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Jaddin Thomas

9th Grade Humanities

Ms. Shirk

April 19, 2017

Shakespeare will Thrive!

The high school curriculums are changing and there has been an ongoing debate whether

shakespeare stays or goes. This debate is very important determining the content and structure of class.

Shakespeare has written about many eras, content and topics that have inspired and taught an array of

people ranging from rich to poor. To leave Shakespeare to rest in peace shouldnt be an option as he has

been relevant for the past 400 years. Shakespeare is relevant and will stay relevant as he shows

knowledge of the modern human interactions, diversity in his work and has challenges readers

understanding and analyzations of his content.

Shakespeare has shown he knows what humans feels and how they acknowledge one another. His

plays represent certain aspects that arent in movies, but have been experienced in real life. So what

Shakespeare wrote 450 years ago is not applicable to her teaching today? Ethnically diverse students

dont foolishly fall in love and over-dramatize every facet of that experience? Or feel jealousy or rage? Or

fall victim to discrimination? Or act desperately out of passion? To dismiss Shakespeare on the grounds

that life 450 years ago has no relation to life today is to dismiss every religious text, every piece of ancient

mythology Shakespeare has connected to the generic view of love and relationship, showing all the

stages that real relationships go through. The writer uses emotion to connect with the reader and persuade

them that Shakespeare is needed as he is relatable to the everyday teen. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare

creates a storyline that has the young couple acting desperately out of passion. Seeing there first love in

danger pushes them to dramatic measures and eventually killing themselves to be with each other

eternally. There have been people that have experienced this first hand, as there love has passed or have

gone in harm's way and they sacrifice themselves their are also others that fall in deep depression and are

affected long term. While Shakespeare exaggerates his love stories the author is not exaggerating the way

Shakespeares readers relate to his work. Readers cling to these stories as they are their own stories
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within the dramatized plots of Shakespeare and so many people can relate to the diverse plots that have

been produced by the Bard.

From Romeo and Juliet to Othello and for Macbeth to Twelfth Night; Shakespeare has proven

himself time and time again that he deserves to be apart of our history books. When the general Othello,

who has lived a life full of valor and who has experience far beyond and far greater than those of his men,

still falls victim to lagos head games for no other reason than that he is different, an other, and cant quite

forget that, no matter his accomplishments, we empathize precisely because weve been there.

Acknowledging that we empathize precisely because weve been there manipulates your emotions to

feel empathy not only for Othello but also Shakespeare, as he is being victimized by Dana Dusbiber and

others who are trying to get him out of the schools curriculum. The story of Othello and how he was high

and mighty, experiencing more and better than any other and everything changes when he has falls

victim to lagos head games. Knowing that someone could be controlled by a higher power even though

they have done nothing wrong is something a lot of people have connected to.

The Bard is a very flowery and whimsical writer, using Elizabethan language is very beautiful

but, is not easily understood. Ms.Dusbibers argument is largely reductive, and it turns the english

classroom into a place where no one should be challenged or asked to step out of there comfort zone,

where we should not look beyond ourselves. I,however, think english class is the perfect place to push

and prod and even piss off students sometimes, and I cant do that if Im only holding up a mirror.

Windows are good, too. Confronting another person that disagrees with them and throwing all of this

onto them is very influential. Stating that Dusbiber wants her students to only teach her kids literature

definitely starts conversation. Especially when you comeback with an intense explanation for your

counterargument such as this one. People feel empowered when you hear words and phrases like, push

and prod and even piss of students, or how I cant do that if Im only holding up a mirror. This was a

great way to end the piece as it leaves you thinking about how you learn and develop. Learning the

language that shakespeare wrote in and reading about different people helps expand our learning. You

realize things you didnt know before. You relate to people you never thought you could. Yes, this quote

focuses on the reading of different people, but if you only read in the style that is solely from your
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generation and style of reading you throw this other part of the world away because you only wanted to

see a mirror instead of looking around. Shakespeare has given us many windows some show a new part of

us but other let you explore, this is why shakespeare is still relevant and will be for centuries to come.

Teachers and students have made it clear they believe William Shakespeare is not relevant

anymore and that he has grown out of the high school curriculum but there is so much to learn from

Shakespeares work. He has created an image and is the most famous poet from his time maybe even all

time, producing stories based on the human condition, taking different interactions and fabricating

storylines from them, creating diverse and different plots all the time, and growing your skills in

literature. It would be a great shame to stop teaching shakespeare in class, if one decides not to teach

Shakespeare it is their choice but giving shakespeare is the least we can do as he has given us so much.

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