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Easylearns EAL Vocabulary sheets are aimed at those children and students
who are New to English and need to learn common words quickly. They are
excellent as consolidation for spoken English work. These ten free sheets
provide opportunities for pupils to write, spell and learn the most useful
clothes words, based on research undertaken in schools.

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from! If enough teachers like them, well make more available.

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l i ck he
Circle then write.

ship shoes shirt sh]s

trousers skirt table

shorts cap cat

scarf spoon skirt

glue gloves girl

pants dress plate

shoes sheep shirt

spoon shoes scarf

sweater hat shelf

socks shorts shoes

book boots dress

Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 1
Circle then write.

cap coat car

shoes socks sink

t-shirt tea trousers

shorts shoes soup

jug gloves jeans

hat coat pen

book boots bag

dress vest desk

jacket jeans sweater

skirt vest van

t-shirt tea tie

hand hat hoodie

Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 2
Write a word.

cap shirt coat tie

dress sweater scarf

Kaspar has a .

Bartek has a .

Nika has a .

Bence has a .

Lotte has a .

Ali has a .

Luka has a .

Teachers notes 1. The non-vocabulary words used on this sheet are names plus the words a and has. 2. Only singular nouns are used on this sheet.
Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 3
Write a word.

t-shirt trousers shorts socks

boots jacket skirt

Francesco is wearing a .

Karan is wearing .

Busra is wearing a .

Lucia is wearing a .

Anna is wearing .

Jakub is wearing .

Aditya is wearing .
Teachers notes 1. The non-vocabulary words used on this sheet are names plus the words a, is and wearing.
2. Singular and plural nouns are used on this sheet.
Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 4
Write a word.

hoodie hat jeans shoes

vest pants gloves

Karlo puts his on.

Milena puts her on.

Tomas takes his off.

Nikos puts his on.

Clara takes her off.

Lucas puts his on.

Khawla puts her on.

Teachers note: The non-vocabulary words used on this sheet are names plus the words her, his, off, on, puts and takes.
Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 5
boots cap coat dress gloves hat jacket
jeans sweater pants scarf shoes shorts shirt
skirt socks hoodie tie t-shirt trousers vest
Write the words.

Teachers note: Remove the top of the page if you want the pupil to write without a model.
Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 6
Write a sentence for each picture.

I p[u[t m[y h]a[t on.


Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 7

Write a sentence for each picture.


Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 8

Draw a picture of yourself.
My Clothes


Write sentences.
My Clothes

I a[m ]a[ri[n]g

Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 9

Words I am Learning

coat t-shirt socks

shoes hat trousers

cap sweater shorts

boots pants shirt

dress tie vest

scarf hoodie gloves

jacket skirt jeans

Copyright Easylearn 2014 Special EAL vocabulary sheets (clothes) Page 10

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