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Determinando mi entorno empresarial

Countable nouns

Countable nouns are those subjects, objects and ideas that you can count. In other words,
you can establish a number or unit for them. For example:

The word peach-palm The word company (one The word plane (one
(one peach-palm, two company, two plane, two planes).
peach-palmes). companies).

A precise definition about countable nouns would be that they are words you can
count without assigning another word that indicates its quantity. Thats why we
can talk about one, two, three
a computer.

a chair.

a desk

an apple

two pencils

two cups
The Indefinite articles "a" or "an" are used with countable nouns in the singular form
to indicate a person, animal or thing. It may also be preceded by numbers, by the
definite article the, or by demonstrative and possessive adjectives.

I have two strategic partners.

He gave him two exotic fruits.

This is my car.

Our money is here.

Uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns are those subjects, objects or ideas that you cannot count
because you cant divide them into separate elements.

Sugar, I cannot say one

sugar, two sugars.

Rice, I cannot say one

rice, two rices.

Water, I cannot say one

water, two waters.
Some characteristics of uncountable nouns are that they dont have a plural form,
they cant be counted and they cant be used with the indefinite articles (a/an).
Instead, they can be preceded by the definite article the, by possessive and
demonstrative adjectives in its singular form (this or that) and by some modifier. For

A slice of bread

A box of milk

A glass of juice

Since it does not allow plural form, in case it is necessary, the modifier may go in the
plural form. Examples:

Three slices of bread

Two boxes of milk

Six glasses of juice

You have to take into account that countable and uncountable nouns may be
accompanied by the words: a, the, some, any, much, many, a lot of, enough, these,
those, that, this. Examples:

She buys some shoes.

Is there any sugar?

There is enough milk to prepare

Besides, there are some quantifiers that can be used with countable and uncountable
nouns such as, much, many, some, any, how much, how many, few, a few, little, a lot
of, lots of. Examples:

There are not many avocados (No hay muchos aguacates)

There is no enough flour (No hay suficiente harina)

There are a few cups. (Hay unos pocos pocillos)

There is little money. (Hay poco dinero)

The new company has many strategic partners. (La nueva

empresa tiene muchos socios estratgicos.)

How many bottles of milk do you have? (Cuntas botellas de

leche tienes?)


Moreno, F. (2008). "An Interactive Reading Comprehension Course".

Proyecto web. Consultado el 26 de octubre de 2013, en:
n.htm fecha) Sustantivos contables e incontables. Bajo

licencia EULA. Consultado el 26 de octubre en:

Autores Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha

Instructor Centro de
Csar Augusto
ingls Automatizacin Octubre 26
Marn Jaramillo
Industrial de 2013
Regional Caldas
Juan David Octubre 30
Mendieta de 2013

John Jairo
Octubre 30
Alvarado Guionista
de 2013
Revisin Centro de Diseo e
Lder lnea Tecnolgica Industrial
Andrs Felipe Octubre 30
de Regional Risaralda.
Valencia Pimienta de 2013

Carolina Octubre 30
Chaparro de 2013
Octubre 30
Pavel Morales ingls
de 2013

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