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Financial Status

PROJECT: OPTCL Project Pkg 4 & Pkg 5

Amount as per As per Assessment Bill Raised in Cr. Balance Billing in
Sl. No. Descriptions contract In Cr. Value Cr.

1 Supply 143.77 149.56 126.10 23.46

2 Civil
Substation 30.94 38.58 22.77 15.81
33 kv line 3.01 3.47 0.00 3.47
11 Kv line 2.04 2.98 0.00 2.98
Source 1.01 1.24 0.00 1.24

3 Erection
Substation 4.82 5.25 0.31 4.94
33 Kv line 3.70 4.06 0.00 4.06
11 Kv line 3.37 4.25 0.00 4.25
Source 0.73 0.67 0.00 0.67

Amount Total 193.39 210.06 148.32 61.74

Progress in % 70.61% 29.39%

payment Status
TOTAL AMOUNT Received in Cr 71.50 Advance +Supply + Civil
Retention 10 % for Supply bill. 8.92 After Handing over the system
Retention 10% for Civil bill. 1.6 After Handing over the system
Retention 15% for Supply 14.21 After Erection & Testing the equipments
Hold Excess Qty Amount for Supply 1.73 Excess Qty Billed amount will be reimbursement after proje
Hold Excess Qty Amount for Civil 4.42 completion
LD for supply+Civil 2.26
NOTE :Status Pending for Payment Recived in April-2016 Month

Payment Term
Supply Erection/Civil
10% Mob. Advance 10% Advance
50 % on Supply 80 % on Erection/work
15% After erection 10% Testing & Commissioning
10% Testing & Commissioning
Statement dt 30.04.2016


Rupees In Crore

e +Supply + Civil
nding over the system
nding over the system

ection & Testing the equipments

Qty Billed amount will be reimbursement after project
6 Month

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