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Compact Fluorcscent Lighting

Ifyou re looking into using PL lighting, you re since 1946. And rhough PL lamps are relatively
looking at tire only Pl fixrure catalogue you ll new to the market, oLrr overall experience in the
6:,ture 6.ld has !rvcn u. an edg. in ma'rrrrng
Brought to you by rhe only fixture company rhis new rechnology. And ir shows.
Pl experr.
rhar's a Ve oflcr rhc mosc cornplecc line ofcompacr
Marco. flourescent products on the marker.
Today, theret no bcrrcr, morc vcrsarilc way We offer custom 6xture modification and
ru Iryhr rhrn wrrh Pl )am1'r T\eir rc!olurion dcrrgn As *cll a,."mp.rtrr grn, rarcd. poin'-
ary design makes them economical. Powerful. by poinr lighring layours ro suir your spec;6c
And superiot co any other lamp for a number of needs- No matter how complex, or how simple. need to know about the benelits of PL lamps.
application. wherher it's indoors or ourdoors. As for service, today Marco manufactures \fle'll take you through those bene6ts point by
You could say PL lamps put liglrting in a wholc around rwo million recessed fixrures per year, poinr. \Ce ll also detail all the benefia ofour
new iight. in four factories. So we have dre fixtures you Marco PL lixrures.
That's exacrly why we ve made PL lamps our need, when you necd rhcm. And bccausc wc Of,uur*. you llrls" 6nd a..mplrrc lr.ring
spe.ialry. In ordcr to m;kc rhq m.,r
have warehouses in Dallas, Adanta, Philadel- ofrll of Marco's PL products.
or tamp, you need a superior 6xcurc. And only phia, Chicago and Los Angeles, s,e can get \We think you ll 6nd thar PL lamps and
a company that knows everything there is to chosc lixrurcs ro you quick. no marrer where Mar.o PL lixrure, are,n unbearable."mbrn.-
know abouc PL lamps can offer you that. tion for your projecr.
Marco hi.s been dcsigning lighring fixmres ln this caralogue. you ll 6nd everythins you


1 Marco
lvfost manufacturers don t supply bar hangcrs Marco hanger brackets are vertically adjustabl
with their 6xtures. Ve do. Evcry Marco 6xrure up to 1%", so they'll accommodare various ceil-
comes with relescopic slip srraps rhat adjusr to ing thicknesses. That's convenienr. And our
z\". Whr.'r irc cr \rly sh-, 1ou neeJ wher .r hanger brackets cornc wich easy to operate,
, om' ' '
oT h",. anJ orher , erlrn5 rn,rallarrun' pos;rivc IockinS lold down tabs. Thats simple.

Marco J-boxes comc rv;rh '/r" ind ,Z" knock- We use die cast alurninum consttuctioo to
ours, ratcd fbr 4 in/4 our #12|AWG conclLrc- make our fiamcs, not scamped steel. \flhy? To
rors. vhich are in mrn ratecl at a minimrrm of frevenr oxidation, withstand corrosion and pro-
75 degree C. And our knockorrts are srampcd, vide extra strength for the housing assembly.
not die-.ut, so they re much casicr to rcmovc. We think those are pretty good reasons.
They also makc usc ofa fositile locking door.
\r)Oc :k, ru rhrrl rl-r..rll n-ake. for a r.ry p...-
tive J box.

2 llarco
Marco refleccors are available in cwo lorms.
[. Clcar and gold Alzak'l to maximize light out- Every Marco fixture comes wirh a ballast box
put and precisely control beam patterns. Or, thar prctects the ballast from atmospheric expo-
clear and gold matte, with an annodized frnish sure and heips maintain optimum performance
to eliminare lamp image reflecrion and spcccral tempemtlrre. But while Marco ballasr boxcs are
imaging. Both are e^sy to insull rhanks to prorecrive, rhey make it easy for you to 8et to
Marco s unique snap-in Grip Klip" system. th ballast. Because the ballast is mounted to a
ballast tray door, which is easily removed wich
a quarrer-rurn larch screw,
trim rings are made ofalu-
Marco's narrcw, flac
mjnum, not plastic, so you don'r have to worry High Power Factor Modules are attached to
about heat warpage. That means they can be J Box doors. They can be retrofitred and pro
parnred to mar. h rhl crling ,.lor. \Vhat s vide for <1uick delivery ofMarco! Compact
more, rhey are easily discardable for llush Flroresrenr Fixrurcs.
mount iPplic^tion.

I llarco
Brighr because they re incredibly praccical, You're saving alreadp Yet PL lamps radiate
yet still offer you the kind of beautilul light light evenly. so you get a brighcness and
that Suorcscents can'r- color rendering you d only expect from an
And that's smart.
PL lamps are as close as you can gec to a And PL lamps are bnshr be, du\e ,hey re
combinacion of fluorescent and incandescent versatile enough .o work for borh inreriors and
lamps. Because while regular fiuorescen* exteriors. Again, their arm, pleasaot light
certainly make sense fo! some siruacions, they wilt compliment many interior design elements.
cant hold a candle to incafldescents in others. On the orher hand, rhe durabiliry and excellent
Pl larnps are righr for both. cold-temperature start offered by PL lamps
They're both economical and durable. They makes them every bit as good lor outside. Vhy
burn far longer than any incandescent lamps, so bother with searching for two different lamps
.hey dont need to be replaced nearly as often. when one does it all?

PL lamps are versarile enough for boch inside

and outside lighting. Their warm, pleasant
lighr makes rhem ideal for inreriors, and
their durability, brighcness and excellenr cold-
temperature starting make chem equally suited

PL lamps are perfect for locations that need to

be lit around the clock, iike hallways, lobbies
and numerous hotel applications. They'il burn
for up to 10,000 hours, compared co just 750
hours for the average incandesceot lamp. That
many more hoLrrs means that many less replace-
ments. And that also makes Pl lamps ideal for
locacions where relamping is dificult.

A long burning lamp is an economical lamp.

The less replacements you have ro make, the
less money you spend. And nor only oo the
You dont have to choose berweer the practicai- lamps themselves, but on maintenance. PL
ity of fluorescent lamps and rhe design benefits lamps last up to 13 times as long as incandes-
of incandescents. \yith PL lamps you get the cenr lamps. And they consume only 257. to
best ofboth. PL lamps are economical and 30% ofthe power of i ncandescenrs. Are you
durable lrke cradicronal lluores<enrs. bur give beginning to see rhe lighr2
offan incandescenclike light that's warmer and
mo(e pleasant. Because PL lamps radiate light PL lamps also burn at a lower tempemrure rhan
evenly, you can get uniform brightness and incandescenr lamps, wirhout sacrificing brighr-
excellnc color rendering. So PL lamps can be ness. That means even well l;t rooms will stay
used wirh color schemes you'd never be able to cool, and the need for air conditioning will be
use with regular fluorescents. more likely sray away. ln turn, so will high
energy bills.

4 Marco
And all around the clock, too. PL lamps will Now, you may be asking yourselfhow such a And you can even use them during those
burn continuously for a long time, so you caa compact, pmctical lamp can possibly give off times when rh electrici.y isn t working. Matco
forget a6out constant replacements. S?ouldn't the kind of power incandescents do. rJfell, PL 9 and 1l watt fixtures offet emergency battery
thar be nice? lamps' unique design allows them to do iust packs chat will ignice for 90 minutes. V/ithout
Ofcou$e, what's even ricer about this is all that. One lJ watt lamp can replace 60-plus unatrractive'bug eyes,
rheL you save wrrh PL lamps. A long burning watts of incandescenc li8ht. Iisted beiow are more details about all the
lamp is an economical lamp. less rcplacements, Ofcourse, there are those times when you benefirs of PL lamps. Look thern over. \!e
less maintenance, less use ofpower per lamp, don't need all that light. \(hich is why many think you'll find that using a lamp as bright as

less shopping around for different lamps lor dif- PL fixtures contain two bulbs that can b oper- a PL can make you look pretty btight, too-
ferent needs. It all equals more savings. aced separately. You need n lot of light, you use
What's more, Pl lamps burn at a much lowet borh bulbs. You need d lrrrlr, yoLr use one.
temperature than incandescents, so you iust
might find yourselfsaving money on air condi-
cioning bills, too. And every bit helps.

PL lamps are compact, but they pack a lot of Average incandescent A lamp : 17.5/ 1 lumens
power. For example, wirh one ll-watt lamP,
you can replace 60-plus watts of incandescent Average PL = 691 1 lumens to watt

Avemge incandescent A lamp : 759 6out".

Some PL ixtutes contain two lamps, so you Average PL lamp life : 10,000 hours.
have rhe option ol burnrng eir her both or Iu.t
one, depending on your lighting oeeds. lvhen
you need a lot of light, it's available. n0hen you Incandescent A lamp: Kelvin:29!0'
don t, you save energy by burning just che CRI n0%
single lamp on a sepatace circuit.
PL lamp: Ketvin:2700'
Ifyou want a iamp with an emergency bartery CRI 82%
back up, but want to avoid ugly incandescent
"bug yes," PL lamps ale the ticke.. 9 and 13
wart fixtures olfer an Emergency Battery Pack
that will ignite a si:rgle lamp for 90 minutes.
Yer rhey aren't bulky or unattractive-
llPF l20v HPF I2OV NPF 277V HIF 2't7V
High Power Factor Modules lower total inPuc Input Inpur Input Input Input Input hput Inpur Starting
amps and watts. This means more savings on
Watts Amps $?atts Amps \{atts Amps syatts Amps \Fatts Lumens lbmpemture
energy biJl". And more 6xture. per rirtuir 9 .18 12 .08 10 .18 t6 0.65 16 600 2t'F.
means leis 'wrrch gear on rnrrral instrllation. 13 .285 76 .14 16 .30 22 0.9 22 900 12"F.
ra .391 26 .21 26 .22 20 .06 t1.5 r2to t"F.
High Power Factor Modules ar attached to 26 .71 15 .10 27 .)7 36 .t0 27 1800 23"F.
J-Box doors. They can be retrofitred and pro 2x9 .36 24 .16 20 .36 )6 r.a 32 1200 25'F.
vide for quick delivery of Marco's Compact 2x 13 .57 32 .284 ]2 .60 44 t.8 44 1800 32'F.
Fhorescenr {ixtures. 2x 18 .19 52 .46 52 .44 40 .t2 27 2500 5'F.
2x26 1.42 10 .60 t4 .62 12 .20 54 3600 23'F.

tl aJco
4" Round .. .. 8
6" Round .... 10
7" Round .. .. 12
8" nound....I.i
9" Round .. .. L8
9" Square . 20
I l" Square ...22
145 27" I piece b^t Construction includes a stamped steel plaster
hangers ftame- Hanger brackets are 6xed. Bar hangers,
/46 Extender clips for which are supplied, adjust to 22V2" . Othet
21" off center hanger accessorie. incJude 2/" I piece bar
mounting hanger /45 and extender clips fot 25" oft
/EM Emergency center mounting /46. Ballasr enclosure is con-
Battery Pack ignites sffucted of aluminum. J-Box is pre-wired wirh
lamp for 90 minutes. ground wire included.
/HPF For High
Povrer Factor see the Bmnch Circuit allows maximum 4-Inl4-Out
appropdate housing #12IA$?G conductors rated at minimum 75
categofy. degtees C.

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is staodard. Volt-

age must be specilied. Fot High Power Factor
(HPF) accessory specify /lllPFt3l (120v) and
11HPF132 (277vt.
Input amps and watts can be found on page 5.

I{PF K6 Clear Matre
1 Watt FMX4 (720'r /217v K7 Gold Matte
Quad Tube NPF standard)
Sylvadia Only lIPF


F X4lr HPFt3t
Voltage must be

8 ilarco
Rated for use in damp locations and in direct
contact with insulatioo. J-Box and ballast
access from below ceiling.
Clear Matte GoId Matre
Available in anodized matte, clear and gold.
Matte finishes eliminare spectral imagirg and
lamp reflection image.

Nartow flat aluminum design Enished in low

gloss whit.

g g ao?o5030too F
?o 50 go to 7l' 5l' 30 to
50 30 to 50 3l'
50 50 50 50 48 48 48 4A 4S 46 46 44 44
46 45 44 42 45 44 43 42 42 41 40 41 40
4341 39 37 42 40 3A 36 39 37 36 37 36
to 50 30 to
42 42
39 38
35 34
13 rJTatt Quad Tube
Total Lumens 860
Spacing Criteria- 1.3

t ,U
3 40 37 34 32 39 36 34 32 35 33 31 34 32 31 33 32 30
- 4 383431 28 37 33 30 2A 32 30 2A 31 29 2A 30 29 27
'fotal Efficieocy 41.67o
- ,G
3531 27 25 34 30 27 25 29 27 25 29 26
33 28 25 23 32 2A 25 23 27 25 23 27 24
26 24
24 22
21 t9
FMX4.K? CP x .90

; a
2a2320 18 28 23 20 1A 22 20 1A?219
2621 1A 16 26 21 18 16 20 18 16 20 1a
21 19 18
20 17 16

C 10 24 19 16 14 24 19 16 14 19 16 14 18 16 14 18 16 14 14

9 f,larco
145 27" I piece b^r Construction includes a sumped steel plaster
hangers fmme. Hanger brackets are 6xed. Bat hangets,
/46 Extender clips for which are supplied, zdiust to 22/2". Accessozy
25" off center TBar Clips are available as /91. Hanger acces-
mounring sories include 27" 1 piece bar hanger /45 and
/91 T-Bar ctips (4) extender ctips for 25" offcenter mounting /46,
/Eltl Emergency Ballast e$closure is constructed of aluminum.
Battery Pack ignites J-Box is pre-wired with ground wire included.
lamp for 90 minutes.
/HPF For High Branch Circuit allows maximum 4lnl4-Out
Power Factor see the #12lA\7G conductors rated at minimum 75
appropriate housing degrees C.
Normal Power Factor (NPF) is standard. Volt-
age must be specined. Fot High Power Factor
(HPF) accessory specify /lHPFl3l (120v) and
/1HPF132 (217'/).
Input amps and watts can be found on page 5.

I{PF 52 GoId Alz*" Low Gloss

FlllxrS (120-v 1217v 62 Clear Alzak" Ifhite Paint
1-13 \fatt NPF standard) 63 Clear Alzak"' with
Quad Tirbe HPF Balfle
Sylvania only I20v 72 Clear Matte
FltXl3/l HPFt3t 73 Clear Matte with
271v Baffle
Fltxt3/t HPFl32
Voltage must be

.{PF GIOO Flat Shower ES

F Xll (120v/277\ Light
1- 13 rvatt NPF standard) IOO Flat Diffuser P,B,S,R
Quad Tube HPF GlOl Opal Shower BS
Sylvania Only 120v Light I

F Xt3/t HPF 33t lot Drop Opal P,B,S I

27"1v iO6 Flat Fresnel BB,S

FMXt3/t HPFt32 Finish must be
l- -----'1
1314 .
Voltage must be specified

I{PF Rl06 Regressed Flat B B' S

FllXlS (l20.' 1217v Fresnel
NPF standard) Y223 Baf0e with p
1-13 \gatt HPF kns
Quad Tirbe t20v Y226 Baffle with P
Sylvania OnIy F XI3/t l{PFl3t Drop Opal
Finish must be
Firxr3/r HPFl32
Voltage must be
specified wtdth-73,,1cr

NPF 30 $t'al lwasher Low Gloss

F]rX13 (l20v I 277 v White Paint
1- 13 lqatt NPF standard)
Quad Tirbe HPF
Sylvania Only l20v
Fitxr3/r HPFr3r
Voltage must be
10 Marco
Rared for use in clamp locarions and in dirccr
.onracr wirh insularion. J Box and ballasc
ficcss from bc]ow cciling.
Q, .t )
Clear Matre Gold Alzak"' Clear AIzak"' Clear Alzak" /
Available in clear matte anodized, and ciear and Matre Baffle
gold specular Alzakl Black bafflc available uidr
clcar mnrre aod clerr Alzak" reflectors. Cleir
Alzak" maximizes light output ancl provicles
,onrrolleu br. m p. MJ'r( 'rrri.h*.l.mi

nate spcctral imaging and lamp rcdect;on
:n-pc W,llur.her r' elclrd ,yp uhr' h Jr-e t.

Flac Diffuser Flat Shower Light Drop Opal Opal Shower Lighr
rpl , .rr urll "nJ p-... rJe. I rrle Jnrvr,lrgl,-.

Narrow ilat aluminum dcsign. Finish must be

spccificd (P : Vhire, B : S^rin Brass,
S: Sarin Aluminum, or R : Polished Brass).

Regressed/ Bafflc wirh Drop Op.rl \(ailrlasher

Flat Fresnel

70 50 30 ro 70 50 30 lo 50 30 !o 50 30 to 50 30 to o
o 75 75 75 75 73 73 T3 73 T0 70 70 676767 64 64 64 63
1- 13 Vatr Quad Tube
171 70 6A 67 70 6a 67 66 66 65 64 64 63 62 61 6t 60 59 Tot.ri Lumens 860
2 68 65 63 61 67 64 62 60 62 6t 59 60 59 58 59 58 57 56 Spacing Crrteria .13
3 65 61 58 56 64 60 58 5s 59 s6 s5 s7 55 54 56 54 53 52
s" 4 62 s7 54 s1 6i 57 54 5l 55 53 51 54 52 50 s3 s1 49 48 TotalEffitiency 62.8%
5 59 54 50 47 58 53 50 47 52 49 47 51 48 46 50 48 46 45 FMXr3.52 CP x .90
6 56 50 47 44 55 50 46 44 49 46 41 4A 45 43 47 45 43 42
Filxr3.63 cP x .80
a 50 44 40 37 49 43 4A 37 43 39 37 42 39 37 41 39 37 36 FMXl3.72 CP x.U0
I 4T 40 37 34 46 4A 37 34 40 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 33
FMXt3.73 CP x .7t
10 44 3a 34 31 43 37 34 31 37 34 s1 36 33 31 36 33 31 30

ao705030too FMXr3,r06
70 50 ao ro 70 50 30 Io 50 30 10 50 30 Io 50 30 Io o 1 1l \(/art Quad Tube
o 20 20 20 20 i9 19 19 t9 1a 13 1a 1a 1a 1A 17 17 17 17
I 18 r7 17 16 18 17 17 16 16 16 t5 16 15 15 15 15 15 14 Ttxal LLrmens 860
2 17 16 15 t4 16 i5 15 14 15 14 i3 14 i4 13 14 13 i3 13 Spacing Crireria-. !
3 16 14 13 12 15 14 1e 12 13 13 12 13 12 12 13 12 11 11
'fotxl E{frc)e1cy 16.6ty'.
4 15 13 12 11 14 13 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 10 12 11 10 10
5 14 12 11 10 13 12 i0 10 r1 10 911 10 911 10 9 FMXi3.IOO CP X .9t
6 13 11 10 9 13 11 10 9 11 10 9 r0 9 I 10 9 8
x .9t
7 12 10 9 I 12 10 I I t0 I I I 3 8 I a FMXI3.GtOO CP
a 11 I I 7 11 I I 7 9 I 7 9 I 7 9 I FMXt3.tOt CPX 8
9 lt 9 7 6 10 I 7 6 8 7 6 6 7 6 8 7 6
Ftrlxl3.Glol cP x .8
lo 10 8 7 6 10 I 7 6 a 7 6 a 7 6 7 7 6

ao 70 50 30 lo o FMXl3.Rr06
70 50 30 io 70 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 io 50 30 ro o I 11 W.rtt QLud Tube
o 202020 20 1s 19 19 19 18 18 18 1A 1A 1A 17 17 17 17
1 1a 17 17 16 l8 t7 t7 16 16 16 15 16 15 i5 i5 15 15 Total Lumens-860
21T 16 t5 T4i6 15 i5 14 15 14 13 14 14 13 14 t3 13 13 SpicinS Criteria .t
316 14 13 12 15 14 13 12 t3 13 12 t3 l2 t2 13 12 11 11
415 13 12 11 14 13 12 11 12 11 11 12 11 1A 12 11 1A Total lfficiency 16.6%
514 12 11 10 13 12 10 10 11 10 911 l0 911 10 I 9 FMXl3.Y223 CP x .8t
613 11 l0 913i1 i0 911 10 910 S Ii0 9 9 I x .7t
7 12 10 9 3 12 10 9 I 10 9 8 9 I I I I 8 FMXt3-Y226 CP
a 11 9 8 7 11 I 8 7 I a 7 g I 7 I a 7
91i97610876a76876876 6
'to 10 8 7 6 10 I 7 6 A 7 6 A 7 6 7 7 6 6

o4'3'2't',O',1',2 34 o'o'l1'o't'1'o'
I 13 \(acr Quad Tube
t 5 .96 1.85 2.95 3.3 2.95 1.85 .96 .5 1 39 39 44 39 44 39 39 ToralLumens 860
2' .52 .77 1.08 132 1.53 1.32 1.08 TT 52 2 29 3.0 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.9
a' 34 49 91 175 26 175 .91 3 3 6 3.3 3.2 3.6 3.2 3.3 3.6
4', .30 .6 1.33 2.0 2.25 20 1.33 .6 .30 4 34 3.5 3.7 3.4 37 35 34
s', 37 .73 1.13 1.17 1.55 147 113 73 37 5 29 3. 3.2 2.9 3.2 3.1 2.9
6', 39 63 87 107 l.l 1.07 87 .63 .39 6' 2.3 2 45 27 2.3 2.7 2.45 2.3
7', 35 .5i .7 .42 .85 .42 7 .51 .35 7 2.4 1.4 1.9 2.0 1.9 18 20

I I Maico
/tO2 T-Bar clips Construction includes a stamped steel bre"ak-
/Elll Emergency Bat away plaster frame and built-in holding clips
tery Pack ignites one for remodel installations. Hanger bmckets are
lamp for 90 minutes. fued. Captive vertical bar hangers can be in
/llPF For High serted to accommodate most ceilinS construc-
Power Factor see the tions. Bar hangers, which are supplied, adjust
appropriate housing to 22/2". Accessory I:Bar clips are available as
c tegoty. /1O2, Ballast enclosure is constructed of alumi-
num. Housing trims contain ballast and socket
adapter for fiuorescent lamps. J-Box is pte-
wired with giound wite included.

Braoch Circuit allows maximum 4-Inl4-Out

#12/AWG conductors rated at minimum 75
degrees C.

Normal Po$/er Factor (NPF) is standard and

will power 7 or 9 watt lamps. Volcage must
be specified. For High Power Factor (HPF)

2-7 /9 U/^n
Dual Tube
11X711 (120v /211'l
NPF standard)
9Ol Clear Matte
9O2 Goid Matte
9O3 Clear Macte with
9O4 Clear Alzak."
9O5 Gold Alzak'"
lr I
Voltage must be

IIPF 9OO Flac lens
MX711 (t20v 1277v
2 7l9 W^tt NPF Standatd)
Dual Tube HPF
277 v
itx7tl /HPF92
r1y, ,l
Voltage must be

IIPF 9O5 \Tallwasher
Ml'111 (120v 1217't
2-7 19 W^tt NPF Standard)
Dual Tube HPF
MXTit /HPFgt
MXTit /HPF92
Voltage must be

accessory spccily /HPF9i (120v) and /HPF92
Input amps and watts can be found on page 5. \r. ,l i::

Rared for use in damp locations and in direct

Clear Matte Gold Marte Cle^r Alzak'" Gold Alzak"
concacr wich insulation. J-Box and ballast
access from below ceiling.

Availabte in clear and gold matte anodized,

and clear and gold specular Atzakl' Black ballle
available with clear matre reflector. Clear
Alzak"' maximizes lighc outpuc and provides Black Baffle Flat Lens \(zallwasher
,ontrolled beam pdt(c'n. Mnre finrshes elimt-
nate 'pe.tral im:rgrng "nd lamp rel1e, r ron .magc.
\Wallwasher is eyelid cype which directs light at
wall and provides lirtlc downlight.

Narrow llat aluminlrm design 6nished in low

gloss white.

ao705030roo MX7lt.904
70 50 30 to 70 5l' 3(' to 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to o 2 -7l9 Varc Dual Tube
o 61 61 61 61 60 60 60 60 57 57 57 55 55 55 52 52 52 5i
'I 57 55 53 52 56 54 53 51 52 51 50 5A 49 48 48 47 47 46 Toral Lumens 1200
2 53 50 47 45 52 49 47 45 47 45 44 46 44 43 44 43 42 41 SpacinA Criteria- 1.1
3 50 45 42 39 4A 44 41 39 43 40 38 42 39 38 40 39 37 36
4 4641 37 35 45 40 37 34 39 36 34 3A 36 33 37 35 33 32 Toral Efficiency-i1.3%
5 43 37 33 30 42 37 33 30 36 32 30 35 32 30 34 31 29 28 ItxTtt '903 cP x .80
6 40 34 30 2a 39 34 30 2A 33 30 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 26 MX7ll.9Ol CP x .9t
7 37 30 26 24 36 30 26 23 2S 26 23 29 25 23 2A 2s 23 22
a 34242421 33 27 24 21 27 23 21 26 23 21 26 23 21 20 MX7tt.902 CP x .85
9 322521 19 31 25 21 19 24 21 19 24 21 19 23 21 1A 1A itxTlt-9o5 cP x .90
to 30 23 19 17 29 23 19 17 22 19 17 22 19 17 22 19 17 t6

so. ao 70 50 3l' to o MX7lt.900

70 50 30 'to ?o 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to o 2 7/9 \flatt Dual Tube
o 33 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 31 31 31 29 29 29 2A 2A 2A 2A
1 3A 29 27 26 29 2A 27 26 27 26 25 26 2a 24 25 24 24 23 Toral T.rmens 120O
2 27 25 23 22 27 25 23 22 24 22 21 23 22 21 22 21 20 20 Spacing Criteria 1.2
30' 3 252220 14 24 22 24 182t 19 18 20 19 18 20 18 17 17 Ta:.?.l Effrcier'cy - 21 .t%
4 23 20 18 16 23 20 1e 16 19 17 16 1g 17 is t8 16 1s 15
5 21 18 16 14 21 18 15 14 17 t5 14 17 15 13 16 15 13 13
624 17 14 13 20 16 14 13 16 14 12 15 14 12 15 13 12 12
s- 71A15 12 11 18 t4 12 11 14 12 11 14 12 10 13 12 10 10
a 171311 ro17i3rr roi3ri 913r 9r2rr 99
I i6i2 10 916 12 10 812 10 811 10 811 10 II
lo t5 1l 9 815 11 9 811 I811 9 810 9 8 7

o'4'3',2',1',O!',2 3' 4' o'o't'I'ollo
2 7/9 Vacr Dual Tube
l 56 1.1 2.3 39 4.8 39 2.3 1.1 .56 l' 5.9 5.6 6.2 5.9 6.2 s.6 5.9 Total Lumens 1200
2' .63 1.4 2.6 3.9 4.5 3.9 2.6 1.4 .63 2', 6.0 6.3 6.5 6.0 6.5 6.3 6.0
3', 66 1.1 1.3 2.5 3.5 3.5 1.3 1.1 .66 3' 4.8 4.6 5.0 4.8 5.0 4.6 4.8
4 .61 1.1 1.S 2.6 3.1 2.6 1.8 1.1 .61 4', 4.2 4.3 4.4 42 4_4 43 4.2
5 61 1.r 1.7 2.3 2.6 2.3 17 1.1 .61 5', 3.9 3.S 4.1 3.9 4.1 3.9 39
6 .55 .88 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.3 .88 55 6', 3 0 3 0 3.2 3.0 3.2 3.0 3.0
7' .41 .65 .89 1.2 1.4 1.2 89 7' 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.2

I I Marco
lO1 27" C channel Construction includes a die cast aluminutu
hangers plaster frame. Hanger bmckets are vertically
/Ell Emergency Bac adjustable to 1%". Bar hanSers, which ar sup-
tery Pack ignites one plied, adjust to 25". Accessory 27" C channel
lamp for 90 minures. hangers are available as /Ol. Balldsr enclosure is
D407 &.D441 only. constructed of aluminum. J'Box is pre-wired
/HPF For High with ground wire included.
Power Factor see the
apprcpriate housing Branch Circuit allows maximum 4-Inl4-Our
categofy. # 12lArWG conducto$ rated at minimum 75
degrees C.

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is srandard. Volr-

age must be specified. For HiSh Power Factor
(HPF) accessory refer to the HPF section under
the appropriate housing category.
lnput amps and watts can be found on page 5.

I{PF 446 Clear Matte

2-1 19 Watt D4O7 (r20v 1217v 447 Gold Marte
Dual Tube NPF stardard) 448 Clear Alzak'"
HPF 449 Gold Alzak-
120,t 4OO Ctear Alzak"'
D4O7/HPFgI with Baffie
D4.,7 t,tPFg2
Voltage must be

2- 13
Dual Tube
D447 (120v/277v
NPF scandard)
Clear Matte
GoId Matte
Clear Alzak-
Gold Alzak'.
47O Clear Alzak'"
I- T-
D447 IHPF131
D447 tllPF132
Voltage musc be
with Baffle


I{PF 486 Clear Matte

2- 18 rvart D448(I2Ovl211v 487 Gold Matte
Quad Tube NPF standard) 488 Clear Alzak"
HPF 489 Gold Alzak"
120v 49O Clear Alzak"-
D44alHpFrOr with Bafde
D44AtHPF1A2 ll-,
Voltage musr be f-17.

2-26 V^tt
Quad Tube
D449 (120v1217v
NPF s.ardard)
Clear Matte
Gold Matte
Clear Alzak"
HPF 499 Gold Alzak"'
120v 5OO Clear Alzak'" I

D449 tHPF261 with Baffle I

D449 t,tPF2e2
Voltage must be
l_ 17
14 ]
nr l- .- -l:
Rared for use in damp locations and in ditect
cofltacr with insulation. J-Box and ballast
tlh i:i,
-.3_ i i.-4-
access from below ceiling.

Clear Matte Gold Matte Clear Alzak'" C'old Alzak'"

Available in clear and gold matte anodized,

and clear and gold specular Alzakl' Black baffle
available wich clear Alzak" reflector Clear
Alzak" maximizes light output and provides
conrolled beam partern. Marre 6nrshe< climr
nare rpecrral imaging and lamp refle.tion imape.
Clear Alzak'" with
Narrow flat aluminum design Gnished in low Black Baffie
gloss white.

ffi.,ffi o
ao 70 503t,
70 50 30 to 70 5(' 30 lo 50 30
85 85 85 85 83 83 83 83 79 79
a1 79 77 7A 79 77 76 74 74 73
lo 50 30
79 76 76
72 72 71
lo 5l' 3('
76 73 73
70 69 69
2 9 Vatt Dual Tube
Total lumens- 1200

ffi,.ffi 2 77 73 70 6A 75 72 70 67 70 68 66 6a 66
60 63 61
64 66 64
59 62 60
62 Spacing Criteria 1.1


73 68 64 62 71 67 64 61 65 62
65 59 54 51
59 56 61 58
58 54 51 57 53
6i 55 50 47 60 54 50 47 53 49
55 60 57
50 56 52
47 52 49
54 58 56
50 54 52
46 51 48
TotalEfrt,ciency 62.1%
D4O7.449 CP x .90
ffiw 7
57 50 46 42 56 50 45 42 49 45
5446423A $4641 38 45 41
50 43 38 35 4S 42 3A 35 42 37
47 39 35 32 46 39 35 32 38 34
42 4A 44
3A 44 41
35 41 37
31 3S 34
42 47 44
3A 44 40
34 40 37
31 37 34
x .A'
x .7t

ffi'res o
70 50 30
77 77 77
73 7l 70
70 5030
to 70 50 30 io 5tt 30
77 75 75 75 75 72 72
68 72 70 69 67 67 66
to 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o
72 69 69 69 66 66 66 65
65 65 64 63 63 62 61 60
2- 1l Watt Dual
TotalLumens 1800

ffi,"ffi 2 70 66 64 62 68 65 63 61 63 61
56 65 61 58 55 59 56
60 61 60 58 59 58 57 56
54 57 55 53 56 54 53 52
Spacing Criteria- 1.2

ffi 3
66 62 58
62 57 54
59 53 49
56 50 46
52 45 41
51 61 57 53 50 55 52
46 5S 53 49 46 51 48
55 49 45 42 4a 45
38 51 45 41 38 44 41
50 54 5l 49 53 51 49 48
46 50 47 45 49 47 45 44
42 47 44 42 46 44 42 41
3443 403443 40 38 37
'lotal E fficiency - 64 .8Vo
x .90
x .95
!f?w 5 \r! g a 49 42 38 35 4S 42 3A 35 41 37 35 40 37 U 40 37 34 33 D447.467 CP x .85
9 46 39 34 32 45 3A 34 31 38 34 31 37 34 31 36 33 31 30 ,447.470CPx.75
to 43 36 32 29 42 35 31 29 35 31 2S 34 31 29 34 31 2A 27

ao ?o 5lt 30 lo o D44a.4aA
?o nt 3(' lo 70 50 30 ro 50 30 lo 50 30 lo 50 30 lo o
o 74 74 74 74 72 72 72 72 69 69 69 66 66 66 63 63 63 62 2- t8 V/att Quad Tube
I 70 68 67 65 69 67 65 64 64 63 62 62 61 60 60 59 58 57 Total tumens 2400
2 66 63 60 58 65 62 60 57 @ 58 56 58 56 55 56 55 54 53 Spacing Criteria- 1.3
3 635a555261 57 54 52 56 53 51 54 52 50 53 5i 4948
4 59 54 50 47 58 53 50 47 52 49 ,16 50 4a 46 49 47 45 44 Total Effrciency - 62 .2%
5 55 50 46 43 54 49 45 42 48 45 42 47 44 42 46 43 41 40 D448.489 CP x .90
5 52 46 42 39 51 46 42 39 45 41 39 44 41 38 43 40 38 37 D448'486 CP x .9t
7 49 42 3a 35 4A 42 3a 35 41 37 34 40 37 34 39 36 34 33
a 45 39 34 31 45 38 34 31 38 34 31 37 34 31 36 33 31 30 D444.447 CP x .8t
9 42 35 31 2A 42 35 31 2A 34 31 2A 34 30 2A 33 3A 2a 27 D44a.490CP .75
40 33 28 26 39 32 2A 26 32 28 26 31 2A 25 31 28 25 24

ffi,,w o
70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to
64 64 64 64 62 62 62 62
61 59 57 56 59 58 56 55
50 30
60 60
56 55
lo 50 30 io 50 30 loo
60 57 57 57 55 55 55 54
54 54 53 52 52 51 50 49
2-26 \(/att Quad
Total Lumens J600

57 55 52 50 56 54 52 50
54 51 48 45 53 50 47 4s
51 47 44 41 50 46 43 41
52 50
4A 46
45 43
49 50 49 48 49 4A 47 46
44 47 45 44 46 44 43 42
41 44 42 40 ,13 41 40 39
Spacing Criteria- 1.2
'fotal Effrciency - 53 .7 %

4840 38 47 43 40 37
46 41 37 35 45 40 37 35
43 37 34 31 42 37 33 31
40 34 31 28 39 34 31 28
37 32 2A 26 37 31 2A 26
42 39
39 36
36 33
33 30
31 28
37 41 393740363636
34 39 36 34 38 36 34 33
31 35 33 31 35 32 30 30
28 33 30 2A 32 30 2A 27
26 30 27 25 30 27 25 25
x .90
x .9t
x .85
D449.500 CP x .7t
ro 35 29 26 23 35 29 26 23 29 25 23 2A 25 23 2A 25 23 22

15 ltlarco
lO1 27" C chznoel Consttuction includes a die cast aluminum
hangers plaster frame. Hanger bmckets are vertically
/EM Emergency Bat- adjustable to 1%". Bar hangets, which aft sup-
tery Pack ignites one plied, adjust to 25". Accessory 27" C charmel
Iamp for 90 minutes. hangers are available as /Ol. Ballasr enclosure is
D407 a D447 only. constructed of alumioum. J-Box is pre-wired
/HPF Fot High with ground wire included.
Power Factor see the
appropriate howing Branch Circuit allows maximum 4-Inl4 Out
category. #12/AWG conductors tated at minimum 75
degrees C.

Notmal Power Factor (NPF) is standard. Volt-

age mlrst be specifed. For High Power Factor
(HPF) accessory refer to the HPF section under
rhe appropriate housing catgory.
Input amps and watts can be found on page 5.

2 7 /9 W^tt
DuaI Tirbe
D4O7 (120v/217v
NPF standard)
45O rigallwasher

I T*

Voltage must be
I{PF /t65 $t'allwasher
2- 13
Dual Tube
Watt D447 (t20v 1211v
NPF standard)
D447 1APF131
D447 tllPF132
Ilr- lr-
Voltage must be

2- 18 rvart
D44a (120v/277v
NPF smndard)
485 'Wallwasher
Quad Tube
l20v I

D44g/HPFtAt I
D448 t,tPF182 ItF- l+'
Volage musc be F-17'

I{PF 495 lgallwasher

2-26'l(t^tt D449 (r20v/217v
Quad Tube NPF standard)
o449 tH?F261
277 v
D449 tltPF262
Voltage must be
16 llarco
Rated for use in damp locations and in drrect
contact with insulation. J-Box and ballast ,)
access from below ceiling.
Standard reflector linish is clear specular Alzak'I
\(allwasher is "eyelid" type which directs light
on watl and provides Iittle downlight.

Narrow flat aluminum design finished in low

gloss white.

o' 4. 3' 2' 1' O. l' 2' 3' 4' o'o,1''|.o.1'|'o, D407.450
l' .21 .39 .69 1.12 1.41 1.12 .69 ,39 .21 't,.1.88 1.84 1_95 1.48 1_95 l_84 1_88
2' .23 .34 .,13 .59 .73 .59 .,13 .34 -23 2' t.21 1.17 1,24 1.21 1.24 1.17 1.21 2-9 r00att Dual Tube
3' _21 .51 1.45 2.85 3.9 2.45 1,45 ,51 ,21 3', ,4,02 3,95 4.3 4.O2 4-3 3.95 4.O2 Total Lumens- 1200
4', ,5 1.15 2.25 3,2 3.3 3.2 2.25 1.15 _5 4', .5.7 5.5 5.9 5.7 5_9 5.5 5.7
5' ,46 1_54 2.35 3.3 3.6 3.3 2.35 1.54 _86 5' 5,47 5,7 5,95 5,47 5,95 5.7 5,47
6', 1_04 1.6 2.2 2.64 2.9 2.8 2.2 1.6 1.M 6', 4.A7 5.1 5.5 4.87 5.5 5.1 4.a7
7' .9a 1.4 1.9 2.2 2.35 2.2 1.9 1.4 .98 7', 4.27 4.4s 4.9 4.27 4.9 4.45 4.27

0' 4' 3', 2' 1' 2' 3' I' o'o"t1,o,1,7,o' D44r.465
l' .33 .61 1.1 1,73 2.2 1.73 1-1 .61 .33 r' 3.o 2.75 2.93 3.0 2.93 2.75 3.0
2', _39 .69 1.06 1.76 2.25 1.76 1_06 .69 .39 2'. 3.3 2-5A 2.93 3.3 2.93 2,58 3.3 2- 13 Vatt Dual Tube
3'. .47 1.15 2.83 5.35 7,0 5.35 2.a3 1.15 .47 3' 7.3 7.15 7.4 7.3 7.8 7.15 7.3 Total LDmens- 1800
4', 1.O5 2.25 3.9 5.65 6.5 s.65 3.9 2.25 1.05 4', 8,4 8,8 9,3 a.4 9,3 8,8 8,4
5', 1.65 2.78 3.9 4,65 5,0 4.65 3.9 2.78 1.65 s', 8.5 9.3 9.5 a_5 9.5 9.3 8.5
5', 1.74 2_5 3.25 3.85 4.0 3.85 3.25 2.5 1.78 6' 7.6 7.75 8.3 7.6 8.3 7.75 7.6
r' 1.6 1.95 2.45 2./5 2.9 2.7s 2. 1.95 1.6 ?', 6.2 6.3 6.75 6_2 6.75 6.3 6.2

o' a, 3' 2, t. o' 1' 2, ?' 4' o' o' t' I' o' .r' r' o' D444.445
i' .35 .53 .83 1.51 1.93 1_51 .83 .53 .35 1', 2-97 2.7A 3.O 2,97 3,D 2,78 2,97
2'. .41 .79 1.64 3.58 4.73 3-58 1.64 .79 .41 2' 6.08 5.39 5.83 6.08 5.83 5.39 6.08 2 18 Ii'att Quad Tube
a, .62 1_32 2A0 4.O2 5_5 4.02 2.40 1.32 .62 3', 7.67 6.93 7.32 7.67 7.32 6.93 7.67 TotalLumens-2400
4', .44 1.45 2.76 4,4 5.39 4,4 2,76 1,45 .A4 4', 7.7 7-A7 A.O3 7-7 A,O3 7.87 7.7
5' 1_O3 1.77 2.89 3,91 4_4 3.91 2.89 1.77 1.03 5'. 7.07 7.32 7.65 7.07 7.65 7.32 7.O7
6. 1.24 1.97 2.64 3.22 3.52 3.22 2.64 1.79 1.24 6', 6-24 7-15 6-77 6.24 6.77 7.15 6.24
?' 1.19 1.63 2.18 2,67 3.03 2.67 2.18 1.63 1.19 1'. 5.28 5_17 5.72 5.24 5.72 5.17 5_24

o4,a'2'1'A. l'2.3'4' o'o'I'Iol'l'o' D449.495

t' .45 .66 _S9 1.8 2.32 1.8 .A9 _66 .45 l'33 243 32 33 32 243 33
2', ,56 1,0 1.9A 4,5 6.2 4.5 1.98 1.0 .56 2' 7,57 6,7 7.1 7.57 7.1 6.7 7.57 2 - 26 W'att Quad Tube
a, .74 1.79 3_35 5.2 6.1 5.2 3.35 1.79 .78 3' 9.23 9.05 4.75 9,23 4.75 9.05 9.23 Total Lumens 3600
4', 1.14 1,98 3,45 5.5 6,7 5.5 3.45 1.98 1.14 4', 9.8 9.95 10.6 9.8 10.6 9_95 9_8
5' 1.43 2.36 3_55 4.95 5.5 4.95 3_55 2.36 1,43 5', 9-33 9.75 10.75 9,33 10.75 9.75 9.33
6' 1.63 2.43 3_35 4.05 4.5 4.05 3.35 2.43 1.63 6', 8.23 8.65 935 4.4 935 a_65 4,23
?' 1.53 2,15 2,65 3,15 3.2 3.15 2.65 2.15 1.53 ,' 6,4 7.4 8.0 6.4 8.0 7.4 6.4

17 lrlarco
lOl 27" C channel Construcrion inclLrdes a die cast aluminum
hangers plaster frame. Hanger brackets are vertically
/Ell Emergency Bat- adjustable ro l%". Bat hangers, which are sup-
try Pack ignires one plied, adjust to 25". Accessory 27" C channel
lamp for 90 minutes. hangers are available as /Ol. Ballasr enclosure is
D507 only. constructed of alumioum. f-Box is pre-wired
/HPF For High with ground wire included.
Power Factor see the
appropriatc housing Branch Circuit allows maximum 4-lnl4-Out
cateSory. #12/AWG conducrors rated ac minimum 7t I
degrees C.

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is standard. Volt-
age musr be specified. For High Power Factor
(HPF) accessory refer to the HPF section uoder
rhe appropriate housing caregory.
Input amps and watts can be found on page 5.

NPF 556 Clear Mane

2 - lJ
Dual Ti:be
\Yr'att O5O7 (t2ov l27lv
NPF srandard)
Gold Matcc
Clear Alzak'"
HPF 559 Gold Alzak"'
121)v 560 Clear Alzak'" I
D507/llPFt3t with Baflle.
Volrage musr be

}IPF 975 Clear Marre

2 18 Vact D54a(120v1277v 977 Gold Matce
Quad Tube NPF standard) 978 Clear Alzak'"
HPF 979 Gold Atzak.'
120v 98O Clear Alzak" 17%"
D54a/HPFtat s'ith Baffle.
Volrage musr be l IL-



I{PF 986 Clear Matte

2 26 l .^tt D549 (t20v 1277't 987 Gold Marre
Quad Tube NPF srandard) 9OB Clear Alzak'"
HPF 9a9 Gold Atzak'"
120v 99O Clear Alzak" 1714"
D549/HPF26l with Baflle.
Voltage must
lx l

18 liarco
Rated for use in damp locarions and in dirccc
conracr wirh insularioo. J Box and ballast
access from below ceiling.
Clear Marre Goltl Matre Gol{l Alzak'"
Available in clear and gold matte anodized,
and clear and gold spccular Alzakl' Black baf0e
availablc with clear AIzak"' reflector. Clear
Alzak" maximizes light output and provides
controlled beam partern. Mactc 6n;shcs elim;
nd,( \p<((rdl rm,5ing rnd lamp rele. rron rmrpe

Narrow flat aluminum design finished in low Cle^r Alzak" with

gloss white. Black Baffle

eo' aO 7l' 50 30 lO O D507.5s4

70 50 30 to 70 50 30 to 5l' 30 lo 50 30 ro 50 3l' to o 2 13 \7att Dual Tube
o a7 a7 a7 87 85 85 85 85 81 81 8t 77 77 77 7474 74 73
'Iotal Lumens- 180{)
18280787640747775757473737271 7A 69 68 67
2 747471 6A 76 73 70 6a 70 68 66 6a 66 65 66 65 63 62 Sp^cing Cr;reria 1.1
to' 3 73686461 72 67 64 6t 65 62 60 64 61 59 62 60 58 57
I 69 63 59 s6 6g 62 58 Es 6i 57 55 s9 s6 54 58 55 53 52 Tot^l Effrciency 72.7%
5 65 58 54 50 64 58 53 50 56 52 49 55 52 49 54 51 49 47 D5O7.559 CP x .90
6 6i 54 49 46 60 53 49 46 52 48 45 s1 48 45 50 47 45 44
D5O7.556 CP x .9t
7 5T 494441 56 49 44 40 48 43 40 47 43 4A 46 42 40 39
a 53 45 40 36 52 44 40 36 44 39 36 43 39 36 42 39 36 35 D507.557 CP x .8t
I 49 4i 36 33 48 41 36 33 40 36 32 39 35 32 39 35 32 3l D507.560 CP x .75
ro 46 38 33 29 45 37 32 29 37 32 29 36 32 29 35 32 29 2A

o.ao7o5030roo D54a-97A
70 50 30 IO 70 50 30 rO 5(} 30 IO 50 30 tO 50 30 IO O
2 1B rvatr Quad Tube
o 70 70 70 70 68 68 68 68 65 65 65 62 62 62 60 60 60 58
4' 'I 66 65 63 62 65 64 62 61 61 60 59 59 58 57 57 56 56 55 Tonl Lumens 2400
2 63 61 58 56 62 60 5A 56 58 56 55 56 s5 s3 54 53 52 51 Spacing Crireria l.1
60' 3 60 57 54 52 59 56 53 51 54 52 50 53 51 50 52 50 49 48
e 57 53 50 48 56 52 50 47 51 49 47 50 4a 46 49 47 46 4s Toral Efiiciency-58.1%
5 54 50 46 44 53 49 46 44 4A 45 43 47 45 43 46 44 42 42 D548.979 CP x .9C)
65247434rsl 46 43 41 4a 42 40 44 42 40 44 42 40 39
D544.9?6 x .9t
7 49 43 40 37 48 43 40 37 42 39 37 42 3S 37 41 39 37 36
a 46 40 37 34 45 40 37 34 39 36 34 39 36 34 3S 36 34 33 D544.977 CP x .8t
9 43 38 34 32 43 37 34 32 37 34 31 36 33 31 36 33 31 30
D54A.980 CP x .7t
to 41 35 3i 29 40 35 31 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 2A

s.oo705030too D549.988
7l' 50 30 to ?o 50 30 to 50 30 ro so 3l, ro 50 30 ro o 2 26 \latr Quad Tube
o 66 66 66 66 64 64 64 64 62 62 62 59595957575755 'lbcal Lumcns-1600
r 63 61 59 58 61 60 58 57 57 56 55 55 54 54 53 s3 52 51
2 60 57 54 52 58 56 54 52 54 52 51 52 51 50 51 50 49 48 Spacing Crireria 1.1
60' 3 57 53 50 48 s5 52 s0 47 51 48 47 49 47 46 4A 47 45 44
a 54 50 46 44 53 49 46 44 48 45 53 47 44 43 46 44 42 41 Total Efficiency 5 !.4%
551 46 43 41 50 46 43 4A 45 42 40 44 41 40 43 41 39 38 D549.9a9 CP x .90
6 48 43 40 38 48 43 40 3A 42 39 37 41 39 37 4t 38 37 36
D549.986 CP x .9t
7 46 40 37 35 45 40 37 34 39 36 34 39 36 34 38 36 34 33
8 43 38 34 32 42 37 34 32 37 34 32 36 33 31 36 33 31 31 D549.987 CP x .85
9 41 35 31 29 40 35 31 29 34 31 29 34 31 29 33 31 29 28
D549,990 CP x .75
lo 38 33 29 27 3A 32 29 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 31 2a 27 26

19 Marco
145 2-1" 1 piece b^t Construccion includes a sramped steel plaster
hangers frarne. Hanger brackets are fixed. Bar hangers,
/46 Extender clip for which are supplied, adjust to 22%". Other
2J" off center hanger accessories include 27" I piece bar
mounting hanger /45 and extender clip for 25" off cen-
/Ell Emergency Bat- ter mounting /46. Ballast enclosure is con-
tery Pack ignites one structed of aluminum. J-Box is pre-wired with
lamp for 90 minutes. ground wite included.
D507 only.
/HPF For High Branch Circuit allows maximum 4-Inl4-Out
Power Factor see th # 12IA\(G conductors rated at minimum 7t
appropriate houiing degrees C.
Normai Power Factor (NPF) is scandard. Volr-
age must be specified. For High Power Factor
(HPF) accessory specify /HPF9I (120v) and
lllPFg2 (217 v) .

Input amps and watts can be found on page 5.

IIPF lO Flat Diffuser BB,S

2-7 19 'X,/^tt FilX1 (120v 1277v ll Drop Opal BB,S
Dual Ti:be NPF staodard) 16 Flat Fresnel BB,S
HPF Finish must be
l20v specified
FiIXi /HPFgl
Voltage must be
speci6ed wldlh-1404r"

I{PF l7 Mini-Louver Low Gloss

2-7 /9 \Xlatt FilX1 (120v 1217v !7hire Pain.
Dual Tube NPF standard)
Ftttxt /HPFgr
F Xr /HPF92
Voltage must be

20 Marco
: :


Rated for use in damp locations and in direct

contact with insulation. J-Box and ballast L- -.1
access from below ceiling.
Flat Diffuser Drop Opal Mid-Louver
Lenses provide wide light distribution. Inuvers
reduce glare and increase visual comfort.

Narrow nat aluminurn design. Finish must be

specified (P : I(hire, B : Satin Brass, or
S : Satin Aluminum).

ao7030totoo FIrlXl.ll
ro 50 30 ro ro 50 30 ro so 3n ro 5(' 30 io 50 30 to o 2 9 riratt Dual Tube
o 323232 3231 31 31 31 30 30 30 29 29 4 27 27 27 27
1 29 2A 27 26 28 27 26 25 26 25 24 25 24 24 24 23 23 22 Total Lumens 1200
2 27 242321 26 24 22 21 23 22 20 22 21 20 2t 20 19 19 Spacing Cri.eria- 1.2
3 2422 19 1A 24 21 19 18 20 19 17 20 18 17 19 1a 17 16
423 19 17 15 22 19 17 15 1a 17 15 1a 16 15 17 16 15 14 Total Effrciency - 26.9%
521 17 15 13 20 17 15 13 17 15 13 16 14 13 16 14 13 12 Ft{xt-to cP x l.l0
619 16 14 12 19 16 14 12 15 13 12 15 13 12 14 13 12 11 FHXi.t6 CPx r.10
71A T412 l0 l7 14 12 lO 14 l2 10 13 11 10 13 11 10 I
a 17 13 11 916 13 11 912 10 912 10 912 10 9 8
915 12 10 815 12 10 all I811 9 811 I a 7
lo 14 11 9 714 11 9 710 S 710 A 710 S 7 7

70 so 30 ro 70 so 30 ro 50 30 ro 50 30 to 50 30 to o
o31 31 31 31 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 2A 2A 2A 27 27 27 26
2-9 \Fatt Dual Tube

1 30 29 2A 2A 29 2a 2A 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 24
2 2A 27 26 25 28 26 26 25 26 25 24 25 24 24 24 24 23 23
3 27 25 24 23 26 25 24 23 24 23 22 24 23 22 23 22 ?2 2t
4 26242221 25 23 22 21 23 22 21 22 21 21 22 21 20 20
Total Lumen.s- 1200
Spacing Criteria-.!
' Eff\c\ercy -26.7

5 242221 2024?221 19 21 20 19 21 20 19 21 20 19 19
6 2321 19 1A 23 21 19 1a 20 19 18 20 19 18 20 19 18 l7
722 19 1A 17 22 19 18 17 l9 18 17 19 17 17 la 17 17 16
a21 18 17 16 20 1A 17 16 1a 17 16 18 16 15 17 16 15 15
1' 20 17 16 14 l9 17 15 14 17 15 14 16 15 14 16 15 14 14
to 19 16 15 13 18 16 14 13 t6 14 13 16 14 13 15 14 13 13

2l nalc,o
lO2 25" 7 piece bar Construction includes a sramped sreel plaster
hangers, pair frame. Hanger brackets are fixed. Bar hangers,
/HPF For High which are supplied, adjust to 22%". Accessory
Power Facror see rhe 2t" I piece bar hanger /O2 is available. Ballasc
appropriace housiflg enclosure is constructed of aluminum. J-Box is
cateSory. pre-wired wirh ground wire included.

Branch Circuit allows maximum 4-Inl4-Out

#12lAwc conductors rated at minimum 75
degrees C.

Normal Power Facror (NPF) is standard. Volt-

age must be specined. For High Power Factor
(HPF) accessory specily /HPFtSl (120v) and
lAPFla2 Q77v).
Input amps and watts can be found on page 5.

2- 18 rvatt
FilX21a (Dov l2ltv
20 Flar
Drop Opal
B B' S
E B, S
Quad Ti:be NPF standard) 26 Flat Fresnel lens E B' S
Finish mlrst be

ll *
F X2rAlHPFta2 f 1o54s -ll
speci6ed widrh-18%'

2 - 18 rx/atr
FMX2iA ( Dov /271v
27 Regressed louver low Gloss
V/hire Painr
I llt."",l
Quad Tube NPF standard) 6td'
FMX2r8/HPFla2 IF-10%
P--'*,-+ ______-l
Voltage must be

2 18 \Yr'att
Quad Tube
F X218 (720v/271v
NPF standard)
28 Deep Celt louver Low Gloss
\)7hire Painr

277 v
F X2taiHPFtO2
Voltage must be ?-1or1--------1
specified lflidrh-161^''

22 ll'aJco
Rared lor use in damp locations and in direct
conract with insulation. J-Box and ballast
access from below ceiling.
i,-=-:'j @
Drop Opal Regressed Louver
Lenses providc wide )ighr distribution. Louvrs
reduce glare and increase visuai comfort.

Narrow 0ac aluminum design. Finish must be

spccified (P : Whire, B : Satrn Brass, or
S : Satin AlLrminum).
Decp Ccll Louver

so. ao 70 50 30 to o F X21a.20
70 50 30 lo 70 50 30 io 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to o 2lSVatrQuadTube
o 53 53 53 53 52 52 52 s2 50 50 50 47 47 47 46 46 46 45
I 50 48 47 45 49 47 46 44 45 44 43 43 43 42 42 41 41 40 Total Lumens 2'100
2 46 44 41 39 45 43 41 39 41 40 38 40 38 37 39 37 36 36 Spacing Crireria 1.2
60" J 43 40 37 35 42 39 36 34 38 36 34 37 3s 33 36 34 33 32
TotalEfltciency 44.6%
4 41 36 33 3i 40 36 33 3t 35 32 30 34 32 30 33 31 30 29
5 38 33 30 28 37 33 30 27 32 29 27 31 29 27 3A 28 27 26 FMX2ta.2l CP x .90
5 36 31 28 25 35 30 27 25 30 27 25 29 27 25 2A 26 25 24 FMX2iA.26 CP x r.l0
7 33 28 24 22 32 27 24 22 27 24 22 26 24 22 26 23 22 21
"n. a 31 26 22 2A 3A 25 22 20 ?5 22 20 24 22 2A 24 21 2A 19
9 2S 23 2A 1A 2A 23 20 18 23 20 1S 22 2A 1A 22 19 1A 17
to 27 22 18 16 26 21 18 16 21 18 16 21 18 16 20 i8 16 15

so. ao 70 50 30 to o FMX21a.27
70 50 30 io 70 50 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 to 50 30 to o 218VattQuadTube
o 48 48 48 48 47 47 47 47 45 45 45 43 43 43 41 41 41 40
! 1 45 44 43 42 44 43 42 41 42 41 4a 40403939383837 Lrmns 2,{00
2 4341 39 3A 42 4A 39 37 39 38 37 38 37 36 37 36 35 34 Spacing Crireria- L.3
60' 3 4t 38 36 34 40 37 35 34 36 35 33 35 34 33 34 33 32 32 Tocal Ef6ciency .10.1%
4 38 35 33 31 3s 3s 32 3i 34 32 30 33 31 30 32 31 30 29
5 36 32 30 28 35 32 30 2A 31 29 2A 31 29 27 3A 28 27 27
6 34 30 27 26 33 30 27 26 29 27 25 29 27 25 2A 26 25 24
*" 7 3227252331 27 25 2a 27 24 23 26 24 23 26 24 22 22
a 30252221 29 25 22 21 24 22 20 24 22 20 24 22 20 2A
9 27 23 20 1a 2T 23 20 1A 22 2A 1A 22 20 1A 22 20 1A 1A
10 26 21 18 17 25 21 18 16 20 18 16 20 18 16 20 18 16 16

ao?o5030too FMX2ta-24
70 50 30 .ro 7(, 50 30 ro 50 30 to 50 30 to 30 30 lo o 2- 18 \gatt Quad Tube
o 46 46 46 46 45 45 45 45 43 43 43 41 41 41 39 39 39 38
1434241 40 42 41 40 39 39 39 38 38 37 37 37 36 36 35 Total Lumens 2400
2 41 3A 37 35 40 38 36 35 36 35 34 35 34 33 34 33 33 32 Spacing Criteria- L2
m' 3 38 35 33 31 37 35 33 31 34 32 30 33 31 30 32 31 29 29 Efic;ency l8.l%
4 36 32 30 28 3s 32 30 2g 31 29 27 3a 29 27 29 2a 27 26 Total
5 33 30 27 25 33 29 27 25 29 26 25 28 26 25 27 26 24 24
6 31 28 25 23 31 27 25 23 27 24 23 26 24 23 25 24 22 22
^^ 1 29 25 22 2A 2A 24 22 20 24 22 20 23 21 2A 23 21 2A 19
27 23 2A 1A 2? 22 20 1A 22 20 1a 22 19 18 21 19 18 17
9 2521 18 16 25 21 18 16 20 1A 16 20 1a 16 19 17 16 15
lo 24 l9 16 15 23 19 16 15 19 16 15 1a 16 15 la 16 15 14

21 Marco
lO2 25" I piece b^r Construction includes a stamped steel plaster
hangers, pair frame. Hanger brackets are fixed. Bar hangers,
/HPF For High which are supplied, adjusr ro 22%". Accessory
Power Factor see the 25" 1 piece bar hanger /O2 is availabte. Ballasr
aPpropriate housing enclosure is constructed of aluminum. J-Box is
category, pre-wired with grouod wire included.

Branch Circuit altows maximum 4lnl4-Out

# 12 /AIJ7G conductors rated at minimum 75
degrees C.

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is standard. Volt

age mus. be specified. For High Power Factor
(HPF) accessory speciry /HPF26i (120v) and
lllPF262 (211t).
Input amps and watts can be found on page 5.

2 26 w^tt
FMX22G (t20y 1277v 2O Flat Diffuser c3,s f
Quad Tirbe NPF standard) 2l Drop Opal BB,S
HPF 26 Flat Fresnel BB,S
Finish must be
tux226 t1lPF261

speci6ed widrh-1814' 0
2 26 W^tt
FMX226 (120\ l2t7.t 27 Regressed Louver low Gloss
I Il[ *
Quad Tube NPF srandard) White Painr AYt"
Flnx226 /'ilPF2G1
27 7v
Fliix226 tHPF262 1ll
f--ro5is' -ll
l.- r0r4 _' l
Voltage must be

FilX226 (t20v /277v 28 Deep Cell Louver low Gloss
I ll-*
Quad Tube NPF standard) lshite Paint AYo
217v -ll
F X226/,iPF262 F_ 10%6 _ '_'.ll
Volrage musr be
' roL----ll
speci6ed widrh-18i,6'

24 ilalco
Rated for use in damp locations aod in direct
coora(r wirh insularron. J-Box and ballasr
access from below ceiling.

lenses provide wide light distribution. Iouvers

Flar Diffuser

Drop Opal
Flat Fresnel Regressed Louver

reduce glare aod increase visual comfot.

i!. .. -r -l-1 ,

Narrow flat aluminum design. Finish must be

specified (P : \7hite, B = Satin Brass, or !-:r
S : Satin Aluminum).
Deep Cell louver

aoro5030too F X226.20
70 50 30 10 to 50 30 lo 50 30 to 5it 3i' lo slt 3tt to o 2 26 \(att Quad Tube
,l 49 49 49 49 48 48 4a 4a 46 46 46 44 44 44 42 42 42 41
46 44 43 42 45 43 42 41 42 41 40 40 39 39 39 38 37 37 Total Lumens-3600
2 43 40 3A 36 42 39 38 36 3a 36 35 37 35 34 36 35 34 33 Spacing Criteria- 1.2
3 40 37 34 32 39 36 34 32 35 33 31 34 32 31 33 31 30 29 "total Efltciency - 41.6%
137 3431 29 37 33 30 2A 32 30 2A 31 29 2A 30 29 27 27
53531 28 25 34 30 27 25 29 27 25 29 27 25 2A 26 25 24 FMX226-21 CP x .90
6 33 28 25 23 32 2A 25 23 27 25 23 27 25 23 26 24 23 22 F1 x226.26 CP x 1.10
7 30 26 23 20 30 25 22 20 25 22 m 24 22 m 24 22 20 19
a 242421 19 28 23 20 18 ?3 20 18 22 20 18 22 20 1A 17
9 2722 19 17 26 21 19 17 21 1A 17 21 1a 16 20 18 16 16
10 25 20 17 15 24 20 17 15 19 17 15 19 17 15 19 17 15 14

ao ?o 5030 loo FilX226'27

70 50 30 to ?o 5l' 30 to 50 3t' to 5tt 3(' to 50 30 !o o 2-26 \(att
O,l3 43 43 42 42 42 42 40 40 40 38 38 38 37 37 37 36 Quad Tube
I 40 39 3a 3a 40 39 38 37 37 36 36 36 35 35 35 34 34 33 Total Lumens-3600
2 38 37 35 34 38 36 35 33 35 34 33 34 33 32 33 32 3r 3l Spacing Criteria 1.3
3 36 34 32 30 36 33 32 30 32 31 30 32 30 29 31 30 29 28 'fotal Eficiency -
4 3431 29 2A 34 31 29 2A 30 29 27 29 2A 27 29 28 27 2A 35 .8%
5 32 ?J 27 2s 32 29 27 25 2A 26 25 27 26 25 27 25 24 24
6 30 27 25 23 30 27 24 23 26 24 23 26 24 23 25 24 22 22
, 28252221 2A 24 22 20 24 22 20 23 22 20 23 21 20 20
a 262320 1A 26 22 20 1A 22 20 1A 22 20 l8 21 19 la 1a
9 2521 18 16 24 20 1A 16 20 18 16 20 18 16 19 18 16 16
to 23 19 16 15 22 19 16 15 1a 16 15 1a 16 15 1a 16 15 14

r"r o
70 50 30 to 70 50 30 .to lto 30 lo 50 30 to 50 30 to
43 43 43 43 42 42 42 42
40 40 40 39 39 39 37 37 37 36
2 - 26 $Vatt Quad Tube

41 40 39 38 40
39 36 35 33 38
363331 30 35
3431 28 27 33
37 37 36 36 35 35 35 34 34 33
35 33 32 33 32 32 32 32 31 30
32 30 29 31 30 2A 30 29 2A 27
29 2A 26 29 27 26 28 27 25 25
la'rel I trmen<- 16lXl
Spacing Criteria 1.2
'lotal Efficiency - 36.4%

30 26 24 22 29
2A2421 19 27
2622 19 17 25
21 19
27 25 24 26 25 23 26 24 23 22
25 23 22 25 23 21 24 23 21 21
23 21 19 22 20 19 22 20 19 1A
21 19 17 21 19 17 20 1A 17 18
t 24 20 17 16 24 20 17 16 19 17 15 19 17 15 19 17 15 15
to 231a 16 14 22 1a 16 14 1A 16 14 17 15 14 17 15 14 13

25 llarco
Cylinders are available for wall mounring.
Housings are constructed of heavy extruded
alurninum. Six standard fnishes ate available
for inrerior and exterior use. Ior cleai arodized
under enamel finishes, consult factory.

Dead end circuit with 2- # 12 I Alyy'G conditc-

tols rated at minimlrm 75 degrees C.

Normal Power Factor (NPF) is stardard. Idput

amps and watts can be found on page 5.

Rated for use in wet locations.

Available in either clear or gold specular

1-13 \ratt
Clear Alzak"
Gold Alzak"
P vhite Paint
K Black paint TE
Quad Tlrbe
Sylvania Only
120v NPF Only S
Satin Aluminum
Light Bronze t"I
l{Medium Bronze
D Dark Bronze
Finish must be
UU t_

Clear Alzak" P Vhite
r,"r TT_

Watt Gold Alzak'" Black Paint
Quad Tube
Sylvania Only
120v NPF Only S
Satin Alumioum
Light Bronze lL
lrl Medium Bronze
D Dark Btorue
Fioish muit be
Z! I

26 ]ilerc'o
Cylinders are available for ceiling and pendant Rated for use in damp locations.
mounting. Housings are constructed of heavy
extruded aluminurn. Six srandatd finishes arc Available in either clear or gold specular Alzak.
available for interior and exterior use. For clear
anodized under enamel linishes, consult factory. /31 au d(fre( b;ll "lignrr,ls drgrecr otr
Pendant mounting accessories include: /31 l0 verrical)
degree ball aligner (15 degrees offvertical), /82 /34 Additionai stem length (speci! in inches)
round wedge canopy lor slope ceiling (specify 0- /82 Round v/edge canopy for slope ceiling
l0 degrees maximum), and /34 additional sccm (specify 0 l0 desrees maximum)
length (specify in inches).

Dead end circuit with 2 # 12lA\i7G conductors

rarcd ar minimum 75 degrees C.

Normal Power Faccot (NPF) is standard. lnput

amps and watts can be found on page 5.

cF142-4C Clear Alzak" P Vhire Paint

cFt42,4G Gold Alzrk-" K Black Paiot
1 13 \rhtt l20v NPF Only S Satin Aluminum
Quad Tube L Lighr Bronze
Sylvania Only M Medium Bronzc
D Dark Bronze
Fin;sh must be I
cFt42.6C Clc^r Alzak.' P \Whirc Painr
cFl42.6G Gold Alzak'" K Rlack Painc
l-Il \X/atc 120v NPF Only S S^tin Aluminum
Quad rube L Light Bronze
Sylvania Only M Medium Bronze
D Dark Bronze
Iinish musr be
cFt45.4C Clear Alzak'" P \7hice Print
cFt45.4G K Black Paint
1 ll
V/arr 120v NPF Only S Satin Alurninum
Quad Ti:bc I Lighr Bronze 5 6.q l
SyLvaniN Only M Medium Bronze 3 rqc l
D Dark Bronze
Finish must bc
cFl45.6C Clear Alzak'" P l(/hite Paint
cFr45.6G Gold Alzak" K Black Painr
t-IJ Vy'arr 120v NPF Only S Sarin Aluminum
Quad Tlbe L light Bronze

Sylvania only M Medium Bronzc
24" Pendant D Dark Bronze
Finish must be

Complimenting the most extensive line of PL Ametican traditional, and conremporary. So
fixtures in che industry, Marco offers an exten- whatever decor you're using, we probably have
sive new line ofwall scoflces. the decorative sconce ro go with it.
We dont . all ouhelves rhe PL e:rperrs for Our sconces can be used to compliment our
nothing. downlights in situations like hallways, elevaror
Marco gives you a number ofdesigns to lobbies and other environments where even and
choose from, in rhree different sryles: art deco, continuous illuminarion is required. rVall

- i

28 Marco
sconccs may be inrersperscd wirh PL down- ()1 coursc, ir's only narural rhar you'd get
lrghrs in thr.r
areas pr.\ rJe Jni- exceprional PL sconccs liom the company that
form illuminacion bur also ro cnhance decor. knows everything rherc is ro krow abour PL
Consistent wich oLrr philosophy, Marco offcrs lighcing.
rhis complete family offxtures ro broaden your k's like we've been saying. V/e ve got PL
oprions wirh a single lamp source. 1"har way
color temperarures are aiways in balance.

t-- ,:.:
llI,r ' '.,:

ls -::
i'i :l
4t lll
IIt. .;.1t


29 Marco
wst400 P SThice Painr H 10"
1-13 Warc 120v NPF Only K Black Paint w 8'a"
Dual Tirbe R Polished Brass D 1e/'t"

Finish must be

ws1272 P V/hire Paint jl Ll1h"

I-13 l(att 120v NPF Only K Black Painc w 11"
Dual Tube R Polished Brass D 8Y4"

Finish musr be

wst39r P Vhire Paint H t2%"

1 lJ Vatt 120v NPF Only K Black Paiflt w 91/."
Dual 'Ii,be R Polished Brass D 4t"
Finish musr bc

l0 Marco
ws.t39s P Vhite Paint H t2"
1-13 Sfatt l20v NP! Only K Black Paint W lltt/*"
Quad Tube B Polished Brass a 7v,"
Sylvania Only
Finish must be

urst{t3 P \rhile Painr )l r3'/4'

1-13 $ratt 120v NPF Only K Black Paint w rt'/s"
Dual Tirbe R Polished Brass D 4e/ft"
Finish must be

ws1365 Polished brass and R7"

l-13 \ratt 120v NPF Only acrylic w9"
Dual Tube D 8%"
ursr3aT Milk white glass and H 72V2"
1- 13 Ivatt 120v NPF Only polished brass chanoel W 17"
Dual Tirbe D 6^'

ws7662 P White Paint H aV4"

1-11 \ratt t20v NPF OnIy K Black Paint w t4%"
Dual Tube R Polished Brass a 7%"
Finish must be

33 Marco
BNF2.7 s Satin Aluminum 1-7 \X/att PL Supplied
Bl{F2.9 D Dark Bronze 1-9 rvatt PL Supplied
Bl{F2-t3 l-13 \qatt PL Supplied
Finishes must be
2 7 W^tt PL Supplied
BltF2-2.9 2-9\Watr PL Supplied
l20v NPF only

for 'Wet Locations


8NF3.2.7 s Satin Aluminum 2 7 W^tt PL Supplied

BNF3.2.9 D Dark Bronze 2-9Vl^rt PL Supplied
Bl{F3.2.r3 2-1)'V,/att PL Supplied
Finishes must be 7Wt12
120v NPF only
speci6ed 9Wt5'

for Damp Locatiors

I s,a'l

r Bt{Fr r.7
BNFt t.2.7
s Satin Aluminum
D Dark Btonze
Finishes must be
1 7 \(att PL
2-7 W^t PL
120v NPF only

for \Fet Locations



34 farco
or 8F20.2.13 S Satin Aluminum
D Datk Bronze
Finishes must be
2-11 Vatr PL
120v NPF only

for rvet Locations



!-'- .1

BNFI.7 S Satin Aluminum 1-7 rvatr PL Supplied

BNFI.9 D Dark Bronze 1 9 Wart PL Supplied
BllFl.t3 I 13 \Vatr Pl Supplied
Finishes must be
120v NPF only -,a,rf
for Damp Locarions


BltFr2.7 S Satin Aluminum l-7 lvarr

D Dark Bronze 120v NPF only

Finishes must be
speciSed for Damp Locations

15 llarco
l{Fr Polycarbonate Opal 1-7 liTatt PL A 4%', /35 Maxisecure
NF2 Polycarbonate Opal 1-7 rvatt PL W at/rc" driver
with Maxi-Secure 1-7 Itratt Pl D 4/s" /59 Aluminum
NFPI Polycarbonate 1 7 Vatt PL shtoud (specifu finish:
Prismatic Iamp Supplied P,K,S,L, ,D)
IIFP2 Polycarbonate /7O Cast surface pan
120v NPF Only Prismatic with collar with 4Vz
Maxi-Secure for Damp locations threaded openings
and 3 plugs
/7! Steel surface pan
collar with conven-
ience outlet (speciE,
finish Pr Kr S, L,

1{LF.IP t0ghite I 7 !tratt PL a| 81/s" /21 Pin switch

Uov NPF Only lamp Supplied w 5'A"
D 4%"

fot Damp locations

cFt t.2.9 Black collar with 2-719 WattPL W ll"

cFr r.2.r3 whit diffuser 2-13 lwartPL D 3%"
120v NPF only

for Damp Locations

16 Marco
Hubbll/Lighiing Dlvision
m Sourh wilmingron Avenu e
Los Anseles, catirohia 9ooo1
rert2l3t533-6ssr Fax:1213t s33 3155

6100 Sourh Vilmingron Avenue

Los Angeles, California
Qrl) r83-6ttr

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