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Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

Bifurcation and chaos analysis of a exible rotor

supported by turbulent long journal bearings
Cai-Wan Chang-Jian a, Chao-Kuang Chen b,*

Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, I-Shou University, Ta-shu Hsiang, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan 840, ROC
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 70101, Taiwan

Accepted 5 April 2006


For a more precise description of rotorbearing system, a nonlinear supported model is proposed in this paper, where a
linear damping, a nonlinear elastic restoring force and a turbulent lubricant ow model are assumed. The dynamics of the
rotor center and bearing center are studied. The spatial displacements in the horizontal and vertical directions are con-
sidered for various non-dimensional speed ratios. The dynamic equations are solved using the RungeKutta method. The
analysis methods employed in this study is inclusive of the dynamic trajectories of the rotor center and bearing center,
Poincare maps and bifurcation diagrams. The maximum Lyapunov exponent analysis is also used to identify the onset
of chaotic motion. The numerical results show that the stability of the system varies with the non-dimensional speed
ratios. Specically, it is found that the dynamic behaviors of the system include 2T-periodic, quasi-periodic and chaotic
motions. The modeling results thus obtained by using the method proposed in this paper can be employed to predict the
stability of the rotorbearing system and the undesirable behavior of the rotor and bearing center can be avoided.
2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The high speed journal bearings lubricated with unconventional lubricants of low viscosity give rise to large lm
Reynolds numbers, and therefore the ow of the bearing becomes turbulent, but most applications of the ow of lubri-
cant are assumed to be the laminar ow. To get the most accurate solutions of the dynamic analysis of the rotor
bearing system, the analysis of the ow of lubricant must be simulated as turbulent ow. In 1987, EI Naschie [1] rst
proposed the concept of chaotic turbulence. He introduced the generalized bifurcation and temporal chaos in science
and engineering and then proceeded to show that the localized buckling of elastic shells can be viewed globally as a form
of spacial chaos. He also concluded that localized shell buckling can be interpreted as spacial turbulence of a thin elastic
surface just like the turbulence can be interpreted as spacial temporal deterministic chaos of a uid. In 1962, Constan-
tinescu [2] rst presented a modied Reynolds equation to describe the turbulent lubrication based on the mixing length
concept of Prandtl. In 1967, Elrold and Ng [3] proposed an application to the combined lubricant ow of both
pressure and shear ows. In 1973, Hirs [4] developed a new method, based on the bulk ow concept, by relying on

Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 6 275 7575; fax: +886 6 234 2081.
E-mail address: (C.-K. Chen).

0960-0779/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179 1161


c1 damping coecient of the supported structure

c2 viscous damping of the rotor disk
e X2 Y2
F uid lm force
fe, fu components of the uid lm force in radial and tangential directions
Fx, Fy components of the uid lm force in X- and Y-directions
g acceleration of gravity
k1, k2 stinessess of the springs which support the bearing housings
ks stiness of the shaft
L bearing length
m, m0 masses lumped at the rotor mid-point and bearing housing mid-point
Om center of rotor gravity
O1, O2, O3 geometric center of the bearing, rotor and journal
p pressure distribution in the uid lm
R inner radius of the bearing housing
r radius of the journal
X, Y, Z horizontal, vertical and axial coordinates
x1, y1, x2, y2 X1/c, Y1/c, X2/c, Y2/c
q mass eccentricity of the rotor
/ rotational angle (xt)
x rotational speed of the shaft
u attitude angle
c radial clearance (R  r)
h the angular position
l oil dynamic viscosity
e e/c
s2 x2n

x2n k s =m
b q/c
f ck s

n2 pc
2 Ksm
C om m
cp k1

s21 com cp s2
n1 pc
2 k 1 m0
k 2 c2
a k s C om

the relationships between wall shear stress and mean velocity relative to the wall. In 1986, Hashimoto et al. [5,6]
examined the eects of wear on steady state and dynamic characteristics of the theoretical and experimental methods
under operating conditions including turbulence. In 1987, Capone et al. [7], predicted dynamic characteristics and
stability of a journal bearing in a non-laminar lubrication regime. In 1996, Kumar and Mishra [8] analyzed the stability
of the rigid rotor in turbulent hydrodynamic worn journal bearing. It is also concluded that lower L/D ratios are more
stable for worn bearings. In 1996, Lin [9] investigated the turbulent hydrodynamic lubrication associated with the
lubrication of three-dimensional surface irregularity. In 2000, Lahmar et al. [10] proposed an optimized short bearing
theory for nonlinear dynamic analysis of turbulent journal bearings. They also proved that the turbulent eects on the
dynamic behavior of rotorbearing systems become more signicant as the journal rotational speed increases. The
above researches are all emphasized that the usage of turbulent ow analysis will make the analysis of hydrodynamic
lubrication more approximating the real situations.
1162 C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

When solving the nonlinear systems, they cannot simply be linearized, but should be treated using a nonlinear anal-
ysis. In a rotorbearing system, the hydrodynamic pressure is generated entirely by the motion of the journal and
depends on the viscosity of the lubricating uid. However, the hydrodynamic pressure around the bearing is nonlinear
and hence the uid lm rotorbearing system has a strong nonlinearity. This can cause substantial vibrations of the
rotor and its bearings. The analysis of such systems tends to become complicated. Ehrich [11] studied the bifurcation
of a bearing-rotor system and identied a sub-harmonic vibration phenomenon in the rotors dynamic behavior. In
1978, Holmes et al. [12] published a paper dealing with aperiodic behavior in journal bearings. In 1994, Brown et al.
[13] developed a simple model of a rigid, hydrodynamically supported journal bearing using short bearing theory. It
was shown that the journal behaved chaotically when the rotating unbalance force exceeded the gravitational load.
Adiletta et al. [1416] performed a series of theoretical and experimental investigations of a rigid rotor in short bearings
and showed that the rotor underwent sub-harmonic, quasi-periodic and chaotic motion at particular values of the sys-
tem parameters. At certain system parameter values, many deterministic physical systems exhibit complex aperiodic
behavior with strange attractor tendencies indicative of chaotic motion. If a system falls into chaos, its behavior is dif-
cult to predict and control. Hence, identifying chaotic motion and taking steps to avoid generating the conditions
which induce it is highly important.
In this paper, the vibration of a exible rotor supported by two turbulent journal bearings with nonlinear suspension is
studied. To simplify the computations, this study assumes the journal bearing to be a so called long bearing. The dynamic
equations are solved using the RungeKutta method. The dynamic trajectories of the rotor and bearing center, Poincare maps,
bifurcation diagrams and the maximum Lyapunov exponent are applied to analyze the rotorbearing system.

2. Mathematical modelling

To analyze this rotorbearing system, the following assumptions are made:

(a) the rotor mass and the bearing mass are lumped at the mid-point;
(b) the rotor, bearing and the support of bearing housing are radially symmetric;
(c) the shaft and bearing housing are rigid;
(d) axial and torsional vibrations are negligible;
(e) uid-lm forces are determined by the modied turbulent Reynolds equation, and the long bearing approxima-
tion is applicable;
(f) the mass of shaft and the torque of rotor disk are negligible.

Fig. 1 shows a exible rotor supported horizontally by two identical and aligned turbulent long journal bearings with
nonlinear springs. Om is the center of rotor gravity, O1 is the geometric center of the bearing, O2 is the geometric center

Fig. 1. Model of a exible rotor supported by two turbulent journal bearings.

C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179 1163

fe Y
O1 e O3 X
R O2

f O3
oil film
O1 X3 X2

Fig. 2. Cross-section of a uid lm journal bearing.

of the rotor, O3 is the geometric center of the journal. Fig. 2 shows the cross-section of the uid lm journal bearing
where (X, Y) is the xed coordinate and (e, u) is the rotated coordinate, e being the oset of the journal center and u
being the attitude angle of the X-coordinate. From the equilibrium of force, the forces applied to the journal center O3
F x fe cos u fu sin u k s X 2  X 3 =2 1
F y fe sin u  fu cos u k s Y 2  Y 3 =2 2
where fe and fu are the resulting viscous damping forces in the radial and tangential directions.
The equations of motion of O2 in the Cartesian coordinates and the equations of motion of the bearing center could
be written as
mX 2 c2 X_ 2 k s X 2  X 3 mqx2 cos / 3
mY 2 c2 Y_ 2 k s Y 2  Y 3 mqx2 sin /  mg 4
m0 X 1 c1 X_ 1 k 1 X 1 k 2 X 31 F x 5
m0 Y 1 c1 Y_ 1 k 1 Y 1 k 2 Y 3 m0 g F y
1 6
where g is the acceleration of gravity, Fx and Fy are the components of the uid lm forces.
In this study, the turbulent Reynolds equation and the long bearing assumption is used. The dynamic turbulent Rey-
nolds equation in the theory of hydrodynamic lubrication may be written as
o h3 Gh op o h3 Gz op U oh oh
ox l ox oz l oz 2 ox ot
where G1h 12 0:0260Re 0:8265 , G1z 12 0:0198Re 0:741 [2], h = c(1 + e cos(c  u(t))) = c(1 + e cos h), oh
 ceR sin h,
c_ cos h ceu_ sin h, x = Rh, U = Rx, e e
and Re * is local Reynolds number Re qUh. Thus Reynolds equation
ot c l
can be rewritten as
o h Gh op o h3 Gz op
6xce sin h 12c_e cos h ceu_ sin h 8
R2 oh l oh oz l oz
Using the long bearing approximation oh  op oz
, and then we can set op oz
0. The following equation can be
o op 6lxR2 e sin h 12R2 l_e cos h eu_ sin h
1 e cos h3 9
oh oh c2 Gh
The pressure distribution around the bearing is introduced
p p 1 p 2 c2 10
1164 C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

1e tan h
_ tan h1 1e2 1=22
6e6xR2 le 12R2 leu
1 B 6xR2 le  12R2 leu1
_ 2e2 sin h
p1 2 B
2c Gh @ 1 e2 5=2
1 e2 1 e cos h

2 2
_ sin hC
12R l_e1 e e6xR le 12R leu C
2 2
e1 e2 1 e cos h2

1e tan h2
2 e2 tan h1 1e2 1=2 e4 e2  3e cos h sin h
1 e2 5=2 21 e2 2 1 e cos h2

12R2 l_e
2c2 Gh e1 e2

The resulting damping forces about the journal center in the radial and tangential directions are determined by inte-
grating Eq. (10) over the area of the journal sleeve
Z L Z 2p
fe F cos u r p1 p2 c2 cos h dh dz 11
0 0
Z L Z 2p
fu F sin u r p1 p2 c2 sin h dh dz 12
0 0

Substituting Eqs. (11) and (12) into Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively, enables the values of Fx and Fy to obtained. Let
8   9
1 1e tan 2
> 2 2 >
1 <36xR le tan h 1e2 1=2 2
6xR le1 2e sin h 2 2
6xR le sin h =
2c2 Gh >
> 1 e2 5=2 1 e2 2 1 e cos h 1 e2 1 e cos h2 >
: ;
1e tan h2
2 e2 tanh1 1e2 1=2 e4 e2  3e cos h sin h

1 e2 5=2 21 e2 2 1 e cos h2
8   9
1 1e tan 2
> 2 2
72R le tan h >
1 < 2
1e 1=2 2 2
12R le1 2e sin h 2
12R le sin h =
b2 2 
2c Gh >
> 1 e2 5=2
1 e2 1 e cos h 1 e2 1 e cos h >
2 2
: ;
" #
1 12R2 l1 e2 12R2 l
2c2 Gh e1 e2 1 e cos h2 e1 e2

Therefore Fx and Fy could be rewritten as

Z 2p Z 2p
Fx  b1 b2 u_ b3 e_ LR cos h dh cos u b1 b2 u_ b3 e_ LR sin h dh sin u
0 0

ck s x2  x1  e cos u
Z 2p Z 2p
Fy  b1 b2 u_ b3 e_ LR cos h dh sin u  b1 b2 u_ b3 e_ LR sin h dh cos u
0 0

ck s y 2  y 1  e sin u
C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179 1165

Z 2p
c1 sin h sin u  cos h cos ub1 LR dh
Z0 2p
c2 sin h sin u  cos h cos ub2 LR dh
Z0 2p
c3 sin h sin u  cos h cos ub3 LR dh
Z0 2p
c4 cos h sin u sin h cos ub1 LR dh
Z0 2p
c5 cos h sin u sin h cos ub2 LR dh
Z0 2p
c6 cos h sin u sin h cos ub3 LR dh

cK p x2  x1  e cos u
F x c1 c2 u_ c3 e_ 15
cK p y 2  y 1  e sin u
F y c4  c5 u_  c6 e_ 16
From Eqs. (15) and (16), e_ and u_ can be obtained

cK p x2  x1  e cos u cK p y 2  y 1  e sin u
c5  c1  c2   c4
2 2
e_ 17
c3 c5  c2 c6

cK p x2  x1  e cos u cK p y 2  y 1  e sin u
c6  c1  c3   c4
2 2
u_ 18
c2 c6  c3 c5
Then Eqs. (1) and (2)(6) become

cK p x2  x1  e cos u cK p y 2  y 1  e sin u
c5  c1  c2   c4
2 2
e0 19
c3 c5  c2 c6 x

cK p x2  x1  e cos u cK p y 2  y 1  e sin u
c6  c1  c3   c4
2 2
u0 20
c2 c6  c3 c5 x

2n1 0 1 a 1
x001 x1 2 x1 2 x31  x2  x1  e cos u 0 21
s1 s1 s 2C om s2
2n 1 a 1 f
y 001 1 y 01 2 y 1 2 y 31  y  y 1  e sin u 2 0 22
s1 s1 s 2C om s2 2 s
2n 1
x002 2 x02 2 x2  x1  e cos u b cos / 23
s s
2n 1 f
y 002 2 y 02 2 y 2  y 1  e sin u b sin /  2 24
s s s
Eqs. (19)(24) describe a nonlinear dynamic system. The approximate solution of these coupled nonlinear dierential
equations can be obtained by numerical methods.

3. Results and discussion

The numerical analysis is carried out by using the RungeKutta method. In this study, the time step for direct
numerical integration is specied as p/300. Note that the time series data of the rst 800 revolutions of the rotor are
deliberately excluded from the dynamic behavior investigation to ensure that the data used corresponds to the steady
state. The following values for the non-dimensional parameters are used:
n1 0:0525; n2 0:026; f 0:2; C p1 2:0; C om 0:125:
1166 C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

Fig. 3.1. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 0.35.

Fig. 3.2. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 0.36.

Fig. 3.3. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 0.75.

Fig. 3.4. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.1.
C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179 1167

Fig. 3.5. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.12.

Fig. 3.6. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.46.

Fig. 3.7. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.47.

Fig. 3.8. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.48.
1168 C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

Fig. 3.9. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.49.

Fig. 3.10. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.5.

Fig. 3.11. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.51.

Fig. 3.12. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.6.
C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179 1169

Fig. 3.13. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 1.68.

Fig. 3.14. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 3.25.

Fig. 3.15. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 3.26.

Fig. 3.16. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 3.27.
1170 C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

Fig. 3.17. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 3.28.

Fig. 3.18. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 3.41.

Fig. 3.19. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 3.42.

Fig. 3.20. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 4.
C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179 1171

Fig. 3.21. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 4.28.

Fig. 3.22. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 4.29.

Fig. 3.23. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 5.

Fig. 3.24. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 6.
1172 C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

Fig. 3.25. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 7.

Fig. 3.26. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 8.

Fig. 3.27. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 8.3.

Fig. 3.28. Trajectory and Poincare maps of bearing centre and rotor centre at s = 8.4.
C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179 1173

Fig. 4(a). Bifurcation diagrams of bearing center and rotor center in the horizontal and vertical direction.
1174 C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

Fig. 4(b)(e). Local bifurcation diagrams of bearing center and rotor center in the horizontal and vertical direction.
C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179 1175

Fig. 4(b)(e) (continued)

1176 C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

Fig. 4(b)(e) (continued)

C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179 1177

Fig. 4(b)(e) (continued)

1178 C.-W. Chang-Jian, C.-K. Chen / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 11601179

There are four methods including the dynamic trajectories, Poincare maps, bifurcation diagrams and the maximum
Lyapunov exponent are applied to analyze the dynamical system. These feature properties are all used together to deter-
mine the onset conditions for chaotic motion. The dynamic trajectories can only be used to distinguish whether the sys-
tem is periodic or non-periodic but it cannot provide enough information to determine the onset for chaotic motion.
Therefore the usage of other analytical methods are necessary. The Poincare section is a hyper-surface in the state space
transverse to the ow of a given system. In non-autonomous systems, points on the Poincare section represent the re-
turn points of the time series at a constant interval T, where T is the driving period of the exciting force. The projection
of a Poincare section on the x1(nT)  y1(nT) and x2(nT)  y2(nT) planes are referred to as the Poincare map of the dy-
namic system. A bifurcation diagram provides a summary of the essential dynamics of the rotorbearing system and is
therefore a useful way of observing nonlinear dynamic behavior. To generate a bifurcation diagram, the rotor speed
ratio is varied with a constant step and the state variables at the end of one integration step are used as the initial values
for the next step. The variations of the x1(nT), y1(nT), x2(nT) and y2(nT) coordinates of the return points in the Poincare
map with the speed ratio are then plotted to form the bifurcation diagram. In order to identify the onset of chaotic
motion precisely, the Lyapunov exponent can be used to detect the conditions which may lead to chaotic motion.
Figs. 3.1(a)3.6(d) show the dynamic trajectories and Poincare maps of bearing center and rotor center at speed ratio
s = 0.35, 0.36, 0.75, 1.1, 1.12 and 1.46 respectively. According to the results, it is observed that the system is periodic or
2T-periodic at low rotational speed. As the rotational speed ratio is greater to s = 1.47, the dynamic trajectories are
non-periodic and the Poincare map show that the system is quasi-periodic in Figs. 3.7(a)(d). The system is still
quasi-periodic at s = 1.48, 1.49 and 1.5 in Figs. 3.83.10. The system is distinguished as chaotic at s = 1.51, 1.6 and
1.68 from the Figs. 3.113.13. The dynamic trajectories and the Poincare maps show that it is disorder and it is chaotic.
Fig. 3.14(a)(d) are the dynamic orbits and the Poincare maps at s = 3.25 and it demonstrates that the system is peri-
odic. When the speed ratios become greater at s = 3.26, 3.27, 3.28 and 3.41, the system gets into chaotic again, but it is
back to 2T-periodic at s = 3.42, 4, 4.28, 4.29, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8.3 and 8.4 (see Figs. 3.153.28).
Fig. 4(a) are the bifurcation diagrams of the bearing and rotor center in the horizontal and vertical direction and
Figs. 4(b)(e) are the local bifurcation diagrams of the bearing and rotor center in the horizontal and vertical direction.

Fig. 5. Maximum Lyapunov exponent plotted as a function of the number of drive cycles at dierent speed ratios.
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The results show that the system is stable at low speed s < 1.47 and it becomes aperiodic at s = 1.471.68. As the rota-
tional speed is greater, the system is periodic at s = 1.693.25. The system gets into chaotic again at s = 3.263.41, but it
becomes 2T-periodic after the rotational speed ratio s > 3.41. Until s > 8.4, the system becomes unstable again. Fig. 5
show the maximum Lyapunov exponent diagrams at s = 1.48, 1.5, 1.51, 1.68, 3.26 and 3.41 to ensure that which one is
at chaotic. The maximum Lyapunov exponent is positive and it demonstrates that the system is chaotic at s = 1.48, 1.5,
1.51, 1.68, 3.26 and 3.41. Compare the results of the gures of dynamic trajectories, Poincare section, bifurcation dia-
grams and the Lyapunov exponent, it is found that the results are corresponding one another.

4. Conclusion

This paper presents the nonlinear dynamic analysis of a rotorbearing system comprising a exible rotor supported
by two turbulent journal bearings. Dynamic trajectories, Poincare maps, bifurcation diagrams, and the maximum
Lyapunov exponent have been employed to explore the complete picture of the system behaviors. The modeling results
obtained from the above four analysis methods are in good agreement with one another, and it is found many inter-
esting dynamic phenomena including aperiodic trajectories, quasi-periodic and sub-harmonic phenomena. It is also
shown that the dynamic trajectory is gradually developed into chaos for some specic speed ratios. The modeling results
also indicate that the chaotic motion may occur at s = 1.48, 1.5, 1.51, 1.68, 3.26 and 3.41. The results developed in this
study allow suitable system parameters to be specied such that the rotor center trajectory and the bearing center tra-
jectory avoid undesirable behavior, hence increasing the system life.


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