT2B/MH coated
I 59 57 56 54 58 56 55 54 54 53 52 52 5l 50 5050 4948 Total Lnmens 20,500
2 565351 49 54 52 50 4A 5A 4A 47 49 47 46 47 46 45 44
3 53 49 46 44$ 4A 46 43 47 45 43 45 44 42 44 43 41 41 S/MH_.9
4 5A 45 42 4A 49 45 42 4A 44 41 39 43 4A 39 42 40 3A 37 LR6r17,12 CP x .7
5 47 42 39 36 46 42 39 36 4i 38 36 40 37 36 39 37 35 34
6 45 40 36 34 ,[4 39 36 34 38 36 34 38 35 33 37 35 33 32 1R6117.16 CP x .7
7 423733 31 41 36 33 31 35 33 30 35 32 30 34 32 30 29
2A 32 3A 2A 2T 1R612746 CU x 1.0
s 40 3431 28 39 34 31 2A 33 3Q 2A 33 30 26 30 2A 26 25 37 32 29 26 37 32 2A 26 31 28 26 31 2A Consult factory for
3s 30 27 24 g5 30 27 24 29 26 24 29 26 24 2a 26 24 23 wattage or lamp va.riation

ao 70 5030 loo HR611742

Mrc Hr. A.c/o DrA. 70 50 30 to 70 50 30 lo so 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 'lo o
o 66 66 66 66 64 64 64 64 6i 61 61 59 59 59 56 56 56 55 150V/E23Ll/HPScoaced
16261 59 58 61 59 58 57 57 56 55 55 54 54 53 53 52 51 Toral lumens-lt,000
2 59 56 54 52 58 55 53 51 53 52 50 52 50 49 50 49 4A 47
3 56 52 49 47 55 5r 4S 47 50 4A 46 49 47 45 4T 46 44 43 S/MH -9
4 53 49 45 43 52 4A 45 43 47 44 42 46 43 42 45 43 41 40
HR6t4742 CP x .4
s 50 45 42 3S 49 45 42 39 44 41 39 43 40 38 42 40 38 37
6 48 43 39 37 47 42 39 37 41 39 36 41 38 36 40 38 36 35 HR6r4t46 CP x .4
7 45 40 36 34 44 39 36 33 38 35 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 32
HR6L17.12 CP x.6
a 4337 3431 4237 33 3i 36 33 31 36 33 31 35 33 31 30
9 403531 29 4A 34 31 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 33 30 29 28 HR611746 cP x .6
ro 38 33 29 27 3A 32 29 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 31 29 27 26
HR6117,12 CU x 1.0
Consuir lactory for
warcage or lamp varialion

6l MAFtco
MAFlCO 13t'"ou'o -w Profite Lens Type:

I Bound Concave Holophane Lensed DownliEht Accessofies Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Constmcrion includes a die cast aluminum plaster
hangers frame. Housing is square, round apercure
/O3 Thmper proofing bonderized steel with whire baked enamel finish.
/06 \(eatherproof Hanger brachers are adjuscable to i.J ". Bar Lrangers,
gaskering which are supplied, adjusr ro 2t'. Orher hanger
/O7 Trigger-Latch accessories 27'C channel /Ol.J-box wrth
'l'& 7r'
knockouts is pre wired with ground wire inclLrded.
/11 Emergency srand- Fixrure has porcelain socker, moglJ sc.ewsh.-ll base.
by relay lor MV, HPS Wiring
and MH l00Vor Ballast circuir allows ma-rimum ,i-in/4-out #12
greater unirs A\7G conductors rated at minimum 75'C.
Enclosed F can type; consrant wattage alrro
rransformer; HPF; in line tusing srandard; trunk
latch unsnaps ro allorv removal ofballast; vohage
musr be specifiecl. Funher ballasr specs on page 9.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MR6I374O low Profile Splayed/ toowt E23V2lB'f 25 PP Inner Outer/

Holophane MROi3744
Touch-latch Trim
Lorv Profile Multi.Srep/
Touch Iarch Trirn
Mogul Base
Mogul Base
\Xr'h;te Painr
Inner Outer/
Sarin Aluminum
ria HE

MR6ll740 Low Profile Splayed/

l-1r- - |
t7 5\X4 E28 (Splay Only)
Touch-Latch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/ -]
MR6t 1744 low Profile Multi Step/ L7tw/I28/8T28 OLrter Whire
Touch-larch nim Mogul Base KS Inner BLack/ -
MP612740 lo\{, Proflle Splayed/ 250l(//E28/BT28 Outer Satin
Touch-Intch Trim Mogul Base
tnR612744 Low Profile Multi Srep/ 2t0wE28/BT28
Touch-Latch Trim Mogul Base Finish musc
Volcage must be specified
be specified Finish musc
be specified

I Metal Halide LR6t 1740 low Profile Splayed / t/ t\YlE23h t E28 tBT2s PP Inner Outer/
Concave Touch-Latch Trim Mogul Base \X/hite Painr
Holophane LR611744 Low Profiie Mr.r1ti Step/ t7 5W E21V,lE28 t B't28 SS Inner Outer/
Touch-latch Trim Mogul Base Satin Aluminum
LR612740 Low Profile Splayed/ 2t0wE28/8T28 (Splay Only)
Touch Iarch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
LR612744 Low Profi1e Mu[i-Step/ 250WtE28tB'f28 Ollrer \qhire
Touch-Latch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
Volcage must Olrter Sarin
be specified linish musc
be speclfied
Finish nusr
be specified

lHighPressur HR6i474O low Profile Splayed / TAWlE2avrlBT2t PP Inner OrLter/

Sodium Touch-larch Trim Mognl Base \7hire Paint
Concave j1R614744 Low Profile Multi-Step/ t0wE23btB't25 SS Inner Ourer/
lfolophane Touch htch Trim Mogul Base Satin Alumimrm
HR613740 I _1r _!I
Low Proile Splayed/ l0'w/ E23Vr lB'f 25 (Splay Only)
Touch Larch nim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
HR613744 low Profile Multi-Srep/ rc0l{/lE23V1tBT2t Outer \7hite
Touch I-arch Trim Mogul B:rse KS Inner Black/
HR6tl740 Low Profile Splayed/ 15AWlE21/,lBT25 Outer Satln
Touch-Latch Trim Mogul Base
j1R611744 lorv Profi le Multi-Step/ 150V/lE23V,lW25
Touch latch Trim Mogul Base Finisb musr
Volcage must Finish must For 50 warr be specified
be speclfied be specified consult factory
62 MAFco
UL Listed Specs
Rated for use rn damp locations and is thermalll
protccted. J-box and ballasr are rccessible frorr
below ceiling.

(loncave Holophanc
Contave Holophrne
Trim Assembly
T" pr-, i. .,,r r.,l... 1, rs;-, i,. r -,rr Splay N{Lrlci Step

Inner rrim houses lens ancl tirs securcly in outer Upwnr.l prsslne on lcns automarically
acrivates touch latch bingc ancl re-locks rvhen,llr \ \1.^o-e," Lr.r.s- .r'dr't. rr.r
rrim Li'co trorccr outer rrim t'rom scrrrching. Lens
opr;cxl chAracterisrics - see page i.
Narrorv flat alLrminum clesign.
Ilnish musc be spccified.

Cone ot light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

ao 70 5030 loo MR612740

MrGHr DA 70 5() 30 to 70 50 30 ro 50 30 l0 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
AFco. o 73737373 11 11 71 71 68 68 68 65 65 65 63 63 63 61 2t0\{4L28/MV(oa.ed
'I 69 67 65 64 67 66 64 63 63 62 61 61 60 59 59 58 57 56 Toral Lurnns I2,100
2 65 62 59 56 64 60 58 56 53 56 55 57 55 53 55 53 52 51
3 6t 57 53 50 60 56 52 50 54 51 49 52 50 43 51 49 47 46 S/MH I.I
4 57 524A 45565l 48 45 5A 47 44 49 46 44 17 45 43 42 MR6l il10 CP x .l
5 54 4A 44 41 53 47 43 40 46 43 40 45 42 .10 44 41 39 38
6 5i 45 40 37 50 44 40 37 43 40 37 42 39 37 41 39 36 35 MR6r ll.i.lCP x .1
7 47 40 36 33 46 40 36 33 39 35 33 38 35 33 38 35 32 3l NfR6i1740 CP x .l
a 44 37 33 30 43 37 33 30 36 32 30 s6 32 30 35 32 30 29
941 34 30 21 4a 34 3A 27 33 30 27 33 29 27 32 29 27 26 MR6117,11 CP x .i
10 3s 32 2e 25 3A 31 27 2a 31 27 25 3A 27 25 3A 27 24 24 NIR61271.1CU x 1.0
Constrlt facrory for
wrtr.rge or lamp vaLiation

ao?o5030to0 LR612740
MrGHr DA ?o so 3(} to 70 50 30 lo 50 30 l0 so 3(, lo5030ro0
/Yco. o 69 69 6S 63 67 67 67 67 64 64 64 62 62 62 59 59 59 5S 250\flBT28/MH coared
t 65 63 62 60 64 62 61 59 60 59 58 58 57 56 56 55 54 53 Total lunens 20,i00
2 62 58 56 54 60 57 55 53 55 54 52 54 52 51 52 51 50 49
3 58 54 50 48 57 53 50 47 51 49 47 50 48 46 49 47 45 44 S/I'II] I.O
4 54 50 46 43 53 49 46 43 4 45 42 46 44 42 45 43 11 4A
I-R6l11.10 CP x .7
5 51 46 42 39 50 45 4l 39 44 4i 38 43 40 38 42 40 38 37
6 48 43 39 36 47 42 3A 36 41 38 35 40 37 35 40 37 35 34 LR6lL7.1.1CP x .l
7 45 39 35 32 44 38 34 32 37 34 32 37 34 31 36 33 31 30
1R61274'1 CU x 1.0
a 4236s22941 35 32 29 35 31 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 28
9 39 33 29 26 39 33 29 26 32 29 26 32 2A 26 31 2A 26 25 Consult factory tor
10 37 31 27 24 36 3A 27 21 3a 26 24 29 26 24 29 26 24 23
{'arrage or lamp vrriarion

ao 70 5030 loo ltR6tr 740

Mrc Hr DLA
70 50 30 10 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo so 30 loo
/\Fco o 7a 7a 7a 70 68 68 68 68 65 65 65 63 63 63 60 60 60 59 I50\0/E 2l'l: /H PS coatecl
166646361 65 63 62 60 61 60 58 59 58 57 56 56 55 54 TOraL Lumens-tt,00i)
2 6359575461 58 56 54 56 54 53 55 53 52 53 52 50 49
3 59 55 51 49 58 54 51 48 52 50 48 51 ,19 47 49 48 46 45 S/NIH,1.I
4 55 50 47 44 54 50 46 ,14 48 46 43 47 45 43 46 44 42 41 HIt6l1140 CP x ..1
s 5246431!51 46 42 40 45 42 39 44 41 3943 403837
6 49 43 39 37 48 43 3S 36 42 39 36 .11 38 36 30 38 36 35 HRf)1.11.11 CP x .1
? 46 3q 3s 33 45 39 35 32 38 35 32 37 34 32 3T 31 32 31 HR6117.10 CP x .6
a 433632 30 42 36 32 30 35 32 29 35 a2 29 34 31 29 2A
9 40 34 30 27 39 33 29 27 33 29 27 32 29 27 32 29 27 26 HR611r.1,1 CP x .6
to 38 31 27 25 37 31 27 24 3A 27 24 3A 27 24 29 26 24 23 HR6l17.1.1Cll x 1.0
Consulc lacroq for
rvarrege or lamp varlarion

6l MAHco
MAFlCO 13""""ro low Profite Lens lVpe:

I Bound Drcp Opal Diffuser Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Construction includes a die cast aluminum plascer
hangers frame. Housing is square, round apenure
O3 Tirmper-proofing bonderized steel with white baked enamel finish.
/06 \Teadrerproof Hanger brackets are adjuscable ro 1 Ir. Bar hangers,
gaskecing which are supplied, adjl$t ro 25'r. Orher hanger
/ll Emergency scand- accessories 27" C channel/Ol- J-box wich L/rrr& zr
by relay for Mv, HPS knockouts is pre wired with ground wire included.
and MFI100\(ror Fixcure has porcelain socket, mogul screwshell base.
gfeater uni$ Wiring
Ballasr circuir allows ma-ximLrm,1 in/4-out #12
AWG conductors rared at minimLrm 7!oC.
Enclosed F-can type;consrant wattage auro
rransformer; HPF; in line fusing standard; trunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal ofballasr; voltage
must be specified. Furrher ballast specs on page !.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MR6t3736 low Profile Splayed/ 100tYlE21t/z lB'r25 PP Inner Outer/

Drcp Opal
Dilfuser MR6l373a
Trigger-Latch Trim
I,ow Profile Multi-Step/
Trigger Larch Trim
Mogul Base
]oory/lE2lY,tBT2t SS
\Fhite Painr
Inner Outer/ '"lo,L
Mogul Base Satin AlLrminum
MB6lt736 Low Profi1e Splayed/ r!- ___-l
17t\i'/!28/BT2B (Splay Only)
.-1o .l
Trigger latch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
MR6lt73A low Profile Multi Step/ 17tI7/E28/BT28 Ourer \Whire
Trigger-larch Trim MoSul Base KS Inner Black/
M86t2736 low Profile Splayed/ 2t0wE28/BT28 Outer Satin
Trigger larch Trim Mogul Base
MR6t273a low Profile Multi-Scep/ 250\{//828/8T28
Trigger-Latch Trim Mogul Base Iinish musc
be specified
be specified Finish mus.
be specified

I Metal Halide LR6fi736 low Profile Splayed/ t71rx/l E2)t/z lE28lB'r28 PP Inner Ourer/
DropOpal Trigger Latch Trim Mogul Base \Vhite Painr I

Dilfuser LR6rr73a Low Profile Multi-Step/ I7 tWlE21V, tE28lBT2a SS Inner Outer/

Trigger-I-atch Trim Mogul Base Sarin Aluminum
L8612736 low Profile Splayed/ 2t0wE28/BT28 (Splay Only)
Trigger Larch Trim Mogul Brse KP Inner Black/
LR6l273a I-ow Profile Mulri-Srep/ 250V/tE28 tBT28 {luter Whire
Trigger latch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
Voltage must Outer Satin
be specified Fin;sh musr
be specified
Finish musc
be specified

lHighPrssure HR614736 Low Profile Splayed/ l0wtE23btB'f25 PP Inner Outer/

Sodium Trigger-larch nim Mogul Base \(hite Parnt
Drcpopal HB6l473a low Profile Muhi-Step/ 7 0 vt E21V,l BT2t SS Inner Outer/
Diftuser Trigger I-atch Trim Mogul Base Satin Aluminum
HR613736 low Profile Splayed/ l00wlE2)1,/r l 8"125 (Splay Only)
Trigger Latch Trim Mogul Base KP Inner Black/
HB6t373A I-ow Profile Muhi-Srep/ 100WlE23VrlB'125 Outer $rhire
Trigger latch Trim Mogul Base KS Inner Black/
HR6lr736 low Profile Splayed / ItOWlE23VrlPT2S Outer Satin
Trigger-Latch Trim Mogul Base
HR6tl73a low Profile Mulri-Srep/ l50w/ E23VrlB'f2t
Trigger Latch Trim Mogd Base Iinish musr
Finish must be specified
be specified be specified
64 MAFco
UL Listed Specs
Rated for rse in damp locations and is rhemally il'.\
prorected.J-box and ballasr are accessible lrom \ ,-/
below ceiling.
Drop Opal Splay Drop Opal Multi-Stp
Trim Assembly
lwop.e.edie.or rou.h-Jar,h tri;ger .r' h rnm.
Innec rrim houses lens and fics securely in ourer
rdm. Upward pressure on lens automaticaliy
xcrivars rouch latch hinge and re-locks when
p ..h.d br. k. \ ren op.neo. hin6. .rn drop. rnner
rrim ll' ro protecr outer rrim from scmtching. Lens
oprrcal characterisrics - see page 5.
Narrow flar aluminum design.
Finish musc be specified.

Cone of light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

Hr /lfc/o. ao 70 5030 loo MR612736

Mrc DrA. 7r) 50 30 .ro ?o so 30
to 50 30 ro 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o
o 43 43 43 43 42 42 42 42 40 4A 4A 38 38 38 37 37 37 36 250\(4E28lMV coated
I 39 38 36 35 38 37 36 35 35 34 33 34 33 32 33 32 31 31 Total Lumens 12,100
2 363331 29 35 33 31 2S 31 30 28 3A 29 2A 29 2A 27 26
a 33 29 27 25 32 29 26 24 2A 26 24 27 25 23 26 24 23 22 S/MH L.]
4 3a 26 23 21 30 26 23 21 25 23 21 24 22 2A 23 22 2A 19 MR611736 CP x .4
5 2A 24 20 18 27 23 20 18 22 2A 1A 22 19 18 21 19 1A 17
6 2622 19 16 25 21 1A 16 21 18 16 20 18 16 20 i7 16 15 MR6i1738 CP x .4
'7 24 19 16 t4 23 19 16 14 l8 15 i3 18 15 13 17 i5 13 13 MR611716 CP x .7
a 22 17 14 12 21 17 14 12 16 14 12 16 14 12 16 13 12 1l
9 20 16 13 11 20 i5 i3 11 15 12 i1 15 12 1A 14 12 10 10 MR6l1738 CP x .7
'to i9 i4 11 9 t9 14 11 914 11 913 11 913 ll I I MR6l2718 CU x 1.0
Consult lactory for
wattage or lamp variatlon

ao ?o 503i' loo LR612736

DA 70 50 30 to ?o 50 3() lo 50 30 lo 5l' 30 lo5030too
o 39 39 39 39 38 38 38 38 36 36 36 35 35 35 33 33 33 32 250\7/8T28/MH coated
'I 36 34 33 32 35 34 32 3i 32 31 30 31 30 29 30 29 29 2a Toral lumens 20,500
2 33 30 28 27 32 30 2A 26 29 27 26 2a 26 25 27 25 25 24
3 30 27 24 22 29 26 24 22 25 23 22 24 23 21 24 22 21 20 S/MH 1.]
4 2a2421 19 27 24 21 19 23 21 19 22 20 1S2i 20 18 18 1R611736 CP x .7
5 25 21 19 17 25 21 1A 17 2A 1A 16 20 18 16 19 17 16 15
6 242A17 15 23 19 17 15 19 17 15 18 16 15 i8 16 15 14 1R611738 CPx .7
722 17 14 12 21 17 14 12 16 14 12 16 14 12 16 14 12 12
6 20 16 13 tl 20 15 13 11 15 13 ji 15 12 ll 14 12 11 l0 1R612738 CU x 1.0
I i9 14 12 lO 18 14 11 l0 14 11 10 13 11 l0 13 1j i0 9 Consulc lictory lor
ro 17 13 10 S17 13 10 912 10 Ii2 10 912 10 I8 warcage or lamp variarion

Hr ao 70 5030 loo Hn6l t 736

oA. 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 41 41 41 4i 40 40 40 40 38 38 38 36 36 36 35 35 35 34 150!fl/E2l%/HPS coaed
I 38 36 35 33 37 35 34 33 34 33 32 32 32 31 31 31 30 29 Total Lumerx 15,000
2 34323A 283431 29 2A 3Q 2A 27 29 27 26 28 27 26 25
3 322A252331 2A 25 23 27 25 23 26 24 22 25 23 22 21 S/MFI_T.]
4 29 25 22 2A 28 2a 22 2A 24 22 2A 23 21 20 22 21 19 19 HR6l,i716 CP x .4
5 27 222A17 2622 19 17 21 19 17 21 19 17 2A 1a 17 16
6 2521 l8 16 24 20 18 16 20 17 15 19 17 15 19 17 15 l5 HR614738 CP x .4
7 23 18 15 13 22 1A 15 13 17 15 13 17 15 13 16 14 13 l2 HR613736 CP x.6
a / 16 14 12 20 16 13 12 16 i3 1l i5 13 11 15 13 11
1A I
919 15 12 10 19 15 12 1Atu12 10 14 12 10 14 12 10 9 8
HR613738 CP x .6
to 18 14 11 918 13 il 913 ll 913 il 912 HR6l1738 CP x i.0
Consult factory for
wattage or iamp variation

6' MARtrO
MAFICO 12tt"o.,.r. a"n. TYpe:

lSquare Flat Diffuser Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27'C channel bar Conscruction includes an excruded aluminum plaster
hangers frame. Hanger brackets are adjustable ro 1.5r. Bar
/O3 Tamper proofing hange$, which are supplied, adjrBt ro 2i'. Orher
/O6 rxreathegroof hanger accessories 27 ' C channel /Ol. J box with hr
gasketing c ' (no.Lo-1. ' pre-q rrea s,rh 8r.Lna q ilc in-
/ll Emergency stand cluded. Fixture has porcelain socket,medium and mo
by relay lor MV, HPS gul screwshell base (consulc specific catalog mrmber).
and MH 100\ror Wiring
greater Llnits Ballast circuit allows maximum 4 in/4 ouc #12
A\/G conductors rated at minimum 75"C.
Enclosed I-can type;constanc warrage alrto
transformer; HP!; inline fusing srandard; tmnk
latch unsnaps ro allow removal of bal lasc; voltage
m[st be specified. Furcher ballast specs on page !.
UL Listed Specs
Rated lor use in damp locations and is rhemally
protected.J box and ballast arc accessible fiom
below ceiling.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MS6l4a4l Multi-SteF/Touch 75WlEt7tA2l PP Inner Outer/

Flat Diffuser larch Trim Medium Base \Zhite Paint
MS6t5a4t Multi-Scep/Touch- t00WlE23/,1 BT25 KP Inner Black/
latch Trlm Mogul Base Outer \nire
M56t6a4l Multi-Step/Touch l7twE28/BT28 KS Inner Black/
Latch Trim Mog Base Outer Satin
M56t7a4l Mulci-Step/Touch- 2t0wE28/BT28
Latch Trim Mogul Base
Volcage musr Finish must
be specified Finish musr be specified
be specified

lMetal Halide LS6l5a4t Muhi-Step/Touch 100\{//ED17/B17 PP Inner Outer/

Flat Dilluser tarch Trim Mednrm Base $7hire Paint
LS6t6A4t Mulci Scep/Touch- 11 5ry/1 E23 t/, I E28 I B'r 28 KP Inner Black/
latclr Tr;m Mogul Base Ourer $rhire
LS6l7A4t 2towE2B/BT28 I -l
I-arch Trim Mogul Base
KS Inner Black/
Ourer Satin
-1'" -l
Voltage musr
be specified Fin;sh musr
be specified Finish musr
be specified

lHighPressure HS6lOA4l Multi Step/Touch- 5A\XIlE2llr l BT25 PP Inner Oucer/

Sodium latch Trim Mogul Base \trhite Painr
Flal Diffuser HS6l4A4t Mulri-Step/Touch l AV/18271/2lB'125 KP Inner Black/
Latch Trim Mogul Base Outer \X/hite
H56l5A4l Mult; Step/Touch- t00U/lE21Y,l BT2t KS Inner Black/
Iatch Trim Mogul Base Orter Satin
HS6l6a4t Multi-Step/Touch t E21Y, t BT 2t
larch Trim 'o\X/l
Mogul Base
Voltage musr Finish must
be specified Finish must be specified
be specified

66 MAHEo
Trim Assembly
I \lu,.rLnl . rs.1'r. r r' -. . .'r.l ' I I'rr, ..
\ l\-t, - li- r'uL:l.rr I' rr tr ..',el1 r

| ,.".' ,". lls.rJpr,*.'rr o:l,r'.rron..r '.1..

ncrivrrcs ouch lrtcb hinge .rncl reJocks when
Flat Diffuser Multi Srep

purhecl back. \{hen opened, hinge cam drops ;nner

tr,m Z' to Frorecr ourer rrim lrom s.rrr.hing. Lcns
opri.aL (ha.acceriscics sce pagc 5.
Rcturn fl.rnge design fin,shecl rn eidrer lorv gloss
Nhire or sxrin alurninum. lir,o piece trim combira
tions are rnner/outer whlte paint, inner blark,'oLLtcr
lhire. or lnner black/oLrrer sarin aluminLLm.
Finish must bc spccificd.

Cone ot light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

MrG Hr /'fc o. ao705030too MS6t6a4t

^ 7(} so 30 lo 70 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 10 so 30 loo
o 51 51 s1 5t 50 50 50 50 47 17 47 45 45 4a 44 44 44 43 17)\flE28/MVcoared
r 47 45 43 42 46 44 42 41 42 41 4A 41 4039 39 38 3737 Totai Lumens-iJ600
2 43 40 37 35 42 39 37 35 38 36 34 36 35 33 35 34 32 31
3 40 35 32 30 39 35 32 29 3,1 31 29 32 30 2A 31 3A 2A 27 s/N{H r.2
4 37 32 2A 26 36 31 2A 26 3A 2A 25 29 27 25 2A 26 25 24 MS61.1841 CPx.l
5 34 29 25 22 33 28 25 22 27 24 22 26 24 22 26 23 22 21
6 3226232A31 26 23 2A 25 22 2A 25 22 2A 24 22 20 19 MS615841 CP x .5
7 29 23 2A 17 2A 23 19 17 22 19 17 22 19 t7 21 19 1T 16 iVS6l:8.llCPxlJ
a 2721 1A l5262l l8 15 2a 17 15 20 17 15 19 t] 15 14
9 25i9 16 14 24 19 16 14 19 16 13 18 15 13 i8 15 13 13 ConsLrlt facrory fbr
to 23 i8 14 12 23 17 14 12 1T 14 12 1T 11 12 16 14 12 11
wartage or lam;, variation

Hr ao 70 5030 loo L56l6a4l
70 so 30 t0 70 50 30 t0 50 30 to 50 30 ro 5(, 30 'io o
0 39 39 39 39 38 38 38 3a 37 37 3T 35 35 35 34 34 3,1 33 175\ BT2S,/NIH coatd
't 36 35 33 32 35 34 33 32 33 32 31 3l 31 30 30 30 29 28 Total l-umens 1.i,000
2 3331 29 27 33 3Q 29 27 29 2A 26 28 2T 26 2J 26 25 25
331 28 25 23 30 2T 25 23 26 21 23 25 24 22 24 23 22 21 s/MIl 1.2
4 2A 25 22 2A 2A 24 22 20 24 22 20 23 21 2A 22 21 19 19
I 5615S.1l (lP r 6
5 26222A 182622 19 18 21 19 17 21 19 17 20 18 17 16
6 2521 18 16 24 ?0 18 16 20 18 i6 19 17 16 19 17 16 15 LS617841 CP x .1)
7 22 1A 16 14 22 t8 15 14 18 15 13 17 15 13 17 l5 13 13
{ionsult lircrory lbr
a 21 17 14 12 20 16 14 12 16 14 12 16 i4 12 15 13 12 l1
919 15 13 11 19 15 13| l5 12 11 14 12 11 14 12 11 1A rvatrage or lamp variation
tole 14 11 10 18 14 ]t 10 13 11 10 13 11 10 13 11 10 9

*"* /f." ",

70 50 30 t o 70 50 30 r o so 3(} lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 55 55 55 55 53 53 53 53 51 51 51 49 49 49 4T 47 4T 46 l00\{/E2l'llHPS coatcd
1504a47 45 49 47 46 44 46 44 43 44 43 42 42 41 4a 40 'lbral Lumens 8800
2 46 43 40 3A 45 42 4A 38 41 39 37 39 37 36 38 36 35 34
3 43 38 35 32 42 3A 35 32 36 34 32 35 33 31 34 32 31 30 S/MH 1.I
4 40353t 2839343l 28 33 30 23 32 29 21 31 29 2T 26 HS6l(liJ'11 CP x .l
s 3731 27 25 36 31 27 25 3a 2T 24 29 26 24 2A 26 24 23
6 34 29 25 22 34 2A 25 22 28 24 22 27 24 22 26 21 22 21 HS6l,i8,ir CP x .6
731 26 22 19 31 25 22 l9 25 2t 19 2421 19232t 1S1a HS6l68.1l CP x
a 29 23 2A 17 29 23 2A 17 22 19 17 22 19 1J 21 19 17 16 1.1
9 2721 18 15 27 21 18 i5 21 t7 t5 2A17 15 20 17 15 14 Consulr f.rctory ftrr
10 26 20 16 14 25 i9 i6 i4 19 t6 l4 19 16 14 13 15 i4 i3 rvatrage or lamp variarion

67 vtAFrco
MAFIEO 12t'ro,,"**,,. Typer

I Square Drop Opal Diffuser Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27'C channel bar Construction includes an excruded aluminum plaster
hangers frame. Hanger brackers are adjusrable ro l.)'. Bar
/O3 Tamper proofing hangers, which are supplied, adjust co 251 Odrer
/O6 \Teatherproof hanger accessories 27 ' C channel /Ol. J-box wirh %i
gasketing & ]'ro lorr. rs pre-w r"r v rrl gro.,r o u ire ir
/ll Emergency stand- " Fixture has porcelain sockeqmediLrm and mo
by relay lor i\4V, HPS gul screwshell base (consuLc speclfic catalog number).
and MH 100Wor utiring
grnter units Ballast circuit allows ma-\imum 4 in/4 out # 12
AVG conductors rated at minimum 75'C.
Inclosed F can type; constanc warralJ auro
rransformer; HPF; in Line fusing srandard; rrunk
larch unsnaps to allow removal of ballasc; vol cage
must be specined. Furrher ballast specs on page !.
UL Listed Specs
Rated for use in damp locarions ancl is rhermaliy
protected. J-box and ballast are accessible from
below ceiling.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MS6l4a43 Multi Scep/Touch- ISl/lEtl/A2t PP Inner Outer/

DrcpOpal larch Trim Medium Base Vhite Painr
Dilfuser MS6l5a43 Multi-Srep/Touch 100s7/E23%/BT25 KP Inner Black/
lacch Trim Mogul Base Outer Vhite
M5616843 Multi-Scep/Touch- 17tW/E28/BT28 KS Inner Black/
Iacch Trim Mogul Base Outer Sarin
M56t7a43 Multi Step/Touch 2t0wE2s/BT2B
l-atch Trim Mogul Base
Volrage must 75\7/Er7/A2r Finish musr
be specified Finish nust Medium Base be specified
be specified

I Metal Halide
LS6l5a43 Multi Srep/Touch-
latch Trim
Medium Base
PP Inner Outer/
Write Painc lFr
Dilfuser LS6t6a43 Multi-Step/Touch
Lacch Trim
Mogul Base
KP Inner BLack/
Outer \(rhite
i:JJ-- l.- ,tl
LS6l7A43 Multi Srep/ Iouch- 1r,, _--
2t0\//r28/8T28 KS Inner Black/ l_13- I
Latch Tr;m Mogul Base Outer Sarin
Voltage must
be specified Finish must
be specified Iinish must
be specified

lHish Prcssure

Latch Trin
Multi Step/Touch
10wtE23t/t B'f 25

Mogul Base
0\x4 E2iktB't25

Inner Outer/
Vhite Paint
Inner Black/
I :: T---:
'Lalg-l .rF
Dilfuser latch Trim Mogul Base Outer \trhire
_r2,s .t
H56t5a43 Multi-Srep/Touch- t00WlE2)VzlBT2t KS Inner Black/
i I

lacch Trim Moglrl Bnse Ourer Satin |

23:^ -------J
HS616843 Multi Step/Touch- rtowlE2lhtBT2S wdh-]a I
I-atch Trim Mogul Base -13
Volcage must Finish musr
be specified Finish musc be specified
be specified

68 MAFEo
Trim Assembly
r.r nr
\',r r, r.L-i.rr L Lrr ;,.
I-I .,^ ,.. ,", .,1. ,r,-r,,.,rrnrrrr -.r-.1 rr. \ t:
f rr r rn . Uplr,l pr, r.n l-n. -, n r .. lr
" ' Drop Opal Ntulti Srcp
activrtes touch-larch hinge and re-Locks rvhen
pushed batk. \0hen opered, hinge can drops innet
rrin r/ co protecr outcr rrim lom scrxrchins. Leos
opricrl cLnrxcrerisrics see pale t.
Renrm flange design finishecl in either lorv gloss
ivhire or sarin alrrninum.'livo f(cc rrinr .ombinx
ljons ert inncr/oLrrt'r ivhitc painr, innr:r blackrouter
irhitc. or inncr bl.rck/oL,ter s.irio ilL,mirun,.
finish rnust be specifiecl.

Cone of light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Noles

80 70 5030 1oo M56t6A43
/Y.O' 70 50 30 to 70 so 30 to so 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to o
o .15 .15 .15 15 11 41 44 44 42 42 42 40 40 40 39 39 39 38 1l)\(//E2B/MVcorred
14241 39 38 41 40 39 38 38 37 36 37 36 35 35 35 34 34 Totrl Lumens il6(10
2 39 37 34 33 38 36 34 32 35 33 32 33 32 31 a2 31 3A 29
3 36 33 30 28 35 32 30 28 31 29 27 3A 2A 27 29 28 26 26 S/MLI_I.]
4 33 29 26 24 32 29 26 24 28 25 24 2T 25 23 26 24 2a 22 MS61,18.i1 CP x .l
5 3026232l 30 26 23 2A 25 22 2A 24 22 2A 23 21 2A 19
6 242421 1928232t l8 23 20 l8 22 20 1A 22 2A 1A 17 MS6l)8ll CP x .5
7 2621 18 i5 25 21 18 i5 20 17 t5 19 l7 t5 19 l7 15 14 MS6178Jl CP x 1 .1
a 24 19 16 14 23 19 16 i4 18 i5 14 18 t5 t3 17 t5 13 13
9 22 17 11 12 22 17 14 12 16 14 12 16 14 12 16 t3 12 tl Consult facroq, idr
'to 21 16 13 11 20 15 13 11 l5 12 i1 15 i2 il 14 12 ll 10 wattage or lamp variation

MrcHr DA
ao 70 5030 loo LS6t6a43
/Yc0 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 10 5(} 30 loo
o 38 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 35 35 35 34 34 34 32 32 32 32 175\Y//8128/MH coatcd
'I 34 33 3t 30 34 32 3t 30 31 30 29 29 29 28 28 2A 2j 26 Tot.rl Lumens 1,1,000
231 29 2T 25 31 2a 26 24 27 25 24 26 25 23 25 21 23 22
3 29252321 2A 25 22 20 24 22 20 23 21 2A 22 21 19 19 Si T,IH L.]
4 262320 1a 26 22 20 1A 21 19 1T 21 19 17 20 18 17 16 LS6l)8.ii CP x.6
5 24 2A 1T 15 24 20 1T 15 l9 17 15 t9 16 l5 18 16 r5 14
6 23 1A 16 14 22 1a 16 14 l8 15 14 t7 15 l3 17 15 r3 13 LS6118:11 CP x .l j
7 21 16 1a 11 2A 16 1a 11 15 13 | t5 13 11 15 l3 l1 10 Co.sulr tacrory tor
819 15 12 1A 19 15 12 1A 14 12 10 14 12 t0 13 1t t0 9
9 18 13 11 9 17 13 11 9 13 10 9 12 10 9 12 l0 I 8 wair.rsc or lamp variarion
70 17 12 1A 316 12 10 312 I I i1 I 8li 9 8 7

MrGHr ao705030too HS6t5A43

ff.o o,A
70 50 30 to 70 50 30 lo 50 30 io 50 30 to 50 30 ro o
o 55 55 55 55 54 54 54 54 52 52 52 49 49 19 4T 47 4T 46 1L$V/82.1 /.l/ HPS coaced
1 50 48 46 44 49 47 45 44 45 44 42 43 42 11 42 41 40 39 Toral Lumens 8800
2 46 12 39 37 45 42 39 36 ,r0 38 36 38 36 35 37 35 34 33
3 42 3a 34 31 41 37 33 31 35 33 30 34 32 30 33 31 29 28 S/MH 1.2
4 39 3.1 30 27 3A 33 29 27 32 29 26 31 28 26 30 28 26 25
HS610s.1j CP x .j
5 36 30 26 23 35 30 26 23 29 25 23 2A 25 23 2T 24 22 21
631 28 21 21 33 27 24 21 26 23 21 26 23 2A 25 22 20 19 I156I,1iJ,1l CP x .6
731 21 2A 18 30 21 20 18 23 20 17 23 20 1l 22 19 1T 16
HS6L684I CP x l.l
a 2a22 1A 16 2A 22 1A 16 21 18 16 21 1A 15 20 17 15 14
9 26 20 16 14 26 20 16 14 r9 16 1.1 19 16 14 18 16 14 13 Consulc lacrory tor
'to 25 t9 l5 12 24 1A 15 12 19 15 12 17 14 12 1T 14 12 11
waiuge or lamp variarion

69 MAFrco
MAFlCO 12tt"o.r"r" *n" TYpe:

lSquarc Flat Holophane Lensed DownliEht Accessofies Housing Assembly

/Ol 27'C channel bar Cons.ruction includes an exrruded aluminum plaster
hangers frame. Hanger bmckets arc adjusrable to 1.5I Bar
/O3 Tamper-proof'ing hangers, which are supplled, adjust to 2 5'. Ocher
/O6 \(earherproof hanger accessories 27r C channel /Ol. J box with
gaskering a .' knor\orrn r. pre-w, FJ lv.rh ArornJ w re n
/ll Emergency srand- cluded. Fixture has porceiain socker, mediLrm andmo-
by relay for l'v[V, HPS gul screwshell base (consulc specific caraLog number)
and MH 100Vor Wiring
Ballast circuit allows mtu{imum 4-inl4-olrt #12
A\(G concluctors rated at minimum 75'C.
Enclosed F can cype; coflsrant wacrage auro
rranslormer; HPF] in line lusing standard; rrunk
latch unsnaps ro allorv removal of bal ldst; voltage
musr b specified. Funher ball;st specs on page p.
UL Listed Specs
Raed lor use in damp locations and is chermally
protected.J box and ballasr are accessibLe frorn
below ceiling.

Source Fixture Description Wattaqe Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MS6l4a44 Muhr-Step/Touch- 7 t vllEt7 /1'21 PP Inner Outer/

Flat Holophane Latch Trim Medtum Base ${/hire Painr
Lens MS6i5A44 Muh;Step/Touch- tOlWlE23lrlBT25 KP Inner Black/
Intch Trim Mogul Base Ourer Whire
MS6l6a44 Multi-Step/Touch- 175\g/r28/BT28 KS Inner Black/
Latch Trim Mogul Base Outer Satin
ltt5617844 Mulri-Step/Touch- 2t0\7/I2B/BT2B
Larch Trim Mogul Base
Voltage must Iinish must
be specified be speci0ed
Fimsh must
be specified

lMetal Halide LS6i5A44 PP

Multi-Step/Touch- 100\7/ED17/B17 Inner Outer/
Flat llolophane I-atch Trim Medium Base White Paint
Lens Ls6l6a44 Multi-Step/Touch- I75WlE23V,lE28lBT28 KP Inner Black/
Latch Trim Mogul Base Ourer \(hite
LS6l7a/r4 Mr-rlri-Step / Touch- 2t0wr2B/8T28 KS Inner Black/ _,3 -l
Latch Trim Mogul Base Outer Sntin
Voltage must
be specified Finlsh musr
be specified Finish mLsr
be specified

lHigh Prcssure

Mu[i Step/Toucb
I-atch Trim
Mogul Base
A\WlE2)Vr l


Inner Outer/
White Painr
Inner Black/ 'l@-Et

lns Larch Trim Mogul Base Outer 'White

HS6t5A44 Mulci Step/Touch roov/tE21h tB'f2t KS Inner Black/

Latch Trim
Multi-Step / Torrh-
Mogul Base
rt)\y// E23V2lW25
Oucer Sarin
wdrh i8
Latch Trim Mogul Base
Voltage mrst Finish mlrsr
be specified Finish musr be specified
be specified

Trim Assembly
\tornr -r.. rs.r.i< , n. ..,,,,.L I 1,,,,3..
\ - '.ti.... i'.".1.,'.1 .-11-11- er -ty.r
"., rr'- I
t ".".' 1rr. rJ 1 re u-" o, l"r ' u ..n-r. l.r
Holophane ML,lri Step
acrivetcs rouch latch hinge ancl reJocks vhen
pushecl back. when opened, hhge cam <lrcps inner
rrim lr'to prorecr ourer rrinl ilom !(mrchin8. Lcns
oprlcal characceriscics sce prgc 5.
Rctorn fl.rnge design finrshecl in eirher low gloss
whfte or saLrn aluminLun. Trvo piece rrim combina
tions ue lnner/outer rvbire painr, inner black/outcr
rvhlte. or lnner black/oLrrer serin alun,inum.
Fini!h musr bc spr.ificd.

Cone ot light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Noles

*"* rt." "^ o

70 50
64 64
ro 70
64 62
so 30 to
62 62 62
50 30
60 60
to 50 30
60 57 57
to 50 30
57 55 55
ro o
55 5,1
1l i \(,/E 2 8,'MV corrcd
'I 60 58 57 55 59 57 56 54 55 54 53 53 52 51 51 50 50 49 TotalLumcns 36(X)
2 57 53 5t 49 55 52 50 48 51 49 47 49 47 46 47 46 45 44 ,
3 53 49 46 43 52 48 45 43 46 44 42 44 43 41 44 42 41 4A s1t\fH I
4 50 45 4l 39 49 44 41 38 43 40 38 .12 39 37 .11 39 37 36 NIS6L1s,1:i CP xj
5 4641 37 34 45 40 37 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 38 35 33 32
6 44 38 34 32 43 3A 34 3l 37 34 31 36 33 31 35 33 31 30 MS6Lr81i CP x .5
7 40 34 30 28 40 34 30 28 33 30 27 32 30 27 32 29 27 26 -lvlS6l7u.1J CP x l.i
a 38 32 2a 25 37 31 2A 25 31 2T 25 3A 27 25 29 27 25 24
9 35 29 25 22 34 29 25 22 2A 25 22 28 24 22 2T 24 22 21 Consult taccon tor
10 33 27 23 2A 32 26 23 20 26 23 2A 25 22 2A 25 22 2A 19 ivet14e or lanrp uriarion
Hr o 80 7r) so30 loo LS6t 6A44
MrG ,iFc o A
70 50 30 r 0 7r) 50 30 r o so 30 l0 50 30 l0 50 30 loo
0 49 49 49 49 48 49 4A 43 45 45 45 43 43 13 42 12 42 41 Lli\\4 BT2iJil\'lH coarcd
t 46 45 43 42 45 44 43 42 42 41 4A 4i 40 39 39 39 38 37
i 2
4341 39 38 42 !0 39 37 39 3a 36 33 37 36 37 36 35 34
41 38 36 34 40 37 35 33 36 34 33 35 3,r 32 34 33 32 3l
ToralLunrcnr 1.1,000
Si MH 1, ]
4 39353331 38 35 32 30 34 32 30 33 31 30 32 31 29 29 LS6ltij11 CP x .6
5 36 32 30 28 35 32 29 28 31 29 2T 3A 29 2T 3A 2a 2T 26
6 343A272631 3A 21 25 29 21 25 29 2J 25 2A 26 25 24 T.56rrsllaPx r 5

-l 7 322A252331 21 25 23 27 24 23 26 24 22 26 24 22 22 Consulc l.Lctory tur

a 3a262321 29 25 23 21 25 22 21 24 22 21 24 22 2A 2A
9 282421 19 2e 23 21 19 23 20 19 23 2A 19 22 20 19 18 rvarregc or hmp variarion
10 26 22 19 17 26 22 19 11 21 19 1T 21 19 17 21 19 17 16

MrG tsr ,iF. n DA

so 70 5030 100 H56t5a44
70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 to 50 30 ro so 30 lo5030t00
o 69 69 69 69 68 68 68 68 65 65 65 62 62 62 60 60 60 58 l(I)\(ill2.l 1i FIPS coated
I 66 64 62 61 64 63 61 60 60 59 58 53 57 56 56 55 55 5.1
Tot.Ll lumens 11800
F 2 62 59 56 54 6i 58 56 54 56 54 52 54 53 51 53 51 50 49
3 59 55 5i 49 57 54 51 48 52 50 48 51 49 47 49 48 ,16 d5 s,/t\{H 1.1
4 5551 47 44 54 50 47 44 49 46 41 47 45 13 46 44 13 12
HS6L0S:11 CP x .j
5 52 47 43 40 5i 46 43 40 45 42 40 44 41 39 43 41 39 38
5 49 44 40 37 48 43 40 37 42 39 37 42 39 37 41 38 36 35 HS61'r8.i1 CP x .6

7 46 40 36 33 45 40 36 33 39 36 33 38 35 33 37 35 33 32
lIS6t6ii1l CP x l.r
a 43373331 43 37 33 3i 36 33 30 36 32 30 35 32 30 29
9 4l 34 30 28 40 34 30 28 33 30 28 33 30 28 32 30 28 27 Consult lacrory lor
10 3A 32 2A 26 3a 32 28 25 31 2A 25 31 2a 25 30 27 25 24
ivart.rgr: or Lamp variation

MAFICcl 12""o.,"r"*r'' TYpe:

lSquare Drop Holophane Lensed Downlighl Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Construccion includes an extruded aluminum plaster
hangers frame. Hanger brackets are adjustable to 1.5 I Bar
/03 Tamper proofing hangea, which are supplied, adjusr to 2trl Other
/O6 \(eatheryroof hanger accessories 27 | C channel /Ol. J-box wrch
gasketing * r' kno, ko rn ,. pre-wrred r irh gro-rd wire ir
/ll Emergency srand- cluded. Fixrure has porcelain socket, medium andmo-
by relay lor MV, HPS gul screwshell base (consult speciic catalog number).
and MH 100wor Wiring
gfeatef units Ballast circuit allows ma-ximum 4-inl4 out # 12
A\7G conducrors rared ac minimum 7toC.
Inclosed F can type; constant wattage arto
rransformer; HPF; in line fusing standard; trunk
latch unsnaps to allow removal ofballast; voltage
must be specified. Funher ballair specs on page 9.
UL Listed Specs
Raced for use in damp locations and is themally
protected. J box and ballast are accessible from
below ceiling.

Sourre Fixtur Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MSGl4a45 Mdti-Step/Touch- 7)V/lEtllA2l PP Inner Outer/

Vhite Paint ,ti*&I
DropHolophane latch Trim Medium Base
Lens MSOl5a45 Mul ri-Srep / Touch 100v/l E2)V,lB'r25 KP Inner Black/
latcl,Trim Mogul Base Oucer \(bite
MS6t6a45 Multi -Step/ Touch- r7 5\YtE28 tB'128 KS Inner Black/
Latch Trim Mogul Base Outer Satin
M5617A45 Multi-Step / Touch- 250U/tE28 tB'f28
Latch Trim Mogul Base
Voltage must Finish must
be specifred Finish must be specified
lx specified

I Metal Halide LS6t5A45 Multi-Step/Touch- 100wEDl7/Br7 PP Inner Outer/

Drop llolophane
Lens LS6i6A45
Latch Trim
Larch Trim
Medium Base
115WlE2)V2lE28lB'f 28
Mogui Base
L/hite Paint
Inner Black/
Outer White
'f *&
LS6t7A45 Multi Step/Touch- 2t0\7/E28/8T28 KS Inner Black/
Latch Trim Mogul Base Outer Sarin
Voltage must
be specified Iinish musr
be specified Finish musr
be specified

I High Prssure HSGIO845 Multi Srep/Touch 50wlE21V2lBT25 PP Inner Outer/

Sodium larch Trim Mogul Base Vhire Paint
DropHolophane HS6l4a45 Multi-Step/Touch- 7 o\YlE21Vrl BT2t KP Inner Black/
lns larch Trim Mogul Bas." Outer \(/hite
11s615845 Muki-Step / Touch 100\Xrl E21V2lBT25 KS lnner Black/
Intch Trim Mogul Base Oucer Sarin
HS6t6A45 Multi-Step/Totch- ItoV/lE23V,lB'125 Aluminum
Latch Trim Mosul Base
Volrage musr Finish musr
be specified Fioish must be specified
be specified

72 wlA.F CO
Tlim Assembly
- l\4o,-,a- ;r,qop... ,rt .l,rr ;,.
I r...1i".,.,,,, i,' r,-r,,.,
t " .-,',, ,r'{ .. r,r,.i.r-o,. en .,..,.r-,..,r) Drop Holophrne
activares touch larch hlnge ancl reJocks wbcn
puhecl back. \Xrbcn opened, hinge cam drops inncr NlLrltrSrep
trrn r.1' to proret outcr rrin {rom scrarching. Lens
oprical chamcrerisrlcs - see pagc 5.
Rerurn fl;rnge design finished in elrher lorv gloss
rvhire or sarin.rluminum. Tivo plece rrim combin.r
rions are lnner/outer ivhfte painr, inner black/outer
s hir- or.nn-r 1..., ( . r r lr .rlrnrinurn.
finish musr be qxclfiecl.

Cone ot light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

Mrc Hr /'fc o 80 70 5030 1oo MS6t6a4s

70 50 30 ro 7() so 30 to 50 30 to so 30 to 50 30 lo o
o 58 58 58 5A at 57 5T 57 54 54 54 52 52 52 50 50 50 49 l7i \V/E2U/MVcorted
1545250495351 494849 4846 47 46 15 45 44 44 43 'Ibral I-unens-i1600
2 5A 47 45 42 49 46 44 42 45 43 41 43 4l 40 42 40 3933
3 47 43 4A 37 46 42 39 37 41 33 36 40 38 36 38 37 35 34 S/MH ].]
4 44 39 36 33 43 39 36 33 38 35 33 3T 34 32 36 31 32 31 MS6148:1t CP x .l
s 41 36 33 30 40 36 32 30 35 32 30 34 31 29 33 31 29 28
5 39 34 30 28 38 33 30 2A 32 3A 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 26 MS615845 CP x.5
7 3631 2T 24 35 30 27 24 3A 26 24 29 26 21 2a 26 24 23
a 34 2A 25 22 33 2A 25 22 27 24 22 27 24 22 26 24 22 21 MS617s.i5 CP x 1.1
9 3226242431 26 22 2A 25 22 20 2s 22 20 24 22 2A 19 Consulr factory for
lo 3a 24 21 1A 29 24 21 1A 23 2a 1E 23 2A 1A 23 20 1A 17 s'arcage or lamp varjarion

Hr /l\rc r ao 70 so30 loo LS6l6a45

MrG Dm
70 so 30 to 70 50 30 to 50 30 .ro 50 30 to 50 30 lo o
o 47 47 47 47 46 46 46 46 44 44 44 42 42 12 40 1A 40 39 l7tw/tsT28/MH coaced
1444241 40 43 41 40 39 40 39 38 38 37 37 37 36 35 35 Toral Lumens 1:1,000
2 41 3A 36 35 40 38 36 34 36 35 34 35 34 33 34 33 32 31
3 38 35 33 3t 38 35 33 31 34 32 30 33 31 30 32 30 29 29 S/MH I.O
4 36 33 30 2A 35 a2 aO 2A 31 29 2A 31 29 27 3A 28 27 26 LSCPx.6
5 34 30 28 26 3a 3A 27 25 29 27 25 2A 26 25 2A 26 25 24
6 32 2A 26 24 32 2A 25 24 27 25 23 27 25 23 26 24 23 22 LS (lP x 1.i
7 34262321 3A 26 23 21 25 23 21 25 23 21 24 22 21 2A Consult lactorv for
a 2924 222A282421 2A 24 21 2A 2321 t9 23 21 t9 i9
9 27 22 2A 1A 26 22 2A 1A 22 2A 1A 22 19 18 2l 19 18 17 warnge or lamp vnriarion
lo 25 21 13 17 25 21 1a 17 2A 1A 1J 20 ]a 17 20 13 16 i6

Mru Fr itc. D,4

ao 70 5030 loo H56t5a45
70 50 30 lo 7(} 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 3(} 10 50 30 loo
0 6363636361 61 6t 61 59 59 59 56 56 56 54 54 54 53 10)W/E2I h/HPS coared
I 59 57 55 53 57 56 54 53 53 52 51 51 50 49 50 49 48 47 Totat Lumens 880t)
2 55 52 49 4t 54 51 49 47 49 47 46 48 46 45 46 45 44 43
3 524445 12 51 47 44 42 46 43 41 44 42 41 43 41 40 39 S/MH 1.0
4 49 44 41 38 .18 44 4t 38 .13 40 38 42 39 37 4l 39 37 36
5 46 41 38 35 .15 4l 37 35 .10 37 35 39 36 34 38 36 34 33 HS CP x.l
6 44 39 35 33 43 38 35 32 37 a4 32 37 3.1 32 36 34 32 3l HS CP x.6
? 41 36 32 29 40 35 32 29 35 31 29 34 3t 29 33 31 29 28 HS CP x 1.7
a 39 33 30 2T 3A 33 29 27 32 29 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 26
9 3731 2T 25 36 31 27 25 3A 27 25 3A 2T 25 29 27 25 24
'!o 35 29 25 23 34 29 25 23 2A 25 23 2A 25 23 27 25 23 22 waftag or lamp vxrirrion

MAFlCCT 12tt"o.,"r"*.r. rYpe:

I Square Concave Holophane Lensed Downlight Accessofies Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C channel bar Construcrion incllrdes an extruded aluminum plasrer
hangers frame. Hanger brackecs are adjustable to f.i'. Bar
/O3 Tamper-proofing hangers, which are suppli."d, adjut to 2i'. Other
/06 Veatherproof hanger accessories 27" C channel/Ol. J-box widr'l'
gasLering & krro, kout. i. tr " s ireJ wrrJr ground u i-e r
/ll Emergency stind- clLrcled. Fixture has porcelain sotkec, medium andmo-
by relay for MV, HPS gul screwshell base (consulc specific catalog number).
and MH 100\(or Wiring
grearer units Ballast circuit allows m.rximum 4-inl4-ouc #12
A\(/G conducro$ nted ar minimum 75oC.
Enclosed F can type;constant wattage auto
rransformer; HPF; in-line fusing standard; trunk
latcl, rLnsnaps ro allow removal of ballast; volrage
musr be specified. Further ballast specs on page 9.
UL Listed Specs
Raced for use in damp locations and is thermally
prorected. J-box and ballast are accessible from
beLorv ceiLing.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions



larch Trirl
larclr Trim
Multi Step/Tolrch-
Latch Trim
lt\x/tE17 tA2I
Medtum Base
]oo\X/lE21V,l B't2t
Mogul Base
Mogul Base


Inner Ourer/
Vhire Paint
Inner Black/
Outer \{hite
Inner Black/
Outer Satin
MS6t7a47 Muki-Step/Touch- 2t0\7/r28/8T28
Latch Trim Mogul Base
VoLtage must Finish musc
be specified Finish must be specified
be specified

lMetal Halide LS5t5A47 Multi Srep/Touch- L00wED17/817 PP Inner Outer/

Concave htch nim Medium Base rl{/hite Paint
Holophane LS616847 Multi-Step/Touch tl tvl E23h lE2S lBT 28 KP Inner Black/
Lens larch Trim Mogul Base Outer \7hice
LS6l7A47 Multi Scep/Touch- 250lx//E28tB't28 KS Iflner Black/
Latch Trim MoguL Base Outer Satin 2A16
Voltage must
be specified Finish musr
be specified Finish musr
be ryeclfied

I High Pressure HS6lOa47 Multi-Srep/Touch E21Vr l BT 2t PP Inner Ourer/

larch Trim 'O\X/l
Mogul Base \Whire Paior
Concave HS614447 Multi Srep/Touch- t 0Wl E23V2lBT25 KP Inner Black/
Holophane Latch Trim Mogul Base Outer whire
Lens HS6l5a47 Mr-rlti-Srep / Touch t00\X4 E27V,l BT 2t KS Inner Black/
Latch Trim Mogul Base Ourer Satin
t{s6t@47 Mulci Step/Tomh- I50WlB23V1lB't25
Intch Trim Mogui Base
Voltage must
be specified Finish musr be specified
be specified

Tiim Assembly
Mounting tur nvo piece trinx is rouchJatch hinge.
Trvo piece die casc rouch-larch crin firs securely in
) ourer rrim. Ufward prcssure on lens auromalcally
Concave Holophrne
acrivates torLch larch hinge and re locks rvhen
orLe, L., I \\l,rn;,r,d.- r5e. r,Ju1. . g' NlL ti-Step
rrinr %rro prorect outer trim from scratching. Lens
oprical characrerisrics see page 5.
Retum llange design finishcd in eirher lorv gloss
whlre or satin duminrrm. Tlvo pic.c trinr combina
rions are inner/outer white prinr, inner bLack/ourcr
sl.-t. .r -nr rr bL.l o LLer srcrn rlLrm,n-Lm
Finish must be specifiecl.

Gone ot lighl CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

ao70503()too MS6t6a47
nFc,o. DA
70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 5() 3(} ro so 30 .io o
o 65 65 65 65 64 64 64 64 61 61 61 58 58 58 56 565655 LTtW/!2illNlVcoared
'I 62 60 58 56 60 58 57 56 56 55 54 54 53 52 52 5t 51 50 Total Lumens-8600
2 5a5452 49565351 49 52 50 48 aA 4A 47 4A 47 46 45
3 54 50 46 44 53 49 46 43 47 45 42 46 44 42 45 43 41 4A S/MH I,2
4 504542 39494541 39 43 40 38 42 40 38 41 39 37 36 MS61.i84l CP x .l
s 4741 3a 35 46 41 37 34 40 37 34 39 36 34 38 35 33 33
5 44 38 34 32 43 38 34 32 3T 34 31 36 33 3l 35 33 31 30 MS61i847 CP x .5
741 35 30 28 40 34 30 2T 33 3A 27 33 29 27 32 29 27 26 MS617s.i7 CP x 1.4
a 38 32 28 25 3T 31 2T 25 31 27 25 3A 27 25 29 27 24 24
9 36 29 25 22 35 29 25 22 2A 25 22 28 24 22 27 24 22 21 Consulr factory fbr
10 33 2T 23 20 33 26 23 20 26 22 20 25 22 2A 25 22 2A 19 wartage or lamp variation

HT oo 70 5030 100 LS616847

Arco DA
70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to so 30 105030ro5030roo
o 51 51 51 51 49 49 49 49 47 47 47 45 45 45 43 43 43 43 175w/BT28/MH co.rted
14847 454447 4645 14 44 43 42 42 42 41 41 4a 10 39 Toral Lumens-1,1,000
245 13 41 39 44 42 4A 39 41 39 38 39 38 37 38 37 36 36
3 43 4A 3? 35 42 39 37 35 38 36 34 37 35 34 36 34 33 33 S/MH I.I
4 4A 37 34 32 39 36 34 32 35 33 3l 34 32 31 33 32 31 30 LS6l58:17 CP x .6
s 383431 29 37 33 3l 29 33 30 29 32 3A 2A 31 29 2A 27
6 36 32 29 2T 35 31 29 2T 31 2a 27 3a 2A 26 29 2A 26 25 15617847 CP x 1.5
7 33 29 26 24 33 29 26 24 2A 26 24 2A 25 24 2T 25 24 2a Conn t hcrory for
431 2T 24 22 31 27 24 22 26 24 22 26 23 22 25 23 22 21
9 29 25 22 2A 29 25 22 2A 24 22 2A 24 21 2A 23 21 2A 19 wattage or lamp variatjon
10 2a 23 20 1A 2T 23 20 1A 22 20 18 22 20 18 22 2A 18 18

*" * i\.." ao 70 5030 loo HS6t5A47

"^ 70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 io 50 30 io 50 30 to 50 30 loo
.r 7a 7D 7A 70 68 68 68 68 65 65 65 63 63 63 60 60 60 59 I00\{/E2 i'l: / HPS coared
66 65 63 61 65 63 62 60 61 60 59 59 58 57 57 56 55 54 Torai Lunrens 8800
2 6360575561 59 56 54 57 55 53 55 53 52 53 52 5i 50
3 59 55 52 49 58 54 51 49 53 5048 51 49 47 50 4A 47 46 s/MH 1.0
4 565l 47 45 55 50 47 44 49 46 44 48 45 43 47 45 43 42 fIS6108.17 CP x .l
5 534743 41 52 41 43 4a 45 42 4A 44 42 4A 44 41 39 3A
6 50 44 40 37 49 44 4A 37 43 39 37 42 39 37 41 39 37 36 HS61,18.11 CP x .6
7 46 40 36 34 45 40 36 33 39 36 33 38 35 33 38 35 33 32 HS616847 CP x 1.7
a 443733 31 43 37 33 31 36 33 30 36 33 30 35 32 30 29
9 41 34 31 28 40 34 30 28 34 30 28 33 30 28 32 30 28 27 ConsuLr factory for
lo 38 32 23 26 3A 32 2A 26 31 2A 25 31 2a 25 30 27 25 24 watrage or lamp varlation

MAFICO 12tt or"r"*r. TYpe:

I Square C.73 Tempered Lensed Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C ch.rnnel bar Conscruccion incLudes rn extruded aluminum plaster
hangers t'ranre. Hanger brackers are adjustabic to 1.5'. Bar
/O3 Trmper-proofing hangcrs, which are supplied, adjLrst to 2i '. Odrer
/06 \ earherproof hangcr accessorles 27 ' C channel /Ol. J-box rrith '/,"
HH gskelng a kr o ko'r 'i.prr ui,,J",J'"ro'rnls' e r

4EU /l l Emergency stind

by relay for MV. HPS
and MH 100Wor
grearer unlrs
cllrded.Fixrure his porcel.rin socker, medium and mo-
gul strewsheLl base (consulr q:'ecific cataLog number).
B.rllast circuit allows nraximum 4-in/.i-our #I2
AVC concluccors rercd at minimum l5oC.
lnclosed F can type; consrant warralae alLto
rransformer; HPF; in-line lirsing srand.rrd; trunk
larch unsnaps to allorv removal ofbdiast; r,oltage
must be specified. Furcher b;rllast specs on page 9.
UL Listed Specs
Rared for urse in damp iocarions and is thcrm.rlly
prorecrcd. J box and balLasc arc acccssible fionr
belorv celling.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapoi MS614848 Multl-Srep/Touch 7)w/117/A2l PP Inner Ourer/

Low Brightness larch Trinr Medium Base Vhlre Painc
with c"73 Ms6l5a4a Mulci Sret/Touch- l00V/E2Ir./r/ BT2 5 KP Inner Black/
Tempered Glass Latch Trim Mogul Brse Ourcr \white
M56t6A4A Multi-Step/Touch 17t\(/t28/8T28 KS Inner Black/
L.rtch Trin Mogul Base OLrrer Satin
MS6t7A4A Multi-Srep/Tcruch 2t0\{/!28/BT28
Latch Trim Mogul Base
Volrage musr Finish nust
be sPecified be spccifiecl
be specified

I Metal Halide Ls6l5a4a Muh-Step/ToLrch 100\(/.[Dl7/Bl] PP Inner Ourer/

Low Brighthess Latch Trinr Medium Base Whire Palnr -rl-l
with C-73 Ls6l6a4a NIuhi Step/Touch- 175\(4E21'tlE28/8T28 KP Innel Black/
Tempered Glass Lat.h Trim MOgul Bise Ourc' \{/hite
LS6l7a4a Muln-Step/Touch 250\i//E28/BT28 KS Inner Black/
htch Trin Mogul Base Outer Sarin
Voltage must
be specified Finish must
be spcclfied Finish nrust
be specil)ecl

I High Pressure HS6lOA4a MuLti Step/Touch- i0\{/E2l'/,/BT25 PP Inne. Ourcr/

Sodium larch Trim Mogul Base lwhire Paint
LowBrightness HS6I4A4A Multi-Scep/Tourch 7 ow I E23t/J lBf2t KP lnner Biack/ -{t_L
with c.73 latch Trim Mogul Base Ourer \lhlre
Tempered Glass Hs6l5a4a
Mulri Srep/Touch-
Latch Trim
150W I2 j
Lr: / BT2 5
KS Inner Bhck/
OLLter Satin -'i"-
Larch Trim Mogul Base
Finish must
be strcificd Finish mlrsr bc spccified
be specified

t- I
Trim Assembly
Mounring for rwo piece trims is rouchJarch hinge.
Tvo Fiece die casr touch-latch rrinl firs se.urely in
D outer trim. Upwarcl pressur on lens auronratically
C -J TernpereJ lens
acrivates rouch-latch hinge and re locks rvhen
p.'he.1 b., k. wher I rg.. .rr dr"r.. rr .r
.rim /j' prorecr ourcr trim lrom scrarching. lens
opticaL ch.rracteristics - see page 5.
Remrn flange design finished in e;ther low gloss
whice or sacin aluminum. Two piece trim combina-
cions are inner/outer white paint, lnner blacL/outer
white. or inner black/outer satin aluminum.
Finish must be specified.

Cone ol liqht CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

r.rr ao 70 5030 loo MS6t6a4a

/lfc,o DrA
70 50 30 t o 70 50 30 o 5() 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 6363636361 6t 61 61 58 58 58 56 56 56 54 54 54 53 175\7E28lMVcoated
'I 59 57 55 54 57 56 54 53 54 52 51 52 5i 50 50 49 ,18 47 lumens 8600
2 555249 47545l 49 47 49 47 46 4A 46 45 46 4a 44 43
3 51 47 44 4t 50 46 43 41 45 42 4A 44 42 4A 42 41 39 3A S/MH i.]
4 48 43 4A 37 47 43 39 37 41 38 36 40 38 36 39 37 35 34 MS614s48 CP x .j
5 45 39 36 33 44 39 35 33 38 35 32 3T 34 32 36 34 32 31
6 4236333041 36 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 29 34 31 29 28 MS615848 CP x .i
7 39 33 29 26 3A 32 29 26 32 28 26 3i 28 26 30 28 25 25 MS6178.18 CP x 1.4
6 36 30 26 23 35 30 26 23 29 26 23 28 25 23 28 25 23 22
9 34272321 33 2T 23 21 26 23 21 26 23 21 25 23 21 2A Consulc tactory for
10 31 25 21 19 31 25 21 19 24 21 19 24 21 19 23 21 19 18 waftage of l.LmP vnrirtion

Mrc Hr ao?o5030roo L56l6A4a

ftc/o. D A
7(} so 30 lo ?o 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 ro o
o 41 41 41 4i 40 40 40 40 38 38 38 37 37 37 35 35 35 34 175\7BT28/MH coated
'r 39 37 36 35 38 37 36 35 35 34 34 34 33 33 33 32 32 31 Total LLLmens
L t,000
2 36343331 35 34 32 31 33 31 30 31 30 30 31 30 29 28
3 3431 29 2a 33 31 29 2A 30 2A 27 29 2A 27 2A 2T 26 26 S/MH 1-1
4 32 29 27 25 31 29 27 25 2A 26 25 2-7 26 24 26 25 24 24 1^56Ii818 CP x .6
5 3a 2T 24 23 29 26 24 23 26 24 22 25 24 22 25 23 22 21
6 2A252321 2a 25 23 21 24 22 21 24 22 21 23 22 2A 2A LS6r78:18 CP x 1.5
7 26232a 192623 20 19 22 2A 19 22 2A 1A 21 20 1A 1A Consuic tacrory for
6 2521 19 17 24 21 19 1T 21 1A 17 2A 1a 17 2A 1A 17 16
9 232A17 16 23 19 17 16 t9 t7 15 19 17 15 18 17 i5i5
"t " \,., 10 22 1A 16 14 22 1A 16 14 1a 16 14 17 16 14 1? 15 14 14
warrage or lirnp variarion

Hr AFc/o. 80 7r, 50 30 'to o HS6t5A4A

70 50 30 ro 7r, 5(, 3(' to 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to o
o 69 69 69 69 68 68 68 68 65 65 65 62 62 62 59 59 59 58 100\7/E23'llHPS coared
t 66646261 64 63 61 60 60 59 58 58 57 56 56 55 55 54 Toml lumens 8800
2 6259565461 58 56 54 56 54 52 54 53 51 53 51 50 49
3 595451 49 57 54 51 48 52 5A 47 51 4A 47 49 4T 46 45 S/MH I.1
4 555A41 44 54 5A 46 44 4A 46 43 47 45 43 46 44 42 41
HS610u48 CP x .3
5 5246434a51 46 42 4A 45 42 39 44 41 39 43 41 39 38
6 49 43 40 37 4A 4 39 37 42 39 36 4i 38 36 40 38 36 35 HS61,18,18 CP x .6

I 7
46 40 36 33
4 37 33 30
40 34 30 27
38 31 27 25
45 39
42 36
39 33
37 31
38 35
36 32
33 29
30 27
HS6L68.18 CP x 1.7
Consult factory for
wattage or lamp variarion

MAFlCO 12tt"ou"r"*n. TYpe:

I SquareTempered Herculite Lensed Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27' C chrnnel bar Construcrion includes iLn extruded aluminum plascer
hangers Irame. Hanger brackets arc a.ljlstabLe ro 1.5'. Bar
/O3 Tamper-proofing hangers, rvhich are supplied, rcljusr ro 2i I Odrer
/O6 Weatherproof hanger accessories 27 | C chinnel /Ol. J box rvjrh
gasketing c 'krro ko,r. , pre-,v r",srrl uro i, . \v r.r,
/ll Emcrgcncy srand cluded. Fixrure has ponelain socker,mecltum anclmo-
by relay for MV, HPS gul scrovshcll basc (consult specific cacalol; number).
and MII 100\li'or
Ballasr circurt allo$r maximtm 4-ini4-out #12
A\{G conductors rared ar minimum 75'C.
Enclosed F can rype; consrant \latrage au.o
rrnnsformcr; HPF; in line fusing scandard; rrunk
larch unsmps to allorv removaL ofbrlLast; vohage
musr be speclned. F-urrhr bal6t specs on pige 9.
UL Listed Specs
Rarcd lirr use in damp locations and is rhernally
prorected. J box and ballasr arc acccssibLc from

Source Fixtur Description Wattage Dimensions

I Mercuryvapor MS6l4a49 h{uki Scep/Touch rt\7/EL7/A2l PP Inner Ourer/

Tempered L.rrch Trin') Mediurm Base \{hite Painr
HerculiteLens MS6I5A49 Multi-Step/ToLLch 100wE2l%/BT2t KP Inner Black/
Larch Trirn Mogul Base Ourer \7hire
M56t6a49 tr{u1ri Srep/Touch Ilt\//E2U/BT2tl KS lnner Black/
Lacch Mogul Base Olrter Satin
M56r7A49 Multi Srcir /'fouch 2t0\//E28/BT28
Larch Trim Mogul Base
Finlsh mLrsr
be specifiecl Finish must Ilc spccificd
tr specified

I Metal Halide LS6l5a49 Mulci Step/Touch- 100\7/ltDl7/BL7 PP lnner Outcr/ i

Tempered Larch Trim Medium Base Vhite Parnt
HerculiteLens LS616849 MLrhi Step/Torcb 175\(4E21'tlE28/BT28 KP Inner Blacki
Latch Trim MoguL Blsc Ourer \{hite _r2,^ _l
L56t7a49 Mulci Srep/Touch 2i0\{//E28/BT2ll KS Inner Black/
Larch Trim Mogul B:rse OLrter Sxrin + 2Ar/^
Vokage must
be specilied
be specifie<1 Finish musc
be specilied

I High Pressure Hs6loa49 Muiri Step/Touch t0wE2l'/]/BT2i PP Inner Ourer/

Sodium Latch Trim Mogul B.rsc \7hire Pain.
Temperd HS6l4a49 Mulci Srep/Touch- r0wE23/tBT25 KP Inner Black/
Herculite Lens Latch 'l'.;m NIogLrl Base Outer Vhite
H56r5A49 Nlulti Sr.f/Tou.h r 00\{/E2I 'll BT2 t KS Inner Black/
Larch Trim NIogL Basc Sa.i!]
H56l6A49 Multr-Srep/Touch- l )0\Xr l2l l/r / BT2 5
Latch Trirl Mogui Base
Volrage must -Finish must
bc spccified !rnish must be speciliecl
be qrcifiecl

Tlim Assembly
NloLrnring for rwo piece trinrs is touch latch hinge
Ts,o piece clie cast touch larch trim fits securely in
D ourer rrim. Uprvard pressure on Lens automarically
Tenpered Herculicc
acrivates rouch l.rrch hinge and reJocks when
1 ..1, d L., I \\ I er ^."r al. r, rg- . n Jr 'r . r-,
trim 7r'to protect outer crin fion scmcching. Lens
oprical characreristics see page 5.
Remrn flangc design iinnhed ln either low gLoss
rvhitc or satin alumrnum. Tivo piece trlm combina
tjons e innriolrrer whire paint, inner blacklorrtcr
$ ,,,.. o ,,ner b.., k ,-, .,,
Finish mLrst be qtcilied.

Cone of light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

Fr qFc,o. 80705030roo MS6r6a49

70 50 30 1() 70 so 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 ro so 30 loo
o 60 60 60 60 59 59 59 59 56 56 56 51 54 54 52 52 52 51 175W,'E2S/MVco.lred
1575553a255a452 51 52 51 50 50 49 48 48 4t 4T 46 Torrl LLLmens-8600
2 53 5a 47 45 52 49 4t 15 47 45 44 46 44 43 41 43 42 41
3 49 45 42 4A 48 45 42 39 43 41 39 42 4A 3A 41 39 37 37 s/MLr-l.l
4 4641 38 35 45 41 38 35 40 37 35 39 36 34 37 35 34 33 NfS6L 1iJ.19 CP x .l
s 43383431 42 3T 34 31 36 33 31 3533 3034 32 3029
6403531 2A 4a 31 31 2A 34 3A 2A 33 3A 2a 32 3A 2A 2T N{S6Lis49 CP x .5
7 3731 27 24 36 31 27 21 30 27 24 29 26 24 29 26 24 23 MS(r1ls49 CP x ..1
8 34 28 24 22 34 2A 24 22 27 24 22 27 24 22 26 23 21 21 1

9 322622 19 a1 25 22 19 25 22 19 24 21 19 24 21 19 18 ConsLLlt factory {br

t0 30 24 20 1T 29 23 20 17 23 2A 1T 22 19 17 22 19 1T 16 lvlrtxge or lxmp varirtron

rr iLFcro
80705030roo LS6t6a49
70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 10 50 30 lo 50 30 l05030r00
o 45 45 45 45 44 44 44 41 42 42 42 40 40 40 39 39 39 38 l75\7/Bf28/N{H coated
I 43 4t 40 39 42 4r 40 39 39 3a 38 38 37 36 36 36 35 35 'lbril Lumens 1,1.0(X)
2 40 38 36 35 39 37 36 35 36 35 s4 35 34 33 34 33 32 32
3 38353331 3735333r 3432s1 33 31 30 32 31 30 29 S,IMH I.O
4 36 32 30 28 35 32 30 28 31 29 2A 30 29 21 30 2A 2T 27 LS6I58i9 CP x .6
5 33 30 27 26 33 30 27 26 29 27 25 2A 26 25 2A 26 25 21
6 322e252431 2A 25 24 2T 25 23 2T 25 23 26 21 23 22 156I]8.19 CP x 1.5
7 29252321 29 25 23 21 25 22 21 24 22 21 24 22 21 20 Consult facrory ior
o 2a2421 19 21 23 2t 19 23 21 19 23 21 19 22 2A 19 1a
9 2622 19 18 26 22 19 17 21 19 11 21 19 1T 21 19 17 1T vrrragc or hmp vrrirrior
lo 24 2A 1A 16 24 20 18 16 20 t8 16 t9 17 16 19 17 16 i5

Mrc Hr irFc,o. ao ?o 5030 1o0 H56t5a49

DA 7(} so 3(} lo ?o 50 30 to 50 30 ro so 30 lo 50 30 lo0
o 65 65 65 65 64 64 64 64 61 61 61 58 58 58 56 565655 Ifi )\f/E2 Jr./:lHPS corred
r 61 60 53 57 60 58 57 56 56 55 54 54 53 52 52 52 51 50 Toral Lumens ti800
2 58 55 52 50 57 54 52 50 52 50 48 50 49 47 49 48 46 45
3 54 50 47 45 53 50 47 44 4A 46 44 47 45 43 45 44 42 41 S/MH 1.0
4 51 17 43 41 50 46 43 40 45 12 40 44 41 39 43 40 39 38 CI' x .l
3ls3 5 48 43 39 37 47 42 39 36 41 38 36 40 38 36 40 37 35 35
6 46 40 37 34 45 40 36 34 39 36 34 38 35 33 37 35 33 32 HS6l18.i9 CP x .6
i02 ? 43 37 33 30 42 36 33 30 36 32 30 35 32 30 34 32 30 29 llS6l68.i9 CP x l.l
a 40 34 30 28 39 34 30 28 33 30 28 32 30 2T 32 29 2t 26
9 38 32 28 25 37 3l 28 25 31 27 25 3A 2T 25 3A 27 25 24 Constrh tactory for
'to 35 29 26 23 35 29 26 23 29 25 23 2e 25 23 2A 25 23 22 ivatragc or iamp variarion

MAFlCO 12tt"o.,"r" a"n. Type:

lSquare Flat Fresnel Lensed Difluser Downlight Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27 C channel bar Conscrucrion includes an exrnrdecl ahuninum plasrer
hangers lrenrc. Hanger brackecs are adjusrable co L)'. Bar
/O3 Tarnper-prooling hangers, which arc su4rplicd, adjusr ro 25 I O.her
/O6 \feaderproof hanger accessorics 27 ' C clrannel /Ol. J box lvirh
gasketing .r '(no kn , ,prF w,,o s,,l !,.-, o q ,( ir
/ll Emergency scand- clLrcled. Flxture porcelain socker,medrLrm and mo
by relay for MV, HPS gul scrervslrell base (consuk specific catalog number).
ancl MH 100Y/or Wiring
grearer unirs Ballast circuit allows maximlLm 1 ioil ou. il2
A\(C conclLrctors ratecl at minimum 75oC.
f J..,r Ln )l,e: on\,1n
cransformer; HPF; inJine t'using stanclarcl; rrunk
Latch unsnaps ro allorv removal ofballasr; voltage
musr be specifled. Furthcr l lasr specs on page !.
UL Listed Specs
Rared for use in damp locarions an.l rs rhermally
protecred. J box and ballasr are accessible t'rorr
bclorv ceiling.

Sourc6 Fixiure Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryVapor MS6I4A5O Multi-Step/Touch- 7i\i4EL7l421 PP Inner Ourer/

Flat Flsnel larch l'rim Medium Base White Paint
Lens MS6l5a5O MuLti Srcp/Touclr 100\7E23lrlBTzt KP Inner Black/ Trim Mogul Base Outer \0lire
M56l6aso Multi-Srep/Touch- 17i\(//E28/BT28 KS Inner Black/
larch Trim Mogul Base Outer Sacin
M56t7a50 ir{uki Scep/Touch- 2t0\v/E28/8T28
hcch Trinr Mogul Base
Vokage nusr Finrsh must
be specified Finish must be specifiecl
be specified

I Metal Halide LS6lsAsO NlultrSrepi ToLrch- 100wED17/Brl PP Inner OLrter/ tr -'-

Flat Frcsnel Larch Trim Nledrum Base Whire Painr I

Lens L56t6a50 NIultl Srep/Touch Iltw/E2S /r/E28/BT28 KP Inner Bl.rck/

{t_L - i
hrch Trim Mogul Base Outer Vhire
LS6tTasO Multi-Step/Touch 250\I//E28/BT28 KS Inner Black/ .]
Larch Trim Mogul Bnse Ourer Satln . -1,

be specifieci Flnish musr -,J

be specified finish must
be specified

I High
Pressure HS6lOa5O Muhi Step/'l'Ouch
Latcb Trim
Mogul Base
PP Inner O,rter/
Whire Pdnr lri
Flat Fresnel
HS6l4a5O MulrrSrep/Touch-
Larch Trim
Moglil Base
KP Inner Black/
Outer \trhi.e
irJ I LE
HS6t5a50 Mulrl Srep/Touch-
Larch Triff
Mogul Base
KS Inncr Bhck/
L)uter Satin -
H56t6a50 Multi Step/Touch 1t0\7E21lr/BT25 wdih iE_ /
Larch Trim Mogul Base
Voirage musr F;nish musr
be specified Finish must be specllied
be speclfred

ll0 MAFrco
Tiim Assembly
Mounring fbL rwo piece rrims is roLrch latch hnrge.
'lwo piece die cast touch latch rrim firs securely in
D outcr trinr. tlpvard pressure on lens auromarically
lresnel Multi-Srep
i.tivrres rouch latch hinge ancl re locks when
pr.l,eJL. \.\h,c.-,n,d l'-5t r,d,1. r r'
trim ./1'to prorecr ollter rrim lrom scr.rrching. Lcns
optical characteristlcs see page i.
Remrn llange dcsign finishcd in eicher lorv gloss
rvhite or satin aluminum. Two pie.e rrim combinr
tions are innriourr white p nr, inner black/outcr
ql'r',r irnrr bl.r I J ,,-r.J ,n Jlu, ,, ,ir.
finish mtrsr br specifie.l.

Cone ot light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method Notes

Mrc Hr /rfro. DA
ao705030too M56r6A50
70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 loo
o 60 60 60 60 58 58 58 58 56 56 56 53 53 53 51 5t 5t 50 175V/E28i MVcoated
I 56 55 53 52 55 53 52 5t 5t 50 49 49 ,19 48 48 47 46 45 Torrl Lumcns 8600
2 53 50 47 45 52 49 4T 45 47 15 44 46 14 43 44 43 42 41
3 49 45 42 40 4A 45 42 40 43 ,11 39 42 ,10 38 41 39 38 37 s/I1H-1.2
4 46 42 38 36 45 4l 38 36 40 37 35 39 37 35 38 36 34 33 NIS6L18i0 CP r .l
5 43 38 35 32 42 3A 34 32 37 34 a2 36 33 3i 35 33 31 30
6 41 36 32 29 40 35 32 29 34 31 29 34 31 2933 3r 2928 MS61;ll)0 CP r .!
7 38 32 29 26 37 32 2A 26 31 28 26 31 28 26 3A 2T 26 25 Msar1r850 CP x L,l
a 35 30 26 24 35 29 26 24 29 26 23 28 25 23 28 25 23 22
9 33272421 32 2T 24 21 26 23 21 26 23 21 26 23 21 20 (ionsult facrory firr
10 31 25 22 19 30 25 22 19 21 21 19 24 21 19 24 21 19 1A wattage or lamp !ffixtion

Mrc Hr nFc/o. ao705030too L56r6A50

70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 Io5030to5030to5030too
o 48 48 48 48 4T 4T 47 4T 45 45 45 43 43 43 41 4l 4t 40 175\XlBT28/MH co.rcd
/rnq \ 1 45 44 43 42 44 43 42 41 42 41 40 40 39 39 39 38 38 37 Total Lumens 1.1,000
2 434l 39 3T 42 40 3A 37 38 37 36 37 36 35 36 35 34 34
3 40 37 35 33 39 37 35 33 36 3,1 32 35 33 32 34 32 31 31 S/MFI 1.I
4 38 34 32 30 37 34 32 30 33 31 2932 30 29 31 30 29 28 T56li85O CP r 6
5 36 32 29 2T 35 31 29 2T 31 2A 2T 3A 2A 2T 29 2a 26 26
6 34 30 27 25 33 29 2T 25 29 26 25 2A 26 25 2A 26 24 24 LS611850 (lP x 1.5
731 2T 24 22 31 27 24 22 26 24 22 26 24 22 25 2a 22 21 Consult fictory for
4 40252221 29 25 22 2A 24 22 2A 24 22 20 21 22 20 20
9 242321 19 27 2a 2A 19 23 20 19 22 2A 19 22 2A 1A 1A wartrge or lamp varixtion
'lo 26 22 19 17 26 21 19 1? 21 19 17 21 19 1T 2A 1a 1T 16

MrG Hr /\Fcro. DA
4o705030t00 H56r5a50
70 50 30 t o 70 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 lo0
o 69 69 69 69 68 68 68 68 65 65 65 62 62 62 59 59 59 58 100\{/i E 2lr,4 / FIPS coared
r 65 63 62 60 64 62 61 59 60 59 57 58 57 56 56 55 54 53 Toral Lumens 8800
2 62 58 56 53 60 57 55 53 55 53 52 54 52 5t 52 5t 49 48
3 58 54 50 48 57 53 50 17 51 49 47 50 48 46 48 47 45 44 S/MII_I.I
4 55 50 46 43 53 4S 46 43 4a 45 12 46 44 42 45 13 41 40 HS610850 CP x.l
5 51 46 42 3S 50 45 42 39 44 41 39 43 40 38 42 ,10 38 37
6 4S 43 3S 36 ,18 ,12 39 36 41 38 36 40 38 35 40 37 35 34 HS614s50 CP x .6
7 45 t9 t5 i2 44 i9 l5 12 l8 J4 l2 17 J4 l2 36 l4 l1 l1 HS616850 CP x 1.7
6 42 36 32 29 42 36 42 29 35 32 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 2A
"l " \,' 9
40 33 29 27 s9 3s 29
31 31 21 24 31 31 27
28 26 25
26 24 23
Consuk lactory lbr
varrage or lamp variation

3l MAFTC(]
MAFlCO 12tt"o.r"r"."n" Type:

I Square Polycarbonate Diffuser Downliqht Accessories Housing Assembly

/Ol 27'C channel bar Construction inclLrdes an exrruded aluminum plasrer
hangers frame. Hanl;er brackecs are adjustable ro 1.5 '. Bar
/O3 Tampe! prooflng hangers,which are supplied, adjust to25'. Other
/06 \Tearheeroof hanger accessories2T'C channel/Ol. J-box with %'a
gasketing j/.1'knockou$ is pre-wired with ground wire includ-
/ll Emergency stand- ed. Fixture has porcelain socket, medium and mogul
by relay for MV, HPS screwshell base (consulc specific cacalog number).
and MH I00\(or wiring
Ballast circuit allows ma-rimum .i-in/.1-our #12
AWG condrctors rated at minimum 75'C.
Enclosed F-can type;constant waccalje auro
rransformer; HPF; in line tusing srandard; crunk
larch unsnaps ro allov removal of ballast; vohage
must bc specificd. Funher ballast specs on page 9.
UL Listed Specs
Rared lor use in dalrp locations and is chermally
procecced.J box and ballasc are accessible from
beLow ce;1ing.

Source Fixture Description Wattage Finish Dimensions

lMercuryvapor MN632{13 Impacc Resiscanr n1vrlE23VtlP,|2t P \trhire

Durathon Polycarbonate Mogul Base S Sarin Aluminum t
Shallow Ml{6324O4 Tamper-proof Impact 100V/ I2 j lu:/ BT2 5
Refractor Resistanr Polycarbonace Mogul Base Finish musr
MN633403 Impacr Resisranc 17t\7/E28/BT28 be specified
Polycarbonare Mogul Base
MN633404 Tamper proof Impact 175w/r28/BT28
Resistant Polycarbonare Mogul Base
Vohage musr
be specified Finish musc
be specified

lMetal Halide LN533403 Impact Resistanr 1t t\/lE2aV)l E28lBT28 P \(/h;te

Durathon Polycarbonate MogLrl Base s SrtinAluminum,,
Shallow LN633404 Tamper-proof Impact 17 5V/ lE23V,l E28lBT28
Relractor Resisrant Polycarbonate Mogul Base Finish must
l. j2lh, t

Voltage must
be specified Finish must
be specified . ,".-]
be specified

I High Pressure HN629403 Impacr Resistanr 1a'VlE21t/rl BT2t P \7hire

Durathon Mogul Base s Sacin Aluminum
Shallow HN6294O4 Tamper proof Impact 1 AwlE2av tB't2t
Belractor Resistanr Mogul Base Finish musr
HN632403 Polycarbonatelmpacr IOO\YlE23h I BT25 be specified
Resiscant Mogul Base
HN632404 Polycarbonace t00v/tE21kt B't2t
Tlmper proof Impact Mogul Base
HN633403 Resistant Polycarbonate 150\XlE23thlW2t
Mogul Base
HN633404 Fin;sh must 150wE21V)lBT2t
be specified Mogr Base
Volcage musr For 50 warr
be specifred consulr lacroty
Tlim Assembly
Mountlng for trvo piece rrims is tooch lacch hinge.
Tivo piece die cast touch larch rrim 6ts seclLrely ;n
oucer crim. Upward pressure ofl lens arromatically
nctivares rouchlatch hinge and n-tocks rvhen Polycarbonate Diffuser
p'r,hed b., k. Wh"r oper,c. hirg..d-n.lrop. r,Fr
trim /r" to procecr ourer trim from scrarching. lens
optical characterisrics see page 5.
Rerurn tlange design finished ln ei.her low gloss
whjte or satin aluminum. Two piece rfrm combina-
tions are inne./oucer whire painr, inner black/ourer
rvhire. or inner black/ourer sarin .rluminunr.
Finish must be specified.

Cone ot light CP Distribution Zonal Cavity Method l{otes

Mrc Hr /fc,o. ao?o5030too MN633403/404

70 50 30 to 70 50 30 ro 50 30 io 50 30 lo5030too
o 51 51 51 51 50 50 50 50 48 48 48 46 46 46 44 44 44 43 ll5\7/I28/MVcoated
t 47 45 44 42 46 44 43 41 43 41 4a 4i 40 39 39 39 38 37 lumens-:1600
2 43 40 38 35 42 39 37 35 38 36 34 37 35 33 35 34 33 32 TrxaL
3 40 36 33 30 39 35 32 30 34 31 29 33 31 29 32 30 2A 27 S/MH L..i
4 37 32 29 26 36 32 2A 26 31 2A 25 3A 27 25 29 27 25 24 MN6l2.10l/.10.1 CP x.5
5 34 29 25 23 33 2A 25 22 27 24 22 27 24 22 26 24 22 21
6 32 26 23 2A31 26 23 2A 25 22 2A 25 22 2A 24 22 2A 19 Consult factory for
7 29 23 2A 17 2A 23 2A 17 22 19 17 22 19 17 21 19 17 16
a 2721 1A 15262i 18i520 17 t5 20 17 i5 19 17 t5t4 warrage or lamp va riation
I25 19 16 13 24 19 16 i3 19 15 t3 18 15 i3 18 15 t3 12
'lo 23 t8 t4 12 23 17 14 12 17 14 12 1-7 14 12 16 14 12 11

ao705030too LN633403/404
70 50 30 lo 70 so 30 ro 50 30 lo5030toso30too
o 2T 2T 2T 27 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 24 24 24 23 23 23 22 175\7/BT28/MH coated
125 24 23 22 24 23 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 20 20 2A 20 19 Total Lumens 15,000
2 2321 20 1a 22 21 19 l8 20 19 18 t9 18 17 t8 l8 17 17
3 21 19 17 16 20 18 17 15 18 i6 15 t7 16 15 t6 15 15 14 S/MH 1.2
419 17 15 13 19 16 15 t3 16 i4 13 i5 14 13 15 l4 13 12 Consuk facrory for
518 15 13 12 17 15 13 12 14 13 11 14 12 11 13 12 11 11
617 14 t2 11 16 14 12 i0 13 i2 10 13 11 10 12 11 1n 1n watrage or lamp variarioo
714 12 1A 9 t5 l2 10 912 10 9lt t0 911 i0 I I
a i4 11 9 8 l4 11 I I 11 9 I 10 9 I 10 9 I 7
9 13 10 I 7 l3 10 8 7 10 8 7 9 I 7 I I 7 6
'lo 12 9 7 612 I 7 6 9 7 6 9 7 6 I 7 6 6

Mrc Hr 80 70 5030 1oo HN629403/404

ffc/o. DrA.
70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 loo
o 56 56 56 56 55 55 55 55 52 52 52 50 50 50 48 48 48 47 70\0/E2 3%/HPS coared
t 525048 4651 49 47 46 47 45 44 45 44 43 43 42 42 41 Torai Lumens-j.100
2 4a 44 42 39 47 44 41 39 42 40 38 40 39 37 39 37 36 35
3 44 4A 36 33 43 39 36 33 38 35 33 36 34 32 35 33 3i 30 S/MH I.2
4 4t 36 32 29 4a 35 32 29 34 31 2A 33 30 28 32 30 23 27 HN6l2 Series CP x
5 3A 32 2A 25 37 32 2e 25 31 27 25 30 27 25 29 26 24 23 2.0
6 35 29 26 23 34 29 25 23 2A 25 23 27 25 22 27 24 22 21 HN633 Series CP x 1.5
7 322622 19 31 26 22 19 25 22 19 24 21 19 24 21 19 1A
a 3a 24 2A 17 29 23 2A 17 23 19 17 22 19 17 22 19 17 16 Consuk lactory for
9 2421 1A 15 27 21 1B 15 21 17 15 2A 17 15 2A 17 15 14 warcage or lamp variarion
'lo 26 20 16 t4 25 i9 16 14 l9 16 13 18 16 13 18 15 l3 l3

Ill t aEtco
I Alpha Numeric Index


H8315430........ ...........46
HB3t543l ........ ...........46
H8605772........ ''''''''''t6

HE3IO324..... ........26 LD525678.... ...........20

HE509349........... ''''''''18
HE5t O34t '''''''')2 LD735544 ....24
HE5tt34t .........32 }{R611742 . . ...........60 LE5t238l .... .12
HE5l 1342........ ............. .'{ LE5I23A2 ... .34
HE5ll344 ... .... .............. ); LEsl23A3 . . j2
HE5r234r .....12 LE5123A4 {|
HE512342 ..... .14 LE5t33al ...... . )2
HE572344 .... .14 LE5i33A2 ... 14
HE5r334l . .32 LE513383 . .32
HEst3342 . . .34 LE513384 ......... )a
HEst3344 ... ... i r LE515377 . ... 30
HE5i53AO. . ...........10 HR614736 ........ . .........64 LE515379 .... ..... 28
HE5r53Aa . ....... .28 LE5r5379/36...
HEsl s3aa/60. . . . . . l0 LE5rs379/60 . ...30
HE5i63AO ...... 30 LEsl6377 . . l0
HE5i63AA ..... 28 LE516379 ........... 28
HE5r63Aa/60. ..........l0 LE516379/36 .. .... 28
HE519349 ... ...... ... l8 LE5t6379/60 ........ l0
HE520349 . . 38 LE5t93a6 ...... ...... lB
HE523349 .. . 38 LE5203A6 . ... l8
HE524344........ .....24 LEs2t3A6 . ..... 38
LE714371 ... .....16
HS6r OA4a . . '''''''''''''''''16
HS6r Oa49 . . ..,,''''...'''''78

HR305444 . . ..................46 HS5t4A49 ,,''''78

HR30s729 .. ................44
LR319735 '''' '12
LR319737 .. ... 52
LR319739 .... ...... i0
LR3t974t ... .......48
I Alpha Numeric lndex


MD526158. . ..................20 MR604767.......

LR60a7t9 t6 MDs2Tl sa ................20 MR60a768

LR6tt736 ...... ''''''- 64

LB6l1738 ...........64 l/lE311324 ............26
ME5t234l . .12
ME512342. ..14
ME512343. .........12
ti,E512344. ...... . )4
ME5t334r ... .32
LR6t273a ....61 ME5t3342...... ...... ....... ..;
LR61274.) .62 ME5t3343.......... '''' '')2

ME516376 . .10
MEsl637A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
ME5r637a/60. ...... l0
ME5t63aA. ... ...28
ME5t 7376 .... . 10 its6l4a4a...... ........16
ME5I737A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
ME5l737a/60. ... . .. l0
ME5i73AA.... ...... . 28
ME520349... ....38
ME521349. .... 18
ME714371 . ... ..... 16
LS6r 6444 ......... tt, ME714372.. "a6

MS6r6447....... " 11
s6t6a4a /6
MR3(}6754 ............44

MR319739 . ........ . . t0
LW3075iO......... ......40 MR3t974r .._........48
LW307513......... ......40 MR319743.......... ........50 MS6t 7A4A t6

M8320741 4a
MR320743. 50

MD421243 . . ........16
Hubbell/Lighting Division
HUE|BELL 6100 Sollh Wilminglon Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90001
(213) 583-6551

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