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Thomas Aquinas: ‘The Conception of the Word ‘eception of Craorer Arabic transla Op & wide stale -these inniavations entary marks an imporsant ry, as schlaseicm becerne wpe. The development of the snd systematization aft chacg: a the Knowledge of Ged harms Aquinas 111 se Incellccust vorubulary of his cennaty he was feced eo expos fhe tole of signs in the cowlede of God in the coneed of epistemology thar wn nevertheless etans the {edge hich we have alealy fou tre modeofalagica ty che seuccure and igious know- Transleed inte ean tootgenize conceptual. chs cheory is inverpretet 8 ides, and co some exzent the erentecl unvveete, os che Ke Augustine ext Anselo, Thomas i conctened with the of Rnding the moe: suteble terme in which eo enpten man's knowledge cf linpzetsions on diferent audiences, But abune sll te senccption of the Word, by the aecemp to understand Ged enters the buna sind, fascinated by the wy che Kaw of eecenary odovere seme perceived options ines di cence of ofan logic giew ts of 1213 preveribed theie pomks es candidates for dhe degree of backeio of fais concentrated above all on, fad been treated jaadequaccly by Ais ‘with the significative Fonction of teers fncceesced in why these terms rake difercae subjective» VAAN 12 Thoraas Aquinas the termine of chic Stern ee excramentl reference cf mentat reference they acquire epistemology, peycholoayy cory tended ro muove wi cami a che firse stage when ehey azo used 1a ps ing af a word." Auccter ioelex of wns their development of the fanecioning, sect me fescinecian with auppen! end for nay rel extramental things or evears. TE a anachronistic to déscrtde UNTRR lieve dhe professors in the arts fal th The thevlopiuns wished to ceach Because of ut theological arly fora che with, maniferced most consiteutly on che ‘works inas intcpral a meaner Themis Aquinas 115 es. When soaa has atcertained the prop: Impores ‘names on chem, which sigeify rhese pray denc, che name stops being a mire weed and becornes sign, 9 rari rigifcandi of the thing ie stende for. The ratio significant Ration signiicend inay or ase Wille ingce dan an: smwelves in erore can fed meaning, de im the imposition a each rerm ur concepe denotes 2 snd conveyt ut us gramanat inlividaal oF terminists.4 The termi of terminist ssmantics, which s betes adapted w explain linguistic phenomena such as anztegous, cd syronymou: terns, crcumlocacions, andl complou mesaiage The inability of the modst logicicns 0 provide convincing answers to chese 114 Tamas Aquinas criticians accounts for the relative decline of madiam in the late thirteenth frse fusd, on sophiecal docesines.? ower, ic was precle! ingpite che désesecem of later scholastics congruent need ned interests af the Cheletion Aristotelians wvichio Suhose ranks he bulked so prominently, Modésm was a nny of asceting the prs gad words as sutheati signs of ral béingg, Mexsun was century, One importane fearure ofthis logic aad noc in his logic. While ined clearly che difference herween demonstration anddialesticand while shey assigned full probative rower oaly tathe former. they insisted sha both could he handled syllogisticaly and dhae Thenvs Aquinas 115 the dantain of logic. This isan importanc fact ro keep ia mind, to which they are ass ayrhers sccm to think chey ave, While always reproduce she full contence af emanating From che at thoroughly treintd in lg ares that was required for edrrission eo the rheological course or se mendicanes fecrived an analogous prepa ir own houses of sud ‘mote or less interchangeadly with "rescon'” anc erplaye eyllegieme fe cos structing arguments, particularly che deductive sjilogism, in beth demonstea- Son addi He rank: whese teaching on the tela sey signify concurs wieh bi gist, and metaphysic herras’s lacer medieval c1 netaphystes and with theological discourse."” Yar Thomas's pasician derives CECLLLLLLiLtriLtirtrrrtrrirrIUisgradgL i © the tochnicolices of contemporary eclvola adherenve «0 the sign theory derived from the Augus eongepta for wants a8 icy signs, be endows the naman ways of knowing hy means of concepts with analagous snd romecienes rg new trondrioes the mid-thirecénth cencury. wave of tava cud con be explained by the fe that arnce wae Inu utat, or wee dood by the extropo jes Neoplaserie vel Ar cavse they mace sense to him or bectuse they “were mare reudil) ie unl Megeritic rreditions of ecpresenuatives of the 2° Thomas ccarribated rwo legiel cosamenta ‘A nabypica psteviera snd on part of the Pesbemenial, in addition (his treatises con Arizcorelian ethice, physics, meinpl VAM AAA became justly farmous ia ‘own day fur the exzy lamiliatcg with ieswhich they reveal wus hed © sharon and ic anal a good idea oF is cormet. At the Ihe nade use of ideas derived from orber sources, He drew on Stoic logy, whether by way of exeice Latin authors or as component ofthe newly available Grarse-Arabic tradition. He wasalo open eo laconic influences, both dough other woxks upan which he commented and shroogh che Neopletonie elements in the intespretmtions end commences of his teacher. Thomas preruced @ commentary on the Lib db ceuis, a work nuced to Aristotle Ja she thirteenth centny, by an Arbie author who alse wrote a tra Boechivn's Be bebdnmadidar, a wore combining nism, robebly most impociane -p Thomas cites extensively fdcas thus fod die smology at the poinss wich incisive than the formal logic of Aquinas mic use of signs in the the innppositchers because Thumnas, ual cowing narure of che universe, he does epistemology. Ae George Tinebeck be: views on the fr che vost pare Gut of passoges writings when he discusses the operaticns of the human mind by ay of sllustraing some other question. ‘The only works in which he confines hirasel™ to episcemological questions re is commentary ox Dionysivs's Le Aivin’s Thoin Aquinas togical aspects oF true, coos of Thomas though the body of his choughe is eaceh mony of whom ace anious eo extmpalite Thomist wrenching. oe suisleading io nec exis, escering che 10 prochice at ive powers bu teachings on knowledge ate scarsered reco ic.'? The effect temolouy by & Thomas Aquinas 19 nied. While concepes are dependent on phaatas als cut at which they are constnacted, senscey data y begin co play an effeccual rele in cognition at large re bee processed co permit the extraction of their supply che shemsalves knowledges mediated in Teickewian connctecinns which t see below, draw: frequently. on analogies of the Te parcicular kinds of The presence bin messy eres ‘The subject canoe we unless he is able as for the sake of the ‘Tunas, a8 we shall in Thomas's thenry o in ny kind of requires of the sign ceritade. The role thee Thomas sot of incelleceual assent, except fu the HULL CLL ti rtrtrritrernan Atti a1 VAMAASASAAA 120 Theses Ag ject oieh ¢o express his knewege of the judement makes i capable of being cruc on a coms evel above aret beyond the automatic sigeificacion of Stats Know edge ofthe by duenoneneive ge. Tavs eriente hood ic pesface, because it aflards a keowledge ofthe exsencial nature ofa thing. Ia 1 quiddlity of a thing, one keows cm a preciae sigs of ity # ooh knowledge of rhe world inthe though uf conventional approach is tat i tenes ‘Thomas Aquims 125 loca now necurnl object perfecely, even thoes nce they have mace and caw rake evistatees nec bur impose Him ings. Yer, becaucs these separa alsa clesely amp scares chat thi he knowledge 5 the more intelligible 2 de adegquation o the can be found ifwe avoid either & inteepeecation of Thorn ‘5 metaphysical bias. Betore be sbiec ‘Thomas shaees Ar 10 theorize, be knows a greet deal ie signs 122 Thomas Amvinas whidh permis him so meacase che adoquscy ofa givers incallectasl sign to its cbject # He should nor be confused with postmed:eval empiricists who ascer: Trower sajped was on rin Nek cord hata copeon nce Sturt sofa goa eke Caps o adn tht they de nt Be the ae ey Dejoad Ox pb esl eon sig ery de a eon af uae engi poe consquenc ofthe irapsession de caest organizing, and wen exterding, the mind of man is supposed 10 be able co operate on itso gb recerary to atnte scongly chat Aquinas was es, ine rniad chat whe dea of pure nature is noe found in the tie an inrerpalation which appears w have been by Cardinal Cajetan in the sixteenth cearury.¥ The knowledge of put ofa theological and episternclogical kes shout in diferent ways, lepe ‘on what he hopes to accomplish acthe parsicalar point where he is discuss Troesss Aquinas 123 A fall considenutiun ‘Trornas's perspective ‘Aswwe have seen, these ae signs, based on bis view ctat de origins of msi's knowledge ae lntheprecesse formulating sg, inthe judgment oftrath and in the acquisition of scientife knowledge of nature through signs, Juaman con-

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