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The Boost! SkillsSeriesis the definitive ond comprehensivefour-

level seriesof skills books for junior English leorners.The series
hos been developedoround oge-oppropriote,cross-curriculor
topics thot developstudents'criticol thinking ond exominotion
techniques.It follows on integroted skills opprooch with eoch of
the skills brought together ot the end of eoch unit.

The twelve core units in Boost! Writing 1 follow o cleor ond

tronsporent structureto moke teoching and leorning eosyond
fun. The writing skills build ond progressocrossthe four levelsof
Boost! Writing ond ore correlotedto the next generotion of tests
of English.

You will find the following in Boost! Writing 1:

o Age-opproprioteand cross-curriculortopics
N Models of good writing os well os exomplesof bod writing"
. Writing procticethot builds from sentenceond porogroph
levelsto full-lengthpossoges
. Activities thot provide qn opportunity to creoteo wide voriety
of text Wpes(essoys,letters,emoils, etc.)
&$mXt Sf,{nfl
Eachunithasan age-appropriate of the targeted
A verysimpleintroduction
cross-curricular unitskillis provided.
Studentswill Studentswill
& findthetopicdirectlyrelatesto their & be introduced to the writing
own livesandstudy. skillin a clearand
a be engagedand motivated to learn. understandable way.

oer os r'lh 5Fo

J r F G o ' A - e rr e s d n o
ilr'""*,,t" *a p' spaces between

yo- tffi
ott*' t^* nclies? newrite each senten(c
us'ng 'aPrrdl letlets'
rpa(es and ptiods
in the rigl

.--t" t-'***- Ii:
-t I I hi mynomes scot
i ili hiy ra're i3 ttcl'j

w ?t:


mymotherito singerond myfother


%l-#-"';h'*:"'d l'

idon t hoveonY broth6oi$sers

idon't like reodingbooks


l 5 myfdvorite schoohublectb


n? t10


Kefore YoaxWnX*e
Samplesof goodand badwritingarepresented
a noticingtask.
betweengoodand badwriting.
a learnto distinguish
& discoverthe writingskillfor themselves
withoutthe needfor longexplanations.
TheCD at the backof the StudentBook
providesaudiosupportfor all readingpassages
plusthe audiofor the Integration tasks.
FN'act&ce Thewritingskillis combinedwith listening,
Practicebasedarounda writingmodelis followed or speaking
by morepersonalized
writingpractice. Studentswill
Studentswill & producewritingpassagesbasedon reading
* developthe skillsneededfor accurateand andspeaking/listening inputs.
writingthroughmodel-based practice. & developlanguage skillsneededfor the next
t be ableto followguidanceto writetheirown generationof integratedtestsof English.

Hello therl My

My fother t

ry -hLJ

m @- *ad the sanlen{s frod Activity t

or pase {1 ic . .lassmatand wriie

down e:(t other'r 5enlence$.

Q co.rrntu

,t i'***'"" "o.,,,,o,,o.nn,o.,
rn rhe !ntrpd

KevXew, Jrole\

r*tr. lenten.F.bour
ea(h pi(tute
ur'n9 fhf dord! g'!en
Aftereverytwo coreunits .+" "
-.m * ' i;"o^*""""u'" honttro!tus,
sh%s old
thereis a reviewwhich ' ' t' ''

Q r"".ir" ,t" "" ' ;:::i*'

consolidates the writino ,."r"n.*. -.
".oye,n two

skillsalreadystudied. p.rag,aph5,

be ableto seetheir
progressin using
buildon previously
CDScript p.92
All About Me

SUBJECT Art and Literature

WRITINGSKILT Writing clearlyin English

WRITINGTASK Write sentencesabout yourself.

Writing clearlyin English

To do this,you needto do the following:
you needto write clear'ly.
To wnitewellin English,
1 Use CAPITALlettens.You shouldalwaysuse a capitalfor'
. the finst lettenof the f irst wond in a sentence [His familywas big.).
. the pronoun,I lMary and I went to the store.).
. the finst letter in the names of peoplelBob Smithl and places(Sydney, Australia).
. the finst letter in the namesof languagesand nationalities[Chinese).
. the finstlettenin the first, last and all impontantwondsin the titles of movies(TheLion,
the Wtch and the Wardrobe) and books (Forever in B/uel.
2 Use punctuation.Youshoulduse
. a peniod[.]to show whenea sentencefinishes[The cat was big.).
. a questionmark [?] at the end of a questionlWas your lunchgood?).
o an exclamationmank[!]to add emphasisto a sentence[The movie was so scary!).

3 Use spaces.Youshould
. leaveone space between each wond [He is good. not Heisgood.).
. leaveone space aften a punctuationmank(He is smart, isn't he?not He is smart,isn'the?).
. not leavea space betweena word and a punctuationmanklHe is nice.not He is nice .).

1. Hi. My nome is foy. 4 . I hove o younger sister.

2. I comefrom Koreo. 5 . My fovorite sport is soccer.
3. My mother is o pointer ond my fother is q moth teocher. 6 . My fovorite food is pizza.

-t)o [Students'onswerscon vory]

All About Me

ffi, what are your favonitebooks amdmovies?&iseussSrouranswers"

d&* Readthe parasraphs.

is 0'm 12 Yearsolde
@" @y name @nY"
fother is a
@.*" from@onodo'@
is a dentistop ttave
lawyerond my mother
J,u'rounn"rsister6 @y fovoritebook
'g'"rt', lnd tr'e @rocotate
is "@odagoscard'
fr7 rovoritumovie
schoolsubject is scienceo
@y favorite
@w about You?


hellomy$am{,r 1ul;"i'm 1.1y"orrplA;fc.o-lf ro,,lrhe(lnife$tates

f athetfrfudoctorpnAnylnotherf,spsecrelaryl!"ave
o n{y o u nger 6 rofh e tland
on{"lde$ister myfavorite boot$s
"T he J ungle[) o ok" mylfavo rile
m ovi lis " Spide r - lvla n 2"
mylf av o r if e sc h o o$,,bj e ct i slmat h

{1$. nnswer the question and follow the instructioms.

- The first one becauset'he wriler usee capit al
1 Which porogrophis eosierto reod?WhY? b"t"rs, periods andepaces.
2 In the first porogroph, circle the CAPITALlettersond periods (.) you con find.
3 In the secondporogroph, drow o slosh ( / ) where you think there should be o spoce
W r i t i n g c l e a n l yi n E n g l i s h
To write well in English,you needto write clearly.Use CAPITALletters and peniods[.]to shovu
whenesentencesstart and finish Also,wr"iteneatlyand put spaces betweenwonds.

ffi newrite each sentenceusing apital letters, spaeesand periods in tlre right

hi mynomeis scott
fij, M"y*$ms i* *****.
I comefrom Ausl,ralia.

mymotheriso singerondmyfother isowriter

My mother ie a einqer and my l79her is-a y.v7it,9y,

idon't hoveany brothersorsisters

I don't haveany brolhers or sist ers.

idon't like reodingbooksmuch

I don'tlike readingbooksmuch.
myfovorite schoolsubjectis english
Vy fayorite school eubject,ie Englieh.

U s ea c a p i t alle t t e r/ ( n o ti ) w h e nt a l k i n ga b o u t
vourself. Alsousea caoitalletterat the startof names
( p e o p l ec,o u n t r i e lsa, n g u a g ebso, o k sa n dm o v i e s ) .

ffi aboutyourself.
**u** sentenees

lii ***r*i F'{y**rn*r !* 1arah. My mother is a teacher and my father

is a doctor.

I a m 1 2 y e a r so l d . I have two older brothers.

I comefrom the United 9t atee.

6ejp'dO Listenand completethe sentences.
!r $ : g

1 Hello therel MY n7mei?,M?*,

4 I hove one olderbrolher.

5 My fatheris ateacher andmy motheris an actress.

U s et h e s ee x p r e s s i o n s :
Readthe sentencesfrom Activity E o Couldyou repeatthat,please?
on page 11 to a elassmateand write . Speakmoreslowly,please
down eaehother's sentences. o H o wd o y o us p e l tl h a t ?

1 a m l Z y e a r so l d .

I cometromKorea.

. M y m q q h g y 1a1ng r u " ^ r * * f r y , n f . 9 r i uu, v " ) . ; ; . , .

lhave one older sister and onqy.qynqersie.ter.

My favolite movieis 1pider'Man2.

Nome: Closs: Dote:

O Rewriteeachsentenceusing capital letters, spacesand periods in the right

t hi my nomeis joy

2 icome fromkoreo

3 mymotheris opointer ondmyfotheriso moth teocher

4 ihove o youngersister

5 myfovoritesportissoccer

6 my fovoritefoodispizza

Write sentencesabout a friend.

1 Mv friend'snome is

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007
In the Neighborhood

SUBJECT Culture and People

WRITINGSKILI Making paragraphs

WRITING TASK Write a paragraphaboutyour neighborhood.

Making paragraphs
Par-agraphs are gnoupsof sentencesthat go togetherto talk aboutone main idea.All the
sentencesin a par.agr.aph shouldbe relatedto this idea.lf a sentenceis not connectedto the
m a i ni d e a i, t s h o u l dn o t b e i n c l u d e d .
When youwr-iteout a panagnapn, you shouldbeginon the left sideof the page.Thenyou should
continueto wr.iteeach sentenceon the same lineuntilthe par"agraph is finished.Do not stant
eachsentenceon a new line.At the end of a panagraph,you shouldleavea blanklinebefone
you beginthe next one.
you can usethe followingactivity.
To givestudentspracticewnitingparagnaphs,
1 Givestudentstwo groupsof founsentenceseach.In each gnoup,thneeof the sentences
shouldbe nelatedto the same main ideaand shouldgo togetherto fonma panagraph.
founthsentenceshouldnot be connectedto the main idea.

2 Havestudentsdecidewhichsentencedoesnot belongin each panagnaph.

3 Thenhavethem usethe nemaining followingthe
sentencesto wt'iteout two panagnaphs
g u i d e l i n easb o v e .

P a n a g r a p h as n eg r o u p so f s e n t e n c e st h a t g o t o g e t h e rt o t a l k a b o u t o n e m a i n i d e a l n a
p a r a g n a p hy,o u c o n t i n u ee a c h s e n t e n c eo n t h e s a m e l i n eu n t i lt h e m a i n i d e ai s f i n i s h e d

ffi Rewrite passageA fnon"rpase '13in two paragraphs.

j g q f . q S q r * g 3 r y # r y f f i { q r * * n f x r ; r S e h *l t*'&
s i"n C h a n g w o n i n K o r e a . l l i k e t o u s e t h e
compvters at, my school.lliket,hebig playground,too.

fu'$3r is *;a{i*dSanEmam;d*_ng,
ry*{ghir,as"h***'{ alg ry1any
,Th,q1e- sho,psand some
! li]kelivingin Sangnamldoyg.
p.arke,?eopleare friendlyaqd fi99i7 ryyye_igl1b9yl\o_9Q,

Paragrapm h sa k ey o u ri d e a s
r n de a s yt o r e a d

,, ,,'tr:4:

nu, the sentenees
in the right orden.
a It's in Kowloon in Hong Kong. Moin Ideo 1: f
b All in oll, I like living in Ho Mon Tin. a
c There ore mony housesond oportments there. d
d I like the clossroomsot my school. *l

e The ployground is greot, too.

f t go to Ho Mon Tin ElementorySchool.
Moin Ideo 2: s
g My neighborhoodis colled Ho Mon Tin.
h Peopleore friendly ond nice in my neighborhood.

Writ" the sentences

abovein two paragraphs.

.t.. my saho ol.T he pl ayq,rou1npl ;g;r-ea1'.,
-g)ga, "i*y7At

My'ttg|glhpdlgp{ip!!llg-dHgtvt4 Tin.Thereare manyhouseeandaparrmentsthere.

Nome: Closs:

Complete the paragraphabout your city.

I live in It's in

There ore mony ond

here. I like

in my city. I like

I don't like

The peoplein my city

I like living in

O Writea paragraphaboutyour home.

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 BoostlWriting1
t' v-'-
i rk
;fuff Write a senten* eh*n,*tee{:hp*t{,sr'*
t6rc vts*x,ds

mother / doctor I'm I 12

My motheris a doclor. l ' m 1 2 y e a r so l d .

hove / sister fovorite / book

I h a v ea n o l d e r s i s t e r , M y f a v o r i t e b o o k i s C h a r l i ea n d t h e

C h o c o l a te F a c t o r y .
Hello there!
!lYlllr'r''r'''" '
" "'

SUBJECT Sportsand Leisure

WRITINGSKILL Writing to a pen pal

WRITINGTASK Introduceyourselfin an email

Writing to a pen pal

Wnitingan emailis a great wayto intnoduceyourselfto a pen pal.This kindof emailtellsthings
aboutyou and your'life.Fonexample,it can talk aboutyounfamily,wheneyou liveand what you
liketo do.Younemailshouldalsoask questions. Youcan askthe pensonyou anewnitingto
abouthis/her hobbies,intenestsand likesand dislikes.Thesequestionswillgiveyour pen pal
monesubjectsto write aboutin his/hennesponse. Howeven,your questionsshouldnot be too
personal(Are you rich?).
When youwnitean emailto a pen pal,theneanesevenalthings you shouldkeepin mind.Fir^st,
you can stantwith a fniendlygneeting,
as emailsare usuallyinfonmal, such as:
Hi! He//o! Hello there! He/ Hi(pen pals name)/
you can finishyour emailwith an infonmalclosing,likeone of the following:
Please write back soon. P/ease write back ASAP! Best wishes! Bve!
Bye for now! Thatb a//for now!
the panagnaphs
Finally, in your^emailshouldfollowthe nulesdiscussedin Unit 2. Rememben
W n l t i n gt o a p e n p a l
W r i t i n g a n e m a i sl a g r " e a t w a y t o i n t r o d u c e y o u rtsoeal pf e n p a l T h i s k i n d oef m a i tl e l l s t h i n g s
about you and your'life.

{q|} Write the answerto eachquestionin the hox"

Whot's your nome? Where do you come

Jessica from?
5ydney, Australia

Whot sports do you

i':''T.a".E".q "' .* .r ffi,8,rF1

:::,.... -,;
i,, Whot's your fovorit" l'i
1,,,,. :i
.rr:. *
1,,, till
::.... t
: , : , ,' , , , : : ::' , : . . i l
: , : : , : .,rr' ,:'.,ll:,,ii,i:,ll:*r&ai[S

Whot is your Whot plocesore in your Whot ore the peoplein

neighborhoodcolled? your neiqhborhood like?

Kiverstone ,. friendlv
;ih,#e.e i" s ;.4, E


Usethe informatisn in Activlty D on page 20 to cornpletethe enlai!.

Hello there!

About me -) , Vy nome is tsl Jessica

I'm {?} 12 yeors old. I come from i3} Sydney
. It's locoted iy16y Ausluralia

FavoritesJ My fovoritebook is qs3The SuitlanGames

My fovorite movie is qet Eragon
I olso Iike sports.I like {?} volleyball
most of oll, but I'm olso into (e! basketball ond
g, tennie . Are you into {1s} volleyball

School-) , I go to {i1} 5ethany Academy . It's in

*aj 5ydney My fovorite
schoolsubjectis 1:s3 ecienqg
How obout you?

Neighborhood-> My neighborhoodis colled{le} Kiverstone

I Thereore mony qrs; parks ond
qtal schools there. People ore
t {np} friendlY in my neighborhood.

l Pleosewrite bock soon.

I #*3 Jessica

Lookbackat Unit2 to get ideasfor whatto

w r i t ea b o u ti n t h e t h i r da n df o u r t hp a r a g r a p h s

& Ask eaehq&'lestlom
Work vuitlra elassmtate. amdwvritcthc answrer.

A Whot's your nome? {, Do you hove ony

brothersor sisters?
hrnfh arc nr ci cfar<

Yes.Twoyounger f
sisters. :
ii I

t,!**-:i'ri-..f-'"i*: dai*!.{qg

Whot is the nome o[ ? I ^,,
vvnere rs II locoteor * i Whot's your fovorite i
your scnoorr 1eoul,Korea subject?

YongsanElementary English
$ School

c Whot is your Whot plocesore in your Whot ore the people in

neighborhood colled? neighborhood? your neighborhood Iike?

Hannam-dong malls,internetcafes nice

i Whot is your fovorite Whot moviesdo you like? Whot sportsdo you
ri ,,,
I book? enjoy?
1 Harry ?oller movieg
Harry?otter andthe badminton,rugby

{SF Write a paragrephahsut yeur la$srylate

Mslmgthe ir.rfonrmati@n
from ,&,&, f sr
& in AetXvityF.

He goes toYongeanElement ary is located in Seoul in Korea.His f avorite

s u b j e c t ,i s E n g l i s h .

Nome: Closs:

@ Answerthe questions
Whot is vour nome?

Whqt grode ore you in?

Whot ore your hobbies?

Who is your fovorite singer?

Who is your fovorite octor?

Whqt foods do you like to eot?

@ Usethe information from Activity A to write an email to a pen pal'

To: Dote:

From: Subject:

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007

SUBJECT Culture and People

WRITINGSKILL Brainstorming

WRITING TASK Complete a brainstorm diagram about your hobbies.

Befoneyou write, it is a goodideato planwhat you anegoingto say.Bnainstonming is the finst
step in this meansto thinkaboutlots of differentideas.Brainstonming allowsyouto
come up with ideaswithoutwonnying aboutgramman,wondchoiceor sentence structure.

Ther.eare waysto bnainstonm,

differ-ent but one of the most populanis to necondideas
in a br"ainstorm diagnam. When brainstormingin this way,the main ideais wnittenin a box
in the centenof the diagr"am. ldeasnelatedto this main ideaare then necordedin bubbles
attachedto the box.Linesextendrng from the bubblesaneusedto note down detailswhich :
suppott these ideas.When complete,the diagrampnovides a "map"you can use to organlze
your"ideasinto paragraPhs.
you may wishto emphasizethe followingto your studentsbeforehavingthem bnainstorm.
. Theneaneno cornecton inconrectanswerswhen bnainstonmtng.
. Theydo not needto use evenyideathey br^ainstorm in theinwniting.
. Theycan come up with ideasby thinkingof words and wh- questionsnelatedto the main

@r@ CD scripton p. 92.
Brainstormingis the first step in writing. lt means to think about lots of different ideasand then
to show them in a diaoram.

Ur" the wordsgivento completeeachdiagnam.

Whot extreme sports would you like to try? Where could you do these sports?


{1} skateboarding

E x t r e m es p o r t s

dirt track
{3} bike sbunis

{6} mountains
ski resort
indoors skiing
i n l i n es k a t i n g

s p o r tc l i m b i n g
U s eu z hq- u e s t i o ntso h e l py o u
t h i n ko f i d e a sw h e ny o u b r a i n s t o r m
(What?Where? Who?When?Why?)
GD^@ CD scripton p.9

Listenand completetlre diagrarn.

Whot is your fqvorite seqson? Whot do you like to do

during this seqson, ond who do you like to do it with?

dad and brother

go swrmmrng



Wfritea paragrephusimgt$rcdiagram.

My f avorite seaeon ig summer. I go to the beach with rny f amily. I go swimming wi1"hmy

dad and brother. I like skaEeboarding with my brother or by my-self,I also lkg to ride my

bicycle with my best friend.

Nome: Closs: Dote:

@ Brainstormthe topic.
Whqt ploces would you like to visit on your vocotion? Why would you like to visit these ploces?

@ Write a paragraphusingthe diagram.

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing
You are going to visit a schoo! in lfancouwer"Ca*qada,for three
n'rontlrs"Readthe emaiNxroqxreceived fr*m a studemt im the

ro: Kimberlyckim@mymail.g,om7 D o t e : M o n . , 5 e p t . 7
From: Danni <danni@canwelcomeclubca> Subiect: Welcome message from the Welcome Club

Hi there!

I'm reolly looking forword to meeting you when you orrive.

I'll meet you ot the oirport ond help you while you ore here.
But first, I'd like to get to know you. Pleosesend on emoil
ond tell me oll obout yourself! :-)


ffil m*pfyto &anrni's


To: Danni<danni@canwelcomeclubca> Dqte: Wed.,5ept,.9

p1e6; Klmberly <kim@> Subiect:Re:Welcome fromtheWelcome
message Club

My nameis KimbeTly,butmy friendsjuet ca!!rneKim.l'm12years old. I come
trom's in Aust ralia.My father is a teacher and my molher is a
w I have t wo older br other s.
My f avo rit e book is Wat er ship Down. I r e allylike horcor movies. How abo ut y o u?
I also like e?orte. I likeswimmingmost of all,but,l'malgo into lable lennis and
hockey.Areyou into sport s, too?
?leasewriteback soon.
{ ; &rair:storrme*s&rtCIpie"

Whot ore your fqvorite TV shows? Whot ore your hobbies?Where do you
Why do you like these shows? do these hobbies?

funny goodetories schoolclub

FavorileTV ehows


Cool Critters

SUBJECT Scienceand Nature

WRITINGSKILT Using titles and headings

WRITING TASK Make titles and headingsabout your favorite animals.

Usingtitles and headings

Titlesaneimportantbecausethey tell you quicklyand cleanlywhat a passageis about[the
main ideaJ.
Theyaneusuallyfoundat the top of a passageand aneoften the finstthingyou
noticewhen you neadsomething.Theyfocusyounattentionon the main ideaof a passage
before you beginto neadit. This helpsyou undenstand what you aner"eading
nonmallyappeanin the centenon on the left-handsideof the page,and ther.eis usuallya blank
linebetweenthe title and the finstlineof the passage.Youcan usethe main ideafr.omthe
centenboxof a bnainstonm to helpyou wt ite a title.
Headingscan be foundabovedifferentpanagnaphs in a passage.Theytell youwhat each
panagnaph is aboutby summanizing its main idea.In this sense,they are liketitles for.
panagraphs. As headingsappeanabovethe paragnaphsthey summanize, they alsohelpshow
you whenenew ideasbegin.When you wniteheadings, it is impontantto nemember. that all of
the ideasin a panagr^aph shouldbe nelatedto its heading. Youcan use infor.mation fnomthe
b u b b l e si n a b n a i n s t o n m
diagnamt o h e l py o uc o m eu p w i t h h e a d i n g s .
Titlesand headingsshouldnot be completesentences,and they genenally
do not contain

@1 Title: The gomes I like 2. Title: The books I like 1. Animols in the zoo
Heoding 1: Boord gomes Heoding 1: Scory books 2. The clossesI toke
Heoding 2: Card gclmes Heoding 2: Exciting books 3. The pets I like
Heoding 3: Computer gomes Heoding 3: Funnybooks 4. Slow onimols
5. Inventions in my house
6. Wild onimols
[Jsingtitles and ]readings
T i t l e sa r " ei m p o r t a n tb e c a u s et h e y t e l l u s q u i c k l ya n d c l e a r l yw h a t a p a s s a g ei s a b o u t [ t h e m a i n
i d e a ] H e a d i n g sc a n b e f o u n da b o v ed i f f e n e n pt a n a g n a p h H s e a d i n g st e l l u s w h a t e a c h p a r a g r a p h
is about"

f,g|, write titles and headings.

Whot onimols do Title: Ths;tnirnEl*{ lik*

you like? Think obout
onimols os pets, Heoding 1: i\*imslx #$ f**s
onimols in the wild
ond olso somesmort Heoding 2: A*im*l* in {:h* wi1*f
Heoding 3: *)mxr* n*i*lsi*

Whot inventions do
you like? Think obout
inventions in the
home, inventions qt
school ond olso
inventions in


Whot foodsdo you . Title: The foodsllike

Iike?Think obout i,
fruit ond vegetobles, Heoding 1: Fruit andvegetables
snockfoodsond olso
foodsyou con get in Heoding 2: 1nackfoods
Heoding 3: Rest auranl foods

headingsand paragraphs.

Title:TheonimolsI like

l{eading: Smart aryliYqle,

Ilike . doqs becousethey con leorn tricks. They can leorn
b eit, or lie down,

Heading:fungle onimols
I reolly like _ lrigers . They ore very big and etTong
. They can hunt well, ond they ore beayt'ifw!

\# Writetwo of your own headlngsand two semtences
about eaeh.

Title: SchoolsubjectsI like

Heading: 9cience
ParaEraph:I like sciencebecausellikelearningabout differentkindg of plants
and animals.I aleo,enjoydoingscienceexperiments,My fauorite-e'xp-eriments
are about,theweather.

Heading: Hisiory

T h ep a r a g r a pshh o u l d
s u p p o rt h e h e a d i n g

Nome: Clqss: Dote:

O write titlesand headings.

Whot gomesdo
you like?Think Heoding L:
obout boord gomes,
cord gomesond Heading 2:
Heoding 3:

Whot books do
you like?Think Heoding 1:
obout scory books,
exciting books ond Heoding 2:
funnv books.
Heoding 3:

@ Changeeachquestioninto a title or heading.

Whot onimols live in the zoo?


Whot clossesdo you toke?


Whqt petsdo you like?


Whot oni mols ore slow?


Whot inventions ore in your house?


Whot oni mols ore wild?


@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 1
A Pet for Me

SUBJECT SocialStudies

WRITINGSKILT Writing topic sentences

WRITING TASK Write paragraphsabout a pet you like.

Writing topic sentences

Eachpanagnaph youwr"iteshouldhavea topic sentence.Thisis a sentencewhichshowsthe
main ideaof a panagnaph. lt is usuallythe finstsentenceof a panagnaph, you
and it intnoduces
explainthe topic sentenceby givingdetailsand examples. Everytopic sentencein a passage
shouldbe relatedto the title.
T h et o p i cs e n t e n c es h o u l de x p n e s tsh e m a i ni d e ao f a p a n a g n a pchl e a r l ya n d s h o u l dn o t c o n t a i n
anyothenideas.lf the main ideain a topic sentenceis too genenal, you will not knowexactly
what you are goingto neadabout.lf it is too specific,thenewill be nothingleft to discussin the
panagnaph. Finally, if a topic sentencecontainstoo manydiffenentideas,then the panagnaph
will lackfocus and be confusing. Lookat the topic and exampletopic sentencesbelow:
What is the best animalin the wonld?
Poon topic sentence (too specificl'. /think the monkey is the best animalin the world because
monkeys are so smart that they can do tricks, play games and learn srgn language, which is
much more than most other anima/s can do.
Poor topic sentence [too generall: Themonkeyis the best.
Poontopic sentence [too many ideas):/think the monkeyis the best anima/and computers 1
are the best inventron.
Good topic sentencer /think the monkey is the best animal in the world because it is so smart. ,l

e --) g -+ d -+ o -) c -+ f-+ b

[Students' clnswerscon vory]

\t\fritingtopic sentences
T h e t o p i c s e n t e n c es h o w st h e m a i n i d e ai n a p a ra g r a p h .T h e o t h e r s e n t e n c e ss u p p o r tt h e t o p i c
sentencewith details.

9*$, Ctroosa topic semtencefor eaehparagraph.

ToPic sentences;
A I wont ct cot crso pet becousecots ore independent'
B I wont o lizord-o pet thot is unique ond different!
toke core of'
C I'd like to hove o homster becousethey ore eosyto

My mother doesn'tlike to hove dirt in the house ond she

doesn'twont to cleon up ofter on onimol. My fother doesn't
Iike noisy onimols. AIso, I like onimols thot are smoll, furry
ond cuddlyl
2ts Not mony peoplehove this onimol os o pet. It olso looks o
little scory.I'm sure thot my friends would be surprisedand
Cots con toke core of themselves.They con stoy out of
dcrngerond I wouldn't need to wqtch my cot every minute
of the doy.
You just need o simple cogeto keepthesepets.They don't
bite peopleond they like to ploy.
*rt** two paragraphs
aboutthe topic.
Whot pet do you like? Why do you like this pet? Why is this pet better
thon other kinds of pets?

Usethe firstquestionto makea titlefor your

. s et h e o t h e rq u e s t i o ntso m a k ea t o p i c
w r i t i n gU
sentence for eachparagraph.

A pet I like
I would like to hove o Parcol
a1d ni9e,
becouse p-arcot'eare friendly.lhey aye-ggyl!;le-
Nlleo, they like to t"alk t o p9ople-.

This pet is better thon other pets becouse Parcots aye easJ
talonef oralongt|mqThey

Cnoosea title aredtwsotopic semtences.
Themput the semtcmces
in ordcn"
a They con do mony tricks. Title:
b They olso like to ploy gomes.
Topic Sentence 1:
c First of oll, I would like to hove o chimponzee
becousethey ore so friendly. l

d They con leorn things quickly. b

e Second,chimponzeesore better thon other pets

becousethey ore so smort.
Topic Sentence 2: e
f Chimponzee-A pet I would like to hove
g It would be fun to hove an onimol thot likes to ploy.
h This pet could evenhelp me cleon my room!

i Chimponzeeslike to hug people.

j I could teoch things to my chimponzee.

'EwF Write the senteneesabove in two elear paragnaphs
ffii witk a tit8e"

Chimpanzee- A pet I wo uld liketo have

Fi r st o-f all,I wo uld like t o ha;ve a chimpanzee becaus e th ey a r e

s-ofriend'ly.Chlmpanzeeslike to hug p_eople.They
also I'tket o
play games. lt would be f un t o have an animal t hat likes t o play. l:

arebetterthan other petsbecaueetheyare so smart.They can
do man;ytricks.They can learnthings_quickly-| couldt eachthings to my chimpanzee.
This pet could evenhelpme cleanmy rooml

}@@1*q& $9s*4d8!eds!d@e@**sel$d*ry!&&}#e*6dik;eedrsss\r*ded*a3e@S{idl{@&4@kwS{&!9{$s1@drsssL!!!*,#b,s$!,1&1* ... ,. , -

Nome: Closs: Dote:

@ Choosea title and two topic sentences.Then put the sentencesin order.
a I could olso teoch it to do mony tricks. Title:
b Also, I could turn it off when I wosn't ploying with it. Topic Sentence 1:
c Second, o robot dog would be very eosy to toke core of.
d I could ploy mony different gclmes with o robot dog.
e Robot dog-A pet I would like to hove Iopic Sentence2:
f I would not need to give it food or woter.
g First of oll, I would like to hove o robot dog becouse
they ore fun.
Write two paragraphsabout the topic.
I would like to hove o robot cot os o pet.

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing
r;\f Write a title or head*mgaboexteaeltp&eturcusing the words giwen"

onimols / Iike snock foods / eot

T i t l e : T h ea n i m a l s l l i k e Heoding: The snackfoods I eat

best/ pet fovorite / gomes

Iitle: fhelgst,pe;\, Heoding: My-fauorite gameg

Write topic sentencesfon eaehparagnaplrby using one phnasefroml
hox r{ amdone fnom box &"

Firstof oll.
oll,, , t
1ll JSecond,
tLVtru, rl
I nlrct,
i: f-ost, ll

The sports I like

{E} First of all,lloveextreme sports.

Thesesportsore neverboring becousethere is olwoys something hoppening. The
excitementof thesesportsmokes exercisefeel like fun-not hord work. I think
snowboordingond skydiving ore the most exciting extreme sports.

qs35-e9ond,l'm re ally int o sp ort s th at need skill.

Thesesportsmake you think. You need to use your broin os well os your body. I like
thesesportsbecouseyou don't hove to be big ond strong to ploy them. Good exomples
qre bodminton ond golf.

43trThird, I enjoy gqidooq s_?orts.

It's good for your heolth to get out of the house for some fresh oir. Somegood exomples
ore running ond cycling.

tel \??, I llke t94m s-P-or!s,

To be successfulin thesesports,you need to be oble to work well with others.People
with different skills con oll ploy together.Bqsketboll,boseball ond rugby ore oll teom

Thinlls to Do

SUBJECT SocialStudies

WRITINGSKItt Making lists

WRITINGTASK Make a to-do list and a shoppinglist.

Making lists
Lists ar^esimplesets of thingsyou needor thingsyouwant to do.Thereanemanykindsof lists,
althoughthe two most commonanepnobably the shoppinglist and the to-dolist.When wr.iting
a list,you shouldstant with the shoulddescnibewhat the list is abouE(Things /need to
do)' Underneathyou shouldwrite headingswhich are nelatedto the title at
[Things home).The
detailsfon each headinganethen wnitten below iE[Dothe /aundr14, Feedthe cat).To makethe
list easyto nead,youwill normallywnitein pointfonmand use a sepanatelinefonthe title and
for each headingand detail.
Thereanemanydiffer.ent waysto onganize a list,including.
' chnonologically
[Things to do todayand rhings to do tomorcow)
' by category
[Things to do in the yardand rhings to do in the house)
' by onder"of impontance
IThingsto do firstand rhngs to do second)
Youmay want to tell studentsthat they can use a listto br"ainstorm
they begin
wniting.As with a brainstormdiagnam, it can helpthem come up with ideaswithoutwornying
aboutgramman,wondchoiceon sentencestnucture.
M a k i n gl i s t s
Lists are simplesets of things we need or things we want to do.

Usethe information on the right to makethree different lists.

List 1 Titles:
- Sheeeing-list
Title: - fobs to do next month
Heoding 1: - Birthdoy porty

- Fruit ond vegetobles
- -t*siee-pUs-
-,TooEhbrush - Invitotions
- *at+lteom*stuf$
- 5oap
- Outsidejobs
Title: birthday ?arty
qrq&tqse.sry.{t.fs"sd Detqils:
Heoding 1: Q-e-q - Boke o birthdoy coke
=.-Q*e aby|yr,hdVy-99\.e. - - Toothbrush
- ,?,-Uy and s|rg_qlll?yp - Moke o list of friends
- Cleon my bedroom
Buy bolloons ond streamers
- Makealist of friends
Help Dod point the kitchen
Title: Japo!9_-Qg-_rye4t-_ry-9n!h 4fples.
Cut the gross
Heoding 1: !q!${dq"jq,hs ,
-- plganmybeQlo_o1n Plont flowersfor Mom
- \_e-\p\ad p-7;1in!
tlg \tAg"he_!
" - -*".
Heoding 2: Oqlgidgiqbs
-SVtt_heUaee ,- t i t l e sa n d h e a d i n g s
- ?lant,flowereforMom for eachlist

bE& Writelistsusingyour own ideas.

List 1

Title: SuPermorketshoPPingIist List 3

Title: Things I wont for my birthdoy

Heoding 1: HeolthY foods

- Oattneal Heoding t: Usefulthings

- Y-ggurl - 5choolbag
- Tomaaoiuice - Bike
- Winter coat
Heoding 2: Snockfoods

- ?otaLo chiPe Heading 2: FunNhings

- M?3 ptayer
- Chocolates
- Compu;;tergame
- ?opcory
- Comicbook

List 2

Title: Things to do next week List 4

Title: ?arisVacation
Heoding L: Things to do ot school

- GetlibrarY-b-ooke Heoding 1: Thingstobrinq

- ?resent rePort'-inhietoYY - Gifts for fyiends

4nd relatiye;s
- Fillgtt ecienge-Troiec;t - Camera
- tsook
Heoding 2: Things to do ot home

- Helplvlomi4 t.hekirchen Heoding 2: Thingeto do in?aris

- GototheEiffelTower
- MakemYbed
- geetheMonaLisa
- 1-weePlhefloor
_ Visit,churches
Ask the questions to a elassmateabout I n l i s t so f t h i n g st o d o ,y o -
c a nb e g i nt h e d e t a i l w s ith
l-ist 4 on page 41 and write the answers.
actionwords like remember,
help,takeor finish.
Whot is the title of your list?


Whot ore the two heodinoson vour list?

Th;ilgsto do for myeelf

Thinge-todo for my fa;qilly
Whot ore the detoils for the first heodino?

Gotobed earlier
9 pend Iess llim e o_nt,he Int ernet

Whot ore the detoils for the secondheodinq?

u| e he use
Help M o m 4r -o-uLld
yy grandmo;Lhermore often
be nicerto my sister

sEW Write your classmate'sinfonmationfrom Activlty F in a

Titte? i

Detoils-) :: Go,tobedearlier

- --> r,

--- r 2
fhings,todo*for !ry,f411'r!!y_

Details -S 1:Help Mom 4y9gt! tihe houee

Callmy grandmother more often
be nicerto my sister
Nome: CIoss:

Write lists using your own ideas.

Title: Things to do for dinner

Title: Things to do todoy
Heoding L: In the kitchen
Heoding 1: At school

Heoding 2: In the dining room

Title: ComPing triP

Heoding1: Things to Pock

Heoding2: Things to DUY


@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 Boost!Writing
Best of the Best

SUBJECT Science/ SocialStudies

WRITINGSKIIL Making a plan

WRITINGTASK Plan paragraphsabout the best things and places.

Makinga plan
When you brainstonm, you shouldwnitedown all of younideasquicklyin a diagnam.Onceyou
havefinished,you needto choosethe best ideasto write aboutand onganize them in a plan.To
helpyou choose,lookfonthe ideasthat best answenthe topic and seem the most convincing.
Don'tbe afraidto cross out anyweakideason anythat do not nelateto the topic.
Aftenyou haveselectedyour ideas,you needto organizethem in a plan.As we saw in Unit 5,
you can usethe ideafnomthe centenof the brainstonmdiagnamin yourtitle.Youcan use
infonmation fnomthe bubblesfon panagnaph topicsand topic sentences.Finally,
fonthe details
in yout'plan,take the informationfnomthe linesextendingfr"omthe bubbles.Youwillexpand
these detailsinto suppontingsentenceswhen youwnite.
To givestudentspracticechoosingideasand makingplans,you maywant to tr"ythe following
1 Wnite an essaytopic on the board and havethe classbrainstonmideasfor it. Recor^d
i d e a si n a b n a i n s t o n m
2 Thenas a classgo thnoughthe ideasand havethe studentsdecidewhichanethe best ones.
Makesunethey givereasonsfontheinchoices.
3 Oncethe ideashavebeenchosen,bneakthe studentsinto painsand havethem makea plan
fonthe tooic.
Or@ CD scripton p. 92.

Makir"rga plan
W h e n y o u b n a i n s t o r mw, n i t ed o w n a l l o f y o u ni d e a sq u i c k l yi n a d i a g n a mT. h e nc h o o s et h e b e s t i
i d e a st o w r i t e a b o u t a n d o r c a n i z et h e m i n a o l a n .

{i}} Completethe vwrltingplaarby usi,1gthe brainstormdiagram.

Whot qre the best ploces to go to on vqcotion? Exploin why you think so.

I ffiffiffiffi
exercrSe Body paragraph 'l:
Topiesentenee: I think the beoch is one of the
sunny best placesfor o vocotion.
- eurf|yg

V a c a t i o np l a c e s
Body paragraph2: Grondmother'shouse

Grandmother's ,lln4! [Y gy?!4y-o!\e:2


Setai*s:- grea;t-food;

funny stories

:,,*@.&raim$torm the wrlting piam.
the tcpfreamdam?pfcte

Whot ore the best gomes to ploy outside? Explain why you think so.

can playby myself aortt netea
or withfriends "uur' "ro much sPace

basketball badminton

B e s tg a r n e st o p l a y o u t s i d e

Title: The best gamest'o play outslde

Body paragraph1: Dasket'ball

play ou-t3;j1[q.
Tcrpiesenteme*: !,t-!!n&hagk-e-ybplus-1t-n-e*ofaheb,eglsame-s*to

eody panagraplr
2: QP4^iflef


W h e nb r a i n s t o r m i nwgr,i t ed o w na l o t o f i d e a sq u i c k l yi n a d i a g r a m
W h e np l a n n i n gc,h o o s et h e b e s ti d e a so, r g a n i zteh e ma n dw r i t et o p i cs e n t e n c e s .
@"@ CD scripton pp.g2-g3.
&f.glb@ Look at the brainstormdiagrarn.Listenand completethe plan"

Whot qre the best kinds of friends to hove? Exploin why you think so.

Title: The best kinds of friends to hove

do homework
I Bodyparagraph't: ?ye:!!_:l-el4s _
lets e+ iel<es
Topiesentenee:Firstof oll, I think smort
friends clresome of the best friends to hove.
+a4h Setails; help on t eet s, do homework
smartfriends together

Body paragraph 2: Active friends

B e s t k i n d so f f r i e n d s
Second,I think activefriendg
are algo good friends to have.

netaifs: play sport'st'oget'her,go outside a

p l a y s p o r t st o g e t h e r ' lot

g o o u t s i d ea l o t

Ut" the planto write paragraphs
on a separatepieceof paper.
Nome: Closs: Dote:

Brainstormthe topic and completethe writing plan.

Who ore the best superheroes?Explain why you think so.


Body paragraph 1:



Body paragraph 2:



@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 BoostlWriting1
{g[$ Useyour own ideas to complete eaeh list.

this week
Title: Things to do for school Title: Interestingonimols
Heoding L: Things to put in schoolbog
Heading l: Africon onimols
Engliehbook - Cheetahs
Lunch - Zebros
?encilcase - Giraffes
finish Heoding 2: Reptiles
Heoding 2: Homeworkto
- Crocodiles
- WriteEngliehrePgrt
- Lizords
- Doma;thP1obleme
- jnakes
- Readfo-rhi9t'oYYclaes

List 3

Title: Things to do with mY

Heoding 1: After school

- ?laYbaeketball
- Ar'lendband PYaclice

Heoding 2: O-nweeke;nd

- Walchamovie
- Gotothemall

- gam9e
lllaY com?ut'qr
ffi ***p8*tet&.a*
Who do you think were the most importqnt inventors? Exploin why.

eiectrieity light bulb telcpf'l(]ne

"'.,. eornn'lunieation :
safety and .o- j ,! i-*-.i: .,,, etnergencres
, T h o m a sE d i s o n t._Alexander Bell _',



Title: The most importont inventors

Eody panagraphT: Thomos Edison

T*g:icsenten4p;F,irst, of all,I think t homas Edison was o ne of t he most

im?-9 | r,a nt inye;nto-ys.
p*taiIs: s ale;ty.a nd eneygy, electyi city tight bulb

&ody paragrapl"l2: Alexonder Bell

Terpie Al-exanderBell was also one of the most
imporiant inveniors.


SUBJECT SocialHistory

WRITINGSKILL Combining sentences

WRITINGTASK combine similar sentencesabout a mvsterv creature.

to read.Onewayto fix this is to
lf the same words are usedtoo much,wr"itingcan feel bor^ing
combinesimilansentencesto makeone longensentence.Lookat the following:
She /ikes to watch TV She /ikes to read books. She /ikes to bake cakes.
The abovecan easilybe combinedtogethenby deletingthe nepeatedphnaseShelikestointhe
last two sentences.
She likes to watch TV read books and bake cakes.
be canefultouse commascot'nectly.
When combiningsentences,however',
1 Do not use a comma beforeandin a list of two ttems.
fnconrect: lt is said that raccoons are smart, and fast.
Gorrect: /t is said that raccoons are smart and fast.
2 Use a comma betweenitems in a list of thneeor more phnases. Placinga comma before
andis ootional.
fnconnect: 9he has /ong hair a white iacket and blackieans.
Correct: She has /ong hai4 a white jacket and black jeans.
Correct: She has /ong har: a white iacket, and black ieans.

{;}- y6ur ansvvers"

you &reardof? &iscurss
What mystery ereatures$rawe

Readthe passages.

The Loch NessMonster is on

is on interestingmystery interestingmystery creoture' It is
The Loch NessMonster
n hos o long:"::#'T:* soid thot it hos o long neck, o long is soid tnot o
*-;;-*- o long toil' And it-is-soid'thotit-*rcs toil ond o smoll heod.
smoll heod'
SomePeoPlebelievethe Loch Ness
lives olone4
the Loch NessMonster Monster lives qlone, for owoY from
;-".11.-* for owoY from PeoPIe peopleond ot the bottom of the loke'
ot the bottom of the
the Loch Ness
o big'ereafire I' SomepeoPlesoY
Loch NessMonster is is c big I
Somepeoplesoy the :' Monster
+heff{+++g'""""#PloYful greenploytul I
creoture. creoture. L

ffi nnswerthe quaestion

amdfollow t&reinstrulctiom"
5ome words
1 How wos the possoge chonged in the first porogr aph?
were removed.
2 Cross out words qnd odd commos ( A ) to show how the possoge wos chonged in the second
ond third porogrophs.
l f t h e s a m e w o n d sa n eu s e dt o o m u c h ,w n i t i n gc a n f e e l b o r i n gt o r e a d O n ew a y t o f i x t h i s i s t o
c o m b i n es i m i l a ns e n t e n c e st o m a k eo n e l o n q e rs e n t e n c e

l',,fup,,, sirnilarsenteneesin eachparagraph.


The Deep Forest Furry Monster

9 79s! l uyyy M onet er
T he De_g_p

My mystery creotureis colled the Deep

ForestFurry Monster.It is on interesting M;ym;yet er y_c;reat y r e is c alled th e Deep Foye9t-
mystery creoture.It is soid thot it hos lurry Monster, lt is anintereetingmystery
long legs.,$t-s*ei4thot-,it*ho* o short
c r eatu r e, lt, is s-aid th at it, has Io,ng Iegs, a shoyt
toil. And'ii-iseai*+hetitl*es o big heod
t a i l a n da b i g h e a d l
Somepeoplesoy the Deep ForestFurry
is.e strongp+ee*u*e Some pgople say the Deep Forest Furcy Monster
gentle creoture.
is a huge,etronq, gentle creature.
The Deep ForestFurry Monster likes to
swing through the treeslgndtleeep
T he Dee-pF-oree!Fu1yyMonst ey likes t o swing
stronge sounds ond +heeepfrres+ throughthe trees, makegt rangesoundsand
@steolchocolote steal c_\gg,o-lalg
from compers!
Listen amdconnpletethreparagraplr"

My mystery creotureis colled the Little Ugly |ungle Monster.It is on {r} inleresting
mystery creature . It lives{3} in a deePiungle
It is soid thot it hos {:} ehort legs,a furcy tail and a very big ugly head
! The Little Ualv
fungle Monster likes {;*} eatingfruit, chasingelephantsand swimmingintheriver

Readyour description of a rnysterycreature frsnr Actiwity K on page 5{ t& a


T he Hairy G,1ayM o unt ain M o nst er

My mystery creat ure is called thq !1airy Gray Mount ain Mongt er. lt is an intereeting
mystery 97g,atyyg,ltissaidt-'ha;t-ithas
ahairy 6raybgdy,bigredeyesandpo|1!y
ye;llorytee!,l!, Some peoplesay the Haiyy_
Mountain Monsier is a ueyytall, ugly,
scary creaturg.lt_likestodighgleVintheqround,eat,rabbits
andrestontop of

U s et h e s ee x p r e s s i o n s :
o N e x tp a r a g r a p/h h i sa n e w p a r a g r a p h ?
. Period( ) / Comma(,)/ CAPITAL letter/
E x c l a m a t i omna r k( l )
Nome: Clqss:

Think of an alien creatureand answerthe questions.Then use the information to

write a paragraph.

1 Whot is the nome of your olien The


Whot does it look like? It hos:

Where does it live? It lives:

4 Whot do peoplesoy obout it? Peoplesoy it is:



My olien creoture is cqlled the

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 1

SUBJECT SocialStudies

WRITINGSKILT Ioining ideas

WRITING TASK Write a formal and informal paragraphabout a place of mystery.

Youcan usejoiningwondsto connectideasin a naturalway.Thesewondshelpshowthe
betweenideas.For example,
the word howezerisusedto show a contnast
betweentwo ideas.Theycan alsoadd varietyto the sentencepatter.nsin younwriting,making
it moneintenesting
to nead.
Thejoiningwords usedfot fonmaland infonmalpanagraphs are different,and you shouldtny
not to mix them in the same passage.The chantbelow[whichcan be foundin the Student
Book]showssome commonexamplesof each.

New ldea{+ / +) Negativeldea [+ / -1 All ldeas(=l

Fonmal inaddition noweven thenefone
Informal a n d . . .t,o o but SO

When you want to giveadditionalsupportfor on anotherexampleof an idea,you shoulduse

a wondfnomthe New /deacolumn.When you want to contnastideas,selecta wondfr-omthe
you can use a word from the A//ldeascolumnto givea conclusionon
to show an effect.

ffi ur" joining wsrdsto eomrpf,ete
the paragraSrhs.

A paragraphFionawrotein an email to her friend:

I reod o book obout this reolly mysteriousploce! It's colled Eoster
Islond. There ore hundreds of huqe stonestotuesthere.

{i} And there is mysteriousold writing on stones,

{;li too . {3} bul nobody knows how to

reod it! {*} 9o I think EosterIslond would be o cool

ploce to visit! Would you like to come with me one doy?

A paragraphlim wrotein an essayat school:

I think Stonehengein Englond is the most mysteriousploce on Eorth. There ore mony
oncient stonesthere thot show the movementsof the sun ond
l na d d i t i o n , l
stors. {s} Howeve1, the stonescome from for
owoy in Woles.{s} ln addit-ion, expertsconnot explain
how the oncient people moved the big heovy stones.

{?3 Ther_e-fore, I think it is one of the most

mysteriousplocesin the world.

l# ri,rrdecide w h i c hp a r a g r a pihsf o r m aal n dw h i c h

i n f o r m aal n dt h e nd e c l d ew h i c hi o i n i n qw o r d st o u s e

ffi, *rt** aninforrnat

TheTombof QinShiHuang
I think the t'omb of Gtin9hi Huanqis a veyy
myet erious place,There afe over B.OOOlifel
eize t'eyyacolta warriors t-heret'hat' quard tlhe
e:m?gror'stomb. And i.lhewarriors were made
5 ago by 7Oa,O;OO wo rker a,
O y-e,ar
over 2,O_O
h7en't' p een
t,oo, b ut lh e empel o r'5 t o-;m.b
found9r opened,9o lt'hinki:.-is one-of the
Tomb of Qin Shi Huong
placee-tn t'he world.
moot ry1yet'erious
- Over 8,000 life-sizeterrocotto
worriors guord the emperor'stomb' ii
- The worriors were mode over 2'000 i "
yeors o9o bY 700,000workers' i
- The emPeror'stomb hosn't been i;
found or oPened' l-

ffi paragraphfrom Aetivity E to a forrnal paragraph'
Cm"*gethe imfonrmal

T h e T o m bo f Q i n S h i H u a n g

I think lhe tomb of Qin 9lhi Huang is a very myeterioue place. There are over O,OOO

life-size lerracotla guard ihe emperor'g t'omb. ln addition, t'he

warriors there i.;hai.,

warriors were made over 2,OOO yeare ago by TOO,OOOworkers. However,lhe emperor'o
tomb, has nolbe-en found or opened.fherefore,l t-hink one of the most myst'erioug

places inthe world.

Themput the sentencesin order.
--l$&- Ctroosea title and two topie semtences'
a However,nothing growsin the woter-not even seoweed. ' Titl", l'tr
b Therefore,I think it is o truly mysteriousploce. 1: . i
: TopicSentence
c It wos on oncient islond with lots of treosure. c
d I think the Deod Seois o mysteriousploce. *
e And it hod ornc'zingstonebuildings, too. k
f Peoplefloot in the woter there very eosily.
g So I think Atlontis could be on omozing ploce to find
ond explore. TopicSentence2 d
h Mysteriousploces f
i I think Atlontis is o very mysteriousploce. j

i In oddition, it is much lower thon other seasond a

oceclns. h
k But the islond hosn't been found yet.

,h?# Write two formla!paragraphsvufrtha title using tlre sentencesabove"


, p) was an 4ngigytisla1d wtt'h.lots of.treasure'

-,1!hi$, fllanulyie-ieav.V;rymya_lqylgus
, ll addiaio1y,i1 hadamazing-e-!-onebu1ldinge. Howe;yer,uheiol4ydha? 1t9t'bel9Lfoundye;t.
,,', Theretore,lthinkAtlantiscouldbe7nam7,zingplacetglind4ndeTp|gre.

ilthe wate;rA\ereveyy_
, Ithin! t_haDead)eais amye-terioueplace,?eoplefloat
ln addrfiion,i|uismuch]owerthan olher eeas-and oc-9anz:HoweyeT,noX:lh:i!:ng
water-nol eveneeaweed.Therefore,lthink|t'ia atyuly myst-e--ioue-.?-:l?9e'

-ec,@*-*@e %ws.*4qtr 4os$P* * *4.*.*# *@ -*,w*-*p"+' **S" w*e.S+e

Nome: Closs: Dote:

O Writean informalparagraphusingjoiningwords.

The GreatPyramidof Giza

It wos built by the qncient Egyptions more thon 4500 yeors ogo.
The pyromid is mode of over two millions stones.
No one knows exoctly how mony people it took to build the pyromid or how
thev built it.

O Changethe informal paragraphfrom Activity A to a formal paragraph.

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 BoostlWriting
Rewrite eaehparagraphby addlmgwords from ttre box to joim ideas

...,too / so however / in oddition / but / therefore

A paragraph a girl wrole in a classroom essay:

There is o mysterious Thereis a mysterioushousein my

housein my
iebig,old and creepy.lnaddition,ithas awildgarden
neighborhood.It is
big, old ond creepy. However,nobodygoee-inor
It hos o wild gorden o ut. T her ef or e, I t hink it, is t he st r anqest, pla ce in th e
with scory-looking
trees.Nobody goes
in or out. I think it is
the strongestploce
in the whole

A paragrapha boy wrotein an email to a friend:

Did I tell you obout Did I tell you about,my older brother? He'svery gmart .
my older brother?
He readsbookeallthetimel Andhe remembers
He'svery smort. He
reodsbooksoll the every t.hing t hat he r ead s, t oo. b ut he nev-e
r p-lays
time! He remembers computer games.9o lthinkhe's very different from me.
everything thot he
reods.He never ploys
computer games.I
think he'svery
different from me.
What should I bring?

SUBJECT Culture and People

W R I T I N GS K I L L Answering an email from a pen pal

WRITINGTASK Replyto an email from a friend coming to visit your country.

Answeringan emailfrom a pen pal

When you get an emailfnom a pen pal,it is importantto replyin a niceand fr"iendly
younpen pal'sname in the gneetingmakesthe emailmonepensonal. lt is alsoappropniateto
expressexcitementat neceivingyour pen pal'semail[/ was so happyto get your emaill)
lf younpen pal helpedyou with something,you shouldshowyounappneciation (Thankyou for i
the information about Sydney.).
ln younemail,you shouldtny to answenallthe questionsyounpen pal can be fr-ustr^ating
fonyout'pen pal if you do not answen,and he/she maywondenwhy you did not.Thiscan :
evenleadto miscommunication or huntfeelings.
To be clean,makesuneyou provideenough
informationin younanswens.
Pen paf's questions: What do you /ike to do on the weekend?
Poor answer: //ike to have fun.
Betten answer: / like to go hiking and swimming with my friends on the weekend.

\{hat should I bring?


ffi wtt"t should friends bring if they visit your courmtny?


Readthe emails" Date:
@* Subject:

Hi there,Tinal

My familyand lare going

to visit
your countrynext
trying to decide what
to take with us.
So what'sthe weather
What clothesshould
To: Juan <1uan'sol@cityboY'gruz> we bring?
From: Tina<tina-pal@interfriendswlz> Thanksfor your help!
Date: APril 14
Subject: Re:What should I bring?

ffi l:11,
iil;: ffi::ffi;ffi:,11;;-x:r'eountrY! sr:lrnestorms'
rainy And there are
,:r,:rir,ir.:r.The weather is cold and won't freeze!
.t,, Sa don't worry*you
too. Fut it,s not snowing.

^"**er the questions.

lnformal.Thepeopleare friends and
1 Are theseemoils formol or informol? How con you tell? thsy use*and,",,bul" and,,so.,,
2 Where cclnyou find the "title" for eoch emoil? Subject,header.
3 Whot questiondid Tino not onswer?What,clothesshouldwebring?
A n s w e r i n ga n e m a i l f r o m a p e n p a l
When you get an emailfrom a pen pal,it is important to be nice and friendly.You shouldtry to
a n s w e ra l lt h e q u e s t i o n sh e o r s h e a s k sv o u

Readthe ernail.Thencornpletethe reply using words and sentencesfrom

the box.

Give me o coll when you orrive. /

the beochesore olwoys open /
To: K i m < k i m b a @ s m i l ek i d z >
It's reolly great I Hello there /
From: Julie<jools11@oz.wiz>
shorts / souvenirs / T-shirts Date: D e c e m b e r1 7
S u b j e c t : R e :W h a t s h o u l d I b r i n g ?

q.,1H9llovlh9ye , Kiml

To: J u l i e< j o o l s 1 1 @ o z ' w i z >

tz) lt's really great'
From: Kim ckimba@smile
Date: D e c e m b e r1 2 thatyou'recomingto stayin my country!
I bring?
Subject: What should
Theweatheris hot,sunnyand dry.But
H e l l oJ, u l i e ! t3l the beaqh-es
afe always opeyl
l'm goingon a trip to Your
i;;.i; AJstraliall'm leavins
liketherenow? So don'tworry-you canalwaysgo swimming!
So what'sthe weather
I bring?
Wh., .to,t'l.sshould You'llneedto bringsome{4} ehort'g
friendsof mY
lwill be stayingwith {s} T'shiras a n da s w i m s u i t .
takesome nlce
familY,and I want to
Do Youhaveany ideas?
Jtr; i;.. them' As for gifts,well why not bringsomephotosand
Thanksfor YourhelPl {6} souvenirs ?

Hopethis helps.{r} Giveme a callwhenyou



Readthe email.Thenreply by answeringall the questionsyour friend asks


ro: Fr41k <trankie-g@wowm4ll'99m7

From: J o < j o @ c a n a d ak i d z >

S u b i e c t : W h a t s h o u l dI b r i n g ?

H e l l ot h e r e !
with my family'
l'm comingto your countryon vacation

time of year? :a:::r:'

So how'sthe weatherthereat this lll,trll
Whatclothesshouldwe bring? il'::16
yourfamily'1sthat OK?
We alsoplanto visityou and
anythingfrom Canada?
lf so,wouldyou likeus to bring
seeyou soon!
Thanksfor your helpand hopeto

om >
_g @wowm ail.c_
Fya nk <f r a n;kjg,
R e : W h a ts h o y l d l b r i n g ?

H e l l oJ, o l
I'meo huryy to hear thatyou're cominglo visit,my countrylThe weather is cold
and e,no1wy. 9o don'i worry-you won'l
freezelYou'llneedt o bring some gweat'erz,coat'l and gloves,
We wouldlovelo meet'you and your f amily.As for gift's, wouldyou bring me-some
Hop e-rh;i9-helps. Give me a c all when y o u arcive.

it ry- .i.w :-,i.._.*-

Writ" a classmate's
fnomAetivityE on page61"

,1,,vocotion with my fomily. We're reolly

lil;rl:,'lt"s really great that you're comingt o stay
i;, Iooking forword to it!
in my countryl

l::,1,', , lli
So how's the weother there ot this ,,-l It's eunny.but it's also windy.So don't,
:i, time of year? ,;r:
. .::: wf !"y:-yo_qwo-n't f eel t oo hot.
Whot clothes should we brinc? You'llneedto bring s-omeT-shirtsand a
..,',':,::' ,',':., '::,tit l]l r:l ,:: lll,:li:l:i,iii:lilil
,rr:1,.:r,r,':r,r',i,:r:t::i't,,t'rr light,jacket.

We olso plon to visit you ond your

fomily. Is thot OK? 1!1:ju*Of course it's OKto visit usl We'reexcited
to see you and your f amily.
Would you us to bring you
onything? 1f;ffi. Wouldyoubring us some atnS

,;*.i! ;*l..!!.*r.ii,*:,,ii*& and magnets?.

ffi, uwritey6L{re,assmate's
in a paragrapfi"

It's reallygreat that you'recomingto et ay in my county;yl

It's sunny.but it's also windy.5o don't,worcy-you won't
feel too hot. You'llneed to bring eome T-shirts and a light, C h e c kt h a ta l lt h e
quesilons wereanswereo
jacket. Of courseit's OKto visit uslWe'reexcitedto see
you and your f amily.would you bring ue some souvenirkey chainsand magnets?

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Readthe email. Thenwrite a reply answeringall of Scott'squestions.

To: Dote:

From: Scott <> Subject:Whot should I bring?

My fomily ond I ore coming to visit your country during spring vocotion. We're reolly
Whot's the weother like there in spring? We sometimes get snow in Morch. Does it snow
where you ore? Pleosetell me whot clothes I should bring !
I'd like to visit you when we're over there. Is there o troin or bus stotion in your
neighborhood? If I toke o bus, con you come meet me qt the bus stop? Whot's the best thing
obout your neighborhood?
Pleosewrite bock soon!

To : Scott <> Dote:

From: Subject:

O PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007
n ro
unttne Time

SUBJECT Scienceand Technology

WRITINGSKILL Writing a response

WRITINGTASK Write an opinion essayabout computers.

Writing a response
Sometimesyou may haveto wnitea passagein whichyou giveyounopinionabouta topic.
Thisis calleda wr-ittennesponse. In a wnittennesponse, you needto use fonmalstyleand
language. Youshouldbeginwith a title and an intnoduction that states younopinion. Your"body
p a n a g n a p hssh o u l ds u p p o ntth i s o p i n i o nb y p r o v i d i n a
g d d i t i o n aolp i n i o n sd,e t a i l sa n d e x a m p l e s .
The statementsin a nesponseshouldbe cleanand strong,Avoidusingphr"ases likemight be
true and it may be possib/ethat, which makeyour-wr"itingseem uncentain.In a response,you
shouldalsotny notto genenalize, fon example,Usingthe lnternet ruins everyoneseyes.Finally,
do not use statements that others mayfind offensive,for example,A//Americansare /oud
In addition,it is importantto distinguish facts f rom opinions. Youcan showyour"opinionsby
using phnases like/thinkor ln my opinion.You shouldalsotr"yto rncludefacts to support your
o p i n i o n sl f. a n o p i n i o ni s o n l ys u p p o r t e db y m o n eo p i n i o n sy,o u ra r g u m e n tw i l ln o t b e v e n yc l e a r '
on sf,r'ono.

\&fricinga respeelse
I n a w r i t t e n r e s p o n s ey, o u n e e dt o u s e f o n m a ls t y l ea n d s u p p o n ty o u no p i n i o n sa n d i d e a s

S Bi
Ur" the plan to eompletethe respomse.
Are online gomes o good thing or o
bad thing?

Title; Online gomesore o good thing

Body paragraph '!; Relox Body paragnaph2: Leorn
Topiesentence:First of all, I think online Tcrpic Second,in my opinion online
gomesore greot for reloxing. gomesore greot for leorning.
&etei|s:exciting ond interesting,forget flletal*s;figure out puzzles,Ieorn obout science
stress,can ploy in good or bod weother and technology, teomwork with other ployers

I .l...it6niinei.lEambs'.,are..a:,$oOla,'ihiAg.,
Somethink online gomes ore o bod thing. However,I think they ore o good thing.

Firstof oll, I think 4t3onlinegamesare greatfor relaxing

. They con be ry3excitingand int'erestinq
In oddition, online gomescon help children to qg forqet stress
goo-doy b-adwe-ather
You con olso ploy them in qaX

Second,in my opinion qg onlinggame-l,aleg?eat'forlearning

. When you ploy you con qxXfigure outpuzzles
. Added to thot, you cctn qrtrlearn abou;t'science,andtechnology
. Leorning olso hoppensthrough
ry3teamwork with other playere

For thesereosons,I think online gomesore {s} a |oodthinq

,. "9':
-w write a respomse
k$.j plan.

These doys many children hove their own

computer in their bedroom. Do you think
this is o good ideq or q bod ideo?

Title: Computersin the bedroom is o bod ideo I
Body paragraph '!: Useit just for gomes ; Body paragraph2: Will not reod books
Topicsentenee:First of oll, I think children i Topiesentence: Second,in my opinion I
will use 0 computerjust for gomes. i children will not reod books. I
no studying/leorning, just gomes,
Cletails: : Put*i$r,computerfoster/eosier,lessspoce ,
DQrentscOnnotsee i thonbooks {

|9-a goodiQe-a.
Q9ryepeopfe !hi4'! hayiggcomputg-y9i7lfq"le-Qyoo-m t think it
is abadidea.
First,of all,tthink chitdrenwillurreacomputgyjus-tforQ?mes.Thereisnosi,;udyingor

learning.jr1-s_! parente canloJ' see what they are doin1.

5ec91d,inmy opinionchilQye-1ryilln"treadbog\7. They wfttprgfer a gomput'erb_e94us_9
il ie faster and eaeier t o use. ln addition, i! yeedo !9.s1? booke,

l-ool*at the hnainstormdiagram.!-istenand eompletethe p l a n "

These doys many children hqve their own computer in their bedroo m. Do you think
this is o good ideo or a bod ideo?

type essays
o n l i n ed i c t i o n a r y
s e a r c hi n f o sld+k-


f o m o u t e r i n b e d r o o r n- Good idea!


e m a i lf r i e n d s c h a to n l i n e

Title: Computersin the bedroom is o good ideo

Body paragraph 1: Homework help

sent*ncc:First of oll, I think a belr-og-r.n

Tmpic yttl!\glp-y-.*with

&etails:seorchfor informotion, type essclys,use online dictionory

Body paragraph2: Communication

o computerin the bedroomis j
qegl!-gf 9-o-ry;ryW!c-4Pi.g",

{ metails: emailfriends" chat online

F"9* Usethe plan to write a responseon a separatepieeeof paper.

Nome: Closs: Dote:

Brainstormand plan on a separatepieceof paper.Thenwrite a response.

Is online shopping o good way to shop?

@ PearsonEducationAsia Limited2007 1
eg;$no6 Yourfrlemd&am*seominrg
to vlsit your country.ReadBa*r'semai!.

To: bobby <> 9at.,Mar.21

From: Dan <dan@britkidz uk> What shouldI bring?


I'm reolly looking forword to going to your

country to visit you!

I'm moking my pocking list now. Whot clothes

should I pock? Whot's the weother like there?

How obout presents?Would you like some

speciol food or souvenirs from Englond?

Seeyou soon!

ffi m*ely
to $an'semai!.

ro' Dan <dan@brit'> Dqte: Mon,,Man23

i r.o^, 6obby <> Subiect: Re What,shouldlbring?

I worry-you'll etill be ablet o go out and do some sightseeingtYou'llneedt o

b_ying jacket.
a eweatgyand awaterp-yoo-f-
As f o r p r esq .ltA wo uld y o u b ring me s o rnq eq uvenir s?

11$;; Brainstormand plamoma separatepieeeof papen.TFrenwrite a respollse.

Some people soy thot the Internet con help children leorn. Others soy the
Internet stops children from learning. Whqt do you think?

Titte -) . childr en Iea r n

The lnt'ern et ca n he-lp_

IntroductionJ gome peopleeay that' the lnt'ernet'stoge childrenfrom learning.Howqygry

pilllli.,ir:r, :::,,,,'

I thlnk thelnternet canhglpchildrenlearn.

Body I J :First,of all,thelnternet'iegoodfo-rf-indinginlgrmauign4uig,kly'The-fe

is a lot, of information on the lnt ernet that children cal uee t o do lheir
glves Lhgm more time ie dq ot'herLhingqtlhat'-int'ereel

gecond,in my opiniontihelnt'ernet helps-childrenlearn more about

c o unt ri es a nd p eo ple. Surf ing t-he net is llke tr ay elin6 ar o und ah9 wo rld,
Childrenget' t'g see a lot of f amous placeq by eimply clickjnga mouse. ln ,
oLhercq|tures arelike'
4et anidq4 of whatpeopl-e-from

Forthese reasone,I think t'helnternet canhelp childrenlearn'
@@ @,@
Read the topic and look at the diagram. Readthe notes.
What do you like to do in your free time? Why do you like What are the best inventions of all time? Explain why you
doing thesethings? think they are the best inventions.
Tom's Notes: A Best inventions
Freetime 1 Bicycle: I can use it to move clround. Bicycles
1 PIoy computer gomes: It mokes me lough. It is ore cheop. They ore qlso fun.
fun. I con level up. 2 IY: I can wotch movies ond I cqn wotch
2 Wotch videos: I like odventure videos. I con news. AIso, TVs qre very populor.
wotch videos in winter. 3 Calculotor: It is good for moth. It is smoll
3 Co inline skoting: I con skote in the pork or and it is eosy to use.
street. I con learn stunts. 4 Computer: I con use it to ploy gomes ond
4 Meet friends: We tolk and joke. We ploy gcrmes. send emqil. It con help me with homework.

B Title: The Best Inventions

Body porogroph 1: TV
- First of oll, I think the TV is one of the best
inventions of oll trme.

complete the diagram.

- I con wotch movies ond news of home.
What is your favorite season?What do you like to do during
- TVs ore populor. Mony people hove TVs.
this season,and who do you like to do it with?
I'm going to moke q brainstorm diogrom to help me. In Body porograph 2: Computer
the middle of the poper, I'm writing my title: "Fovorite - Second,I think the computer is olso one of
seoson-Summer." the best inventions.
Whot do I hove to do next? Oh, yes-things I Iike to do
in summer. Let's see. I like to go swimming, ond I like
- Computers ore good for gomes qnd emoil.
to ride my bicycle. I olso like to go to the beoch ond
go skoteboording. So I'll write those things in circles - Computers con help with homework.
oround the title: "go swimming," "ride bicycle," "go to
the beoch," "skoteboording."
Hm, whot's next? Ah yes, who do I like to do these
things with? Hm, Iet me see ... First is "go swimming."
Well, I like to do that with my dqd ond brother. So, for
"go swimming" I'll write "dod ond brother." Ride my
bicycle? I like to do thot with my best friend. So for "ride Look at the brainstorm diagram. Listen and
bicycle" I'll write "best friend." "Go to the beoch"? I do complete the plan.
thot with my fomily. So for "go to the beoch" I'll write What are the best kinds of friends to have? Explain why you
"famlly." And lost-"skoteboording." Thot's with my think so.
brother, or just on my own. So for "skoteboording" I'll
OK, I've finished my broinstorm diogrom-lots of good
write "brother" ond "me."
ideas there. Now I om going to choose whot to put in
My broinstorm diogrom is done! I'm reody to write! the plon. I think "smort friends" ond "octive friends"
ore the best, so I'll cross out "funny friends" on the
broinstorm diogrom.
Now, in the plan, for body porogroph 1, I'll write
"smort friends." And for body porograph 2, I'll write
"0ctive friends."
OK, now I hove to write some topic sentences.Hm ...
First one: "First of oll, I think smort friends ore some of
the best friends to hove."
Secondtopic sentence:"Second, I think octive friends
qre qlso good friends to hove." Good. Let me check:
"Second, I think qctive friends ore olso qood friends to
Time for the detoils. The detoils for the first body
poragroph ore "help on tests" ond "do homework
The detoils for the second body porogroph ore "ploy
sports together" ond "go outside o lot."
Thot's it! I finished mv olon.

Look at the brainstorm diagram. Listen and

complete the plan.
Thesedays many children have their own computer in their
bedroom.Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea?
OK, I've finished my broinstorm diogrom-lots of good
ideos there. Now whot om I going to choose ond put in
the plon?
I think "homework help" ond "communicotion"
ore the best ideos,so I'll crossout "fun gomes" on
the broinstorm diogrom. Now, in the plon, for body
porogroph 1, I'll write "homework help." And for body
porogroph 2, I'll write "communicotion."
OK, now I hove to write some topic sentences.The
topic sentencefor body porogroph one is "First of
oll, I think o computer in my bedroom will help me
with homework." Good. Let me check. "First of oll, I
think o computer in my bedroom will help me with
OK. The topic sentencefor body poragroph two is
"Second, o computer in the bedroom is good for
communicotion." Let me check. "Second, o computer in
the bedroom is good for communicqtion."
Good. Time for the detoils. Detoils for the first body
porogroph: "seorch for informotion," "type essoys" ond
"use online dictionory." Detoils for the secondbody
porogroph: "emoil friends" qnd "chot online."
Thot's itl My plon is finished.

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