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1. Name the organic compound which can be produced by fermentation of sugar?(c 28)
2. Which gas will be evolved if sodium bicarbonate is added to a solution of tartaric acid?(c 28)
3. Name the process by which unsaturated oils are converted into saturated fats?(c-30)
4. What happens when bromine water is added to ethane? Why? (c-31)
5. How many covalent bonds are there in ethane? (7)
(1 mark each)
6. What is denatured alcohol? Why is it done?(u-26)
7. Acetic acid reacts with ethyl alcohol to produce a sweet smelling substance. (a) Name the
product? (b) Give the chemical reaction?(c-27)
8. An organic compound A is a constituent of antifreeze. The compound on heating with oxygen
forms another compound B which has a molecular formula C2 H4 O2. Identify A and B. write the
chemical equation for the formation of B? (u 27)
9. Explain why soaps are not effective cleansing agents in hard water? (c-37)
10. How would you distinguish experimentally b/w an alcohol and a carboxylic acid?(c-36)
(2 marks each)
11. What happens when ethanol reacts with (a) Sodium (b) alkaline potassium permanganate
solution? Write the necessary chemical equations? (c-40)
12. Why does carbon form compounds mainly by covalent bonding? Why do covalent compounds
have low melting and boiling points? What happens when ethanol burns in air give a balanced
13. What is a functional group in a carbon compound? How are they important? Give the principal
behind the cleansing action of soap? (u- 28)
14. What are isomers? Give the structural formula of two isomers of n-pentane?(u -27)
15. How would you name the following compounds?

(3 marks each)
16. What is a homologous series? State any two characteristics of homologous series? (2) (u-32)
How are carboxylic acids different from mineral acids? (1) Describe an activity to show the
formation of ester? (2)

17. (I) Complete the following equation (u-34)

(a) CH3 CH2 OH

(b) CH3COOH + NaHCO3

(c) CH4 + Cl2

(II)Write the names of the following (a)CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 COOH (b) CH3 CH2 CH2 I

(III) Draw the electron dot structure of cyclohexane

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